The Archer(Lady/moon)

“Huh. Seems boring.”Tony wrinkled his nose a little, before snorting. “They might, but it would be quite a thing to see, my two best friends having sex, with each other and me. I’m quite the pervert you know.”Tony said looking pleased, though from the look james gave him, you knew it was a common insult from pepper. “Yes it is. And no it’s not. It’s just....odd.”James said looking thoughtful, snickering as spiderman walked out. “He’ll be okay.”Tony snorted amused before wincing at the idea’s of needles, before smiling as he rested his head on loki’s shoulder, watching the other looking through the magazine. “It really is.”Tony agreed smiling slightly, looking up at steve with a small content smile, relaxed for the moment before frowning as his cell went off. Easing away as he answered, you could hear him talking to pepper as he walked into the living room.
Johnny and Steve snorted ad rolled their eyes. it wasn't going to happen. "your not a pervert." Steve scoffed. "fuck Tony i fuck more than you have i the last year than you have in your entire life." he pointed out. "and i've done a hell of a lot grosser things than you have too for that matter." Steve admitted. if anyone here is a pervert, it's me." he admitted. "at least he's up and walking on his own now. seams whatever gave him his super powers works a lot like Extremis and the Serum." Johnny admitted with a smile before grinning when he watched Tony and Loki. they where really cute together. "....i don't like him speaking with that woman." Loki admitted after a while. "she does bad things in his head." "i know." Steve admitted, patting Loki on the shoulder before moving over to Johnny, whispering to him, Johnny looking surprised before nodding. looks like they where planning a surprise for Tony, probobly something Tony would really like.
“Yes I am. I enjoy it.”She said looking amused before frowning slightly, tilting his head as he considered the other man. “You have no idea how hot a find that.” “Hm, you should watch some of the videos. It’ll make you feel better, even if I’m sure you’re the only one who has expressed a desire to do him in the suit.”Not quite true, but he knew tony would enjoy the thought of screwing the commander in his cap suit. “I don’t think anyone likes it.”James muttered watching him go. Sighing quietly as Tony walked back in, the slight pinching around his eyes making him look older, because as young as he looked, extremis had de-aged him well, he still showed signs when he was under stress. “Pepper wants shield to release a press conference. Seems someone caught video of thor attacking Val, and everyone’s running wild over theories on why thor’s declared war on a woman who’s been staying with the avengers.”
"i think i have an idea." he admitted with a chuckle before grinning. "i have them all on DVD if you want to rifle through them." he offered with a smirk before shaking his head. "Phil has expressed interest, but he hasn't talked me into it yet." Steve had been waiting for Tony to have that particular pleasure first, not that he would admit that. "....fuck. we better run that through Clint first, i think he will have to be the one to give the press conference." he admitted. "what we tell the public could make, or break our relations with Asgard." "then break it." Loki suggested. "i will go up and tell them all the truth." he decided. "i did what i did, to bring about, and then cause the swift end of Ragnarok and that i targeted Earth's guardian for that specific purpose and Odin and Thor have decided to try to kill my daughter and the earths guardian because of some half baked prophecy." Loki decided. "we need to make this Thor's fault... because it is Thor's fault."
“Hmmm, I do.”Tony grinned at the idea, tilting his head as he considered steve, smirking a little. “Me, you, the suits and my lab. We should make it a date.”Tony said sounding utterly pleased with the idea of being the first. “Yea, I figured. Clint and Val should be the two to make the decision, but the video’s online already.”Tony said shaking his head a little before looking at loki, tilting his head a little. “Then we break it. But we’ll let Clint still be the one to go on first. She’s the one who was attacked, if anyone should decide to break things between asgard and earth, it should be earth’s guardian.”
Steve smirked. "deal." he agreed with a chuckle. "they should make the announcement. them and Loki together would make an impressive image." he looked at Loki. "i would like to know if you want us to avoid releasing any information on you or your children?" "...i would have to speak to my children." he admitted. "but barring their refusal, i have no reason to hide what those monsters have done to me and mine." he admitted. "Váli and Narfi aren't here, Váli is dead and Narfi has never been seen again so i will advocate for them and say i would rather them be Martyrs rather than faceless victims. i would like their deaths to mean something." he admitted softly.
Tony leaned into loki, wrapping his arms around the other’s waist, nodding a little. “I doubt they would have a problem...might consider letting Val and Clint walk out there carrying Cinder and Niko, the pups are cute, definitely heart touching to find out about asgard’s hunting practices.”Tony said because he was well aware there would be both mothers, fathers, and animal lovers worldwide that felt for them. “we’ll take care of things.”he smiled hugging the other tightly. Whatever steve and johnny were planning, was going to have to wait for the moment.

Later Val sighed stretched slowly, nudging clint a little. “Time to get up.”She smiled kissing him softly even as she started searching for her clothes, frowning slightly as she looked up at jarvis’ announcement that they were needed upstairs.
Loki leaned into Tony with a smile, nuzzling him. "that would be up to them, if they feel safe enough having the Puppies out there." Loki admitted. "Fenrir has mostly giving up his claims to fatherhood and Clint and Val are taking the roles of parents now." Loki admitted, smiling at Tony. "thank you Tony." he sighed. "it's so nice to have people i can trust." he admitted. "people i can depend on... it's still, such an odd feeling for me." he admitted. "now... while we wait. what is a credit card and hy do i need them to buy these?" he asked, examining his magazine, a picture of leather cuffs in particular.

Clint growled, he didn't want to get up. he wanted to have more sex. still, she had kissed him so he supposed it was okay. he blinked a little when Jarvis spoke up and he turned to look at her, a bit worried now. "come on. let's go see what happened." he decided, offering her his hand with a smile. hopefully whatever it was, it wasn't bad.
Val smiled looking down at him. “More sex later. Promise, mate mine.”She muttered nuzzling him a little, sighing quietly as she slipped her hand into his. “Yea, let’s.”She said dressing and heading for the door.

“I know, but it’d be a sight to see. Cute to.”Tony muttered before smiling. “They’re good parents. They’ll be okay.”he muttered knowing loki worried about fenrir, and also equally knowing that the werewolf was nearly completely incapable of functioning at the moment, he was still coming to terms with his mate’s loss, it broke him. “Welcome. And we’re here for you.”Tony smiled before snickering as he settled in to helping the other figure out credit cards, before looking up when clint and val walked in. “hey you two. We have a slight problem.”Tony said smiling at the two of them, tilting his head a litle. “Someone caught a video of you and thor duking it out....”
"very cute." Loki agreed with a small smile. "they are very good parents." he agreed, even if he was worried about Fen. he was always worried about Fen. him and Hela. he was very happy when he managed to fill in all the information on the magazine order card and was very happy to place it in an envelope and send it off to be mailed. "A problem?" Clint asked, tensing a little before blinking and settled, pleased to know it wasn't anything that bad. "and Pepper wants us to give a press release and you want me to do it." Clint deduced, Loki chuckling a little. "yes. precisely. we where hoping you would tell all. so far, none of my children have asked to keep anything hidden, though i haven't talked to Fen yet." he admitted. "we'll sit down and write up a press statement and maybe release a longer list of Thor and Odin's crimes against Loki, Loki's children, and the people of earth." Clint mused, Loki nodding. "i can write up all of that tonight and then you can organize it." Loki decided.
"Indeed. It would be a great favor if she'd stop howling in my ear for awhile."Tony snickered a little watching the two. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"Val said biting her lip, looking worried. "It is. Thor is in the wrong, he should be made aware of just how bad he messed up. and if he sees earth's reaction, maybe he will start waking up some."Tony said tilting his head a little before nodding. "We'll start writing up something, and jarvis can help you organize it. he's always the one who helps me with my press things." "Including the one annoucning you were iron man?" "noooo...that was christine's fault."
Clint nodded. "tell her we'll be ready for a press conference at three o-clock tomorrow afternoon." he decided. "that will give us enough time. i already had a plan to announce myself, this will just tie it all in very nicely." he decided, looking at Val. "this may not be a good idea, but it's certainly not a bad one and people deserve to know the truth about everything that has happened." he admitted. "i plan to announce that from this time forward, only those of Loki's Kin will be allowed on earth. those already living here will remain welcome so long as they cause no disturbances. those looking for a Safe Haven will have to go through Jarvis. i think i can manage to hook him into a sensor or something to tell us when an Asgardian or someone from another realm is trying to enter midgard." he admitted. "protecting this realm is my job and i intend to do it well." he admitted before giving Tony a baffled look. "how is it you can remember a single reporters name, but can't remember half of your own board of directors?"
“I will.”Tony smiled a little. “Well, that’s true. Even if I have a feeling that this world is not ready to know about all of asgard’s ways.”She said frowning ever so slightly as she considered that. She knew there was going to be repercussions for doing it. Leaning into Clint a little she smiled, “Between your magic and father’s, and jarvis’ already monitoring us through our rings, I’m sure we can work some way out to shield earth from others. “You’re doing very well.”Val muttered kissing his cheek before laughing at tony’s shrug. “Cause the reporter was a DD and had a body with curves like a formula 1 racetrack, while my board is sadly all male. Well. Except for pepper, but she’s not that curvy either.”
he nodded. "we will not tell all of course." Clint admitted. "they don't need the more disgusting details." he admitted. "we'll tell them the truth, yes, but we won't openly court war with anyone either. we don't want to call down Asgard onto us." he admitted. "we will stick to the facts and i will do as i said, i will restrict all who will try to enter earth. i just wish there was a spell or something that could force people to be honest or something." "we have one that can indicate if someone is telling the truth, lying, or hiding something." Loki admitted. "i'll work with Jarvis then and see if we can't find a way for him to monitor for anyone trying to enter this realm." he decided with a smile before rolling his eyes at Tony, Johnny nodding. "oh yeah! the gorgeous blond girl right? she's smoking hot." Johnny agreed with a grin. "being Male never stopped you before." Steve teased with a snigger. "yeah but these guys are old too." Johnny admitted, Steve nodding. "good point." "and fat." "....oh yeah." "and full of shit." " can stop now, i get it."
“No, they really don’t.”Val sighed relaxing a little, realizing that Asgard would still be pissed, but they might be able to avoid outright war. “You guys will figure it out. Three of the smartest guys.”Val teased amused and feeling better with the idea of jarvis, clint, and loki protecting earth. That was definitely something to be glad about. “Yea, that was her. And if I’m going to sleep with my board, Steve or Loki better be on the board, otherwise they’re just old and annoying.”Tony sulked a little. Before perking up. “There’s a idea. Well, I can’t have steve, he’s already working for shield. But I should hire Loki, that would be awesome. It’d so annoy pepper...”
"we will. me Loki and Jarvis will work all night if we have to, i'm sure... do computers need to sleep?" he wondered. "i don't know, but as an Asgardian i can go a few days without sleep to make sure this world is safe." Loki admitted. "this is the first real home i have ever had, i won't let Thor or Odin ruin that." he promised. "i would love to work for you." Loki admitted with a grin. "it's not like i can't be in two places at once. Tom can run the Bakery and Cafe just as easily as i can help you with whatever you'd have me doing." he admitted. "i'm going to get started on the list..." Loki admitted, hesitating. "while i'm working on it, please... i don't think i could..." "we won't bother you Loki." Clint promised. "Tony might of course but i don't think you'd mind Tony." "no. i won't mind Tony." Loki would be okay with Tony seeing him break down. tony knew, Tony understood. Loki just didn't think he could trust the others to see him so weak.
"No he doesn't need sleep, otherwise I'd have been yelled at for talking to him at random early hours of the day."tony grinned before smiling as he kissed the others cheek."we'll help you take care of the world."he promised."awesome...and I'd probably have you under the table suckling me off." "...probably not the first time you'd get in trouble for that."Val snickered. "No it wouldnt but with loki I'd probably get away with it."tony snickered a little. "I'm going to the lab. But I'll check on you later."tony promised
Loki smiled at Tony, amused. poor Jarvis, having to entertain Tony all the time, still the A.I did seam to adore Tony so it seamed to be okay. "i wouldn't mind that." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "matter of fact i'd probably enjoy it too much." he admitted. "and no, we wouldn't be caught." h admitted with a smirk, Steve looking very curious now. "can you teach Tony to do that? i'd love to shove him under my desk at Shield and put that mouth of his to proper use." he admitted, looking very mischievous and impish. "okay Tony." Loki said, offering him a smile before wandering off to unleash his fury upon pen and paper. by the time Tony came to check on him Loki had his entire life of torture, torment and pain on paper and was huddled under a mountain of blankets, weeping silently. though he hadn't been there for long since Jarvis had called Tony as soon as Loki had started crying.
“Hm, you can’t enjoy blowjobs to much. It’d be awesome. We should do it.”Tony grinned before looking at steve, eyes blown as he watched the other. “...Yes. Will you teach me. I wanna do that.”Tony said smirking at the idea. “Later.”Tony muttered kissing loki’s cheek.

When he got upstairs he sighed quietly, worried as he slid into bed with the other, snuggling down into him as he sighed softly. “’s sorta hot under here. And not just cause I’m under here.”He muttered wrapping his arms around loki, sighing quietly. “What can I do?”
Loki nodded. "we will. and yes, i'll teach you." Loki promised with a chuckle.

Loki shuddered when Tony slid into the bed and managed a weak, rather pathetic little chuckle. "i don't know." Loki whispered. "i don't usually have company when i cry. where you anyone else i might have ripped your face off for even coming in here when i was like this." he admitted, clearly struggling to control himself. it was hard to break down in front of others. tears had often been a weapon used against him. his own tears, or others, both where used against him so crying in front of others was not something Loki normally did. or ever did. not since he was a child. only the fact that he loved and trusted Tony allowed the man into the room when Loki was so torn up.
“Ah. Well then. How about I just settle in next to you, and cuddle close, and you can hear all about my own childhood trauma, cause knowing it’s not just gods who are bad parents, might make you feel better.”he muttered nuzzling the other a little, settlign in to tell the stories of howard stark that no one else had ever heard, but they’d all guessed. How howard stark was responsible for his adversion about being handed things. His fear of working on things with others. Obie’s betrayal. Everything, eventually talking himself to sleep, snoring ever so slightly as he cuddled against the other man.
Loki sniffled and snuggled into Tony. he didn't want to say yes, he knew Tony had been hurt too and he didn't want ton to have to suffer more by telling him. he let Tony talk and even shared a few stories of his ow, about why Odin had stripped Loki of his power over Lightening because Loki had used it to save a young 'half breed' from being raped by a pure blooded Vanir, those powers going to Thor had just been salt in the wounds. he told Tony about how Thor had suggested a ploy to trick the dwarf builder into building a mighty wall and how Loki had to suffer the humiliation of being basically raped by a horse to get Thor out of it, only to have everyone blaming him for the entire ordeal. Thor had always been very good at shifting blame. he felt better, listening and talking to Tony and slept as peacefully as Tony did, breathing softly. not snoring, but he did let out a small little whistle now and again as he slept. he didn't twitch when Steve slipped into the room to check on them, the Super Soldier gently peeling off a few layers of blankets so they wouldn't roast to death and settled glasses of water on the bedside tables and kissed Tony and Loki's foreheads before slipping back out and reporting to the others who where worried and waiting that both men looked fine and where sleeping peacefully.
In the morning Val fidgeted nervously laying on the floor playing with the pups as Fenrir watched on, the werewolf simply enjoying watching his sister and her mate take care of the pups. Because he knew it was good for her to have someone, to know that her life wouldn’t simply be death like it was for so many valkyrie. “So, when is the press thing?”He said nervous about it himself. “As soon as father and tony get out of bed. And we should be ready. While he’s not on world, I know thor has his own ways of knowing what’s going on here. He’ll know we’re telling everyone.”Val said gently stroking cinder’s back as the pup nuzzled against her stomach, smiling quietly as she looked up at clint as he came in with food. “Thanks love.”She smiled moving to get up, grinning a little as the pups whined at being abandoned. "Well. Hand it here then."She said settling back on the floor, to eat, not wanting to upset the pups.
Clint was working still with Jarvis, putting the final touches on a world wide 'web' that would encase the entire realm and prevent anyone from entering willy nilly. since Loki was still asleep, Sleipnir and Jörmungandr where helping him instead. "there!" Clint said, looking very pleased. "do you feel it Jarvis?" he asked, delighted when the A.I. stated that he, in fact, could feel the barrier and that he could then create a tunnel allowing someone in to a specified location that had yet to be built. there would be magic and strength dampening spells to keep any visitor from attacking them until they had been questioned, and truth spells woven in so they could know if the person they where questioning was lying or not. sure, someone could potentially hammer their way through, but not without an army of mutants, superheros and one pissed off Guardian being made aware and taking steps to battle them on. Clint had stayed up all night working on the release and the barrier and he was too wired now to feel tired. "Thor can 'know' all he wants now. he won't be getting through into this realm again without starting a war." Clint admitted. "if he does come, i will gut him, and use his entrails to strangle him." Clint admitted before smiling as he picked up the pups and headed for the table to Val could eat there properly while he snuggled the 'kids'. looking up when Loki slinked into the room, looking almost wary, as if he expected someone to comment on the things he had written that Steve had collected when he'd checked on them. Jori had already told them all not to comment, and warned them that his father was likely to be skittish for several days. having some of that information made public would make Loki very twitchy. "want some food Loki?" Steve offered, poking at the skillet. "i've just finished making a hoard of pancakes." that certainly made Loki happy. he liked pancakes. he settled into his chair and started to devour the food. Steve was very glad he'd made about fifty pounds of pancakes. with so many 'Gods' living in the tower they really needed to start making a lot more food. especially since Clint was now eating more than all of them.
Val grinned happily at Jarvis’ confirmation that he could indeed feel the net. “Very good. I’ll have to reward you for a job well done.”Val muttered blushing a little as she looked up at him, knowing better then to order him to bed just yet, he’d have to calm down before he started feeling tired. “He might not care. He’ll start a war if it means ending....everything. Me. The others.”she muttered sighing quietly, tilting her head watching him before grinning. “Thanks.”she said kissing his cheek as he took the pups, settling at the table to eat. “We have bacon to. And enough food to make even Clint feel sick from eating it all.’fenrir grinned at his dad as they all settled in to eat. “You know, it’s good I’m rich. Makes feeding you all easier.”Tony mused looking over at the table weighed down with food, shaking his head a little as he settled down to eat.
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