The Archer(Lady/moon)

"Oh and serpents and jotun are any less weird?you're just jealous I have a awesome archer."Val snorted amused before rolling her eyes."not that weird."she looked amused flushing brightly as jori left."so mean jori."she grumbled as she sank into the warm water with a sigh.

"Of course I'm recording it. Sir had expressed a interest in a video before." "Heh. And of course I won't sell it. It's mine."tony whined moaning as he watched them. Content as he spilled down loki's throat, blinking slowly at loki himself. Fairly far down himself but aware enough that steve had no idea what had happened."yea he's okay. He just dropped into a submissive headspace. He'll be back to himself in awhile."tony smiled stroking loki's hair softly.
Jori smirked a little. "Serpents don't mate. we just fuck whatever female that catches our fancy." he admitted before wandering off, Clint chuckling a little. "i'm beginning to fear for my sanity." he admitted to her. "considering that Loki is your father, Jori is your brother, Fenrir your brother, the queen of the realms of the dead is your sister and all of them are likely to be entirely overly protective of you, i think i might die in the next week." he admitted, looking amused. "one of them is bound to think i'm not worthy enough and end me." he admitted, relaxing in the hot water. "you'll protect me, right?" he asked with a smile.

"good." Steve purred with a chuckle before looking at them, a bit baffled. "i'm sorry. he's what?" he asked, completely confused, before watching Loki, who was perfectly content to be petted. he was even purring. "...Jarvis? bring up what Tony just said on a tablet would you?" he asked, picking upt he tablet since Tony didn't seam to be all that willing to talk. where the both doing that? he'd seen Clint do that a time or two. not quite as bad as Loki seamed to but he had seen Clint acting like Tony was right now. so, clearly it wasn't just something that Loki did because he wasn't human.
Val rolled her eyes a little looking amused as she watched jori go before laughing a little. “Your sanity?Why?”She smiled rolling hr eyes. “Well, Slepihnir or Hela are liable to show up here, so you’re okay for now....and they’re not that protective.”She made a face before nodding. “But yes, if I have to, I shall protect you.”

“He’’s a mindset. Sorta like a soldier’s mindset, but not. I...I don’t know how to explain.”he huffed a little before smiling as jarvis gave steve all the information to. Not together enough to really be answering questions, but truly trying to.
"if you say so." he mused, grinning a little. "i think your underestimating the fact that this is Loki we're talking about." he admitted with a chuckle before smiling. "good. because i think you'd be very upset if your family tried to smite me." he admitted with a grin before studying her. "so tell me more about being an asgardian?" he asked hopefully.

"huh..." he mused before looking panicked at the idea of Loki being in a soldiers mindset. that was never a good place to be. "thanks Jarvis." Steve said, settling in to read. when Tony woke, Steve and Loki where talking about subspace and the basics of BDSM. "so it's like floating on clouds?" "sometimes. it's different for everyone." Loki admitted with a smile. "and different things can make different people drop?" "yes that's right." Loki agreed. "it's an extremely complicated state of mind." "all states of mind are complicated." Steve admitted with a smile. "but subspace can be important right? to a submissive's? state of mind?" "yes, Submissive, and yes. some subs have to be dropped or they deteriorate. some get depressed others get very manic. myself, if i don't drop sometimes, i get very grouchy." Loki admitted.
“Hm, okay. Maybe.”Val smiled a little before sighing, tilting her head as she considered it. “What do you want to know?”She said willing to share, even if she knew she wouldn’t tell him everything. Because it would leave him devastated and hurt at the idea that what should have been a amazing helpful society, was simply...bullies and bigots mostly.

Tony stirred, “I feel high, like I’m free falling in the suit again, and never have to worry about crashing.”tony muttered listening for a moment, “And definitely not one I should have tried to explain when I was subbing out. Sorry steve.”Tony said sighing quietly, before snorting. “Aren’t you always grouchy, Reindeer?”
he pondered a moment and then. "what does it look like?" he asked, offering her a smile, hoping that it wouldn't be too hard of a subject. he knew the people where dicks, he didn't want to talk about that. he didn't care much for the descriptions Thor gave of the animals and he didn't want to know about the tech, tech was boring. so, he'd ask about the scenery.

"high? like, i just smoked a ice joint, high, or high like, i just smoked crystal meth high?" "it can be both. normally, it's a bit like he smoked a joint, but there are times when a subspace goes bad and then it goes bad, very quickly." Loki admitted. "it's fine Tony." Steve promised him with a smile. "you gave me enough information to work with and Jarvis gave me everything i needed." he admitted. "...or, well enough to kind of understand... sort of... not really but i'm getting there." "some people just never get a good understanding. but just because you don't understand, doesn't mean you can't work with it." "that's true. i probably won't really be able to understand without experiencing it myself." Steve admitted. "that doesn't mean i can't learn how to..." he paused and looked at his tablet. "Drop, and Raise a Sub..." he looked at Loki. "i was always terrible with Lingo." he admitted with a small smile.
Val grinned looking at him before starting to describe everything, utterly happy to describe the beautiful city that hid such ugliness behind it. And then, since she was on a roll, started describing the other realms to, a bright eagerness to tell him everything, to share everything she could with the man she’d come to love, even if the idea of loving him, scared her.

“Both sometimes.”Tony smiled a little before relaxing at steve’s promise, nodding. “You’ve been dealing with it well for awhile, and never really realized it. I asked Phil, curious mostly, about your sex lives and all. Said you enjoyed bondage sometimes, even if he hadn’t realized you had no idea about...well. Anything really.”he teased a little leaning up to kiss steve, feeling better before rubbing a hand over his face. Pleased when his phone went off, grinning at the sound of thunder, smirking as he read the text. “Thor’s offworld. Thank god.”
he listened, enraptured as she described the worlds she had seen and he offered her a bright grin. "i would love to see that." he admitted breathlessly. "someday, when it's safe, i want to travel the nine realms with you." he admitted. "it must be okay for a human to do that someday right?" he asked with a smile.

"huh..." he blinked, looking shocked. "being tied up is a part of Subspace?" "sometimes. it's part of the BDSM." Loki explained. "but that is such a huge, huge... thing..." Loki admitted, not sure how to describe it. "Jarvis? BDSM please. just the description on what it is." Steve asked. "i do enjoy bondage though. especially when Phil ties me up." he admitted with a grin. "well. i don't know much. we didn't have words for stuff like this when i started having sex." he admitted, examining the most basic explanation of what BDSM was. "fucking yes." Steve sighed, Loki looking stunned. "he was in the tower and i didn't notice?! son of a bitch...." Loki complained with a shake of his head. "we'll wait a while to make sure he stays there before calling Clint and telling them they can come back."
Val smiled happily, nodding. “I would love traveling with you to. And it is. Well. To most places. Jotunhiem would be interesting, and I’m not sure. I’d have to ask father. And niflihiem would need you to meet Hela first, but yes, you can travel with me.”She smiled at him.

“Sometimes. Most of the time for me, actually.”Tony said sounding amused before snickering at steve’s words. “Jarvis is amazing with questions.”Tony grinned amused as steve read before smiling. “You should totally fill out the checklist, might find some things you like.”Tony smiled before looking amused. “True. you old men are sexually repressed sometimes. Talking to james about sex,is highly entertaining by the way. Especially if he’s in mixed company. Man swears like a sailor in front of Natasha and the other girls, but ask him to discuss sex, and he gets squirrelly.”Tony snickered, because he brought up sex in front of the girls, simply because it made james uncomfortable sometimes. “He must have stopped when we were asleep. Jane’s text said he left her place a hour ago.”Tony yawned shrugging a little.”Bruce must have gotten him his ring and sent him on his way.”He sighed and nodded.”yes, it’s definitely a good idea to wait to tell tehm.”
he paused and then. "Jotunhiem is too cold for humans right?" he asked curiously. "maybe there's a spell that could protect me?" he mused. "and of course i wouldn't go to Deaths doors without asking permission first." he agreed, nodding. "i'd hate not to come back out." he admitted with a smile. "i bet if anyone knows what i am, if i'm anything, it would be Hela." he admitted with a nod.

"i'll have to remember that." Steve admitted, smiling at Tony before nodding. "he is. you have no idea how much he helps me everyday." he admitted with a chuckle before looking curious. "checklist?" he asked, his head tilted. "it's a list of things associated with BDSM, like Anal penetration, bondage, blowjobs and other such things, some of which are very... icky, and a check for favorite, like, maybe, dislike, and don't you ever do this. it's a way to compare your likes with someone elses."
"Yea. It is. But I know there's been humans once in awhilee, so I assume there's a spell for it."Val said frowning slightly. Thinking about it."hm yea. She probably does. I mean, she's probably watched you reincarnate each time."she said sounding thoughtful.

"Good. I enjoy about everything."he said smiling slightly before snickering."I do. Jarvis helps me all the time."he grinned."yea. A list of everything and normal stuff that sometimes comes up in bdsm. Easier to decide if you want to try sex with a new person or not."tony shrugged a little.
he blinked a little. "isn't he human now?" he asked curiously. nope, he was actually in his 'runt Aesir' form. his preferred form. his Human form was slightly smaller, much more adorable with curly light hair and a cute little grin. "she must have." he agreed before flushing. "i hope she's not pissed off that i cheated death so many times..." he muttered.

"of course you do. you're culturally refined. you like all kinds of gross things. like Caviar." Steve teased with a grin. he had tried Caviar once. it had been foul and disgusting. "well good, i'm glad i'm not the only one who needs help figuring out whatever the hell that thing is in the kitchen." "the Microwave?" "that is NOT a microwave. i can work a microwave!" he complained, Loki snickering a little as Steve examined the list. "...Tony? what is Scat? isn't that a Jazz thing?"
“No. He’s Aesir at the moment. His human form, is slightly more short and slender, and blond. It’s quite adorable really, and he avoids it as he’s not as strong in that form as he is as a Aesir.”Val grinned before snorting. “I’m sure she’s willing to forgive you, since it means I get a mate for the rest of my life.”She pointed out s,miling a little.

“I don’t enjoy caviar.”He whined looking annoyed at the idea. While he ate it when he had to, it wasn’t his favorite thing in teh world to eat. “You could just talk to it. It would answer.”Tony said simply, which begged the question, did tony actually make a AI for his mircowave? Before pausing. “What?oh. No. Don’t even ask. You don’t want to know. Just say no.”
he blinked a little. "...oh... now i really want to see it." he admitted with a smirk before shaking his head. "what does his Jotun form look like?" he asked curiously. "i know he's super sensitive about it." he admitted. "he nearly turned Thor into paste the other day when Thor opened his mouth about it." he admitted. "huh... you know. maybe she did it on purpose?" he mused with a smile.

"you don't?.... huh..." Steve blinked and then. "well you like other gross things. like greens on your pizza." he admitted with a chuckle before he froze and stared at Tony. "...i'm using the Microwave in the third floor Staff room." he decided. "it's poop." "it's what!?" Steve demanded, staring horrified at Loki who was grinning. "poop." "like... like... from a person's body!?" "yes." " they...." "play with it." "....oh my god..." "yeah." "...oh my god... is there anything worse that 'Hate' on this checklist? like 'i just vomited in my mouth a little bit' check option?" he asked, examining the list before shaking his head. "gross... and what is blood play?" "same thing." "they play with blood." "yes. sometimes it's just cutting though." "what like... cutting yourself or cutting someone else?" "depends on the couple." ".... i'm going to need therapy after this." "yes you are."
“Hm, well you’ll have to wait and see if he will show you.”She looked amused before tilting her head. “like you’d expect a ice giant to look. Nearly 7 feet tall, big and broad, and blue.If you watch, his eyes go red at times when he’s upset.”She said thinking about it befre wincing, “No surprised. He’d only found out about that form right before thor came to earth, so he’s not really accepted it yet.”She said before looking thoughtful. “I dunno. Might ask her.”

“Yea, it’s slimy and weird.”Tony said before nodding. “Hey, pineapple and anchovies belong on pizza. It’s only right.”He said before sulking, “No. You shouldn’t!It’ll upset Chip.”Tony whined a little before wincing at Loki’s words. “You are so mean.”He muttered before swallowing hard, shaking his head. “No, just say hate. Just don’t think about it to hard, it’ll be upsetting.”he said looking amused before smiling slightly. “Johnny cut the fantastic four symbol in my ass once, just to see if it’d scar. After I had extremis. Sadly, it didn’t. It would have been amusing.”Tony supplied at steve’s question about blood play, snickering a little. “we all need therapy.”Tony said looking thoughtful.
"he nodded. "i don't want to push him into anything that's clearly a good way to upset him." he admitted before his eyes widened. "we are never telling Tony. he has a.. thing, for bigger men." he admitted with a grin. "and color has never bothered him at all." he admitted with a chuckle. "however, the more exotic, the more interested Tony usually is." he admitted with a smile before grimacing. "well damn, no wonder he was a psychotic little shit." he admitted. "still. the little i got from him during the weird voodoo mind shit..." he shrugged. "i never figured him for that bad of a guy." he admitted before grinning. "if he managed to raise you, he must be brilliant really." he admitted with a smile. "i've never met a woman so amazing as you." he admitted.

"it is disgusting, and Anchovies are disgusting!" he groaned, shaking his head. "well and truly nasty!" Steve didn't care for any kind of fish. neither did Loki actually. " named it?" Steve asked, looking startled because Tony only named them if they understood the concept of names, which meant at the very least, dog like intelligence(dummy) to a human personification. (Jarvis) "it's not going to spit food back at me if i call it names is it?" he demanded. "well, male or female? i'm leaning towards Male personally." well, Steve was a lot more used to things than people gav him credit for if he was asking about a microwaves Gender. "do microwaves have a gender?" Loki wondered. "technically speaking, Jotun don't have genders, so i'm just curious." he admitted before looking very curious at Tony's remarks, Steve tilting his head. "really?... you like doing that?" he asked, looking very thoughtful. "i wouldn't mind trying it." he admitted.
"Really?on top of all his other kinks, he likes bigger guys."Val snickered amused at that before smiling."well tony already finds him interesting. We'll let him discover loki's other forms all on his own."she looked amused before nodding."for thousands of years, he thought he was just a Aesir with extraordinary shaping shifting abilities. Now he knows the's messed with him some."she said before nodding."...he was trying to save us. His family..we're supposed to be free at ragnorok. He thought if it worked, we would be free...and we are. Mostly. Which means this wasn't the fight the old stories wrote about."she shrugged a little.before laughing a little."I'm not that amazing."

"Are not"tony huffed making a face at the captain.before grinning."of course I named it. What was I supposed to do, just call it a it?"he frowned upset at 5he idea."no. It 2ont, but my coffee maker might spit at you for it. They're in love, it's quite a cute 4omance really."tony hummed looking pleased at the looks he was getting.of course it's male, and it has a gender. How else is it supposed to have tiny coffee babies with Nora?"so even the coffee machine had a name."yea. I have to be in the ri vb t mood for it, and not usually after a fight, but yea I like the cutting. And tattoos are a thing to. Even if extremis got rid of the one I did have."he sulked a little
"well. yes." Clint admitted with a chuckle. "he likes to feel small and helpless. he likes to be held down and pushed around and stuff. sometimes." he admitted. "why do you think he has such a thing for Steve?" he mused with a grin before grimacing. "and let me guess. Aeser don't like Jotun so everyone else knew but Loki didn't and finding out why everyone hated him so much was a hell of a shock, right?" he asked, shaking his head. "i'm beginning to wonder how Asgard hasn't imploded yet." he admitted before blinking at her. "so, because he almost brought about Ragnarok, several of his children where freed?" he asked, looking curious. "i think Phil, Steve and Tony are working on saving the other three of your siblings too." he admitted. "not sure how that's working though." he admitted. "still, those three can manage anything." he admitted with a nod and a smile.

"good point. so, Chip. that's a good name." he agreed with a smile and blinked a little. "....the Coffee Maker is in love with the Microwave." Steve sighed and closed his eyes. "why do i live this life?" he wondered before snorting. "because i like it here. it's my own fault, i got too attached." he admitted. "now i will just have to live with the insanity.... and horrible lists of disgusting things... although... this one looks fun. and that sounds fun too... and i'd like to try this..." he mumbled, looking over the list, Loki snorting. "well he didn't stay traumatized for long did he?" he asked Tony, shaking his head.
“Ah. That makes sense....and everyone has a thing for the Captain. I mean, have you looked at his ass in his suit?”she snickered a little before nodding a little. “Pretty much. It was horrible and nasty, and I’m surprised he didn’t implode, or explode asgard in the process.”She made a face before nodding. “Yes. For the most part, we’re not sure why it worked, but it did. And Those three, will definitely be getting them free. I have alot of faith in them.”She smiled looking up as she heard Clint’s phone going off with James’ ringtone of ‘Soldier’s eyes’ by Jack savoretti started to play.

“Yep it is. Chip and Nora.”Tony grinned smirking at Steve’s words. “Yes he is. And will be very upset if you tease him about it....and You love this life. You’re the one who stayed after I got demoted as Director.”he reminded the other before smiling slightly as he watched steve look over the list, sighing as he squirmed away, moving to get up. “No, he really didn’t. He can’t. He’s used to me traumatizing him to much, so he gets over it fairly quickly.”
he smirked. "i've tapped that ass remember? or, well he's tapped mine anyway." he admitted with a grin and a snigger before nodding. "i'm surprised he never killed Odin for it." he admitted. "ultimately, it all goes back to Odin." he admitted. "the point is, is that it worked so someone higher up than Odin must have decided that you lot had suffered enough right?" he asked with a smile before blinking at his phone, flipping it on. "this is Barton." he stated, knowing better than to ignore a call from James.

"those are really cute names." Steve agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "i would never tease someone for having a crush on someone!" he protested, sulking before he smiled at Tony. "no i'm not. James stayed. Loki... kind of stayed. Clint and Nat stayed." he pointed out. "Phil never left, Maria still comes over once a week so you can annoy the hell out of her. you have more friends than you give yourself credit for." he admitted, kissing Tony's forehead before focusing on the lists. "hmm... i had such high expectations about the Scat too." "stop bringing up Scat." Steve ordered. "or i'll tie you you somewhere and leave you there."
“Ohhh, that’s right. That’s both hot and amusing really.”Val snickered before making a face. “He tried. But Odin went into Odinsleep, which is much like a healing coma, so it didn’t stick that well. I don’t doubt he’d try again eventually. And the Vanir, the elves, probably. They’re a good deal kinder then the others.”Val said before watching clint worriedly, sure that the phone call meant something bad had happened. “Thor’s gone. Return my girlfriend to me, Barton. I’m serious.”James growled, the russian accent thicker then it normally was, after so long speaking in russian the accent never truly left these days, but it was thicker and sounded like something out of a Bond movie when he was truly upset and annoyed with something, and being without natasha most days were enough to twist him up something royally.

“Just making sure you wouldn’t.”Tony said giggling a little before frowning. Not about to mention what he thought of that, because well, he knew the other would yell at him for it. “pepper didn’t. Rhodey didn’t.”He pointed out his features twisting a little as he moved away to pull his pants on, focusing on that task rather then what he was thinking about before snorting. “Yes loki. Stop being a twisted pervert about the poop, and go tell your girl she can come home, if she’s not having sex that is.”
"it is hot." he agreed with a grin. "i have videos if you like? Steve likes to re-watch his sexual exploits and i find it pretty fun too." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head before huffing. "so this asshole basically ruined Loki's life and spent Loki's entire life destroying everything that made Loki Happy, including his own children and then when Loki finally finds out why, the fucker just goes to sleep!?" he demanded, looking outraged. "forget Loki, i'll kill the asshole." he decided. "Vanir? they sound... pretty." he decided, wrinkling his nose a little before smirking into the phone. "i dunno Barnes. she's such a pretty little flower. i might want to keep her." he admitted. "i'll let her know it's safe to return and see how she feels about it...." he paused, blinking at Natasha as she strode through the room. "i'm going home to fuck James!" she informed them, Clint blinking. "well... that was a decisive answer." he informed James. "she's on her way home and expects you to be naked and waiting." he admitted before smiling at Val. "Thor's gone. we can go back home." he admitted.

Steve snorted and shook his head a little. "Pepper left because you wouldn't conform to the perfect little doll she wanted and Rhodey left because he had to chose between you and his job. he didn't want to leave, he was forced to." he admitted. "he left to protect you, why else would he have left War Machine here?" he asked, looking faintly amused at Tony before snickering at Loki's sulking. "hasn't someone else called them? i don't want to go. i'm comfortable." he whined, snuggling deeper into the bed, Steve sniggering even more at that.
“Hmmm, I might have to watch it. Might be good watching if you ever have to go on a mission.”She smirked a little before wincing, nodding a little. “Mostly. Though to be fair, even if we don’t want to, Loki had nearly killed him. He had to heal, even if I really, really didn’t want to let him do so.”She sighed before smirking. “I’d repay you for killing him, if I didn’t think thor would freak out over it.”She said before nodding. “They are very beautiful. We’ll have to go to vanihiem when we can travel.”She smiled a little before shoving a fist into her mouth to keep from laughing at the burst of cursing loud enough over the phone line loud enough to hear feet away from clint. “I’ll be here then.”James said hanging up without a thought even as he prepared for his girlfriend’s return. “...Are we sure we want to?I mean, a super soldier’s about to be knocking boots with his girlfriend who’s been gone for two days. They’re going to shake the tower down.”She snickered even as she got out of the water, getting ready to go.

“...Yea. Well. Maybe.”Tony muttered sighing softly, not willing to look at that, because well, he wanted to sulk. The wounds still to fresh for him to be reasonable about either situation before smirking as Jarvis answered. “Reindeer, James has just informed Clint that he would like his girlfriend to return home since Thor is no longer on-world. I gathered that they will all be returning soon.”
"yeah it's tons of fun. it's even better when you pop it on and then tie me up so i can't move and then come back after it's done and repeat the whole video in real life...." he mumbled, eyes glazed at the remembered sex marathon Steve had done to him that one time. it had been glorious. "that's true. so in other words, all of this might have been over and done with if Odin hadn't been a pussy?" he asked, sulking a little before sighing. "yeah Thor would freak wouldn't he. he's such a little daddies boy." he grumbled, shaking his head before grinning at the cussing captain. "such Language James! there is a lady here!" he protested. "well. you might have a good point." Clint admitted, slipping out of the water as well, patting a cave wall. "this place has been home for me for upwards of six hundred years. about seven rebirths." he admitted. "seven lifetimes living here, this place will probably always be my home." he admitted with a smile before offering her a grin. "i'm more than happy if you want to call this place home too." he admitted. anything to make her happy.

Steve smiled at him a little before snorting at Jarvis's continued nickname for poor Loki, who didn't seam to care in the least little bit. "oh wonderful. i don't have to get up." Loki purred, very content now. "wait... where are you going?" he demanded, frowning when he realized both Steve and Tony where getting out of bed. "morning jog and then making breakfast." Steve admitted, Loki sulking at him and then turning that pout on Tony, waiting to hear his excuse for leaving such a glorious bed
Val stared at him, her own eyes glazing some as she considered that."I'll keep that in mind."she said smiling slightly."hm yes it might be."she agreed sighing tiredly before laughing."he really is a daddy's boy."she agreed again before smirking as she listened to james cussing."go to hell, barton."james growled as he hung up and you knew eventually there'd be punishment for taking natasha away for as long as it'd been."it is home....I feel comfortable here."she offered him a shy smile, running her hand through her hair before pulling on a shirt."but it'd do the pups some good to be in sunlight and with others, even if we have to put up with james' sex life."she snorted amused before going to find jori and the pups.

"No you dont."tony agreed looking amused as he pulled on a shirt."more coffee and lab. Feel free to stay though. The beds comfortable."she said smirking at the godling a little as he headed for the door
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