
“Hey bruce.”Belladonna said looking down at the man worried, wincing as he ran off, pale as she realized just what had caused bruce’s aversions to sweets. Well, she’d avoid them to if it made her keep getting sick. Looking up at him, she smiled slightly. “petted me like a dog and shared thing of ice cream. It was quite interesting really.”Belladonna said watching him. “How are you feeling?”
Bruce blinked at her. "he... pet you?" he asked, looking very baffled indeed. "he pet you. he just sat there and pet you... that's... really weird." he admitted, running trembling fingers through his hair. he looked like he wanted to run out the nearest door and never come back. he was visibly restraining himself from fleeing and he had hunched over even worse than he normally did. he glanced at her, looked away, examined the empty carton, glanced at the door, glanced at her again, flicked back to the couch, to the door again and then back to her, over and over again. "i feel, uhm, exhausted, like, uhm, i haven't slept in a few, uhm, days." made sense. if every time he slept Hulk came out. not that it really stopped Hulk, who could come out even when Bruce was awake. "my mind is, uhm, busy like i got, uhm, a good rest but, uhm, my body is so tired. i can't hardly, uhm, even tolerate the idea of, uhm, going and doing anything, i just, uhm, want to lay down and, uhm, not do anything." he admitted. "my head, uhm, feels a bit fuzzy too. sort of like, uhm, i'm almost drunk?" he mused, trying to be as honest as he could. she was the only person who could help him now.
“Yea. But it’s okay. I petted his hair to. So it worked out.”Belladonna said, simply because she wanted him to know she’d been comfortable and not freaked out, even if it had weirded her out a bit. It was odd really. “Hey, calm down, bruce. It was weird, but he liked my hair. Seemed confused at how soft and curly it was.”She said shrugging a little before sighing. “Well, if you’re not...sleeping...when the hulk comes out, you’re not really resting. I mean, if ‘you’ are sleeping, it’s still your body he’s using. You’re not really resting.”She said looking worried, biting her lip. Wanting to give him sleeping pills, but not quite sure how it’d work out. “Yea, you’re getting punch drunk. Sorta like tony gets fi he stays up for longer then 56 hours. You’re so tired you’re starting to reach that point your body’s telling you ‘Hey, asshole, stop doing this. Go to sleep.’”She frowned biting her lip. “I’m going to suggest something, and feel free to tell me no, okay?”She said, frowning slightly. Worried about even suggesting it. “Hulk seemed content, calm when I petted his...your....this is weird trying to talk about by the way,”She teased a little, because she was nervous. Which was weird. She was more nervous about bruce’s reaction then trying to figure out hulk. “ about we go sit on the couch, and you lay down, resting your head in my lap. I’ll pet your hair, see if you relax enough to sleep, and I’ll read my book.”
Bruce blinked. "he let you touch him?" he was too stunned to stutter. as far as he knew, the little he could remember, Hulk did the touching during sexual encounters and his partners laid there and took it. "I'm, uhm, sorry it's, uhm...." it freaked him out, that's what it did, the idea of Hulk doing things to Belladonna. anything that might make her uncomfortable or frightened. it bothered him. the idea of her being frightened of him. "that makes, uhm, sense. my mind is, uhm, resting but my body, uhm, isn't. that's, why, uhm, i crashed for so long? my body, uhm, couldn't take it anymore." he decided. "uhm, uhm, okay?" he was a little worried now. if she was telling him it was okay to say no, then it was probably something that would help but that he wouldn't want to do. "...yes, uhm, i can, uhm, tell..." he agreed, this was pretty awkward. "uhm. uhm. uhm." he blinked at her, flushed hard and then slowly nodded. "uhm, okay... but only for a little while, uhm, if i don't fall asleep, uhm, we'll stop right?" he asked, biting his lip. he didn't want to bother her for something so silly, but he was so tired... he was very twitchy and awkward laying down on the couch, especially since James was in the room now and was watching them. once she started stroking his hair though, he was out like a light, dead to the world, finally asleep. a real sleep, not a crash and burn, but an honest sleep. he didn't even wake up when Steve walked in looking for James, or when James threw a lamp at the wall, trying to bash Steve's head in when Steve tried to make him leave for lunch. he didn't wake up when James and Belladonna had lunch around them, since James refused to leave while his handler was so close to the threat. he did, finally wake, around lunchtime with a little start and sluggish blinks. trying to figure out what had woken him and where he was. it wasn't until he sat up that he recalled where he was.
“Yea, after he backed up once, he came back.”She shrugged a little watching him, “I thought you should know.”She said watching him before nodding. “Yea probably. You’re like tony, pushing it until you collapse.”She sighed quietly. “Yes, we’ll stop if it doesn’t work, and find something else to try.”She smiled at him, glad that he was willing to try as she headed into the living room, settling down. “James, he’s just going to sleep. It’s okay.”She said looking at the super soldier, making sure he wasn’t going to attack them before settling in with her book. Smiling quietly, happily as bruce went to sleep. “James, quiet.”She muttered as he threw the lamp. “Bring lunch in here.”she said smiling slightly as she looked down at bruce, “Hey. How are you feeling?Hungry?food’s done.”
he blinked at her. "it's...uhm nice, to know that he's not...uhm always so...uhm." unable to give voice to his fears he shrugged. "i'm not, uhm, the one pushing it!" he whined, shaking his head. "i just want, uhm, him to be gone!" he admitted, tensing at the sight of James. when James settled on the other couch he relaxed again and slipped off to dream land without fuss or fight. James stared at her when she commanded him to be quiet. he obeyed though and that was the important thing. "i feel... a lot better." he admitted, offering her a soft, shy, but oh so very thankful smile. "i am, uhm, hungry." he admitted, stomach growling. "what's for, uhm, dinner?" "Roast!" Steve admitted, handing James a bowl of hot beef soup. it was all the same things as in the roast but softer, in smaller pieces, in a hot broth. James had all but stopped raising a fuss about dinner with the new dining options. Bruce had been right, the heavier, harder meals had been giving James stomach aches or something along the lines. he wasn't happy about removing his mask to eat, but he did it. as quickly as he could so he could put his mask back on. which he had done. "here Bruce." Steve said, handing Bruce a full plate. Bruce needed to eat almost as much as Steve and Tony did and the plate reflected that, as did the way Bruce inhaled his food. "that was very good Steve, thank you." "Tony helped." Bruce nearly choked on his last bite and Steve left, laughing. Tony had helped. he'd cut up the vegetables.
“I know. That’s why I told you.”She smiled at him before sighing. “I know Bruce, but I don’t know how to make him go away, or if it would harm you to do it, so I’m going to figure out how to help you both get some rest.”She smiled looking upset that she couldn’t help more before sighing as she settled in. “Good. We’ll make sure you get some real sleep everyday then....wonder if it’d work with tony or steve petting you?I mean, I don’t mind, but I have a feeling you’d be upset with that.”She said studying him, because she knew he’d probably dislike taking up that much of her time, even if she didn’t mind. Or that james would allow that much of her time to be taken. While she didn’t know just how possessive of her the man was, she knew james liked her, at least enough to want to keep her away from the threat that he thought bruce was. Smiling as they ate, she looked pleased that james was eating more, looking amused as bruce nearly choked. “He did.”She said smirking. “I did, it’s amazing isn’t it?I can cook!”Tony crowed looking happy as he finished his own food. “...You can cut up vegetables. That doesn’t count.” “Yes it does!”
Bruce nodded. "i know..." he admitted softly. "i just... hate that he can take control, whenever he wants." he whispered. "thank you, for finding a way to sleep. it's... it's the first time i've slept, honestly slept since..." since the chitauri invasion. "uhm, i don't know. we could, uhm, try it." he agreed before shaking his head. "i don't, uhm, mind it, if it's you, i mean, uhm, uhm, uhm-" he was flushing brightly now. "i just, uhm, don't want to, uhm, take up so much f, uhm, your time. you have, uhm, Tony and James to, uh, take care of too." he admitted. "and you can't, uhm, stay up all night, uhm, to help me sleep." he admitted. "...well, uhm, actually that's how, uhm, most children start is by, uhm, learning how to prepare, uhm, ingredients." he pointed out. "like, uhm, cutting up vegtables, making, uhm, broth and, uhm, stirring soups and, uhm, stuff like that. so technically, uhm, Tony is learning, uhm, how to cook." Steve nodded. "yes, that's how i learned. i'm teaching Tony just like my ma taught me." he admitted.
“You’re welcome.”She smiled at him, looking worried. “Well, no matter how long it’s been, we’ll make sure you get some sleep nwo.”She promised before nodding. “Well, you sleeping made me think you didn’t mind it.”She teased him a little before nodding. “Well, we’ll see if you can cuddle tony or steve, see if you can sleep with them around to. And it wont eb all my time. James spends time with me no matter where I go, and he’s as likely to follow tony as he is me. And Tony, well tony talks anywhere.”She smiled. “We’ll just see how it goes okay?”She smiled at him before snorting amused. “Well. That’s true.”She agreed looking amused at how pleased tony looked at learning how to cook. “I’m going to be a master chef....I’ll be iron chef!”Tony said nearly collapsing in giggles, he cracked himself up sometimes.
"thank you." he said, sounding so grateful it was almost heartbreaking. it was pretty obvious to the trained psychologist that Bruce had very rarely ever received any kind of help, what help he had received, had been very rare, and very recent. most likely, had come only from Tony and Steve, possibly Natasha since they where the ones that Steve, and Hulk, where most responsive to. "well. uhm, that's true." Bruce agreed, scratching his chin, anxious and nervous about taking up so much of people's time. it made sense though, considering his history. Bruce's father had been extremely abusive. if Bruce so much as made a peep, he got the shit beaten out of him. it was no wonder he was hesitant to ask people of anything. when Phil had found out Bruce was going to be at the Tower, he had forwarded all of Bruce's history to her. there was a lot of it. between his abusive father, verbally abusive teachers at school, graduating collage at the age of sixteen and immediately being taken in by General Ross who was abusive in his own way, to the accident when he was twenty and being hunted since then, Bruce was one fucked up puppy. it was amazing he wasn't a blank, empty shell by now. he really was rather well adjusted considering all he'd been through. "Iron Chef America." Steve agreed with a chuckle, watching Tony. "...uhm... Tony? are you okay?" Bruce asked, glancing at Belladonna. "did you, uhm, drug him or something?" he'd never seen Tony so hyper before.
“Welcome.”Belladonna smiled back at him, simple and sweet, even if she knew his past and that this was new to him. She had every intention of making it clear that this was normal, that they were going to be there for him, as much as they could. And help him accept it. She was quite amazed really that he wasn’t worse off. Well, he was bad, but it wasn’t empty or as broken as you would expect from simply reading his file. “I’m fine.”Tony said grinned as he got up to do dishes. As much as he hated doing them, he did them because it was unfair to make steve do them since he cooked, so he did them for his part of domestic life. “No. But he’s got all his favorite people under one roof, and he visited with Pepper today. It leaves him hyper.”Belladonna said, even if she was slowly convincing Tony that there was other people out there for him, that he deserved better then the casual fucks he had with pepper while the woman came to terms with being iron man’s ex girlfriend, he was still super excited to see her and hyper for hours after.
he blinked at her, confused for a moment before he gave her a real smile. not the shy, little half smile he'd been giving people but a real, honest to god smile that even reached his eyes. "...your... acting weird." Bruce admitted. "Pepper makes him hyper?" Bruce asked, looking very confused before smiling. "oh, uhm, Tony! before i forget, uhm, i want to start, uhm, monitoring your brain wave, uhm, patterns." he admitted. "i think you might be, uhm, releasing electronic pulses, uhm, without realizing it." he admitted. "interacting, uhm, with anything electronic that is, uhm, around you." he admitted. "i've noticed, uhm, from video's that when you, uhm, get emotional the lights, uhm, flicker sometimes." Bruce admitted, nervous because James was staring at him with suspicion and... if Bruce had to put a name to it, anger. as if James thought Bruce was going to experiment on Tony.
Belladonna smiled back, startled that he was giving her such a smile so soon. But it was good. “I am not. I’m always weird.” “Not this weird. And sorta. Getting laid for hours on end makes him this hyper. He spent the morning downstsairs with her.”Belladonna shrugged, because while she thought it was weird and she was trying to get tony to leave her alone, she couldn’t quite convince him away from the redhead. “Huh?Really?”Tony said startling a little, tilting his head, frowning slightly. “I hadn’t noticed. But it would be good to know. I mean, I could seriously mess things up if I walked into the hospital or something.”he frowned a little. Belladonna tilted her head looking at james, simply watching him because while she found him attractive, she didn’t date patients, and she was interested in seeing how he’d react to tony, knowing tony wanted steve. Well. If tony would ever admit it.
"well, it does make sense." Steve admitted. "Sex is euphoric for most people after all and Tony's a lot more manic than most are. it only makes sense that pleasure would only ramp him up more right?" he asked. not at all bothered that Tony had slept wit Pepper again, it wouldn't stop him from trying to seduce Tony. "yes, uhm, i hadn't noticed either, but, uhm, Jarvis did." Bruce admitted. James was actually surprisingly protective, and possessive of Tony, more so than he was over Belladonna. not that such a thing was easy to see. with James, everything was a puzzle, a mystery, a challenge to discover. he didn't make anything easy. "how are you going to be examining his brain?" "uhm, EEG." Bruce explained. "there's a new form of, uhm, EEG machine that is, uhm, much more powerful and can, uhm, be attached without, uhm, notice or interference. it's, uhm, portable. it was, uhm, developed recently but, uhm, the person who developed it was, uhm, a friend of mine and he, uhm, let me have one."
“Hm, it is. Makes sense, it’s just amusing to see how manic he is like this.”She said smirking as tony did dishes smirking at steve as she leaned close. “Just think about how he’d be after hours with a super soldier.”She teased him a little, because she’d figured out early, that what steve missed the most, was the commandos, having friends. So more then a doctor, she was his friend. And watching him blush was just amusing. “Ah, Jarvis is always good.”Tony grinned looking amused before frowning, tilting his head. “That’s awesome.”he said before pausing thinking about it. “If I’m messing with tech by accident, wont it mess up the EEG?”He said stretching as he finisehd the dishes, looking at bruce. “Do you have one here, or do we have to wait for it to arrive?”
Steve flushed brightly at the teasing and he flashed her a grin. "that's a little naughty of you, don't you think Doc?" he asked her with a chuckle before smiling at Tony, wondering if he was ever going to get Tony to see? "Jarvis is pretty amazing. James hates him though." anytime James saw a speaker he promptly destroyed it, so Tony had made them invisible and Jarvis didn't speak with James in the room. "no, uhm, i don't think so." Bruce admitted. "because you don't, uhm, bother anything complex, uhm, yet." he admitted. "no i don't have it, uhm, here. once my things, uhm, arrive it will be with those." he admitted. "there are, uhm, other things i can do to, uhm, monitor your brain and brain waves, uhm, while i'm here." he admitted. "you will have to, uhm, sit still but, uhm, it's good for short tests."
“Not as naughty as you want to be.”Belladonna teased, smirking. “you could totally get him to play naughty engineer for you though.”She muttered, “Just keep needling him. He’ll see it.”She said knowing that slowly, they were starting to get to tony. He was still resisting, but not nearly as freaked out as he once had been. “I think Jarvis reminds him of something about hydra.”Belladonna frowned thinking about it. “Ah. Okay then. We’ll try.”Tony said before looking put out that it wasn’t there yet but okay with the other tests. “Well in that case. How about we go down and do science, since we both got some rest today.”Tony said looking so happy for bruce that he’d actually gotten some sleep.
he smiled, eyes going a little glazed as he imagined being naughty with Tony. "naughty engineer. i wonder if he makes his own sex toys?" he mumbled before smiling at her. "i will. i won't give up. thanks." he said with a smile before nodding. "it's Zola." he admitted. "the man was the one who created the soldier, and he continued to give orders and demand torture through James entire.... career." he admitted. "he just can't tell the difference between Jarvis and Zola. still it's a good sign that he wont easily go back to Hydra, right?" he wondered. "yeah, okay." Bruce agreed with a smile, startled when James moved to follow them. "uh... yeah, okay." James decided. "you can, uhm, monitor us." he decided, James just staring at them. "you can, uhm, make sure i don't, uhm, do anything bad to Tony..." he agreed, wondering if that was why James was coming with. it was the only thing he could think of. Bruce settled Tony into a Cat scan and had him try to connect to whatever he could reach while within the machine. James didn't like it at all, but he didn't do anything since Tony wasn't screaming, or upset. he settled down the longer the tests went, Bruce asking Tony to do some very odd things. sing, recite the alphabet, wiggle his toes. James was quite confused, where they programming Tony? like a computer? was Tony a computer? "yes, i can see the spike in your brain patterns when you use your tech-nesis." Bruce chuckled at his own joke. "will you be okay if i poke you with a needle? i want to see how your brain, and Extremis, responds to pain signals." he admitted. "i won't if you don't want me to." he promised Tony.
“I would have no doubt that he has sex toys.”Belladonna snickered a little at the idea, shaking her head. “Ahh, I see. Yes. That would be it.”Belladonna frowned. “I looked over those machines after they blew it up, Zola’s gone. Completely.”Tony said wrinkling his nose a little. “Yes, he’s fighting free of it. It wont be taken again easily, if we somehow lose him and he ends up back with them. He’ll fight.”Belladonna said,well aware that james would kill hydra and leave if he had any chance to fight back. “Come on then, Klondike. You cna watch.”Tony smiled as they headed downstairs. Simply going through the tests before snickering. “you’re such a geek. Tech-nesis...We’re going to get you saying jokes all the time now.”he grinned before nodding. “Yea, okay. But hold on.”he said sitting up to look at James, “He’s going to poke me with a needle okay?It wont hurt much. He’s not going to kill me. Don’t react okay, unless I tell you to.”He said knowing the man might react to him in pain, even if it wasn’t alot, already connected to the suit, just in case, before looking at bruce. “Okay. You can poke me.”
he smirked a little. "i bet he has amazing sex toys." he mumbled before focusing on Tony. "yes, we know that Zola is dead, but James doesn't." he pointed out. "and Jarvis is, unfortunately, a trigger."Steve admitted with a shake of his head before smiling, pleased that he might be able to keep James even if Hydra shows up. "i wish you wouldn't call him that Tony." Steve grumbled. "i am a geek." Bruce agreed with a chuckle before blushing, a bit proud of himself for being so relaxed for once. "okay." he agreed before looking wary at James, he'd forgotten the man was there. James who straightened as soon as Tony focused on him. his eyes stared at Tony, blank, but understanding the orders. nodding his assent. he would do nothing without Tony's orders. "okay. are you, uhm, sure?" he asked, watching James nervously before making Tony lay back down in the Cat Scan and promptly poked Tony on the thigh with the needle. it was sensitive enough to actually hurt without drawing any blood. James tensed, but when he saw no results he relaxed again, waiting for further commands. Bruce blew out a shaky breath. glad he wasn't dead.
“I know, but I hope if I keep saying it, he’ll figure out that zola is dead.”Tony said making a face. “...Sorry. I forgot.”Tony muttered ducking his head a little at steve’s scolding, blushing ever so slightly. Looking at james for a long moment he studied him, making sure he’d gotten it before nodding. “Yea I’m sure. You just have to make sure he understands exactly what you want before you do something he doesn’t like, otherwise he’ll freak out.”Tony shrugged wincing a little as he was poked but not otherwise reacting, twitching a little. “You know, I think I’m glad I smash my hands all the time, otherwise that prick would have been annoying.”He teased a little rubbing a hand over his face. “Anything else?”
"i hope so too Tony." Steve admitted. "i don't know if that's actually going to work though... maybe if we took him to the place? show him Zola is dead?" he wondered. "it's okay." Steve said with a sigh. "oh, uhm, okay then." Bruce mumbled, still decidedly nervous but going through with it anyway because, well, he needed to know. "you, uhm, smash your hands?" Bruce asked, picking up one of Tn's hands and examining them, head tilted. "well, uh, you would know." he teased with a smile. "nope, that's, uhm, it." Bruce admitted. "you can, uhm, get up now." he promised with a smile. "thanks for, uhm, being so patient." he admitted, already going through the information he had gathered up, loosing himself in science. "amazing. amazing simply amazing." he mumbled. "it's amazing Tony! Extremis works almost as a secondary biological feature. it protects you without you having to consciously think about it. it's more like a symbiosis than a fusion. it's part of you, but it's separate as well." Bruce mumbled. "remarkable. i would love to get Pepper in here and examine her mind scans as well." he admitted. "i wonder if it's the same as yours or different?"
“Maybe. We might try that. But for now, we’re not going outside. At least till the public calms down some.”Belladonna said, sighing quietly. Because she knew going outside would probably be good for james, but they’d have to settle for going out on the deck for now, at least until tony got some control over the public’s reaction to james. “uh, yea. Usually by accident, but smashing my hand off something when I’m working hurts.”He made a face, because he wasn’t about to admit that it was usually when he was exhausted and tired, when he bashed himself. “Yea, well I made a few mistakes early on with not telling him stuff, nearly got my ass kicked, it wasn’t fun.”tony smiled a little as he got up, shrugging. “It’s no problem. It’s fun taking a break from engineering sometimes to do stuff like this.”he smiled a little looking amused at bruce’s excitement. “Well, I think she’s coming for dinner tonight. She might not want to, but you can ask.”
Steve nodded. it made sense,. they couldn't be sure how people would react to James. "i wonder if releasing a press report would help?" Steve mused. "you know, like informing them of all the good James did and telling them about the abuse he'd suffered at the hands of Hydra?" he wondered.

"well that's not so, uhm, bad i guess." he admitted before smiling a little. "i take it, uhm, Steve usually took those beatings?" he asked with a chuckle before smiling a little at him. "i'd like to, uhm, ask her." he admitted. "from what i can, uhm, tell her Serum is a bit more, uhm, active then yours." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "it's, uhm, really amazing to look at." he admitted, settling in to get busy with what he had found from the scans in conjecture with what the other research had already shown. it was quite amazing.
“Tony already tried. Government tried to high him out to dry on war crimes, and for high treason if he considered actually telling everyone. At the moment, no one wants the public to know that a american had been used to commit war crimes against other americans at the time. It’s a political nightmare, and as bad as it is, I think tony’s working on how to get around the command to stay inside, he’s just having problems doing it.”Belladonna sighed frowning a little. “Wonder if he’d let us cut his hair....I mean...if we changed how he looked, and it wasn’t you guys going out with him, I mean, if it was me and bruce, the public wouldn’t think of who it is....I mean, not alot of people know the soldier was James Barnes, they just recognize the blurry pictures they got from DC....”

“No, it really isn’t. And sometimes. Though watching him get in a girly slapping fest when belladonna smacked him for stealing her ice cream was quite entertaining.”Because that had been one of the only adorable things the soldier had ever done. Belladonna had smacked his hands for taking it, and he’d smacked her back for it. They’d soon enough devolved into a playful smacking thing before reverting back to icy silence. “I’m sure it is.”Tony snickered a little.

That evening Belladonna smiled as she poked her head into the lab, “Come on you three. It’s time for dinner. You’ve been down here all day.”
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