The Archer(Lady/moon)

he chuckled a little and winked at her. "will you be giving Jarvis a reward too?" he teased her with a grin. "i think he'd enjoy a nice kiss." he admitted with an impish grin. "he might not care, but the other asgardians would and you well know it." Jori admitted. "they fear humans potential, especially after what they did to the Chitauri." he admitted. "foul things they where indeed but to kill all of them in one blow was something no one thought possible. they where like earths roaches." he explained to them. "didn't matter how many you killed, more took it's place in a matter of seconds. they bred like insects." he admitted. "one Chitauri could give birth to fifty in a matter of a year." he admitted. "to the asgardians, that single display was enough to make them all very, very wary of humanities potential." Sleipnir further explained. "no one would stand back and allow Thor to start a war with the people who annihilated the single most destructive parasitic species in the known universe." "i like Bacon." Loki grunted, accepting the platter and hovering over it protectively so no one else would steal his entire package of bacon. good thing that Steve had made upwards of eight packages. there might even be some leftovers. maybe. "i think we're going to need more tables." Steve agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head, kissing Tony's forehead. "how you feeling?"
“Well, I might. He has been very kind in helping me figure out things.”She said smiling a little because jarvis was not only keeping a eye on the world, but making sure doom wasn’t causing to many problems for them. “Hm, well. True.But it might provoke Odin into fighting because we have sided with them. I mean, the guardian and a valkyrie, and’s just bad considering that stupid prophecy.”Val said frowning as her eyes unfocused, trying to think of what the word’s had teased in her memories. And while she was younger then the others, it was still centuries worth of memories, and she could almost, almost remember what it brought up. Setting the puzzle aside for the moment she nodded. “True.” “You mean, that’s why they were so impressed with me?”Tony said looking startled tilting his head as he considered why Fandal had expressed such interest in the end of a fight that had nearly killed him. “I know you like bacon.”Tony snickered a little at loki’s actions as he sipped his smoothie, looking up at steve as he nodded. “We should go get tables today. And I feel fine.”He promised.
Steve nodded. "yeah Jarvis is great like that." he agreed with a smile. "Odin will not be allowed. the King of the Vanir tolerate Odin only because Odin pays proper deference to him. Should Odin overstep his bounds by outright declaring war with the Humans, a people the Vanir are very much interested in, the King of the Vanir would give the order, and Heimdal would put an end to the rein of Odin for crimes against innocents." Sleipnir stated simply. "Odin gets away with much, but he would not get away with that." he didn't think so anyway, it all really boiled down to the Vanir. "the only real thing we have to worry about is the King of the Vanir trying to dominate Clint. while Clint IS a Vanir he was raised in the human realms and is therefor, not a part of the Vanahiem or it's politics and the like, but that might not matter to the others. they might try to make him conform." "Fat chance of that. i'm stubborn as any human." Clint admitted. "being half human and raised by them means that, no matter what this so called King wants, i am of this realm and therefor will follow THIS Realms laws, not the Vanir." he admitted, head tipped upwards in a rather snobbish sort of way.

"yes." Jori admitted to Tony with a smile. "though the fact that you managed it is shadowed by the fact that you willingly sacrificed your life in order to do so." he admitted. "that you would willingly die so that the rest of your people can live is bravery worth even the most noble of Aesir." he admitted. "my Bacon." Loki growled at them. the Godling could be shockingly possessive of the oddest things. like his insatiable need to collect tinfoil and sparkly things, mostly rhinestones. not to mention Bacon and beef jerky. "i don't know if we'll be able to go today." Clint pointed out. "i'm giving that press release remember? it probably won't be safe for us to go out for a few days or we'll be swarmed." between protestors, fans, and the roaches of the world, reporters, it would be a challenge just to look outside.
“Well. In that case, we’ll see where it goes, and hope that odin crosses that line and let the vanir deal with him. That would be interesting.”Val sighed softly even if she knew she couldn’t be that lucky. Glancing at Clint she tilted her head a little looking worried before shaking her head. “And he’s my mate, and valkyrie because of it. The king might try to demand it, but he can’t. He’s mine, not someone to be ordered around.”Val sighed frowning a little snickering at clint’s words.”Snob.”She teased stealing a kiss.

“Huh. Well. I’m awesome like that. Though the captain beat me to that feat of dying needlessly for others first.”Tony pointed out making a face before rolling his eyes at loki. “So weird. But your bacon, you can keep it.”he teased before huffing. “Damn. Hadn’t thought of that. Fine. Shopping later. We’ll deal with the press now.”He graned glancing at his watch, stretching slowly. “Press should be here soon.”he said as he finished eating
"i certainly hope he stays far, far away and that those needing shelter from his cruelty come here." Clint admitted. "Earth would greatly benefit the aid of the Valkyrie." he admitted, smiling at her. "no one would be stupid enough to rob a bank that a Valkyrie might be protecting." he admitted with a smirk. "your people would certainly be made very welcome here." he admitted before puffing up, proud that she had so publicly acknowledged him as her mate. "i am a snob." he sniffed before smiling, kissing her back before shaking his head at Tony. "my bacon." Loki grumbled, nibbling on one daintily, which would have been fine if not for the fact that they all knew he'd turn them bloody if they tried to steal a piece. "they are already here and have been waiting for about two hours." Clint admitted, munching calmly on his breakfast. "word is they all wanted a good seat so arrived early." he admitted with a chuckle, glancing at his watch before slipping on the more lithe armor Loki had made for him, tretching and adopting his most regal pose and headed out.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of Midguard, Earth." Clint spoke, his eyes sweeping the room. "you may not recognize me. i am, or rather am known, as Clint Barton." there was instant silence. "in truth, my name is Horus, i have been the Guardian of Midgard since the days of my childhood in ancient Egypt around 2400 B.C. i can't give you more specific dates, we did not have calenders back then the way we do now." Horus admitted. "i have watched and waited, content to let Humanity do as it pleases with itself and still fully plan to. You are your own people, i won't step in unless you start launching nuclear missiles at each other or something." there was nervous laughter at this. "the only reason why i have revealed myself now is because one Thor Odinson, on the orders of his father, the King of Asgard did directly attack a citizen of earth. nearly causing her death." he informed them all before he eplained why Loki had done what he did, how all of Lki's children had been born on earth to human parents and where therefor citizens of Midgard and had been tortured, held against their will, trapped, starved and all around bullied, neglected and outright abused. he explained how Fenrir had to watch his mate and pups be slaughtered, he explained what happened to Narfi and Váli and went on to explain some of the things that had been done to Loki. including being tied to a rock b his own sons entrails and tortured with acid. "As of now, Loki and his Kin are hereby citizens under my direct protection." Horus explained. "and a Net has been erected around the realm. no Asgardian, no Jotun, no Vanir, no being other than those who call earth Home will be allowed to pass into this realm. as of this moment, Thor Odinson and his Kin are Banned, barring only the Lady Frigga." he looked out at the people. "should they force their way into this realm, it will be a direct, and open statement and declaration of their intent to do War against our planet and we will act accordingly, as we always do, against people who think they are better than us." he grinned viciously. "there is none with more power, and more potential than the human race." he promised, well aware that would please a good portion of the entire world.
“Hm, we should. I will have to ask Hela to pass the message around. Valkyrie would have a safe haven.”She said her eyes going wide at the idea that her kind would have a safe place to go, she hadn’t even considered that valkyrie could come here to get away from asgard. “I will have to see about seeing up a way to save the young valkyrie born, and bring them here.”She said soundign thoughtful as she consided how to help, snickering at his pride. “Indeed.”She smiled kissing him back. “That’s amusing. Really.”Tony snickered at the idea of the reporters coming early as they all headed downstairs.

Val watched the crowd, looking amused at the reactions they had gotten, ranging from shock to disgust at asgard’s reactions, to outright anger and pride at the end for humanity keeping asgard back. And knowing that they were safe. It would be good. They’d be able to take care of themselves. But it was nearly 5 hours later that she wasn’t feeling quite so sure at the idea when Jarvis asked permission to allow someone through. And gathering weapons, preparing for the worst she was surprised that it was Fandal, not Sif or thor himself, looking clearer cut and more....human clothes then asgardian as he paused on the balcony, waiting to be invited in. And of them all, who she thought would respond, she found it interesting that it was Fandal that had asked for permission to come. "may I come in?"the blond asgardian tilted his head slightly looking at clint.
he nodded. "i will attempt to ope communications with Heimdal and see if h wouldn't be willing to send us the born Valkyrie children." he decided. "lets see how Long Odin's people last, when they realize their dead linger. after all, Valkyrie are the ones who guide the dead." he smirked viciously. "when they find that no Valkyrie is willing to take their dead, how soon will it take for Odin to realize, how much the Aesir actually need your people." he mused before smiling at her. he was pleased with the reaction from his announcement, it would shut pepper up good. he gave Jarvis permission once they where all ready and lifted an eyebrow at the man he had... not expected. "interesting." Clint mumbled, looking at Val, awaiting her approval, she knew these people a lot better than he did. "you may enter." Clint decided once she indicated that it would probably be okay. he didn't bother hiding his claws, though he did release his grip on his sword. "Fandral?" Jörmungandr asked, looking surprised when he walked in, looking wary. "what are you doing here?" he wasn't wary of Fandral though, he was looking around the blond, looking for the people he was almost always with, Sif, the Warriors three and Thor. when none of those listed appeared he just looked confused.
“it would be good to do.”Val said looking pleased with the idea of looking after the children before snickering slightly. “That would show him. Definitely would make them realize how much harm they’ve caused.”She muttered shaking her head a little. Looking at Fandal, at a loss for what he was doing here, before nodding slightly. “It should be okay.”She muttered. Fandal nodded slightly as he stepped inside, tilting his head at the sight of the guardian, glancing at Jori, looking vaguely relieved to see that he was safe, which for fandal to not be able to hide the feeling, it was a great sense of relief truly. “....Did you think that once you reached a certain term, that it would not show up on the great tree?”He said watching the man, before waving a hand. “Granted, I do not spend alot of time looking at it, but Thor was looking into something and-” “Wait, are we talking about the records tree, and what was thor looking for?” “Yes. And well. That is part of why I am here.”Fandal said looking a little out of sorts, because well, while he knew he was always nice to val, he knew that the knowledge of what thor had found out, and the violence that had resulted, would be hard on her to know. And that he had accidently found out about Jori’s pregnancy to, well...he wasn’t quite sure how to say it.
he nodded. "and it would be very unlikely to change anything when they try crawling back." he admitted. 'they will be swarmed with their own dead who cannot move on, and cannot find peace." he admitted. "their realm will soon be uninhabitable." he admitted before watching Fandral. "....honestly, i wasn't sure you'd care." Jori admitted, not able to meet Fandral's eyes, Loki scowling when he realized why Fandral DID care. still, the blond man was taking responsibility so Loki wouldn't do anything. for now anyway. "...Thor was looking at the Great tree?" Sleipnir demanded. "why?" he demanded, worried. the only person he could think of that would make Thor furious was... "oh fuck." Loki breathed, eyes wide as he stared at Val. Clint just looked confused. "what? what is it?" "oh Val..." Jori whispered, Sleipnir pressing his hand to his mouth as he too realized. that's when Clint got it. "...oh my god..." he was suddenly in front of her, snarling at them. "it's Mine!" he hissed. "Mine! even if it's his it's Mine! My Mate! My Baby!" he snarled, his new instincts too much for him to fight off as he scooped the pups into his arms and started backing Val out the door, being surprisingly gentle with her considering the way he was bristled out and snarling at the rest of the room. he had to protect his mate and the unborn.
Fandal swallowed hard looking away, taking the blow Jori had just dealt without reacting, even if it hurt. Not about to show just how much it did hurt to think Jori hadn’t thought he’d care before tilting his head at Sleipnir. “He was.”Fandal said swallowing hard, because while it had been jori’s pregnancy that had brought him here, he’d stuck around long enough to find what thor wanted, well aware that earth had been denied to the thunderer, he had wanted to know why now he was curious before he’d come here, knowing that once Thor figured out his nephew was pregnant, fandal would most likely be in exile. So he’d done his iduty and found out as much as he could. “Well...”Fandal bit his lip before nodding glancing at Val, even as the woman stared in confusion at them all. “...yes.”Fandal swallowed hard, not sure how to tell teh woman her child was heir to asgard, and she was carrying thor’s child. “Waht?”Val startled, surprised as clint moved in front of her, looking up at hiim startled, but letting him back her out the door as she took the pups, startled as she realized what they thought. No. No, she couldn’t be. Fandal raised his hands, backing away from the door that clint was backing her out of. “we’ll figure out how to take care of thor. He can’t come here anyways.”Fandal said, feeling sick now as he realized why thor had been okay with him coming here after jori, he knwe thor would use it as a excuse. This was going to be bad.
Jori didn't feel bad in the least, he knew they where ALL surprised that the man cared. he was usually too busy toadying to Thor and Sif to give a shit about anything else. "it's Thor's Child. isn't it." Loki demanded, voice tight, eyes burning with tears because he knew that this might very well be something worth going to war over, or rather, the excuse hat filthy Odin and his filth of a son needed to declare war. could they never win!? could his daughter never have peace?! Loki waited until Clint and Val where well out of earshot before turning to Fandral. "no he can't come here without declaring war. but do you really think he is just going to sit idly by while his child lives here on midgard? a place you people seam to think is 'beneath' you?" Thor demanded. "you think Thor will let his child be raised by, by your accounting, a creature!? you are stupider than i thought fandral if you think Odin will not use this as an excuse to try and slaughter my daughter, pregnant or not." he hissed. "neither one will want an heir to the throne, born from a Valkyrie!" he snarled. "you should have done what you so good at and been a coward!" he snapped, spinning on his heal and stalked away, Jori grimacing as he moved over to Fandra. "he doesn't mean that. well, he does, but he didn't mean it the way it came out." he promised the blond. "it's not your fault Odin is a sick piece of shit and Thor is a toadying sycophant to his father." he admitted, shaking his head. "i'm glad your here." he admitted. "but your going to have to make a choice now. you know that right?"

Clint didn't relax until he had Val in his room, the doors and windows and vents all locked, physically and magically. he stalked around the room three times before he was satisfied it was as safe as it was going to get before moving over to her. "sorry... couldn't control myself." he admitted, kneeling n front of her and gently rubbing her belly with an expression of almost awe. "are we really going to have a baby?" he asked, looking up at her, eyes glittering, excited. "i might just have to make an honest woman out of you." he admitted, smiling at her. "i had been pondering asking you to marry me, but i thought it was too soon." he admitted. "do you think it's too soon?" never mind that in the eyes of Asgard and Vanaheimr he was already married to her. he had given her his mating ritual and she had accepted. in doing so, she was the only woman he would ever love, and anyone trying to break that bond would be put to death. even if they where a King. The King of the Vanir Njörðr would allow no one to harm a Vanir i such a deep and debilitating way. especially since, even if Clint was a half breed and the child of prophecy no one had wanted to live, he was also Njörðr's grandson. this was an unexpected boon, because if Odin or Thor tried to take Val, or the baby that Clint had claimed as his own, then the Vanir would become involved, in a very bloody way. this was now a three course war should anything at all go down earth and Vanaheimr would both attack Asgard with every force they had available. even Odin wouldn't be so stupid right?
"It is....he was determined to either kill her or..."fandal said looking sick a little at the knowledge that thor had attacked either to kill her or make sure she was pregnant. Going silent as he listened to the other, not protesting because he knew loki was right, tilting his head ever so slightly as he watched him go. Knowing there was nothing to say. Glancing at jori he sighed quietly, "he means it the way he said it. You know that."he said rubbing a hand over his face."...I hid the fact that Val is bonded to horus, and is having a valkyrie heir to the throne."fandal said because jori would understand that would be a betrayal to the others that they wouldn't forgive him for. That he'd made his choice.

Val sighed softly watching him lock her in, not protesting knowing he needed to do it."it's okay...and i...think so. I mean, if it's written on the records, it wouldn't be wrong."she frowned slightly, before frowning."we are married, are we not?"she frowned more before looking curious."this is a human thing yes?if you want we could do it."
Jori winced. "he should be very, very glad that he did not manage to kill her. Horus is..." he shuddered. "just the latent power nd magic that pours off of him is..." Jori was not much of a sorcerer himself, but he was sensitive to it and could easily tell ho powerful someone was. "Horus is barely weaker than Heimdal is." Jori admitted. "and that's without him actually accessing his powers or getting angry. in truth, i don't know that any of the Vanir could take him on one to one and best him." he admitted, snuggling into Fandral because he really did like the idiot. "he's only upset. he doesn't blame you for this mess." he promised. "no one does." he admitted before jerking, staring at him, wide eyed. "you... you... you'll stay here of course." he finally decided. "Clint will be glad to have you, since you risked life and limb to hide that information." he decided. "most of the people here do like you anyway, when your not emulating Thor anyway, not that i can't blame you. better being picked on by them, than the entire realm." he admitted. "come on. you need food." Jori decided. "i'll make you something. it might be burnt though, i haven't gotten the hang of human cooking things just yet." "your not going anywhere near the kitchen Jori." Steve finally said, very sternly. "your not allowed! you blew up the oven last time!" "that was an accident! and i'm hungry!" "then sit down and i'll make something. or order something. what do you want?" "Pizza!" Jori decided. he was obsessed with Pizza really. Steve just snorted and asked for Jarvis to order everyone a Pizza.

"i don't think i trust some stuffy old record to be honest. i'll have Jarvis set us up doctors appointment so we can be sure." he promised, nuzzling her belly before looking confused at her. "are we?" he asked. when had that happened? "i think it must be a human thing." he admitted with a smile. "still, if we're considered married in other realms as well that might just be a bonus." he admitted, nuzzling her belly again. "i don't care if this is Thor's. it's mine now." he promised her. that was the thing about Vanir, theirs or not, all babies where loved. Vanir, either male of Female, bonded so deeply with their mates and their offspring, that if one died, or was kidnapped a Vanir could fall into a depression and pine to death. unless they knew who killed their mate, or took their child. then no force, heaven, hell, earth or space could stop them from tearing the kidnapper or murderer to pieces. the Aeser had learned that very, very quickly in the last war, they had tried to dominate the Vanir and place themselves above them as they had the other seven realms and they had failed, miserably.
“I know. Even as a human, he always felt different. Just didn’t know why.”Fandral said wrinkling his nose a little. Shifting a little as the other snuggled into his, resting a arm around his shoulder, before relaxing as he realized jori hadn’t not told him because he blamed him for this. When he’d discovered the pregnancy, he’d been afraid that was why he’d been kept out. Shrugging a little as he was stared at he sighed. “Wasn’t that hard. Just had to charm the record into hiding it. It wont last forever, but for now, it will.”he muttered sighing softly, “You can’t cook.”He snickered a little before looking curious at the pizza order before running his fingers through his hair. “There’s something else. The child wont just be a Valkyrie. She’s going to be the daughter of Horus’ soul, the true mirror that reflects Thor. She’ll be born with the powers, that thor has been gifted from Odin’s stripping of others, with everything that her mother is.”Fandral smiled a little. “I sweettalked one of the Norns into telling me while I worked the charm. She’s going to be power, Jori. For the asgardians, it’ll be like a magical flower blooming in the barren desert they’re in. Val and clint are ragnorok, she is the rebirth that follows.”

“Hm, I probably don’t either. Okay, we’ll check.”She smiled softly gently stroking her fingers through his hair as he nuzzled her before nodding. “I mean, we did the mating ritual in the gym. I dominated you, you dominated me, we accepted each other. But we’ll do the human thing to.”She smiled a little relaxing, closing her eyes, going utterly relaxed at his acceptance. Having been worried about it, but now, well now at least she knw they ewre okay.
he nodded. "he always knew he wasn't human from what i understand, this is the first time he's ever had his full genetic capabilities unlocked though." he admitted. "so they don't know i'm pregnant yet." he muttered, sounding quite relieved. "but they do know Val is pregnant and that means that someone, somewhere is going to try doing something that's going to piss off Clint and Val." he sighed. "this is going to be a mess." he mumbled before glaring at Fandral. "i can too cook! how dare you!" no he couldn't. being as he'd been trapped as a massive snake in the roots of the world tree, most of his meals had been whatever he could catch, eaten raw. so no, he couldn't cook. "...not just a Valkyrie?" he asked, sounding baffled. being the heir to the throne as a Valkyrie would be bad enough, what more was there!? "oh Merciful Hel." he whispered. "she will be naturally born with Val's Magic as well, so everything Thor has, the child will be able to fully control. now i understand why Odin tried to have Thor kill her. he would see this baby, rightfully so, as the biggest threat to him and his throne. of course, Thor will never realize it, will he? because he's so stupid he won't realize Odin just tried to have both Val and the baby destroyed before Thor ever even realized he had a chance to be a father."

he smiled at her before frowning a little. "Mating ritual?... huh, so that's what that was." he admitted. "i wanted to show how viril i was, so i tried to keep up with you as much as i could, and i wanted to prove i could protect you too but there was nothing to protect you from so i guess i just skipped that part." he'd just done it now actually, which was why the instincts had hit him so hard. plus, pregnant Mate and all. his protective instincts where going to be bursting for a while. "yeah. i'd like that. a human wedding." he agreed, smiling at her belly. "hear that tiny baby? Mummy and Daddy are getting married. we're going to put Mommy in a big white dress she'll hate, and listen to an old man ramble on for hours about love and commitment, won't that be fun?"
“Ah. I see. That makes sense.”Fandral said before shaking his head. “No. I only noticed because well, I always look at my own name and records. It’s a OCD thing I have to do.”Because despite his centuries worth of practice at the art of sex, he’d been very careful to not end up with any kids of his own, and the habit of checking his bloodline records, because his siblings had never been quite as careful, even if they didn’t speak anymore, he looked after his own, from a distance, his siblings having turned his nieces and nephews against him. It was quite a mess really. And one that very few knew. “And I was only down there because Thor was already aware. I hadn’t thought to check and hide it from him before.”he sighed a little before snickering. “No you can’t.”He said before nodding. “More then. Exactly, she will both be Valkyrie and Thunder goddess, yin to thor’s yang. True heir to all. At least that’s what the norn said. Apparently they told odin eons ago of the prophecy, when it was just a whisper....probably when Horus was young... But it’s grown more sure that this will be, with each choice they make....and no, he wont. Thor is...he wont realize it, but he knows there’s a child now. He might protect the child, I don’t know, Jori.”he sighed softly.

“Yes, that’s what it was. And you just demanded to protect me, you know.. Very good.”She praised kissign his forehead, smiling softly, sliding her fingers through his hair, tugging his hair ever so gently. “Is this going to be a thing?Listening to you talk to my stomach.”She teased before snickering. “Or we could just have steve do the wedding. He's old, but he wouldn't ramble."
he sighed, he had to admit he was relieved. the last thing he wanted was for Odin to do the same to his great grandchild as he had his grandchildren. not that he was Kin to them anymore with Loki declaring Thor Blood Splitter and Oath breaker and such. all of Thor's Kin was included, meaning Odin, Tyr, and anyone else blood related to Thor. the only person not scratched off the list was Frigga, since Loki still referred to her as Mother. "So Thor found out she was pregnant when he attacked her and went to check to make sure she really was." he mused, scowling a little before smiling at Fandral. "you did what you could, that's what matters." he admitted. "by Vanir Law, that baby is now Clint's. no matter who the baby's biological father is. Thor would do well to stay away. there is nothing more frightening than an enraged Vanir parent." he admitted with a grin. he'd seen one himself. some Aeser had been stupid enough to try and steal a Vanir infant. he'd seen what happened to that Aeser too. there hadn't been a piece of the idiot bigger than a grain of rice. no one had dared do anything when the Vanir, painted red with blood had lifted up his screaming baby and soothed him and went back home as if nothing had happened. this had been after the War too, so the Aeser had been stupider than most. the only reason why they hadn't been hunted down like the Valkyrie, which where just as frightening as the Vanir, was because the Vanir numbered far, far too many, while the Valkyrie had been endangered since Odin had first become King. "fucking Prophecies. they're all bullshit."

Clint blinked, startled before puffing out again, very pleased. he had protected her! he had kept her safe. yes, he had done a good job. his mate had said so. he hummed as she ran her fingers through his hair before smiling up at her. "yes. i want the Unborn to know how much they are loved." calling the baby an It didn't seam right to him. "...that's a GREAT idea!" he gasped, eyes gleaming, excited. "and Loki could like, bless the baby or something! he's magic, he can do that right?"
“Yes. He hadn’t realized until then, and when to look.”Fandral sighed a little before nodding “I know. And the world knows, but I dont’ think Thor will be able to resist trying to calm the child, even if it will enrage Clint.”He shook his head sadly before snorting. “I know, but at least we know this child will be interesting.”He snickered before growing serious, something nearly vulnerable in the look as he looked at the other. “So...are we going to talk about the other thing?”

Val smiled pressing a kiss to his forehead, amused at his pleasure at protecting her. “They are loved.”She agreed before snickering laying back with a smile. “WE should do that. And he probably can. We should go ask him.”She said wondering if he was still in protective mode, or if he’d let her leave the room.
"Thor will soon find that he won't get everything he wants anymore. he claims to have been here to protect Midgard and then plunges it into open war. he is a spoiled child who is finally realizing what 'no' means. he will either learn, or he will be killed by a pissed off Vanir/Human hybrid. from what i can see, him being half human only made him tougher." he admitted wit a grin before hesitating. "...what other thing?" he asked, thinking he might know what Fandral wanted to talk about, but one could never actually be sure with Fandral.

"very loved." he agreed with a smile before grinning at her when she laid back, pressing kisses to her belly before he frowned, hesitating. was it safe? yes. if there was still danger he'd tuck her away again, plus, he really wanted to marry her and prove to ALL the realms that she was his and he was hers. "okay, let's go ask."
“Hopefully he will learn. I do not spend alot of time here, but I would dislike to see this world plunged into a war.”He sighed softly before snorting. “Humans are indeed tougher. Mortality makes them so.”He shrugged before studying the other, waving a careless hand between them. “This thing between us. Are we going to discuss it, or just set it aside for now?”

Val smiled looking amused as she watched him consider it, before sitting up and moving to get up. “Let’s go.” “Clint, Val, the pizza’s here!”Tony said knocking on the door just as val opened it, smiling a little as they headed for the living room. “Let’s go then. Food awaits.”she smiled wrapping a arm around clint’s waist as she walked.
he nodded. "this realm is the first place i've ever felt welcomed. felt safe. felt happy." he admitted before grimacing a little and looking down, for a moment looking very young. and really, he was. he had barely been considered an adult when he had found himself locked in the tree. "i didn't know there was a thing between us..." he admitted softly. "i've never. i mean, you where the first...." he admitted, fidgeting. sure, he'd had sex before. but just like Val, it was the first time he'd actually enjoyed it, and sought out a repeat. "i've been alone for so many centuries... before that the only people who treated me with any kindness was my family, and even then my once Grandfather had me locked in a tree.... what if this is just... i don't know. an infatuation or something?" he asked softly. "what if i only like you because you where nice to me?"

"Pizza!" Clint crowed happily, grinning at her. "have you had pizza yet? it's my sixth favorite food." he admitted with a grin, heading out and glancing at Jori and Fandral while Steve fussed over Loki who looked unusually sour. Clint nuzzled her neck with a grin, delighted that he was no longer shorter than her. it was Phil and Natasha who came up with the Pizza and started handing around the Pizza. Steve got his plain pepperoni extra large with extra cheese. Natasha ate some spinach and garlic thing. Phil ate pepperoni, green olive and mushroom and Clint ate sausage with black olives and extra cheese while Loki favored the meat lovers. Loki who was much happier as he tore into his Pizza. with cheese in the crust too! Loki loved earth.
Fandral sighed quietly watching him, gently tweaking the other’s hair, just to get his attention. “I know. I mean. I guessed. And you know, there is a reason after all my time, you are the only one who’s ever actually had my child. I hadn’t considered....I don’t know....”he wrinkled his nose a little the usual tweak something he did when he was upset over something, not wanting to go into it if jori really didn’t want him. “I mean. I don’t know if you like me just for that. I’m fairly nice to the rest of your family. They don’t want to sleep with me.”He shrugged he so didn’t want to go into his reasons that jori was the only one to ever have his child. Not when he had no idea how the other would take it.

“Yea I’ve had pizza.”She snickered a little, glancing at jori a little worried before fussing over loki as she ate, amused as tony settled in with his pizza, nose buried in his tablet as he tried to work at the same time as eating."Should we interrupt Fan and Jori?"Val muttered glancing into the living room
Jori blinked and looked up at him at the hair tweaking, his head tilted. "oh." how was he supposed to feel about that? was Fandral playing with him? he didn't think so. "huh. i guess i never thought about it." he admitted. Fandral was one of the only Asgardians who didn't actually fuck everything that moved and had about three dozen illegitimate children. as far as Jori knew, only Loki's kids, Fandral, Sif and Thor didn't have any brats running around. well, now Fandral did but he was there with him, claiming it like a proper father should. Thor had one too but Thor would be lucky to ever see the baby, since they all knew the child would be killed if it ever made it's way outside of Midgard. it was Thor's own fualt for trying to kill the mother after all. "...actually..." here Jori was snickering. "most of the tower wants to sleep with you. Steve most especially." he admitted with a giggle. "Sleipnir keeps giving you eager eyes too." he admitted with a grin. "and i think Tony looked kind of interested himself." he admitted. he wasn't jealous at all, sex was, after all, very open for most Aesir and Jori was no different. as long as Fandral always came back he didn't really care.

"good." he said with a grin before looking a bit worried about Loki, what had him in such a snit? probably the way Fandral and Jori where cuddled up together. "no. they seam to be having a pretty deep conversation." Clint admitted. "i don't trust Fandral. but he seams to have risked a great deal coming here to give us the warning. i think i'll allow him to stay, since he seams to want to be a good father, and a good mate." he admitted. "the second he does anything, i'll have him gutted and sent right back up the rainbow bridge back to Asgard.... Aeser can survive that right?" they could, so long as they received immediate medical aid and the intestines weren't ruptured in any way. if stomach acid or fecal matter made it into the open cavity there was no saving them. "mmm Pizza." Clint purred happily, digging into his Pizza with almost as much gusto as Loki.
“Just wanted to make sure I had your attention.”He muttered smiling slightly as the other looked at him, “Hm, I know. But unlike some, I was one of those bastard brats always underfoot for my parents. Never wanted any for myself.”He flushed, knowing jori of everyone deserved to know. Even if he knew Loki had probably guessed considering how much sex he had and never had a child, he’d never admitted to it either. “Wanted it so badly that I actually made myself infertile. At least for people I didn’t want to have kids with. Or trusted to have kids with.”He said smiling a little before looking interested, glancing towards the kitchen. “....I’ve slept with Steve before. I would not mind again....and what?”Fandral stopped, tilting his head before leaning forward to look into the kitchen, he’d not heard that Starkson was free. A bright interested look on his face. “We should put the Starkson to the test yes? He has the most interesting reputation for sex, especially for a human.”

“You okay?”Val muttered leaning into loki a little before looking up at Clint nodding. “You should talk to him. Before you make a final decision on it.”She suggested before snickering, nodding a little. “If they get immediate medical attention and intestines are intact, yes they’ll survive. Fandral more then most. From what I remember, he had a good healing ability, better then most.”
he chuckled a little. "you have it." he promised, playing with his tongue ring because he needed to fidget. He, lie everyone else had heard rumors that Fandral had a shitty childhood, his father had been prone to getting drunk and beating the shit out of Fandral. it had only been a rumor so he wasn't sure if it was true or not but from what he was hearing he could truly believe it. "wait... what!?" Jori asked, sitting up and staring at Fandral, a bright flush spreading across his cheeks. "so... so... so this is MY fault!" he complained, sulking, even if he looked very, very happy. "i messed up my pregnancy prevention spell." he admitted sheepishly before leaning over and kissing him gently. "i'd like to try." he finally admitted. "providing Clint lets you stay." he admitted before smirking. "well. i dunno about 'free'. he and Father have started something." he admitted. "and since Father doesn't really like you all that much i think he might chase you away from his turf." he admitted with a chuckle. "but Steve would like a second round i'm sure." he admitted.

Loki huffed and glared at Fandral. "he's seducing my son and i don't like it." he grumbled before huffing. "Jori will sulk if we send him away." he grumbled, watching the two before focusing on Tony instead. "your not going to fuck him right? because i don't like him. even if he is pretty. okay you can fuck him but i get to see the video and tease him for having a tiny penis after." Steve started choking on his Pizza because he'd tried to laugh and swallow at the same time.
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