The Archer(Lady/moon)

"A very good thing."Val smiled at him, even if she shuddered at the idea of him being so mistreated, even if he'd survived it.tilting her head she nodded moving to let him get up, even if the pups whined at the loss of their playmate."go. Food sounds amazing."she said easing up herself."though if you wanted you don't have to stay here with us. You can go get whatever food you want."she said looking vaguely anxious, cause it disturbed her to think of him staying where he didn't want to be because it made her feel better.

"That is very good. Thank you. It will be good know know even more of how Sir is going." "You already know plenty,J."tony sulked a little even if he knew it was a good thing."that's amazing. Truly. It'll be good to know, especially since we're all so...damaged. good to have better checking in."tony muttered and held out steve's ring towards the man."commander, will you do the honors, of being the first to wear my ring?"he said, the devilish, teasing smirk said he knew just how much like a proposal it sounded, and was just yanking steve's chain."....and when I think I've heard the worst of your people, it keeps getting more."tony made a face even as he slid the ring on looking disgusted."she's okay though?"he said worried humming a little."...we might have a problem...thors going to freak if we don't give him one to..."he said suddenly looking worried at the idea
Clint smiled a little at her. "i'll be right back." he promised, gently settling Niko into her hands as well, dropping a kiss to the top of her head. "i'd rather stay here." he admitted. "the Tower is nice, but this is home." he admitted, looking around the cave before grinning at her. "besides, if i leave you alone in here you'll go through all of my stuff and find my dirty porno collection." he teased, flashing her a wink before heading off to kick Nat out of her bed, which was in a little 'hole' off in a corner, well, if a cave could have a corner. she was not very happy about being woken up but was much happier when he offered her coffee and his wallet to go and get enough groceries for a week. he was well aware she was probably going to use his money to buy a bunch of stuff he'd never see, but that James would enjoy, but that was okay.

"You'll be able to monitor all of us." Loki agreed with a smile at Jarvis he knew the A.I fretted terribly about everyone in the tower. this would hopefully put the computer at east as well as the rest of the Avengers who worried entirely too much about each other. "i would be delighted Tony." Steve informed him, looking entirely too serious, though Loki could see the glitter of laughter in Steve's eyes. "i'm more of an autumn, but maybe we could have a spring wedding?" he mused, his head tilted at Tony. "of course, we'll have to wait for it to be legal for a man to marry a man but i'm sure that it will happen soon, we ARE the Avengers, if we start broadcasting that we're gay it will work out, right?" he asked with a snigger, Loki looking curious. "what is this 'marriage' you speak of and why can two men not do it?" he asked curiously before shrugging. "there re none worse than those from Odin's loins." Loki admitted. "Tyr is as bad, if not worse than Odin himself." Loki admitted with a shrug before nodding. "she's fine. he was in Helhiem after all. he only got as far as she allowed." he admitted. "i think she was waiting until the evidence was irrefutable but i cut that plan short." he admitted. "then give him one. he won't be able to track anyone through the rings and it will allow us to keep an eye on his location if nothing else."
“Kay.”Val said smiling a little, blushing a little as she looked around. “Yea, i can see it as home.”She said watching him go, laughing. “Any dirty porn you have, I’m going to find now.”She said looking interested as she looked around her, looking amused as she considered where to look,just cause she wanted to tease him.

“...Really?Well. Okay, a spring wedding could work. I mean, we could totally have Clint as a flowergirl, he’d look good.”Tony said, for a moment at a loss on how to respond to teh teasing before snickering. “Probably. And a wedding is a...bonding, like agreement to be mates, or whatever the term is in asgard, for life, for better and worse and all. And men can’t do it to other men, cause it’s not legal. Law doesn’t recognize it.”Tony shrugged a little before wincing at the idea of tyr being worse, relaxing knowing hela was okay before nodding. “Well, that’s true. Okay. Well, hopefully if I call Jane now, he’ll come get it and then go away. It’d be good.”Tony said fidgeting a little.
"you won't be able to find it!" Clint teased with a chuckle before flushing brightly when Jori leaned back with a booby magazine. one with both men, and women in it. "...well fuck. how did you find them so fast?" Clint wondered, the man smirking. "they where under the bed." "...wait... that's not one of mine..." Clint complained, scowling at Natasha who sniggered and vanished through yet another doorway. "might not be yours but they're really good." Jori admitted with a chuckle. "and considering the fact you thought it was yours, i'm going to assume some of them are just like this one." Clint just shrugged. "pretty much, yeah." he admitted with a smile.

"he would look good." Steve agreed with a chuckle. "he looks fantastic in dresses." Steve admitted, licking his lips. "so does Phil for that matter." he looked Loki up and down. "actually, Loki would look fantastic in a dress." "i look fantastic in everything." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "great! so, Loki will be the bride, Tony will be the groom and i'll officiate in the spring the year they legalize gay marriage." he decided happily, Loki pausing, frowning a little. "wait.. what?" Loki asked, looking well and truly baffled. "ah! Lifebonding!" he agreed, nodding. "handfasting is sometimes also used." he admitted. "for the people themselves, we sometimes use the word 'bonded' or 'lifemates' depending on the type of ceremony and the love between the couple." Loki admitted before scowling a little and then nodded, adjusting his ring. "i have to finish etching the others and then i'll go check on Val for a few hours until Thor leaves again. i won't be in the same room as him... or house." he muttered. "i'll probably kill him if i se his ugly, hypocrite face again."
“I totally will!”Val grinned, laughing as she looked at jori’s books, looking up at clint with a raised eyebrow, glancing at natasha as the woman left. “They are good.”She said even if she was blushing from looking, and looking a little out of sorts, cause well, she just wasn’t built like those woman. Even young, she’d been slender, and constant work with her bow had kept her from being seriously curvy.

“He does. We should totally tell Phil he’s a bridesmaid.”Tony decided, before laughing. “Well, considering you can also BE a woman, of course you look good in a dress.”He teased before looking at steve, startled and confused. “What?”He stared before smiling. “Yes, lifebonding.”He agreed before nodding. “Go ahead, finish these, you can take them to them, and natasha, while we deal with thor.”he said maing a face at the idea, but willing to tolerate him to simply not make things worse.
Clint shrugged, blushing now. "mines actually... well..." he hesitated and then kicked open the chest with all of his furs and blankets in out and dug all the way down to the bottom and came up with a small selection of no more than five magazines. there where men and women in all of them, but the popular theme was that they where all very healthy, slender but not thin and muscled. and naughty, in one, all of them where bound in various ropes, plowed with toys or gagged and blindfolded. he scratched the back of his head. "yeah... i mean... if we're gonna date it's only fair that you get to take my porn right?"

"we totally should. i wonder if i could get a dress?" Steve wondered, Loki chuckling. "i can also be various kinds of hermaphrodites." he admitted. "in any case, male or female, i look fantastic." he stated with a grin before settling in to finish the rings. it didn't take long. a half an hour at most and he smiled, handing them to Tony. "may i give one to Val? i would feel better knowing she is being watched over as well." he admitted. "especially with... certain people on the prowl lately." he admitted.
:Val’s eyes widened as he handed her the magazines, flushing brightly as she looked down at them, swallowing hard. Squirming a little. “Jori?Go away.”She ordered “And take the pups. Go explore the other rooms.”She smiled waiting until he was gone, before smirking up at him, blushing and nervous even as she looked down at the porn. “You ike this?Like this?”she asked, curious, but not upset. Wondering.

“You probably could.”Tony said looking amused before smirking at the idea of a female loki, really. This was nearly perfect. Loki could fill whatever desire he wanted, even if his long standing crush on steve would only be filled by the captain himself, anything else....he could have loki. Which was both disturbing some, and fascinating to consider. Tony smiled nodding as he searched for a moment before pulling out the two matching rings, while they were all silver, these two were slightly darker, with a small bulleye etched into the metal. “These two are for the two archers.And there’s one for Jori to, if he should want it. I figured you'd feel better with them watched. hell, I feel better knowing they have them."
Jori laughed and gathered the pups up. "keep the pups out of the bath!" Clint ordered. "the heat and steam won't be good for them." he warned before flushing harder at her and avoided looking at her, sheepish. "i mean... yeah. sometimes." he admitted. "not always but... i like... being helpless sometimes. and, and i like having the control sometimes." he admitted. "but i don't NEED it, so if you don't like it, we won't do it. i promise." he swore. "i would never do anything you don't like. i promise."

"i'm sure i could." "i could just make you one too." Loki admitted. "a small scan of the body, he won't even notice, and i'll have a dress fit to him perfectly." he admitted with a chuckle. "these are brilliant Tony." Loki admitted, grinning at him and settled his etching pen onto them as well, swiftly charging the runes and smiling. "how are you feeling Jarvis? do you need to do them one at a time or will you be alright with the influx of sensations?" he asked, wondering if the A.I would be able to handle a sudden influx of information.
"Huh."Val said looking up at him then at the book again. Not upset simply curious."...ive never tried. I mean...I didn't know people would want to do that..."she said looking thoughtful. Indeed, she was such a adorable naive woman. She might be 500, but it was a sheltered 500, despite everything she'd gone through."I'd like to try...."

"That would be great, thanks loki."he smiled at the god before grinning, happy."I know. But it's nice for everyone to acknowledge that I'm brilliant."tony smiled a little."jarvis?" "I'm fine, sir, loki. If you would please connect the rings, I would indeed feel better knowing how everyone is fine."
"....really?" he asked, looking a little startled before he smiled. "well. anytime you want to try something, i'd be game." he admitted, rubbing the back of his head. "i mean... uhm... if you want, we could... i have some..." he sighed. "why am i so awkward?" he wondered, smacking himself in the face with a groan.

"of course." Loki agreed with a smile. "i'll do that then Jarvis... this will feel very strange." he warned before running his hands over the rings, an emerald glow, like smoke, floating over the rings. they flashed and then they all connected and Jarvis could easily read everyone the rings where connected to and send signals and messages from one ring to the other. even more, Jarvis would start to find an innate understanding of the magic used. who knew what he would be capable of doing with that. "there. all done. they are interconnected and Jarvis will be able to monitor us and send magic based messages to the other rings. or do that electronically, i'm not sure how that part works yet though." he admitted.
“Really.”She said blushing brightly as she looked up at him. “Since....thor....I’ve not had sex. I was bad enough I wasn’t interested in trying.”She said shrugging a little, blushing, before looking amused, feeling better at how awkward he was. Giggling a little. “You are so awkward. But it’s cute....and we can. Let’s try...”She said smiling a little.

“Okay, Loki.”jarvis said and indeed, it felt very strange to the AI, but also good. “Wow....”The british AI sounded amazed. “That’s awesome. And it’ll be good for us to get certain rings to others without alerting everyone. I mean, the couples and such, and all. This...this is amazing.”Tony said looking a little wide eyed at the idea.
he nodded. "i can imagine why you'd be hesitant to sleep with anyone else. after all if Thor, one of the more tolerant was like that, i can't imagine what someone else might have been like." Clint admitted, scowling at the reminder that Thor had hurt her before smiling sheepishly at her. "well. as long as i'm cute." he admitted before grinning at her. "and would you like to be tied up, or do the tying?" he asked playfully. "i have some leather shackles." he admitted. "they're special made." he admitted. "they won't leave marks on the skin, but still restrain..." he blushed brightly. he'd made them because Steve loved to tie Clint up but Clint didn't like to share his toys with other people.

Loki smiled. "don't worry Master Jarvis the sensation won't last long. again, as you adjust to it." Loki promised before looking confused at Tony. "why wouldn't we want people to know that the Avengers are getting rings?" he asked, baffled. "we don't want to draw attention to it." "so don't. tell the world that the rings are a symbol of unity, teamwork, and world peace. you'll start a fad, everyone will start wearing rings." he admitted. then no one will look twice at them. they'll just be a ring... or, better yet, send them to the fantastic four and have them set the trend." Loki shrugged. "either way would work."
“Yes...”She sighed quietly, leaning into him a little as the other scowled, smiling a little. “You are very cute.”She promised tilting her head, thinking about it. “hmmm...I think...Tie me up.I think I need to know if I’ll enjoy it or not.”She smiled at him, running her fingers through his hair with a sigh, simply because she enjoyed touching him.

“Well. I mean, if sorcerers, like Doom or Strange, or someone bad, might be drawn to the rings, might figure out how to use them against us or anything. I mean, I don’t know, I’m just feeling paranoid.”Tony sighed fidgeting a little before grinning. “I think I will send Johnny and the others one. They’d probably like them to and they’ll start a trend.”He hummed pleased stretching slowly, tired now that he was starting to calm down.
he grinned at her a little and then chuckled, dipping his head to kiss her before heading over to the dresser, taking out the bottom drawer and removing the floorboard underneath and pulled up a box. inside was more, older porn magazines, a butt plug, a cock ring, the leather shackles he had promised, a ball gag, a leather blindfold, a set of anal beads and a horse crop.he pulled out the shackles, put the box back, put the floor down and then slid the dresser drawer back into place, offering her a grin. "not even Natasha knows that secret." he admitted with a chuckle, handing her the shackles. "just feel them for a moment." he ordered calmly. "hold them, see how they feel around your wrists, see how the sight of them, the touch of them, the smell of them makes you feel." he ordered. this was basic stuff, true. but it was important not to go too fast, especially when she was so new to sex in general. "if they make you uneasy, then you won't like them on you so be careful to take your time."

"ah! i see. Doom would be incapable of analyzing this sort of magic." he admitted. "your Dr. Strange however. is he not on the side of good?" Loki asked, looking confused a little bit. "either way, he is already harnessing advanced magics that are nearly on par with Asgard, getting his hands on these rings would give him little useable information unless he can also hack into Jarvis." he admitted. "in order to get the information off of these rings, you must be able to breach the magical defenses, as well as Jarvis's immensely advanced technology." Loki admitted with a smile. "and anyone who can, aught to be invited to join your organization." he admitted.
Val flushed brightly as she saw the rest of his box, looking both curious and a little lost as she looked into it, before smiling slightly. “I feel special. Knowing a secret Natasha doesn’t.”She muttered looking amused before takign the shackles, resting them in her hands as she stared down at them, simply turning them over, strokign the soft leather in her fingers, looking thoughtful. “...They’re heavy....heavier then I thought they’d be...”She muttered.

“Ah, okay. And yes, he is. But I distrust magic most of the time, I mean, I can’t prove it with science or anything. And I’ve trusted the wrong people before, makes me a little more cautious.”Tony said making a face before relaxing. “Oh. Well. That makes sense. Good. I’ll keep that in mind.”He said looking pleased with the idea of no one getting into the rings.
he smiled a little. "don't worry. we won't be using those things." he promised. "not anytime soon. there are a lot of steps in-between." he admitted. "we don't do anything you don't like, that is the rule. always." he admitted with a smile and a shake of his head. "if anyone ever asks, or tries to manipulate or blackmail you into doing anything you don't want to do, then you have to leave that person immediately." he admitted, watching her handle the shackles. "there's iron wound around the inside." he admitted. "they have to be strong to stand up to my strength." he admitted. "when i'm way down, i forget my own strength, and i break the ropes, or the tape holding me, so i had these specially designed." he admitted with a smile. letting her decide in her own time if she wanted to try them.

"of course you can prove it with science. it's just stuff you haven't discovered on earth yet." Loki admitted with a smile. "what, you think we just make things happen? no of course not. we still have to work within the laws of physics. we don't just go around altering things as we see fit, we can't. what we do is alter the molecular structure, connect particles and other such things that i don't have the earth words for." he admitted. "i could even teach you, i think." he admitted. "you have to be smart enough of course, and have the right mindset but i think if any human where capable it would be you."
Val smiled, relaxing a little. “Ah. Okay.”She said watching him, nodding a little. “I know. I’ll tell you if I don’t like it. Promise.”She smiled a little, looking amused. Tilting her head slightly as she considered it, “So they will hold me. I mean, they’ll stand up to a asgardian’s strength?”she said looking amused and thoughtful at the idea before undoing the buckle, sliding it over her hand before holding it out towards him. “okay. Let’s try.”

“Really?”tony perked up at the idea before huffing. “Of course I did. I mean, it’s magic. It’s sorta supposed to be like insane stuff.”He said sulking at the idea of nagic being normal science stuff. That’s just not awesome, even if what bothered him about magic had been the idea science couldn’t explain it. “Hm, that would be good. I’ll totally go for learning magic.”Tony said smiling at the other.
he nodded. "good." then he shrugged. "ii don't know. i'm stronger than most humans are. almost up there with Steve, well.. not quite..." he admitted, shaking his head. "maybe more like James. i'm almost as strong as James, but i'm not anywhere close to Asgardian strength and i've never had to test it against an Asgardian before." he admitted. "but if they break that's okay, Tony will make me new ones." he admitted with a smile before wrapping the cuff more tightly around her wrist, a snug, constant pressure there. he paused for a moment, letting her feel how that felt before wrapping the other shackle around her other wrist ad looked up at her. "hows that feel?"

Loki chuckled a little and shook his head. "Thor is a moron. he tried to explain magic to you didn't he?" he asked, shaking his head. "he's not the person to ask. i'll give you a book for beginners, it will introduce you tot he lingo and the basic principles. it's much too advanced for most humans... well, most asgardians for that matter." he admitted. "but i think you should catch on quickly." he admitted with a smile his hand vanishing into the inky abyss and came back out with a book, handing it to Tony. "oh... hold on." Loki flushed a little. "i forget that you can't read Asgardian...." he set his hands on the book and all the elegant letters shifted into proper English. "there you go."
“”Oh...huh. Well, we’ll see then. I mean, I can’t break everything. I have problems bending steel...”She said frowning a little, smirking. “I’m very glad you’ve never tested them on a asgardian before, otherwise I might be having words with Thor or Sif.Maybe Fandal.”because of them all, those three she could see clint with at one point. “....okay. I wont worry about it then.”She said because she had been indeed slightly worried about it, relaxing as she looked down at her wrists, shivering a little at the pressure in her wrists, whimpering quietly. “It’s...different. Not odd...but...different.”She said relaxing, as if she wasn’t sure what to think.

“Yes. He did. It made my head hurt.”Tony said making a face before grinning. “I would greatly apperciate that. Even between me and bruce, we couldn’t figure out what he was talking about.”Tony explained before smiling as he laughed. “No, I can’t, but I would totally learn. I mean, it’s knowledge.”Tony said smirking, not about to mention he’d learned elvish from tolkien, or mordor’s language...or....he knew alot of odd, weird languages that no one but geeks knew.
"he smiled a little. "so you could probably break them if you really tried, but you shouldn't if your just tugging on them for support." he mused. "we'll have to see." he admitted before smiling a little. "no, i never did. i can't stand the bastards." he admitted. "Steve on the other hand, has bedded all of the Warriors three and Thor so..." he shrugged. "Fandral walked bowlegged for a while and most of them looked rather impressed with Steve for a long while after that." he admitted with a chuckle. "it is a bit different" he agreed, gripping the chain between the shackles and pulling, forcing her arms straight, watching how she reacted to that before guiding her hands up and onto a hook on the wall behind the bed, waiting to see how she reacted to being stuck in that position.

"that's because he doesn't have a damn clue about how magic really works. he might impress that stupid woman with that drivel but people who are actually intelligent will be more than capable of seeing through his stupidity." Loki admitted. "it is knowledge." he agreed with a smile. "fantastic knowledge. but in return, you have to teach me earth science." he ordered with a smile.
"Probavly not."shesaid relaxing at the idea she probably wouldn't break his stuff."...that's both disturbing and impressive. And they probably are the few people in the world who could really keep up with him."she muttered remembering what he'd said about steve's outrageous libido. Startling as her arms where forced out eyes wide as she looked at him.shivering a little as she was tied up she whined quietly, squirming and protesting it, but not really. Simply fighting it because she couldon't not fight." this would be interesting..."she muttered looking at him with wide blown eyes.

"I think I can handle that."tony grinned looking amused at the idea of teaching someone as intelligent as loki, holding the rings out."okay go take everyone their rings and I'll get thor here so that's taken care of."tong smiled at the other, try not to worry about it
he chuckled a little. "he did them all in the same day too. which only impressed them even more i think." he admitted. "hell, i was impressed." he admitted with a chuckle before smiling when she reacted. it wasn't panic though, simply struggling because she was a warrior and a fighter and they, he, always struggled. "you like it?" he asked with a smile, settling over her, straddling her hips. "i'll go slow." he promised. "so if you get scared r nervous, tell me right away and i'll stop." he promised before smiling at her. "we'll start with a kiss." he decided, leaning down and pressing their lips together, softly at first and then with increasing passion and roughness. he even tangled his hand in her hair, forcing her head back in the end to deepen the kiss to see how she'd take to that.

"i'm not going now!" Loki protested before pausing. "oh. right. i forgot to tell you." he flushed a bit and then shook his head. "she's having sex at the moment so... yeah. i'm not about to interrupt that, she'll rip my head off." he admitted.
"Yea that is impressive."she looked amused at the idea. Squirming a little as she looked up at him." I's different."she said squirming a little as he straddled her, groaning quietly as she looked at him, panting softly, moaning as she was kissed, jerk in at her hands, because she wanted to touch him, but she didn't fight terribly to get free,.

"...ah. well yea don't go. That would be a problem. No dying on us."tony snickered a little looking amused.
he smiled at her. "it is different. i love being held in place like that." he admitted, grinning when she jerked. he always jerked too, pulled against the ropes, wanting free but loving the sensation of being held fast, stuck, trapped. "and now a little more." he warned her, looking a bit amused at how she looked pretty damn aroused already, kissing his way down her neck while his hands slid slowly up her shirt, tickling her ribs before stroking the soft, sensitive skin just underneath her breasts, he scraped his teeth against her neck and then sucked where he'd sort of, not really bitten.

"no. i would rather not die." he agreed with a chuckle. "i might, however, take a nap before Thor comes back. i doubt i will sleep much while he's so close to Val." he admitted. "i don't like the way he looks at her... and i don't like how... interested, Odin is in her." he admitted, scowling a little. it was a frightening thought, Odin paying too much attention to Val.
Val squirmed, looking up at the other. Moaning softly as she tilted her head back, whining quietly as he slid her shirt up, shivering under his hands, panting quietly. “hawk!”She whined whimpering as the other sucked over her skin, hips bucking up into his, desperate for anything, needy.

“Hmmm, a nap sounds good.”Now that he was actually not working, tony was feeling sleepy and content himself. Smiling up at the other, before wincing. “maybe, whatever she the reason they’re interested?I mean, I was never well liked, but people liked what I could do for them. Maybe that’s the same with val.”Tony shrugged rubbing a hand over his face, eyeing steve and loki together. Even if he felt tired, he was so debating on trying for sex. Cause it was tony, and he couldn’t help himself. Especially with his recently learned knowledge about his best friend.
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