The Archer(Lady/moon)

“Well, yes. I guess it is. For being so damn entertaining and interesting.”Fandral said smiling at him, looking amused that the other was blushing, before snorting. “Well, it took two of us to get in this position, even if we hadn’t planned it.”he said smiling as he kissed the other back, glancing towards teh kitchen. “Then I’ll talk to CLint...and probably leave Tony alone. Your father scares teh bejesus out of me most of the time, I have no desire to annoy him more then I already am.”Fandral said well aware that this relationship wasn’t going to make loki happy before snorting. “Well, I might have to see the good Captain about that.”he snickered amused.

“It’ll be okay, papa.”Val smiled a little before snorting at tony’s startled look. “Uh. What?”He said looking a little lost at how to deal with the offer. Because while he enjoyed sex, and loved sex with steve, he hadn’t considered loki would let him sleep with others. Having figured steve was the exception that made the rule, since Tony had loved steve from a time before he’d known what sex was, and every interaction after they’d actually met, just added to it.
Jori giggled a little and shook his head. he didn't have a clue why Fandral would think him interesting. "well. that's true i guess." he admitted. it was hilarious how someone who looked like such a punk could be so sweet and innocent when he wanted to be. especially when he was so hard and rough on anyone he didn't know very well. "yeah it would probably be best to leave Tony alone" he admitted with a chuckle. "i think Father scares everyone. he's frightening when he's pissed off." he admitted with a grin. "hmm." he smiled and slid off the couch onto his feet. "come on, lets have food. they have Pizza in the kitchen." he admitted happily, taking Fandral's hand and leading him into the kitchen.

Loki just humphed and stuffed more Pizza into his mouth, unhappy about Fandral sticking around. "what?" Loki asked, blinking at Tony before. "oh. right, you humans have silly rules about that." Loki mused. "well. you can sleep with whoever you want." Loki promised with a shrug. "i'm unlikely to follow suit, since it's rare that i like anyone to fuck them." "aaw, i feel special now." Steve admitted with a grin. "you shouldn't." Loki scoffed before glaring at Fandral and sulked at Jori who ignored his father and dove into the Pizza.
“he truly is. Which puzzles me on thor’s actions. He thought to avoid it by not killing her....idiot.”He grumbled rolling his eyes grinning as he followed the other into the kitchen, offering a almost shy smile to everyone, which was shocking, cause he was so rarely shy about anything. “YEs we do....and okay.”Tony said looking bemused at the idea before smirking at steve. “Don’t listen to him, you’re a very special snowflake. Totally unique.”tony reassured steve with a snicker. “ are so weird.”Val said looking at tony, bemused at the man’s description.
Jori shook his head. "as always, he simply obeyed Odin and never thought about what his actions might actually do to others." he pointed out, blinking at Fadral's shy smile, wondering if the man was feeling unwell, or if this was how he was when he wasn't acting or putting up a mask? he much preferred this man. "...i'm not sure that was a compliment Tony." Steve admitted, looking amused, Loki snickering as he watched Jori. god. two of his children pregnant. "oh my god i'm going to be a grandfather." Loki gasped suddenly, his eyes wide. "holy crap."
"It was. definitely a compliment. Why does everyone alwys question me when I give compliments?"Tony whined a little making a fce before snickering at loki."Indeed, old man.I'll by you a world's best grandfather mug or something."He teased snickering amused

A few months later Val frowned a little as she tugged at her dress, straightening it a little as she looked up at loki. "How does it look?"She asked the simple wite dress a traditional wedding dress. she was nervous, not wanting to embarrass clint. after all, this was his earth custom, she didn't want t make it seem to silly.
Clint turned to look at her and he smiled. "your glorious." he promised, moving over to her and kissing her, stroking her hair. in the past few months, Jori had started to finally show. with a full year long pregnancy, he was four months along before he started getting the baby belly. much to all of their surprise, Fandral was still there too, doting on Jori to the point that even Loki had calmed down, though independent Jori was about to beat Fandral to death with something. something that would take a while and be very painful. things where getting tense though, since Clint had opened a direct portal from midgard to Helhiem so Hela could come and go as she pleased and she had also closed off her realm to anyone living. ultimately ending her Exile. he was very amused with how much Johnny seamed to be infatuated with her. the only person allowed in Helhiem was Heimdal, who sent any Valkyrie who wanted to go to earth through to Hel who sent them back up to Midgard.

in the last month alone, over fifteen Valkyrie had made the journey to safety, as had one young Aesir woman with a new born Valkyrie in her arms. one of the very few Aesir woman who had wanted to keep her Valkyrie daughter. he wasn't sure how many they had now, but the Valkyrie who had made it to Midgard where flourishing in Midgard. where they where welcomed, and even eagerly greeted by most of the human population. because the Valkyrie where being welcomed with such open arms, most of the other beings that lived on Asgard where now beginning to trickle down, hoping for a new home, most of them considered 'half breeds', those where where half Aeser half, something else. Elf, Jotun, Dwarf what have you. Clint had no doubt this was pissing off Odin and Thor and the others, since they where loosing what amounted to as their servile caste. soon Asgard would be barren of anything but Aeser. which would make the Aeser very happy, up until they started having to cook their own food, make their own beds, mend their own clothes and clean their own houses.

"i can't believe we're getting married! i'm so excited!" Clint admitted, squirming happily as he stroked her belly with a smile. "i wish yu could see your mommy my little one. she's so beautiful. you'll be just as beautiful as your mommy too i bet. yes, i'm sure you will be." he admitted happily, beaming at her.
“You’re just saying that.”Val said rolling her eyes a little as she leaned into him, kissing him lightly. Like Jori, she was starting to show, though longer then humans, her pregnancy was just a few weeks shorter then jori’s at 11 months, so she was just starting to show herself. And she to was at moments about to beat her mate to death to, knowing that jori was at that point with Fandral at times, made it easier to relax.

“Me to.”Val smiled looking amused, rolling her eyes. “You look about as squirmy as a puppy.”she teased snickering quietly, blushing brightly. “You are so weird.”She teased before sighing, resting her head against his. “Shall we be going? If you’re this excited, I’m sure Tony’s about to piss himself like a overexcited pup.”She said, one of the pups snuggled in her arms, cinder shifting a little, because they’d found her stomach the best resting place ever, the slight bump perfect for snuggling. Jori and val were their favorite snuggling people these days.
he snorted. "you have no idea how gorgeous you really are." he admitted with a smile, glancing over at the flickering image of Jarvis that had appeared. the A.I having access to magic meant he could do the same thing as Loki and create false images that where so real you could touch them, though Jarvis was still working on the strength of his spells he looked more like a hologram at the moment. "They are ready for you." Jarvis reported with a smile, delighted that everyone was so happy. "i am not as squirmy as the puppies!" he whined, pouting a little before grinning at Jarvis. delighted that the A.I was so happy too. "i guess we should." he agreed with a chuckle. "i should never have asked him to be my best man." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head, grinning at the puppies. they where much bigger now, all lanky and playful and bouncy and adorable. they where still nursing milk, but they had gotten a little more interest in soft food now, so they where growing very well. "alright! lets do this!" he decided, eyes shining eagerly. "tonight, you will be my Wife, legally, in every single realm in the universe." he declared, pulling her into a deep kiss. "i love you, so much." he purred at her with a smile.

"Dammit Fandral i'm going to gut you if you ask me if i'm okay one more Time!" Jori roared just outside the door, making Clint duck his head to keep her from seeing him from trying to keep from laughing. "VAL! Do something! make him Stop!" Jori wailed, pointing at Fandral. Jori wasn't even all that big yet! there was barely a bump! honestly. men!
“I think I look like a sausage in a to tight wrapping.”she grumbled before smiling at the AI. “Thanks Jarvis. And yes you are.”She smiled setting down the puppy she was holding, smiling as they followed after, gasping as she was kissed. “I love you to...You sound delighted at that idea. Why do I think spectacular sex is going to follow this new discovery of being a wife?” “Are you saying that the sex isn’t always spectacular?”Fandral teased smirking. Before smiling at Jori, tilting his head. “I’m not doing anything wrong, jori.” Val snorted amused before shaking her head. “I can’t get my own mate to stop, what makes you think I can get him to stop babying you?”Val snickered looking amused.
he snorted. "you do not. so dramatic." he scoffed, smiling at her. "you look beautiful." he promised her. "am not!" Clint huffed before grinning when he made her gasp. "oh. it's going to be very spectacular." he growled eagerly before glaring at the unwelcome company. "you are!" Jori hissed at Fandral. "your... your... Your coddling me!" he hissed, his voice turning sibilant and sharp, sounding very much like his Serpent form. unlike Val, Jori was already extremely hormonal already and he had already mauled Loki once and Fan twice because they had irritated him a little too much. "....well dammit." fortunately Jori, while grumpy, wasn't enraged today so he was unlikely to send anyone to the Lady Frigga. who had joined them in the tower much to Odin's utter fury. what pissed off the Aesir even more, was that the king of the Vanir, Heimdal's father and Clint's Grandfather, had announced that Clint would not be attacked by a Vanir. as far as Njörðr was concerned, Odin's star was at an end, and Clint's was rising. the shift in allegiance meant that Odin could no longer get away with open slaughter of the Valkyrie. Clint was ecstatic with Odin's growing misery.
“Fine. Whatever you say.”She said rolling her eyes a little looking amused, leaning into him. “We should skip the wedding. We’re already married.”She said panting ever so softly, glaring at Fandral for interrupting, and harder for the man’s utter disregard for being glared at. “So I am. But you need coddled.”Fandral said shrugging a little, nudging the other. “Besides, we have to go find our seats. It seems our mated couple is ready to show us this human wedding. Which I would like to see, since Tony was looking inrested in the process, and I have a bet with the good captain over it.”
"i don't want to skip the wedding. just.. delay it for an hour or six while i make love to you until you can't see straight." he admitted with a grin before growling at Fandral. he knew better than to growl at Jori, he'd cry and then everyone would be made at grumpy Clint who growled at pregnant Jori and made him cry. "i don't need coddled! i need being coddled the way you need to have your balls removed!" he growled before smirking. "granted, if your so insistent on coddling me, i think we could reach a compromise." he admitted, letting his talons slide free, warning Fandral that if he fussed anymore he was going to have to have his balls reattached. "yes. it's a very nice ceremony. here, take the kids." he ordered, handing the pups off onto Jori who cooed happily at them, bad mood instantly forgotten. "a bet?" Clint asked curiously, smirking. "what kind of bet?"
“Hmm, we could do that.”She snickered leaning into him, flushing as he growled at Fandral. Fandral sighed quietly eyes widening a little, as he sidled away, picking up cinder. “No thanks. Compromise is for others.”he said well aware when to leave it alone, smiling as they got their seats, smirking at clint. “Indeed. And a bet on whether it will be Starkson who proposes first, or loki. I get to choose where we have sex next if its Tony.”Fandral snickered a little. “Come on you two.”Tony whined a little, nearly bouncing in place as he waited for clint and val to get to the alter, smiling a little at loki, poking his boyfriend. “Tell them to hurry up.”he demanded though he looked more amused then upset.
"that's damn right Compromise is for others." Jori chirped, looking very smug indeed even if he knew Fandral's obsessive need to fuss and hover would kick back in soon enough. Jori did enjoy it more often then not, but sometimes he just couldn't take it anymore. "oh that's so brilliant!" Clint laughed, delighted. "and it's Stark. there's no Son after." he repeated, again, for the billionth time. you could always, instantly tell when someone was from Asgard or another realm because they always addressed you very politely by your last name if they didn't know you well and tacked on Son or Dottir at the end. so far, no one seamed to realize that 'Family names' had changed for humans. they where no longer 'the son of so and so'. though, funnily enough, Val seamed to get the concept just fine! "Tony calm down." Loki ordered, looking amused, poking him back with a chuckle, Steve snorting at all of them. "both of you hush, this is supposed to be a wedding, not a circus." he teased, smiling at Clint and Val. "sit down, all of you." he ordered the gathered crowd of people. "we are gathered here today to..." he paused when Clint suddenly staggered. "...fuck." Clint scowled. "battle stations! someone just punched through the Net and i have a feeling i know who!" he informed them all. "Either Thor or Odin will be on their way straight here!" everyone rushed to get ready after that. not that it was hard to do. they had been waiting for this for months now and never went anywhere without their favored weapons.
“...okay.”Fandral frowned a little thinking over it. Val snickered a little, looking amused. “You’ll never get him to stop it. He’s going to be so confused when the kids come, since human last names doing follow father’s line.”She muttered looking amused. “I am calm.”Tony grumbled yelping as he was poked. “It’s not a circus. Well. Maybe it is. I mean, he used to be part of a circus.”Tony muttered looking thoughtful as he settled down. “W-”Val winced catching clint as he staggered, wincing. She hated knowing she couldn’t fight but she’d promised them all, her and jori got to sit things out as tony and fandral guarded them and herded them and the pups back into the tower, wincing as she saw the rainbow bridge open and odin arrived. Eyes wide as she considered the man
Clint sighed. "well. whatever. at least any offspring they have will probably not do that." he admitted with a shrug. Jori just looked confused. he didn't get it either. "well, come to think of it, it's more of a culture thing isn't it?' he asked. "i suppose i shouldn't be annoyed when i'm not upset that the Japanese say their names backwards." he admitted before snorting at Tony. "i was part of the circus yes. i enjoyed it very much." until he got a little older and certain people started giving him certain looks. then he ran away again and ended up with Phil. "go." Clint ordered Val and Jori, there was a safe-room Tony and Fandral would take them to, one that even Clint couldn't get into. and he'd tried. they'd even triggered his, as Tony called it, 'Mama Bear Mode'. they put Val, Cinder and Niko into the room, shut the door and told Clint they'd been snagged by a Hydra agent and he'd taken him in there. he'd torn half the house down around it and still hadn't been able to get in. they regretted it later though because he refused to let anyone even look at Val or the pups for almost a week before he calmed down. Odin and Thor would not be able to get into that room. "so." Clint said, looking at Thor. "you break your own laws? what do you want this time? want to strangle the baby as it's born? maybe cut it out of her before them and slaughter both her and the baby?" he demanded. "Silence, Boy!" Odin snarled. "that infant is a threat to the nine realms and it..." "bullshit." Clint stated. "you think i don't know the Prophecy? the only person that infant is a threat to is you, Odin 'king'."
“We’re going.”Val promised looking worried even as the other’s got them to the room. Remembering that once they were inside, they were safe. Looking a little relieved as the door closed behind them, even as she watched jarvis pull up the video so they could watch what was going on. Thor swallowed hard, looking like life in asgard wasn’t agreeing with him these days. Looking more worn and tired then he had in the centuries he’d lived. Glancing at Odin he tilted his head slightly, “All father, I told you the child was protected, and well. Do not do this.”Thor said his eyes pained and hurting. He might not want anything to do with the child, but in the last months, he’d started finding out just how.....bad life could be without the world in balance. And the odinson was not happy. Having only come to talk sense into odin, and maybe save his life, because despite everything, the man was his father. He didn’t want him dead...but...he couldn’t help but think clint should just kill him either.
Clint stared at Odin, who looked old and haggard. he clearly had not taken the loss of all of his servile caste unwell. and when his people started dying there was no one to take the souls so they where wailing and moaning constantly because they wanted to move on and couldn't. only those who had treated the Valkyrie kindly where pulled into Hel by Hela and sorted out there. "so." Clint studied Thor. "you finally grew a brain. perhapse i won't Gut you... for Frigga's sake." Odin snarled at the name of his Wife. well, Ex Wife considering she was now living in the Tower. "you are old, Odin, and rather weary by all appearances. you should go home, before you loose your head." he warned. "if your waiting for your warriors to follow, well, they aren't following." he warned, that, more than anything seamed to startle Odin. he had gathered every Aesir left on Asgard, all of them pure blooded and hurting for their servant to come back. yet, when Odin had called for them to follow... apparently they hadn't. none of them wanted to piss with the Vanir/Human who had made their lives miserable in the first place. "You are nothing but a half blood Filth!" Odin finally shrieked, lunging at Clint, all the power Odin had at his beck and call slamming into Clint hard enough that even Heimdal might have staggered. and Clint did stagger, falling back a single step before pushing right back, flinging Odin back so hard the man slammed into the reinforced steal walls of the Tower with a CRACK. "...well that was anticlimactic." Clint stated simply, realizing Odin was dead. the man had suffered the loss of the people of Asgard, so long as there where people there, Odin was healthy and strong. but with the loss of his people's faith, Odin had been little more than a frail old man. sure, tons stronger than any true human could ever hope to be, but no match for even Val or Jori, pregnant though they where they could have handled him almost as easily. "Take your father Thor and go back home. see to his funeral. you are now the King of Asgard." he studied the other. "we will speak of ways to fix the messes he caused after the mourning period." he smiled sharply at Thor. "behave in a matter befitting a King, do what is best for EVERYONE, instead of just the Ten 'pure-blooded' Aeser and maybe, you might find people will be willing to move into Asgard again. follow in your fathers footsteps and i will delight in slaughtering you until everything that's left can only be leaned up with a mop."
Thor swallowed thickly, tilting his head at his former friend. Knowing there was no correcting the problems he’d caused, or the damage he’d done, but he could set about making amends as best he could. Nodding slightly. Agreeing to whatever punishment clint wanted, “Father d-”He stopped, cursing as the other flew into the wall, staring at the fallen man for a long moment, bowing his head. “That was indeed anticlimatic.”Thor agreed after a long moment, knowing odin’s lack of the faith of his people, was what had caused his death. “After the mourning period then, Lord horus.”the man said dipping his head a little, “I will remember the warning.”He said biting his lip a little, wanting to ask after Val, not because he thought the woman would care that he asked, but for his own peace of mind, wanting to know about his child, even if he knew the child belonged to clint, it was still a interesting problem he found himself. Shaking himself free of the thoughts as he moved over to his father’s body, preparing to leave.
Clint studied Odin for a moment and then shook his head. He would see to it that his Soul was taken to Helheim to be judged properly. from what little he knew of Loki's first Daughter, she would judge him fairly. he had no doubt the old bastard would end up in a fiery pit somewhere for the crimes he had committed against his own family. "...Good Luck, King of Asgard. i feel you will need it." he admitted after a moment of silence. "your realm is a disaster, but i am satisfied that you will do your best to make it a hoe again. this time, for everyone. should you need help, i'm sure i could be convinced to lend a hand. you where a friend once. i would like to see if we can't rekindle that friendship, now that you seam to know better." he admitted before studying him. "sh is doing well you know." he admitted. "she is strong and healthy. the baby is growing well and both are having unholy cravings." he admitted. "she is my Child Thor, but should you wish to claim her as well. well, i'll leave that up to Val." he admitted. "you'll have to prove you've changed, a lot, before Val will even look at you though so be prepared to have to work your ass off Thor Odinson."
“I do to. It will be alot of work, but it will be a good project.”Thor nodded his head a little, before studying the other, tilting his head. “I would like that to.”The thunderer smiled at the idea of having his friends back, even if he’d have to work hard for it before tilting his head. Relaxing a little, startled a little that clint had seen it before nodding.”Good. And the cravings grow worse with time, from my understanding.”Thor snickered a little, relieved that both where fine. “I shall endevour my ass off as you say.”The king of asgard smiled stepping away. “But not at this time. This time, is for mourning. Goodbye, Horus.”The man said as he looked up, smiling as heimdall opened the rainbow bridge for him. “....Clint?Is it safe to come out?”Val asked, well, jarvis asked for her.
"it's likely to be the only way that Asgard won't collapse." Clint stated simply. "Bigotry cannot be allowed anymore Thor." he warned. "or Asgard will never return to it's former glory, or recover at all. no one will return if they know things will only continue as they have been. those who where abused before know there is another way now. they won't be keen to go back unless they know things won't be the same." he admitted before grimacing. "that's just great... as long as she doesn't expect Me to eat those foul concoctions." he admitted. "Good Luck, King Thor." he said, watching the other leave, smiling at the Camera. "it's safe now my loves." he assured both her and Jori. "you watched and heard all that i'm assuming?" he asked, his head tilted. "what do you think? Asgard have half a chance now?"
“I know. I will work towards the former glory that was asgard.”Thor smiled at the other man, thinking about it before snorting. “Oh, she probably will. But probably will give you the option of choosing what you put in your concoctions. At least that was how mother was when she had Tyr.”Thor snickered a little. “Thank you.” “We did.”Val said as they walked out, looking thoughtful. “Yes. I think they do.”

And indeed, in the years that came, Asgard once again became the crown jewel of the 9 realms again. Beautiful and growing more so under thor’s guidance, it was a glorious day indeed when Valentina and Clint stepped into Asgard for the first time in two decades, dressed for the evening, looking around them. Glancing at Clint, Val wrapped a arm around clint’s waist, leaning into him. Nervous about introducing their daughter to Asgard’s king, but when the girl had turned 18, they’d offered her the option of meeting the father that she’d written letters to, but never met. Because it was all Val could tolernate, not wanting thor near her child. But at 18, she had accepted that maybe, thor really was being serious about trying to be better, and had finally relented. So tehy were celebrating Elena’s reaching adulthood, but bringing her to asgard, as to kick off the realms vacation that the whole family was doing, touring all nine realms to celebrate their children meeting adultgood."You sure this is a good idea?"Val muttered to Clint as they watched Elena step off the platform, looking up at her grandfather, smiling happily at the sight of heimdall as the man gestured towards the waiting asgardian king and court
"...great." he grumbled, grimacing a little.

Clint smiled a little as he saw his Father. he and Heimdall had gotten very close in the last nineteen years or so. Clint was often coming up to Asgard to check on things and make sure what was now HIS Citizens where being treated well. because as of now, HE was the 'king' of sorts of the Valkyrie. only because he was married and mated to Val, but he took the role very seriously and was constantly checking to make sure that no one was mistreating them. plus it gave him an excuse to hang out with Heimdall who had truly become the father figure he'd been desperate for nearly all his life. Phil had come very close, but Phil didn't exactly know how to handle a second puberty of all things. that had been a very interesting experience. "it's going to be fine." he promised Val with a smile. "she's been raised by how many people who know how to protect themselves? if anyone tries anything with her, she'll slaughter them as effortlessly as you or i do." he promised her with a smile, bowing to Heimdal in greeting before heading into Asgard proper. he'd never actually gone past the Gate and had to pause to take in the shear magnificence. "wow." he had been told that Asgard's appearance had changed drastically by the few Valkyrie who traveled back and forth, but this was the first time he'd ever seen it, and was completely unprepared for what he was seeing.
Val smiled a little looking amused before nodding. “Lots. And cinder and niko are with her, probably bite anyone who got to close.”She said looking amused before grinning as she watched him look around. Looking shocked herself. It was amazing. “For only being a decade....he has done well returning it to its former glory.”She said eyes wide as she held Clint’s hand, tears welling. The pregnancy she hadn’t told him about yet knocking her feet out from under her. Having this place, that even if it hadn’t been much of a home, it’d still beeen home in the most profound sense, returned to its former glory meant something to her. And watching Thor and Elena hesitating as they greeted each other, meant something even more. That, for the moment, everything was perfect. A fragile moment, smiling, she hoped all would be well. And it was. The queen and king of the valkyrie would be remembered, for bringing ragnorok, and rebirthing the world, reforging it into something better.

The end?
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