The Archer(Lady/moon)

he grinned at her a little. "pretty awesome thought right?" he asked with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "he's disgustingly so." he admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head before smirking at James cussing. "now. now. there's no need to get so pissy James. remember your blood pressure!" he warned playfully, sniggering when he was hung up on. "i am going to pay for that later in a painful way." he admitted with a grin. "well you can come here anytime you please for as long as you want." he promised her. "i suppose it would do the puppies some good." he admitted with a smile. "in any case James is actually pretty private about his sex, even when he sleeps with Steve." he admitted. "so i doubt we'll notice anything."

Loki groaned. "it's not comfortable without anyone to snuggle." he grumbled, slipping out of bed as well and sulking his way out the door, intending on following Tony so he could tinker with whatever Tony handed him.
"It is a very interesting thought really."She said looking amused before snorting amused at his teasing. "He's going to kill you in slow and painful ways. might even enlist doom's help in doing it."She pointed out even if she knew the current captain wouldn't really kill him, she knew the man would be tempted to do bodily harm after being without his better half for a few days. "Thanks. I will."She smiled blushing a little before snorting, "REally?That seems....odd. I mean. Between Tony and steve, I thought his comfort level in showing sex would match everyone else's."She said sounding thoughtful as they headed back to the tower, a pup cuddled in her arms, smiling as she saw the sight of her father following after tony. "Papa?You look sulky."She teased
"he is. but i'll laugh all the way to hell and right back up." he admitted with a snigger. "and he does have standards. he'd get Loki or a real villain to help. like Magneto, or Red Skull." he admitted with a nod. "it's not so odd." he admitted. "he doesn't like being watched while he fucks.most humans are like that." he admitted. "honestly speaking, me, Steve and the others are the oddballs." he admitted with a smile, cuddling a puppy while they walked inside. "i am sulky. i should be laying in bed snuggled up to people and instead i am sitting here eating... what is this again?" "eggs." Steve informed him. "the unborn offspring of birds..." "...that too. your the one who wanted food before i left." "i had expected cuisine, not full scale slaughter." "eat your damn eggs." Steve ordered, looking amused as he left to go on his run,Loki just sulking even more.
“Hmmm. I’m sure he’d enlist Doom, simply to be insulting.”She teased looking amused before tilting her head, thinking about that. Asgardians as a whole, weren’t overly shy about sex. “Oh. I guess that makes sense.”She said sounding thoughtfully, before snorting amused. “Breakfast.”Tony answered from where he was eating his own eggs, having put off working in favor of food for the moment. “...Technically it’s not slaughter, since the eggs aren’t fertlized, they’re not offspring yet.”val said thoughtfully, before starting to make bottles for the pups.
"....only if he could kill Doom after." he admitted with a chuckle. "humans have advanced a lot in the last five hundred years or so, but we're still getting there. sex is one of the more recent advances we've made. we've only just recently decided that two men or two women being in love was more or less, alright." he admitted with a smile. "when Steve was a child, being in love with another man was a death sentence." he admitted. "that was barely seventy years ago, so we're progressing quickly, we just haven't gotten there yet." he admitted with a smile before blinking at Loki's bitching. "...not fertilized?" he asked, looking a little baffled. "how do they make eggs if there's no semen?" "earth birds don't have to have sex to lay eggs." Jori explained as he walked in, looking amused as he scooped up Loki's plate and walked off with the eggs, shoveling them into his face. Loki didn't protest, or even look annoyed that his child had stolen his breakfast.
“Huh. Well. I guess that makes sense. I mean, they haven’t had the eons that asgardians have to grow bored with sex.”She said sounding thoughtful wincing a little at the idea. “That is truly horrible. But I am glad that humanity is becoming better. Love is love, even if it’s between two of the same sex.”she frowned a little before smiling at loki’s bitching. “I don’t know, but they lay eggs and have them.”She shrugged looking at jori, snickering a little. “You want some more?”Tony said scooting his plate over towards Loki, fussing over him, before poking him in the shoulder. “Didn’t you have presents for them,loki?”He said fidgeting because while he created the rings, he wasn’t secure enough to claim them as his. He might make and create amazing things, but he freaked out by giving presents to others, so if he could pawn the idea of the gift on others without raising to many supicions he usually did, as to not be as upset about teh rejection if it happened.
he nodded. "that's very true." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head before smiling. "Love is the best thing there is." he agreed. "what's really sad is a lot of people try to use religion as an excuse to hate people who love in different ways." he admitted before chuckling a little when Jori strode off with Loki's breakfast. all of Loki's children knew he detested two things more than anything. eggs, and fish. "no. i think i am no longer hungry." Loki admitted, scowling at the eggs Tony had urged over to him. he was NOT eating those vile things. "oh. right, Jori get back in here you lazy brat!" Loki commanded, Jori laughing at the insult. Father was in a FINE mood today. note the sarcasm there. "Tony and i made these. wear them always, it allows for the house, Jarvis, to constantly monitor you. he will be able to fetch help if you are injured, kidnapped, or attacked or whatever. don't take them off or i'll take you over my knee. and no, you are not 'too old' for that." Jori snorted and slipped on the ring. Jarvis would immediately be able to tel that Jori had a bit of a 'surprise'. it would be along in about twelve more months. Clint was perfectly healthy though he was going to have a pretty bad head cold in a few days.

(i couldn't help myself XD)
“Okay then.”Tony said looking thoughtful before finishing the eggs. Looking amused at loki’s command, he smirked as the they got their rings. Looking utterly happy at everyone’s acceptance of the ring. It was good indeed, to know they liked them.

Though in a few days, he wasn’t sure he was so glad about it, considering that now he knew just how miserable his friend was. “You do have a girlfriend you know, you could just make her look after you.”Tony pointed out as he handed the soup-soup he made, probably not trustworthy to eat unless steve had helped him make it- making a face. In the last few days he’d completely recovered and settled in to being his normal hyperactive self in looking after everyone who’d looked after him. Even knowing Val was working with Doom at the moment, didn’t keep him from whining about having to help Clint....even if clint hadn’t asked him for help. Really, he just liked pretendign he didn’t care as much as he did. Felt better that way. “You need anything else?”
Clint blinked sluggishly at Tony, completely wrapped up in a cocoon. the only thing visible was his face. he blinked again and then sneezed three times in rapid succession before shifting just enough to get his arms out. how he managed to do that without removing anything or baring most of his body was a mystery. "she's working." he managed to rasp out. "and i'm not a baby. i'm fine. it's just a head cold." he sniffled a little and looked around for his kleenex box, resisting the urge to cry when he realized they where all th way at the other end of the room. he groaned, maybe if he looked miserable enough, Tony would get them for him? he was distracted by the food and was more than happy to swallow the entire thing down, it was hot ad it made his sore throat better. he couldn't taste anything anyway with his nose all stopped up and runny the way it was. "tissues and a gun." he decided. "the tissues to blow my nose and the gun to clean out my sinuses." "how about some cold medicine instead?" Steve asked as he walked in, looking amused with the bottle of flue and cold syrup he'd run down to the store to get.
“Ah.”Tony frowned a little before snorting. “You look like a baby. Even swaddled like one.”He said watching the other, “Don’t cry, don’t cry, I got the tissues.”Tony sputtered looking upset and scrambling to get them, handing them over as he fidgetted, looking upset and worried, he hadn’t feeling helpless. Wondering if he could convince loki to try and take care of him, surely the father would be a better caretaker then him? “...How would a gun clean out the sinuses?Would a repulsor work?”tony asked, sounding so serious that for a moment it’d take them to realize he was actually being serious, had thought the other really wanted it for some reason, instead of mostly a joke. Looking up relieved when steve came in he nearly latched onto him like a overexcited puppy. Steve was here, steve would know how to help.”Hm, medicine is probably a better idea.”He said smiling at clint.
he blinked at Tony. "do not." he grumped before huffing. "i'm not crying. i'm trying not to smear snot all over." he informed Tony, sniffing again before offering Tony a tremble sort of smile as he accepted the box so he could blow his nose. "...yeah, repulsor could probably work too." he admitted, Steve snorting. "Tony. he's making a bad joke. his sinuses won't be clogged anymore because he won't have any sinuses." he explained. "your not getting a gun Clint, i know how you are when yor sick." "you suck." "i do suck. i'm very good at it. do you want me to call your girlfriend?" "no. she'll just get sick too." he grumped before sneezing again and moaning when it aggravated his headache. "come on. take a dose of cough syrup and then lay down and try to get some sleep... who made the soup?" "...Tony did apparently. oh god i'm going to die." Clint decided, letting Steve feed him some cough syrup. "and now Steve's trying to poison me too. this sucks. your all evil and i can't stop you because i'm sick." Steve snorted a little and shook his head. Clint was always amusing when he was sick. his sense of humor took a drastic nosedive into terrible.
“You look lcose to tears.”Tony said looking even more worried then the other smiled, looking even more upset before frowning, sulking as he realized he was being teased. “don’t tease. It’s not nice. I was just trying to help.”Tony sulked a little looking annoyed before perking up. “I think we should call Valentina. She’s immortal you know, she’d probably not get sick.”Tony said looking thoughtful before frowning. “No you’re not!” “I supervised the cooking of the soup, he didn’t mess it up that bad.”James promised as he ducked his head into the room, looking amused. This was quite amusing, really. And hopefully they’d be able to keep him from chasing off his girlfriend with his bad humor. “Besides, Val’ll be home in a few hours, you want us to tell her she can’t come in cause you’re sick?”
he snorted. "i'm not! i'm just sick so my eyes are watering." he was always a bit weepy when he was sick, not that he'd ever admit that. "you are helping. thank you. your still evil." he mumbled, sluggish and sleep and sick and trying to deny all of it and stay awake because there where people in his room. "no." Clint whined. "she shouldn't be here. she'll get sick. she's from another planet, who knows what these-" he paused and sneezed several times in rapid succession. "germs will do to her." he mumbled. "...oh god. James made the sup, now i really am going to die. he still hasn't forgiven me for keeping Natasha you know." Clint informed Tony before blinking at James. "...yes." actually, to be honest, he just didn't want her to see him when he was so weak and helpless and pathetic.
“Uh-huh. You are such a baby when you’re sick.”tony snickered a little making a face. “I’m not evil. You’re evil.”he muttered rolling his eyes a little. “You’re so overprotective, it’s cute.”he said though he made a mental note to ask loki if she’d get sick if they left her in. “I know. But he’s had sex since he was angry.” “And not Tasha supervised me supervising you, so his soup’s safe.”James provided smirking, wondering just what the girl was going to do. It would be quite amusing really.

And indeed, it was nearly two days later that Val stepped into the tower, despite having been told Clint was sick, she hadn’t been able to get away from Doom, and instead had relied on the others to tell her if he got worse, even if she wasn’t talking to Clint for trying to forbid her from seeing him, she was worried he’d be mad at her for having to have to work for so long without even checking in. “Clint?”She said stepping into his room, looking upset and worried. Carefully edging towards the bed, she’d talked to the others, they’d said he was feeling better, but still feeling odd. Worried that being with her, having sex with her, had messed him up. After all, her magic was all death and pain, she was worried she hurt him. Looking down at the small pups cuddling in bed with him, she looked amused that they were comforting him while she’d been gone.
he huffed. "am not. shut up. your evil so your opinion doesn't count." he decided.

Clint was feeling better, though he was pretty doped up on cough syrup he had at least stopped wrapping himself up in thick blankets and was laying in bed like a normal person again. "whose there?!" Clint demanded, jerking awake and sitting up, blinking. "you can' be here! unless you have food... feed me." he ordered, not yet realizing it wasn't Tony or Steve. fortunately they did suppl her with some soup so he could have his lunch. he paused to sneeze a few times and then blow his nose before blinking at ehr and offering her a wide smile. "hey!" he paused and then focused on her a little more. "you'll get sick if you stay too long." he warned her. "i'm infectious." he admitted. "disease riddled. i think i might be dying. Tony's trying to poison me and James is plotting from the shadows so make sure you keep your eye on them." and Steve had warned her about that too. he was distracted by the puppies when they whined at him and he immediately started petting them, glad for the constant company.
Val smiled as she looked him over, smiling quietly as she walked closer. “I have food. Promise.”She said easing onto the edge of the bed, looking amused as she shook her head. “Not to me. Father promised that I couldn’t get sick from you, not dangerously so anyways.”She promised stroking his hair off his forehead holding the bowl with one hand, before smiling softly. “They’re not trying to kill you. I promise, you’re doing better.”She said looking amused as cinder and niko demanded attention, tilting her head a little. “Want to eat?You feed yourself, or want me to feed you?”She teased.
he brightened at the promise of food. Cough Syrup did weird things to his brain really. "oh good." he agreed. "as long as you can't get sick..." he gave her the stink eye. "our not lying so that you can stay with me right? i'll be very unhappy if you get sick." he warned her. "i'll tie you up again and do naughty things to you. hmmm... naughty things." he mumbled, fantasizing for a moment before snapping to attention when she stroked his forehead. he was burning up with a fever, probably not helping his cough syrup induced delusions. "they ARE trying to kill me! if i get better, then they can send me on dangerous missions again!" he pointed out before taking the bowl. he was delirious, not helpless. h happily sucked down the bowl of soup and then snuggled into her, ready for another nap, whining when the alarm for the Avengers Assemble rang through his pounding head. "nooo. make it stop." he whimpered, crawling under the covers to hide from the noise, glad that underneath his massive mound of blankets, the noise was greatly muffled. he didn't move until the alarm died and even then he just wiggled deeper into the covers to go to sleep. he was sick, he didn't save the world when he was sick.
“I can’t. Promise.”She smiled at him, before laughing a little. “Hmm, later. You can’t do naughty things when you’re sick.”She said sounding amused, wincing at how warm he was. “They wouldn’t do that.”She said rolling her eyes, smiling slightly when the alarm stopped, knowing that they didn’t have to go, the others could cover it, before her eyes widened as it went off again, feeling the tug of magic, wincing as she realized what it meant. Even if she didn’t want to go, she knew they’d have to.”Clint, clint wake up. Something’s wrong. Badly wrong.”She said already hearing the shattering of glass in the hall, paling as she realized what it meant. The attack had happened at the tower, someone was here. Stumbling up she moved into the hall, paling as she recognized the dark elves attacking the tower, moving as she fought, hearing the yips and snarls of Fenrir fighting somewhere even as she fought, focusing on keeping the enemies away from clint’s bedroom and the pups, knowing he couldn’t fight, even if it was starting to look like a full on invasion....and wondering who’d put the elves up to attacking the avengers on their home territory.
he nodded. "yes. naughty things when i won't puke on you. vomit is a very serious mood killer you know." he admitted. "they would! they totally would!" he gasped, before whining when the alarm went off, whimpering when it went off again, squirming out of the bed when something exploded, scooping up the pups and launching himself for the closet, settling them inside where they would be hidden before snatching up his weapons and racing out to defend his territory... er, house. he didn't even pause at the sight of the Dark Elves, he just started unloading clips into them. right up until the point he found himself on his back, bleeding out. how had that happened? had he blinked? wow that hurt. where was it that he had been hurt? what on earth? oh. he was dying, he recognized this sensation. he wondered what he would be born as net? he hoped it wasn't a girl and it would be pretty. he wanted to be pretty for Valentina. some part of him realized that someone was screaming his name, someone was pushing on his chest, trying to keep his heart going. lips pressed to his, forcing air into his lungs. gross, that had better be someone hot. it was far too late though, far too late, he was slipping away, maybe he'd get to meet Hela this time? that would be cool right?
Valentina screamed as she felt the small explosion that was clint’s death hitting her, sending her falling to her knees at his side, trying to keep him breathing, already feeling him slipping beyond her ability to call back. Screaming again, her voice held grief, but even more, rage. There was a reason Vikings had been so feared, because among them, there’d always been the beserkers. Warriors who when driven beyond all endurance, turned to a rage so deep, that it rarely burned itself out before everything was dead. What very few people knew, was that those vikings, those few children that bore both the blessing and curse of that rage, had been the mortal children of valkyries who hadn’t born the inherent touch of death that all valkyries held. Fenrir’s eyes widened as he felt the magic in the air, cursing as he turned away from the fight, easing back. Raising a hand to his ear he triggered the comm, “Captain, get your team out. Valentina’s on her way. And find loki.”He snarled, his words holding a wolf’s growl, not even waiting for the protests he knew would come before the avengers would realize that Valentina on her own, was more then capable of waging war on her own as she moved through the dark elves with a single minded, fierce determination for death. Snarling as he focused, knowing there was only one thing to do when he heard Tony rely what had set her off. He needed Hela, and now. Closing his eyes, he did what few but loki's children could do, reach between the world's, sending out a desperate, needy call to the queen of death.
Jori paled as he heard her screaming and spoke into his ow headset. "get back! all of you get the hell out of there! she won't be able to distinguish between friend and enemy!" he warned when Steve tried to sputter protests at Fenrir. "you have to get the fuck out of there, she's going Berserk!" that was a phrase that resonated. they'd had another incident with a Berserker weapon just a few years ago. if that was even close to what this was going to be, Steve was taking no chances. "fall back, everyone fall back and let Val through!" he commanded, not even pausing when Loki appeared, sliding out of shadows to watch his daughter slaughter the Dark Elves. Jarvis had contacted him though the rings. Natasha was kneeling next to Clint, trying to revive him. he had somehow been shot three times by those odd laser weapons in the Elves hands and had been stabbed twice. she knew he was dead for good but she still kept desperately trying to get him to wake up. she looked up when the last Dark Elf fell Loki striding over to his daughter and wrapping his arms tightly around her, restraining her so she couldn't move an inch, murmuring softly in her ear. there was no stopping her until the last creature was dead, but now with all her enemies gone the deep festering pool of rage would start to settle and he could start trying to calm her down.
Val snarled as loki wrapped his arms around her, fighting to get free, even if she wasn't lashing out at loki, not trying to hurt him, simply trying to get away. But not hurting them. "Never doubt you are loved, hawkson."hela said as she stepped between her and there, looking at clint as he was floating between here and there. Looking at him as she watched her father and sister before focusing on the other."would you like to go back, hawkson?I can return you to this life. If you want it, or give you the next one."hela said looking amused as she considered clint
"shh, my daughter, shhh. it's okay. shh." Loki whispered, trying to calm her down. "he'll be back. you know he will be. there's no need for this temper now. calm down my lovely one." he murmured.

Clint blinked at her, sluggish and sleepy, as he always was to ease the trauma of death. "your Hela?" he asked her, trying to shake off the fog. "Phil's looking for a way to free you. he'll succeed i think." he admitted before watching her. it was hard for him to think. why would he want to stay, he was dead wasn't he? but what would happen to Val, and Phil, and Steve and Nat? "i would like to stay. i can stay right?... will i return to life again later? be reborn if i choose to stay now? i don't want to leave Val alone, but i would rather be able to stay with her for all of her life then go back now, if i have to make that choice. i don't know how this works. i can never remember... will i remember this?" he wondered at her. "death is so calm and warm. i'm kind of sleepy." he admitted, blinking at her, unaware that he'd met her dozens of times now. she was used to him no doubt. even if he didn't know what he was, why he was so different Loki seamed to know, and so did Hela. if he wouldn't remember Hela, maybe he'd have to ask Loki, yeah?
Val snarled twisting to look up at him, growling slightly. Even as she slumped into him a little, sighing quietly. “Loki?”She whimpered.

“I am. And I know. I have had hope, for the first time in a long time. You’re friends are good people.”She smiled watching him, before nodding. “You can. I wouldn’t have offered if it wasn’t possible. And you will always be reborn, Hawkson, you will not leave my sister alone, but you both would prefer life with them right now, rahter then later I think.”Hela smiled a little before smiling. “You haven’t remembered so far meeting me.”She said looking amused before moving over to his body, bending down. “Go home, Clint. You are needed. My sister will not calm totally yet I think, without help.”
Loki sighed, stroking her hair. "i'm here, y sweet child. i'm here." he murmured softly. "it's going to be alright. he'll be reborn and in a few years he'll be back." he promised her. "you know this. i'm sure he told you... he DID tell you right?" he asked curiously before gasping, shocked when a pulse of life flooded the area, Clint arching against the ground, sucking in a huge lungful of air even as magic danced all around him. his daughters magic, Hela's magic. Clint choked, gagging up lungfuls of blood, rolling onto his side so he wouldn't drown in what he was coughing up before falling still, completely out cold, breath ragged but he WAS breathing.

Clint smiled at her. "they are.. i think this is the first time i'm actually going to miss my friends. i never got too close to people before. hurt too much to know i was going to be reborn and they weren't." he admitted before smiling at her. "okay. i'm glad. i don't want her to be alone." he admitted. "i love her very much, i don't like seeing her so upset. will she be mad at me?" he wondered. "i hope not." he admitted before he smiled. "this is a little bit different isn't it? i'm not passing through, i'm just going back, right?" he wondered before yawing. "i think i would like to go back now. i'm so tired." he admitted, closing his eyes. he would not feel himself being placed back inside his own body, nor feel the agony of his body forcing itself back together and the brain damage from the lack of oxygen being fixed or the feeling of Natasha sobbing all over him. nor would he remember his discussion with Hela. though he would, no doubt, realize that somehow, this was a little different than the other times he'd died.
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