The Archer(Lady/moon)

“Hm, true. Though Loki can be female sometimes, so maybe, yes he counts?’She snorted amused before tilting her head at the other’s words. “Yea he was.”she said, looking vaguely confused herself, because she so didn’t know what he was talking about either. “Well, to be fair, he’s not left Asgard since the time of vikings, so he really can’t be expected to know what’s going on.”Valentina smiled a little, before sulking a little. “Indeed, only.”She muttered before frowning, thinking about it. “Old. Thor and loki are...early thirties I think?Would be a good comparison. I just hit 18-19....old enough to leave Asgard.”she said shrugging a little before laughing. “You might be able to tease him, but he’ll tease you back for being nearly as old as him.”

“Ah, yes....well we’re not overly concerned about it on asgard. Being so long lived, and near immortals, we’re fairly violent with each other.” Not to mention there were fates worse then death waiting for bad little asgardians. Flushing at his teasing she watched him go, before frowning, looking at loki. “...You’re not that much older. Stop acting like your my older brother. You’re not.”She whined, even if he might as well be. Despite them being a common part of norse society, her kind was nearly as exiled as loki had been, in that no one wanted to be reminded that death comes for them all, even the near immortals. They were common, but only few were born with that battle sense, and fury to be one of the shield maidens. “...I wont. Now don’t you have a prank or something to plan?I do need to get some sleep before showing up for guard duty tomorrow.”
"no, i don't think Loki counts." he admitted with a chuckle. "i asked Thor once why Loki was so damn strong and he said it was because Loki spent ever day for the last like, two hundred years mastering some sort of fighting art from the elves." he admitted. "Thor said that at this point, only an Elf of higher skill than loki could hope to beat him in combat." he admitted. "not to say that we couldn't win against him, just not in a close combat fight. i think." he admitted. granted, they never actually bat Loki. they usually never even got close to him because if they got too close to winning against whatever he had done he would laugh in their faces and vanish. "well. that's true." he grumbled, sulking a little before smiling at her. "so not so old." he agreed before flushing a little. "jail-bait..." he mumbled before shaking his head. "you think i'm that old? i'm only twenty three you know." he complained looking amused. "i'm not anywhere near as old as Thor is. the old man." he scoffed before nodding. "i'd noticed. why, Thor was talking about how he'd accidentally beheaded Loki once with all the excitement of a kid telling someone about a Christmas present." he huffed, shaking his head.

"...your only a few hundred years old." Loki chastised her. "i'm over three thousand. in another five hundred years i myself will be four thousand." he pointed out. "your the closest thing i have to family left, Val." Loki pointed out. "i took you in, don't forget." before he had been exiled himself he had taken her in because no one else had wanted her. he had taught her her how to fight, how to use a bow, he taught her the secretes of the dark magics and of alchemy and had shown her the dark paths that would take her anywhere. he had raised her when her own parents had abandoned her. he had taken her in and taught her to read and write and hold her knife and fork properly and taught her how to tie her breast plate in place and how to braid her hair. he had taught her everything that mattered and had loved her as if she was his own. it was how he knew she didn't really mean the protest. "i do, actually. i was hoping you might be kind enough to scatter these cut little seed beads all over Doom's 'palace'. you'll love the results." he promised, handing her a large container of the tiniest beads a person could buy. so small that you had to use a sewing needle to thread them, the tiny sewing needles. no one would even notice they where there.
“Hm, he did. It was sorta awesome, and I keep meaning to make him watch Lord of the Rings so I can tell him he totally needs to battle it out with Legolas, but I haven’t gotten the ADHD man to stay still long enough.”She snorted amused before shaking her head. “Probably not. Or not without some actual loss.”She said before snorting. “Jailbait?”she said frowning slightly as she considered the term, before snorting. “Seriously? Huh. You look older. But a good older. Not bad. I mean....”Valentina frowned, stopping the babbling blushing brightly before snorting. “Yea, he left him like that for awhile. It was disturbing and amusing really.”

“...You are such a old man. So so old. You’re poor mortal’s mind is going to break when he realizes just how old you are.”She teased a little before blushing, ducking her head a little. “I know. I can’t forget that.”She muttered butting her shoulder against his, because she might drive him insane, and scare him sometimes in showing up to his fights, but she liked him. Still remembered those days when he’d protected a frightened asgardian child, who despite being Aesir, was so frighteningly breakable. Taking the beads she raised a eyebrow, shaking her head a little. “This is going to be insane.”She snorted amused, muttering a goodnight before heading in to get some sleep.

Barton, open the video chat and watch.-ValThe next day the text dinged on the archer’s phone, making tony look up in curiosity. Pointing at the tv. “Jarvis!Open whatever video chat she wants to open on the tv. I wanna see what she’s doing.”He ordered, and since the team all had starkphones that were hooked up to jarvis, it was easy enough to do. Pausing in confusion at the sight of the empty hallway. Wondering what they were supposed to be seeing, or why Valentina herself wasn’t talking, simply watching the hall.
he wrinkled his nose at her. "he was beheaded and they just left him like that?" it wasn't like it hurt. magic turned off the nerves and it wasn't like Loki had cared. it had been fun wandering about without a head actually. really freaked people out. "...Loki has ADHD? you know that would explain some things." he admitted with a chuckle. "Jailbait, it's a term for someone under the age of consent, it's basically a jail sentence if you sleep with them or date them. it's known as statutory rape." he explained. "it means that the 'kid' isn't old enough to make their own decisions and that the older partner is taking advantage of them." he admitted. "don't worry. you're not actually jailbait. considering your five hundred years old." he admitted with a smile.

"my mortal?" Loki asked, lifting an eyebrow, his head tilted. "i'm sure i don't know what your talking about." he admitted with a grin, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and offering her a rare moment of honest affection. Loki rarely gave or offered such emotions because it was just another way for the world to hurt him. "it's going to be fun." Loki promised with a sharp little grin.

Clint looked up and blinked at the screen before glaring at Tony. "Stark! dammit! can't a man take a booty call in privacy?" he complained before looking baffled at the empty hallway, his head tilted. "what in the worl...." he paused and then watched as a hassled young woman strode down the hall only to pause and cock her head to the side before dropping into a squat, paperwork flying everywhere as she erupted into chicken noises, her head bobbing back and forth. "oh my god that's Arissa Montigue. Dooms 'personal assistant'." Jams reported, looking like he was biting his lip to keep from laughing. soon the entire hall and beyond was full of clucking workers. the females acting like hens, the males like roosters and several of the males getting into the most ridiculous fights. they'd snap out of it just in time to stop themselves from hurting each other before reverting right back into roosters. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING O-" Doom paused in the hallway and then dropped into a crouch, knuckles planted on the floor he started hooting and hollering like a monkey. James couldn't take it, he fell out of his chair and started laughing so hard he thought he was going to puke.
“Yea. Magic dulled the nerves, so they just walked around like that.”She shrugged before shrugging. “Maybe. I dunno, he acts like it.”She said before thinking that over, before nodding. “Ah. I would hope 500 is over the age of consent.”She snickered.

“Yes. Your mortal. And you know which one I’m talking about.”She smiled leaning into him.

“No, a man cannot take a booty call in privacy. Especially when I need to seduce this booty call first.”Tony said teasing him, because he had no intention of seducing her, but needling clint over it just amused him. “I don’t-”He paused. Staring as he watched. “And the rest of his staff.”natasha said watching, snickering as they walked. “....Loki!Damn sorcerer. I shall deal with him soon my lord.”Valentina thundered as she walked into the room, and if the avengers hadn’t been watching the video and dying as they laughed, you would have thought she had nothing to do with the chaos going on in the hall. Crouching down she inspected the floor, picking up the small beads, before concentrating, thinking, before undoing the prank, smirking as the whole latverian staff found themselves back to normal.

“Oh my god. That’s the best thing I’ve ever seen. I want to have sex with the archer now, if these kind of shennigans are what we can look forward to.”Tony snickered.
Clint bared his teeth at Tony. "you don't have a chance Stark. besides, someone else has their eye on you, according to a little birdie." he admitted with a sharp grin before blinking at the empty hallway, laughing just as hard as the others where at the state of Latveria's building. "....yes... well..." Doom grunted, straightening up and smoothing his ruffled suit. "i don't see how some female could be a match against Loki." Doom sneered. "i am sure he simply thinks i have slighted him in some way." he waved a hand, pretending to be un-bothered but they could all see the truth, Doom was frightened of Loki and he didn't want to risk actually drawing the gods Ire. "come! we're ging to be late!" Doom snapped. "and Arissa! make sure those battle plans are picked up! i want those straightened back out by the time i get back! with these plans i will crush the filthy Avengers so i can focus on proper heroes." "proper heroes my ass. where the hell are the fantastic four anyway!?" in space, handling a massive colony of aliens that wanted to strip the earth bare of anything useful before moving onto the next nearest planet.

"that is! i'll have to make her a present." Clint admitted with a smirk. he had ot told the others that she was adgardian yet. he was pretty sure she didn't want that bandied about, not at all. "anyway, i'm heading out!" Clint called. vanishing down the stairs and trying to think of a good way to present her with a gift suitable for the one she had given him. more chocolate? no she wasn't addicted like him... he didn't think. perfume? he hadn't smelled any on her, probably wouldn't be appreciated. oh... he knew the perfect thing and he even had everything h needed to make a real one. wouldn't she be surprised when she came home with it hanging over her bed with a note attached. it took him hours to make it, nimble fingers well practiced. he made them a lot to help him calm down. so far, only Phil and Natasha had ever been gifted one. they where special after all. full of a magic that the so called Norse Gods didn't know. a magic most human's didn't know. ancient and from the earth. he would deliver it to her in the morning, using a very special delivery boy.
Tony frowned at him, looking confused before shaking his head. “You just don’t want me hitting on your girl.”He huffed a little. “I’m sure I can deal with loki. Or if I go now, I may be able to catch up with Agent Barton before he gets busy for the day. Might be able to convince the team to deal with him.”She said tilting her head a little before wincing, nodding. “Of course sir, let us be going.”She sighed a little before smiling a little as she followed the other, “Off world at the moment. They should be returning within the next few days.”Valentina said watching doom.

“You really will. I shall help. She deserves the best presents for this.”Tony said snickering a little, tilting his head in amusement as the man left. Curious to see what would happen next.

The next morning Valentina smiled a little as she moved around her apartment, tired and not truly awake yet. Sleepy, and not quite awake, woken by dreams and remembered pain, the woman hadn’t been able to convince her wred body to go back to sleep. And not quite understanding why she was hoping that despite the hour, Clint would show up. Biting her lip a little as she looked at her watch, wondering if he’d be seriously annoyed if she woke him up, before sending him a text, simply to see if he was awake.
"ah. no, because if you where going to hit on my girl you'd have done it already." Clint teased with a smirk. "you leave those beggers for thieves out f this! those filthy Avengers!" and thus started a rant that lasted about five minutes about how the Avengers where useless and how he would crush them. he just needed Loki to stop interfering dammit! Clint snorted. "make your own present stark." Clint teased. "we'll see which one she likes better."

there was no answer when she texted Clint, but just a few short minutes after there was a shriek outside her window and the thud of something heavy hitting her balcony. it wasn't a human shriek, but an animals. when she looked outside she would see a magnificent, larger than usual (though not so large to raise eyebrows) Red Tailed Hawk Sitting on her Balcony. it's sharp eyes watched her through the window and if she looked closer there was a small tube attached to one leg. a messenger Hawk. on the other leg was a small paper box, lightening the heavy load. both legs had jesses strapped to them and a set of tiny bells hanging from it's neck that jingled every time it moved. it opened it's mouth and called to her again, her power of Magic allowing her to get a gist of what it was saying. 'delivery, i made a delivery, what a good bird i am, delivery, i'm bored, delivery, i wanna hunt, delivery!' typical thoughts of a birt, aside from the current task being a delivery.

the bird never moved a feather when she removed the box and the tube, though it did run its beak through her hair a few times, grooming her before flipping it's tail feathers at her and flying off, crying out to the world that he had made his delivery and was going back to his food giver for a treat. inside the tube was a letter written in Clint's messy scrawl. he had never really finished high school so it wasn't a surprise he had bad handwriting.

'Dear Valentina
i couldn't sleep much last night. too wired. i nearly peed my pants laughing at poor Doom, give Loki my thanks for the amazing prank would you? you don't seam to be the type to prank your own boss but if i'm wrong them congratulations on the best prank ever seen.
anyway, inside the box is something i made for you. i make them a lot when i'm wired or anxious or excited or whatever. so far i've only ever given them to two other people so you aught to feel pretty special. i made this one just for you in the night, using the shed feathers of the special friend that just delivered your package. his name is Talon, impatient little bird but a great friend. he's a bit of a free roamer so he might show up again if he took a liking to you, he's a bit of a picky fellow.
anyway, inside the Box is a piece of American history. (that's where you are right now in case you didn't know). the ancient people of the Americas, the Native Americans, or American Indians depending on who you talked to, used to live on this land before people from France, England and other places came in and started taking over. this land used to be filled with an ancient, deep magic that protected those that lived here. it wasn't really enough, but some of them remain and it was they who taught me how to make these.
this is known as a dream catcher. you hang it over your head when you sleep. the native's believed that dreams where caused by the wandering spirits of the world, and they wove Dream-catchers from sinew, bark and leather with beads and feathers. the good spirits, kind and pure could pass through the holes or through the center. while the bad spirits, wicked and greedy, would get distracted by the shiny beads and feathers, and would latch on and get stuck in the webbing, trapped there. in the dawn of the first light, when the sun hits the Dream-catcher, the evil spirits where purified and became good and kind, and slipped out of the trap and went on to give good dreams instead of bad. i hope that it might help you sleep better at night. i imagine you likely have just as many nightmares as i do.
sleep well. let the good spirits through and let the sun shine brightly upon you.
Clint Barton.

inside the paper box, folded up nice and neat and perfectly constructed was the Dream Catcher. to her enhanced abilities at sensing magic, she could feel the deep thrumming power of the dream catcher. it had a pulse, like it had a heart that beat, a pulse that matched the flow of the earth. it was a comforting, deep thrum that said it did more than just ensure good dreams, but whether Clint knew what else it did, remained to be seen.
Valentina smiled a little startled as she looked at the bird, stepping out onto the balcony she paused for a moment before gently stroking the birds wing."you are a good boy. Hold on, let me take this then you can go hunt."she promised stroking his side for a moment before undoing the box and tube, rolling oUT the letter. Wondering at what loki was up to now. And for a moment eyeing the bird in supicion."that better not be you, Lo."she muttered laughing as she was groomed, before watching him go in amusement. Now she was even more curious about the letter.

Valentina was 1uiet as she took out the dream catcher, stroking her fingers over the feathers softly. Tears in her eyes because besides loki, she'd never had anyone give her as thoughtful of a gift. Chewing on her lip as she tried to get a better sense of the magic she sighed quietly in frustwhen she could only get the good intent. Her magic, limited as it was, was much like thors, she could practice others, but like thor thunder and storm magic, outside of her element she wasn't great at finding what others magic did. Huffing a little she decided to wait and ask clint when he showed up again, sure that he would. Her mind settled now at the puzzle clint had given her, she hung the dream catcher before settling down with a good book, simply content to hang around until he showed up, or doom needed her for something
the bird chirped at her, lowering it's head aggressively but didn't attach when she stroked it's wing and side. it calmed when she didn't do anything weird the way some people did and started preening itself, calm in her company now that she had been proven to be a more intelligent creature than most humans who always tried to grab at him. the bird swiveled it's head to blink at her, wondering what those funny sounds she made where before ignoring her in favor of hunting.

"Hey Val? did you know you have a decapitated rabbit out here?" Clint called, sounding amused. "didja get hungry or something?" he asked, poking the creature, his head tilted. "i guess Talon likes you after all." Clint decided before smiling at her. "thanks for showing us that awesome video by the way, that was totally awesome. i thought James was going to be sick he was laughing so hard." he admitted with a snigger. "i just can't get over the image of Doom acting like an ape! it was perfect!" he admitted with a laugh, grinning at her. "so did you want to keep the rabbit? i'll take it off with me if you'd rather not have it here." he admitted, watching her, his head tilted, the rabbit in his hands with a large blood stain on the ground where it had been laying. "you ever eaten rabbit before? i could cook this up for you, if you'd like, pretty sweet for a first date right?" he asked with a grin. he knew Asgardians where used to catching, gutting, skinning and cooking their own meals.
“Huh?”Val lowered the bow she’d turned on him the moment he spoke, having been making herself a snack, pausing to stare at him for a long moment before frowning. “I don’t even know what a rabbit is.”She said in bemusement before abandoning the bacon she’d been making, frowning as she stepped out onto the balcony with him. “I guess so. I mean, otherwise, it’s loki sharing dead animals with me, and that’s just weird.”She snorted amused before grinning. “I nearly made myself sick to. In private of course, that was awesome. And you were right, it wasn’t my style. Loki was ever so kind in sharing that with me.”She grinned back before looking at the rabbit in bemusement, trying to decide before shrugging. “No I haven’t. But if you want to cook it, go ahead.”She said nodding towards the kitchen, stepping back to let him inside. “And whoever said we were dating?”she said looking amused.
"if yur gonna shoot me, make sure it's on the right. i'm left handed." he warned with a grin before laughing a little. "a rabbit is a rodent." he explained. "it has long ears and fluffy tails and idiot kids like to try and keep them as pets." he admitted. "they've been food for a good long time for us humans." he admitted before snorting. "considering Loki put a chicken in Tony's bed this morning, i wouldn't put it past him. it was hilarious watching Tony freak out though." Loki was also an asshole who was worse than a two year old. yanking on Tony's pigtails instead of trying to seduce him. "it was pretty awesome. sucks that you turned the spell off. how in the world does he not realize that your not human?" he wondered. somehow, Doom really hadn't realized that Valentina was more than the average Spy/Assassin. "awesome. it's okay if i come in?" he had never actually stepped inside her place. he always stayed out on the balcony because he didn't want to intrude without permission. "well. no one yet. but a guy can hope right?" he asked with a grin. "maybe if you like the rabbit you'll agree to a real date?" he offered with a smile, quickly and efficiently rendering the rabbit down and placing whatever he wouldn't use in a bag to be thrown away and set the skin aside to be tanned later. he soon had roasted rabbit legs, sauteed rabbit back-strap and heart and liver and everything else that was edible cooked up in a flash with well practiced fingers. it was rare to find a man that could cook on Asgard. most of the men thought a woman's place was in the kitchen and in the home, barefoot baby makers really. most women, save the Valkyries never managed to make it to the battlefield. Sif was only one of five total war-maidens. "there you go. have it a try." Clint offered, holding out the plate full of various styles of rabbit cooking for her to try.
“Hm, I’ll keep that in mind for later.”She smiled lowering the bow, setting it aside, before frowning a little. Thinking on the rodent before smiling. “It sounds cute really. I shall endeavor to find out what one looks like when its not dead.”She decided before her eyes widened, laughing at that. “He’s so going about seducing him in the wrong way. Loki’s a idiot sometimes.”She said rolling her eyes a little before sighing. “had to. If it’d gone to much longer, he would have tried to kill loki instead of simply being pissed about it.”She said before frowning, thinking about it. “Because I’m not great at magic. Even my archery, is mostly skill and not magic. Loki’s stuff is set to let me turn it off, instead of letting it run rampant until he takes care of it. I can’t really do alot.”She shrugged before nodding. “Come in.”She said smiling as she let him in, before snickering. “Hope springs eternal I guess.”She said rolling her eyes a little looking thoughtful. Remembering Loki’s advice and nodding hesitantly. “Okay. If the rabbit is good.”She said settling at the table to watch him cook, looking utterly fascinated that he was doing so. Because of her status as a asgardian female, men still expected her to be in the kitchen and pregnant, even despite what she really was. There was more reasons them simple avoidance of death that asgardians didn’t like valkyries. “Thanks.”She said taking the plate, hesitating for a moment before using her fingers to start to eat, looking interested. “...It tastes like bilgesnipe.”She said thoughtfully, nibbling on the food slowly.
he snorted a little. "sorry. i don't touch rats." he admitted. "you can find them in most pet stores though, or in a park sometimes." he admitted. "or you could get Loki to turn into one. he's bound to know what a rabbit is i'm sure." he admitted. "make sure you record it and dress him in cute clothes too." he ordered happily. "well it's not like Tony is ready for a committed relationship right now anyway. he did just break up with Pepper after all." he admitted. "he's in a bit of denial and stuff." Clint admitted, shaking his head a little. "honestly it almost seams like Loki just wants Tony to pay attention to him and he's so used to negative attention that he just automatically seeks that out." he admitted. he knew how that was. most of the Avengers did. "i don't think Doom would do anything at all to Loki." he admitted. "i think Doom is downright scared of Loki." he admitted. "Doom pretends he can control the trickster but we all know that if Loki wanted to, Doom would be in shreds for even looking at Loki the wrong way. we all would. we're not stupid. we have no chance against Loki, not a drop in the bucket chance." he admitted. "we won against him during the Chitauri attack because he allowed us to." he admitted before smiling a little. "i'm sure you have skill enough in magic in your specialized area." he admitted. "your more like Thor, magic wise then? select specifications?" he asked with a smile. "of course hope springs eternal. where else is hope supposed to spring from?" he asked with a grin. "sweet!" he stated with a smile, humming as he worked watching her, his head tilted, grinning when she tried a piece before frowning, confused. "...uh, the giant horned lizards that are foul?" he asked. "i'm not sure if that's a good thing or not." he admitted, his head tilted, wondering if she enjoyed the rabbit or not. he was pretty sure that a date didn't hinge on her liking the rabbit really. though it would help. he had shown off his cooking skills and that was what was important.
“I shall have to....maybe I can convince Loki to change into a rabbit, then gift him to Tony. That would be quite amusing.”Val hummed pleased with the idea of that before snorting. “He could just sleep with the Captain, I’m sure that harem he has going on, would help anyone come to terms with things.”She said looking amused, because while she understood the idea of relationships and casual sex, the young woman was nearly...innocent in that side of things, and it was fairly reasonable that loki was worried about her and this thing with clint. “Hmm. That sounds about right. He acts out because it’s all he understands.”She shrugged a little before snorting. “He had his own reasons for losing. And he prefers this. There is a reason he’s a trickster god, and not one of war or death.”She smiled slightly before tilting her head, sighing softly. “I am. It’s a specialized skill. More focused, rather then loki’s wide array of things.”She said neatly sidestepping admitting to what she was. After all, she’d been thrown out for it, abused for it for so many times, that she was hesitant to even admit it, even to a human. Grinning at his words she snorted amused that thor had been telling stories. “Yea, but they only smell foul. The meat’s fairly good for eating. Though, Thor might be right about it. I mean, he lightening’s the things to death half the time, doesn’t make for good cooking meat.”She smiled amused, relaxed. Definitely better then she had been that morning.
he smirked. "you know, i'd suggest it, but Tony kills living things because he forgets to feed them." he pointed out. "he can't even keep plants alive." he admitted, shaking his head. "it's actually pretty sad." he muttered before smiling a little. "and Captain would gladly accept having Tony in his bed. unfortunately Tony doesn't know about the Harem going on. Pepper didn't want Tony to know so no one told him, now that Pepper is out of the picture we all feel too bad about lying to Tony to tell him." he admitted, shaking his head. "it sucks, but..." he shrugged. "no one can really change anything that happened and most of us are too ashamed to admit it." he admitted. "i'd tell him myself but..." he shrugged again. "it's weird that i can sympathize with Loki." he admitted with a sigh before smiling a little. "i have to admit. it's kind of fun having him around. life is never boring to be sure." he admitted with a chuckle before smiling at her. "maybe if i share my magic with you, you'll let me see yours?" he offered, his head tilted before chuckling a little. "well good. i'm glad you like it." he admitted, plucking up the heart and cutting it in half, popping one half into his mouth. "the heart is my favorite." he admitted with a smile. "you know. the ancient natives, the America Indians, they used to believe that the spirit of a person or a being resided in it's heart. and when you ate the heart, you took their strength into you." he admitted. "the strength of a bear, or a buck, even a hare." he admitted, smiling before grimacing. "of course, some of the clans and cultures used to eat the hearts of fallen warriors too so... not so good." he admitted with a shake of his head and a grin. "anyway, that's a pretty gross thing to think about so..." he shook his head again. "Thor isn't much of a cook at all. honestly the things i've learned about your culture. no offense but it's positively archaic."
“Well. Maybe I wont do that then....and that really is sad. But genius has its own demands. I think we can forgive him for not keeping pets.”She snickered a little, before frowning, wincing a little. “Because she knew he’d join in....damn that’s just....”She shook her head a little, wondering just how badly tony was going to freak out. “He’s going to find out. Eventually. I mean, you guys have hid it this long, but he’s single now. And he thinks Steve is to. I doubt he’ll refrain from flirting.”she said frowning a little, wondering just how bad it was going to be. Grinning slightly. “No, life is never boring.”She agreed before biting her lip, thinking about it. Not sure, because her magic was so tied up in death, she had no idea if she could but.....”Maybe.”She said sounding unsure and a litttle lost, because not only was she worried about actually hurting him by showing him her magic, but she was so used to people freaking out once they realized what she was, she didn’t want him to know. Even if he was human, she still worried. “...for the most part. They do. I mean...that’s part of my magic...I can see...souls....and feelings, and your heart and head is where it resides mostly...”She said before snorting a little, wincing. “Yea. Well, that sounds like something Aesir’s would do. Still, actually. Cause you’re right. We’re definitely seriously behind the times.”She smiled slightly, sadly. Waving a hand at the stove as she ate the other half the heart, “Seeing a male actually cook, you have no idea how weird it was. It’s rare for men to cook.”
he nodded. "yeah, Tony is a genius alright." he agreed. "doesn't make him easy to live with though." he admitted with a smile. "yeah. Pepper was a bit of a possessive bitch, but Tony's not much better himself. he'll sleep around sometimes, but he won't like that Steve has a harem if he's trying to date Steve. i have left him a few little hints about someone liking him but i don't know if he'll come to the right conclusion. he never does." he admitted. "i know he's going to find out, and we're all going to pay for it. really, we kind of deserve whatever punishment he dishes out to us." he admitted. "i'm planning on telling him tomorrow, but maybe i should do it tonight?.... i hate the idea of crushing him like that so i'm still a little torn on what i should do..." he admitted with a sigh. "i know Steve won't lie to him, not ever but Tony won't take what he sees as a rejection very well at all." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "Tony never stopped flirting even when he was with Pepper so..." he shrugged. "i just don't know anymore. the word made more sense when all i had to do was figure out the best angle of a shot and how to keep Natasha from jumping in head first into fire." he admitted before smiling at her. "it's okay. from what Thor said, Magic is pretty intimate. if you don't want to show me, i won't ask you to again." he promised. "i'll still show you mine. who knows, maybe you'll be good at it? earth's magic is a dying breed, anyone who can use it, i'm honor bound to teach. anything to keep the skill alive." he admitted. "and who better than someone who can keep teaching others for eons to come?" he wondered with a smile. "see Souls? that's pretty epic." he admitted, smiling at her. "does that mean you can tell when i'm lying?" he asked curiously. he wasn't too worried, he hadn't lied to her yet, not that he knew of anyway. "the brain is where the thoughts come, where the spirit takes on personality and wisdom and where a persons fate is forged." he admitted with a smile before snorting. "well that explains why Thor Stares at us when we all make Dinner as a troupe. not that Natasha or Tony can cook." he admitted. "me, Bruce and Steve do most of the cooking." he admitted. "Pepper couldn't cook much at all either." he admitted. "on earth, it's actually pretty common for me to cook. if only because a woman expects to have help in this day and age, if nothing else. not to mention a man has to be able to feed himself now, because he won't be getting married right out of the cusp of 'manhood'." he admitted. "so men have to be able to cook, clean, launder, even sew." he admitted with a smile.
"No, having a genius around makes life harder if anything."she smiled a little sighing."from what I know of his past, I'm not surprised he'd want someone to love just him. I get the sense that he's always been...found not enough. So sharing, like in a harem, wouldn't be good for him."she said which was more from her magic then anything else, she could get a fairly good read on people if she tried, and since loki wanted tony, she'd tried."tell him tonight. If you tell him in the morning he won't be able to avoid you guys all night and come to terms with things. Let him have the time he usually has to himself to deal with what he's going to take as a rejection . Because even if it'd been because of pepper, he's going to see it that way. Especially since it's been going on for years."Val sighed quietly worried about the avengers as a team before smiling."I tried telling loki he liked him to, but I just got the brush off. Hopefully the idiots figure it out."she shrugged biting her lip a little before smiling in relief."please dont. I might show you someday...but not now....and it's tied mostly into death and war, earth magic comes hard to me."she said looking interested despite her protests."and I can't ask you to show me when I can't show you mine...and wait."she paused as her mind caught up to what he was saying."I thought you were human." Before shaking her head."no I can't see lies, but I get a sense of a person if I try. Like you, I knew you were a archer before I'd even known you were hawkeye....or the rest of the team, I knew them, as warriors, honorable without meeting them."she shrugged a little before snickering."definitely why he stares. You have no idea how many times someone's tried to order me back into the kitchen."she said making a face before looking thoughtful."men don't always get married right away in asgard, but they still expect the women to look after them."she said almost sadly."though I do give him credit, thors more a equal opportunity person then most."
"i take it you now from experience?" he asked, smirking. "lived with a genius yourself?" he asked with a smile. "they can be nice roommates from time to time." he admitted. "you know. when they're not freaking out because you left a fingerprint on their coffee cup because it was in the way of your ow cup." he admitted, shaking his head. "that's a good idea." he agreed. "i'll tell him tonight then. if i'm in the hospital tomorrow you know why." he admitted with a small smile before shaking his head. "i know. i could kill Pepper." no he couldn't. he would never hurt someone who hadn't done something to deserve it. Pepper deserved a good smack, sure, but he wouldn't be the one to do it. "i don't know if Tony 'likes' Loki but he is certainly fascinated by him." he admitted. "i hope they both figure it out." he scoffed. "i don't understand why they have to dance around it. my way is much better. i'm interested, i let you know, we're... tentatively making a plan for a real date?" he tried, giving her his best happy puppy grin. "much easier for all involved. "Death and War?" he asked curiously. "then Earth magic should be right up your alley." he admitted with a smile. "this planets natural magic is all about balance. life, death, order and chaos, creation and destruction." he admitted. "there is always a fine balance." here he scowled. "of curse, humans can't seam to stop fucking with that balance." he admitted before smiling a little. "i am human." he admitted. "i'm just a little more special then most. the sad part, is that almost any human could access this magic, but they are close minded and cruel and the earth has denied them." he admitted with a sigh before smiling at her. "you can see us without our masks." he mused. "that's pretty amazing." he admitted with a smile before snorting. "you kicked their ass right? trying to boss you around like that?" he asked, looking a little disgusted that anyone had tried to order her to do anything. "the only reason why Thor is 'equal opportunity'... or what counts in your world, is because Sif constantly kicks his ass." he scoffed. "he's just as bigoted as most of the asgardians are he's just better at hiding it."
“Hm, yes. And I did at one time.”She said not going itno that, before snorting. “AT least your genius can’t use magic.”She pointed out before nodding. “Well, if you are, I’ll come visit, and bring you some sort of gift for being in there. I understand this is typical human behavior.”She said sounding pleased at the idea. “No you can’t.”She pointed out watching him, before smiling a little. “Tony can figure it out with loki. It’d be good for them.”She said before smiling, looking amused. “You are such a puppy-dog. And yes, tentatively making plans.”She said ebfore nodding, looking amused a little, wondering if he was being clueless on purpose, or he really didn’t know who the death gods in norse mythology was. “Well, we shall have to find out then.”She said looking interested in the idea of playing with more magic before wincing. “The earth should deny though who wont use it right. It is a good thing to see that you are one of the chosen.”She smiled before nodding. “Yes. That is what it is. I see....everything. If I try. Otherwise, I simply allow it to be bckground noise.”She said before looking startled at his words and disgust, shaking her head. “No. I simply left and came to a world protected by a ‘insane’ god.”She looked disturbed a little, not wanting to go into the details of exactly what had really caused her to leave before snorting. “Hmm, sif is quite good. And well, okay. Maybe. I have faith in the oaf though, he’s kinder then most.”
he paused and then looked at her strangely. " live with Loki, don't you?" he asked, Loki was the only genius sorcerer he'd ever heard any Asgardian speak of so... "well, as long as he's not here right now." he decided. "and stops turning me into things. tell hi to stop turning me into things." he paused. "you know, if you have control over him. which you probably don't. never mind." he sighed. "it is typical. just no daisies. they make my eyes itch and my nose run... or was it my eyes run and my nose itch? i can never remember." he admitted. "Daisies do one and nasty cats do the other." he admitted. "i always get them confused." he pouted at her. "can't i just maim her a little?" he asked hopefully before grinning. "i am a puppy dog." which was ironic, considering. not that she knew the irony yet. "Awesome!" he said, looking very happy indeed before chuckling a little. "there are actually a lot of people who can connect to the planet still, but they're considered primitive. heathen even." he huffed, shaking his head. "we humans... we're pretty judgmental." he admitted. "we don't like anything that's different from us." he admitted. "so we subjugate our own species and do all kinds of foul things. i guess the Asgardians are a bit better that way. at least you don't try to kill each other over the color of skins or difference in religion." he mused, smiling at her. "we're getting better as time goes on though, so maybe, someday, we'll be able to live together in harmony with each other and with the earth." he decided with a smile. "it might not be in my lifetime, but someday, maybe." he mused before smiling at her. "what do you see when you look at me?" he asked curiously. "if it's not impolite to ask?" he asked, his head tilted. if she looked deep enough, she could feel the same thrumming power that flowed through the earth. as well as everything else she usually saw in a 'down to earth' kind of man. pun intended. "well... i don't know if Loki is protecting this place or not but i'd rather have Loki watching our backs then Thor to be honest." he admitted with a smile. "Thor's a great guy but... he's kind of lacking in the brains department." he admitted with a chuckle.
“...Not anymore. I did at one time.”She said, her voice edgy and cutting, not quite telling him to leave it alone, but not wanting to talk about it either. “And he’s not. He’s off doing something. I don’t know. I usually only see him every couple days.”She shrugged a little before snorting. “I have no control beyond simple requests to keep him from being to dangerous to things.”she shrugged a little smiling as she watched him confuse his allergies. “I could get a cat, and we can find out what it is.”She said smiling a little. “....No. Asgardian’s aren’t truly better that way. They just outcast those who aren’t....typical asgardians.”She said not wanting to discuss it anymore, feeling edgy and upset as she remembered just how very judgemental asgaridnas could be. Shaking the thought away she stood, looking at him. “Not impolite. Just...odd. Most don’t want to know.”She muttered before bending down, pressing a kiss to his forehead, closing her eyes as she searched, her smile pressing against his skin before she straightened. “Down to earth indeed.”She teased a little. “Honorable, kind. Someone to rely on. Fiercely protective.”She muttered moving back to her chair, looking quietly tired a little. “Hmm, thor is a little dimwitted. He’s pretty to look at though, so the asgardians like him more then anyone else. He’s the beloved son of their king, of course he’s well loved.”She muttered making a face a little. Despite her histroy with thor, as tangled and messed up as it was, seh still felt oddly torn around the thunderer’s presence.
he nodded, he knew that tone, he wouldn't go there. "oh. please dear god don't let it be another giant toad epidemic..." he muttered. that one had been Loki's pride and joy for a while. turning the most harmless toads into dog sized versions of themselves. people had been freaking out so bad that the hospital had people coming in just for hysterics. which had been the only injury save for bruises and a few scrapes. "ah well it was worth a try. maybe when he and Tony start screwing Tony might be able to control the man?" he mused. "loss of sexual privileges is always a good motivator right?" he asked with a grin before grimacing. "honestly i'm not sure which is worse." he admitted. "being banished or being openly hated and sometimes even enslaved. ugh." he admitted, scowling. "i suppose that's the reason why Loki hasn't gone home yet. isn't it? they banished him, didn't they? that poor man..." he hated how much he felt for Loki before blinking, shocked by the kiss and going bright red. "huh?" he asked, confused before smiling, delighted that he was honestly a good person. he had thought, for a long time, that he was only a good person because he wanted to be, not because he was. it was nice to know he was a nice person after all. "i always thought the asgardians liked Thor the most was because he was bigger, stupider and more violent then them?" he asked, amused. "sure he's a nice enough fellow and he's gentle when he wants to be, but he takes way to much pride in his muscles." he admitted, sighing. "Loki being banished would also explain why Thor hasn't been around. he tried so hard to get Loki to see sense during the invasion. was always so insistent that Loki wasn't evil. i imagine he's ashamed to show himself to Loki now that Loki can never go home..." which royally sucked. "well. as annoying as he is, Loki has a home here now. if he'd just stop pissing people off, a lot of us would be glad to have him... remind me to introduce you to Tumblr someday. you can show him how many hot girls think he's 'just misunderstood' and how 'they can change him'.... it's pretty creepy actually."
“Hm, probably not. He rarely repeats tricks more then once. He’s easily bored, and once it’s been done, it’s boring.”She shrugged a little before snorting. “Probably not. If anything, Tony’ll conspire with him to come out with things. Mad genius loves company.”She pointed out looking amused. Frowning as she considered that, “Banishment. At least if we had weren’t, we’d have the option of going home if we wanted. Even if we’re hated, it’s still....home.”She muttered looking down before smiling as he blushed. “Sorry. Magic needs touch. At least this does.”She said not about to tell him where the term ‘kiss of death’ came from, that would just worry him, and she was enjoying for once, no one knowing what she was. “You look surprised?”She said looking amused as she studied him, before snorting. “Hmmm, that to. Definitely the most violent of them.”She said sighing softly, before nodding a little. “Probably something like that. They’ve always had a complicated relationship, even when they were getting along.”Valentina smiled a little sadly before smirking. “Oh, don’t worry. He’s already discovered that he still has a army. And a more friendly one this time, might even beat your hulk.”she teased a little, showing that loki had told her about the conversation he’d had with tony.
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