The Archer(Lady/moon)

“awesome. I do wish to see these condoms.”She said looking curious, before laughing out loud at the look on his face. “I am definitely legally a adult ,and consensual in this. Its kind....have a hard time having children, we’re to close to death. Just because I’m to young to reasonably be able to have kids, does not mean that I do not want you!”She scowled, punching him the shoulder, almost as if she was thinking he was teasing her by being worried about this. “Little Hawk!I’m going to kill you if you don’t od something.”She growled at him, looking annoyed as she tried pulling him closer, and despite the water, found him unmovable.

“We do, but if we don’t try to curb the urge, it’ll be worse.”James pointed out. “Hm, I would. Some sex, with say, certain super soldiers, would totally be worth ignoring dangerous antics.”Tony said smirking at steve, talking simply because he was still absorbing the fact that his friend was a manwhore, and that he totally had a chance to play with him now....and that he liked making him blush. Tilting his head at Loki’s soft look he raised a eyebrow. “Well, at least we wont have to worry about Clint sulking cause he has to wait for age of consent.”He snickered a little before frowning, wincing at the idea. “Well. Maybe we’ll figure out a way to live forever....and we’ll help take care of her, if she lets us. Cause Clint cares about her.”Tony decided, feeling indebted to the woman enough to want to look after her.
he chuckled. "i'll make sure to get some for you." he promised before relaxing at the reassurance that she was of legal age. "okay. but if that insane god attacks me because i had sex with you, it's your fault." he ordered before smiling. "that... kind of makes sense. i guess." he admitted, nuzzling her with a smirk, grin turning sharp when she punched him. "now now. is that any way to get what you want? i'll fuck you when i get a kiss." he decided, pressing his lips to hers and sliding in slowly, going at his own pace simply because he could and there was nothing she could do about it. she was asgardian, but he was supernatural. he could be just as strong as Thor if he really wanted to be. he moaned as he sunk into her, shuddering. "fuck. your so.. god, tight. and hot. and perfect." he moaned, settling his hands on her hips and rolling his own, slipping even deeper into her with a shudder, kissing her again before leaning back and beginning to move, putting every ounce of skill he had into making her feel as good as possible.

"why curb the urge at all?" Loki asked, smirking. "if Tony can't sleep, none of you should be able to." "not. helping." Steve hissed at Loki who looked confused. "i'm sorry. was i supposed to help?" Steve just groaned. "you have something on your face by the way." Loki informed Steve who blinked and headed into the bathroom. Loki smirked, waited for Steve's bellow of rage and then vanished. "PHIL!" "what!? why am i the one getting in trouble?!" Phil yelped, sprinting for the door even if he was laughing. once they where gone Loki reappeared with a chuckle and smirked. "well that was fun. now i'm bored again." Loki admitted with a sigh. "in any case, all things die. even gods. we cannot protect her from such a fate forever after all." he admitted.
“Hm, if he attacks you, it wont be for having sex. It’ll be cause you’d look so good as a cute fluffy hawklet.”She teased smirking at him before sighing quietly as she was nuzzled, growling at him lightly, resting her head against his shoulder before biting down on his lip as he kissed her. Before really kissing him back, clinging to him, squirming, “Hawkkkk...”She whined shuddering as she clung to him, groaning as he rolled his hips, kissing him again, before laying back a little, enjoying it, squirming, and soon enough lost into the throes of a overwhelming orgasm that threw her back into the stone. So out of it as she looked up at him, that it looked like there was no iris left around her eyes as she watched him above her.

“ Not helping.”James growled. “You are my favoritest person now. It was thor, but now it’s you.”Tony grinned, beaming at loki. Laughing as steve bellowed. “Cause you’re supposed to be in charge.”James snickered watching phil leave, resting his head on natasha’s shoulder, sighing tiredly. “I’m sure you’ll find something fun to do. You could go interrupt the sex going on. I’m sure they’re somewhere.”Tony snorted before shrugging. “Well, they’ll be good together then.”
he chuckled a little. "it's eyas. a baby hawk is called an eyas. or a chick is more popular even if it's general." he pointed out with a smirk. "besides, if i'm anything i'm a Tiercal." he huffed with a smirk. after all, i am fucking you." he growled, biting her lip a little before laughing as she called out to him, moaning eagerly as he tossed his head back and followed her into swift release and happy bliss. "god damn that was amazing." he gasped, holding her up so she didn't slip under the water, resting his forehead against hers with a smile. "that was awesome. you okay?" he asked with a small chuckle. "take a moment to just breath." he suggested, carefully picking her up and carrying her to the bed, settling her down so she'd be more comfortable before moving over to a mini fridge and grabbing some juice, water and some fruit, setting them on the bedside table before crawling into bed with her for more snuggling.

Loki just shrugged and then smirked at Tony. "i am very glad." he admitted with a chuckle, looking very pleased with himself. "i think i might just continue to try to seduce you. that will entertain me." he decided with a grin, keeping a careful eye on Natasha. since she had tried to stab him when he'd first appeared. she just smiled sweetly at him while running her fingers through James hair. "i would rather not die." Loki admitted dryly. "if i interrupt her she will turn me inside out, flay me, turn me right side out again and then skin me." he admitted. "it won't kill me but it will still hurt a lot. like a LOT."
“...No thanks. You are a tiny, little hawklet, cause chick is for girls..”She muttered looking amused, shuddering a little as she tried to figure out that word, wondering what she was missing, but to blissed out focus well. Whining quietly as he disturbed her position as he held her up, lazily resting her head against his, blinking slowly. “...kay. ‘mkay...”She muttered sighing softly contentedly resting in his arms, whining as he left her alone, sighing softly as she settled into the bed, drying her hair with a flick of her hand, magic drying the long strands as she snuggled into him. Quite content to simply be held for awhile. It was a good long while before she spoke again, sighing quietly. “....You probably should be getting back...I’m sure your team’s worried about you...”She muttered contentment fading, a little freaked out in fact over just how good it felt to be here.

James smiled, nearly purring under natasha’s hand, wondering just how long it’d take the super soldier to come back to clean up, amused steve had run out with his face still done up. “You know, sounds like you and her will get along Natasha.”Tony teased smirking at natasha a little.. “Loki. I’m going home. Want to help me get there?”Tony said smirking a litte even if he was trying not to freak out at the idea of loki seducing him.He knew better then to think anyone would let him leave right now, but it was worth a shot.
"Eyas. baby hawks are Eyas." he grumbled, nuzzling her neck. "and considering you can't even hardly think straight i think i'm doing better than some 'chick'." he growled with a smirk giving her another kiss before settling her in place, jumping at the brush of magic before chuckling. "that's handy." he admitted, snuggling her. "they aren't worried." he mumbled. "there where agents in the bar, they know i'm with you." he mumbled. "i want to walk you home. it's dangerous for a freshly sexed woman to walk the streets of new york alone." he admitted. "just give yourself a chance to calm down. it's just the crash from the high of sex. you'll stop being so panicked in another couple of minutes. ten at the most i think." he mumbled, half asleep but staying awake to make sure she was okay.

Steve took that moment to storm back into the room, blushing so hard you'd think he was about to pass out and threw a punch at Loki's head as he passed, Loki chuckling as he ducked effortlessly out of the swing while Steve headed into the bathroom to clean his face. "oh. i'm sure she and Natasha will get along fantastically. we should all quiver in terror." Loki admitted, Natasha snickering. "i'm sorry Tony. your body is in no state to be moved. however, when you are more stable i will be able to painlessly shift you from this bed, to your bed at home." Loki promised. "i can't do it now however as your system is unable to take the magic necessary to do such a thing." Loki admitted. "that would actually help a lot." Phil admitted. "we'd be grateful."
“hmm,better then a chick.”She muttered kissing him back, sighing softly as she nodded, “To much hair. It’s a pain to blow dry if I do it the human way.”She muttered sighing quietly as she was snuggled, “Oh. Good. Wouldn’t want your friends to worry.”She muttered frowning slightly. “I can walk myself home.”She muttered, not that she was trying to leave yet or leave his company, she was just having a emotional reaction to feeling so odd. Nothing had ever felt like this before. “...Kay...”She muttered sighing quietly as she settled back, starting to fall asleep. Calming as she simply listened to his heartbeat, calm enough to simply be content and sleepy.

“Hm, that is a scary idea. I mean, her and pepper already run the world. I don’t want to consider them teaming up with a asgardian.”Tony shuddered. “It would be interesting. I mean, it would be better, cause pepper’s well....pepper.”James grumbled making a face and for once, tony didn’t defend the woman. “.....Fine. Keep me trapped like the rest of them.”Tony sulked looking extremely unhappy with the idea of being trapped in bed for now.
he snickered a little and shook his head. "it's beautiful hair." he admitted, stroking her hair and gently running it through his fingers. "my friends won't worry." he promised with a smile. "if they do get worried they can call me." he promised, prodding his phone. "i'd feel better if i walked you home." he mumbled, smiling at her before reaching down and pulling up the fluffy blanket up over their shoulders. "night." he mumbled, smiling happily and snuggled into her, holding her because it felt so good to hold someone.

"yeah, pretty scary." Loki agreed with a chuckle. "and Val is one of the only Asgardians i know of that are actually frightening. she is one of the only asgardians i know of that can make me cower in a corner." Loki admitted. "not that it's happened often, just twice i think." he admitted. "i get along just fine with Pepper." Natasha admitted. she didn't really like Pepper, but Pepper didn't know that and no one else needed to know it either. "actually. i think i can help with that as well." Loki admitted with a smile, reaching out and pressing a finger to Tony's forehead. "close your eyes." Loki suggested. when Tony opened them, he looked like he was in his own bedroom at hime. if he focused. he could tell it was still the crappy TV at the hospital and that his bed had bars on it so he wouldn't roll out of bed. so long as he relaxed though, and didn't look too close at things, it was as if he was safe at home. "there. how is that? better?"
"....seriously? I think I've found someone who scares me more then natasha."to y said eyes a little wide at the idea of loki cowering in a corner. "You do, which makes it even more frightening that you don't like her."james muttered nuzzling his face against the others neck, sighing quietly.toNY looked at the man in supicion before closing his eyes, blinking slowly as he looked around."oh...thats...awesome."tony said relaxing, pleased at being 'home'. Definitely more relaxing then in the hospital even if he could still see and feel the crappy hospital bed.

Later when Val woke she sighed softly as she stirred, running her fingers through her hair as she sat up, braiding it before glancing down at the man laying next to her. Leaning down to kiss him softly, gently running her fingers through his hair, tugging softly."clint?"
Loki smirked. "you would be a wis man to fear the Valentina." he admitted. "i've never been so proud f a child i've raised than her." he admitted, looking very smug indeed. "...holy crap. your her father?" "well. adopted, but yes." Loki admitted. "she's never really referred to me as such. i believe she views me more as a most epic big brother than a parent." he admitted with a chuckle, Natasha too busy staring at Loki in shock. Loki. had raised a child. and she wasn't a homicidal maniac. holy crap. "pretty neat huh?" Loki asked, smiling at Tony before examining the mattress. "i have permission from Emily to bring in a mattress pad." Phil admitted with a smile. "i have Maria on that, she's making sure to get the most comfortable one we can find." he promised Tony. "and we'll be keeping it for other hospital visits. seeing as how clumsy you are." he teased, making Steve chuckle as he walked out, face clean. he was a little relieved, being who Loki was, it could just as easily have been permanent marker.

Clint smiled when he felt her shifting around but didn't open his eyes until she kissed him, humming as she ran her fingers through his hair. "that feels nice." he admitted. "sleep well?" he asked her, head tilted at her. "thanks for not leaving."
Tony stared wide eyed at loki. “You....raised her?”He stuttered a little, blinking slowly. “ are like the world’s most disturbing father-in-law. I can’t wait to tell Clint.”Tony smiled a little nodding. “It is.”He said glancing at phil. “Truly?” “Oh yea. She’s tired of listening to you try to escape, Em figured you’d stay put better if you had your own bed.”James smiled watching tony relax. “I am not clumsy! If people would stop shooting me, I’d be okay.”He huffed looking annoyed.

Valentina smiled sitting back up, gently stroking his hair as he watched her. “I did. More comfortable then you would think in the cave.”She smiled before huffing a sigh at him. “Well, you foolishly expressed concern over my welfare. I didn’t want to upset you by leaving.”She said, even if she was still feeling fidgety and weird about the sex, she knew it was more because of how she was treated in asgard, then anything he’d done.
Loki nodded. "no one else wanted her." he admitted. "i had to take her in, i couldn't stand the thought of her dying one night because she was taken in by someone who didn't like her people." Loki admitted. "the Aesir. that's Thor's people, are even worse than humans are when it comes to Bigotry. at least here, people won't look the other way if an Aeser rapes someone of a 'lesser race'." Loki sneered before chuckling a little at Tony. "well if you would stop pissing people off, they'd stop shooting you." Loki pointed out. "join the dark side Stark Son. we have cupcakes. and puppies. and insanity." "stop tempting him." Phil ordered. "I've seen him do worse for less." "hell i've done worse for less." Steve admitted with a chuckle.

"he smiled a little, nearly limp while she stroked him. "well. my cave is amazing." he admitted with a smile. "well.. i do care about you. a lot actually." he admitted with a smile. "i suppose i should take you home." he admitted, checking his watch. "although, it is a good time for some dinner... shall i take you out to eat and then take you home?" he offered. "i know this great Texmex place."
“...That’s....oh.”Tony stuttered a little, at a total loss for words as he considered what the aesir considered right, frowning ever so slightly. Anger tightening his stomach, and making a mental note to have a talk with clint later. “I do not piss everyone off. They just dislike me,.” “Because you babble. I once saw you lecture doom on his subpar bots, while bashing his head against a wall. Things like that make people not like you.” “He deserved it. And puppies scare me. I already have pets.”Tony said making a face.

“Hm, it is indeed.”she agreed smiling at him, watching him. Smiling slightly, “well, I care for you to.”She said blushing a little, avoiding his eyes, new enough to this how emotional relationship thing, that she had no idea how to handle things. “...Hm. How about we get texmex to go, and stop by the hospital?”She said biting her lip. “I know he’s fine, he hasn’t died...but I want to see tony.”She said blushing herself, not about to admit just how protective of his friends she felt, and needing to make sure tony was healing well.
"...yeah." Loki admitted, lips tightening. "and this from a culture where Rape is punishable by death by torture." Loki admitted. "is that why you castrated.... those creatures?" Steve couldn't bring himself to call them men or boys. "partially." Loki admitted. "your right, not everyone hates you." Loki agreed with a grin. "only the bad guys hate you." he admitted with a grin. "i actually have that on Camera." Loki admitted with a bright giggle. "i leave it out where he can find it playing every once and a while." he admitted with a sharp grin before looking baffled at Tony "your scared of puppies?" he asked before looking curious. "what kind of pets?" "they aren't born yet." Bruce informed him as he walked in. "sorry i'm late." Bruce admitted, smiling at Tony. "i was working with the eggs. Mama hen laid one. i can tell it's the right egg because it's shell is leathery." he admitted. "mama hen wouldn't take the egg so i put it in an incubator." "...YOU are the one who accepted my chicken!?" Loki demanded, sounding dismayed, Bruce blinking. "you mean the one that just suddenly appeared in the labs? sorry i thought it was for me." "...dammit."

h chuckled a little and leaned forward, kissing her again before getting to his feet and stretching, his back popping loudly before he headed to one of the chests and started digging through it for some of his clothes. "you need a change? i have a couple of Nat's clothes in here for when she gate crashes. they should fit you." he admitted. "i'm kind of surprised she hasn't been here yet actually." he admitted before smiling. "that's a great idea. Tony loves Texmex and he'd be glad to see you." he admitted, pulling on a pair of underwear and trying to find his deodorant. "if you want, we'll stop at your place so you can get a proper change of cloths or whatever else you'll need."
“...Damn.”Tony shuddered a little before sulking. “Indeed. Bad guys have to be approiately evil for me to even try to be nice. That month I pretended to like doom, doesn’t count. That was just amusing.”Tny snorted amused laughing at that. “Poor doom. Him watching that is nearly as bad as him acting like a ape.”he snickered before shrugging. “yea.”he said not going into it, looking up pleased as bruce walked in. “Really?Good.”He said looking utterly pleased. “He’s taking over the world. Seems to find dinosaurs fascinating these days.”James informed loki with a smile, eyes widening before starting to laugh. “Ha!Well, loki, you found one scientist that’s as smart as you to. I mean, not the genius you were aiming for...”James snickered amused.

Val smiled kissing him back, wincing at the sound of his back popping,getting up herself before nodding.”Yea. New clothes would be nice.”She smiled as she changed into the clothes he handed her, before smiling slightly. “Well, I hope they’re glad to see me.”She said nervosu about meeting his friends before shaking her head. “Nah, it’s okay. These clothes work until we go home, and I have my bow.”She said holding up the weapon that had been left near the bed. Even if she had trusted him coming down here, she went no where without it.
"Doom honestly thought he was going to get you to join him in conquering the world." Loki scoffed. "the man is a moron and every move he makes is a disaster waiting to happen." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "oh. his computers have been infected with a nasty little virus." Loki admitted. "every last computer, television, system, what have you, plays all of his most embarrassing moments. he's shut everything down and sent everyone home and is now..." here Loki shuddered. "defiling those poor hideous creations of his." "Dinosaurs?" Loki asked curiously. "how... odd." he mused. "what are dinosaurs?" he wondered before sulking even as Bruce chuckled. "sorry Loki, i didn't know the chicken was for Tony." "well. it doesn't matter. apparently chickens do not mean the same thing here as they do in Asgard." he admitted.

he smiled a little at her and handed her a pair of jeans and a red T-shirt with the Superwoman logo on it. just to piss Tony off. and James. and Phil. "they will be." he assured her with a smile. "i'm pretty sure they know you saved Tony's life. they aren't stupid after all." he admitted before nodding. "okay. let me grab mine and we'll head off." he agreed, grabbing his own, folded nice and compact and slipped into a holster at his back. a quick stop at a Texmex restaurant and an order of two of everything and he piled all the food onto a little red wagon he had brought with them, ignoring the way people gaped at him for wheeling around a kids toy.
“I am totally super woman. And buying you some fantastic four stuff, just to watch your team freak out. I mean, Johnny totally looks like the captain.”Val snickered a little trying to relax, before nodding. Contentedly following after him, amused at the wagon. “It’s a wonder you don’t get beaten up on a regular basis, Hawk.”She muttered teasing him a little, not holding his hand as they walked, but walking close. Simply enjoying being with him, even if she was feeling odd and weird about actually being in a relationship. Simply trying to go with it.

“I would totally conquer the world, but since Pepper and Natasha already rule it, I see no need to leave the lab.” “Except for blowing up Doombots.”James snickered. “Well, of course.”Tony snorted before grinning, shaking his head. “That’s awesome. Hopefully that means we can convince Val to join the dark side, and leave Doom alone.”Tony said sounding pleased with the thought of Doom not leaving his house, shuddering. “You know, if he’s going to them, he could at least make them better.”He grumbled before nodding pleased. “Yep. Dinos.” “They’re ancient lizards that lived on earth....”James paused, thinking about it, trying to think of what they’d be like. “Much like....dragons and such.”James said finding the only good comparison that loki might know. “...Chicks are not courting gifts here? So I should not buy chickens?What about Räsvelg?”Valentina frowned as she stepped into the room, a small frown twisting her features as she considered the small hunting bird of prey that was a common gift among women to warriors. Though it wasn’t as common as it used to be, as more women of asgard lacked the talent or inclination to both find the rare birds, and raise one from a chick as a gift, but the bird of prey was much like a falcon, just a tad smaller and easier to treat as a indoor pet then a falcon.
"they don't mind Fantastic four stuff. Johnny is one of Tony's. uh, friends with benefits maybe?" he wondered. "and Bruce has this epic crush on Reed." he admitted with a chuckle. "the man has a stick up his ass but he's nice to everyone so we don't mind too much." he admitted. especially since Reed had fully admitted that both Tony and Bruce where far superior to him in their own fields. even if they couldn't begin to match him in Space Time Continuum physics. that was, what made the world spin, how gravity worked and what the universe was made of as well as how time flowed and how to fuck with it. Reed was a massive nerd too, since he was attempting to become the next Time Lord and had promised Bruce and Tony would be his first companions. Susan even liked the Avengers, though that was likely because Natasha had started training her on how to actually kick ass. Pepper of course, hated all of them so they'd stopped coming around when Tony and Pepper had honestly started dating.

"oh yes. blowing up Doombots is well worth leaving the safety of a sanctuary." Loki agreed, nodding. "as is playing nasty pranks on him." he smirked. "he's one of the only serious villains who has not gotten the clue that you are all mine. most of the others have grown tired of being turned into babies and cute little kittens by now." he admitted, examining his perfectly manicured nails. "then again, he's not actually a serious super-villain is he? he just wishes he was..." he shrugged a little before looking fascinated. "you are creating baby dragons? how fascinating!" he admitted. "will you not have problems with the size?" he asked curiously."no. i'm making them miniature." Bruce admitted with a smile before smiling at Val when she walked in. "considering we don't even know what a... Rasvaalg is, i'm going to assume not." "hold on. i want to know what it is first." Clint admitted. "it is a hunting bird. a very versatile and while creature. extremely intelligent and very, very loyal to it's owner. however, only if they have been hatched by hand and raised by a person. it is about the size of a crow and is versitile enough to be comfortable both inside, and outside of a house." Loki admitted. "when Women where treated with a little more respect, they often went high into the mountains and raided nests as wedding gifts for their intendeds." he admitted. "wow! that's so cool!" Clint admitted. "courting gifts here are a lot more boring. chocolate, wine, flowers. sometimes jewelry or stuffed animals or something that means something to the person that they are giving it to." Clint admitted with a smile. "looks like you did a good job Loki, assuming that shirt, blanket, and teddy and box of chocolate goodies where your doing." Loki puffed up, quite proud if himself.
“That’s amusing. Truly.”Val snickered a little, amused at the idea of them having getting along, and making a mental note to play a prank on him later with comic heros.

“He’s not a serious person. He’s sorta....simply amusing. If he didn’t kill so many people indiscriminately, I’d be more inclined to ingore him.”Tony snorted a little before smiling at Loki’s delight. “Yes. We are. And they wont get that big. We’re thinking they will be about the size of a great dane, a fair sized dog.”Tony explained, looking curious at val. “Oh. Well. I shall have to think of something else to get.”Val said looking disappointed. “Much like your Talon, though smaller and more content to stay with their chosen partner all the time.”valentina added to loki’s explanation, tilting her head. “...what use is all that stuff?Better a bird.”Val decided, making a face at the idea of human courting gifts. “Indeed. Apparently, he also terrified the young shopgirl to get help, but he did well getting the stuff.”Tony said fingers absently stroking the soft blanket. “He terrifies everyone. How are you feeling, Tony?”Val said fidgeting a little as she watched him. “Sore. Tired. And annoyed to still be here, but better then I had thought I would...I owe you thanks, Lady Valentina, for my life.” “....You would have been missed if you died. I could save you. It was well done. You are welcome.”Val said shrugging a little, looking away, the words coming out more clipped and formal asgard then the usual slang of the american she had learned, definitely a sign of discomfort.
"he causes too much destruction." Loki admitted. "i'm half tempted to arrange him to die. he could just as easily choke on a peanut or accidentally eat some Kiwi, he's terribly allergic you know." he admitted before tilting his head. "yeas. i know of the dogs." he agreed. "miniature dragons. if i where to get you some DNA, could you procure me a miniature Dragon?" Loki asked curiously. "i could try." Bruce admitted. "i don't know if the DNA would work well with the breed of animal we use to breed them, or is anything like what i'm used to working with at all, but i can try." "excellent!" Loki declared, looking very happy indeed. "ah yeah. Talon." he agreed, fidgeting a little. "who is Talon?" Natasha wondered, Clint flushing harder. "...just a nickname i used to have." Clint demurred, Loki lifting an eyebrow at him. "i wonder if i could get one of those raslbirds?" he mumbled. "it would make a great present for Val right?" "no." Loki admitted with a smile. "those birds will only hatch for a female. so only a female can gift them to someone." "crap." Clint grumbled, sulking. Loki gently brushed his fingers along Val's shoulder, offering as much comfort as he dared while around practical strangers. "he would have been missed" Natasha admitted, smiling at Val. "we all owe you thanks." she admitted, shaking the other woman's hand. "and you helped Clint too. who knows what he might have done last night..." she admitted, shooting him a worried look, while he carefully avoided seeing.
“Have Val kill him in his sleep. I’m sure she could make it look like a accident.”Tony said wisely before smiling a little. “We can try a dragon. A dragon would be cool.”he said looking interested in the idea looking amused at how happy loki was. Val winced, looking at clint, looking upset that she’d told them when apparently they hadn’t known. James raised a eyebrow, watching Clint, curious but not pressing. Knowing that it would just make the archer set his heels down about it. “Rasvaalg.”Val corrected smiling a little as she leaned into clint a little. “I’m sure you’ll think of something to give her.”Tony said watching Clint before perking up. “I know. Me and you, we’ll build her something.”He decided looking pleased with the idea. Val smiled relaxing a little at loki’s touch, smiling at Natasha. “I’m sure he would have found someone else to spend a evening with.”She said blushing ever so slightly as she glanced at Clint, tilting her head. Looking bemused as she studied teh man, nudging him a little. “You should get some sleep though. Sex and alcohol, you’re heads probably killing you.”She said worried about him, fussing because she wanted out of this conversation. Having confirmed that tony was okay, she didn’t want to give his friends time to ask about her, fidgety and upset, already planning on what to do with the rest of the day.
Steve snorted. "don't ask Val to do nasty things like that." he ordered, looking amused. "i'm not sure she's old enough to be considered a murderer yet." "no she's not." Loki agreed. "she's seen much death, but she's never caused it herself." he admitted. "even as skilled as she is, she is not yet old enough for battle."Loki admitted. "at least, not on Asgard. humans do not wage battle the same way Asgardians do i think." he admitted. "not to mention that she can deal with humans in a non-lethal manner because they cannot fight back against her magic." Loki admitted. "Rasvllg." Clint agreed, wrinkling his nose. "this is why i don't learn other languages. i get my tang toungled up and i can't weak my spurds right." "...." Loki snorted, Steve snickered and Natasha shook her head. that was bad. bad, bad, bad. "i'm not sure i would have." Clint admitted softly. "i problem would have wandered the streets picking fights or gone home alone or something. i'm not the best when i'm drunk after all." he admitted. or when he was depressed because he'd shot his best friend in the chest with an arrow. "actually. a nap would be good. i'm hungover as hell." "that's what you get for getting drunk." "shut up Mr. I Can Drink More Than Thor and not even have a headache." "can't get drunk either." "asshole." "i know. you love my ass, you don't ave to keep telling people." Steve huffed, smirking when Clint spluttered and muttered and grumbled. "anyway, Valentina, your welcome at the Tower anytime i'm sure." Steve promised her with a smile. "Tony would love to have you over." he said with a grin, looking at Tony. "right Tony?"
“Well. I’ll just ask loki to do them then.”Tony decided sighing quietly, making a face. “Five hundred seems ancient, but I will bow to others wisdom in saying she’s to young to be asked.”Tony agreed. “Hmmm, that’s okay. I have better uses for your tongue.”Val leered at her lover a little smirking. “....You’re nearly as bad as Stark.”James rolled his eyes shaking his head a little. “He does. He’s a horrible drunk, everyone usually has orders for both him and Tony to be locked in the tower if they’re drunk. Less problems that way.”James said smiling a little. Val raised a eyebrow watching Clint sputter, before looking at steve. “Oh. Okay.” “Hm?Oh. Yea. You can come. I have stuff for you. As soon as I can go home.”Tony muttered stirring a little, blinking slowly, having been dozing some. “Come on, we should let him get some rest.”Val muttered amused as James settled more into his chair, on guard duty so Steve could curl up with tony and get some rest himself.
"Loki smirked. "i would be glad to kill anyone you ask me to. perhaps it would be a good courting gift?" "no!" most of the room chorused, startling Loki. "well... okay. if you say so." Loki grumbled before chuckling. "she may be five hundred years old, but mentally she would be around eighteen to twenty in human years. still quite young. the only reason she was able to leave asgard is because they would rather have her gone." he admitted. "when i was five hundred years old, i was still confined to the royal nursery. as was Thor until he was around seven hundred years old." he admitted. "even then, we could not leave asgard unattended until we where around one thousand in age. Val is a special case, and i will keep her safe as best as i can." he admitted. Clint flushed brightly at her quip before grinning at her and turning to glare at James. he had never forgiven the man for locking him in the vents one night because he refused to come out while heavily intoxicated and no one wanted to see him fall from the ceiling. "yes. i agree. Tony needs to rest." Loki agreed, carefully tucking Tony in and settling his new teddy bear closer before taking his leave. "i'll talk to you later Tony. get some good sleep kay?" Clint asked, giving him a trembly sort of smile before kissing Tony's forehead and following Val out. "so. uhm... i think i should tell you something about Talon..." Clint admitted sheepishly. "Talon... er, doesn't actually exist..." he admitted to her.
"I was just kidding. You can get in trouble for killing people here. No need to cause another problem."tony said watching the god in amusement before sighing shaking his head. He knew what it meant to not be wanted around, and how much it hurt when you were young. Made him feel bad for her."...we'll help you. For her, and clint."james promised looking amused at the idea of being stuck in the nursery that long. "Hey, it was your fault. Get over it, legolas."james teased rolling his eyes a little. "Kay....come back later. I wanna hear about your date..."tony muttered tiredly as he tucked the bear closer, yawning as he settled in to sleep.

"...what?but I saw him...."Val frowned looking at the man confused as they walked, frowning as they walked inside. Wondering just what he was talking about.
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