The Archer(Lady/moon)

Clint chuckled a little and shook his head. "just remember! i won't know everything." he warned the other with a smirk. "although i did deliver Thomas Edison's newspapers." he admitted. not that it was a noteworthy achievement really but it would make James twitch. "yes. i can wait." Clint promised her. "i have the feeling i'm going to need the comfort." he admitted. "it's hard enough admitting to people that i'm.... i don't know what i am really but i'm certainly not normal." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i think i need to wait for a while before i learn anything more traumatic." he admitted. "go deal with Doom and i'll be ready to do backup the second you need me." he promised her. "remember to leave your ring on."
"W-what?that's unfair!I wanna deliver his paper. Nat!tell him to stop being so cool. It's unfair clint barton is that cool!"james whined making Val laugh."okay. I promise, I'll be back as soon as I can."she promised kissing his forehead again before holding up her hand."it never comes off. I'll call if I need anything."she promised as she left.

Though it was nearly two hours later, and it wasn't so much a call as a sudden crash of thunder, and clints hair standing on end, like being touched with a live wire....or lightening going to ground. "Sir?" "Jay?"tony jerker up from the seat he'd been sitting in, looking away from clint as he glanced around,"lady Valentina just appeared in the medlab, and needs medical assistance."Jarvis informed them even as he tried to direct valetina's to the bandages and antiseptic ointment that she needed to bind her ribs and side even if she was wavering on her feet.
Clint snickered because he knew James was being outrageous on purpose and shook his head because it was working, he felt a lot better about it now. "be careful." he ordered her, smiling at him. "i will. you call too if anything happens." he ordered.

Clint sucked in a breath and went tense when all of his hair stood on end. had he been a normal person the lightning dancing across his skin would have laid him flat and might even had stopped his heart if he'd had a weak one. he was on his feet and moving to Tony's lab before Jarvis even spoke, everything in him screaming to get to Val NOW. so went he did.
Val looked up at clint when he came in, eyes wide as she saw him. "Help me!"she demanded, trying to stop the blood streaming through her fingers despite putting pressure on it. The only thing keeping her on her feet really was that she was steadily drawing on clints magic, earth's magic to keep her there, and her own relationship with death was keeping it from killing her. To scared and upset to talk yet, simply needing help. Because while she'd been hurt, badly hurt before, it had never bled like this, or hurt like this. "Jarvis!get bruce down here!"tony yelled when he saw what was happening. "He's already on his way sir."
he was over to her in a flash, pressing his hands to the bleeding while Loki appeared, called by Jarvis to come and help. he pumped his magic into her, it was the only thing he could think to do, was push as much magic as he had into her so her own would take it and use it to heal her. it had worked hundreds of times before with all of his children. Clint was doing the same thing, opening a direct channel from himself to her, pulling in the earths magic like a constant rushing river. "Hold on Val! we'll do everything we can! just hold on!" he ordered, frantic when Bruce arrived to do what he could for her. "i'll kill that lightning toting bastard!" Clint snarled, it was too much of a coincidence, the clap of thunder And the strike of lightning seconds before she had appeared, hurt beyond reason.
Val shuddered at the sudden rush of magic, slumping into them as she felt the others hands holding her up. And while the magic did start healing, it was healing as if she'd just been human, slowly knitting together. " you..."she muttered as the wound closed, exhausted as she past out. "...we'll help. This is...fuck in hell. What could have happened..."tony snarled wondering what had provoked thor into attacking her so openly, looking relieved though as they eased Val into bed, she'd be okay. It would be okay, even if she loozed hurt and broken like this, instead of the fierce woman they all knew
"'s... fucking hell they stripped her of her magic. she's human!" Loki gasped, pumping in a lot more magic, tears burning in his eyes because he knew that while it would save her life, the lack of magic would kill her much more slowly and painfully. it might be better just to let her die now. he couldn't though, there was still hope to change her fate. "Thor turned her human. that fucking, golden, fucker!" Loki snarled, blue fire crawling up his body even as he continued to pump magic into her before he had to stop, slumping over in exhaustion, jerking when he heard a very familiar sound. a loud whinny, sounding victorious. in a flash, a horse was in the Lab with them, rearing and kicking, dressed in gold and red armor. it was enough for Loki to know that Odin had been riding Sleipnir, and the horse had tossed him. it called again, the echoing sound of a horse call reaching their ears before it settled and moved over to Loki, shoving it's head into Loki's chest.

"Sleipnir. my darling. what are you doing here?" he asked, the Horse snorting. "Odin has declared open war on the Valkyrie. there are thirteen dead, openly slaughtered." Sleipnir informed him. "Ragnarok approaches." he warned. "the End times are Nigh again. we must prepare ourselves father, for Hela shall rise from her prison at this. she will break open Helhiem and flood the worlds with her armies. better the world burns than to let Odin have his way. better death, than slavery." Loki set his head in his hands and began to weep. "we have until Val either recovers or dies to try and revert the fate of the worlds." the Horse admitted. "now. will you take this blasted armor off? i can't turn into Aesir form with this crap clinging to my flanks." Loki chuckled wetly and set about removing Sleipnirs chains and armor. some could be removed straight up, but the wraps around the horses legs had to be cut free, for they where what kept Sleipnir from returning to human form. all that work to prevent Ragnarock, to free his children without leading to the death of the nine all of that was ruined because of fucking Odin. he couldn't understand why Heimdall had done nothing? how could the ancient Vanir think the wholesale slaughter of the Valkyrie was legit!?
What?they can do that?"tony cursed as he realized what had happened gathering more bandages and medicine, not having anything to do but needing it. Because he had no idea what else to do. Startling when the horse appeared he paled as he listened to what the other was saying."fuck in hell..."he paled as he realized what was happening. Kneeling he gently touched the horses leg as he used the laser saw."hold still, don't want to hurt you."he said working to get the bindings off, tensing at the slight glow that flashed through the room.

"Don't attack. I am here to help."sif yelled before anyone could respond hands up and away from her weapons, looking around looking even paler when she saw the valkyrie laying on the bed."I came to request the guardians help, loki. He can stop this, with hiemdall's help. Odin fears the binding between the two of them. Sever the binding, you can stop this."sif said callously, as if she was just talking of cutting bread, not severing the mental and magical, not to mention ,physical relationship between clint and val
the horse stayed very still while Tony cut him free, since Loki was too tire to magic his son free. Sleipnir shreiked when the glow flaired and raised onto his rear four legs, ready to slam his front four hooves intot he body of the assailant. when he realized it was Sif he dropped down and lowered his head and hised at her. a warning. he would not speak while she was there, no Aesir knew he could speak at all, they thought he was dumb as a horse, literally and onl reacted to bright lights and flashes of sound and the like like a normal horse.

"The Guardian does not know his purpose or bloodline yet." Loki said weakly. "and i could no more sever her bond without killing her anyway. you forget how important love is to a Valkyrie. the loss of magic will kill her, the wounds she has suffered will kill her. the loss of Clint's love will kill her. no matter what you and your fucking King say, you consign my daughter to DEATH!" Loki snarled. "i worked, for three hundred years to plan what i planned, three hundred years of struggling, torture, pain and sacrifice and i created Ragnarok and ended it. the worlds would have bee fine if your Bilgerbeist King had not intervened." a Bilgerbeist was one of the worst insults someone could call someone else. it was someone with no honor, no morals and no soul. it was a person who had so shamed their parentage that they might as well be disowned to their face, a person who did atrocities, just like Odin. "you people, think your so high and mighty, above everyone else that it doesn't matter if someone else dies." Clint looked at Sif, he was glowing, almost golden. "i am Horus." Clint informed her, his voice so deep, the walls and their chests trembled faintly. "He of the Sun and the Moon." his left ye was bright gold, no pupil or whites, just bright gold. the other eye was the same, only the palest white. both glowed, like the sun and the moon. "i am He of the War and the hunt, i am he who Rules, and Protects the earth." he informed her. "you tell your king that if my Mate should die. i will ensure that Earth rebels against his so called Rule. i know he fears us, our power, he fears what we might become. he will learn to tremble under our might should my mate die." he Snarled. "take yourself and your sanctimonious, self righteous, bigoted, racist shit, and leave this realm before i take my Ire out on you."
Sif’s features tightened slightly as he watched them. “We sought to save her. We thought...binding her, would not kill her. Or turning away from the guardian.”The woman was pale and shaken, obviously the aseir’s arrogant dislike of valkyrie, had kept most of them from truly understanding what a valkyrie would need to survive. Thor and the others, had truly thought binding her would stop the chosen leader of the valkyrie at ragnorok, without killing her. For thor had understood that to kill her, would provoke loki into a murderous rage. Pale as she listened she tensed, turning slightly to face clint, eyes wide as she saw him. “...I shall tell him, guardian.”She said her voice trembling ever so slightly before disappearing.

“Clint....val’s waking.”Tony muttered after a moment, tension in his voice, he wasn’t afraid of his friend, but he was cautious of drawing the man’s attention. “”Val blinked slowly, sluggishly.
Horus sneared at her. "tey say, in this world, that the best intentions, pav the way with gold, straight to the pits of hell. your 'best intentions' have doomed my Mate to death unless i can find a way to tie her to my realm, instead of yours. your King courts war and should he continue, he will get it." he warned. "and be sure to tell Thor that should i ever see him again, i will carve his heart out, and place it in my trophy case." he warned. "Loki can survive such a thing i'm told. but can Thor manage the same feat?" he wondered. "Sif!" Loki hissed, his eyes fixed on her. "when you see Thor. look him in the eyes for me, and tell him that i declare him Oathbreaker. Blood Splitter, and that he is no longer godfather to any of my children. that he is no longer welcome in the homes of Loki." he snarled. that would really gut Thor. being an Oathbreaker was a serious thing. it meant you went back on your word and had no honor. Blood splitter meant you had betrayed your family, adopted or otherwise. and to be banned from any home of Loki, which meant Loki's houses, Loki's children's houses, and any grandchildren Loki had. in fact, if they where related to Loki by blood, he was banned from even looking at them, let alone speaking to them.

Horus turned to Look at Tony and with a few deep breaths, he had calmed, he stopped glowing, his voice returned to normal and his eyes slipped back to those baby blue, human eyes they where so used to seeing. "...i didn't know i could do that." Clint admitted, looking at Loki. "she called me Guardian." "she did. i will explain soon." Loki promised. "hey. Val. calm down. it's okay." Clint promised, taking her hand and holding it, yes brimming with worry. "you'll be okay. even if i have to... i'll think of something!" he swore. there was something he could do. he had done it before, about six or seven lifetimes ago. he had traded his life for another. he would die, and be reborn, but the sacrifice was just as strong. if he cast his life away, and gave it to her, she would Live, tied to this earth instead of the magic that had held her. he didn't know what that would do to her however. it could turn her into a human, it could make her into whatever he was. it could turn her into a goddess, or it might not do anything to her. there was no way of knowing for sure.
“I shall tell him.”Sif said looking pale and shaken as he considered it, before looking at Loki, eyes wide as she considered it. It would hurt Thor badly, but considering the young girl laying in bed.... “I will, Silvertongue.”She promised.

“...Clint...”She muttered pale and quiet, sighing quietly, blinking slowly. Wincing a little as she considered him. “Don’t....hurt...yourself for me...”She said looking worried about him, scared of what he would do for her. Because she had no idea what it would do to either of them. Eyes widening slightly, “Selphnir?”She muttered looking up at her brother, the one she knew the best, because they’d both been in asgard, it had been easy enough visiting him, compared to the fairly hard task of visiting, jori fenrir or hela.
Loki sneered at her but did not dispute the name change. it was better than Laufeyson. which was a massive insult, considering that Laufey was his Mother. it was like saying Loki didn't deserve to be claimed by his father, though he, in fact, was claimed by Fárbauti. the King of the Jötunn had happily accepted Loki as his son once Loki had started traveling to Jötunheimr. Loki's children where also welcome in the home of the Jötnar. "i won't hurt myself, and i've done it before. it will be a last resort, i've no idea what it would do to you. there are other things i can try first." he promised her. "I am here, dear sister." Sleipnir promised, moving over and nuzzling her face gently. "the human, Starkson, is working on my bonds. soon i will be able to hug you." Sleipnir promised her with a happy sound. "make sure to rest, do not exert yourself. you have been turned mortal and the stupid lady Sif has left. Loki has called Thor Oathbreaker and Blood splitter and has banned him from our hallowed halls." he informed her. "Barneson has awoken some of his warrior spirit and threatened her and Odin with death. as well as Thor. it has bee an exciting half an hour. also, i tossed Odin down a ravine."
Val frowned slightly, nodding a little. “Okay. We’ll figure something out.”She muttered, scared though at the idea of what she was going to be facing. That she was human. Looking up at Sleipnir she sighed softly as she was nuzzled, leaning her cheek against his nose, giggling softly, it hurt to do so, but it ticeld. “You can now. You’re done.”Tony said as he straightened, gently distangling the pieces from sleipnir’s legs. “...Good. Thor is...he attacked me. Doom’s thing....was a set up with the thunderer.....”She muttered before smiling slightly. “You did?” “It has indeed been a exciting half hour.”Fenrir agreed as he walked in, the werewolf fairly bristling with annoyance, “The Captain and Commander are currently locking down the tower, and the Lady Natasha is watching the pups. Do not worry sister, you are safe here.”
Clint smiled at her, jently setting a hand on her cheek. "it will be okay. i will never leave you behind." he promised her softly before watching as Sleipnir carefully backed up and in a glow, became human. he groaned and stretched, moving limbs he hadn't moved in eons and wavering on his feet, used to eight instead of two. "oh GOD it feels so good to be back in my own body." he mumbled, stretching again, Loki chuckling. "it's so good to see you free." he whispered, wondering if he was going to start crying again. now they only needed Hela and they would all be returned, save for Vali and Narfi. one dead, the other missing, probably never to be found again. still, most of his children where free. granted, one had lost his mate but all in all they seamed to be mostly happy. "i'll make sure Doom suffers." Loki promised. "he knows better than to harm my daughter and i will make sure he remembers who his real master is." he hissed before smiling at Fenrir. "Fen!" Sleipnir yelped, delighted, staggering over to him and collapsing into his arms. "damn two legs!" he grumbled before kissing his brothers nose. out of all of them, Sleipnir had always been the most feminine. even more so than Hela and Val. "so. Father needs sleep. will you carry him to a bed?" he asked hopefully.
“I’m sure it does. It’s good to see you like this.”Val said despite her exhaustion and pain, looking up at sleipnir with wide eyes, because she’d never seen him like this, this was amazing. Truly. “....good. I don’t want to work with him anymore, papa.”Val muttered looking up at Loki. “Hey, kiddo. Careful.”Fenrir winced a little as the other staggered catching him, wrapping a arm around his waist, looking amused that the other kissed his nose. “You’re okay.”He said looking amused before nodding, carefully setting his brother to rights, he looked at loki. “You’re bed or Tony’s?”he said picking the other up, smiling as he headed for the stairs. Trusting clint and the others to look after val.
he smiled at her. "it's nice to be like this again." he admitted. "i haven't had this form in forever." he admitted, brushing her hair back. "then you don't have to work with him." Loki promised her. "i will make him suffer for harming you." he promised. "sorry Fen. i'm fine, just not used to walking on two legs." he admitted with a smile, watching his father. "Tony's. it's warmer." Loki mumbled, snuggling in to go to sleep in his son's massive arms. too tired to stay awake any longer. "go back to sleep Val. you must be exhausted." Clint murmured. 'i'll watch over you, no one will get in here." he promised her, spreading his fingers, the room quivering a little as the wooden doors turned to life once more. sealing shut. only Clint would be able to open and close the doors, and windows now. anything that was wood was his to command after all. "when Loki si up again i'll make sure to wake you up, so he can tell us what i need to know, okay?"
“Good. That’ll be nice.”val smiled at the idea of not going back to doom, snorting a little. “Good. Doom’s...weird. And deserves punishment.”She muttered. “It’s okay. Be careful.”Fen smiled at his brother, making sure he was okay before grinning at Loki as tony followed them out of the room. “As you request then.”He said amused as tony himself snuggled into loki to sleep. “I am...”Val muttered already drifting off, blinking slowly, relaxing, at peace with the idea of clint being able to protect her. “...Kay. I want to know to...don’t understand...”She muttered as she fell asleep. Because thor had been, so so angry, and she didn’t know why. She didn’t know what it was about her relationship with clint that had provoked the man so badly.
"oh. he will be punished." Loki promised, his voice very dark and dangerous before snuggling into Tony for some much needed rest.

when Clint gently shook her awake, Loki had returned, as had all of the others. Clint had decided that they all needed to know at once, since everyone had been affected. "how are you feeling?" Clint asked, helping her sit up very carefully and piling a whole ton of pillows behind her so she wouldn't struggle to sit up on her own and gave her food, feeding her himself and glaring at anyone who smirked, snickered or even looked amused as he carefully tended to her. not that many people where enclined, they where all too upset about what Loki might reveal. once she was settled, comfortable and ready Loki started.

"You are Horus. Son of Isis and Osiris." Loki explained, Clint nodding. "back then, Osiris had a different name. he was Heimdall, Second Prince of the Vanir, Guardian of the Rainbow Bridge. Heimdall, is literally the one who contains, controls, and protects Asgard and does what he can to keep Odin in Line. as his son, you are the Guardian. he who protects the earth. according to prophecy-" Loki sneered that word out like the filth it was. "You will someday be the only chance we have against Ragnarok. there is no explanation as to how, why, when or anything else. it is a bare mention about the Guardian of Midgard, he who Rules the earth, and some little Tidbit about a Valkyrie Queen. there is also mention that you kill Odin in a final manner. in a way where he cannot be reborn to start the world anew again." Loki admitted. "you are literally the ruler of Midgard. the God, the Almighty of this world." Loki admitted. "Heimdall knew nothing of this prophecy when he sired you, and when the other Vanir started sniffing around for you, he faked his death so that he would not lead them to you, and returned to Asgard and mourned. for h would never see you, or the woman he loved again. he loved Isis so much, he has never taken another lover, and likely never will again." Loki admitted, such a declaration made Clint feel much better about the situation. "so. what does that mean?" "it means, should you decide to exert your control, you would have done what i pretended to want. all of humanity under our rule. not that it would make them slaves." Loki admitted. "you'd just be the ultimate ruler or something. i'm not sure how it works to be honest. information is sparse, the Vanir cannot Peirce this realm because of your protection, so they cannot see into Earth's future. one of the reasons why Odin fears this realm so much, is because there is no way he knows of to stop you. there is also the fact that you have not fully awakened, and are at only a third, possibly a forth of your true power." "awakened?" "Heimdall, once he left, locked away most of your magic and Vanir genetics in order to further protect you. the Vanir who visited you where interested because you where clearly of their decent, but they incorrectly assumed that you where a forth, fifth, or even sixth human born generation." he admitted. "therefore, not part of their silly foretelling."
“Sore. Hurting...tired. I don’t like this. This whole human thing.”Val muttered sulking a little, not used to being this fragile, smiling slightly as he helped her sit up, silent as she ate, watching everyone. Nervous because everyone looked so serious and scared. Glancing up at loki as he started to talk.

Tony frowned thinking the story over, since it looked like Val was feeling to overwhelmed to ask questions, thinking about that. “...But Val’s connected to him. Maybe that’s how they figured out things. I mean, this attack couldn’t have just been a accident. Did she bond with him as this level, or did it happen that she bonded with who he really is?That her mate is the one that locked away, and tapped into that accidently.” “I was scared....and hurt. Reaching for whatever I could. If I drew on Clint’s magic to help, I might have started drawing his real nature to the surface...”Val frowned thinking about it.
Loki smiled at her. "you'll get used to it love. and it won't be forever. once Odin is dead then his Ruling that you should be human wil be overturned. i just don't understand why Heimdall didn't stop him. this can't be right." "maybe he can't." Sleipnir said simply. "the King of the Vanir is clearly on Odin's side, Heimdall is bound to obey the King of the Vanir. of he ruled, Heimdall must obey, even if he doesn't have to listen to Odin." being that he'd livedin the castle his whole life, and no one thought he was intelligent they didn't bother hiding from him when they gossiped so Sleipnir knew all the best information.

"there's no telling." Loki admitted. "for all we know, Odin just wants to nip the prophecy off by killing all of the Valkyrie. in his current body, Clint doesn't actually have any Vanir genetics even if his soul does." he admitted. "as for the connection, it is not very strong yet. yes they love each other very much, very much indeed, they are true Soul Mates. but they haven't known each other enough to form long lasting, tangible bonds yet aside from what we've already seen." he admitted. "as for Clint's True Nature, the attack on his Mate would have brought forth his power through his desire to save and protect you. i might... should be able to revert him into more Vanir in appearance or something." Loki cocked his head. "i'm not actually sure what unlocking your hidden power and genetics will do to you." he admitted. "...i would like to do it." Clint finally admitted. "if i have full power, i might be able to save Val, without having to risk my current form to do so." "i'll start researching."
“I don’t want to get used to it.”val grumbled annoyed before nodding a little. “Much like anything else that happens, Hiemdall is restricted to what his king will allow, much like not getting involved with odin’s punishment of loki’s family.”Val made a face thinking about it.

“Maybe. But it might be newly formed, but I am tangled up enough that a Hawk’s started to darken between my wings. With his own magic tangled up in mine, Thor probably unwittingly gave Odin what he needed to justify a attack.”val said blushing a little because she hadn’t had time to tell tehm about the newest mark forming on her body just yet, before looking up at clint. “That would be good. To be able to protect oursellves.”She said yawning, looking worried about clint more then herself.
Loki smiled at her. "now now, most of my friends are humans after all, let's not be mean." he teased, mostly to help everyone else calm down. "what exactly is a bond?" Clint asked, curious. "it is a physical, emotional, and spiritual representation of your love. a connection forged in your mind, which is how you knew she needed help before anyone called you, your body, which later will allow you to feel what she's feeling. not to mention you will probably gain an image of her somewhere on your person. and in soul, which will allow you, once the bond is stronger, to feel her emotions and always find her. strong emotions only though, which will help you forge a deeper connection, since you won't have to guess about how the other feels or whatever. in time ou might even be able to speak telepathically." Loki was aware that most humans wouldn't like that at all. Clint thought it was the coolest thing ever and informed the entire room of suck even as he turned and presented his back, where a small set of wings was growing on his left shoulder blade.
“Hm, I know, but it’s weird.”Val muttered before blushing as she looked up at clint. “Or how I knew you were upset about me going after Fenrir when you were worlds away. Distance will mute it some, but I’ll never be out of complete contact.”Val smiled a little before flushing slightly, worried about how clint would feel about that. “That’s a little disturbing. Will the start acting like each other to?I mean, being that close, its bound to leave a impression...”Toyn said sounding slightly worried about the idea as he laughed, looking amused that clint was so out with it, glad as he smiled slightly at the wings across clint’s shoulders. “I have a soaring hawk between my wings....I’d show you but it hurts to move.”Val smiled watching them.
he blinked. "i haven't felt anything like that..." "being as your nearly completely human, you won't have yet. the bond is extremely muted on your side. once you have regained your Vanir blood, the bond will swell enormously and will even help stabilize you during your... transformation, i suppose." Loki admitted. "eve if you don't change physically your powers will grow to exponential levels so the extra support will be helpful for you. not to mention she can soak up any magical backlash you let off. which will certainly help her." he admitted, smiling at Val. "and no, there will be no personality transference. besides, they already act like each other." Loki pointed out. "no more than you and Steve act like each other anyway." he teased with a grin before pausing. "or is it Johnny i'm thinking of?" he muttered. "it's one of the two." he admitted with a shrug. "perfect!" he informed her with a grin, kissing her cheek. "i know if hurts, we'll have you back on your feat in no time." he promised, looking at Loki. "what will it take to... revert me?" "unlock." Loki corrected. "about three hours in a heavily reinforced room with no distractions or interruptions." "will it hurt?" "it might."
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