The Archer(Lady/moon)

she snorted a little and nodded. "Pregnant is good." she admitted before snorting again. "yes. her parents left her in the great hall and Loki was the first one who found her i guess. from what i understand everyone else would have killed her or dumped her somewhere or something." she admitted before shaking her head again. "no... i was scared you'd want to keep it." she admitted. "i was... i was scared i would be a bad parent... Val talked some sense into me... sort of. i'm still scared." she admitted, snuggling into him. "and i can't stop throwing up. it's horrible. i never realized morning sickness sucked so much... is there any soup? will you feed me?"

"it's heavy!" he complained. "i won't be able to flip or dart in this crap." Loki blinked and realized why Clint was complaining. "that's right. i always forget..." Loki admitted, smiling sheepishly. "in Asgard, most people just sort of bash at each other. there is no martial arts or skills. it's basically who hits harder." Loki admitted. "i have some other armor that might suit you better." he admitted. "they are designed for 'free range' fighters like myself." he admitted. "people like me are considered 'chicken' and 'cowardly' for using this style of fighting and worse, magic, but i don't really give a shit." Loki admitted with a shrug before grinning at Val, Clint blushing brightly. "oh... uhm. i already know how to use a sword. i learned as a young boy when i was Horus and again several lifetimes after and again and more times and... well you catch my drift. it will be a bit awkward relearning this body but that shouldn't take more than a few practice sessions with bow and sword." he admitted with a smile before sticking his tongue out at Tony and grinned at her. "would you care to spar? it would be nice to have someone who can kick my ass teaching me whats what." he admitted with a grin. "i'm going to take this crap armor off first. no offense to Heimdall but..." "but this was his armor when he was a child." Loki admitted with a smile. "they will make a lovely gift to any heavyweight descendant you might have." Loki admitted. "i will personally see to it that you have lighter armor forged." he promised. "it's only right that you have a proper set."
“Oh good.”james relaxed before sighing. “Huh. That’s both awesome that loki found her, and makes me feel horrible for her. What kind of parents...”He huffed a little before snorting. “I think everyone’s afraid of being a parent. But we have good examples around. Phil. Loki. Clint and Val with the pups. Steve, if you ignore the fact he’s mothering tony something horrible.”He snickered. “I’m sorry...and yes there’s soup. And I’ll feed you.”he promised sitting up so that he could indeed feed the other.

“It does look heavy. Definitely heavier then my armor.”Val wrinkled her nose a little before snickering. “Or magic that lets you get up close and bash each other. Like Thor’s lightening.”she sighed before laughing at Clint’s blushing. “Are you sure?You might need practice with your....sword.”She snickered a little before nodding. “Of course I’ll spar with you. It’ll be fun.”She said looking amused glancing at lki. “Already planning descendants are we?”she teased before looking at clint. “Strip it off, we’ll spar.”
she nodded. "yeah, me too. i just don't understand how Asgardians can claim to be better than us when do such disgusting things. have you heard some of the things they did to Loki? it's no wonder he went batshit." she admitted before smiling a little. "yeah. we have good role models. and they'll help us i think." she admitted, closing her eyes. "he's only mothering Tony because Tony is upset about something. Loki seams to know what's wrong though so at least Tony has someone to actively help." she admitted before opening her mouth and letting him feed her. something she didn't usually let him do.

"'s not Thor's lightning." Loki finally admitted. "it's MY lightning. back before you where born, before any of my children where born, Thor was Thunder, and i was Lightning." Loki admitted. "Odin stripped me of my lightning for..." here Loki paused and then shrugged. "i cannot even remember. that's why Thor cannot control the lightning properly. because it was not originally his." he admitted. "he has to use that silly Hammer of his as a conduit to control it at all." he admitted with a snort. "he is a piss poor pathetic excuse for anything regarding magic." he admitted before smirking when Clint snorted. "no i think i have it sorted." he admitted with a grin and a wiggle of his eyebrows. "of course he's planning descendants. he wants grand-kids to spoil." Clint pointed out with a chuckle.
“Me either. Between loki and his children, it’s amazing they’re all as tolerant and well adjusted as they are.”James sighed softly before snorting. “I’d like to see you stopping them from helping. With our luck they’ll be offering unsolicited advice all the time.”He snickered before nodding. “Ah, I see. Good thing to. At least tony’ll talk to someone, though it’s usually steve, which means whatever it is, its something with steve.”She sighed smiling happily at being able to feed his girlfriend.

“....Oh. Really?Well. That makes sense....he really is a idiot at magic.’Tony said thoughtfully. “Indeed. Thor is worse then tony, and tony’s only had a few weeks worth of working with magic.”Val smiled a little before smirking at clint raising a eyebrow. “Are you conspiring with my father?I feel like I’m being ganged up on now.”She said snickering, shoving him a little. “Wanna go spar now?”
"well. i think that's because they don't want to be anything like the people who abused them." she admitted. "that and they had an amazing Father in Loki, and Loki had an amazing mother to depend on." she mused. "i don't think any advice they give will be unsolicited." she admitted with a smile. "i'm too desperate for the advice at this point... at least i won't be pregnant alone. Jori is too did you know?" she admitted with a smile. "he hasn't told anyone yes but i overheard Bruce telling him." she admitted, snuggling him. "...i think it's more something to do with Pepper the way Steve tore into her today." she admitted. "i'm kind of surprised she didn't blow up when Tony announced Loki's human form 'Tom' as his new boyfriend." she admitted.

"he is." Loki agreed with a scoff. "even Fandral is better at magic, even though he only does beauty things." he admitted, glancing at Jori who had twitched a little at Fandral's name. the Serpent was never, ever going to admit the baby in his womb was Fandral's. nope. was never gonna happen. mostly because he liked Fandral and didn't want Loki to kill the man. "i am conspiring with your father.... i don't know what we're up to, but we're up to it!" Clint informed her with a chuckle, shedding his armor and letting Loki take it to display it somewhere in his special cave before following her, giving his new sword a couple of good swings to check it's balance and the like. he wasn't as good as her, not even close, but he was better than people like Thor who just rushed in with a roar. so while she fully trounced his ass, he was good enough to keep up with asgardian assholes whose onl skill was boasting.
“Hm, probably.”James smiled a little before nodding. “Frigga is amazing.”He agreed before smiling slightly. “When they decide to give it at 5 am, it will definitely be unsolicited advice.”James said smiling before startling. “Truly?Well. At least you’ll have someone to talk about being pregnant with.”James smiled before sighing in peace as the other snuggled into him, pressing a kiss to her head. “Ahhh....that makes sense. Worrying really. That she didn’t freak out then. Means she’ll plot something.”James said making a face.

“Indeed. Though he does it in the middle of a fight, and finding yourself attracted to him is a dangerous thing.”Val said making a face because Fandal was one of the few asgardians she actually got with. Grinning as she trounced her boyfriend, she straddled his waist, sword at his throat, grinning. “You, are good. Definitely good enough to beat most who’d come after you.”
She nodded. "Frigga is amazing. i do wish we could get her down here and away from Odin." she admitted with a sigh. "maybe then Thor would get a damn clue." she admitted, yawning a little before giggling. "that's very true." she agreed. "but then, whn the baby is born we'll be up anyway." she admitted before settling in to sleep, too tired from fretting for the last several days to worry about what Pepper might be up to.

Jori snickered a little. "everyone is attracted to Fandral." Loki scoffed. "hell, i'm attracted to Fandral." he grumbled. "he's like a succubus, the feminine little asshole." Loki complained, looking amused. Clint was just as amused when she had him down. he couldn't help but be hard as a rock, even though she had a knife to his throat. "god damn i'm so horny right now." he admitted with a smile at her. "i'll have to keep practicing. the only enemies i've ever faced where humans." he admitted. "wanna have sex? i'm really horny now."
“We’ll try. I’m sure Loki has a idea on that.”James said yawning a little before snickering a little. “No we wont. That’s why we have tony and steve. They don’t sleep. They’ll be up.”She said looking amused as he yawned settling in to sleep.

Val tilted her head as she looked down at him, her dark hair curling around her face as she watched him, panting slightly. “Seriously?”She muttered eyes wide as she considered that he wanted her even if she kicked his ass. “You did well considering you’re not used to fighting non-humans.”She said horny as him, but feeling utterly lost at the idea he wanted her lke this.
sh nodded. "i'm sure." she mumbled.

"yeah. i think it's the Vanir in m. battle just gets my blood pumping. that your such an amazing warrior... wariesse? female warrior?... i dunno the word i do know there is one." he admitted before grinning at her. "watching you tear people apart and take me down just gets everything racing. it's hot." he admitted with a grin. "well. we'll just have to keep practicing until i can keep up with you and Loki." might be better to start with Loki, since even he couldn't beat his daughter in honest combat.
“Hm, might be.”She smiled shifting in his lap a little. “Shield maiden. Valkyrie.”She smiled shifting, rocking her hips into his even as she kept the knife at his throat, keeping him pinned there. “I’m glad you think it’s hot.”she smiled a little, before smiling slightly. “Try loki first, work up to me. Valkyries are born knowing what to do with the pointy end of swords. Being a fair...not novice....but its not your main weapon, you should start with loki. You’re more evenly matched.”
he nodded. "shield maiden then." he agreed, swallowing thickly and tipping his head back, exposing his throat to her almost submissively, uttering a short moan. "okay. Loki later, sex now." he groaned, gripping her hips to try and tug her downwards. who cared if they weren't naked? "please. no teasing. i can't stand it when you tease." he loved it when she teased and they all knew it.
Val groaned a little as he exposed his throat, shivering at the amount of trust he’d given her. Swallowing thickly as she grew wet and slick at the idea of that kind of trust. Tensing a little to keep from being moved as she tried to tug her downwards, she smirked a little. “You love it when I tease.”She muttered shifting the knife away, starting to cut the clothes away, knowing he’d tell her to stop if he cared about his outfit. “I should keep you like this, all the time. Hot and needy for me...”
he moaned when she refused to be budged. "oh god..." he moaned, letting his arms fall lax, letting her do whatever she wanted, moaning any time the knife scratched against his skin. "yes. yes. all the time. always. hard and ready. just for you." he gasped, shuddering against her, all too happy with the idea of being nothing but her sex puppet. he was hard as a rock once she got him undressed, cock twitching, giving away just how turned on he really was. please. please. fuck me."
“Hmm, yes. Just for me. Better be.”She muttered.Val smirked watching him, the smirk widening as he didn’t protest her cutting his clothes off as she worked her way down, biting her lip, looking nervous at the idea but curious as she gently, just a touch of pressure trailed the knife edge along the hard ridge of his cock, hand tight on his hip to keep him from moving, not wanting to hurt him. Smiling slightly as she moved the knife away, leaning down to kiss him slowly. “You’re awfully demanding, Hawk.”
he nodded. "only for you." he agreed, smiling at her. he had no idea that Vanir mated for life. they could have sex all they pleased until they found that one single person, and then that person was their soul focus for the rest of their lives. it was one reason why Heimdal never sought another mate. because his one and only died. he gasped and moaned, tipping his head back, small pearls of pre slipping out when she trailed that knife against his cock, a mewl leaving his throat at the sensation. "...okay, please!" he gasped. "please fuck me. please. oh god i need. i need so much. please. please. i'll even call you mistress!"
Val grinned at that, leaning down to kiss him, because she knew that vanir mated for life, or at least she thought tehy did. It was good to know. Smirking as she watched the precome gathering, she raised a eyebrow. Now that was a kink she’d have to play with ater, his own desperation spurring her on. Undressing herself she smirked as she sank down onto him, rocking her hips into his. “I like it. Mistress.”
she might know that, but he didn't. all he knew was that she was the only woman he'd ever wanted with such intense desperation. or at all. sure, he had enjoyed various relationships through his many lifetimes, but never had he ever needed a woman, until now. "okay Mistress." he purred, smiling at her, moaning as she sank down onto him, tossing his had back because it felt so very good after the tease of having his ass kicked. "oh god yes!"
Val whimpered shivering as she rode him, eyes wide and blown as she watched him. Gasping as she came, nails biting into his chest as she looked down at him, “Clint!”she gasped, coming completely undone.
Clint moaned, tossing his head back as he followed her into orgasmic bliss, ignoring the biting sting of her nails in his flesh. it only felt good. he paused for a moment too catch his breath before he tangled his hands in her hair and pulled her down for a deep kiss, a growl reverberating in his chest, as if showing her that while he could be submissive, he could also be very dominant.

"i wouldn't go check on hem if i where you." Loki warned from the kitchen, talking to Tony and Natasha. "they are in the midst of what amounts to as a mating ritual. interrupting them would be viewed as an attack, or worse, an attempt to steal their mate. Vanir mate for life after all, with the resurgence of Horus' blood he will be seeking to mark her as his life mate." he admitted. "this will include both a submissive, and dominant display of his sexual prowess." he admitted. "if another enters the room he will also prove his capabilities of defending her, by attacking you." he admitted, flipping a page in his book.
Val moaned as she slumped, hands resting n his chest as she kept herself from falling over, yelping slightly as she was pulled down for a kiss, groaning as she was kissed, melting into him as she rocked her hips a little, squirming a little as she panted, clinging to him.

“Hm?”Tony frowned, looking upset at not being able to check on his friends before wincing as he realized what was happening. “...Okay. No interrupting the sex bunnies going at it. And after they’re done, we’re going to throw a bomb into the gym and rebuild it. Gym sex...” “Oh. Don’t even pretend to be so upset. It’s not the first time someone’s had sex in there.”James said from behing his book, smirking slightly. “You’re just annoyed that you’ve not had adventurous sex recently.” “I’ve had plenty of sex.” “Yes, but pepper wasn’t up for being totally insane over it. And you’re just bent out of shape about it.”James said well aware of just how bad pepper had made the man feel about it, and glad that he had loki and steve, at least his adventurous and curious sexual needs would be put to rest between the two of them
he growled again, teeth settling on her neck as he rolled them over, his teeth on her neck more than enough to keep her in place while he touched her all over, nimble fingers stroking and teasing her body into another orgasm before he finally slipped inside and made slow, passionate love to her. showing that he was a decent mate, a loving mate, one who would, and could fuck her as hard as she wanted, but could also give her all the pleasure and love he had to offer.

"yeah. no interrupting the sex bunnies." Loki agreed with a chuckle. "don't worry, i know a sanitizing spell. it will kill anything in there. even your most deadly diseases." he admitted. "speaking of adventurous sex, Tony, i want to try this." Loki ordered, handing Tony the book he had been reading from. it was a picture of various toys, and on the page next to it was a man completely tied up, blindfolded, gagged, and having those toys used on him. "this cock ring in particular is interesting." Loki admitted, pointing to the picture in question while Steve silently tried not to die from restraining his laughter. "and do you want to be the one tied up or do you want Tony to be tied up?" Natasha wondered, Loki shrugging. "Both. i assume we'll take turns like civilized people... although, fighting for dominance could be very fun too."
Val whimpered and moaned under his touch, the valkyrie coming completely unglued with pleasure as she enjoyed her mate’s quest of her body. Moaning as she slumped back into the mats as he finished, whining quietly as she curled up against him, panting ever so softly in the aftershocks of pleasure and simply enjoying his company. “Love you.”She muttered nuzzling her face against his chest.

“Oh. Good. That’ll make it better.”He said pleased with the idea of being able to clean up. He wasn’t as freaked at germs as some people, but the idea made him twitchy sometimes. “Hm?”Tony looked up from his breakfast, taking the book his eyes went wide as he considered the picture. “Hmm, those are fun toys.”James said as he leaned over to look at the picture, just cause it was so adorable watching Tony stark, man whore, twitch the hell out a little at the idea of people knowing exactly what and who he was doing. “Fighting is fun.”Tony said with that vulnerable little note to his tone even if it was hastily hidden behind the mask of ‘tony stark’, that said there was a story there, that he wasn’t as sure about this as he let on, but willing to try. And even if they weren’t dating, he trusted Steve to tell him if he was doing something wrong.
he smiled as he made sure she was feeling okay before curing up with her. "i love you too. always and forever." he murmured. feeling very sleepy and content. his mate had accepted him. if he wasn't so tired he would have been leaping around and showing off for her too, celebrating, but he was tired now. he'd show off for her later.

Loki chuckled a little and then smiled when Tony looked interested before blinking at James. "we don't have toys on Asgard. they seam to think 'aids' show that they have no sexual prowess or something completely stupid like that." Loki admitted, rolling his eyes. "i think it looks fun!" he admitted. "hmm. fighting is fun sometimes." Loki agreed. "i'd rather take turns as the mood takes us." he admitted. "watching Steve battle Phil for dominance might be fun though." they where the two most dominant men in the tower. that and Johnny but Steve and Johnny had already said no multiple times. Steve looked over the book and got that gleam in his eye that said he was very interested. "what is that?" Steve asked, pointing at a fleshlight, his head tilted. "i'm more interested in this." Loki admitted, indicating another picture a little but further in.
Val smiled happily at her mate, snuggling in close, content herself. For once, the valkyrie trusting someone else, to know that she is being well taken care of, that her mate would look after her. Sighing as she went to sleep.

“....that’s stupid. And for people as old as them, you’d think that simple normal sex would be boring.”Tony said sounding bemused at the idea. “Hmmm, sounds good.”he added grinning at loki. “...To bad you can’t get johnny and steve in the same room together.”James teased smirking at his best friend, because knew it freaked steve out some that he looked like the other. “Mutual masturbation I’m telling you. It’d be amazing.”Tony said with the airy breeze of a man who knew it wasn’t worth the fight, but couldn’t help teasing steve about it before looking up at steve. “It’s called a fleshlight, and it’s supposed to be a woman’s vagina. Sort of like how dildos look like cocks.”Tony explained smirking at steve before leaning over to look at what loki was seeing, for the moment his uneasy mood forgotten as he discussed sex.
"it is stupid. of course, they do have bondage and stuff. just not toys." Loki admitted. "normal sex can get very boring after a few hundred years so most people in asgard have adopted a very... well, BDSM and orgy lifestyles." he admitted. "i'm not sure i'd want Johnny nd Steve in the same room together naked. they'd probably kill each other." Loki admitted. "fleshlight? so.... my cock is supposed to go in that thing? isn't it a little small?" "it's bigger than it looks. and flexible." Johnny admitted as he walked in, sniggering when Spiderman walked in, realized they where talking about sex and walked right back out. "that poor damn kid." Johnny admitted before looking at the picture and winced. "it's a pinwheel. for people who like needles-" Johnny had barely gotten that out before Loki was turning the page, looking for something else. Steve didn't blame him. he didn't like needles either. "what are you even looking at Loki?" "it's a magazine, for people who want to order Sex Toys." Loki admitted. he had already circled a ton of things that he planned on ordering, for curiosity if nothing else. "some of them, apparently, move and stuff. it's really interesting."
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