The Archer(Lady/moon)

"yeah." he breathed. "that's so fucking hot. look at you, protecting everyone like that." he breathed, giving her a grin. "berserk right? we had an incident, two of them actually, with a berserker weapon. turned the people who where holding them into homicidal maniacs." he admitted. "they didn't have any kind of control like you did though." he admitted, eyes fixed on the screen. "it's like watching you dance. it's beautiful."

Loki smiled at him, looking amused at the possesivness. "no. i don't want it anymore. Steve was mean to me." he sniffed before bending his head and sucking on a smoothie that was exactly identical to Tony's before Choking on it and gagging. "nope." Loki stated, shoving it to Tony. "that's disgusting. gross." he admitted, taking a long swallow of his bitter tea to wash the taste down. Loki was not fond of sweets in particular. he'd tolerate Vanilla Ice-cream and fruits so long as they weren't mixed with sugar. the only sweets he really liked was dark chocolate and plain cake. "and now you know why i told you not to take Tony's smoothie." Steve pointed out, ignoring the way Loki was sticking his tongue out at the man. "hey Tony?" Steve asked suddenly, looking up at him. "my... Empee Three is... weird. will you fix it? i don't know what's wrong but none of my music will play...." he admitted, glaring at the tiny little thing in his hands.
"Yes. But unlike those, I'm a born beserker....the weapons and the original beserkers, we're the non-valkyrie offspring of valkyries. Valkyries can go beserk, but we tend to have more control when we do."she said blushing a little."you're the only one who thinks so. Usually people just run away."

"Steve's always mean to you."tony teased looking amused, starting to loosen up some. "It's not disgus5ing. Blasphemy!"tony huffed as he pulled his drink closer and greedily started drinking it. "Hm?"tony looked up startled from where he'd been complementing the floor looking at steve."your mp3?what happened?"he said looking worried as he took it and started looking it over, soon enough making dissatisfied genius sounds at the inferior tech
he nodded. "so this is you loosing it?" he asked curiously. "letting down all those self restraints and walls and letting yourself kill those that deserve it?" he asked curiously, watching her cut down the last Elf with a shiver. "i'm the only one with sense, clearly." he admitted, licking his lips before pouncing on her, kissing her furiously before smirking at her. "wanna tie me up?" he offered.

"he is! you should do something about that, spank him or something." Loki decided, Steve snorting. "it is disgusting. you enjoy those." he ordered, grinning at Tony's grabbing of both smoothies. "i don't know!.. i pushed a button maybe?" Steve wondered. "i wanted to put it on shuffle, and i'm pretty sure i did it right, but now none of the music is working..." he muttered, offering Tony the piece of Tech and wincing at Tony's unhappy sounds. "...oh, alright go ahead and give me one of the Stark things that work better than this one and can allow Jarvis to help me. i know you want to." he admitted with a chuckle.
“Yes it is. While we have more control in our violence, valkyrie beserkers are complete in their slaughter, we don’t truly recognize friend or foe, we simply kill until there is nothing left. It’s why we’re dangerous, and why most asgardians wouldn’t mind seeing us killed ,because we can be so very deadly.”She sighed before laughing, grinning as he pounced on her. “I always want to tie you up.”She said though she looked nervous at the idea, smiling as she kissed him.

“I should. Except I don’t think he’d let me spank him.”Tony said looking at the blond thoughtfully, smiling as he drank the smoothies, before frowning. “Huh. Well, no wonder you couldn’t work it. It’s not stark tech.”he grumbled to himself, not really listening though he did disappear into his bedroom to retrieve his own stark-pod, tossing it to the captain, cause for him, james might be wearing the suit, but steve would always be cap. “Have that one. It’s above anything else on the market right now, and jarvis is connected to it. J, put his music on it.”Tony said humming pleased with the knowledge that he had taken care of steve the best he could. "What I want to know, is how you didn't already have one?"James said snickering from where he was playing with the two stumbling, cute wolf pups who were starting to walk, following them down the hallway, crawling himself as he showed them what they needed to do.
he chuckled a little. "it's almost seductive." he admitted, watching Loki struggle to calm her and swallowing thickly when he saw himself come back to live, turning the video off before shaking his head. "Asgardians are stupid and foolish. all they have to do is not piss you off and they'll be fine." he admitted. "your no worse than James or Bruce is." he admitted before grinning at her and skipping to his closet to get the leather and iron shackles he kept there. he had two pairs. one for the tower, and one for his 'house' if one could call his cave that. "where would you like me?" he asked with an impish, eager grin. "and you can do anything you want to me. if i don't like something i'll alert you." he promised. "if i Drop, don't panic, Jarvis will talk you through it, but i don't drop easy so i don't think it will happen." he admitted, kissing her again. "okay?"

"sure i would. James spanks me sometimes." Steve admitted before rolling his eyes. "i think the problem is me, Tony. he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "millions of people manage to work MP3's without issue." he admitted before beaming at his new toy. "thanks Tony! thanks Jay!" he chirped, delighted. "i never asked." Steve admitted with a shrug. "i only got the MP3 player because i saw it in the store." he admitted before pausing and blinked at James. "...what the hell are you doing?" Loki sniggered a little, watching the group.
“Hm, if you say so.”Val said blushing slightly as she watched him, looking amused. “Hm, asgardians are stupid.”She agreed before snorting. “well, it seems I’m in good company then.”She said looking amused before watching him get the shackles, nervous about this but willing to try. “Hmmm, undress and lay back on the bed.”She said before nodding, kissing him back. “Okay. We’ll be okay.”She muttered nervous but trying to not worry to much.

“....That’s hot.”tony said staring at him before snickering. “No, no it’s not. There’s nothing wrong with you. It’s stupid tech.”He grumbled grinning pleased at steve’s delight for the new toy. “Ahhh, you should have known better. Get starktech.”James said snickering looking amused as he looked up from crawling, flushing a little. “Fen was taking a nap, and these two were getting restless. So we’re going for a walk. See?We’re walking.”he said smiling slightly as he watched cinder and niko walking in itty bitty steps at a time, not about to admit that he was using this as practice for his and natasha’s hypothetical children that she was trying to convince him would be a good idea to have at some point.
"they are stupid." he agreed happily before smirking at her. "remind me to show you what happens when i loose my shit." he suggested. "it was in a previous life, but there's this grainy old black and white video of it. would you believe that i faught with Steve before he was frozen?" he asked with a grin. "granted, i didn't actually see him and only found out after i'd known him for a year that we where in the same battle, but that's besides the point." he paused. "i was thinking of telling him. Steve i mean. and James. about me." he admitted, undressing and laying on the bed, giving her a grin. "we'll be fine." he promised her. "if you get nervous just talk to me." he promised. "or i could call Steve in and see if he wants to help you?" he teased with a smile. not entirely sure how possessive she really was. he wouldn't sleep with other people now that he had her, but he wouldn't say no to a threesome or more-some if she offered.

"is it?" Steve asked, looking puzzled before shrugging. "it feels nice enough so i let him." he admitted, not really getting the appeal too much. of course, he wasn't submissive in any way so he wouldn't understand the appeal of being spanked. granted, he did enjoy bending others over his knee and swatting them until they where a moaning, gooey mess. "oh... i get it." Steve admitted, grinning a little before nodding. "i really should have known better, but i didn't know Tony made things for music." he admitted before chuckling at James. "that's adorable." he admitted, watching the toddling puppies. "where's Natasha?" James didn't know but Jarvis said she was still in the tower so no one was too worried. they would be later of course, but for now everything was good.
“I will remind you later.”She said looking thoughtful, relaxing at the idea of not being the only one who could lose themselves. Grinning at that. “Now that, is quite amusing really.”She said looking amused at the idea, before tilting her head. “Well, considering they’re going to be living longer then normal humans, it would be a good idea.”She mused a little, biting her lip a little as she watched, frowning slightly. Thinking about it before nodding slowly. “Yes. Help would be good. Just this once, to get used to being in charge.”she said glancing at him, because while she wanted him and needed him, she was well aware of her own shortcomings, and would probably enjoy it more if he helped.

“It is. Though I doubt you understand as much, I mean, you like being on the other side of things, being the one who gives the paddling.”Tony teased a little before smirking. “I make everything.” “It is not. I’m never adorable.”James said making a face before shrugging. “Dunno, she left this morning, and said she was doing something that I didn’t get to know about yet. But she’s in the tower, so it’s okay.”Which was the only reason he was as calm as he was indeed.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "it is amusing." he admitted before nodding. "then i'll tell them." he agreed. "Tony too, he'll live as long as the super twins do." he admitted. "maybe i should just tell all of them? i don't know what i am, maybe i could carry it on to other people somehow?" he hoped. it was going to hurt when people he loved very much started dying of old age when he... wasn't. "what? seriously?" he asked, startled before chuckling. "Jay? would you get Steve?" he asked the A.I. "let him know it's sexual in nature."

"hmm that's true." he agreed with a nod before chuckling. "i should have known better than to doubt." he agreed before smirking at James. "you are always adorable." he admitted before pausing when Jarvis announced on his phone that Clint wanted help having dominating sex with his girlfriend. "well that ones new." he admitted. "i'm going to go have sex." Steve announced to the room at whole, heading off.
“You should have.”Tony said snickering a little before looking startled. “...He’s so weird.”Tony said watching steve go with a small smile. James frowned tilting his head as he studied the other, and well, he was brave enough to ask, or at least nosy enough, to ask what no one else had. “What’s wrong with you tony?” “Hm?What? Nothing.”Tony growled sounding a little defensive as he headed for the door, having every intention of heading for the lab.

“Yes, probably. And you probably should. I mean, if you don’t, someone’s going to be upset about being left out... But just them.”She said smiling a little before frowning. “We might consider talking to Hela. She might have a idea.”She said thinking about it before flushing, ducking her head a little, waving a hand at him. “I have no idea what I’m doing. And I’m nervous enough that it wont be fun....with help, I can get comfortable.”She shrugged a little blushing even more when Steve walked in.”H-hey.”
"he is a bit weird." Loki agreed with a smile before watching Tony, his head tilted before he slid off the stool he had been sitting on and followed him. "Tony?" he asked the other, sounding worried. "are you sure your alright? i don't want to be nosy, or to pry, but i'm a bit worried about you." he admitted. "your not acting like yourself." he admitted softly. "is there anything i can do to help you if you don't want to talk about it?" he asked softly.

"yeah. okay. just them. and Phil. because Phil knows about everything else." he admitted before blinking at her. "how?" he asked, his head tilted. "anyways, i think Loki might know something. let's ask him, he's a bit more accessible right now and i'm a bit scared of your sister... i can't for the life of me remember why." because after his first stint with Horus he had tried to flirt with her and she'd shot him down very hard. that had been nearly three thousand years ago, or more. it was hard to keep up. especially since his many battles with Set, his uncle, had rattled his brains more than a bit. "that's okay." he promised her with a smile. "i'm just more used to earth women, they typically get very jealous when their men are with someone else." he admitted before smiling at Steve who paused at the sight of Clint tied up and then glanced at her. "ah. i get it now." Steve admitted with a chuckle and moved over. "if you don't want me to touch, i wont." Steve assured Valentina. "i can just as easily walk you through it and guide you without being actively involved."
Tony frowned a little as she started to work, looking thoughtful as he considered what he was going to say before giving a half shrug as he started working on a new version to james’ arm. “I’m fine.”he muttered going quiet, which was definitely not normal for the man. “...I was enjoying the idea of sleeping with my best friend you know. Even if I was considering dating you. I mean....Steve’s awesome. Best guy.”He muttered obviously hurting, but it was such a deep hurt that it wasn’t easy to talk about.

“I don’t know. And yes, we;ll talk to Loki first. He does know something, don’t know what though.”She said looking thoughtful before smiling slightly, “Even if I wasn’t involved with anyone, I grew up in a place where....single relationships like monogamy was the rarity, not the norm.”She smiled glancing at steve, “Okay. Just talk me through it.”She said smiling at him, while she wasn’t afraid to share with steve, since she knew he knew clint and would respect whatever boundaries they gae, it still weirded her out to consider someone touching her who wasn’t clint.
Loki blinked a little and then. "you do realize that Steve has no idea he's hurt your feelings right? Steve doesn't date, it's just sex for him. he'll fuck you anytime you ask." he admitted. "for however long you want but his emotions..." he shook his head. "Steve learned very early on not to get attached to things, people or objects because they just get taken away." he admitted. "Steve adores you as much as he's able and he'll hang the moon for you, he just can't be celibate or monogamous." he admitted. "and i think he's worried you'll think he's trying to use you to replace Howard." he admitted. "he's very much worried about upsetting you in such a frankly, horrific manner." he admitted. "he was talking to James one night, about how much you seamed to hate your old man and how he could make it easier for you." he looked at Tony. "your not worried about that right? everyone knows Steve hated Howard."

"it's Loki. he knows tons of things." he admitted with a smile before blinking at her. "oh. i didn't realize that. still, i will be if you want us to be." he promised her with a smile before grinning at Steve who chuckled and found a chair and settled into it. "first, check the shackles. you want them to be tight so he can't pop his wrist and slip out, but you don't want them too tight that he looses circulation." he explained, showing her how to check the cuffs to make sure they where perfect and cinching them a little more tightly, Clint sighing. very nice. "now. just touch him." he suggested with a grin. "he's a slut so he'll like anything you do to him so long as it's not bloody or belongs in a bathroom." "unless it's biting, i like biting." "true. but most biting doesn't draw blood." "...she's a god." "...valid point."
“....I know.”Tony sighed, knowing he wasn’t doing a good job at explaining, but he also knew that if anyone knew it was pepper that had dragged him over the coals about sleeping with steve, that she’d be buried, it would just matter who got their first. James, natasha, loki, clint....or steve himself. “I don’t...I can’t...”He growled sounding frustrated with not getting the words out. Flinching at the mention of howard, because much of his current problem with talking had been installed in that childhood horror. “...Wasn’t really. I mean...not really.”Tony frowned. Sighing as he fiddled with the screwdriver, pretending to work but not really working. “...Pepper’s a bitch.”He grumbled frustrated. “...I mean... Even not dating her, she’s curious about my sex life.”He whined a little.

“Hm, I know. And I like the idea, but thousands of years with just one person could be boring. Being open to different ideas, is good.”Val smiled a little. Glancing at steve as she nodded, moving over, relaxing at the simple instructions. “That’s not so hard.”she smiled slightly as she shuddered as Clint responded to the cuffs going tighter, smiling a little as she rested a hand on his chest. “....Bathroom?”she looked startled, considering that for a moment before smirking at the two, leaning down to nibble on clint’s lip as she kissed him before biting down hard, backing off when she just tasted a tang of blood. “You taste good.”She muttered licking her lips.
Loki nodded. "it's okay." Loki promised with a smile. "i know your not good with your emotions. i'm not good with mine either." he admitted. "....ah." Loki watched him and then smiled. "Pepper is a bitch. would you liek me to lay a Casting on her?" he asked. he knew Tony knew enough about magic to know that a Casting was basically a malignant spell. it could be anything from a disease, to bad luck, to making foul smells or spoiled food. "so. she doesn't want you to be with her because you will not change for her. which you should not have to do. but she doesn't want you to be with other people either. she is jealous, and spoiled." he huffed. "greedy and nasty. you would do well to ignore her." he smiled at Tony. "i'm prettier than she is anyway. and i won't mind if you sleep with others.... well, i might draw the line at my children." he admitted with a chuckle.

"huh... valid point." he agreed with a smile. "no. it's not hard." he promised her with a smile before nodding. "yeah. piss. puke. poop..." he shrugged. "some people like that stuff apparently. it's... gross." he admitted, Clint nodding his agreement. Steve was still very new to all of this but he did know what Clint did and didn't like. Clint kissed her back and moaned, loudly when she bit him, arching against her a little. "now be a bit more careful with that." Steve warned, sounding amused. "pain, for Clint is a 'trigger' i think the word is. it makes him drop. makes him into a horny slut too." Clint moaned again. "he likes being called names too." he admitted with a chuckle. "i don't know if you want Clint to drop or not." he admitted. "I think that's the right word." "yep." Clint agreed, grinning. "bite me again? that's awesome. i love it."
"What a pair we make."tony said with a strained smile, looking vaguely amused at both their problems with emotions. Frowning slightly as he considered it before shaking his head."no...just...wish she'd stop..."he sighed."I try to ignore her, but...she's been the voice in my head for's hard to ignore her."he said making a face, running a hand through his hair. Before snorting."I don't want to sleep with your children."

"...thats...disturbing. gross."she agreed making a face at that idea.she paused tilting her head a little as she watched clint glancing at steve."i...don't know?is it a bad thing?"she said watching the two absently petting clints hair and chest as she looked at steve."okay..."she said leaning in to bit down on the blond's neck, suckling in a hickey, wanting to show the world that the archer was hers.
he smiled a little and nodded. "delightful pair." he agreed. "we're the prettiest on earth after all." he admitted. "remind me that i should take you on a date." he admitted. "i'll even wear my..." here he made a face. "weak, pathetic human form for you." he admitted before looking confused. "she has been communicating with you?... oh, never mind. that was a stupid question." he admitted. "i understand, when i am feeling poorly about myself it is always Odin's voice in my head, telling me what a disappointment i am. no matter how much i hate him, and how much i have come to realize i was just a thing, a tool to him, his voice still hurts in my head." he admitted. "i think, because for so long, he was the only person i wanted approval from." he admitted with a sigh before snorting at Tony. "everyone wants to sleep with Jori. he's a damn succubus." he admitted with a chuckle.

"very gross." Steve agreed with a chuckle before smiling at her. "no. it's not bad. it's just a bit shocking if you've never seen one before." he admitted. "he gets... i don't wanna call it stupid because it's not. disconnected maybe? overly focused on pleasure. it's hard t explain. he's kind of like he's high or something." he admitted, watching as Clint moaned, arching into the teeth on his neck with a shuddered gasp. "oh god. yes. mmm." he thrust his hips, desperate for contact but not wanting to ask for it when he was enjoying the hickey so much.
"Hm, that's true. I'm so much prettier then cap."Tony snickered a little, blushing a little before nodding. "Kay. we'll go on a date."he muttered before looking interested. "Human form?Isn't this human?"He said waving a hand at loki's current position, before wincing a little. "Yea. Well, she still runs my company....and well....apparently James and Natasha visited her after they figured out I hadn't known about Steve....yea... apparently there is not enough alcohol in the world to forget that terrifying encounter."He sighed staring down, before snorting. "I don't want to sleep with him...I just wanna enjoy whatever steve will let me have, and this thing with you."

"Ah. I see. Which is why I asked for help. Better not to freak out."She smiled al ittle at the blond, before looking down at clint, nodding a little. "That makes sense."She said grinning as clint gasped, smirking as he thrust up, shifting to straddle his waist, almost but not quite sitting on him, just brushing against him as she continued working a truly impressive hickey into his neck
he chuckled a little before grinning happily. "a date!... you'll have to set it up of course. i'm not sure how earth dates work." he admitted before sighing. "no. as horrific as it sounds, this is my naturally biological Aeser form." he admitted. "that means this is what i would look like had i been born an Aesir. this, is my Human form, had i been born human." he admitted. he shrank a few inches, the face was mostly the same though he had lost that sharp edge that made him look more alien. his hair had gone blonde and was curly and he looked so damn adorable it was a good thing Steve hadn't seen him or he'd be snuggling Loki to death right about now. "oh wow. seriously?" he asked, startled that they hadn't killed Pepper. "you want to fuck him, don't deny it. i don't mind." he promised with a smile. "he is a bit of a hunk."

Steve grinned a little. "i'll have to remember to get you the videos i have of Clint. it's really pretty hot." e admitted, watching with a smile. "yes. freaking out when someone is in subspace can really fuck them up, or so i've heard." he admitted, grinning when Clint moaned again. "oh god. Val! don't tease. please!" he gasped, trying to lift his hips more, but he didn't have the leverage with his hands tied over his head.
Tony laughed a little, .looking amused. “I’ll set it up.It’ll be good.”he smiled a little before snickering ,looking amused. “Wow. And I thought you were dainty and quite like this, this is adorable.”he teased leaning over, nuzzling the other a little, leaning into him, looking amused. “You have to show this to Steve. You’ll get cuddled. He’s awesome at cuddling.”She said looking amused before nodding. “Yea. Apparently they’d wanted to express their displeasure over upsetting me, and therefore, the only other person truly important to the former assassin, Steve Rogers. It wasn’t pretty.”He sighed a little before snorting. “Okay, whatever you say.”he said rolling his eyes a little.

“Hmmm, videos would be good.”Val smirked a little glancing at steve and nodding. “I’m sure it would be.”She agreed, grinning as clint squirmed, shifting a little as she moved away to undress before settling overtop him, sliding down, groaning as she slid down onto him, smirking at clint. “You like the idea of him watching don’t you?”She teased.
he grinned before chuckling. "i don't like being in human form much. unlike what a glamor would do, when i shapeshift, every iota of myself becomes that creature. i am not an Aesir who looks human, i literally AM human. i have only the strength and speed of a human." he admitted. "my senses are dull like a humans and i get hurt like a human." he admitted. "still, it wouldn't hurt to get used to it." he admitted, since Tony seamed to like it so much. "i do like cuddles." he agreed with a smile. "i can't imagine she handled that very well." he smirked viciously. "we should introduce me to her in this form and call me something horribly mundane. Tom or..." he paused thinking hard. "or Daniel or something." he mused before smiling at Tony. "really, Tony. i was raised as an Aesir. we don't typically do monogamy." he admitted. "granted, i have to like someone before i'll sleep with them so sleeping with other people probably won't be in my books, but i did very much enjoy those threesomes with Johnny and Steve we had." he admitted. "i doubt i'll get annoyed if you sleep with someone else unless it's Doom or someone nasty."

Steve grinned a little, watching but making no move to grip himself or take care of himself. he had a feeling it would bother Valentina. "oh! oh! Val!" Clint moaned, arching again, thrusting slowly, letting her control the pace, his hips just moving to meet hers. "ye... yes! oh god yes!" he gasped, shuddering. "love it when someone watches. god. Val!" he moaned, Steve smirking. "he's down far enough that he will probably not cum without permission. that's always fun." "no! oh god, Steve don't give her ideas." he gasped. "he loves it though, even if he protests. don't you Clint?" "uuuhnnn yesss."
“Ah...that’s...disturbing. Insane really. But makes sense. I shapeshift into the actual thing....”Tony said looking fascinated. Wrinkling his nose a little, before shaking his head. “No. Don’t. This is adorable, but we live dangerous lives, I like you being more then human strong, able to not get to hurt or dead on me.”He smiled a little before snickering. “She didn’t. And we totally should. We should totally get steve to go with us to, she’d find it quite amusing.”Tony grinned before looking thoughtful as he studied the other, frowning slightly. Because he wanted to believe it, but well, he had learned that people said they were okay with things, and still blamed him for it when he followed the words. “....Does doom have sex with anything but his bots?”he said sounding thoughtful, derailed from his nearly 3 day obsession about his feelings and what he’d been torturing himself with.

Val moaned shivering a little as she rode him slowly, smiling as she watched him. Simply enjoying it, turning her head to smirk at steve. “And he’s such a good watcher, over there behaving himself so well.”She muttered, blushing brightly even as she leaned down to kiss clint lightly. “Hmmm, you do love it don’t you?I think I-”She gasped, shivering groaning as she came, rocking her hips slowly, having every intention of enjoying herself for a bit. “I’ll ride you while I orgasm, multiple times, and just torture you....”She muttered, learning quickly, whimpering quietly, but her will to stay in charge fading quickly as she came again, “Come, clint. Please.”She whined softly.
"hmm. don't look so worried. on the off chance that i am damaged to an extent where death is imminent, my body immediately reverts to full Jotun form." he admitted. "thi means that any damage i sustained as a human converts into Jotun form where it almost immediately heals. there is a reason why Jotun are so feared by the Aeser. it is nearly impossible to kill them. particularly a sorcerer like myself. i have been stabbed, drowned, gutted, beheaded, drawn and quartered, burned at the stake and even had my heart repeatedly cut out." he admitted. "being in human form won't bother me all that much." he admitted. "i ike this plan." he agreed with a smirk. "she'll be very annoyed that she's been marginalized by someone who no one knows. i do have a human identity set up, should she go digging a man by the name of Tom Hiddleston does exist. he's British and moved to America to open an English tea shop and bakery." he admitted. "or a Cafe of sorts." he smirked. "that part is even true." no way, Loki actually owned a bakery? weird!

Clint panted and nodded. "yes. yes he is. ah. oh god. mm.." he whimpered, shuddering, hips thrusting more intently when he felt her cum around him, but he did not follow her. "oh... oh... oh! please!" he gasped, tossing his head back, unable to control his hips at all anymore. "oh, he likes that idea." Steve purred, smirking. he was going to have to remember this trick, maybe Phil would enjoy it? "yes! yes! thank you! oh god! oh god! Val! Val! Val!" he gasped, arching against her and cumming so hard he was sure he'd blacked out for a little bit. "a..ah..." he shuddered and linked stupidly for a moment and then moaned again. "so, so good." he sighed, blinking stupidly at the ceiling and Steve grinned. "congratulations. you dropped him. that's really hard to do from what i understand." he admitted. "um..." here he paused, trying to remember and then. "how far down are you Clint?" "mmmm...." Clint hummed, Steve didn't egg Clint on just yet, he knew, from Phil, it was hard for Clint to do anything but follow orders like this. thinking was hard, expressing opinions even harder. "Three." Clint finally decided, Steve nodding. "he's halfway down. he'll come back up on his own in just a little bit. half hour at most i think Phil and Tony said."
“Oh. That’s good.”Tony said relaxing at the idea that the other wouldn’t be in life threatening danger before looking a little sick at the idea. “....that’s truly....disturbing. You know. I uh...that’s weird. Really.”He said looking a little disturbed at the idea of the other being hurt like that. “Hm, she would. It’s perfect.”he said cheered a little, before making a face at loki. “but we’re not allowed telling Steve she said anything about us. I mean, he’s already annoyed with her. If we tell him, he’ll freak out nearly as bad as James and Natasha did.”he wrinkled his nose, well aware that if anyone but loki knew that pepper had upset him again this badly, they’d probably seriously maim her. At least loki he could order to not do anything.”....You owned a bakery?”

“So I can tell.”Val moaned shivering a little at the idea, smiling a little as she slumped into him, blinking slowly as she lifted her head to look at steve, before blushing a little. “He’s adorable like this.”She muttered moving off of him, not even disturbed at the fact that steve had watched them have sex, if he’d touched it would have been different, but this was okay. Reaching out she undid his wrists, gently rubbing at the reddened skin, smiling slightly. “Okay.”She said relaxing, glad to know that they were okay, shifting to snuggle into the other as she looked at steve. “Thanks Steve. Really.”She smiled gently stroking clint’s hair.
he nodded. "the did very hard to try to kill me, though i was stupid enough to not make the connection until Odin told me what i really was." he admitted. "how i didn't realize before is a mystery. i was either too focused on getting Odin's approval, or someone spelled me to be oblivious or both." he admitted with a shrug. "of course i won't tell Steve." he promised with a smile. "we don't want him turning her into paste or something." he admitted before smirking. "i do own a bakery, and Cafe." he admitted. "there's a little reading nook in there too where people can choose a book that looks very good and start reading it. they have to pay for it if they want to keep it, but just reading it is free." he admitted. "it's really a very lovely place. what, did you think i spent all my time destroying the world and causing mayhem, i have to get money from somewhere." he admitted with a chuckle.

Steve chuckled a little and nodded. "he is." he agreed, watching Clint who whined in protest at the cuffs being taken off but didn't actually complain. "Jarvis will tell you if Clint's space starts souring, he can tell those things now i think, and he'll get me or someone who can help." he promised, giving her a grin before heading out to find better sex, texting Ton first to see if he wanted to go a round. it was only fair, since Tony had not been allowed to Join in previously so he'd let Tony have first dibs for a while. plus, Tony was sexy and he'd probably bring Loki, hot.
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