The Archer(Lady/moon)

he chuckled a little, delighted to see that she was really reacting very well. "hush." he ordered gently with a grin. "we need to take our time. i want to explore you." he admitted, slowly stripping her of her clothes and running his fingers over every inch of her before doing something he was sure no one had ever done before. he went down on her, running his tongue along her clit and driving it inside of her until she was cumming, gripping her hips tightly so she couldn't move while he drove her to the peek of ecstasy and beyond. "there. how did you like that?" he asked her with an impish smile.

"....he better keep his filthy hands away from her! Ragnarok was avoided once but it will return swiftly if he tries to force her to his will! there is a balance!" Loki snarled. "that old one eyed fool!" he hissed before shaking his head. "never mind. she will tell you when she is ready." he decided. "and i will kill him myself if he dares try to enslave my daughter." he decided. Steve had to wonder if Loki wasn't completely insane. they both looked at Tony and then, almost as one, uttered a single phrase. "No sex, Tony." they did NOT want Bruce on their asses.
Val whimpered quietly, closing her eyes at the order, shivering under his hands. “O-okay.”She muttered smiling softly, startling as he lowered his head to her, jerking at her hands as he did so, whimpering, shivering as he held her still, eyes wide as she came. Slumping back into the bed, blinking up at him at his question. For a moment, not understanding what he was talking about before smiling slightly. “Oh. That was....good. I’ve good...”

‘We’ll help. We’ll make sure he doesn’t mess up anything.”Tony said shifting, wrapping a arm around the other, holding him before nodding. “I know she will. We only want to know if she trusts us to do so. And we’ll help you keep her away from odin, even if it means going to war over it.”Tony muttered before sulking, “I can have sex!I can totally have sex.”He said stifling a yawn as he smiled at them.
he grinned at her shivering. so responsive! delightful! she tasted amazing too. he waited a moment, watching her recover from her first foray into bondage and chuckled. "it is good isn't it?" he asked with a smile, reaching up and gently undoing the shackles. he didn't want to overwhelm her after all. "just take a moment to process." he suggested with a smile.

Loki tensed at the arm around him. he wasn't used to positive attention so he was still a bit nervous and awkward about it. it only took a half a moment before he relaxed and leaned into the embrace. "thank you. that means a lot to me." he admitted softly. not sure what to do with so much support. "you cannot have sex until your healed." Steve ordered sternly. "you cam have sex in two days. you can last that long."
Val shivered looking up at him, blinking slowly, nodding a little. “That different. Amazing.”She muttered sighing quietly as he undid her wrists, twisting her wrists a little, simply enjoying the freedom, sitting up slowly, gently reaching out to sliding her fingers through his hair. “Thank you.”She muttered smiling at him.

”You’re welcome.”Tony smiled a little, frowning up at steve, sulking as he rested his head on loki’s shoulder. “Tell him to let me have sex.”He muttered nuzzling loki a little before sulking again “I can not!I’m going to die. I haven’t had sex since pepper left!I’m going through withdrawal!”He whined, now that he was both feeling better, and feeling tired, he was reverting to his normal whiney two year old sleepy self.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "it is kind of different." he agreed. "it's like it enhances everything, i think." he admitted. "it just, feels amazing, being held down, out of control for once." he admitted before smiling at her. "you don't have to thank me. i'm only doing what is right." he admitted. "i want you to be happy, so i'll do everything i can to make that happen." he promised.

Loki shook his head. "sorry Tony. but i agree with Steve, no sex until your healed." Loki admitted with a smile before chuckling a little and shaking his head. "sorry Tony. tell you what, if Bruce gives the okay, we'll do something to take the edge off. but he has to say it's okay." Loki warned.
“Yes. It does. Like, I can relax, because I really have no control over it.”She said smiling at him, before flushing a little. “Oh. Well. It’s still different for me. I mean....someone wanting to take care of me.”She shrugged squirming into his lap, settling her legs around his hips as she leaned in to kiss him.Simply enjoying sitting on him for a moment, relaxed and happy.

“...I am healed!”Tony whined sulking before perking up so quickly, movign to get up so quickly he nearly went face first into the floor. “Okay. Let’s go. We’ll go get bruce.”he said suddenly awake as he headed for the door, having jarvis direct him towards bruce with a grin. “Brucie-bear! I need your help.”
he nodded. "that's why i like it too." he admitted with a smile. "i know." he admitted, smiling at her. "but i like taking care of people." he admitted. "i like taking care of you." he murmured, smiling when she crawled into his lap, kissing her gently and wrapping his arms around her, simply holding her because she was soft and warm and it felt nice to hold her.

"your not. i can tell." Loki admitted with a shake of his head, moving to catch Tony when he just about fell, groaning when Tony just kept right on moving. Bruce looked up at Tony and then rolled his eyes. "you can have a blowjob so long as you lay on our back and don't move too much." Bruce informed Tony. "but nothing too exciting for another day or two at least and i mean that Tony!" he warned. "if you have to come back down here because you've herniated a blood vessel i'm strapping you to a table!"
“Really?”She said looking at him with wide eyes, blushing softly as she shifted, squirming a little as she felt him hard against her ass, biting her lip a little as she blushed. Not sure what to think, or do, but wanting to take care of him to. “Want to take care of you to.”She said blushing a little.

“Am to!”tony huffed before grinning at Bruce. “Thank you bruce. And Kinky. I knew you had it in you.”He teased at the threat before looking at the other two. “Steve!Loki, see, bruce said I can do stuff. I can totally have sexy science time.”He said looking pleased with the idea. Definitely going through sexual withdrawal....which made you wonder, just how long had it been before pepper left that they hadn’t been having sex?
he nodded. "yes." he admitted happily before flushing a little, dropping his head to nuzzle her neck. "you can do anything you want to me." he promised softly. "offering a smile. "i think it's only fair that you get the chance to do what you want to me." he admitted with a grin.

"i do have it in me." Bruce admitted. "shame you won't be getting laid if i have to tie you to the table." he warned. "and i'll keep you an extra day too, just to show you the error of your ways." he admitted, Loki chuckling as he reached out and settled his hand on the back of Tony's neck, stroking it in a way that he hoped would calm the other down a little bit.
no. sexy blowjob. sexy science will come later."
Val squirmed a little as he nuzzled her neck, giggling a little as it tickled some. Scooting back she tugged at his pant legs. “Undress.”She ordered smiling slightly as she waited, before smiling slightly as she reached out, sliding a gentle hand over his cock, looking thoughtful and interested. Exploring because she’d never gotten to before.

“...Okay. I’ll behave. Promise.”Tony grinned before sighing softly at the touch, eyes closing for a moment as the other stroked his neck, closing his eyes for a moment. “...I can totally do sexy science. Giving blowjobs, see who lasts longer, jotun or super soldier.”He muttered before his eyes snapped open, looking anxiously at the two. “....I can...have both of you right?Blowjobs right?”He asked looking anxious at the idea of having to chose who to have first.
he chuckled at her giggling and then nodded at her command, stripping down and leaning back so she could touch wherever she wanted. moaning softly at the gentle touch. laying back and relaxing, content to let her explore as she pleased. "god. that feels so good." he moaned, lifting his head to look at her. it had been a long, long time since he'd been able to take the time to just enjoy being touched.

"you better behave." Loki agreed with a chuckle, stroking Tony's neck, delighted that the other was calming. he hadn't been sure it would work. in himself, and his children and other Jotun, there was a nerve cluster at the base of the skull that, when manipulated properly, could leave the biggest, toughest, meanest Jotun a purring happy mess. "no." Bruce stated sternly. "they can give you a blowjob, but you cannot give them one." he warned. "don't worry. we'll think of something." Steve promised Tony. "why don't we just take turns sucking Tony, and then take turns sucking each other?" Loki wondered, Steve pondering that. "that sounds okay but we have to give Tony a breather in between so one will suck him first, then we'll suck each other and then the other will suck Tony. sounds good?" he asked Tony, pretending he hadn't heard the others extreme anxiety. bringing attention to it would only make it worse.
Val bit her lip as she sat next to him, a hand resting against his stomach, bracing herself some as she explored his cock, looking utterly fascinated. Before her eyes flicked up to his face, eyes wide. “Truly?”She said smiling softly, quietly. Looking utterly pleased before exploring more, closing her hand around him and giving a gentle tug even as her other hand cupped his balls, gently rolling them in her hand.

“Always behave.”he muttered sighing quietly, and it seemed it was universal nerve cluster, because tony nearly purred at the petting. Whining quietly. “Fine, you are such a party pooper Bruce. I should take your toys away.”He sulked before grinning. “Kay. We can do that.”he said pleased with that, even if he was still anxious about them getting along enough to share. To try this. Even if they were getting along now, he’d had problems with people in the bedroom before, it still made him anxious. “Sounds amazing.”He said smiling as he gently nudged them towards the door. “Let’s go.”
he nodded at her. "yeah." he breathed. he groaned loudly when her touch tightened a little, arching a little, lifting his hips and spreading his legs, inviting her to do more because that felt so amazing. "Don't stop. feels so good."

"you never behave." Steve teased with a chuckle. "go ahead. take my toys and i'll use yours instead." he pointed out, well aware Ton was possessive enough that the threat would make him pretty aggravated, which would distract him from feeling annoyed that he couldn't have sex. maybe. "well good. Steve can go first." Loki decided. "and then i'll suck him, he'll suck me, and then i'll suck Tony." "i like this plan." Steve agreed with a grin.
“Oh!”She looked starlted, eyes wide as she watched him react, blushing brightly as she realized she was pleasing him, biting her lip a little as she explored him, hesitant fingers slowly growing more confidence as she did, before lowering her head, licking the drop of precome off the tip, out of pure curiousity, because she’d had the sex talk with hela and fenrir, the two having not treated her like a child, and she knew this was a thing to some people. This mouth on the cock. So she tried.

“Do to. And-what?!”Tony sputtered in such indignation at the idea of sharing his stuff, his non sex privileges forgotten as he settled on the bed, stripping down as he smirked at the other two, raising a eyebrow. “Am I the only one getting naked here?”he said looking happy and eager, anxiety calming.
he offered her a small lazy smile, panting softly. he moaned loudly when her tongue stroked the tip of his head, shuddering at the oh so very nice sensation. "G. god!" he groaned, rolling his hips a little. silently urging her on. he could feel the pressure building. he wanted to cum, so much. she was teasing him, not that she knew it, and god did he love it.

"yes." Loki admitted, Steve chuckling as he stripped down naked. Loki hesitated and then slowly stripped as well. it was easy to see why he had been nervous about stripping. he had scars layered all over his soft slender body. whip marks and burns and bladed cuts that hadn't been healed properly because no one wanted to touch the foster brat. not even the healers. every punishment he had ever been through, every battle he had seen had been etched into his flesh.
Val smiled humming a little as he rolled his hips, holding him in her hand as she used to tongue to explore before squeezing gently watching him out of the corner of her eye."more?what can I do?"be he muttered wanting to please him, looking startling innocent despite what she was doing

Tony smiled sitting up up on his elbows to watch hlthem, smiling quietly before holding out a hand towards them. Smiling quietly."come here. Lay down here, I wanna hold you while he sucks me off."
he groaned, arching again when she continued to explore with her tongue, gasping when she stopped and whining. "yes! more! anything! so close! please!" he was going to go mad if she kept teasing him like this. not that he was making any move or effort to stop her, speed her up or anything else. just laying there and taking whatever she decided to give him.

Loki bit his lip and then moved over to Tony, settling next to Tony so he could support Tony, and hold him still if he had to, Steve grinning as he slid over to them, running his hands up the others inner thighs, dancing along the skin. "you know, i've always wanted to suck you off." Steve admitted to Tony before bending his head and running his tongue all over, simply tasting Tony while Loki chuckled. "me too. ever since i saw him out of that silly suit of his. he's really quite handsome." he admitted.
Val looked startled, looking at the other. Tilting her head a little as she considered it, before lowering her head again,licking him slowly before sitting up, stroking him off, simply curious to watch him come undone.

Tony smiled sighing softly as he shifted, getting comfortable against the other before raising a eyebrow, groaning as the other touched him. “Of course you did. Everyone wants to blow me.”He whined squirming a little groaning as he fought to not squirm to much.
he gasped, arching again when she licked him and tossed his head back, his back curving into an arch while he made a strangled noise of pleasure, shuddering violently as he came. hot strips of white cum splattering across whatever happened to be in the way. "fuck. yes, fuck, yes!"

"no. i wanted to fuck you. but this is a good second place." Steve admitted with a grin, Loki nodding his agreement with a chuckle, watching Steve run his tongue along Tony's cock a few times before swallowing the other whole, moaning around the length and adding suction just the right amount to give Tony the best Blowjob ever. Steve was well practiced. "wow. look at him go." Loki mused, impressed. "he's really a slut for your cock."Loki admitted. "i wonder if he'd let me fuck him? i bet you'd love to watch that." Loki mused, offering Tony a grin. "you stay away from my ass Loki." Steve ordered before returning to sucking Tony off.
Val groaned softly watching him come, looking down at the white strips covering her fingers before raising her hand, curious, licking her fingers clean. “Huh. Salty really.”She mused looking thoughtful as she considered that.

“Hm, we’ll do that soon enough.”tony squirmed a little, groaning as he rocked his hips a little, watching him. Groaning as he wrapped a hand in blond hair, letting steve go, and knowing that mo matter how much he wanted to steve wouldn’t let him fuck his mouth, since it’d be to much work. “I would love that.”he hummed looking down, laughing a little before looking at loki. “How about the other way?I’m open to simply watching you two fuck.”
"oh my god." he groaned, staring at her when she licked herself clean. "that's so hot." he admitted, licking his lips before letting his head flop back so he could catch his breath. "that was brilliant." he admitted, slowly dragging himself up to a sitting position so he could watch her. "wanna go soak in the hot spring?" he offered with a smile.

"that's true." he agreed, moaning at the hand wrapping in his hair. Loki smirked and reached down, pressing a hand to the back of Steve's head and forced the man down, deeper than aught to have been possible, Steve choking, though his suction never faltered, nor did the moaning. "i could let him fuck me." Loki agreed with a smirk. he and Tony and Johnny had already fucked so Tony knew just how submissive Loki could really be. h was worse than Tony was to be honest, though he could be just as dominant as people thought he was. "so. Steve will suck me. i'll suck Steve, Steve will fuck me and then i'll suck you." Loki mused, Steve groaning eagerly at the plan.
“is it?”She smirked a little, the quiet little innocent looking amused and already having guessed that he’d enjoy it. Smiling as she watched him recover, she blushed brightly at his praise. “Yea. I wanna soak.”She said squirming off the bed, before pausing long enough to magic a bikini on before heading into the hot springs, before pausing. “Jori? How’s the pups?”She called worriedly, looking around.

Tony groaned as steve was forced down ovre him, whimpering as he felt the other choking on his cock. “A-awesome.”he stuttered, gasping as his back arched, coming at the idea, whimpering a little as he slumped back onto the bed with a shiver.
he snorted. "you know. you might fool other people with that cutesy act of yours but i know better." he teased with a smile before following her to the hotspring, not bothering to get dressed. "the Puppies are fine." Jori informed her, appearing out of thin air. "i went into the... i guess i would call it a garden." "it is a garden." Clint admitted with a smile. "i have all kinds of healing and medicinal herbs in there. mint and catnip and juniper and chamomile and dandelion and aloe and stuff like that." he admitted, picking up one of the pups, which was sleeping, from Jori's arms, cuddling the fluffy pup.

Loki grinned, watching Steve's throat convulsing as he swallowed down everything Tony gave him. he paused a moment to catch his breath before pouting at Loki. "that wasn't nice." "sure it was. like you wouldn't have done the same." "true."
“Hm, I’m adorable.”She said smiling at him, before looking pleased, startling a little when Jori appeared, taking the other pup, snuggling the sleepy puppy as cinder whined at being moved. “You want us to watch them for awhile?”she asked looking up at jori, just like she worried about keeping clint here, she worried about keeping jori.

Tony grinned looking at the two, as he slumped back into the bed, panting quietly. “Fucking hell. I need to record this. This would be the world’s best porno.”he muttered looking amused as he smiled nearly sleepily, wiped out which was probably a good thing as he recovered. he needed sleep, even if he was struggling to stay awake cause he wanted to watch them
"you are pretty adorable." he agreed with a chuckle, smiling at Jori who chuckled. "nah, i can watch them." Jori promised. "your doing weird human mating rituals right?" he asked with a grin. "Father is too." he admitted with a chuckle. "humans are very odd you know." he admitted, gathering up the puppies again and heading off, telling them that they where going to go explore the rest of the cave while their 'mummy and daddy 'got on with it'. Clint flushed brightly at Jori's successful attempt at embarrassing him.

they both chuckled and Steve looked up at Jarvis. "you recording this Jarvis? if not, please do so." he looked at Tony, very sternly. "no selling it or giving it away." he ordered. "it is for your pleasure only." and with that he took advantage of Loki's lax attention and pinned him to the bed and proceeded to turn the man into a whining, moaning, submissive mess that sucked Tony's cock after like his life depended on it. Steve was looking a little stunned to say the least. "uhm. Tony? is he okay?" he asked, looking a little bit worried. he'd never seen someone act like that before.
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