The Archer(Lady/moon)

Loki blinked a little. "oh. even the ones that deserve to die?" "of course. they are proven innocent until guilty and they have the right to be judged by a group of their peers." Steve explained. "it's supposed to be a way to prevent people from being abused by the justice system but it still happens." Steve admitted with a sigh before examining Valentina. she had the same look in her eyes that Loki did. that Tony did.the look of someone who was so used to being hated and beaten down that they couldn't bring themselves to trust anyone anymore. "it wasn't my fault you asshole!" Clint grumbled before smiling at Tony. "we haven't gone on it yet... though, i suppose this morning might count?" he mused before following her out of the hospital.

"yes you did see him. see, the thing is... my magic... it takes a really long time but i can, you know. shapeshift into the form of a hawk..." he admitted, flushing hard. "and a cat. and a buck. i'm working really hard on a wolf form right now. i'm about three months from completion..." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "i know that's weird and i'm sorry i tricked you but i really wanted to impress you and sometimes i just... have to change." he admitted. come to think of it, there had been an adorable Tuxedo male cat wandering around her apartment recently too. it had presented her with a dead mouse. "sometimes the instincts get a little... strong..." he admitted, flushing hard, remembering the decapitated bunny and mouse he had given her. also, his cat form had puked in front of her door. oops.
"It was so your fault."james snickered. "Ha. I knew it. Legolas totally got laid."tony muttered snickering sleepily as he watched the two go.

"...oh. well."Val blinked at him slowly."you'd think with loki I'd be used to that kind of thing, but I didn't know humans could do it."she said studying him. Looking interested."truly?a wolf is a mighty thing to be."of course she was thinking of fenrir and his dire wolves, not the smaller earth cousins."....we're you the cat who gave me a mouse to?clint you have to stop giving me dead animals. It's gross!"she teased kissing him lightly, not sure what to think, so she was just going to accept it." I hguessed. So I should keep expecting dead things and vomit?"she teased knowing exactly what he meant by to strong instincts
he shrugged. "back a long time ago, it used to be common for humans to be able to shift." he admitted. "it takes a long time to learn and a lot of effort. we needed... need, to know the animal inside and out. behaviors, biology, mating cycles, everything." he admitted. "it's a lot more work then most people would be willing to do." he admitted. "and then there's having to handle the actual shifting process. you have to handle feathers, fur, blood, organs and the actual animals. get a feel for how they feel and smell the way they smell and get genetic samples of themselves into your own body." he admitted. "most where satisfied learning only one animal." he admitted with a smile. "and they took a lifetime to learn only one animal inside and out." so had he, actually. he wasn't sure he was ready to tell her about that though. "i'm sorry! my Cat, named Socks by the way, damn Natasha, thought you where a suitable mate and wanted to impress you with his amazing hunting talents!" he complained, looking amused. "it's not MY fault the vole i ate didn't settle well..." he admitted, sulking a little. "...yeah. probably." he admitted with a smile. "i'll show you sometime if you like?" he offered with a smile. "the Buck is the only one you haven't seen yet right?" he asked with a smile. "i'll take you out to the woods, Tony has private land." he admitted.
“Ah. I see. Makes sense. Now in this.....evolved world, you’re not as close to nature.”She said looking thoughtful, tilting her head a little. Studying him, having a feeling he wasn’t telling her everything, but not pressing. Because she wasn’t ready to tell him everything either. “Socks. It’s cute, definitely fitting.”She snickered a little before smiling at him, “Well, I was impressed.”She said smiling amused before rolling her eyes. “Why do I have a feeling you say that alot?That it’s not your fault.”She teased him a little before nodding, “I’d like that. Really.”She said smiling at him before her eyes went a little unfocused, head turning a little as she looked at the sky. Listening to something there, hearing it....but not really. Before focusing on him again. “I need to leave for a few days.....”She said looking worried he’d think it was because of him, when it was only in part because she was still a little freaked out, and in part because she wanted to get him something. But mostly, she could feel the call. “If I’m not back in 48 hours from this moment, tell Loki that Fenrir didn’t...isn’t...well. But not a moment sooner, can you do that for me?”she said focusing on him again.
he nodded. "yeah. pretty much." he admitted with a smile. "yeah... but, listen don't tell anyone okay? no one else knows." he admitted. "it's not something most people can do so..." he shrugged before flushing. "i really am gonna kill Nat for naming me that. of course, now my damn cat won't answer to anything else." he admitted with a huff. "well... not that often." he admitted with a smile at her before pausing, blinking at her. "oh... is everything okay?" he asked, looking a bit worried. "hold on. just one sec." he ordered, gently taking her hand and lifting her wrist up, pressing a small kiss to it, letting his magic bloom across her skin, leaving a small brown dot. "it will protect you, it won't last long. six to eight hours, but it makes me feel better knowing you've got a bit of a leg up." he admitted, letting her hand go so she could leave to do whatever she needed to do. "be careful, okay?" he asked, worried. "what do i do if Loki asks where you went?"
“I wont....I hadn’t meant to you know. I didn’t know about talon....I promise to not tell them anything else.”She said looking upset a little before snorting. “It’s still a very adorable name. And you are adorable.”She smiled at him, before growing serious. Frowning slightly as she considered what she was hearing, leaning into him a little. “I....No. It’s not. But I can fix it.”She thought she could anyways, before startling as he lifted her hand, shivering a little at the touch, smiling slightly. “Thank you. It’ll be good.”She said smiling at him, stepping back, swallowing thickly, knowing if they had to tell him, loki was going to lose it. “I will, promise. And Jotunhiem.”She said before taking that step between here and there, valkyries having a better way of traveling then thor’s overly flashy rainbow bridge.

Two days later, about a hour before the deadline, tony frowned watching clint from his seat on the couch, having been allowed to go home, as long as he stayed out of the lab, and simply rested. Watching clint he made a face. “...You’re here. You’ve been here for two days. It’s sorta freaking me out, Legolas. What’s going on?”He said sounding annoyed as he considered it, wondering if everyone was hiding stuff from him again because he was hurt. and wondering why Clint wasn't getting ready for his date instead of simply hanging out in the tower.
he nodded. "i know. i wasn't upset." he promised her. "i'm not looking forward to having to explain to the others who Talon is, but i can come up with suitable excuses easily enough." he admitted with a smile. "i am pretty cute." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "Jotenheim." he agreed, mangling the pronunciation a bit, but had managed much better than rawrbird. never mind that he called Thor's hammer Mew Mew just like Darcy did.

Clint was chewing on his thumb as he always did when he was nervous. "yeah... here." Clint agreed, getting increasingly agitated, as he had been since that morning. actually, he'd been aggravated since he'd come back, but it had gotten much worse since then. since his thumb was now bleeding it was easy to see he was getting well beyond anxious and flat out forcing himself not to do something. "Clint? have you seen my..." Loki asked, walking into the room. "Jotunhiem! she went to Jotunhiem!" Clint burst out before clapping a hand to his mouth, Loki looking startled. "...who went to Jotun... never mind, that's a stupid question." Loki admitted, walking right back out and heading for one of the dark passageways into Jötunheim so he could find his wayward daughter.
“This is not a pleasant sight. I don’t like things that make you nervous.”Tony said watching him, looking up at loki when the other came in. “Hey-”He said before looking at clint. “.....Why?”He asked watching clint, asking the question loki hadn’t stayed to ask.

“Loki!”Val hissed when the other passed the front of the cave, looking adorably bundled up in a heavy cloak and a hat, her hair bound back out of her face, nervous and upset. “I still had a hour!He shouldn’t have called.”She growled looking upset but well aware she should have left before now. Especially with the giants searching the realm for them. “I couldn’t leave them.”She muttered hustling loki into the room,looking upset as Fenrir looked up at his father, the young shapeshifter bruised and exhausted, to weak still to even attempt to leave the realm, which was why him and Val were still here, because her way of traveling had been made for valkyries and the dead, she couldn’t travel without his help without killing him, and he was still to weak to help. “Father....”He muttered bundled up under val’s spare cloak, and the slight wiggling at the edges as loki got closer revealed to small direwolf pups, so small that they shouldn’t have been anywhere without their mother.
he shook his head. "i don't know why." Clint admitted. "i shouldn't have said. i didn't mean to."

Loki blinked at her, looking curious but not worried. not yet. "i do believe he didn't mean to inform me. he was in quite a state however." Loki admitted. "he has chewed his thumb to ribbons and was so frantic he blurted it out before he even realized i was looking for my Cape, instead of my daughter." he admitted, moving closer and gently stroking Fenrir's cheek. "hush now. why don't you tell me what's going on?" Loki asked gently, worried about his son. third born, but no less precious. a gentle spell, cloaked so the Frost Giants could not sense it, summoned blankets for the puppies, wrapping them gently with well practiced hands. he'd had to do this for Fenrir after all. "who has harmed you so, my son?" Loki demanded. "and where is the mother?" he wondered, gently tucking a small wolf close to a nipple, which he had grown out of nowhere. nice thing about Loki being an ultimate shapeshifter was that he could secrete milk anytime he wanted to, from nearly any species. he didn't even bother trying to cover him up, humans where the only ones concerned about feeding a baby in public.
Tony huffed a little, looking worried and upset, sitting up slowly. “Come on. Sit, and let Steve look after your hands.”Tony ordered, glancing up at the captain as he walked in, pointing at the archer. “Get some bandages. Barton’s injuring himself.”He said completely shameless in turning their overprotective captain on clint.

“Ah. Damn. I had hoped he wouldn’t worry to much.”She sighed softly, shaking her head. Looking worried about her boyfriend, biting her lip as she considered it. “I’ll have to make it up to him...”She sighed quietly, before sighing quietly. “Rest, Fen.”Val muttered. “...We were hunting. In asgard., I know we shouldn’t have been....”Fenrir trailed off tiredly. “A hunting party had gone to Niflheim, with Hel’s permission.”Val winced, because seh knew that Hel only allowed it during the long summer months, the culling of some of the weaker monsters that made Niflheim home, only allowed hunting when Fenrir and the wolves were not there for most of the year. “Nika whelped early this year, we were at the dens earlier....Hel didn’t know, I had gone to tell her.....When I returned...”Fenrir shuddered a little, swallowing thickly. “They had hunted the pack into the ground. Only these two were alive, hidden under Nika’s body.”Fenrir shivered. “I heard the much death...”Even if the pack had been a small family pack compared to other animals in the realms, the fact that the asgaridan hunters had hunted the only pack of dire wolves left into near exitinction, leaving only the two pups and had called to her, the vengeful fury, death’s gentle hand. Because while the pack had been born wolves, they had all been able to shape shift at times, to humans, they just preferred wolf form. Because they were wolves that could become humans, instead of humans that could become wolves. They were more comfortable as animals. “I couldn’t get them free to earth, and the asgardians were still in Niflihiem, and I couldn’t leave to get I retreated to here. And hoped the Jotun wouldn’t have their own hunting parties.”Val muttered smiling softly as the wolf pups drank eagerly.
Clint shook his head a little and scowled at Tony when the stupid genius turned Steve's attention on him. Steve immediately got all fussy and started tending to Clint's shredded fingers, he had a nast habit of chewing the crevices. the little hollows where skin met fingernail. he'd also chew the knuckles until they where bloody, and he had this time too. he wasn't sure why he was so worried, but he was.

Loki shrugged. "i think he can sense something bad has happened." Loki admitted. "he has many strange skills and abilities." he shrugged. "he hid them so well that i can't be sure of all the things he is capable of, though his mind belonged to me for an entire week." he admitted. "i do know that he is very, very much older than we ever thought." Loki admitted before cringing as he realized that those fucking Aesir had done this. all peoples who entered the lands of Niflehiem knew the Dire Wolves where protected. Hel would be furious when she realized her favorite female and an entire clutch of pups was dead. she would have her own vengeance, one that Odin could not protest, since they where Hel's lands and as such, her rules where law that even Odin had to abide by. "i am so sorry Fen." Loki whispered, setting his hand on the others shoulder. he knew how important Nika was to him. "the Jotun do not hunt Direwolves." Loki assured her. since he had learned of his heritage he had spent a good portion of his time with the people, trying to learn who they really where. "they find the wolves to be sacred and powerful. if they where to stumble here they would more worship you as gods than try to hunt you." he admitted. "come. i will take yu to earth." Loki promised. "there is a doctor there named Bruce Banner. he can patch you up." he promised Fenrir. "the pups will stay with me, in mine or Val's arms and nowhere else. then i can take you to my home. hunting parties are not allowed on earth, you will be safe there." he hoped.
“Yes, he does. It is intriguing really.”Val muttered frowning a little worried about clint before frowning. “....”Staring at loki for a long moment, considering clint, and what she had heard him say. Wondering about that. Before focusing on the task at hand, she’d deal with Fen and the pups. “But Hel...” “No. Hel rules in Niflehiem, no one will gainsay her ruling on this hunt. They knew the wolves were not to be hunted, especially pups just whelped. She will deal with them fen.”Val muttered stroking the man’s hair, looking up at Loki, worried about just how this loss of his mate and pups would do to the alpha wolf. While Fenrir had been born human, he spent more time as a wolf then anyone she ever knew. And even if Loki knew Nika was fenrir’s beloved, she doubted he had made the connection yet to the pups he was holding, or the slaughtered ones. Otherwise the rage would have been murderous by now.”I know...we all shall weep for them...”Fenrir shuddered a little looking up at his father, smiling sadly. “Oh. Good to know.”Val relaxed at that news, glad she had chosen well in where to hide, wrapping a arm around loki’s, squeezing. “You can’t confront the Aesir over this. It is in Hel’s hands now. Especially with Fen’s connection, you can’t turn on them.”She muttered knowing that if Loki did, it would give Odin a opening to declare open war on loki’s bloodline, instead of doing a sneaky thing and trying to wipe it out. Because even if he didn’t admit it, she could see Odin’s fingerprints all over this. “Okay....”Fen sighed softly moving to get up with help, swallowing thickly. “No, hunting parties are not allowed on earth, as thor has claimed midgard under his protection, and will not allow them there.”Val said swallowing thickly as they gathered everyone, smiling, relaxing quietly as she felt warmth, felt the air warm as she realized she was back on earth, and in the tower.

Looking around for a moment as she held the small black pup wrapped up in her cloak, she paused at the sight of clint being fussed over. “....Hello....”She said flushing a little, embarassed at having run off. “...We need Bruce. Fen needs a doctor.”She said her voice soft and upset as she looked around for the hulk. “J?You heard the woman. Get the good doctor up here.”Tony said struggling free of his blanket to get up and help the three obviously upset people, even if he had no business being on his feet.
"Hel's lands, Hel's rules." Loki admitted, stroking his son's hair. "the only reason why i am not up there slaughtering those fools, is because i know Hel will be so much more creative." he assured his son. which was probably the only reason why he wasn't throwing a helstorm himself. that and it would scare the puppies. e truly hadn't fully made the connection yet either. he would once he had calmed down, but for now he was entirely too worried about Fen. he looked down when the pups stopped suckling and did away with the breasts. no need to freak out the mortals. "we will hold a memorial. i will retrieve their forms once we are all safe." Loki promised Fenrir. the filthy Aesir would not have taken the bodies as it would only hav been evidence of their crimes. nor would they have removed anything from the bodies like claws, hide or fangs because again, that would have been evidence. not that Hel needed Evidence. the lands of Hel saw all, she likely already knew what had happened. "...i will not take action on my own." Loki assured his daughter. "i will leave this in Hel's hands. come. we're going now." he decided, slipping through the dark passageways to earth, this one hand created, handing one pup to Val bfore transporting because it was dangerous to be too focused on the pups when he was making passages.

"i'm here." Bruce said as he walked in. "Tony, sit down." Bruce ordered. "Steve? get some newspapers and lay them on the floor right there and curl up one of those really big blankets over them for the puppies." Bruce ordered, fussing over Fenrir and gently smearing ointment over the bruises and carefully bandaging closed some of the cuts even as Steve did as ordered, laying out newspapers and then covered them with a blanket that they didn't care if got soiled, Loki gently placing the puppies down so they could be warm and comfortable, though he refused to be out of arms reach of them. just as he'd promised Fen. "is everything okay?" Clint asked her, worry shining in his eyes. "Valentina. come and watch the young ones. i must go and collect the forms." forms, the word for dead body, the life was gone, and all that was left behind where the forms of the people whom they had loved. "i will prepare them for the grieving ceremony and the Funeral and let Hel know that Fen and the remaining pups are alive and well." Loki was starting to realize just what had happened apparently because his magic was crackling around him, sounding not unlike cracking ice, smelling like cold air and death as it danced over his skin. he had promised he wouldn't do anything though and Loki always kept his promises.
“Much more creative. Remember that time Jori pushed her down the hill?She made a cliff and a wind to keep him afloat so he could be endlessly falling for a day. She will punish those responsible.”Val muttered sighing quietly. “....Okay.”Fenrir sighed softly, calming some, knowing that his sisters, and Loki, and Jor would take care of things until he was better. “Good. It is hel’s domain, and the Aesir will face her.”Val muttered relaxing at Loki’s promise, sighing quietly as they left. Smiling softly as she held the pups.

“I’m okay.”Tony growled looking annoyed at the order even as he sat back down. Fenrir looked bemused as he watched bruce, tilting his head slightly. “....these smell better then most.” “That’s cause they’re human, and don’t take the Aesir’s fierce joy in making a wolf smell some really foul shit.”Val pointed out watching fenrir get treated even as she looked up at Clint. Looking upset as she shook her head at his question, but not answering yet. “Be careful. They weren’t there when I was, but they might return.”Val said watching loki, swallowing thickly as she moved over to the pups, sitting down, legs curled under her as she did, looking up at loki, wincing at the sound and feel of his magic. “Loki?”Tony muttered watching the man. “Go. You need to go, father.”Val ordered, knowing if he lost control anywhere but Niflehiem, it would be devastating. Watching him go, she sighed looking at clint, shaking her head a little as she watched the others taking care of Fenrir. “....His mate and pups were killed.”
"your not okay. sit down or i'll strap you to your seat." Bruce said simply even as he worked on Fenrir. "it's because we actually bathe." Bruce informed her, rolling his eyes. "don't think i haven't noticed Thor giving us odd looks for showering every other day, at the least." Bruce showered every day and Steve showered twice a day, once in the morning and once at night because of all the heavy workouts he did. "Asgardian men tend to go days, even weeks between baths. it's disgusting and completely unsanitary." Bruce grumbled. "it's a wonder you all don't get Staff infections." he admitted. "it is disgusting." Loki admitted. "i bathe everyday myself." he admitted. "if i can smell myself, and with my enhanced sense of smell that is often, then i bathe." Loki admitted. "they will know better than to attack ME." Loki snarled, baring his teeth, which had elongated into Jotun fangs. " is alright Tony." Loki assured the man, pausing long enough to do so, and gently brush the man's arm before sweeping away, leaving the crackling remnants of his magic on Tony's arm. it didn't hurt at all, but it tickled a bit and was chilled enough to give Tony goosebumps. "...oh hell. man i'm so sorry. you stay here and rest as long as you need... do you need anything? can i get you something?" "meat." Bruce commented. "go cook some steaks Clint." Clint nodded frantically and vanished into the kitchen and Bruce smiled. "he'll feel better with something to do. he's been frantic the last two days. now i know why." he admitted. "i'll have to stitch some of these closed. even with your super healing, they'll scar if i don't." he admitted, pausing when Jarvis informed them that there was a young man in the ground floor foyer requesting permission to come up. said his name was Jörmungandr. "Yourmungand?" Bruce asked, lips twitching. "you fellows have the oddest names sometimes." he mumbled. "there, all done. all you need now is lost of rest. if your in a lot of pain i have some painkillers that should work. they word on Steve and Thor well enough at any rate." he admitted. the Elevator dinged and released a youngish looking man who was... well, punk/goth t say the least. "Shit Fen. you look like hell." Jörmungandr said, moving over to his brother and examining him. "what happened? Father didn't say anything other than i needed to come to Stark Tower." he admitted, "i haven't seen him so furious since the time Tyr tried to coerce Hela into bed with him." blackmailed her into bed with him rather. it was one of the few times Odin had actually punished someone for something. mostly because too many people had seen it happen and he couldn't sweep it under the rug. Tyr had received what was basically a slap on the wrist though, because Hela had refused him, despite the fact that Tyr was threatening her father. Hel was well aware that Tyr was unable to carry out the threats against Loki and had all but laughed in his face.
“So threatening, and you don’t like sex games. Don’t threaten unless you’re going to follow through.”Tony huffed making a face at the other man, even as he settled back down. For the moment willing to follow the command, because he really didn’t feel good. Even if the idea of being tied up made him shudder, even if it was with bruce saying it, it’d been so long/ “Ahhh. Yes. The Aesir are notorious for not bathing regularly. It makes sex with any of their males decidedly bad smelling.”Fenrir snorted a little as he smiled watching Val fuss over the pups as the moved closer to her. “Okay...”Tony muttered watching him go, worried but trusting him, shivering a little at the touch. That was a weird feeling. “....Food. I haven’t eaten for awhile.”Fen said after a moment watching Clint go. Val winced a little, “Dammit. I’ll have to apologize....I really hadn’t thought it’d take me this long....”she sighed quietly. “..Go ahead. You’re being better about this then any other healer I know, so do what you need.”Fen said sighing quietly. “Jormungandr. The world you guys really are the animal shifters out of myth. That’s awesome.”Tony said beaming at fen, which just made the wolf laugh. “Well, father did name us all. He’s sorta weird.”Fen snorted amused relaxing, “No, not at the moment. I’m okay.”He muttered sinking back into the couch with a sigh, wincing at Jor’s words. “Always the kindest things, brother.”He said rolling his eyes a little. “....A hunting party hunted down Nika and the pups.”Val said looking up at Jor sadly.
Bruce chuckled a little. "i don't do Sex games." he pointed out. "it makes being around them decidedly bad smelling." Bruce admitted. "i have a pretty heightened sense of smell myself you know, makes being around Thor a real challenge sometimes." he admitted with a huff. "do the puppies need any checkups?" Bruce asked. "where they hurt at all? left alone for a long period of time?" he asked. he was very good with animals, had to be considering the work in biological manipulations he was in. "there's nothing to worry about Mrs. Lokidottr." Bruce assured her. "Clint get's like that sometimes. he might have picked up on your anxiety and thought you where going into a situation that was more dangerous than it actually was." Bruce admitted. "he won't be mad or upset, he's just glad that you're alright and that he can help." Bruce promised her. "yeah. what's it to yah?" Jori wondered, examining Tony before shrugging. "i guess it's okay, shapshifting into a two hundred foot snake could be worse i guess." he admitted. "you saying my names weird?!" Jori demanded, scowling at Bruce who shrugged. "it is a little bit, but only because were used to names like Tony, Natasha and Bruce." Jori scowled at him before huffing. "well, i'm just upset that it wasn't me who was kicking your ass, that's all. no one gets to pick on my little brother but me after all." he admitted before flinching violently at the knowledge of what happened. "shit... Fen.. i'm so sorry..." Jor admitted, gently embracing the man. "you have a place to stay? you could come to my pad if you want? i'll help with the pups and everything, i'll even be nice to you."
“I know, which makes threatening me not fair.”Tony sulked a little. “It’s a challenge to be around Thor always.”Fenrir muttered making a face. “They don’t appear to be, but they’re young. Days old. Should probably have a checkup.”Val said looking up at Bruce with a small smile, before relaxing, “Oh. Well, that’s good. At least I wont have to worry about him being to upset.”She sighed quietly, even if she still worried a bit, at least she understood that clint wouldn’t be terribly upset at her. “Nothing, just interesting. I like mythology, it’s awesome to see how much of it is truth, and fake.”Tony shurgged a little smiling slightly. “Yes we are.”He added looking amused. “Ah.Well, you haven’t been able to be me in years, Jori, don’t look so upset at it.”Fen smiled a little at the other. Before sighing shuddering as he was hugged. But not crying, the tears long spent. “ to....but Val showed up quickly...helped me save these two...”he muttered before nodding. “No. The avengers have offered a place to stay....and Val seems to be bonding with the pups.”He said tilting his head at the sister not of blood, but of soul. Amused to see the valkyrie bonding so well with the pups, when he knew she had problems bonding and taking care of things. So, if he lost two of his pups to her care, well...he could live with that, especially since he knew he wouldn’t be a good father to them, not when this loss had shattered him.
Bruce shrugged. "he's loud." Bruce agreed. "he makes it very difficult to control myself." he grumbled, shaking his head a little. "i'll give them a full exam." Bruce promised Val before smiling at her. "he'll be fine. he won't even care that you where gone, he's done the same to all of us." he admitted. "he just frets too much that's all." he promised while giving Fenrir a small booster to help ward off any infections. "there you go, all done. have to say your one of the best patients i've ever had." Bruce admitted, shooting the Avengers stern looks. "why can't you all behave like the slathering hell Wolf has?" Jori snickered at that. "ah. well... not a whole lot of it is wrong." he admitted with a shrug. "what about..." Bruce paused, hesitated and then shook his head. "never mind, i don't want to know." he mumbled. "i am upset about it." Jori grumbled at Fen, stroking his shoulder when the original werewolf shuddered. he wasn't sure what to say, his two children would never ease the pain of loosing his mate and other babies. "well, if these 'Avengers' will allow it..." "you can stay." Steve promised Jörmungandr. "we have plenty of rooms for all of you." he promised. "we can help you protect your babies too and i'm sure someone here knows how to feed baby puppies right?" he asked, looking around at everyone. Jörmungandr snickered and shook his head but was happy to be able to stay, for his brother if nothing else. "i have the food." Clint called, coming in with a plate piled high with steaks, baked chicken that was leftover from the day before, hot dogs, pork-chops and anything else he had thought to make. enough to feed Thor twice over. "i just made what i usually make for Bruce." he admitted. Jori raised his eyebrows. even asgardians didn't eat that much. he turned incredulous eyes to Bruce who shrugged. he didn't always eat that much. usually h went with the same amount Steve ate. but every week he had a big, big meal ad ate whatever was left in the fridge while the others went shopping. no wasted food, ever. Steve was very happy with that.
“Thanks.”Val smiled slightly at bruce as he looked the pups over, relaxing even more at his promise. Hopefully she could reassure clint all was as well as it could be. “I’ve been at the mercy of a harsher healer, dealing with you is better then father.”Fenrir smiled slightly, because while loki could be scoldy with his children when they were hurt, it was nothing compared to how brutal the healers of asgard could be with any of loki’s children. “I behave perfectly well. Better then the wolf. Don’t give me that look.”Tony huffed sulking a little as James snickered. “I’m better behaved then they are, bruce.”The current captain pointed out, even if it was only because he tended to stay hurt less often the the others. Fenrir smiled slightly at Jor, because there was no words to say to losing them, and he couldn’t even try to deal with it yet. “Oh yes. Someone does.”Val said nearly stuffing her fist in her mouth to stop the hysterical laughter that threatened as Tony eyed her. “....Do I want to know?” “Oh. Loki can feed them. Or we can bottle feed them.”Val said between giggles looking up at clint in relief, grinning at the sight of the food. “Thanks clint.”She said reaching in to get some of her own before making a plate for fenrir before giving it over to him. “not even a clan eats this much. You must be a mighty hunter to need that much.”Fenrir decided wrinkling his nose a little at the sight of cooked meat but sighing a little, smilign as he settled in to eat.
Bruce smiled a little and shook his head. "Loki seams like a guy who yells at you for doing something stupid while pulling splinters out of very uncomfortable places." Jori laughed and nodded. it was very true, and had happened often. "you tried to escape the hospital by pretending you where dead." Bruce stated. "and when that didn't work you tried to put A.I and rockets into your bed using the blender we left in your room." Steve stated. "when that failed, you told Jarvis to call Nine one one and Shield to complain that you'd been kidnapped and where being held against your will and being tortured." Natasha finished watching Bruce very gently pick up the first puppy, handling paws and legs with gentle tenderness. checking for any pain. the puppies showed to have no sore spots so Bruce checked gums, eyes, ears and heartbeat and breath before declaring them perfectly healthy.

"...Loki can feed them?" Steve asked, blinking slowly at her. "i mean, i knew he could... turn into a woman and all but... that's just... wow." "not a hunter." Bruce admitted. "i just have a shapeshifting ability of my own. in order to fuel that change i have to have a constant source of backed up energy." he admitted. "which means a lot of food." he admitted, watching as Jor, Fenrir and Val settled in to eat. "so, there are two other siblings right? Hel and Sleipnir right?" Bruce asked curiously. "will we be able to meet them as well?" he asked, gently arranging the puppies onto the blanket once more. "they are very healthy, and appear to be much older than a few days old. i'm going to assume they age at a rapid pace?" he asked, head tilted. "have you named them?"
“Hm, exactly. I think we’ve all been subjected to those blistering talks while he pulled splinters out.”Val snickered a little, looking amused. “....I was being held against my will. It was very unpleasant. And a flying bed would have been epic.”Tony grinned snickering at steve, “besides. You came to my rescue, Captain, when I was misbehaving. Of course I’m going to continue misbehaving if I have get rewarded for it.”Tony snickered amused.

“Good. Thank you Bruce.”val smiled looking pleased that the pups were perfectly content and happy to be looked after. “Yea, he can. It’s quite....a interesting sight really.”Val snorted amused at steve and tony’s looks at the idea of loki feeding the pups. “....Ah. Yes. I have to pull down a Elk every few days to eat, otherwise I start loosing weight. Shapeshifting takes alot.”Fenrir said looking at bruce in curiosity, smiling as they ate, frowning slightly. Thinking about it. “Hel wont leave Niflehiem, at least she hasn’t in centuries. and...Sleipnir...”Val said frowning slightly as she considered it, features tight before shaking her head. “No. I don’t think they’ll be here, but they might.”She said sighing quietly. “For the first few weeks yes, they’ll grow quickly then settle into a slower aging rate.”Fenrir said smiling slightly before shaking his head. “No....Nika had...just given birth, when I went...”he trailed off, sighing quietly. “No. I haven’t named them.”He shuddered a little.
Bruce snorted a little and shook his head. "yu where recovering and a flying bed would have plummeted to your death." Bruce informed Tony, Steve looking confused. "me giving you a two hour lecture on safety isn't a punishment?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow at Tony. "i knew you weren't paying attention when i was scolding you."

"of course." Bruce agreed with a smile before shaking his head a little. "i'm not sure i want to be a witness to that." Bruce admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "Elk?" Bruce asked curiously. "i had an elk nce. too furry. like sheep." he admitted. "i prefer port, or deer if i have to hunt. or rather, if the other guy has to hunt, he's not too picky himself. he's eaten trees before when we got too hungry." Bruce admitted. "that was a nasty few days." he admitted. "it was rough going in, it was even rougher coming back out." he admitted, looking very amused when Steve cringed at the idea. it actually hadn't been all that bad. Hulk's stomach acid was strong enough to dissolve rocks, a tree had been no match for his digestion. "well, if they do come, then w have rooms for them." Bruce assured Fenrir. not about to press when both Brothers looked upset abut... well something must ave happened to Sleipnir. "you should name them." Bruce admitted softly. "i know they cannot bring your Nika back, nor ease the pain of loosing her and the other pups, but you shouldn't lock your heart against them. they will need your love and care. and loving them can help with the ache in your heart." Bruce admitted to Fenrir, patting his knee before heading to the table to write down everything he'd done for their medical files.
“I would not. That flying bed coulda held me up.”tony huffed before smirking at stee. “I was paying attention.” “To anything that wasn’t his ass?”James said tilting his head a little watching the other. “Well, no. But I was paying attention!”

“Probably not, but it’s still amusing.”Val snickered a little. “Hm, but elk makes better clothes then deer. It’s cold in niflehiem, we needed better clothes.”Fenrir said before looking thoughtful, wincing at the idea of trees. “Hm, vegetarian life can be hard on the stomach. Better stop eating trees.”Fenrir snickered a little. “That’s good to know.”Val said, though she looked a little....lost at the idea that they were simply accepting them, not running away screaming from any of them. “...I will.”Fenrir frowned, going quiet as he ate, watching Val eating with one hand, and keeping the other absently stroking the pups. It was adorable really. And it made him feel hopeful for her, having wondered if it was even possible for the quiet valkyrie to open herself enough to feel things. “Boy and girl right?I think....I’ll name them Niko and....Val, you name one.”Fenrir said watching the woman. “What?I couldn’t....” “You saved us. Them. You should get to name her.” “Oh...well....”Val went quiet, thinking. “Cinder.”
"ah. that's true. i don't have to worry about the cold. it doesn't bother me much, not here anyway." Bruce admitted. "hey, i wasn't the one who ate the trees." Bruce admitted with a chuckle before smiling at Val. "hey, we're the Avengers. freaks some might say. what kind of people would we be if we turned away people in need just because they where as weird as we are?" he asked her. "besides, Clint adores you, Natasha accepts you and you saved Tony's life. you and your kin are always welcome here, even Loki." he promised. "so long as he promises to stop pranking us while he's here or we might tear his hair out or something." Bruce admitted, glancing at Clint who was leaning against the doorjamb and smiling a big sappy little smile as he watched Val stroking the puppies. it wasn't hard to see where his thoughts where. Val would make a wonderful mother someday, that was for certain. "Niko and Cinder. beautiful names." Clint agreed, Jörmungandr nodding. "will they be shapeshifters as well when they grow up?" Clint asked curiously.
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