The Archer(Lady/moon)

“It’s odd. I feel it, but your right. Being human is keeping it from being full.”Val said closing her eyes for a moment as she considered the emotions that were like a buzz she could hear, more then she’d felt for thor. Much more, and she knew it was because she needed and wanted clint, instead of simply being a bother. “Definitely will help. We’ll be okay.”Val said looking worried about clint, worried about how he was going to be doing, before snorting, relaxing a little at the knowledge that they wouldn’t be changing. “It’s both, and I don’t act like them. They try to act like me.”Tony huffed smirking a little as james walked in. “Tower’s on lockdown, and safe. No one will be able to get in without all of Fen, Jori, or Sleipnir, and Jarvis’ permission.”He reported tilting his head a little. “Use the labs. Downstairs would be the best place.”Tony said thinking about which rooms would be what loki needed.
"and because being a Valkyrie is such an integral part of Val, she will never be human, no matter how they managed to strip away her powers, so the bond is still fully open on her end." Loki admitted. "it is only because of this bond, and the bond between her and myself as father and daughter, that allowed us to feed her enough magic to keep her alive." Loki admitted, Clint's face darkening. "i rill kill Thor. and Odin should they ever set food in this realm again." Clint admitted. "once i find out what my powers are capable of, then i'll see what to do about those bastards." he decided before smiling at James. "will you stay here with Val?" he asked Tony hopefully. "i don't want to leave her alone." he admitted. once he knew that one of her siblings and Tony or James would be staying with her at all times, he followed Loki down to the lab and settled into the 'explosions' room that would contain any accidental magics that might get dangerous.
“Don’t know. There was lightening and blood. I’d be interested in how they managed it, if it didn’t hurt so much.”val said making a face sighing softly as she started to fall asleep again. “We’ll help.”Tony promised looking angry himself that a friend, a former friend now, had dared do something like this. Nodding slightly he smiled. “I will. We will. We have plenty of stories to tell her, between your antics and steve’s, it’ll be storytime.”Tony promised grinning as he watched the other two go, trying not to worry to much as they settled in to wait.
Clint grimaced and then pressed a gentle kiss to her lips before following Loki, hating that he had to leave her alone and hating eve more that she could probably feel it.

five hours had passed since then when Loki finally appeared, looking very tired again but quite pleased. "the transformation took a bit longer than anticipated but there was little t no pain and he's sleeping now." Loki explained. "i had to wait for his magic to settle before i could take him out of the room... your going to need a new room." he warned. "Fenrir is carrying Clint... Horus, back up." he told Val, looking up when said men appeared. Clint was now big. very big. he was just as tall as Heimdall, tall enough that he could look down on Thor, though only a few inches. he was not as wide as Thor was, still muscled, but more slender and lithe than muscle bound. he was as pale as the moon, his hair just as pale as the moon. two black lines lay under each cheek and he was naked until he was covered by the blankets in the bed placed right next to Val's. his fingers where longer, and tipped with dangerous, deadly Talons. where he to open his eyes, they would see that his eyes where the same as when he had spoken to Sif. one was a bright golden, though he still had whites and pupils. the other was the pale color of the moon. he looked very much like a god, even if his hair was long enough to brush the floor. "...he's... pretty." Natasha finally commented, Steve stuffing his fist in his mouth to keep from laughing. "piss off Nat. everything hurts and i hate you." yep. that was Clint alright.
Val looked up, looking at her father relieved.”Good. He needs rest.”She said looking worried before frowning a little, but nodding. “okay.” “I’ll get a new room ready, don’t worry about it.”Tony promised. Val’s eyes widened as she saw the man, amazed sitting up slowly, and while it hurt some, it didn’t hurt as much as it had, sitting up as she looked at him.”he is very pretty.”She agreed before looking utterly relieved that even if he looked different, it was sitll clint. Shuffling to the edge of the bed, she wincing a little as james caught her elbow, looking up at the man, who she expected to put her back in bed, instead he understood the need that had driven her. Smiling slightly James picked her up carefully before settling her into bed with clint, looking them both over. “We should enter then in a beauty contest. They’re like the world’s most beautiful couple now.”
he nodded. "you felt the burst of magic?" Loki asked, smiling a little. "it took a large chunk of my energy to throw up a shield to block as much of it as i could. last thing we needed was him turning the world into rabbits or something." Loki admitted, sagging into a chair with a small groan, closing his eyes and just relaxing. all this working with his magic was leaving him completely exhausted. it was so worth it, though, because the first words out of Clint's mouth when the process was complete was 'i can save her'. as soon as she was in bed with him he wrapped around her like a limpet, holding her close because she was warm, smelled nice, and was all his. "i can feel you now." he mumbled. "i can feel your heartbeat. it's... it so... perfect." he breathed, a surge of love, contentment and passion flooding her from his end before they where muted off when he fell asleep again.
“I did.Used some of it to stitch my sides together and heal what the lightening did.”She wrink;ed her nose a little before snickering. “You’ve turned most of the world to rabbits at one time or another.”She reminded her father smirking a little, smiling quietly as she settled into bed with clint. “Limpet.”She teased gently stroking his hair, shuddering a little at the knowledge they were together, sighing softly at the feelings as she settled more. “Go rest loki.”Val said smiling tiredly herself, the feelings of utter contentment making it hard to stay awake
he smirked. "i have, haven't i? makes the world a more fun place to be... for the children, if not for the parents." he admitted with a snigger, smiling as he watched the two. they where so perfect. Clint could easily make her the happiest woman on earth and he was so, so glad for it "i will. sleep well." he ordered, gently tucking them in.

when she woke again, more of her pain was gone, though there was lingering aches that had to be done with naturally. Clint was standing in front of a mirror, completely naked, staring at himself, his head tilted. "it's been centuries since i've seen myself like this." he admitted. "and even then, i wasn't thi big or this... white." he admitted, touching his hair. "it's very strange, i'm very used to being darker. i've been Indian, black, Mexican, Egyptian, Spanish, white man, you name it. but i've never been an albino before." he admitted, flexing his fingers. "and i keep cutting myself." he grumbled. "i get an itch and i scratch it and then i'm bleeding!" he offered her a smile. "i heal pretty damn fast though so i guess it doesn't matter much."
“You have.”She snickered a little amused, “Okay papa.”She muttered smiling as they were tucked in.

Sitting up slowly, she looked thoughtful as she watched him, smirking slightly. “Well, I can think of one area in which you were this big.”She teased her smirk playful as she moved to get up, standing slowly as she looked him over, “You look good like this.”She said smiling moving over to him, gently touching his fingers, “no, but you should be able to put the claws away if you want, and just have regular fingernails. At least that’s how Fenrir’s are.”
Clint smiled at her before snorting and looking down at himself again. "yeah that hasn't changed much. i hope i'm not considered 'small' now. that would kind of suck." he admitted before relaxing a little at the promise that he looked okay. "i need a haircut." he admitted letting her touch his fingers. "how do i do that?" he asked, his head tilted, focusing on his fingers and nearly leaping out of his skin when they turned into perfect fingernails. "oh... that's how." "Jesus Christ Barton!" Natasha shrieked when she walked in. "the door is wide freaking open!" she complained. "put some clothes on before i go blind!" "...i distinctly remember locking that door." "it was locked. i picked it." Natasha admitted, looking amused. "wanted to see if you where doing alright..." Natasha let her eyes roam for a moment. "you seam to be doing more than alright." "pervert. go ogle James." "can't. i'm avoiding him." "what? why?" "because he'll know somethings wrong if he sees me." "...Nat... that's... weird thinking." he pointed out. "what's wrong?" "can i talk to Val alone for a little bit?" "of course." Clint promised, grabbing his clothes. "Loki said Heimdall sent me a present i'll go see what it is." he promised, kissing Val, pecking Nat on the cheek and headed out to see what Heimdall had sent to Loki to give to his son. boy that was a weird thought, having a father... really weird.
“No, it hasn’t changed. And definitely more then a handful, I doubt anyone could claim you’re ‘small’”She teased looking amused at her boyfriend, gently tugging on his hair. “We’ll cut it. And just concentrate on what you want. Fen says it’s just a thought turning into action.”She smiled a little before looking at Natasha, laughing a little. “No, don’t dress. I’m enjoying him like this.”she said before tilting her head, looking worried. “...Well. He is your boyfriend, shouldn’t he know when somethings wrong?”She asked looking upset and worried for the other before smirking a little, watching clint go. Kissing him back lightly.”I’ll see you later.”she promised before focusing on natasha, eyeing her supiciously. “I feel like I should ask for a disclaimer to show to james about how whatever it is, is not my fault, and he can’t blame me that he's the last to know about it."
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "no, i suppose not." he agreed with a chuckle before smiling as he examined his now perfect hands. "this is kind of really cool. will i have to do this every time i'm reborn do you think?" no. now that he was completely unlocked, he could choose to revert to human form or this form whenever he wanted. so he'd still settle into an empty human body, but he could choose to go back to his Vanir form anytime he wanted.

Natasha shrugged and settled down into a chair and curled up on it, wrapping her arms around her legs and frowning at her toes. "i'm not sure i want James to know at all. but i won't be able to hide it for much longer..." she admitted, biting her lip. "do you... do you think i'm a good person? even though i kill and hurt people?" she asked, looking even more upset. "do you... do you think, if i had a baby, i would be abusive or negligent? James wants a baby so bad but... but how can i ever be capable of raising one when i'm so fucked up?"
"Probably not. But now that you have access to this form, you'll be able to become Vania again at all, whenever you wish."

Val paused looking startled as she stared at the woman."hiding things from a loved one is hard...and not good. Take it from someone who's had to hide alot, it's not a good thing."she frowned looking worried as she watched the woman, eyes widening."what?youre...I...of course your good. I thought you were the one who wanted kids. James has been tending cinder and niko to prove to you that he's good enough to breed with...I mean...he doesn't know I know but hes...scared. and afraid you'll leave him if he doesn't give in....but...your afraid to."Val looked utterly lost."you two would be good parents. You would not a bad on a child. Or mistreat them for something that is not their doing. Or mistreat them at all. Compared to my own parents, my real ones, no matter your mistakes, you are lightyears ahead of them."
she shook her head. "i know..." she admitted, swallowing thickly. "i want to tell him, but what if he hates it? what if he leaves? i couldn't take it." she admitted, swallowing thickly before looking up at her. "no, James has always wanted kids. he's scared about wanting them, but most men are." she admitted with a sniffle. "i'm pregnant." she finally admitted, her voice soft, terrified and upset.

"James? are you okay?" Steve asked, setting a cup of coffee down in front of the other. with Natasha avoiding him so much, Steve was a bit worried about how upset James was starting to get.
"And most men don't have to deal with the amount of history you two have. It's understandable to be scared, but natasha you two will do well. And theyll have a large assortment of Aunts and uncles. You'll be fine."she rested a hand on the others shoulder."that is good news. One to celebrate....I do not know regular celebratory things on earth. News like this is usually followed by much drinking in asgard..."

"....natasha doesn't want to have kids...."he muttered as he hunched over the coffee cup and sipped it."I thought I was doing okay with the pups....but she's always known me best...must have messed up somewhere..." "james barnes, do you think for a moment if fenrir or loki thought you were a brainless idiot around kids, they'd be letting you babysit?"tony scolded lightly from where he was laying on the couch, said puppies laying across his torso as he held the tablet up so he could both work and cuddle
she nodded a little. "yeah... i'm terrified. what if i ruin it? what if i destroy the child?" she asked, swallowing thickly. "what if i break it?! what if i ruin it and then i won't love it anymore." that's what Natasha's parents had done. they'd pushed her too hard and she'd broke so they didn't want her anymore and gav her to the KGB and the red room and let them do whatever they wanted to her. "...we're not allowed to drink when we're pregnant." she mumbled.

"of course Natasha wants kids you idiot, she's just terrified. you know more than anyone how much her own childhood affected her." Steve admitted. "you do perfect with the pups. they adore you and she adores you too. somethings just upsetting her and i doubt it's you. if you where the one she was upset with she'd be screaming at you right now and you know it." he pointed out. Natasha always was a vocal one, when she was pissed at you, you knew it. "she's probably upset about something and thinks you'll be mad at her or something, you know how she is."
“You wont ruin it. Natasha, come on. You want to do better. You want to love it, and you know how wrong treating a child like that is.”She looked down, pained swallowing thickly. “My parents gave me up the moment they saw my wings. Even after 11 months of being pregnant, of feeling me kick and grow magically, my mother could not love me enough to overlook the flaw of being a valkyrie. You would never do that to a child, I know you. I can see your heart, warrior. A woman worthy of your captain, would not abandon the child you created together. Do not doubt yourself.”She smiled slightly before frowning. “Oh. Well. We shall still celebrate somehow. I’ll ask Tony. Or steve. They will know.”She decided.

“...Not with me. Otherwise she’d be talking to me.”James muttered frowning to upset to be truly logical, before sighing quietly. “....Not when she’s really upset with me. She avoids me when she’s thinking of leaving or running away....”He muttered rubbing a hand over his face sounding sad, so very sad at the idea of natasha leaving before nodding, huddling over his coffee cup, hoping steve was right.
she nodded "...i do want to do better than that." she admitted. "i do want to love it." she admitted, wrapping her arms around her belly protectively. "you had Loki, at the least." she admitted with a smile. "and i had Phil after a while, so... so we'll just do what Loki and Phil did. because they where good parents." she decided. "usually we have a baby shower." she admitted with a giggle. "about three or so months before the baby is due, we get together and have cake and cookies and people give the pregnant mother gifts for the baby." she admitted. "that's the only thing i can think of." she admitted, looking at her. "thanks. Val. thank you so much... i don't know what i would have done if you hadn't been here. might have had to talk to Sue. or, god forbid, Pepper." she admitted, wiping her eyes. "...i suppose i should tell James now..."

"don't be stupid James. she's not upset with you." Steve promised him again. "and she's not thinking of leaving or she'd be avoiding all of us." he reminded him with a smile, rubbing his shoulder. "it's fine James. it's okay, you'll see. she's probably just sick with the flue or something again and doesn't want you to know." she'd done that before.
“Yes, you do. And james will to when he knows. You’ll be okay.”She smiled watching the other before nodding. “Yes. I had loki. Loki who accepted the strange little toddler who’d toddled after him in the great hall because my parents had left me there. He took me in, without question. So. Do what they did, they were good.”She smiled before nodding a little, even if she looked confused. Why would you try to shower a baby? But deciding that it was just another weird human thing she nodded. “We shall do that then.”She smiled before getting up. “I’m sure Pepper would have been a interesting talk. I hear father and steve gave her a talking to.”She snickered before looking at the other. “Do you want me to come with?I’m sure Steve is with james.”

“...I’m not stupid. You’re stupid. You’re the one who keeps doing stupid shit.”James grumbled before relaxing, realizing the other was right. That indeed she was only avoiding him, which meant she wasn’t leaving. “Hmmm, maybe. She’s horrible when she’s sick.”He grumbled even as he bolted to his feet to go find his girlfriend.having every intention of taking care of her because she was sick. Before pausing detouring towards their rooms and then the kitchen. Looking quite determined. “....when she beats his head in because he brings her soup or something, I’m going to laugh.”Tony snickered at the sight of the man walking back out with her slippers, blanket, tissues and fuzzy socks, before setting everything down on the table as he worked on making soup
she smiled a little before frowning. "you where just left there? wouldn't people have known that they where your parent's though? didn't they get in trouble?" of course not. after all they hadn't abandoned an Aesir they'd abandoned a Valkyrie. "okay. we'll do what they did. it will be.. okay." she decided. "Loki will help me i'm sure, and i know Phil will. "i'd like that... are you sure you can be up though? you where hurt really bad..." she admitted, worried before deciding she could just help Val if she got tired or something. "...just a moment." Natasha ordered, darting into the bathroom so she could be sick. the nerves where not good on her already queasy belly. she finished soon enough, rinsed her mouth out and headed down to find James.

"i am not stupid! you took all the stupid with you, remember?" he demanded with a smile before smirking a little when James was properly distracted. "serves her right for making him worry so much." he admitted. "i do hope she's okay." he admitted. blinking when Natasha and Val walked in. well, Val walked, Natasha slinked like she expected to get in trouble. she did look a little ill. a lot Ill actually and extremely upset. she headed straight over to James, tucked her face into his shoulder and started to cry because she was just too emotionally overwhelmed.
“They did.and no one cared. They didn’t abandon a aesir, they abandoned a valkyrie. No one but Lki cared.”She shrugged smiling slightly. “I’m sure. Clint healed me, I’m sore and a little tired, but I’ll rest. Promise.”Val smiled before wincing as she watched the other run out to throw up, smiling slightly. “Let’s go then.”She smiled following her out.

“Did not. You let stupid scientists experiment on you, then came after me in austria. So, so stupid.”James grumbled. “I’m sure she is. I mean, Jarvis said she went down to see Clint, and clint’s not up here causing all sorts of problems, so she’s probably okay.”Tony said before looking up at natasha, wincing a little. That was never a good sign. “Nat?What’s wrong?What did clint do? I have soup. And your slippers. And blankets. Steve!Come help me. Watch the soup, I need to tuck natasha in.”James said sounding so anxious and scared, and upset, you knew this thing with natasha had upset him more then he’d shown.
she sneered. "and they claim humans are barbarians." she scoffed before smiling at her. "we'll both rest." she agreed, even if she was so sick and tired of being tired from throwing up every morning. damn morning sickness.

"you didn't tell me you'd been enlisted until a week before you had to leave and decided three days in the Gym would teach me everything i needed to know to protect myself." Steve scoffed. "idiot." he paused and then. "actually, i think Clint left with Loki." he admitted. "something about the girls needing to girl talk." Steve admitted. "Clint didn't do anything. i'm just so tired and i'm scared you'll be mad, and please don't be mad!" Natasha babbled through her hiccups. Steve quickly manned the soup while Natasha let James fuss over her. another sign that something was very wrong. she was letting him fuss over her. she never let him fuss over her. sh let him put her slippers on and cover her in blankets and pick her up and carry her to bed without so much as a peep of protest. she just curled into him and snuggled because she was too tired and too upset to do anything else.
"Hey I was trying to get out of it till the end."james whined because while he'd never admitted it, they both knew he'd been drafted. "And you did learn alot of stuff in thred days."he grumbled a little. Fussing over natasha as he bundled iher into bed, taking the soup when steve finished it. Simply holding onto her."it's okay. I'm not mad."he muttered settling them into bed."eat. Then I'll go deal with barton."because no matter what she said, he was totally blaming clint somehow
"you will be." Natasha sniffled, snuggling into him before glaring at him. "it wasn't Clint you pig headed bastard!" she snarled, poking him in the chest. "it's all YOUR fault i'll have you know! you and you god damn super sperm!" she sniffled again, trembling against him. "i'm pregnant. and i'm keeping it!" she informed him, wiping her eyes. "i'm keeping it because i want to love it and nurture it and never ever leave it in a great hall to fend for itself! i want... i want it to be perfect." she whispered, wrapping her arms around her belly. "i want to raise it so it will be happy and smart and playful and perfect."

Clint looked around, confused when he entered, wearing the armor and carrying the sword that Heimdal had gifted him. apparently all Guardians where supposed to have such things. "uhm. did i miss something?" "...Christ Barton, what are you wearing?" "armor i guess." Clint admitted. "it's heavy but Loki says i have to get used to it. i don't know why, this is Earth after all, i should be following earth customs shouldn't i?" "yes you should, when dealing with the people of earth. however no one from Asgard will take you seriously if...." "oh, they'll take me seriously if i kick their asses." he admitted. "i don't know everything i can do just yet, but i do know that the second i step foot on Asgard, all of it will tune to me. it's trees, it's plants, it's animals, all will listen and obey and they will have nothing but pointy metal sticks." he scoffed. "although... i really do like my pointy metal stick..." he admitted, examining his sword again. Loki was snickering. amused because Clint was right, Asgard had no chance against Clint, who did not need to answer to anyone but himself. it was no wonder Odin was so terrified of Clint, and worse, Clint and Val. because once he broke all of her ties, she would only ever have to answer to herself and to Clint. not that Clint would ever command her. Odin's days where doomed, and he had no doubt Thor's where soon to follow. there was a new power rising, and it's name was Horus. "actually... what are we supposed to call you?" Steve wondered, Clint just shrugged. "Clint Barton, Horus, Hey You, whatever works." he admitted.
“Hm, it’s always clint.”he grumbled, yelping a little as he was poked before looking at her, startled as he worked out what she meant. “Okay. Pregnant is good. Right?”He said not sure what to think of this reaction, having no idea if she was really happy about it or not, or if it was okay being happy about it. “....Have you been talking to Val?We don’t even have a great hall...but we’ll be taking care of it. Did you ever think I wouldn’t want to?”He said looking upset at the idea that she thought hed’ want to get rid of it.

“It’s vanir armor. You look good.”val said smiling slightly. “You should totally fight like that. I wouldn’t be the only armoured one in the group....wait. No. You can’t be. There can’t be another iron man.”Tony sulked a little. “Hmmm, I like your pointy metal stick to.”Val smirked as she slid off the chair she was sitting on, resting her fingers against the tip of the blade, the clink of metal on metal, claws rapping against the blade, making it chime. “It’s a good made blade.”She said thoughtfully before smirking a clint a little. “we’ll have to teach you. I use my bow more then sword.”She said smiling. “We’re calling him AWI.” “....What?”Val paused staring at tony. “Armor wearing idiot.”
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