
"i'll keep that in uhm mind. could be i might uh need to work on their serum in the uhm future. i am the best uhm equipped to handle a situation like that, but it's unlikely uh that anything will happen, their Serum's are quite uhm stable." he admitted "well, it might b nice, uhhm, to have another. the problem, uhm, is that not everyone can, uhm, become a supersoldier. most just become, uhm, monsters like i did." he admitted. "is, uh, upsetting James a bad thing?" he asked, looking worried. "Bucky Barnes! as in Steve's, uhm, Best friend?! holy Moses!" Bruce muttered, shocked"i definitely, uhm, need to hear this story!" he admitted, shaking his head. "you are hungry, eat Tony! before i force feed you." Steve ordered sternly. James just sat there and stared, quite blankly at Tony. emotionless and expressionless he still managed to give a feeling of annoyance. mostly because he didn't want to take the mask off to eat. it was always an issue no matter what meal, it was just that some meals where harder than others. he was being very difficult on this one. "Thanks, uhm, Tony." Bruce chirped, looking quite happy, moving over to the mountains of food and helping himself. there really was plenty after all. "is Thor here? he promised uhm, that i could have blood samples!" James tensed. "why do you want Thor's blood?" "there might be, uhm, evidence linking Asgardian ancestry, uhm, in certain super powered, uhm, humans." Bruce admitted. "if my preliminary, uhm, results are correct, then about a third of the, uhm, mutant population has, uhm, Aesir ancestors." Bruce admitted with a grin, shoveling food into his mouth with the same desperate indifference as he always did. lie he didn't even want to taste it, he just wanted it in his stomach as soon as possible.
“Not a monster, just different.”Bell said frowning slightly before nodding. “He’s not overly stable’s a long story....and yes, that bucky barnes.”She smiled a little at his surprise. “Am not. Don’t treat me like a child.”Tony grumbled nibbling on his food, looking quite annoyed himself as he tried to get James to eat. “Welcome.”Tony smiled looking up at Bruce. “No, not at the moment. He’s visiting with Jane, but he promised to stop and visit before he returned to Asgard.”Tony said smiling slightly looking interested. “Huh. I never considered that might be part of it. Makes sense some of the powered people are different.” “Slow down, Bruce. You’re going to choke yourself there.”Bell said frowning slightly as she got some food for herself.
"he's a monster. uhm he hurts people Belladonna. if that's not a uhm monster, i don't know uhm what is." he admitted before nodding. "yeah, uhm he didn't look very stable." he agreed. "i'll stop treating you like a child when you start acting like an adult." Steve informed him. James finally sighed and reached up to take his mask off only to tense at the sight of Bruce and lowered his hand without removing anything. strangers made James edgy until he go to know them well enough to know that they weren't going to attack, punish or hurt him. the fact that this stranger was talking about blood tests and genetics only made him more tense. he'd had more than enough experiments done on him and he didn't want any more. if it wasn't for both Tony and Steve standing there, James might have killed Bruce, just for the threat of Bruce's existence. "Well, uhm, so long as i get to see him before he, uhm, goes back to Asgard! i want to talk to him, uhm, about something uhm, Loki mentioned." Bruce admitted, Steve tensing. "you've seen Loki?" "no. it was something he said on the uhm Helicarrier." Bruce admitted, shrinking into his sweater. "uhm, why?" "'s nothing. just something Thor mentioned." Steve admitted. "i thought maybe Loki had escaped, but that's silly. Thor would have said something if that was so." Thor thought Loki was dead so it wasn't a surprise he hadn't said anything really. well, Jane and Darcy knew, but Thor couldn't bring himself to talk about it.
“If you’re going by that standard, all of humanity is a monster, because we’re over all a fairly brutal people to each other.”Bell said sighing a little before smiling slightly. “I am acting like a adult. I’m trying to get James to eat.”Tony grumbled. “You’re okay, James. He’s a friend. And he’s not going to do any tests on you.”Bell muttered as she sank into the seat next to james, with tony on his other side, simply keeping bruce away from him. Even if she knew bruce wouldn’t hurt him, she was offering him some protection. “He’ll be here.”Tony promised looking curious at the idea of loki saying something nodding. “Thor would have said something.”he agreed. “James. Come on, eat something. You know you’ll get sick if you don’t.”She said her voice soft and soothing, watching the man. While tony was usually his annoying and bullying self about it, she tried to coax. between the two of them, they usually did fairly well in getting him to do stuff.
he shrugged. "i know better than, uhm, most just how much humans can be, uhm, monsters." he admitted before watching Tony, Steve and James interacting.James glanced at her and then stared at James who winced and huddled further into his seat as if trying to hide from James. good, it was only right that the threat be afraid of him. "uhm, great." Bruce decided, pleased to see Thor again. he was one of the few people who wasn't scared of the hulk at all. in fact, Thor seamed to delight in fighting with the green bastard. it would be a comfort to have someone around to control the little bastard. maybe. James glanced back at Tony, narrowing his eyes at the man before narrowing his eyes at Belladonna. clearly he couldn't intimidate them so he stared forward and tried to ignore them. finally though, he gave in, removing his mask and letting them coax him into eating an entire egg and two pieces of bacon. more than he usually ate. "uhm... have you tried, uhm, multivitamins in his, uhm, water?" Bruce asked, his doctoring habits kicking in. "some, uhm, pediasure and nutritional shakes might, uhm, also help. softer foods, uhm, like apple sauce or broth might help too, uhm. he seas to be uh severely malnourished. if he's... he's... uhm... uhm...." he cowered when James turned to stare at him. "stomach ache." Bruce squeaked. was he about to die? finally James looked away and Bruce sighed a little. not dying today.
"Don't ignore us. You know I'll just be more annoying and maybe like dye your mask different colors."tony teased. Yea. Definitely not overly intimidated. But tony's suicidal tendencies meant he didn't find most things as dangerous."hm?you have any suggestions on what to get?"bell looked up because despite her medical degree, she hadn't thought about vitamins, had only been trying to get him to eat. "Jwmes. Stop being threatening."Bell said rolling her eyes a little before looking at tony."how about you and bruce go talk? Take your food and go. Me and steve'll take care of him." "Oh. Yea.good idea. Come on brucie-bear."tony said gathering his plate because he didn't want bruce to be more upset with james presencs. Knowing that if they explained, bruce might have a better idea on how to deal with the assassin.
James actually reacted to that, his eyes flashed and he turned and snarled at Tony, fingers wrapping around a knife, a butter knife, laid at the table. he would stab Tony for that comment, no one touched James mask, no one! he was derailed by Bruce commenting on his eating habits, he would Stab the threat instead, how dare the threat stick it's nose in where it didn't belong! "uhm. uhm. uhm. general multivitamin. uhm. uhm. i'd need a full blood panel to, uhm, to, uhm be sure of any, uhm, vitamin deficiencies." Bruce admitted, very nervous from the way James was staring at him. "i would, uhm, suggest, uhm, two Multivitamins a day, uhm, one in, uhm, morning on, uhm, at night. that, uhm, should probably, uhm, help a bit." Bruce admitted before nodding eagerly, grabbing his breakfast to go and practically fleeing the room. James looked quite smug, pleased that the threat had fled in fear of him, slipping his mask back on and proceeding to ignore everyone. "So, uhm, i might, uhm, need a new pair of pants." Bruce admitted to Tony once he felt they where safe enough. "uhm, i thought he was going to, uhm, murder us!" he admitted. "is it, uhm, really safe for, uhm, us to be, uhm, around him?"
"...not now james. He's not taking blood now."Bell promised eyes wide and slightly worried tense, waiting to have to stop james from killing tony or bruce. She was so going to yell at tony for being a suicidal idiot later."we'll yet some vitamins then."

Tony frowned looking towards the kitchen before shaking his head."probably not but a lots happened since you left and there's no where else safe for him that won't get him killed in the end. And him dying again would kill steve."tony sighed a little before starting to explain everything that had happened in the year since bruce had been gone, including his own run in with extremis.
James growled but settled down, letting the knife back onto the table. he could take vitamins, whatever those where, if Steve and Tony thought they where important. maybe.he'd have to see, this new place he had found himself in was complex and confusing, he hardly knew up from down anymore. the only thing he knew for sure was that Steve was his handler. even then, Steve wasn't a very good one.

"Uhm, if he's safe here, then he should, uhm, stay here." he agreed. the man made him nervous as hell but he knew Tony well enough to know if Tony wanted him here, then Bruce wouldn't complain. he listened intently to the entire story, eyes wide. "how, uhm, stable is the serum? can i have, uhm, blood samples? are you still, uhm, setting things on fire? headaches or, uhm, nausea?" he asked, already moving to take Tony's pulse number and blood pressure, examining Tony's pupils as well. "You seam to be, uhm, stable enough." he admitted. "So Steve, uhm, thinks that James can be rehabilitated? what do you, uhm, think?" he asked, his head tilted.
"Yea you can. I have some of peppers samples to if you want to compare, just destroy them after, last thing we need is someone getting ahold of it. I destroyed my notes on how I stabilized it."tony shrugged before nodding."it's stable. As stable as anything. Yes I still set things on fire, but only when I'm pissed, or goofing off with johnny. And no nausea or headaches except when I try to do to much...."tony bit his lip not sure he wanted to dhare, but he did trust bruce."extremis let's me tap into any tech around me...most notably my suit....but if I overdo it I make myself sick."he twitched a little because no one, not even steve or bell knew about that yet. He'd been waiting for Bruce to get here so he could have another scientist to talk it over with."yea he does."tony said his eyes sad as he thought about it.I think he can....I think he'll always revert to violence if he's startled or not always awake, there's only so much damage you can undo, but I think we can give him a life again....he's only been here a few weeks. I'm not ready to give up yet."he said sounding a little defensive not about to tell anyone just how much sit he'd been getting from everyone from the government to pepper for taking in the winter soldier.
he nodded. "i would, uhm, appreciate that. just to make sure, i want to, uhm, make sure there won't be any, uhm, long lasting damage to your, uhm, body. can you control the, uhm, fire?" he asked. "purposely, set fire to things?" he asked. "i'd like, uhm, to run some brain scans, while you exercise fire capabilities, as well as while you connect to electronics. i might be able to help you. the human, uhm, brain isn't supposed to handle that sort of sensory input." Bruce admitted, settling into science talk easily enough, calm enough that the stutter was starting to go away. "if you can connect to your suit on an electronic level that's a huge advantage." he admitted. "you get sick because it's you bodies way of saying 'stop doing that you asshole'..." he flashed the other a grin. he was always so much more calm and himself around Tony. "uhm, i think it's a good thing, taking him in, giving him a chance." he admitted. "if he can be helped then i think it's worth the chance. even if it's just rehabilitated enough to where he won't attack us." he admitted. "he's a powerful asset at the least, and at the most he's going to be as well adjusted as Phil is." he paused. "...well, maybe Clint." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "i think he has a real chance of recovery. he didn't stab anyone today, i'm sure that's an improvement." he admitted with a chuckle.
"I know. And I’d apperciate it to. I mean, I got it stabalized, but I’d rather someone else look at it to. And sometimes. Matters. I find it easier to control if I’m with Johnny and he’s screwing around, almost like...his experience with fire allows me to work easier with it. When I lose control, it’s not controlled.”Tony shrugged a little before nodding, “Awesome. We’ll go do science today.”Tony grinned, happy that the other was calming enough to be comfortable. “It’s a huge advantage, but I’ve been having problems to with it...cause the suits truly become a part of me, its...instead of wearing a suit and having a second delay between wanting to move and moving like the old one, now it’s....nearly instantly. As soon as I want to, I’m moving, doing stuff. There’s been a learning curve to figuring it out...and yea I know. I usually stop when I start getting sick.”Tony made a face before nodding, thinking about it. “Yea. It’s good. It’s just been rough on cap, to see him like this...and Clint’s totally not well adjusted.”Tony snorted amused before nodding, glancing towards the kitchen. “It is.”
he nodded. "you are a brilliant man but DNA, genetics and the human body are not your forte." Bruce agreed with a chuckle. "hmm. could be because your calmer around Johnny. you can't hurt him if you lose control and he can fix any damage you do so your a lot less worried and concerned and that translates into easier, better control over your emotions and your powers." he admitted. "how much control can you maintain over it? can you actually manipulate the fire or just set things on fire for example?" Bruce asked, his head tilted. "lots of science." he agreed with a smile before nodding, looking fascinated. "that is rather amazing. i'd love to watch various brain scans, ECG's and other things while you connect to various electronics." he admitted. "especially since, if your in a battle, you can't stop just because your starting to get sick." he admitted. "it's better to have it figured out before we have to go into battle... well, you have to go into battle anyway." he admitted. "yeah, Steve looks pretty stressed." not as stressed as Bruce looked. "Clint's not so bad. he seams to have recovered well from whatever Loki did to him." he admitted. "may i see the stuff you've already researched?" he asked, wondering what kind of information Tony had already found.
“Yea,definitely not my forte.”Tony agreed before shrugging. “Might. We tested it once, he can control the fire I summon if I do lose control it was pretty interesting really.”Tony said before sighing. “I’m fairly in control. I mean, when I’m calm I can make myself warmer, or heat other stuff up, it’s when I get annoyed or agitated badly that I can’t control things, or accidently catch them on fire. And I can just catch things on fire and use that flame. I can’t control already existing flame...its almost like I need flame of my own creating to use.”He shrugged before nodding. “we’ll definitely hook me up to a ECG machine and look.”He smiled before wincing. “Yea, that’s not a good thing in battle. And I’ve only had to fight once since I hooked into the suit, and thankfully Steve was with me, made up for me being a little off my game.”He shrugged before making a face. “We’re all stressed. Though not as stressed as you...and clint’s recovering....I think regular sex is helping.”He said before nodding. “Yea, let’s go down to the lab and I’ll show you everything.”She said nearly bouncing in excitement to have bruce in the tower. “We’re going downstairs!”He yelled into the kitchen.

“Well. At least he’ll be feeling better.”Belladonna muttered looking up at steve with a small smile, tilting her head, “You could use a break of your own Cap.”She said looking worried for him.
"hmmm. interesting. yes i wonder if there might be a gene based element tot he fire? like your not actually creating fire but releasing some sort of new toxin or element from within your body that alights once it hits air? hmm.... i'll have to take a sample of some fire, both still burning and burnt out... does it burn out on it's own or keep going?" he wondered. "its clearly emotion based. i can teach you some meditative exercises to help you stay calm and in control of yourself. you'll still be angry but you'll be less likely to set someone on fire." he admitted. "Steve's a great man." Bruce admitted with a smile. "it used to bother me, how... protective he was around me." he admitted. "i thought all he saw was the danger... then i saw him doing the exact same thing to you..." here Bruce snickered 'Don't touch that Tony, you don't know what it will do! leave Tony alone! he's under a lot of stress! stop picking on Tony! why don't you try taking on someone your own size you punk?!" Bruce mimicked Steve as best as he could. "it's kind of nice, like i'm his little kid brother." he admitted. "i'm doing a lot better already actually. i actually managed to have a decent sleep for the first time since i left... it was stupid of me to leave. i'm sorry i worried you." he admitted before laughing at Tony's excitement, letting him lead the way.

"he is feeling better. Bruce laughed. i've never heard him laugh before." Steve admitted. "Tony is many things, but he handles Bruce the best of anyone i've ever seen. Tony can be extremely calming, you know, once you get used to him." he admitted with a smile before shaking his head. "i can take a break later, James is worked up from Bruce being here. i don't want him to feel threatened."
“I don’t know. I just know that it’s not killing me or pepper anymore, which was definitely a improvement, since it meant I could take out the arc reactor.”Tony said making a face before frowning. “Well, if I smother it, it goes out. But if left for its own it burns until it burns whatever its on to a crisp, then stops burning. It’s....its like it stays lit, but doesn’t try to catch everything on fire without encouragement.”Tony shrugged a little before staring. “I’ve tried mediation. Bell yells at me for it. Says if I can’t hold still she’s going to drug my ass into a coma. Though she hasn’t done it yet. So I don’t think she will.”He admitted making a face before snickering. “Cap is one of a kind....and hey!He doesn’t sound like that always around me and watching him talk to those senators was amazing.”Tony said grinning, remembering the man steve’d called a punk when they tried to seperate him from the suit again. “...Yea. Kid brother. Totally.”Tony muttered making a face at the idea, even if he wasn’t totally comfortable with his attraction, it still wasn’t what he wanted to be viewed as, as a kid brother either. “Good.And it was. But I figured you’d be back when you were ready...and worried?Who said I was worried?I wasn’t worried.”he grumbled as he got to the lab, tilting his head. “so, what do you want to start with?”

Bell nodded, smiling a little. “Tony is something else. As...odd and manic as he can be, he’s usually good at figuring out what people need from him. How to help best. He might not always understand it, but he usually knows how to help some.”Bell said smiling a little before nodding, “Okay then. Well.”She smiled looking at james. “You could use a shower. How about we go get you cleaned up, and I’ll clean up your mask that can’t be a pleasant smell all the time.”Bell said not trying to take the mask, more coaxing then ordering him to shower, but a soft demanding tone to the words. Still finding the perfect balance between demanding and submissive. Trying to not provoke anger, but not wanting to eb weak. It was mostly a 50/50 chance of working okay with james at the moment.
he nodded. "i did notice that the glowing circle of Life was gone." he admitted. "i just didn't think it was polite to comment on it." he admitted before nodding. "so it seams to have some sort of psychic component to it, only doing as you instruct it. fascinating, simply fascinating!" he admitted. "it's clearly a defensive power, if we break it down to it's basic components." he admitted before chuckling. "that's because your doing the wrong kind of meditation. you can't sit still, ever so the kind of meditation i do won't be right for you. there are other forms however. i also do active meditation, where you let your body move while maintaining calm, controlled mindsets. Yoga, Tai-Chi and even just walking can have some very impressive meditative qualities on a person. then there are physical meditations where you actually do heavy activity like staffing, sword fighting, building things or even sparring." he admitted. "i don't think you'll like that kind of meditation because you'll get too involved." he admitted. "the repetition of tai chi or oga would be best for you." he admitted. "your not the kid brother Tony. trust me, he wouldn't look at your ass as much as he does if he thought you where his kid brother." he promised before smiling at him. "i missed you too Tony. i really did. i kind of wish i'd never left." he mumbled before smiling. "let's start with what you already have and i'll go from there."

"Tony is really quite amazing, and very selfless." Steve admitted with a smile. "he'd tear out his own heart f he thought it could save someone he loved." he admitted. well aware of how much he wanted to fuck Tony into the mattress. but Tony wasn't ready yet. James tensed at her. he HATED showers! he hated bathes even more. he hated having to strip naked and get under the water with no protection and no defense. he hated being at someone else's complete and total mercy. "we'll let you wash the mask yourself." Steve said to sweeten the deal.James pondered that for a long moment, it took him a lot longer to think things through. finally he nodded. it would be nice to have a clean mask, and if he just stood there and stared they would leave the bathroom and he could lock the door and shower by himself. alone, not helpless or at someone's mercy. he'd do that, he did feel a little itchy now that he was thinking about it, and his mask smelled a little too. it would be good to get clean, even if he hated it. "we have got to get him some spare masks." Steve mumbled.
“Hm, yea. It was awesome. I had to defeat someone with christmas ornaments, and in return, I got to get rid of the stupid thing.”Tony said before snorting. “You’re such a polite bastard. I would have asked hours ago”He said amused before nodding. “It’s like the world’s best defensive. We’ve tried it. Me and johnny I mean, to see if I got attacked if it would defend me without doing anything. It was a close call which responded first, my suit fitting over me, or the fire lashing out. Damn near melted my suit a few times when I got attacked till I figured out how to control it.”Tony said making a face before tilting his head. “That’s what she said, that I needed yoga or something, but I don’t want to. I have work to do. Don’t have time for learning new calming things.”Tony said making a face, he’d mostly been resisting because pepper was insisting he learn it, and he wasn’t in any mood to do anything pepper wanted him to.”.....Well.Maybe I’m always the kid brother though.”Tony frowned looking thoughtful at thte idea though before grinning. “Well good. You should regret leaving.And okay. Here.”Tony grinned as he started showing the other his work, and video of what him and johnny had already worked on to figure out.

“He is. It’s amazing really, since he was raised by one of the most selfish people I’ve ever met.”She said making a face studying the other. She knew how steve felt, they’d discussed it, and while it annoyed her to not get more involved then offering advice, she like him, knew tony wasn’t ready to do anything about the attraction. “I know you don’t like it, but you need one.”She said before smiling as she got up, “Come on.”She said moving towards tony’s bathroom, since his shower was the biggest in the tower, nearly room sized, so they could be near, without crowding james to much before nodding. “We do. I think tony was working on it, but he’d gotten distracted by bruce coming back.”
"you had to defeat someone with Christmas ornaments?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow. "i think i need to hear that story all the way through." he admitted. "i am a polite bastard and you have no social skills." he admitted, looking amused before nodding. "interesting. so clearly your connection to electronics is tied into the fire somehow. just fascinating." he admitted before giving Tony a stern look. "and if it's the difference between gaining control and setting your lab on fire?" he demanded. "it doesn't have to be Yoga or Tai-chi. it can be running, boxing, swimming, all kinds of things you already do anyway." he admitted. "meditation doesn't have to be daily either, we'll just start incorporating it into your thrice weakly boxing lessons." he admitted. "no one but you and i would even know." he admitted. "well, and whoever your taking boxing lessons from." he admitted. "but it's kind of important Tony." he admitted before snorting. "your never the kid brother." he pointed out. "everyone wants to fuck you. hell i want to fuck you. James and Steve, Clint, Natasha, people i don't know want to fuck you." he admitted before smiling s he settled into researching. "this is very interesting. Pepper is displaying different symptoms than you are. it seams that the emotional personality based qualities alter how the serum affects various people..." he mused.

"Howard was a fucker." Steve agreed, sipping at some coffee because he didn't want to get into a conversation about his feelings at the moment. James just stared at her, emotionless and yet still managing to come across as very, very annoyed. "oh. that's right. well Bruce is a little bit more important at the moment." he agreed. "James is, for the most part, stable. Bruce isn't." he admitted. "plus, i'm a bit worried about the whole 'Tony can set things on fire, but only when he's upset' thing." he admitted, pausing outside the bathroom when James glared at him and Belladonna. he wanted to shower alone, Steve could understand that and he trusted James not to run off.
"I did. It was awesome. Killian is a idiot and I totally kicked his ass with small hand made Christmas gernades."tony grinned before explaining the rest of how that had happened. Before smirking."I do to have social skills. Bell and steve said I can be trusted in public so that has to be social skills somehow."tony made a face before sighing."fine...whatever we'll figure out something...and it's usually clint, though steve sometimes joins in."tony shrugged before staring at the other, snickering a little."well as long as people want to fuck me, it's good thrn."he muttered blushing a little before nodding."yea...we're thinking it's how I ended up with tech and she just got fire...just differences between us."

"For the most part, he is. And I'm happy. Considering what it was like when you two first got here..."he shrugged looking amused before snorting."me to. But he always sorta blew up things when he was upset so this is just another step of it."Bell said looking amused as she settled on the couch towait for Jwmes to shower. Perfectly content to not show with him.
"Killian huh?" he asked, his head tilted. "i read a few of his papers. he showed a lot of promise. he could have found a cure to a lot of genetic defects. shame he was Evil." Bruce admitted. this was probably why some people thought Bruce was a sociopath. he just didn't see things the same way other people did. while most would be horrified that Killian was a maniac, Bruce was just sad that Killian was evil and wouldn't be contributing to science anymore. kind of weird. but then again, it was Bruce, so that wasn't much of a surprise. "well we'll get Clint in on it then, he could use some meditation too." Bruce admitted. "hmm. while it was unstable it affected everyone the same." he muttered. "meaning it didn't have the emotional triggers. it was affected only by chemical differences in the body, likely why it was so unstable." he muttered. "when you stabilized it. yes, i see. that's very interesting." he mumbled, becoming absorbed in the work and making huge amounts of notes in the little notebook he always carried with him.

"yeah, James is doing a lot better, and Bruce is too. i wouldn't say anything but... Bruce really looks up to Tony." he admitted, sounding rather fond. "Bruce is like a little brother, you know? everyone he talks to falls in love with him, wants to protect him." he admitted. "Tony more than anyone." he smiled at her. "i think even James likes Bruce a little bit already." that was just wishful thinking really. "kinda wish he'd let me shower with him." Steve admitted, pouting a little. "i hope he doesn't put that wet mask back on, he got a rash last time..."
“He did. Except he was totally obsessed with pepper.”Tony said making a face. Not about to find bruce to weird, since his normal social skills were severely lacking, he wasn’t really aware that bruce was different to. “He probably can. He says his form of mediation is harassing Natasha, but I don’t think that’s right. She needs a break to.”Tony said making a face before nodding. “probably. I mean, as much as I can tell, it’s similar to Cap’s and Soldier boy’s. Just differences between all of us.”Tony shrugged a little settling in to rest even if he was fucking around with the suit, making it walk back and forth, move through the training room, just getting used to interacting with it.

“I just met him, but yes. I want to look after him to.”Bella said looking amused before snorting. “Tony more then anyone I’ve ever met, wants to protect people. The people he cares for, are just worse.”she looked amused, but not about to tell steve he was delusional about james liking bruce. Knowing the man needed to have a little hope for his friend. Before snickering. “I’m sure tony wishes he’d let him shower with him. You could just go join him.”She said rolling her eyes before wincing, “Hopefully he’ll remember that and leave the mask off.”
"yeah, because that's not creepy." Bruce agreed. "i mean really, who picks Pepper over you?" Bruce wondered. "i'd totally be more focused on you if i where an evil villain. sh's not much of an anything." he admitted. "no offense to her, but she's not the one with the brains." Bruce admitted. "she's ot all that hot either. honestly going for looks? i'd pick Nat, or Belladonna if i had to pick a woman." he admitted. "hell i'd pick that woman, secretary you have downstairs over Pepper." he admitted. "mmm no Steve's is different from this. he let me look." Bruce admitted, peering into a microscope. "his is Beta radiation based. that's what the Vita-rays reported in the serums history was." he admitted. "mine is based on Gamma radiation and yours... microwaves maybe?" he mumbled. "i can't be sure without extensive testing. it's not a radiation i'm fully familiar with." well that's something you didn't hear from Bruce everyday. "Tony? how long can you do that before it starts to affect you?" Bruce wondered, having switched to taking notes on what Tony was doing. "that's really amazing, your doing that with just your mind?"

"he's like a big cuddly kid." Steve admitted with a smile. "one whose been hurt, bad." he admitted before smiling a little. "i like that about Tony though. you know he tries to protect me too?" he asked with a snicker. "it's kind of adorable." he admitted. "i could but i'm pretty sure he has a knife in there with him and i don't want to be stabbed again." he admitted. "i have my doubts. i might run down real quick and see if Tony has one finished so we can swap it out." he decided before looking sly. "unless you want to go down and check on them?"
“Well, a person who’s not bisexual for one. And he did want me to fix his problem, but he wanted her for himself.”Tony snickered a little before laughing outloud, “Oh fucking hell. I’ll pay good money for you to tell her that.”He said giggling a little, imaging that conversation before pausing, raising a eyebrow. “You like Belladonna, and Nat?”He said sounding interested before snickering. “...It’s awesome to hear you say you don’t know. It’s such a rare thing.”Tony said looking amused before cracking a eye to look at the suit he was controlling, having closed his eyes to concentrate. “Probably about a hour, two if I’m pushing it. And I am. Though it’s easier if I’m in the suit, and moving it with my body to. It’s a little less straining.”

“He is.”She said eyes sad as she considered just how badly tony had been hurt, before nodding. “I know. You should have heard him fretting when you got lost in the city when you went on that first run. I thought he was going to fret himself into a heart attack.”She snickered before snorting. “True. No, no stabbing.”She said before staring at the other’s sly look. “What’s that look for?And no, go ahead. I want to help bruce, I don’t want to crowd him. Besides, tony could probably use some attention.’
he shook his head. "weird. who would want Pepper? she's so bossy." he huffed. he didn't like Pepper because she was always telling him what to do. which made him nervous and anxious, feeling caged all over again. "i'm not going anywhere near her, sorry. she makes me uhm nervous." he admitted. stuttering just thinking about her. "Nat's nice. and Belladonna seams to be okay with me. she is pretty." he admitted, though he didn't clarify on which one he thought was pretty. "it's not that rare." he scoffed, rolling his eyes before nodding and writing that down. "two hours, did you have to work up to that?" he wondered with a cock of his head. "this really is amazing Tony." he admitted with a smile at him before tensing when Steve walked in, relaxing again when he saw who it was. "hey. sorry to interrupt. we finally got James into a shower and i was hoping you had a copy of his mask before he puts the wet one on again."

he nodded. "i know. i heard about it for three hours after." he admitted with a chuckle. "i don't know why he was so worried, it was easy enough to get directions back." even if he had to stop five times for said directions. "i know your worried about him is all." he admitted with a smile. "your right, he could use attention. have Jarvis call me if James gives you any trouble okay?" he asked with a smile before heading down to find Tony.
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