The Archer(Lady/moon)

”We’ll use them again later, promise.”val muttered gently petting clint’s hair at his whine, nuzzling him a little. “I can indeed. Do not worry Ms. Lokidottir, you will be okay.”Jarvis assured the woman which just made her smile as she snuggled down into clint with a smile, settling in for a nap.

“....That’s truly disturbing. And we all miss things when we just want to please people.”Tony said thinking about Obie and his father before snickering. “Good. He totally would turn her to paste.”he agreed before staring at the other, smirkign slightly. “That’s awesome. I can actually see you in a bookshop, though world domination and mischief making fits to.”he teased before pausing as his phone buzzed, smirking a little as he texted steve back. ‘Sexy times request by text?I think this is a improvement, old man. I didn’t know you could use it. I should totally sext you the next meeting we’re in.”Tony texted back even as he headed out to find the other, pulling loki with him. “Come on, we’re going to go see pepper with the Captain, then go sexually harass him.”
Loki nodded. "yeah. that's true." he agreed, smiling at Tony. he liked to talk to Tony because Tony was one of the few people who might actually be able to understand. "i like books." Loki admitted with a smile before blinking at the phone. Steve sent back a reply quite quickly. 'it took me a while but Jay helped me figure out how to Text. the lingo still eludes me a bit but i'm getting better. speaking of which, what is Sexting?' Loki snickered a little and followed Tony, his clothing shimmering into a very nice pair of black slacks, not cheep, but not Tony quality either. a long sleeved light blue shirt settled over his chest, followed by a cheaper leather jacket while a scarf wound around his neck like a snake, making him look very British, very harmless and rather adorable. it was enough of a change to make him look just different enough that almost no one would associate himself with Loki unless they already knew. "Hey Ton..." Steve paused, staring at Loki, startled by the other man. "...Loki?" he asked, peering at the other. "....your..." "cute? i know." Loki admitted with a smirk. "we're playing a nasty prank on Pepper, wish to assist?" "you bet."
Sex-texting, sexting. Think of it as foreplay in written form.”Tony said grinning a little at the other’s long ass text. He’d gotten so used to reading text lingo, that old world steve’s texting was awesome. Pausing he turned his head to look at the man, tilting his head slightly as he considered the man. “Hmmm, you look amazing.”he smiled it was very adorable really. Smirking at steve he smiled. “Hey. And he is fairly cute. And I told you he’d want to cuddle you if he saw you like this.”Tony smirked at loki before laughing, rolling his eyes. “Are you all mad at pepper still?”He said before heading downstairs with them, pausing to knock on the office door before stepping into the office, smiling slightly at the sight of pepper working. “Tony, I’m busy-” “I know. But I thought you could use a break for lunch. We’re heading out for lunch, and these two thought you could use a break. we all worry some."
'Tom' Grinned at Tony and adopted a slightly more British accent. "thank you." he studied the other. "you look fairly impressive yourself. shall we off, then?" he asked happily, grinning at Steve who nodded. "yes. cuddling is in the near future." he admitted. "damn, i have a hard enough time controlling myself around Phil." he admitted. everyone wanted to cuddle Phil, he was such an adorable little twit. "only a lot." Steve admitted. "i don't like being lied to. i sure as fuck don't like being tricked. and even more, i cannot stand the thought of being manipulated. she's done all three in the last year and i wish for her to pay for it." he admitted before watching Pepper. "you don't eat enough." Steve accused her before pausing. "oh! Pepper? this is, Tom." the slight hesitation was almost unnoticeable. "an Honor to meet you Madam." 'Tom' said with a cute little smile. "he owns a Cafe i like to go to. i thought we could all go eat there while Tom and Tony settle on a time for their date."
“Welcome. And I always look impressive.”Tony smirked a little looking amused. Snorting a little. “Everyone wants to cuddle Agent. Even me, and I don’t like cuddles.” not true. He loved cuddling. He just didn’t trust most people for cuddles. “....You really are angry with her.”Toyn muttered, looking startled, eyes wide as he considered the captain. Because it was hurting, to know that he’d upset Steve. Well, he blamed himself for it, since it was pepper’s actions against him that had upset steve so it was hard. “I do. I eat more, and definitely more then tony does.” “Not these days. Steve feeds me all the time. I eat alot.”Tony said making a face as pepper looked at loki in curiousity. “Hello tom.”Pepper said tilting her head curiously, before nodding. “okay. Let’s go.”she said realizing it was indeed lunchtime, before startling a little as they headed for the door. “dating?” “Yea. I do that on occassion. It’s a thing. Me dating.”Tony said making a face as they headed out.
"this is true." he agreed with Tony. chuckling a little. "you adore cuddles, don't try to lie." he teased with a smile before looking at Steve who shrugged. "i am angry with her, but that's not your fault no matter what you might think." he admitted before offering Pepper a gormless smile as if he didn't hate her guts. "hmm. that's true." Steve admitted, smiling at Tony a little before watching Pepper curiously. "really? i was hoping i would get to be your first." Tom teased with a chuckle. "or maybe i was just hoping those silly American newspapers where full of shit." "they are full of shit." Steve admitted. "Tony doesn't cheat. ever." Steve admitted. "once he decides to date someone, he's typically loyal only to them unless they break up with him." "oh he's just a romantic." Tom stated with a smile at Tony. "you'll adore my Cafe!" he admitted. what was really hilarious, is that the Cafe they ended up in WAS one Steve frequented. every morning in fact. they always had a chocolate filled Croissant and a cup of rich black coffee ready, hot, and waiting for him as soon as he was half done with his run. he'd stop, drink coffee, eat a smidgen and read a paper before heading off to finish his jog. "you own the Cat's Cradle?!" Steve asked, startled, Tom grinning. "i did say you frequented it." "...well yes but..." he paused, thought that over and then smiled sheepishly. "okay. that was a dumb thing to say i'll admit."
“I do not. I never lie.”Tony huffed before rolling his eyes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t blame myself.”He muttered. “You’re nearly 2 decades to late to be my first.”Tony said wrinkling his nose, which meant he’d started early, early teens. “And they are not full of shit.” “Yes they are. How many times did everyone accuse you of sleeping with the rest of your team while we’re dating?Countless. Stop being self-decapitating.”Pepper scolded lightly looking amused though as they stepped into the shop. “I love their coffee.”Pepper said, because it was close by enough that she stopped on occassion herself. “Hm, if tom knows anything, it’s how to make a mean cup of coffee. Even James and Natasha like his coffee, and they rarely like anyone’s but their own coffee.” “Impressive.”Pepper said looking amused as they ordered their drinks.
Steve snorted. "you always blame yourself." he pointed out. "that's alright. i like a man who knows what he's doing." Tom admitted with a bright grin. "i like men with..." here he waggled his eyebrows at Tony. "experience." he teased with a giggle, kissing him on the cheek. "oh Natasha is a darling!" Tom admitted with a smile. granted, he had never served any of the avengers, but all of his staff had said wonderful things about them. "Tom!" one of the managers called. "could i talk to you for a sec?" "of course Aaron. what is it?" Tom asked, moving over to the man, the two whispering in hushed voices so they wouldn't disturb the customers. "...oh dear." Tom sighed finally, shaking his head. "there's nothing else for it. i'll get a lawyer." he promised, looking quite agitated and had he been a normal person he would have looked furious indeed. "Tom? what is it?" Steve asked, wary. "it's nothing. just a little trouble. i'll have it sorted." he promised with a smile that was a little strained but a few sips of tea had soothed his nerves. "so, Miss Potts is it?" he asked her, smiling. "you run all of Tony's company?" he wondered, simply curious. "it must be a difficult job, what with men being the way we are."
"Well I have plenty of that. And my capain has even more."tony said with a smirk, simply to watch h pepper choke on her coffee some. Looking concerned as he watched tom and the manager, biting his lip."you could use SI's lawyers."tony offered watching loki. "Pepper please. And I do. But after dealing with tony for 10 years as his personal assistant this is a cakewalk." "I'm not that difficult." "Tony, you donated the whole works of Picasso to the boy scouts because you said and I quote "your favorite boy scout would appreciate the art. None of its red white or blue." "I did not."he so totally did."besides steve likes patriotic stlhit. why else would he got out in a flag suit?"
Tom grinned a little. "i am looking forward to a threesome." he admitted. "they are ever so much fun." he admitted. "no thank you Tony. i don't want to take advantage... i might agree later though, if things get a little more than i can manage." he admitted. "i have to admit, politics and laws and such are not my forte, but i'm pretty sure they are not allowed to... well never mind." he said, waving it off. "it will be handled one way or another i would imagine." he admitted before offering her a smile. "then i must insist on you calling me Tom." he decided, wondering why everyone hated this woman so much? she didn't seam so bad. granted, with as much as she got under Tony skin... perhaps he was simply not seeing something, or she was on her best behavior or something. who knew, he would be keeping his eyes on her that was for sure. "would you care for a biscuit?" he offered her, holding out a plate of small cookies. "...i hate that damn suit." Steve admitted. "don't tell Phil okay? i really hate wearing the American Flag like that. it just seams like... i dunno, i'm defiling it or something." he admitted, flushing a little. "and i hate to tell you this Tony but i was never in the boyscouts. i was too sick."
“Hmm, they are.”Tony said smirking a little, hiding laughter at how annoyed he knew pepper was at the idea of him sleeping with steve. He’d known just how much she disliked the captain before, now that he knew how much she’d hidden from him, he was well aware of just how much she didn’t like him. And it irked him. “Okay. Well, keep us informed then. We do have two-no, three-assassins working for us. James and Clint grow bored to easily, they always need projects.”Tony said smirking a little. “Tony!Don’t even joke like that.”Pepper scolded lightly, pinching his side, the usual punishment to make sure she had his attention. “Why not?We all know they wont even consider actually killing people who don’t do something to them first.”Tony mused. “I would love a biscuit.”Pepper smiled taking the cookie. “Hey, I saw your suit before this one. With the pirate boots. This suit, is a improvement.”Tony smired a little looking amused, giving him that smirk that said whatever came out of his mouth next, was going to be perverted, and utterly piss pepper off. “Besides, we haven’t even begun defiling the flag-or the suit- yet.”Tony said and because he’d been prepared for it didn’t respond when she pinched him again. A submissive who’d learned to ignore punishment, that said just how much she’d punished him. “That’s saddening. I feel like you should join now, since you’re like the perfect boy scout.”
Loki chuckled a little. "i don't think this is that kind of problem." he admitted with a smile. "but i'll keep it in mind." he promised Tony. "it's just some two bit politician trying to claim i don't have the proper paperwork to own this place and is trying to say he is the one who owns it. only, he doesn't have any paperwork saying so, so he keeps coming in here and causing problems." he admitted with a huff. "i just need a lawyer because this... bloody idiot keeps saying he's going to take us to court. so. i'll call his bluff." he admitted. "i have enough money to afford a very nice lawyer." where Pepper to look into his background, she would find he was the so of two rich folks who died a few years ago. very private people who lived in the back shit of nowhere so they wouldn't be bothered by anyone. he was the only living heir and he had a massive fortune that he mostly didn't use. he had dipped into it once to pay for the Cafe and hadn't touched it since. "i donate." Steve admitted with a smile. "honestly, i'm more focused on the girlscouts really. they have the most amazing cookies." he admitted with a grin, 'Tom perking up. "their Shortbread biscuits are amazing!" "i like the coconut caramels." Steve admitted with a nod.
“Ah. Politicans are idiots.” “That’s cause you annoy them. Did you have to tell them that you weren’t the one in the room who was into prostitution?” “Hey, they wanted me to do iron man work for them, and be paid for my services. It’s sorta like prositution, without the fun stuff.”Tony huffed a little. “You donate everything. Including and not limited to, every captain america stuff you own.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little looking amused as he finished his coffee, looking amused at the slightly glazed overwhelmed look to pepper’s eyes. “Anyways. We better be going. James was fussing over something, val and clint are having sex, and Loki’s up to some sort of mischief, and I want to have sex.” “Tony.” “What?You told me to voice my wants.” “Voicing the desire to have sex in public, isn’t okay.” “Yes it is. Besides, Steve is totally the one I want to have sex with. Telling him that, isn’t rude.”Tony said twitching a little. “So, you really are having sex with him?”Pepper said, focusing on him, her blind jealousy, actually deep enough to actually forget who she was also having lunch with, and focusing on Tony. “Why wouldn’t I?” “Because-you’re...Tony” “I know I’m tony.”Tony said hedging a little, having every intention of getting out of this conversation now, feeling sick. Having goaded her for his amusement, but knowing this was a conversation he didn’t want to have in front of steve or loki for that matter.
"did you really?" Tom asked, looking rather delighted. "that is glorious Tony!" he admitted with a chuckle. "yes. no fun stuff in that sort of prostitution. and to be honest, Tony is accurate. the government well out-stepped their boundaries when they began demanding Tony hand over his Iron Man suit." he admitted, Steve nodding. "James is always fussing." Steve admitted with a chuckle before giving Pepper the stink eye. "and why should it matter what Tony 'voices' anyway?" he demanded of her. "the fact of the matter is that people are going to tell lies about Tony no matter what he says so whats it matter?" he asked her, lifting an eyebrow at her. "and for the record, Tony and i have already had sex." he stated simply. "just as i've had sex with Tom." "Steve really is amazing." Tom agreed, nodding a little. "however. this is not an argument we should be having in public." he pointed out. not that anyone could hear them anyway, he had a spell up. no one was even looking at them. if this made it into the press, it would be because Pepper leaked the story. and then the shit would really fly.
“I did. They said I should serve the people of this great country....I told them that I already did serve the people of this country to the pleasure of...myself. And that they could always trust me to pleasure myself.”Tony snorted looking amused. Wincing a little at steve’s words, hanging his head a little at the tone of steve’s voice. He knew this wasn’t going to be pleasant. Nope, no way. “Because he shouldn’t feed the lies, it makes stocks and business worse. Things have improved since he’s not always....being utterly insane in his antics these days.”Pepper frowned a little before looking at Steve, eyes widening a little. “So I’ve heard. His rep’s getting nearly as bad as Tony’s.” “Hey. No one’s is bad as me, and this isn’t a conversation I’m having here. He’s a innocent compared to my status as man-whore, so knock it off.”Tony growled easing out of the seat and heading for the door. Figuring the other’s would follow and hopefully that they wouldn’t figure out just how badly his breakup with pepper had been. Because they’d broken up when everyone was on vacation out of the tower, no one had really found out exactly what fight had blown up in tony’s face.
Steve snorted. "no wonder they don't take you seriously. i think i will be handling the next meeting." he admitted before glaring at Pepper. "the fact of the matter is Pepper Potts. is that our 'reputation' is our own business." he informed her, his voice going that deadly, dangerous, Angry Dominant voice that made even the other Dominants quiver. "i am a whore and i have no compunctions against admitting it. i'll even tell people WHY i am a whore if that's what it takes. but you, you are a real piece of work aren't you pepper Potts? it's not enough that you lied, straight to my face, but you attempted to manipulate me." he snarled, eyes flashing. "and now, you are so jealous of Tony's one chance at happiness because you are a vapid, jealous bitch whose pissed that she can't have a doll instead of the loving, loyal, perfect man that Tony is." he sniffed at her, turned on his heal, looped his arm around Tony's and dragged him off, Tom blinking. "well. that was dramatic." he admitted, looking at Pepper. "i'll go pay the bill." he assured her, wandering over to the cashier and shelling out some cash. no one seamed to have noticed anything at all.
"But but ateve!it's not fun when you do itd. They never believe you if you say your using the suit to pleasure yourself."tony whined sulking a little as he looked at the other. Whining silently at the angry tone he ducked his head some glaring at steve but so angry that she couldn't even snarl something back at him. Let tony think ateve was just a bully, it was better that way. Nodding silently at loki's words she left herself. " insane. You know that rogers?"tony muttered even if he leaned into steve some as they headed back to the tower.
Steve snorted a little. "that's the point Tony." he pointed out with a chuckle before stroking Tony's back when he whined. "i do know that. but i feel much better now." he admitted with a smile. "i can't stand the way she treats you like your some sort of thing. your not a thing!" he growled. 'Tom' chuckling as he met up with them. "i had a spell up Tony, too. so no one could have heard our conversation." he promised. "i'll teach you how to do it later so you can say you did it yourself. no need to ruin the fun yet." he admitted. "she seams to like me for some weird reason. probably thinks she can steal you back from me later." he admitted. not sounding all that worried. Tony would go where he wanted and Loki would wait for him to come back. he was over four thousand years old after all and Tony was likely to far outlive Pepper Potts. he smiled as they walked in to see Clint and Val with the puppies and Jori, Nat and Clint. "hey! bout time you guys came back." Nat admitted. "Clint's abut to climb the walls said he wanted to tell the Avengers something." she admitted. "he looks pretty upset about it." "oh? he's really going to tell you?" Loki asked, looking surprised. "how fascinating."
“In all fairness, I am a thing when I’m in the suit. I mean, it’s inanimate.”He said wrinkling his nose a little sighing softly, relaxing a little. “Good. That would be nice to know, to not have to worry about the press.”Tony smiled at the other, relaxing a little. Rubbing a hand over his face, glad that they hadn’t pressed to much before smiling at natasha. “Sorry. We were being mean to pepper.” “Good.”James said smirking, looking pleased. “Tell us what?”Tony said looking interested as he settled on the floor next to val, smiling as the puppies wobbled over to see the new person
"you are not!" Steve growled. "the suit is inanimate, you inside the suit are still a person who can think, feel, be hurt and have heartbreak and other human things!" Steve protested. "just because people think we are immortal and impervious doesn't mean we really are Tony." he admitted before smiling at Loki. "so the magic lessons are going well?" "very well. Tony has an aptitude for it. he's just as brilliant as i was when i was his age." he admitted with a grin. "and picking up the lessons just as quickly. really he's a joy to teach, he remembers all the important parts, seeks clarification when he doesn't understand something, never complains and is always full of very fascinating questions that makes even ME think hard about the answers. i haven't had so much fun since Jori was a little one." he admitted. "Bruce also has some aptitude for magic, but his learning is going a bit more slowly. not because he's not as intelligent, but because his skills lie in magic as a secondary ability." he admitted before settling in to watch Clint flush at being the center of attention.

"oh... uhm... well... see... oh god... i'm immortal!" he finally blurted out. "i was born in Egypt to a woman named Isis, and my Father was Osiris. my name, in that time, was Horus. i became the Pharaoh when i was twenty Three, after the Gods named me as the next ruler. i gave up the throne after my uncle, Set, tried to kill me after i turned sixty two. there i was named a God, and granted powers. i was the god of the Hunt, and God over War. i was he who ruled the Sun and the Moon and i traveled all of Egypt, watching over those i favored." he admitted. "i died just after my five hundred and fifteenth birthday by Set, who died in the battle. he did not resurrect i don't think, but i did. i was born again as Tsut-i. a little Egyptian farm boy who never did anything of interest." he admitted, looking amused. "i never remember death itself, and i always wake up around four and six years old in the body of a child whose soul has only recently departed." he admitted, swallowing thickly when Natasha stared at him. "so... so the child who you woke up in..." "Clint Barton starved to death at the age of five and a half years old." he informed her sadly. "do you still have powers?" Jori asked curiously. he'd never heard of such a thing. "yes he does." Natasha admitted, Phil nodding as well though he looked about as shocked as Phil could get.
“...Hm, so you say.”Tony said not arguing, even if he was blushing ever so slightly before smiling happily. “very. I think so.”He said beaming under the praise from loki, so very glad to know that he was doing okay. “Well, it’s like engineering to me. Magic does building stuff.”Tony shrugged a little, looking curious as clint flushed.

Val smiled shifting to lean into clint a little, giving him silent support as she watched the other’s react. “....So you....could answer all the history questions that the ancient aliens show talks about?”James asked over a moment, joking because he was feeling so utterly overwhelmed at hte idea of his friend ebing so old, and well....he was sorta obsessed with the stupid show. Even if he didn’t believe, or want to watch it, he was obsessed and couldn’t not watch it. “...So...what can you do?”Tony said looking eager, wondering if he’d found someone else to do magic with.
"i do say. and i am always right." he pointed out with a grin and a chuckle. "could i learn magic?" "'s doubtful." Loki admitted, not looking very happy to have to tell Steve that. "there is a level of... not intelligence. know how? uhm..." "ah. i get it. i have to have specific knowledge." Steve mused. "yes. Tony being a genius does help of course, but it's his innate knowledge of technology, physics and biology that allow him to manipulate the fabric of space, time, and matter." "...i think i'll be fine without the knowledge of magic." Steve decided.

"uhm. mostly?" Clint muttered. "i only lived the first two lifetimes in Egypt so i can't answer much but i do know that the Ancient Egyptians where visited by Bright Ones, we called them. since i've met Thor, i think they might have been Aesir..." "they where Vanir. Gods of the Gods, white beings." Loki explained. "they had an interest in humanity." "ah. right!" Clint nodded. "some sort of Prophecy." "yes. The Guardian of the world would be born. he who holds humanity in his hands." "yeah! they where really interested in me for a good while but moved on when i proved to do nothing of real interest. they had been around for a good long time before i was born, just waiting i guess." he admitted before flushing at Tony. "oh... well, it's not magic like what Loki can do. it's... it's more like i'm a conduit. i talk to the earth and it answers. i can make earthquakes, but it makes me really tired. mudslides, landslides, avalanches. i can make it storm, again, it really exhausts me. the last time i did anything like that, i used up too much energy and died. but i saved most of the place i was living in so that's okay." he admitted. "mostly i make things grow and talk to animals and play with fire and stuff..."
"Huh. That's cool. I mean, you've seen alot of stuff."james said making Val snicker."this is adorable. Who would have thought the current captain who be such a history geek?"she teased because she could almost see the questions piling up, and knew she'd lost clint for a bit as james quizzed him on stuff. It'd be amusing. Before frowning slightly. Wondering what in the world the Vania had waited for and wondering if it was still coming. "That's awesome. Though unfair he gets to play with fire." "Cause he doesn't nearly burn everything down."fenrir said looking amused and pleased that the humans were being so accepting. So used to being seen as different, it was good to see not all friends and family would turn on each other the moment you were revealed as different. "See no worries. They still like you."Val muttered before frowning slightly eyes glazing slightly as she focused on something else."I have to go...dooms causing problems...."
Clint smiled a little. "i was there when the white man landed." he admitted. "surprisingly enough, it wasn't Columbus who first set foot on the land now known as America." he admitted with a grin. "i've spent the last five lifetimes living in what is now known as new york." he admitted before snorting at Tony. "i'm well over..." here he paused and started counting on his fingers. "i'm at least two thousand years old by now i think. it's hard to tell when every death leads to me skipping through time a little bit." he admitted, looking a little lost. he'd never had someone accept him before Val, and now there was an entire room full of people. "th.. thanks." he managed to stutter now that the impromptu history lesson was over. "do we need to get involved?" Nat asked her, looking worried, Loki frowning a little. "i know why the Vanir where there." he informed them. "Clint? could you mind if i had a conversation with you?" "uhm. sure? but wh.... oh... you... okay, yes. i'd like that. can Val be there?" "if you feel you trust her enough. you can tell anyone you want of course, it's just a bit.. sensitive? might be better for you to have time to come to terms with it yourself before the others learn." Clint just nodded and Loki turned to Val. "do you need assistance with Doom?"
James eyes went wide at that looking fascinated."that's awesome."he grinned kissing natashas cheek as he got up and headed for their rooms, having every intention of finding stuff to ask about. It was gonna be fun."still unfair."tony sulked a little though he smiled slightly. "No...he's just...I'm not quite sure what he's doing actually."Val frowned before focusing again, realizing she was being talked to. Tilting her head a little she pressed a kiss to clints forehead."no. I'll be back soon if you want to wait to talk to father..."be he said torn b tween leaving him and staying.
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