The Archer(Lady/moon)

“Yes, Earth is better, even in the cold places, its not that cold.”Fenrir said thoughtfully. “...Well. You guys are fairly weird I’ll agree.”Val smiled a little. “I am not weird. They just needed money, and if I couldn’t get them to go find another billionaire say-bruce wayne- I might as well embrace that they’re here....and. Sex. Captain and sex.”Tny smirked. James rolled his eyes, it always amused him when tony tried to convince people he didn’t care about them as much as he did. “And yes. Loki has to stop pranking us.” “He’s not pranking you. He’s pranking Thor. Even if the idiot’s not paying attention.”Val snorted a little sighing softly. Tony smirked a little as he looked up at Clint, amused at the sight. “Hey Birdbrain, you look serious.”He muttered teasing him a little before nodding. “very good names.”he agreed smiling a slightly. “Maybe. I don’t know. This was....the first litter.”Fenrir swallowed hard, shaking his head thoughtfully. They might or might not. Stirring slightly at the sound of thunder, he frowned. “Is that you, Val?” “Nope.”Val said even as she moved to get up, frozen between running from the thunderer, and staying with the pups."Go Val. Take them with you. We'll be okay here."Fenrir promised watching her. "Clint?Is there somewhere they can go?"Fenrir said glancing at the archer, enlisting him in helping.
"Bruce Wayne isn't real though, is he?" Jörmungandr asked, head cocked to the side. "i'm pretty sure he's just in movies." he admitted before looking amused. "Sex huh? i'm pretty good at Sex." he admitted with a leer. "he's trying to get Thor's attention, by pissing with us." Steve corrected. "thus he's pranking us." "just thinking." Clint said with a shrug, smiling a little as he watched them. "Thor?" Clint wondered, wondering why the three of Loki's children where suddenly so tense. "yes." Clint assured Fenrir, glancing at her. "go. take them to the cave. i'll meet you there. can they be transferred through your magic?" he asked. "if not, i'll take them down. Thor won't think anything of me carrying a few wolf pups. he's seen me doing it before." "you carry wolf pups?" "of course i do." Clint scoffed, rolling his eyes. "i help raise orphaned animals, remember?" "oh yeah." "if she can't, i can." Jörmungandr promised, already gathering the pups into his arms and looking at Val. "lead the way." he ordered. he could follow the trace of her magic to her location. by the time Thor arrived the lingering traces of hr transportation magic would be too weak for him to trace and follow. Clint would follow on foot, using hiw own magic to clear out any lingering traces. the Earth magic coating the cave would act as a barrier, preventing anyone from hunting down the puppies or Val. well, in theory anyway.
“no, he’s not. He should be though.”Tony huffed a little, sulking before looking at the man, shaking his head. “Sorry. I have prior commitments to my Captain, and apparently, you’re father. As odd and weird as I find it.”Tony said still looking weirded out at the idea that loki wanted him. “True.”James snickered a little smiling a little as he watched Clint, he knew that look. It was one he gave Natasha often. “Uh-huh...”Valentina muttered swallowing as she got up. “Yea. They can be.”She said relaxing a little. Looking at Jor, “Let’s go. You’ll like the cave I think.”She said smiling as they left. Son enough they were settled in clint’s bed, the small pups looking cutely adorable all snuggled up in his wolf furs. “...I’m worried Jor.”She muttered looking up at her brother, sighing quietly.

Thor shook his head as he stepped in off the balcony, his blond hair wet with rain, looking worried as he paused. Taking in the sight, before slumping a little, in relief. While he didn’t understand his nieces and nephews well, he knew that they deserved better from the aesir then what they got, and his worst wayward, stupid way, to be good for them, even if he failed most of the time. “Fenrir.”He said relieved to see his nephew alive. “What do you want?”Fenrir growled, looking annoyed under his blankets, content to be resting, tense and waiting, willing to piss off the man, if it meant covering Val’s tracks. Even if he didn’t know everything that had happened, he knew whatever had happened between val and thor had hurt her, so he was going to keep them away. “I came to make sure you were alive. I....I just heard about your mate and pups...I needed to...”He trailed off, shaking his head, knowing there was no words of comfort, and not wanting to press it, not when he knew Loki would be be back soon enough to yell at him. “I wanted to express sorrow for the hunt. And that I shall be joining Hela in looking for the party.”
Jörmungandr shrugged. he didn't mind if Tony Stark didn't want to have sex with him. there where a lot of cute people in the room. the captain, the commander, the red haired woman and the shapshifting doctor. pretty much everyone there was cute so he had plenty of options of he really felt the need. "alright." Jori agreed, following her. "Fen? if ou need me to come and get you, just call." he ordered before following Val. "there's nothing to be worried about." or promised, gently stroking the puppies. "the End of Days has come ad gone, we're free now. we'll live here on earth if we have to, Odin will not dare do anything to us here, not with Heimdall constantly watching." Heimdall after all, was an entity older even than Odin's grandfather. Heimdall served the king, only so long as the King obeyed the laws. and not just the laws that Odin passed either, but the ancient laws that Odin could not break, not if he wished to remain king. there where ways around that however. Odin had gotten very good at slithering around his chains.

Jörmungandr, Valentina and Clint where all gone when Thor got there. leaving only the other Avengers and Fenrir. "Thor." Bruce said, nodding to him and passing Fenrir a cup of hot cocoa. "i was wondering if you where ever going to show up." he admitted. "seeing as how Loki, your own brother, has been trying to get your attention using US as live bait for the last year or three." Bruce accused. annoyed that Loki had been pranking them, turning them into animals ad babies and funny colors to get Thor's attention, and Thor had done nothing. not to mention, he could read between the lines, he had a feeling that not a single one of Loki's kin cared much for Thor or Odin. "you are entirely too late." Loki hissed, walking into the room. "Hela has already captured the hunting party. they tried to attack her. tried to rape her, again!" Loki snarled. "your precious 'true' Brother Tyr has tried to rape MY daughter, again!" Loki snarled, shoving Thor so hard the man was flung to the floor. "Hela has announced they're punishment!" he informed Thor, his eyes burning. "and Odin has the audacity to tell her that the punishment is too harsh. overly harsh when it is what the Law dictates!" he snarled. "your precious 'Father' defends a rapist and a murderer!" Loki shrieked. "All the while sentencing my children to a lifetime of Grief simply because they where born of MY LOINS!" he raged. "Your Precious Father Who has Ruined my life, my children's lives and now has had my grandchildren murdered!!!!!"
“I will.”Fenrir smiled a little watching them go. “...I know...I’s thor. He’s always slithering around at Odin’s bidding...”she sighed softly, smiling as Cinder nibbled at her fingers trying to get milk. “We’re going to have to get a bottle soon...”She muttered sighing softly before nodding. “True. We’re safe here...”She muttered looking up at clint came in. “Everything okay?”She said worried thor had given him a hard time.

“Bruce.”Thor nodded a little, swallowing hard, wincing at that. “I have been traveling the realms. I did not know that he was causing problems here.” “You’ve been visiting Jane, you knew.”Tony said ignoring the look he got from the god for his efforts, starting to answer before pausing, eyes going unfocused for a moment as he focused on something besides what was in the room. Not knowing what it was, trying to find it before snapping back as Loki walked in, his attention on the people in the room now, instead of the mystery of the humming buzz of thunder at the back of his head. Ignoring it for now before he paled. “You are my brother to, Loki.”Thor said swallowing hard, gasping as he hit the floor, gasping a little as he felt the tile cracking under him at the heavy hit. “...I...”Thor paused, pale as he got back up. Glancing at fenrir, he hadn’t realized they were actually fenrir’s children. He’d known that they were direwolves, hadn’t realized...oh hell. Swallowing thickly he looked at the other.”I will go home, deal with them, and Tyr”He sneered a little as he considered his older brother, tyr who’d always been a challenge to the thunder god, it had always been loki thor doted on. Swallowing thickly as he moved away from the angry people, pausing as he considered Loki. Tilting his head a little. Considering it, biting his lip. “Valentina?She would be a asset to deal with. Not even Odin would argue with the Chosen if she took Tyr’s life.”He said, asking not because he wanted to hurt her, but because he wanted to use her. because any of the other valkyries Odin could cow into obeying, Valentina would make her own choice over it. As dumb as he could be sometimes, there was a mind as calculating as odin’s behind wide blue eyes. Not to mention, he had his own reasons for liking the young valkyrie.
Jörmungandr nodded, lifting his lips in a sneer. "i am well aware of that, who do you think had me encased in the roots of the tree?" he asked her, lifting an eyebrow. "all for 'my own good' of course. the filthy bastard." he grumbled, shaking his head. "i'm not sure there are any bottles here." he admitted, looking around the cave. "it's comfortable here though, what is this place?"

Bruce gave Thor a fairly disgusted look before huffing when he realized that Thor wasn't even paying attention. "i am not your brother you fucking traitor!" Loki hissed, rage fueling his words. why had he wanted Thor's attention? he couldn't seam to remember now that his son, his precious Fenrir had lost the one thing he had going for him. "You will do nothing, as you always do nothing!" Loki screamed at him. "you did nothing when they forced Sleipnir to sty in animal form to be ridden like a donkey! you did nothing when they sewed my lips shut! you did nothing when THEY SLAUGHTERED MY SONS!" Váli who had been turned into a wolf and lost his mind had never been relocated and Narfi who had been gutted by his own brother. "You did nothing when they chained Fenrir! Did nothing when they locked Jörmungandr into the roots of the World Tree! you did nothing when they scarred Hel and locked her in Deaths embrace for the rest of her life and you did nothing when they tried to take my Valentina away!" he yelled. "You did nothing! you always do Nothing and you always will!" He snarled.

His magic spiked in even more rage, the back of his hand connecting with Thor's face. the backhand strong enough to crack Thor's jaw. people always said Loki was a runt, they never realized just how strong that slender frame really was, with the giants blood coursing trough it. "you will never, ever suggest such a thing again, do you understand me?!" Loki demanded, voice low and dangerous. men had died because Loki spoke in such a tone and they did not take him seriously. "if you so much as look at my daughter ever again, i will kill you." Loki hissed, eyes bleeding red and skin fading to blue. "you will stay away from my Family, Thor. because you are no longer a part of it. you made your choices and now you will have to live with them. get out. GET OUT!" Loki screamed at the man. "And Don't you ever come back!"
“...I know.I’m sorry. It seems we all have our own traumas dealing with thor.”She sighed quietly, swallowing thickly before sighing. “I’ll go get some in a bit...or send Clint to get some...”she muttered remembering she did indeed have his phone number, sending him a quick text before smiling a little. “It’s a sacred place for the original people that lived’s Clint’s secret place. No one knows about it but me, clint and loki...well, and now you.”she smiled a little.

Thor swallowed hard, pale as he watched Loki, because there was no words to be said to the words. He knew he had done nothing, on orders from the allfather, despite his sickness over the acts, he’d stood aside. Not even pointing out he was the only reason Valentina had survived to adulthood with her mind intact, knowing the thought would enrage the other even more. Swallowing hard as he nodded slowly, stumbling a few steps as he was slapped, stumbling as he felt his jaw crack, even as lightening broke through the sky in response to the thunderer’s pain “I do, Leufeyson.”He went quiet, tilting his head for a moment watching him, going quiet. Still and considerate, before nodding. “Goodbye. Loki. Avengers.”He muttered before turning and leaving without another word, even if they could see him pause outside, going utterly still as his senses tried to once again find what was humming at the back of his mind .Loki could feel his magic searching for something, even if he wasn’t great at it, he could use it, it just took certain requirements for the Odinson to find it. And while he didn’t know what it was, he knew it meant something. And with a crack of thunder and lightening he was gone again, leaving to consider the mystery that the avengers had left for him.

"....Loki?"Tony struggled to get out of his blankets, stumbling to his feet after a moment, looking pale and shaken, because Thor had always been among his favorites but...he was shaken at this.
Jörmungandr shrugged. "i'm not nearly as traumatized as Sleipnir or Fen is." he pointed out, sighing a little. "better to send Clint. we're protected here, Thor cannot find us." he admitted, stretching his senses. "your... lover? is an arth Mage? those are pretty rare." he admitted. "i met one once. a few thousand years ago." Jori had been long enough that even though he was caged in the roots, he could still reach up to the earth's seas to catch fish, birds, pigs, goats, whatever passed by. he was the reason tales of sea serpents existed after all. "well. i know about it too." Natasha admitted, slipping into the room. "just thought you guys would want to know what happened." she admitted. "while Clint gos and gets... puppy formula." she admitted, checking her text. "anyway. Loki kicked Thor's ass and screamed at him and now Thor has a broken jaw and is leaving. we're not sure if he's leaving earth or not though." she admitted, shaking her head. "i always respected Thor, he was a brave warrior and he'd been through a lot.... but the things Loki said... the things he accused Thor of... i don't know if i can ever look Thor in the eye ever again." she admitted, shaking her head. "how true are the old tales? honestly?" "..very fw things are false. one thing that never happened is that Loki never caused the death of Baldr. it was Tyr who gave the spear of mistletoe to Höd and then Tyr pointed the finger of blame onto Loki." Jörmungandr informed her. "it was Thor who originally planned to trick the builder, and Loki bailed him out of getting into trouble by turning into a horse and drawing away the man's powerful steed. Loki was oft blamed for deeds he did not do, and so carved a name for himself as a trickster, figuring if he was going to be punished for things, he might as well do things worth being punished for." god, no wonder Loki had such issues.

"Good!" Loki hissed, trembling with rage and grief. he watched Thor leave, his lip quivering with unshed tears and reached out with his own magic, slapping Thor down, hard. knowing he was searching for Val, even if Thor didn't know it. he wouldn't be able to find her anyway, Clint had made sure. he watched Thor vanish in a spawn of lightening and dropped to his knees, covering his face and howling into his hands, weeping from the agony of knowing that he and his children would forever be hunted and tormented by Odin and Tyr. he could never have a moments peace, would never be able to rest for fear of when they would attack his children next. they had taken his sons, they had taken his grandchildren. they had tried to rape Hel twice ow and Fenrir would never be the same without his precious mate. who knew what they would do to the Loki sons and daughters next?
“No, me either. Just...sickened at the idea....”val shuddered, her mind turning away from the knowledge that he had saved her, even if it hadn’t been his own desire, simply wanting to please Loki, knowing that her death would have turned loki on the aesir in a murderous rage. “I would return to get Sleipnir, if I didn’t fear I’d get us both killed.”She muttered before swallowing, blushing a little as she looked down, as the youngest of the loki siblings, she was always a little more shy around them, especially Jori since she rarely got to saw him despite living nearly a year on earth. “Yes, he is.”She said embarassed at admitting she was seeing someone, because her siblings tended to take a fiendish delight in teasing her. “Truly? That’s really cool. He said they were rare.”She smiled a little, startling a little as Natasha walked in, relaxing a little. “...Good. Hopefully he goes away.”she muttered rubbing a hand over her face as she gently petted the whining pups, upset that there was someone new near. Thor is brave, and has been through alot...but he is naive, and terribly....dimwitted. Unwilling to change, and willfully blind to things.”val said swallowing thickly. “He is better then most Aesir, but he still isn’t.....good.”She swallowed hard, before wincing. “They shifted the blame for some things in the old tales, but they are true. Even Sigyn and the poison, and the tying up....”She shuddered, because she was young enough, that most of this had happened before she’d even been born, Sigyn Vali and Nali had been gone for longer then she’d been alive, and yet, she knew it was truth no matter what any of the aesir tried to convince her. Because loki had taken a lost valkyrie child in, instead of turning her away as her own parents had done. She’d always known he was not the man that his legend made him out to be.

Thor turned his head slightly as he was slapped down, raising a eyebrow as he considered loki even as he left. Wondering what his once brother was hiding. “Loki?”Tony muttered panting softly as he knelt at the other’s side, ignoring the bright, near blinding pain that tightened his chest, needing to look after loki more then he needed to not hurt. Looking up, looking anxious and scared, needing help, finding the one person he’d always relied on, trusted to take care of him.” me.We’ll put him in my rooms.”He said willing to let loki into his most private of places, because it was the one place that people rarely went to, both because pepper had been insanely jealous, and because the team had understood that he allowed them into his home, had made it theirs, and let them come and go through the workshop as much as they wanted, but his was his. A den to hide and lick his wounds, to relax and be quiet. And he'd share it with loki, because he knew loki wouldn't want others to see him like this
Jörmungandr nodded, wrapping an arm around Val. "none of us wants yu to risk your life for a sibling who isn't being mistreated." he assured her. "Sleipnir would never forgive us if we risked your life." he promised her. "he' not happy, but he's not being mistreated either." he admitted. "and he could leave if he really wanted to." or needed to. but most everyone, Odin and Thor included, thought that Sleipnir's mind had snapped, not unlike Vali's. and that he was no more intelligent than a common horse. which was why they treated him well. if he was to make his escape, he would no longer be safe, so he stayed, unhappy for the moment, but safe. Natasha settled herself in a chair, well out of reach of the pups, to make Jörmungandr feel better about having her there if nothing else. "Jesus..." Natasha breathed, closing her eyes. "they... they really used Loki's son to murdr the other and then used his own child's intestines to chain him to a rock!? and they think WE are the uncivilized people!?" she demanded, shaking her head. "it's no wonder none of yu want to be around Thor... god, how fucked up is the Aesir?" she wondered. "anyway. yuo two, or even three... maybe four... however many you want to have over, can stay here indefinetly." she assured them. "however long you want or need. there's enough food stashed in here for you to stay for at least a month and we'll be able to pick up more." she admitted. "we won't let Thor do anything to you, not even if he thinks he's helping."

Loki sneered at him when he paused before turning to Tony, trembling violently. "T-Tony. you sh-shouldn't be up." Loki managed to get out through his wracking sobs. "you'll h-hurt yourself." he tried to protest when Steve gathered the godling into his arms but was too desperate for comfort to so much as utter a sound, simply burying himself into the captain's chest and began weeping all over again. Bruce stayed with Fenrir, offering the wolf what comfort he could and finally taking the young man down to a bed to let him sleep. Loki himself was asleep before Steve even laid him on the bed, glad that his knee didn't hurt so much today. "you want me to stay?" he asked Tony, gently tucking in the exhausted Loki. he wasn't sure if he should stay and watch over them or not.
Val sighed softly, resting her head against his. “I know. Which is why I haven’t gone after him. And like Fenrir, if something happens, I could hear him calling.’s okay for now....well. No it’s not.but...”She sighed softly, shrugging, leaning into her brother, content to be held, nodding slightly. “yes they did. And yes, they do think humanity is dreadfully uncivilized.”she said watching him, before snorting. “It would take centuries to understand just how fucked Odin has left his people.”She said relaxing, nodding a little. “Okay. Good. And we can leave soon though. Thor wont stay on earth, despite his lady being here, he does not find humanity overly pleasant enough to want to live with them. And he might like the avengers, but as long as loki is here, he will not stay.”She sighed quietly, relaxing at the promise, “Thanks Natasha.”She said smiling a little.

“It’s okay. I’m okay.”Tony said resting his hands on the other’s shoulders, holding him gently, ignoring the tight feeling in his chest, smiling a little as he got up. Glancing around, making sure his team was safe, and checking in with jarvis, not surprised that James had followed natasha, and even if he wasn’t in the cave with her, he was waiting for her aboveground, watching the entrance for her return. Knew that clint was making his way to his hiding place for val. “Jarvis, let the others know that for now, no one goes anywhere alone.”Tony muttered sighing softly as he got to his bedroom, smiling slightly. “Thanks Steve. I know that couldn’t have been pleasant to do....shoulda gotten bruce...”he winced, having not even considered the other’s bad knee when he’d made the request, simply relying on his other’s strength to help him. Standing on the edge of the bed he sighed tiredly, looking up at him, nodding. “Please.”He muttered even as he crawled into the bed, ignoring just how much his own body hurt as he shifted getting comfortable, ignoring how pleasant it was to cuddle up against the godlign."Come on. lay down with us."he ordered quietly.
Jörmungandr smiled a little at her. "someday, Odin will be dead, and we'll all have a chance to be happy again." he admitted. "i know we haven't had much of a chance to be there with you, but we all love you just as much as we do each other, okay?" he asked, smiling at her before watching Natasha curiously. "and i'm sure it would take thrice as long to fix it. that's the price of dictatorship." Natasha admitted. "it's such a pity Loki can't become the king of Asgard, out of all the people i've met and heard about, he seams to be the only person suitable." she admitted with a huff. "there's nothing worse than bigotry, but a hypocritical one." she grumbled, shaking her head. "honestly? i'd much rather have Loki hanging around." she admitted. "at least he bathes." she smiled at Val. "your one of us now, don't you know? we take care of our own."

Steve smiled a little at him. "it's fine. if my knee hurt i would have asked Bruce or James to do it." he promised Tony. "i'm actually not in any pain today." for once. "how much of the old stories do you think is true?" Steve wondered. "how much did they fuck Loki over just because he wasn't Odin's true born son? technically speaking, Odin's a kidnapper, right?" he asked, looking worried about Loki. "is that okay? i won't hurt you?" he asked Tony, looking worried again even if he was removing his shoes and belt so he could lay in bed a little more comfortably.
“Yes, we will.”she smiled a little before blushing at his words, nodding slowly. “Okay. I love you guys to. Always kept a eye on you. I mean, when I could. Even stuck in a nursery....”She sulked a little, still feeling so very young,smiling as cinder and niko went to sleep, the pups exhausted. “It is. Thor would be a good ruler...if he can just get his head out of his ass, and out of odin’s control.”She sighed softly, because she’d seen glimpses of the man he could be, but he still hadn’t learned how to do it. “Hm, he does. He has some amazing bath soaps to.”Val smiled tiredly, being lulled to sleep in Jori’s hold, having been up for nearly as long as she’d been gone. “Hm, I guess I am. And you are some of my people to....even if I am going to go back working for doom.”She muttered sleepily, looking amused though.

“....Okay.”Tony frowned watching him for a long moment before nodding, “Good. I’m glad.”He smiled at him before wincing as he considered that, sighing softly. “Enough that I’m not asking any of them unless they volunteer more. I have more then enough nightmares on my own, I don’t want theirs to....and he is. But I doubt we could make him pay for kidnapping him.”Tony sighed before smirking, and you just knew whatever came out of his mouth next, was going to be perverted. “Only way it’s going to hurt is if you strip all the way down, cause then I’m going to be horny and hard, and not able to do anything about it. Put some sleep pants on and get in here, Commander. Don’t make me pull the former director card and make ti a order.”He teased yawning.
"i know." Jori admitted with a smile. "Father used to come and visit me all the time, he was always full of stories about how proud he was of you." he admitted with a smile before he scowled. "and then Odin fund out and made him stop, fucking old one eyed crone." he grumbled before smiling at the puppies. "Thor would be a good ruler if he'd grow the hell up and stop hating people for thing's they cannot control." Jori sneered. "he's a bigot, through and through and he doesn't even realize it because he's too much of a hypocritical bastard to notice." he admitted before chuckling. "Father is extremely feminine to be sure." he admitted, still holding Val. "go to sleep, Feather Duster." he ordered, gently laying her back. "your exhausted and i wanna talk to the spit fire." he teased, Natasha rolling her eyes. "your exhausted Val. get some sleep. i'll stand watch." he promised. "why?!" Natasha whined. "why are you going to Doom!? he's so... so.. icky!"

"Steve grimaced at that. he didn't like Tony having nightmares at all, it was no wonder Loki was so fucked up. "i doubt it. but there is something that we could do." Steve admitted, looking at Tony. "i'll have to think about it a bit, see which laws would work best, get the president on the phone, maybe a few of the senators." he admitted, shaking his head. "i'll have to see where Loki's children where born as well. Thor always said that Odin follows the laws of the other worlds. if we can use earths laws against him, he would not be able to do anything, right?" he asked, looking very amused at Tony. "don't worry. i won't get naked." he promised, heading into the bathroom to change into a pair of Pajamas, slipping into the bed behind Tony once he was dressed in sleep pants and a sleep shirt and a smile.
"Really?"she smiled perking up at the idea that her father had bragged about her. Smiling a little."odins always ruining the best of things."she muttered rolling her eyes a little, before nodding."indeed. But like asgard, thor will take time to learn again....I just don't know if he ever will."she sighed quietly before huffing."feather duster?"she said sounding indignant as she twisted to look at him, rolling her eyes a little."she's dating the captain, jori. Be careful."she teased even as she settled in to relax before smiling at natasha, "he is icky. But I have rewsons."she said settling in to sleep, making it obvious Natasha wasn't one of the people who got to know about those reasons.

"Hey they're not as bad as they used to be."tony said knowing why the other grimaced before looking thoughtful."ask Jarvis to help 5o. Between him and you I'm sure you can figure out how to protect them..."he sighed a little frowning slightly."probably not asgard. Maybe here...we'll ask him."Tony muttered before nodding."indeed. We should be able to protect them."tony said before laughing."good. A naked super soldier will be the death of me."he snickered smiling quietly as steve settled in bed with him, shifting to snuggle both of them, glad to be held.
he nodded, smiling. "apparently your the cleverest of all of us." he teased with a chuckle. "Odin just wants us all to be miserable." he agreed with a shrug. "it's like he wants me to eat Thor at the coming of Ragnarok. honestly, i think Odin just point blank WANTS Ragnarok to happen." he admitted, shaking his head. "he's damn near started it up again, sending people to kill Dire Wolves and attack Fenrir and attack Hel like that. he could have started a war right then and there if someone had been able to prove Odin had set them up to it." he admitted with a sigh. "i don't have many hopes for Thor. better Thor than Tyr though." he admitted before smirking. "i didn't say i wanted to flirt with her." he scoffed, though everyone knew that's exactly what he'd been planning on doing. "well. if you have reasons." Natasha grumped, grinning when Clint popped in with the food for the puppies.

"good. i'm glad your sleeping better." he admitted to Tony with a smile before nodding. "i was planning on it. making Phil help too of course." he admitted with a chuckle. "nah, a naked super soldier will give you good dreams." Steve teased with a smile, humming as he held the other, happy to have someone in his arms. when Tony woke in the morning, Loki was awake and was sitting tea while Steve sipped coffee, both of them watching the daily news. Steve always watched the news, however Loki seamed more interested in making fun of the people delivering the news rather than actually paying attention.
“I totally am.”Val snickerd before nodding. “Probably. Odin loves no one, not even his sons.”She muttered sighing quietly, before nodding .”He did, but it wont now. We wont be able to prove he knew about it.”she muttered before laughing a little. “You always flirt.”She smiled nodding as she went to sleep with a muttered order for Jori to help Clint feed the puppies.

When she woke she sighed at the sight of clint laying curled up against her back, amused at the sight of the puppies blankets pressed against her stomach, smiling softly as she made sure the little ones were contently sleeping before turning her head to look at clint, smiling at the sight of him dozily watching her.”morning.”She muttered.

“....Coffee.Captain, coffee.”Tony ordered flailing out a hand out towards the other as he squirmed a little, ignoring the flair of pain as he got settled more between the two, not wanting up just yet, and yet, looking up at the two men with a oddly content look, for once, supremely willing to simply be awake, and not running for the lab, or the coffee machine.
he shook his head. "shame Hela can't just go up and gut him in his sleep." Jor grumbled. shame Val couldn't just go up and say it was his time to die, but no one would ask Val to do that. when she woke up Jor was sitting in a chair reading one of Clint's books, keeping watch. Clint was curled up like a little puppy himself, still breathing softly, still mostly asleep even if he was watching her. he gave her a nice lay smile at the good morning greeting and muttered a good morning back to her. "a'right love bugs stop being so cute, you'll make me sick." Jor complained, smirk on his lips.

Steve chuckled at the other and handed him a cup without even looking. Loki chuckled as well, looking very amused at Tony and studied him for a moment. "well your in a good mood this morning." Steve admitted, looking at Tony with playful suspicion. "who have you planned a prank on today?" he wondered. "how are you feeling? still hurting?" he asked, wanting to make sure Tony was feeling better, at the very least.
Val smiled back, yawning sleepily, shifting to look at Jor, making a face at her brother. “Shut up!I don’t tease you do I? You four need something better to do then tease me.”She huffed, looking unhappy at the teasing, sulking as she slumped back into clint, resting her head on his chest as she stroked cinder’s head as the pup stirred. “don’t you have somewhere to be Jor?”

“Hmmm coffee.”Tony nearly purred as he sipped the hot liquid, turning his head to look at steve, pouting a little. “Not all good moods start with pranks, Captain.”He sulked a little makign a face, sipping his coffee as he sat up enough to inspect his chest, flexing a little. “Sore, but not horrible. Definitely able to be up and about. Just like Em promised, on my feet in a few days. God bless Extremis.”he hummed a little, content.
Jor snickered a little. "if i was dating someone you'd be teasing me too." he pointed out to her. "you are entirely too much like our father. if i was really bothering you, you'd have done something about it." he pointed out, flicking to the next page in the book. "must suck. having so many siblings." Clint mused with a chuckle, watching the pups. "nope. i'm supposed to stay here and make sure Thor doesn't come back." Jori admitted. "he hasn't left earth apparently. though Jane seams to be giving him the cold shoulder."

Steve and Loki both chuckled again and Loki shook his head. "of course all good moods start with pranks. honestly Tony." Loki complained, clearly he had no intention of bringing up his own breakdown. he did trust them, he just knew better than to say anything because it could, and probably would be used against him. "good. i'm glad your feeling better. you still have to take it easy today though, okay? no heavy lifting, don't do anything too strenuous. i'd try insisting you stay in bed but i know you won't listen." Steve admitted with a shake of his head, wondering what had Tony in such a good mood. it couldn't be from cuddling right?
“Hm, maybe. Though more likely I’d be beating off homicidal boyfriends who want their girlfriends back.”She teased smiling a little, smirking. “Am not. I’m just the one who’s spent the most recent long period of time with him.”Val smiled turning her head to look at clint, nodding seriously. “Very. It’s very hard being the youngest to. They’re so protective and overbearing.”He pouted a little before sulking, realizing she wasn’t going anywhere for awhile. Smiling as Niko nibbled at her fingers.”Jor, make a bottle, would you?”She said before sighing, “....damn. I had hoped he’d run back to asgard.”She sighed, her relaxed mood sliding away some.

“Hm, does not.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little, smiling a little. Letting loki ignore what happened the night before, he’d only bring it up if the other wanted to talk about it. Smiling at Steve he smirked. Leered a little. “I have every intention of staying in bed, Captain. I mean. If you want. You don’t have to. I mean, it’d be fun. But Loki’s here. And I have the lab. I coudl totally go spend time in the lab.”Tony said, far enough down, he was showing the insecurity that was usually hidden behind layers and layers.
"well, that's true." he admitted with a chuckle. "oh you are too." Jori admitted, shaking his head. "you have no idea." he admitted. "out of all of us, i think your the one who actually gets along with father the best." he admitted with a grin. "sure we all love him, but we don't want to sped more than a few days with him." he admitted. "well. it's no worse than being the youngest Avenger i'm sure." Clint admitted. being the youngest, and honestly more fragile than the others, he was often overly fussed over. "sure." Jori agreed, heading over to the small kitchen area to warm up some puppy formula, Clint smiling as he picked up Cinder and gently stroked his ears, trying to keep him calm until he could be fed. "they really are adorable." Clint admitted, looking rather wistful.

Loki snorted a little. "if you seam so convinced." he said with a shrug. "good." Steve said with a smile before looking at Tony, worried. "Tony? seriously, are you alright?" "he's fine captain." Loki assured Steve. "it's just endorphins. from the pain." Loki lied. though he was pretty sure the pain did have something to do with it. "i'll watch over him for now. you go get started on those laws." "i can work on them here." Steve assured Loki. "Bruce is sitting with Fen and Phil is checking into the more obscure laws for me. Clint and Natasha are with Yourmongann..." "Jörmungandr." "right. and Valentina and the pups." he explained, Loki nodding. he could understand Steve wanting to stay with Tony. "we can spend time in the lab too if you want Tony, as long as you don't do anything to big or dangerous."
“Hm, maybe. Though that might be cause I simply indulge him in letting him prank the hell out of doom. It amuses me.”She snorted amused looking pleased at the idea that she was the child that spent the most time with her father, cause it was such a rare thing that she had something that was simply her own. “Hm, true. We’ll sulk together about being the youngest.”She said looking amused, smiling at Jori got the milk, smiling as Cinder calmed under his hands. “They are. I think I’m going to end up raising least...I’m going to ask Fen if he wants me to...I know they’re his but...”She sighed quietly, “Direwolves mate for life, his head’s not going to be in any place to take care of them...”She sighed smiling as niko nudged at her hand, gently stroking the pup’s head, taking the bottle from jori when he came back. Picking him up, holding the pup gently as she as she fed him.

“I’m fine.”Tony said making a face, tilting his head towards loki, studying the other as he settled back onto the pillows, sipping his coffee before looking amused. “And james is wandering between everyone, he was standing in front of the door earlier.”Tony snorted amused, because while he hadn’t asked, he knew the current captain. Knew James was probably going around, following everyone, checking in as much as he could. “....No. I’m okay for now right here.”tony smiled sighing quietly, relaxed.
"it is amusing." Clint agreed with a chuckle and a smirk. "i like that plan, paired sulking, could be the next great American sport." Clint admitted with a grin, making Jori snort as he gathered up the two bottles, moving back over to them. Clint effortlessly slipped the nip into Cinder's mouth and away the pup went, gulping down the milk the way only a hungry baby could. "he was devastated. i could see it in his eyes. he was shutting down a bit. i'm sure he'll come 'round but i don't know if he'll be able to raise two babies when he's all but dead inside." Clint agreed. "i'll help, in any way i can." he promised her with a smile, taking out a handkerchief and gently rubbing the pups bottom so it would release. they wouldn't go unless the mother licked them down there to stimulate them. "okay that's gross." Jori admitted, shaking his head when Clint helped the pup defecate. "whatever you want but i'm never, ever doing that." "it's only until they're a little older and can gain control over their bowels." Clint assured Jori.

"your better. that's not the same as 'fine'." Loki scoffed, shaking his head before smiling at the mention of James. the man was one of the few that Loki hadn't had a hand in fucking over. "yeah, he gets anxious when people are spread out." Steve admitted, reading his newspaper now that the morning news was over. "alright. if you want to head to the lab at any time, just let me know, okay?" Steve asked him with a smile.
“Hm, paired sulking, it’ll be fun. We’ll just have to cheer ourselves up.”She smiled rolling her eyes at jori’s snort. Smiling as the pups fed, before nodding. “I’m sure he will to. But for now...we’ll take care of these two for him.”She smiled a little, snickering a little as Clint helped them go, smirking at Jori a little. “You changed diapers. I know you did. It’s not that different.”She teased the eldest, smirking at him, smiling as cinder gave a puppy yawn, settling in for a nap again. “....this is going to be a boring few days...”she sighed. Because she hated being trapped anywhere, it annoyed her. Even if she was going to enjoy the time with clint and jor.

“Yes it is!I’m fine.”Tony grumbled twitching a little, before nodding. “he does. Thank god we all have cell phones, and natasha knows to call him, otherwise he’d be even more upset.”Because while he knew that he cared for them all, it was natasha that james fussed over like a mother hen. Shifting snuggling, resting his head on steve’s side even if he was absently playing with the edge of loki’s shirt as he contentedly watched tv. “Yea, I will. Bed sounds good though.”He said, wondering if he could convince either of them he could have sex.
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