The Archer(Lady/moon)

"it will be fun." he agreed with a smile before nodding. "it won't be hard. at this age all they do is eat, poop, sleep and cry." he admitted with a smile. "i used magic to change diapers. there's a difference." he pointed out. "we'll take good care of them, don't worry Jori, we won't make you help." Clint teased with a smile. "it won't be so bad. you can practice all kinds of magic down here, the earth with mask your magic." he admitted. "and i'm sure i could go up and get some games or something. or send Nat since she's been lazy and still sleeping." he admitted. he didn't much like being trapped either but at least he was here and not somewhere small and dead.

"yeah. not that it helps James much, since he can't figure out where the hell she vanished into." Steve admitted. "all he can figure out is that it's in the sewers somewhere." "it's a cave. a secrete that Clint opened up and then hid." he admitted. "its an ancient place, full of strange magic. Val will feel more comfortable trapped there than if she was trapped somewhere else." he admitted, letting Tony play with his shirt and even offering him a smile, running his fingers through Tony's hair while he settled in to read a book he had borrowed, or stolen, from someone. considering it was a Harlequin novel it had probably come from one of the many females wandering about the tower.
“Really?Fenrir says that’s cheating.”She teased a little looking amused before nodding. “We promise. You wont have to do anything more strenuous then maybe babysitting when I feel the urge to jump my boyfriend.”She teased snickering a little, before sighing. “Good. I’ll practice growing things....and I’m sure we’ll find something to do. I just want him to go away.”She grumbled, sounding decidedly unhappy that thor was still on the same planet as her, much less in the same city still.

“He deserves some mysteries sometimes. It’s good for him.”Tony snickered a little before looking at loki, looking a little better at that. “We;;, at least it’s somewhere that’s well protected for them all.”He said sighing softly as he relaxed under the other’s hand, letting his hair be petted, for once content to simply bask under the attention and snuggle, instead of being himself, and manically rushing around to do stuff. “...Any interesting scenes in there, Reindeer?”Tony muttered nearly sleepily, though there was a thread of lust in the words, smiling slightly as he looked up at the dark haired man.
he shrugged. "what do i care? Father never said anything about it." he huffed. "i am the eldest you know, i changed everyone's diapers. well, save Sleipnir's. i was still in the nursery when Sleipnir was born." he admitted. not to mention that Sleipnir, like the puppies, was actually more of a horse, that could turn into a man than anything else, which was why all the people of Asgard was content to think Sleipnir was just a horse, a bit smarter than most but still very stupid. never mind that Sleipnir was just as good as Loki was at Magic and trickery. he could have broken the spell caging him as a horse eons ago. "i know." Clint admitted, wrapping an arm around her. "i'm sorry. he'll leave soon i'm sure. he never stays long unless there's a battle to be done. since there's no battles it's doubtful he'll stay for more than a few days." he admitted, watching her. "if you don't mind me asking, and you can tall me to piss off, what did Thor do, that your so... i dunno, not scared, upset? about him being here?"

"it's driving him crazy." Steve scoffed, looking very amused. Steve, noticing how much Ton liked having his head rubbed, had picked up Tony's hand and was gently stroking the knuckles while he worked on his tablet. he had gotten very good at it too. "Loi? where where your children born?" "well. here actually. on earth i mean." Loki admitted. "it was safest here." "good. good." Steve mumbled, getting back to work. Loki smiled at Tony. "a good number of them actually. you humans are very creative." he admitted. "your too injured for Sex right now though, so i shant tell you anything about it until your better. i will make a list of the things i'm curious about and will ask you later." he decided, a large quill and ink pot appearing out of nowhere to hover in the air, same with a large roll of what looked like parchment. Loki made several notes, all in a language neither human could read.
"That's true."Valentina said looking amused at the thought."he probably will. Anything that's not battle bors him after awhile."Valentina sighed looking at hom. Wondering just how pissed he was going to be, because even if she told him no now, it'd eventually come up again. Raising a hand she let lightening arch between her fingertips, sighing quietly. "There's two reasons, and one is because of the kind...are very....breakable until after....we have sex for the first time. And we imprint on the first person, like a duckling. But instead of bonding with them really, we can steal a spark of their magic. This...this is all I can do with thors..."she swallowed hard, cause this was the reason it was so painful to think about the thunder god."Thor is....for all intents and purposes, a good man restricted by the people around him. While he doesn't hate us as much as other asgardians do, he couldnt...bring himself to treat me like a equal. While he has never tried to break one, and knew if he hurt me it'd provoke loki into a murderous rage....but treating more then a hole to stick it in, was beyond him. I'm not scared of him. He just makes me feel like I'm less."

"Hmm I've already been insane."tony muttered smiling as he looked up at them."really?that's good. Makes things easier."tony said sounding pleased at the idea, before laughing a little."we are good with creative things."tony looked amused."what?I'm perfectly fine for sex!I can totally have sex."tony sulked whining a little.
he watched her, worried. Jori was also carefully remaining unobtrusive as possible. "breakable how?" Clint asked, feeling a sinking feeling in his gut, tilting his head when Jori whispered in his ear, paling impressively when he realized just how fragile. "Thor was gentle with you physically, but emotionally he was no better than some brute..." Clint murmured, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her into a cuddle, tucking her into himself as if she was some beautiful, precious thing that needed to be protected. "i hope to god you never, ever think that." he murmured. "never, ever think that you are beneath anyone. you are a beautiful, wonderful, amazing woman." he promised her. "if anyone is 'lesser' it is Thor." he promised her. "only a rapist and a brute would ever use a woman like that, no one but a heathen would ever make a woman feel inferior." he assured her. "you are mighty, he is weak. always remember, no one is inferior here. you are just as good, if not better than any person on this planet, Thor and Loki included."

"it does?" Loki asked, his head tilted. "of course. here on earth, we have this thing known as a nationality. your children where born here, on earth, that makes them citizens of earth, meaning that Odin has no right to detain, punish, kidnap or otherwise make a misery of your children. especially if we file the paperwork to have you made into an American citizen, thereby granting all of your children the same rights and privileges of an American citizen."
“We might be deadly in a fight, but before.....we’re even more vulnerable then a normal child would be to that. If you broke us, they can say we’re mentally incompetent, because for the most part we are, and force us to a magical restrictive prison, so we can’t hurt ourselves or others.”She shuddered a little before sighing softly, smiling, blushing a little as he tucked her in close to him, nodding slightly. “Yes. were the first time I had sex facing anyone. It was odd.”She said flushing brightly as she rested her head on his chest, swallowing thick;y. “....Okay. I’ll try to remember that.”She swallowed thick;y, shivering a little.

“It does. And since Odin obeys the laws, on whatever planet he is on, he has to treat them like american citizens.”Tony said sounding pleased with the idea, smirking. “It wont make up for what happened before, but it’ll give them some protection in dealing with them from now on.”
Clint blinked at her, mortified. those... those... filthy things, where raping young... whatever she was, to break their minds?! "Jesus..." he whispered, horrified. "those... those monsters!" he protested, Jori watching Clint closely, a little surprised by how honest Clint was about all of this. he was honestly outraged that she had nearly been hurt, that others like her where being hurt. "....oh i am fucking ruining his face when i see him again." Clint growled, eyes narrowing, arms tightening around her a little more, as if trying to protect her from the very memories. "yes. you remember that. and you have my permission to smack any man who tries to treat you like an object right across the face. myself included." he promised her with a smile. "you are worth the world to me." he promised her.

"...huh." Loki mused, looking quite pleased with the idea. "it will be more than enough for them, i'm sure. they'll be safe from more abuse at the very least, right?" he asked with a smile. "thank you for all the help." "no problem. though we're going to have to find a reason for your attacking the earth." "you already know it." Loki pointed out. "it was to free my children. it... halfway worked. Hel is still trapped in Helheim and Sleipnir is still trapped int he stables and we never found Váli." Loki admitted, swallowing thickly. "but maybe, maybe they will be released now, right?" he wondered. "we'll do our best." Steve promised, certain that the women of earth at least, would sympathize with Loki. people had done worse to protect their children after all.
Val bit her lip, looking up at him. Torn between telling him the rest, but studying his face, she realized he had enough new stuff to think about, not to add in that he was dating a valkyrie. “Yes. They are.”Val said looking startled at his reaction, sighing quietly as she leaned into his arms, snorting a little. “For what?Bad sex?I’m fairly certain he treats Jane better.”She shrugged a little, even if the memories had the power to hurt, for the moment she was willing to let it go. Smiling slightly. “Don’t worry, I’ll definitely be smacking you if you step out of line.”She teased flushing a little, ducking her head slightly at his words, so at a loss for what to think, that she was just going to go with it. “Anyways. Problem with it being Thor....well. His magic and mine,recognize each other. He’s enough of a idiot about it that he might not realize what magic he’s feeling, but if someone else would realize it....well. Fandral isn’t a idiot, if anyone figures it out, it’ll be him.”Though she had hopes for the blnd warrior, he was definitely one of the better asgardians she’d ever met. Even more tolerating to valkyries and the outsiders then anyone but loki’s family had been.

“At the very least.”Tony agreed smiling. “And you’re welcome. Though I expect payment for this, in the form of more chocolate and coffee.”Tony said smiling to show he was just teasing, and nodding a little. “But Val and Jori, and Fen are free. And we’ll work on the others. Any mother in the world would be taking up your cause.”Tony agreed sighing as he sipped his coffee.
Clint nuzzled the top of her head, unable to not try and comfort her. "It's not 'just' bad sex Val. he took advantage of you, emotionally if not physically and that can leave very long lasting effects, some that you might not even be aware of. we have doctors who specialize just in passive rape victims." he admitted. "something like this, humans can even have horrible mental and emotional effects from it." he admitted. "it doesn't matter about Jane, especially since i'm pretty sure she'd kick his ass if he dared treat her wrong, what matters is how you feel and clearly, you feel pretty damn terrible about it. anyone would." he admitted before watching her, his head tilted. "so he knows your on earth, right?" he asked. "didn't he already know that?" "no." Jörmungandr admitted. "Loki removed her when he sniffed a bit of trouble on the horizon. Thor has no idea where she is and we plan on keeping it that way." Jori admitted, handing them both hot cups of coffee and some pancakes that he'd cooked on the little stove Clint had hooked up. "so right now, the main problem is that Fandral might tell Thor, who might decide to, what, remove you from earth? try to claim you as his own? something worse?" Clint asked, frowning a little. would Thor do something to Val? the big warrior had better hope not, because Clint was more than willing to go toe to toe with the blonde and while he wasn't sure who would win, but he knew the others would go toe to toe with him and Thor couldn't hope to stand against ALL of the Avengers.

"sure. i can repay you in sex." Loki agreed. looking amused. "not now though." he admitted with a smile. "here. have some chocolate." he offered, handing Tony a chocolate bunny from nowhere. "they are free. and that's more than i had previously." he admitted with a nod. still, some of his children where trapped, how could he be content when some of his kids where so unhappy?
“...Maybe.”Val shrugged, even if she knew he was right about lasting effects. Even if he hadn’t hurt her as badly as others might have, the emotional scars had left her reeling for 20 years to recover from. “Hmmm, I’d pay money to watch her kick his ass.”She snorted a little sighing softly, not looking at him, still struggling to deal with the emotions, before shaking her head. “No. I was still in Asgard before this. He knew I left, I doubt he cared enough to figure out where I hid out after. Even with working for Doom, he never noticed.”She shrugged a little sighing quietly as she sipped her coffee and starting to eat, thinking about it. “Yes, that’d be the worst of it. Fandal telling Thor how to track me down, but I doubt he will. Fan’s....interesting. He’d fit in well here, if you could get him away from Thor.”She wrinkled her nose a little, because until thor had given him a hard time about it, the older warrior had been one of the few friends the young valkyrie had had. “....He might try to make me go back. I mean...working for Odin as a pet....”She swallowed thickly, fidgeting a little, nervous but knowing she wasn’t hiding well. “I’m going to ask that this doesn’t go further then this room...but...I’m a valkyrie Clint. One of the Choosers. Having a tame one, one broken to his will, to not kill who deserves it, and who he wants, would be odin’s greatest wish, if he could pull it off.”

“Awesome.....and that’s not fair. Loki!”He whined sulking even as he eat the bunny, andding a little. “We’ll get the others. We’ll help.”he promised before squirming to get up, “Come on. I’m going to the lab.”He decided, having just had a idea, and wanting to get working on it. Wanting to make loki feel better.
he huffed. "not maybe. he hurt you, so i'll ruin his pretty face." he decided. "oh, she's done it before. Natasha taught her how." he admitted with a smile before shaking his head. "so the very day you showed up at Dooms is literally the day you appeared on earth?" he asked curiously, sulking. "why you gotta hang out with him anyway he's gross. you should join the Avengers instead. we'll make sure Thor never comes near you." he promised before shaking his head. "you know... i never realized how Stupid the big guy really was. i bet if we dyed your hair, changed your eye color and dressed you like a midgardian secretary he'd never even realize who you where." he admitted. "...hell we might not even need to change your appearance." he admitted. "Fan, he's the blonde who bathes right? the one whose always smiling and is really cute? he was the only one of the warriors three i didn't hate on sight." he admitted. "and then Thor sort of nudged him and i hated him." he admitted before blinking at her. "i don't know what a Valkyrie is but i know i'll kill us both before i ever let Odin break you." he promised. "we'd be safe dead right?" he asked with a weak little smile. "i can't promise that i'll protect you. because honestly, i can't. but i swear i will always be there for you." he promised. "if you ask it of me, i will do everything i can to do it." he promised, giving her a gentle kiss.

"it is totally fair." Loki stated simply. "because i don't want Steven to break me in half for having sex with you when you are injured." he admitted with a smile before blinking. "may i join you?" he asked curiously. that was one place he had never intruded, was the lab areas. Steve smiled and slipped his tablet into his pocket and helped Tony to his feet.
“Yes, loki thought I would find his behavior both disturbing and amusing really.”She looked amused before smimling a little. “I know you would. But doom is more dangerous, someone has to look after him and stop him from killing everything.”She said shrugging slightly, before smiling a little. “He’s smart as long as you don’t want him to anything to hard, or anything that requires some thought.”Val snorted amused before nodding. “We might have to do that....hiding in plain sight and all.”She said before snorting amused. “Yes, Fan bathes. He’s the one that understands the dire need to shower daily, and the one thor’s most often scolding before being.....Fan.”She said because there were no words to describe fandal really before looking amused, “Valkyries your grim reapers. We are the female goddesses that choose which warriors die and go to valhalla.”she smiled before flushing a little at his promise, even if she looked a little shaken at the idea. “Right....and we’re together.”She smiled kissing him back.

“Hmmm, that’s disappointing but fine, no sex yet.”Tony sulked smiling though as he looked at the other. Looking at lki he nodded, “If you want.”He said smiling as he looekd at steve, “You don’t have to come you know, might be boring.”he said, doing what he always did, trying to make sure the other was enjoying himself. Smiling as he headed for the lab.
he chuckled a little and shook his head before pausing, looking very thoughtful and then. "oh." he had never thought about how much she kept Doom restrained since she had shown up. less people had died, Dooms attacks had gotten much less vicious, damn. "well dammit. now i feel bad for asking you to leave him." he complained, pouting at her. "he's not going to be happy your dating me if... when he finds out... i suppose you could always twist it so he thinks your dating me to get information or something." he mused, smiling at her. "that's kind of what stupid means." he pointed out. "so Fandral is hanging with them because they're the biggest kids on the block. he puts up with their shit as so called friends because the shit they'd heap on him as a target would be so much, much worse." he mused. "typical survivor behavior." he mused before blinking at her. "that's kind of weird." he admitted, pondering that. "i thought it was, you know, the number of wounds that decided who dies?" he wondered before blinking at her. "so you take fallen warriors to Valhalla? what happens if say... odin, or Thor, where to die in their sleep from heart failure or something? would they still go to Valhalla?" not scared, not even a little bit, simply curious.

Loki brightened eagerly at the thought of being in a lab full of learning and Steve chuckled. "better be careful Tony, Loki might ask you too many questions to let you get any work done." he pointed out with a grin. "i won't be bored." Steve promised, making sure not to hover over Ton, it would only annoy the man. he was close enough though that if Tony stumbled, he could catch the erratic billionaire.
"Dont. Loki tells me to leave all the time, and he's always known why I was staying with doom."be he said smiling at him before smirking a little."don't worry. I have plans to set up doom, make him let me spend more time with you guys cause he thinks I'm spying on you, and digging up on Richards, who he really really hates."Val looked amused. Before nodding."pretty much. Though I think he hangs out with them for sif to, I mean...he's a horndog. And like you, likes a woman who can kick his ass."she snorted a laugh before sighing."it does. Most of the time. But like tony's wounds, he should have died. But I forced him to stay alive till he could get help. Same with a barely wounded person, I could encourage their soul to leave...there's a reason valkyries are so disliked, because of us, everyone is the same. You can all die, and we'll still be the escorts to niflehiem or valhalla."she sighed ."yes. While valkyries are usually drawn to battles for wounded and the dead to take to valhalla, if the best warriors die, we feel it and send them to valhalla...much like how I felt Nika die, but I was world's away. Because of my personal bond with her, I knew she was gone."she shrugged."it's complicated and I'm still learning but it's okay."

"That's why I have jarvis. I'll make him answer questions." "Always so glad to be a service, sir." "Hey I don't remember programming you to be so sassy. Steve tell him to stop."tony ordered even if they all knew he enjoyed jarvis as sassy and awesome as he did. Wincing as he wavered on his feet some, tired but determined to get downstairs he glanced at loki."so any questions before I start working?"he asked as they stepped into the state of the art lab. Really it was a engineers dream workshop
he smiled a little and shook his head a little before cocking it, curious. "oh? you have plans? i think i should be afraid." Clint admitted, Jori laughing as he nodded. "you should be. she's devious." he admitted before Clint brightened. "Richards! he should be back in town any day now. he promised Tony he'd come over with Johnny and they could chatter science with Bruce." he admitted. "you'll like him, he's super smart, need to work on his backbone a little though. Johnny's loads of fun too, you won't find anyone better at math than Johnny." he admitted with a nod before snorting and mumbling about Johnny again. Sif had nearly broken Johnny's pelvis when he'd tried to flirt with her. she didn't tolerate flirting, any flirting aimed in her direction. unless it was Fandral. she tolerated him up to a point. "huh.... you couldn't just 'encourage' Odin's soul to leave?" he asked her, pouting a little. "granted, that would be a little too close to asking you to kill then i'd be comfortable with." Clint admitted with a sigh. "oh well. maybe we'll get lucky ad Loki will have a chance to gut the one eyed geezer." "actually. Sleipnir has the most opportune chances. all we need is for Odin to go on a ride all on his own. unfortunately, he never does." he admitted with a sigh. "wouldn't that point blame at Sleipnir?" "not if he leaves a dead body double." Jori admitted. "it's a simple enough process that Father developed just for us. no one else knows it's possible." he admitted. "that's kind of neat." Clint admitted. "why haven't any of you done it before now?" "no need. no chance." Jori admitted. "it's still an option if we become actively hunted again, but for now, why do it?" "good point. still, it's nice to know you have the option of 'vanishing' if you have to."

Steve chuckled a little. "sorry Tony, i'm not allowed to give Jarvis commands remember?" he asked, eyes sparkling because that had never actually been a rule. particularly since Jarvis didn't even listen to Tony sometimes. Steve gently steadied Tony. "careful Tony, there's a dip in the floor there. i have someone coming in to fix that." Steve lied, Loki turning his head so that Tony wouldn't see him laughing before he brightened and started asking all kinds of questions about electricity, batteries and power flow. Steve had a headache just trying to keep up with the two babbling smart people. Loki was wicked smart, almost on par with Tony and got the understanding rather easily and was perfectly content to sit at a little table, usually reserved for Bruce, and tinker with the things Tony gave him. namely, a cell phone of unacceptable standards (the latest Smartphone) and a tablet also of unacceptable quality so that Loki could play with the electronics and see what magic could do to it. Steve just chuckled and settled in his usual couch and got back to work, letting the two boys play with their toys.
“I do. Amazing, awesome plans. And they’re not all devious ones!”She pouted a little looking amused though before nodding. “I know. And I figured that. It’ll be easy enough passing off that I’m hanging out with you guys, so that I can spy on him.”she smiled a little looking interested and pleased that she was going to meet them. “I could, but he’s alone, and a valkyrie’s tampering leaves....not a trace, but others, at least asgardians, would more then likely look towards me if he died unexpectedly.”She sighed before nodding. “It is a good thing to know.”She sighed smiling as cinder gnawed on her shirt in a effort to get attention, smiling as she picked the pup up, cuddling.

“I don’t remember that. Jarvis, you know the rule. Captain is awesome and amazing, and should always be listened to. At least. Somtimes.”Tony said smiling as he settled in to work and answer questions, amused as loki worked, and he worked on both cell phones and rings. Though they weren't simply just rings considering he was using both a welding torch and small screwdrivers and tools to work on it.
he chuckled a little and Jori shrugged. "your Loki's daughter, of course all your plans are devious ones." he admitted with a smile, Clint chuckling again as he picked up Niko and stroked his ears and played with his paws, getting the puppy used to being handled by humans hands, instead of a wolf's tongue. "he is pretty stupid, he'd believe it." he agreed with a smile and a shake of his head before nodding. "makes sense i guess." he grumbled before smiling at her. "you know, in all the excitement, i forgot to show you my shapeshifting abilities." "i knew a shapeshifting human once." Jori admitted. "he could turn into a hawk." he admitted, Clint pausing and then giving a slightly strained smile. "yes... i remember." he admitted softly, swallowing thickly when Jori turned to stare at him, wide eyed. "i used to throw shells at you." "...but... you look nothing like you did back then! how could you possibly be that red headed, green eyed little 'FEMALE' twerp?" "'s... complicated..." Clint admitted, rubbing the back of his head. "and... awkward... humans... humans don't... we don't... they don't.... do, what i do... no one else knows... not even Phil or Natasha so.. please, keep it a secrete..."

Steve chuckled and tossed a wink at the camera that was Jarvis watching them. "amazing!" Loki declared two hours later, startling Steve so bad he fell off the couch where he'd picked up the Harliquibn romance that Loki had been reading before. "Tony! Tony c'mere!" Loki ordered, looking flushed with excitement. "look! look!" he handed Tony the phone he had been working with which had now been tweaked to work with Magic. on the phone was a display that looked like a DNA strand woven into a spiders web. "this is earth's magical mainframe! or what you would call, the Internet." he grinned, eyes glittering. "it's beautiful Tony... and see.. here, this massive Blue spot? that's Jarvis. eons ahead of the rest of Earth's technological Magic."
“Ah, well. Yes. I guess you’re right.”Val snickered a little smiling as she played with cinder in a similar form, knowing that it needed to be done, before looking at clint. “Well, you can show me later.”She promised before looking at jori, then staring at clint. Looking bemused as she considered him, eyse widening. “I...uh...”She stuttered looking a little lost, smirking a little. “Is that why you were worried about me being to young for you? Cause your ancient?”she said not pressing, because she didn’t want to make him feel like he had to answer, had to just let him do what he wanted, and tell her when he wanted.

“Hm?”tony startled, looking up from where he was finishing Val’s ring, staring, before moving over and looking at the other, eyes widening as he saw it. “that’s awesome. Look, jarvis you’re the spider in this web.”Tony giggled happily, grinning as he leaned into loki a little, content and happy, having the best things in his life, in the room with him. Tech, steve and weird as it was to be with the godling, he was liking having him around to.
Clint smiled a little and nodded. "yeah. okay." he agreed before flushing brightly. "well... yes. actually." he admitted softly. "there's... i mean... i'm not sure i'm i'm actually human, you see... i can... choose, for lack of a better word, of when to die. sure i can be killed, just like anyone else, but... in one of my lives, i chose to be upwards of five hundred years old." he admitted with a smile. "i was revered as a God then, they called me Horus." Jori choked, hard. "in five of my lives, i was Native America, Indian." he admitted. "i lived here..." he waved his hand around the cave. "my people lived here. i was a War Chief, i was a Shamen, i was a hunter and yes, i was a woman at times." he admitted. "so you where Horus?" "yes. it was my first life. i didn't know what i was, when i reached a hundred and fifty and still hadn't aged more than looking like i was about thirty." he admitted. "so they exhaled me as a god, and i believed them." he admitted with a shrug. "when i was murdered, and reborn, i didn't know what to think. so i tend to cut down my life span to that of a normal persons." he admitted, shrugging a shoulder. "sometimes, i simply revert to the form of a baby and someone adopts me and sometimes i die, and am totally reborn." he admitted. "fascinating!" Jori admitted.

"Loki smiled a little, looking very happy. "it's amazing how advanced your people really are. Asgard has nothing like this." he admitted before chuckling. "that's a very apt description." he admitted. "you know, if we combine magic and technology, we could probably even give him a physical form." Loki admitted with a happ little smile. "want to try?"
“....that’s...”She stared at him, the young valkyrie for once, looking at a total loss for words. “ you always remember who you were before? I mean...dying and coming back? And does it take awhile?I mean....”she trailed off, because even knowing that he could come back, the idea of clint dying on her cut her to ribbons. Loosing her hold as cinder whined at the tighter grip she swallowed thickly. Shifting leaning into him, resting her head on his chest she sighed softly, “That really is fascinating. And look, you share something in common with loki. You both can be women at times.”She teased, though it sounded flat and hurting, the emotional wounds brought out by talking about thor, leaving her vulnerable to the idea of clint dying, so it hurt more then it normally would have to consider it.

“Hmm, we are amazing. It’s awesome.”Tony grinned pleased with the praise, smiling. “Probably. We should try. Though if we’re going to combine tech and magic, try these first.”He said gesturing to the simple banded rings, “Those are tracking rings, most avengers get a ID thing and all, but I was thinking, maybe we need something more. Military gets rings and dog tags, James still wears his actually. But anyways, thought it was about time avengers had something. And they’re all connected to Jarvis, but we could connect them with magic to.”Tony said looking thoughtful, being a little more paranoid then normal because he was worried about his friends. More then he normally was. being shot, always made him paranoid
Clint smiled weakly at her, wondering if this would freak her out. "oh, well yes, eventually. usually around the age of six i recall everything." he admitted. "between four and six usually." he admitted. "i never remember being born though, or death itself. it's like going to sleep and then waking up as a baby." he admitted with a shrug. "well... toddler." he amended. "it can take a while sometimes, but never longer than a year unless i decide before hand, i rarely do." he admitted. "takes all the fun out of it." he admitted, gently taking her hand. "i don't intend on dying anytime soon. i don't know how long i can actually live, but i know i can make it five hundred years, so we'll have all that time at the very least, and when i'm reborn i'll look for you again...." he paused and then. "granted, i'm ot sure if i could do that as a six year old, but i could send you a letter or something, i'd figure something out." he admitted before snorting. "trust me, being a black woman during that day and age was NOT a good thing." he admitted with a shake of his head. "in any case, i won't leave you, and even if i do die, i'll come back." he promised with a smile. "okay?"

Loki grinned and Steve chuckled, settling himself on the couch again. "these? oh they're pretty!" Loki said, looking utterly delighted as he handled one, examining it intently, mumbling under his breath things that Tony could understand, but that had Steve totally stumped. things like 'particle flows' and 'energy transference' and 'power input to output ratios'. not all of what Loki was saying was technically correct because he didn't know the words to most of earth tech, but Tony was smart enough to know what Loki was saying. "i might be able to... on the other hand, it might blow up. still want me to try?" Loki asked. "there is a magic connecting 'spell' for lack of a better word, that can monitor the life status of the person wearing it. when one person is hurt, get's lost, has a panic attack or whatnot, the spell will activate and the connected rings will react. i'm not sure how to make the spell inform the others what's happening, might have to use your impressive technology for that one."
“...Ah. Oh. Well. That’s good. I mean, at least you don’t have to wonder to long whats going on...”She muttered though she looked upset at the idea of being alone, for even just a few years if he died. Staring down at their hands as he held hers, she nodded a little. “Yes. I guess we will. And you could just...I dunno.Yea...letter probably would be best...”She sighed quietly, not liking the idea of looking to closely at that just yet, but knowing they would have to eventually. But for now, not wanting to. “Hmmm, true. Definitely not.”She snorted a little at the idea of him being abused during that time, growlign quietly at the idea. “...Okay. We’ll be okay then.”She smiled weakly at him, relaxing a little at the idea that no matter what, she wouldn’t lose the one person who liked her for her, and that she liked like that.

“Hm, they are. Pretty enough to not make people wonder why they’re wearing them, but plain enough to not draw to much attention.”Tony smiled watching loki, smirking a little as he listened. It was interesting listening to the other. “Go ahead. If you blow it up, I’ll just make another one.”Tony smiled before nodding, “That would be even better then simply having it connected to jarvis. It’d be a sort of ‘avengers assemble’ call if the rings react, and whatever it is, we can have jarvis notify everyone whats going on as soon as the rings react....I like it.”He hummed looking pleased with himself and loki for being able to do this, to protect his team even more.
"no, i don't have to wonder for very long." he admitted. "weird thing is is that i never remember anything from death to the age of four, no idea why." "human babies do not have true cognitive memory capabilities and reasoning skills, as well as self awareness until they are around that age." Jori explained. "according to new reports at any rate." he admitted with a smile. "or i could just run away from home, depending on the home." he admitted with a smile, nuzzling her neck. "you wouldn't be able to do much with a six year old but i'd be perfectly capable of taking care of myself at least." he admitted with a smile. "we'll be fine. we have an eternity, was a few years here and there?" he wondered with a smile. Jori had to admit, he was very glad his sister had found someone so devoted to her. he was a little wary about how fast it had all happened, but he could tell Clint well and truly loved her, more and more with every passing day.

Loki nodded and reached into empty space, coming out with what looked like a gross between a soldering pen and a fountain pen small enough that Loki might very well have bee able to etch on a pin head if he'd so desired. the head of the pen was replaced with something a little bigger and then he started to mumble while gingerly etching things into the ring, between Tony's amazing artistry. in the end, you could hardly tell the odd symbols where there. "... okay." Loki mumbled, looking up at Jarvis. "Master Jarvis, you might feel a slight pinch." Loki warned. "but don't worry, if this fails, you won't be overly affected. you might have a sore spot for a few hours... is it alright for me to continue?" he asked, wanting Jarvis's permission. it was he who was connected to the ring after all. with the A.I's permission, Loki charged the magic, and Jarvis was suddenly aware in a whole new way. he could feel Loki's heartbeat, trace the blood flow in Loki's veins and even see the magic traveling through Loki's body like a second, overlapping nervous system. Jarvis could tell that Loki had a bruise covering most of his back, from where he'd been slammed into a wall by Tyr after he had pulled the brute off of his daughter, Jarvis could tell Loki was hungry and that he would need to stop to eat soon. every bit of information from Loki's body, entering the ring and into Jarvis to organize and monitor as the A.I pleased. "it worked!" Loki gasped, looking amazed. "it really worked! how do you feel Master Jarvis?"
"I agree. Weird but probably a good thing. Remembering that many times in diapers and potty training would be traumatic."she smiled laughing a little."well you could. But we'll worry about that when it's needed."before laughing a little."having a kid around would be a experience. Being the youngest, I've never had to deal with it."she looked amused before nodding."eternity is worth a few years here and there."she agreed though like jori, if she thought about it to hard, she was scared of just how fast this was going, but should it be any surprise, really? She'd fallen with all the wayward passion of a teenager for the first crush on someone....but it scared her to.

"...that's really cool. Steve, look!"tony demanded looking in awe as he watched loki work."do as you wish,Reindeer."jarvis under orders to not call loki, loki."I shall be prepared for it." "Did it work?"tony questioned looking nervous about his ai. Because for the longest time, jarvis had been one of his only friends."....I feel....different. and I feel the need to request that captain Rogers feed you both, and look at the bruise on your back for any damage." "What?your hurt?"tony twisted looking at loki, frowning slightly.
"probably." he agreed. "though i'm sure i'd get over it." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "well, like i said, i wouldn't need much taking care of." Clint admitted with a chuckle. "i pretty much raise myself once i regain my memories." he admitted. "a good thing too. the 'parents' i had in this life where horribly negligent. if i had been a real six year old, i'd have starved to death. honestly it's a wonder i didn't before i regained my memories." he admitted with a shake of his head before checking his watch. "i should go kick Nat out of bed." he admitted. "make her go get food. i'm getting hungry."

Steve looked up and smiled. "very cool." he agreed, even if he didn't understand a single thing that was going on, it was pretty amazing. Loki sulked at the nickname but didn't say anything because he knew it was Tony's fualt. "the odd feeling should go away in a few hours while you adjust to the new sensations. you should have an instinctive understanding of everything your experiencing and this will allow ou to monitor us fully twenty four seven." Loki admitted. "you'll even be able to tell if we're having a nightmare, a flashback or a doubt of suicidal thoughts if i've programmed the spell correctly. you won't actually be able to read our minds, but there are chemical reactions that cause suicidal thoughts, depression and other such mental calamities that you'll be able to read, understand, and issue warnings to the people who need to know." he admitted, slipping the ring on and examining it for a moment before blinking. "it's just a bruise. Tyr slammed me into a wall. apparently 'monsters' don't have any right to stop him from raping 'half breeds' as he pleases." Loki sneered. "Hela never released him after i knocked him out, so it's doubtful he's still amidst the living. despite what Odin claims, he cannot go to war over this, because Heimdal will interfere."
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