The Archer(Lady/moon)

“I’m sure.”Hela gave him that mysterious smile, that said that there was things she knew about his friends, that she wasn’t going to share just yet. “She wont be. And I’m very glad that she has you. And probably, but only because she cares so much.”Hela said looking amused before nodding. “You are. It’s going to be different, but a good different.”She smiled as she put him back.

“Oh....I know...but it wont be....clint. Not now. I want my archer back...”She muttered whimpering a little, before gasping, stumbling a little as she felt the magic, stumbling over to clint, looking him over, eyes wide and pained as she looked up at the others. “Bed. Now.”She said looking upset and scared as she helped natasha get clint into his bed, huddling close to the edge of the bed, upset and nervous as she watched. Waiting to see if he’d stay alive. Swallowing thickly as she watched him. Simply waiting as bruce started looking him over to make sure he was goign to live.
Loki nodded. "i know my darling. i know. and i'm sorry, but it will be better than nothing, right?" he asked her before blinking, wide eyed and amazed. Hela was not one to just let a soul come back, though perhaps Clint was a special case? granted, it could just be because Val loved him that much but Loki wasn't too sure about that one. "yes. take him to bed. me, Fen and Jori will handle the cleanup." he promised before scowling at his ring. "Jarvis? will you inform Thor that a band of Dark Elves, who are all supposed to be EXTINCT, have just attempted to slaughter his niece, nephews and companions?!" he demanded. "tell him he's not allowed to set foot on earth until i can be sure he didn't have a hand in orchestrating this attack." he knew that would hurt Thor more than anything, the idea that Loki, and the others, might think Thor had set up such a foul attack.

it took two hours for Clint to finish reintegrating into his new body and he blinked a few times before looking around and slowly sitting up, checking to see what kind of body he had. oh. he was still in his own body! "that's odd..." Clint admitted, patting himself. "very odd... i could have sworn i died." he admitted before looking around, blinking at Bruce. "i'm me, right?" he asked the man. "maybe this is a dream?" he wondered, sounding so very confused, running a hand through his hair as his stomach growled. he was still a bit disconnected though so he didn't notice.
“Of course, Loki. I shall inform him right away.”Jarvis said, well aware that it would hurt Thor badly to hear about this.

Bruce smiled a little, “you did. Val said you did.”He said looking at the woman curled up at the edge of the bed, not touching clint, but hovering nearly touching him. Not trusting herself to touch him, so she stayed close. “not a dream. Hela sent you back, according to her family. You’ll feel weird for awhile, but medically, you’ll be fine. Though you probably do need to eat.”Bruce said smiling at the growl of the other’s stomach.
Clint blinked sluggishly at Bruce and then nodded. "i always feel weird for a while. it'll pass in a day or two. it's known as a 'disconnect' where the mind, body, and soul have to start reorienting themselves together again." he admitted. "this is the first time i've come back in my own body though, usually it's someone else's." and that was very true. the 'Real' Clint Barton died at the age of four, starved to death and 'Horus' Soul took it's place and became Clint. it was one of the reasons why Clint had typically gotten abusive families for the last so many years, because they where typically the only ones that died with mostly healthy bodies. "hmm. food. yeah. something sweet..." he mumbled, sliding out of bed and promptly walking into the wall. "that's normal too. depth perception. i always forget about the depth perception...." never mind that he sounded like a crazy man.
“...I have no idea what you’re talking about. And I’m going to assume that you’ll start makes sense again when you’re feeling better.”Bruce said looking confused and interested. Wincing as the other walked into the wall, he reached out and steadied the other. “Sit. I’ll get food. Besides, I don’t think Val’s in any condition to get up, she’s exhausted.”He said, indeed the valkyrie hadn’t even noticed clint waking up yet, she was so exhausted from her rampage. “Don’t worry about it, I brought food for him.”Tony said as he waltzed in with a whole tray of stuff, “What do you want?”He said looking at the other.
Clint nodded. "i'm sure your right... who are you again?" he asked Bruce, looking a little confused. "oh. never mind i remembered." he admitted, waving off the concerned looks he was getting. "oh! Val." he gasped, whirling around, too fast. he almost fell over. "huh?" he asked Tony, looking up, tripping over his own feet and landing face first on the floor and laid there a moment. "i meant to do that." Clint informed them, scrambling onto the bed again and made grabby motions for the foor. "all of it, Tom, gimme." "Tom?" Steve asked, looking amused, Clint pausing. "sorry. Theo." "try again." "....Terry?" "...your getting colder." "...Tonsil?" "that's not a name." "sure it is! i am the dread pirate Tonsil! now open wide and say Aaaaaah." Clint ordered, Steve snorting as he looked at Bruce. "did you drug him?" "i want my food Tony!" "there we go." Steve agreed. "shush, Stephan!" "'s Steve." "Steve!" "boy he's loopier than hell. are all people who die like that?" "for the most part." Loki admitted. "it's just his brain healing itself from the brain damage done during his lapse into the realm of death. names will be very hard for him for a few days. including his own. if he doesn't respond to his own name don't be surprised. he's also going to be very, very clumsy while his soul settles back into his body."
“Bruce.”Bruce smiled looking worried about the other, before nearly laughing as he looked at val. “She’s tired. She wont be waking up in awhile.”Bruce said before the other could worry about why she wasn’t moving before helping him back into the bed. “You okay?”He said looking worried. “....You know, listening to him like this, isn’t that surprising. Barton’s always been a little brain damaged.”Tony said even if he looked worried. “No I didn’t.”bruce said smiling a little as they handed over the tray of food, glancing at Loki. “So he will be okay?”Bruce said looking concerned with that.
he nodded, relaxing at the promise that Val was okay. "put her on the bed okay? that's not comfortable. poor Val." he mumbled, gently stroking her hair. "i'm fine." Clint said, waving off the concern. "Barton is not brain damaged!" Clint protested. "whose Barton?" "you are!" "i am not brain damaged!" Clint protested, settling in to gulp down as much food as he could. dying took a lot of energy! "he'll be fine. this is normal." Loki promised them with a smile. "i do need to have a long, private conversation with him later however." "if it's the shovel talk, i don't want it." "shovel talk?" Loki asked curiously. "whatever that is, no. it's not that." Loki admitted. "okay then."Clint agreed, chewing on his food again. once he had swallowed down an immensely impressive amount of food (for a human anyway) he tucked himself against Val and went back to sleep. "that's normal as well. don't worry. i've shown Jarvis what to look out for if anything does go wrong. it's very rare however and since it's his own body even rarer." Loki assured them all. "i have a monitoring spell on him as well."
“No it wasn’t, but she didn’t want to hurt you, so she curled up there.”Bruce said wincing a little, at least the woman was limber, and it wouldn’t hurt as much when she woke up from sleeping like that. Smiling as Val turned her head into Clint’s hand as her hair was stroked, putting the girl in the bed with a smile. “I beg to differ. But we’ll argue about it later.”Tony grinned looking amused as he watched the other eat. “A shovel talk comes usually from a older brother, or a father to someone their relative female is dating, about the world of pain that awaits them should anything come to harm the said female.”Tony explained with a smile. Laughing a little as he watched clint settle in for a rest, looking relieved at loki’s promise.”Good.”he said running a hand through his hair. “Come on, Reindeer. I want to get some sleep.”he said needing the rest now that he knew clint would be okay.

“....Clint?”Val muttered sleepily when she heard the other stirring, pressing her face against his chest with a sigh, whining quietly. Not quite wanting to wake up, but not wanting to sleep if he was awake.
he nodded. "not hurt anymore." he admitted, patting his chest. "all better." he promised, smiling when she nuzzled his hand. "i don't like to argue though." Clint protested, sulking a little. "i never win." he admitted before grinning when Loki blinked. "oh. he won't need one of those, if he displeases her in a serious enough manner she will maim him properly." Loki admitted. "i have trained her very well after all." he admitted with a smirk before chuckling and following Tony.

"...hmmm?" Clint asked, blinking sleepily at her. "hey." he gave her a bright smile. "i'm back. my brains all disjointed and my body is a bit loose but it's better." he admitted before she could ask. "...god, i can't remember your name. it started with a C right?" he asked, looking quite horrified that he'd forgotten her name. that was normal though. "no. wait, C is my name..." he paused, frowning and then shrugged. "it'll come to me in a minute. how are you feeling? i forgot to ask why you where so exhausted. i can't rightly remember what happened. i was stabbed i think, and shot, but i can't remember who, why or how." he admitted. "never can actually. i think it's to keep me from going after them once i'm in a new body." he admitted.
"Ah thats to be expected. Being mostly dead does have a affect on people."she smiled at him, sitting up to gently brush his hair out of his face."yours starts with a C."she smiled at him, "mines valentina."she said sighing softly."I'm feeling better. Tired, but okay. And well, I sorta got in a fight with everyone, using that much magic is tiring."she smiled at him a little though it was still tired."and you were stabbed but we fixed it."she said relaxing slowly.
he nodded. "mostly dead." he giggled. "i've been mostly dead all day." he informed her with a grin before pausing. "you don't know that movie huh?" he asked before shaking his head. "never mind." he grumbled. "i can't remember the name of it." he sulked. "i hate this part." he admitted before smiling at her. "did you go all mean and nasty? that's adorable. and hot. i'm horny. we're dating right? i'm pretty sure we're dating." he admitted. "yes. all better." he agreed, patting his chest and then smiled at her. "wanna go freak people out with me? i bet if i get up and go to breakfast everyone will freak out." he admitted. "fun right?"
“...No, I don’t. I don’t watch alot of movies.”She said looking thoughtful, making a mental note to ask jarvis what he was talking about so they could watch it later before snorting in laughter. “I did go mean and nasty. I’m sure tony has video.” “He does indeed, Lady Valentina.”Jarvis supplied. “Hm, you can watch it later then. And we are dating.”She said blushing slightly, before nodding, looking a little nervous about getting out of bed, but willing to let him get out of bed before nodding. “Let’s. But I thought you were horny.”she teased
"hmm. you should watch it. it's a great movie." he admitted with a nod before grinning eagerly at the information that he could watch her kicking ass later. "brilliant!" he chirped happily before nodding. "good. good. i thought so, but everything is mixed up in my head." he admitted. had Hela not healed him, that probably would have been permanent brain damage. he was going to have to send her a thank you letter or something. "i am horny. but i can't have sex. i'll miss and put my own eye out." he informed her with a sagely nod. "besides, i'm hungry. i think." his stomach growled and he nodded. "yep, see? hungry." he admitted with a grin, staggering for the door. he managed not to run into the wall this time, though she did have to guide him down the stairs and into the Elevator when the stairs proved to be too difficult.
“We’ll watch it.”She promised looking amused before shaking her head a little at his utter pleasure at the idea of watching her beat people up. “Hm, that’ll be better in a few days. It’ll clear up.”She promised kissing his cheek before snickering. “I know. I’m just teasing. No sex.”She promised looking amused before nodding, helping him down to the kitchen, where, surprisingly it was James who broke the surprised silence first to speak. “Clint?!What are you doing down here. You have to go back to bed. You’re in no shape to be up.” “He wanted food.” “We’ll bring you food. Back to bed.”James said as he moved to get up from the table, looking moments away from bodily lifting clint and carrying him back downstairs.
he nodded. "we will! you'll love it. it's the best movie ever. i was there when they where filming. just passing through but i got to watch for a little bit. it was awesome." he admitted with a nod. "i got to hug Andre the Giant you know!" he admitted with a nod before smiling. "i know it will. it's brain damage." he admitted. "lack of oxygen to the brain." he admitted. "the body is because the soul hasn't finished filing it back up." he admitted with a nod. "and the mind hasn't fully reintegrated into the brain either so that's making me really clumsy too." he'd studied it very intently after he'd died as Horus. Soul magic had been very popular back then. "no sex right now at least right?" he asked hopefully. "i'm hungry! and bored! and i don't wanna!" Clint whined, sitting down right then and there in the middle of the floor, refusing to be budged. "relax, James." Loki ordered with a chuckle. "he's fine. it won't hurt him to be up and moving around. it might actually even be good for him, though there's no actual evidence supporting that, we DO know that it won't hurt him at all. he's just clumsy and stupid right now. he'll be asleep in a few minutes, ten at the tops. he'll be very easily exhausted for a while." Loki admitted. "let him eat here and when he falls asleep take him back up to bed." "thank you Loki." "don't thank me. if i thought it was bad for you, i'd be carrying you back up to bed myself." "no one loves me."
“That’s pretty cool. And giants?Giants are interesting.”She said looking interested in this giant, wondering if it was a hidden jotunhiem resident, but not questioning. Before nodding. “I know. It’ll be good in a few days, it’s just cute to see you like this.”She said looking amused as she kissed his cheek before snickering. “Yes, just no sex now. Sex later.”she promised looking amused before smirking a little at clint’s whining even as she sat down next to him. “...Fine.”James sighed not wanting to argue with loki as Tony gathered food for both of them, handing plates down to clint in amusement. “Better eat quickly before you fall asleep.”he teased. “I love you.”Val pointed out at clint’s pouting, rolling her eyes a little.
"he wasn't a real giant. he had some sort of disease that made him grow a lot bigger than other people. he was a lot bigger but he was also in constant chronic pain from what i understand." he admitted. "he used to be a wrestler and it messed up his back too. he died rather young. he was forty seven i think." he admitted before pouting at her. "i'm not cute!" he whined before smirking, very pleased that he'd won against James. or was it Jim? no he was pretty sure it was James. "i won't fall asleep!" he growled, scowling at Tony before adopting a rather gross lovey dovey expression on his face when she said she loved him. "i love you too." he admitted, kissing her cheek before doing exactly as Loki said he would. he stuffed himself silly and then went to sleep right there on the floor.
“Oh. That is saddening. I’d rather it had been a real giant.”Val said making a face looking amused. “You are quite adorable.”She promised, rolling her eyes a little. “You will to.”She said looking amused at the look, even as tony burst out laughing at the look. It was both disgusting and amusing to see. Val smiled as she finished eating, before getting them both back to bed with a smile. Settling in next to him to sleep. Content in his company, knowing that she’ enjoy the few days of cuteness before he was back to himself.
he chuckled a little. "real giants don't exist here. if they are that massive, they pay for it." he admitted before shaking his head. "i'm not! i'm not!" he whined. "i won't!" he grumbled. too bad he was wrong.

indeed the adorableness did last two more days, though every nap he took led to an improvement until he was as normal as he was ever gonna get. he was normal for himself at any rate and proved it by slipping around in the vents and scaring anyone he could find and laughing maniacally the entire time. "something has to be done!" "he's just hyper. that's normal too. he'll fall asleep in a few more hours." "that doesn't help!"
“Val. Do something about it!” “What?”Val said looking up from her book. “Go stop your boyfriend. He’s driving me insane.”Tony growled, because Clint seemed to take great pleasure in startling him while he was working. “Fine.”Val rolled her eyes a little before moving over to the vent and calling into it. Knowing clint could hear. “Clint!You wanna watch the video of me killing all the elves?You said you wanted to see it.”
there was no response when she called out to him but when she turned around he was right there, looking very excited indeed. "let's go! and have sex after right?" he asked hopefully, taking her hand and dragging her to the bedroom. "...that poor woman." Steve mused, looking seconds away from laughing. "he'll be less hyper after sex right?" "most likely. a good spar would have done it too. though i think Val likes this option much more." Loki admitted, flipping a page in his textbook that he had borrowed from Tony. it was more advanced than what Steve could keep up with, but was about as basic as basic could get for Bruce, Tony, or even Johnny. he was learning fast.
“As long as you’re feeling up to it.”Val snickered looking amused as she settled back on the bed, flicking on the tv and having jarvis call up the video. Looking amused as she rested her head against his shoulder, wincing a little as she watched. It was sort of disturbing, to see herself like that.

“Probably. Sex is always better then sparring.”Tony said as he waltzed in from the kitchen, sipping his smoothie as he studied the captain, leaning against the back of the couch. Since they’d had sex-and clint got hurt= well traded blowjobs anyways, the man had been avoided them, well everyone, but nothing got him bolting for the door quicker then loki and steve walking into it. While James had been the one to point it out, he knew Steve was worried about it, because he was well aware of tony’s habits, after so many years of working with him, he knew that tony usually avoided people, but the fact that he was drinking that ridiculous nearly deadly sweet sugary concoction when he normally drank his coffee black, meant he was obsessing about something, and equally avoiding talking about it.
he nodded. "i am! very much." he agreed with a soft smile at her. "as long as your feeling up to it too." he admitted before watching, wide eyed at the TV. "i think i came in my pants a little bit." he admitted to her.

"hey Tony." Steve chirped, trying very hard not to react too much to Tony being there. the last thing he wanted was for Tony to bolt. "...that smells good." Loki admitted, twisting his head to stare at Tony's smoothie. "....can i have it? i'll trade you for a blowjob?" he offered. "or maybe a book on magic?" he offered, Steve snorting. "leave him alone Loki. Tony you don't have to share, he was going to give you those things anyway." Steve promised before looking at Loki. "you can go buy your own. i know you have money, or you'll steal it like the heathen you are." "i am superior! and should not be forced to pay for things." Loki sniffed.
"I'm usually up for sex."she said looking amused before her eyes widened as she looked at him. She'd known he liked the idea of having a fighter, but really?"seriously?"she stared at him.

"Hey."tony smiled before staring at loki, not answering but holding his smoothie closer. Not quite saying mine, but the possessiveness was there."it's a smoothie."he said biting his lip glancing between the two looking upset before holding out his smoothie, not wanting them to argue about it when he could just make another."here. You can have it."he said not wanting loki to get angry enough not to share his stuff with the inquisitive genius
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