
Bruce nodded, watching James. "does he, uhm, often arm himself?" he asked curiously. "why does he, uhm, get all dressed up like that?" he wondered. Steve thought it was because James felt more comfortable like that. the more cynical thought that James was simply awaiting assignment. "uhm, sure!" he agreed with a smile before chuckling a little at Tony's complaint. "uhm, no you can't Tony. not unless, uhm, you've managed to improve your cooking skills since the last, uhm, time i saw you a month and a half, uhm, ago." Bruce teased, heading into the kitchen to help Tony, making other things while Tony ruined the eggs, hash and rice and other such breakfast things he'd grown fond of from his travels. he even made some miso soup along with more American fare of sausage and pancakes. "uhm, foods ready if your, uhm, hungry." Bruce offered her, examining James curiously. somehow, he felt this deep desire to help the man. James was just so.. broken. "will he, uhm, eat on his own?" he asked. "i have uhm, soup and stuff. easier on his, uhm, stomach. and some, uhm, multivitamins that Tony was supposed to, uh, take and never did."
“Sometimes, if it’s a particularly bad night. Though we’ve gotten most of his weapons down to the non-lethal stark tech, not real things.”Belladonna said, because while they still looked like traditional weapons, they weren’t. “I think because he’s been wearing it for so long. The only thing that’s his. Tony thinks it’s cause he’s awaiting a assignment, I think it’s just....something normal.”Belladonna said. “I can to!I’m always improving.”Tony huffed sounding annoyed even if he had ruined the eggs, simply settling in to help bruce cook. “Thanks.”Belladonna said standing up to get to plates, not about to order james into the kitchen to eat, before holding out a bowl of soup for James. “Yea, he will. Eat.”She said softly, not quite ordering, but not letting him refuse either. “Thanks. And give the vitamins here, I’ll give them to him.”She said, having figured out that if her or steve handled the food, james seemed to trust it more then if someone else gave it to him. “I don’t need vitamins. I eat enough.”
"well that's, uhm, good." he agreed, nodding. "still painful though." he admitted with a chuckle before nodding. "i think, uhm, your right. it's what he's, uhm, used to." he agreed. "have you, uhm, tried giving him normal clothes?" he wondered. James focused on her when she popped into his vision again and hesitated for only a half a second before removing his mask, setting it on his lap and accepted the bowl of food, giving it a critical examination before lifting the odd little spoon and blinked at it. he'd never seen such a thing before. suddenly, he was quite focused on it. this happened sometimes, when he saw something new, something that confused or baffled him. usually, it was little things, like a chocolate bar that Steve had been eating once. or a rubber duck that Tony had playfully given him. the spoon, a traditional Japanese soup spoon. sure it was a little strange looking, more like a very small flat ladle, but James looked completely enthralled. he devoured his soup with it, and struggled against the vitamins but took those too and then resumed his captivation with the spoon. however, when no one was looking, it somehow vanished and James had gone back to mask wearing and staring off at nothing, lost in his mind. "uhm.... where did the spoon go?" Bruce wondered, wondering if it had slipped into the cushions? he sure as hell wasn't going to go look, he wanted to help James but the man terrified him. "you, hm, eat plenty Tony but you, uhm, have vitamin deficiencies which lead to, uhm, emaciation." he warned. "side effects include Scurvy, uhm, organ failure, uhm, severe depression and, uhm, coma." Bruce warned. not that he was too worried about those in Tony yet but it would hopefully shock the man into either eating a better diet or taking the multivitamins.
“Yea, it is, but it’s better.”Belladonna said before nodding, “We have. He accepts like t-shirts sometimes, or jeans, but usually he puts it under the body armor anyways. It’s....he’s not accepting,... civilian soldier who’s come home from war, and can’t quite figure out things again. He’s been at this longer then most of us have been alive. He’s adjusting slowly.”Belladonna said before snickering a little, amused as she saw him focusing on the spoon. She knew what that meant. Snorting she shrugged as she ate. “Probably in his pocket. He collects things. Small weird things. It’s sorta amazing amusing really.” “He collected a arc reactor once. It was both freaky and awesome watching him figure that out.”Tony snorted amused before his eyes widened, staring at bruce.”....I eat fine.”he said, even if you could see he was starting to eat more food. Definitely worried him.
he nodded. "that's, uhm, something at least right?" he asked with a shake of his head. "uhm, is there anything i can do to help?" he asked, wondering if he could like, babble at James or something and be a bit more useful. "uhm, his pocket?" he asked, looking surprised. "collects... really? where does he keep them?" he wondered. Belladonna knew that James kept his collected items in his closet, hidden underneath the piles of blankets, but James didn't know she knew that. the last time he'd found out she'd located his stash, he'd moved it to it's current location. "he collected Tony's Arc reactor?" Bruce asked, looking very amused, not realizing he had relaxed enough to not stutter. "you eat like a collage student. do you have any idea how many collage kids ed up in the hospital for eating Ramen, Pizza an burgers everyday?" Bruce wondered, glancing at Belladonna and flashing her a wink before looking at Tony. "if you won't take the multivitamins at least eat some vegetables and fruits."
“It is indeed.”Belladonna agreed before tilting her head, looking thoughtful. “Well, he doesn’t seem to mind being read to.” “he doesn’t mind anything. Except showering or eating or anything really.”Tony pointed out. “Well, he doesn’t actively get annoyed when people read out loud to him. Maybe babble something?I don’t know. I’ve mostly been taking swings in the dark and seeing what hits to help.”Belladonna said, because as good at her job as she was, it was hard to know where to start with james. “Yes, his pocket. And yes. Mostly in clint’s hidey hole in the vents..”Belladonna said not about to tell anyone where james stuff was since he hid it so well. While him and Natasha weren’t a common feature at the tower, since they were still searching for the loyal shield agents who’d been left without support when shield fell, they still visited, to rest and recover. “Yes he did. It wasn’t funny.”Tony sulked making a face at bruce. “...No. And I don’t eat pizza. Don’t really like it.”Tony grumbled glaring at the other even if he did snag a orange to nibble on. “Cap, look, he’s doing well. Eating again.”Belladonna snickered knowing steve worried about tony’s eating to.
"well. i could babble at him. maybe i could find something he'll react to?" he mused. "what do you normally talk to him about?" he wondered. "it can't be easy, trying to help someone when you've never had another account of such a thing. closest this comes to, that i can think of, is PTSD combined with Amnesia." he admitted. "it's not quite right though, i don't think." he admitted, shaking his head. "well. that's something at least. does it have a pattern? the thing he collects?" aside from catching his attention and being new to him, nope. some of the things that caught his attention he didn't keep either. it seamed to be completely random really. "i'm going to guess he hasn't given it back then." Bruce mused, looking close to laughing. he was correct, James still had it. it was Tony's own fault for leaving it where James could find it. "you still don't eat properly. junk food all the time is really bad for you, your going to get diabetes or something!" he complained, shaking his head before pausing when Cap didn't respond, a glance told him all he needed to know. Steve had fallen asleep at the table. the poor man was so exhausted from trying to keep up with James all the time.
“Maybe. That’s all I’ve been doing. Simply choosing random books to read, see what he reacts to. And I’m currently reading treasure island, though tony babbles science at him, and cap usually talks about the problems of being a old man in a new world. Like texting. Or sexting. Since the shield agents have discovered his phone, and despite fury telling them not to, they still sometimes text him.”Belladonna snickered a little before nodding. “It’s the closest, but it’s not quite right’s like....he’s been stripped down to the basics, and we’re rebuilding from there.”belladonna said shrugging a little before shaking her head. “No, not really. New stuff, stuff that’s not anything he’s seen before, but other then that, it’s completely random.” “No, no he hasn’t. But it’s okay. I know he has it if I should ever need it.”Tony shrugged, because as weird as he was about tech, he also knew that james hadn’t stolen it simply to give it to someone else, or sell it. It’d been collected because it was new and he wanted it. “...Well. I’ll eat.”Tony muttered before startling when he saw steve sleeping. Sighing softly, he shook his head. “Come on. Let’s get him to bed.”he said getting up.
"hmm. have you tried talking to him about things he might remember? like favorite songs he used to have? or, uhm..." he frowned, thinking hard. "something?" sometimes Steve would talk to him about things they used to do, like about Sarah, playing pranks, sneaking into movie theaters. it never garnered much of a reaction, if there was one at all. though he did react, quite violently, to any mention of fighting Hydra so they left those stories out. "new stuff..." Bruce mumbled, an idea lighting up in his eyes. "Tony? do you think you could do me a favor?" he asked sweetly. "i have a few safe houses where i keep my things, do you think someone could go and get my stuff?" he asked hopefully, ruffling his clothes and pulling out a pad of paper that had about thirteen addresses listed on it. "there's a ton of new and fun things in my safe houses that James might find enticing. we could introduce him to something every day and see how he reacts, maybe a pattern will appear?" he asked Belladonna. "is it okay to touch him? he won't wake up?" Bruce asked, watching the sleeping Steve.
“Yea. Steve does. And we play 40s music most of the time, though tony changes it in the lab. He refuses to listen to it while he’s working.”Belladonna snickered. “I need heavy metal to work to.”Tony said making a face. “He reacts to fighting stories though. Especially after...Cap became cap.”Belladonna said smirking a little. “Hm?Favor?I can do favors.”Tony said looking up, pleased with the idea before laughing. “I’ll do that. J? Can you see that pepper gets Happy to go and take care of this?”he asked knowing happy while he wouldn’t go himself, he’d have people he trusted to get the stuff. Better to let them do it, then anyone else. Though he might see if clint or natasha wanted to go searching to. “I like it. It would be a good thing to try.”Belladonna grinned at the idea before shaking her head at steve. “No, at this point, when he’s this tired, he’s out until his body recovers. He rarely sleeps longer then a few hours at a time, but he’s been overdoing it. he crashes after a few days, and sleeps like the dead.”Belladonna said smiling slightly. "Come on, let's get him to bed."Tony said smiling as he slipped a arm around steve, getting ready to pull him up. while he was stronger then a normal human thanks to extremis, he was still weaker then a super soldier.
he nodded. "yes, Tony needs loud obnoxious music to focus." he admitted with a smile. "i like it to be quiet but i can work with loud music i've found." he admitted. "fighting stories. because of his own fighting experience?" he guessed. "it's a lot of stuff..." Bruce admitted sheepishly. every safe house had about ten changes of clothes, enough food, packaged, for a year and basic weapons along with anything personal he had been given. small nicknacks, books, science stuff, little statuettes, pictures in frames and anything else that h had picked up thinking it was cute. it was the nicknacks and personal things he wanted and was sure to explain to Tony to make sure whoever was gathering his things not to touch the clothes, food or bedding and furniture in the safe caches.

"he's working himself to death i suppose." Bruce sighed. "he did the same thing during the invasion. the idiot." he muttered. "he's so busy hiding from his past that he works himself to the bone." he grumbled, yelping in surprise when James shoved him way from Steve and slipped his arms around Steve and picked him up and headed off to Steve's room. "uhm, uhm, uhm, i think i had, uhm, a heart attack." Bruce admitted, clutching his chest. "i thought, uhm, that he was going to attack me." he admitted, looking very sheepish for thinking that. "mission complete." James informed them once he returned. clearly he had taken 'let's take him to bed' as a command and hadn't liked Bruce or Tony interfering in his orders.
“I do. Now stop her from harassing me about it.”Tony ordered waving a hand at the other man. “I only give you a hard time about it, cause I think you’re going deaf.”Belladonna said rolling her eyes before nodding. “We think so. Stories from the Commandos time gets to him the most....”She shrugged a little before smiling slightly as she listened to bruce explain exactly what he wanted. “Don’t worry, w’ell get just those things.”Tony promised as he made the call.

“I know. It’s bad, you all tend to work yourselves to death. Its very annoying.”Belladonna said looking at the three men before starling herself when james shoved him away. “...I think I nearly did to.”She said before shaking her head. “Don’t. He’s been known to attack for only reasons he understands. It’s wise to be cautious.”She promised before looking at james, startled, before smiling. “Good. Thank you james.”She said though she looked amazed because it was the most emotion he’d shown about completing a ‘mission’ since he’d gotten here.
"he could be going deaf." Bruce agreed with a chuckle. "it would explain some things." he admitted. "in a good way, or in a bad way?" Bruce wondered. "Thanks Tony. there's a few things i won't let James have, but he can have most of it, if he wants it." he promised with a smile.

"i don't have that problem." he admitted. "i get too tired and i can't focus so i go to bed and being hungry is a distraction so i eat." he admitted. "i don't go days without a shower either because that's just gross." he admitted with a smile before watching James head off with Steve. "uhm, is he going to be safe having Steve when, uhm, Steve is helpless?" he asked, worried about what James might do to Steve who couldn't protect himself. he relaxed when he saw James had come back without any visible signs of anything happening. James just stared at her, waiting for another hour, when none came he settled back to playing inside his own head. "i'm, uhm, gonna go check on, uhm, Steve." Bruce decided. he came back five minutes later looking very amused. "he literally just dumped Steve on the bed. i took his shoes off and tucked him under the covers." he told Belladonna.
“It would not!I can hear everything. Even the things you whisper about me, that I’m a sex god. I hear all!” “He’s also apparently delusional.”Belladonna said shaking her head at the genius, who just couldn’t help being overly dramatic and insane before sighing. “Violently. Badly.”

“Ah. Well, at least I wont be chasing after you to shower then.”Belladonna snickered. “I shower.” “Because we make you when you make a mess. And yes, you always make a mess.”Belladonna said looking slightly worried before nodding. “yes. And it shows trust. That we want to trust him, he might not understand it, but trusting him will mean something to the man he was, who we’re trying to help him be again.’Belladonna sighed softly, before looking at james then bruce, nodding. “Better.”She said before snickering. “Really?” “I wonder if he would have been more literal about it if we told him to tuck him in and all.”Tony mused looking amused at the idea, he was so going to make sure steve saw the video of james putting him to bed, cause that was just amusing.
"oh, so you just ignore us when we call your name fifty times before you get annoyed when we get your attention in other ways? nice to know." he teased with a chuckle before looking at her with a shudder. he was pretty sure no one wanted to see James violent.

"Nah, it's the horribly crippling anxiety attacks, panic attacks, and of course my inability to keep my body for my own." he admitted with a shy smile. "lots of fun..." not to mention serious bouts of extreme depression and self hatred. "...oh." he looked started. he hadn't even thought about how it might help James, being trusted with Steve like that. now he felt a bit bad for not trusting him. "i don't know. does James know about tucking in?" Bruce wondered. "we could try it." he admitted. "like, maybe give him progressively more complex tasks and see which ones he can do, which ones he can't and which ones he takes literally or whatever." Bruce, ever the scientist. he was thinking in direct cause to effect, as he usually did. what would happen if i poked here? sort of thing.
“...shut up bruce!”Tony whined making a face, sulking at being teased as belladonna snickered.

“Ah, well. Those, I understand how to deal with. Tony’s just a pain in my ass that I seem to not be able to.”She said with a small smile, teasing him just a bit before nodding. “I know. Don’t feel bad. Knowing what you know about him, it’s not easy to trust. It took time to trust him like that. You’ve been here a day, the fact you didn’t trail after him right away to check was good.”She smiled at him. “...I assume so. I mean, everyone knows about being tucked in.”Tony frowned. “But he’s like a amnesiac, tony. He doesn’t.”Belladonna said smiling. “You’re such a scientist. But like exploring his collecting, it makes sense to see what commands he does, and how he translates them.”
he smiled a little. "Tony doesn't like admitting he needs help."unlike Bruce who desperately wanted help but was usually too scared to ask for it. if he hadn't made friends with Tony, he would probably have died in a ditch somewhere, or Hulk would have full control, or something worse. "uhm, are you psychic?" he wondered, blinking at her and thinking very hard about his favorite color, yellow. "i was never tucked in." Bruce admitted. "i didn't know about it until Betty looked after me when i was sick." he admitted before brightening, happy to have been helpful. "i'm, uhm, going to go, uhm, lay down for a bit." he decided. "i have, uhm, a headache." he wandered out, but ten minutes later he was in the kitchen, eating a tub of ice-cream, slowly, savoring ever little bite as if it was the best thing he'd ever tasted.
“No he doesn’t. In fact, he’s not the one who asked for it.”Belladonna said, knowing bruce would guess. But it hadn’t been pepper who’d asked her to talk to Tony, it was phil. Phil, who’d refused to admit that he liked the broken genius, and the woman had shown up months before the avengers had truly formed, to look after the genius. Smiling slightly she shook her head. “No. A weak empath, I can get a vague feeling for what your feeling, but mostly, I’m good at reading people. And You looked guilty for not trusting him.”she shrugged a little smiling a little. “Indeed. Don’t worry, she’s not reading your mind or anything, otherwise she’d run screaming from spending time with me.”Tony promised before sighing. “I’m tucking you into bed then bruce. You need looked after.”Tony decided looking amused before heading for his lab.

Belladonna looked up from her book as bruce walked in, casually touching james’ arm, to mostly get him to stay, a silent order to let her deal with him before walking into the kitchen, leaning against the door. “You want some real food to go with that?” She said watching him.
he nodded. "i guessed that." Bruce admitted. "uhm. where you called in before, or after James appeared?" he wondered, looking amused. "and are you getting paid a bonus?" she was actually getting paid three times as much as her normal fee because Tony was Tony. "Empath?" he asked, curious. "i did feel guilty. i feel guilty about a lot of things." he admitted with a shake of his head before smirking at Tony. "i don't think it's hard to guess what's in your head Tony. boobs, butts and the super soldiers." he teased. "and tech, of course." he admitted before blinking. "i don't need to be tucked into bed." he said. "that's just for kids and the sick right?"

Bruce paused, spoon halfway to his mouth and he turned his head to look at her. wary, cautious before he returned to savoring every little spoonful. tiny little sips, enjoying the ice-cream as if it was the last meal he would ever have.his eyes never left Belladonna, watching her intently, as if expecting her to attack him at any moment. it was a strange combination, watching him savor something with such delight yet being so afraid he was ready to flee or fight at a seconds notice. suddenly he stood up and moved over to her. surprisingly, he was just as tall, if not taller, than Cap was. it was always hard to tell because he was always hunched over. he stood over her, nostrils flaring, taking in her very lovely scent and pondered. she was not afraid of him. she was nervous, he could understand that, he was big, he was dangerous, but she was not afraid of him. he'd never met someone who was not, in some manner, afraid of him. even the people he slept with where afraid of him. why was this one not afraid?
“Before. A few weeks after he met Agent for the first time.”She said looking amused, having adopted tony’s habit of calling phil Agent. “And definitely. Anyone should get a bonus for dealing with him.” “Don’t make it sound like your in it for the money.”Tony rolled his eyes a little. “I am totally in it for the money.”Belladonna said with the same false sincerity of a politician promising change, and you knew she’d help tony even if she hadn’t got paid. She jerked tony’s chain because she could, and he was weird enough to take it as a sign of affection. “Yes. A small mutant ability, I feel emotions, but not alot... Mostly my job is just training. And practice.”She shrugged a little before snickering. “Indeed that is it all. He babbles about super soldiers alot.” “Do not.” “....You spent a whole day coming up with new words to ‘hail to the chief’ for steve.” “Did not.” “And yes you do. You’re seeing Belladonna for help, that requires tucking in.”Tony said with such logic you knew he was just jerking him around.

Belladonna tilted her head, smiling slightly. “You’re okay. I’ll stay right here unless you want me to make real food.”She said watching him, tensing a little as he moved closer, eyes widening slightly as she realized just how tall he was. She wasn’t afraid exactly, but she was a dainty small woman, with no combat training, just simply the self defense steve and tony had taught her. She reacted like any woman confronted with a larger man. Tilting her head a little she sighed. “Hulk, do you need anything?”
Bruce nodded. "i'm glad Tony's been getting help, even if he doesn't think he needs it." he admitted with a small smile before chuckling at their banter. glad that Tony liked Belladonna enough to actually quip with her. "it's impressive." Bruce admitted to her. "you get just enough to help, without intruding on someone's privacy." he mused before chuckling. "i bet if Steve hurried up and kissed him Tony would stop being so reluctant." he admitted before blinking at Tony. "you made a new song just to annoy Steve?" Steve had thought it was hilarious actually. "well if ou insist on tucking me in i guess can let you." Bruce agreed with a shrug.

Hulk didn't seam to settle at all with her reassurances. he stood there, staring at her, this was new. something new. he liked this. this one was not afraid. he tensed when she called him by name and took several steps backwards but did not immediately retreat back into Bruce's head. he stared at her before moving over to her again, staring at her before reaching out and picking up a lock of her hair, feeling how soft and smooth it was, stroking her hair, as if mesmerized by it. stunned by how soft and pretty her hair was.
“Yea, me to.”Belladonna smiled before nodding. “Exactly. Just enough to figure out how to help best.”She smiled before snickering. “Probably, but he’s focusing so much on James, that it’s sorta like he’s reluctant to kiss tony.”Belladonna said, smiling that smile that said she knew it wasn’t that, but it’d keep tony from thinking that there was something broken about him, that it was all his fault that steve was being weird sometimes. Which was a good thing. “Noooo. I would never do that.” “He did. And it has six verses, and currently steve’s ringtone. It’s quite amusing.”Belladonna said looking amused.

Belladonna sighed as he didn’t settle, simply watching him, tensing a little as he reached out, “....You can’t have it. It’s my hair, and I don’t think you’d look as good with long hair.”She said watching him, hesitating for a moment before reaching up, tugging slightly on a black curl against his forehead. “You’re hair is just as soft as mine is.”She said watching him
he smiled at her and then nodded. "he's feeling guilty about liking Tony since he still loves James. i can imagine he must be pretty confused." Bruce agreed. unaware that she was trying to spare Tony's feelings, but helping with that anyway without even realizing it. "...i want to hear it." Bruce decided with a chuckle.

Hulk frowned a little, confused by her babbling, fingers still running through her hair. when she touched his he retreated again, staring at her, confused, frightened, but captivated. he was back now, stroking her hair again and did not pull away if she reached for his hair again. this time, if she stroked his hair he leaned into the touch, like a small child desperate for affection, or a dog simply glad to have any attention at all. anytime she did something new, he would back off, wary of her, before returning, too desperate for attention to stay back despite his fear. it wouldn't be long before he didn't even pull away anymore, just sat at her feet and let her do whatever she wanted while he ate Ice-cream. he didn't trust her completely yet, but he was content to sit there until she hurt him, then he would turn her into pancake.
“Ah. Yes. He does.”Belladonna nodded, smiling slightly as he helped. “Okay, later.”Tony promised.

Belladonna smiled slightly as he retreated, simply letting him go, tensing a little as he moved closer, simply because she didn’t know him well enough to not be wary of him, even if he hadn’t done anything yet. Smiling slightly as he touched her hair again, reaching up to touch his hair to, smiling quietly as he leaned into her hand. Smiling quietly as she settled in with her own bowl of ice cream, content for the moment to just wait and see what he would do next.
Hulk relaxed the longer he was with her and she didn't do anything. he examined his empty tub of ice-cream for a moment before blinking. "....uhm..." Bruce blinked again, shook his head, and then looked around before looking up at Belladonna, baffled. "uhm, why am i on the..." he paused, turned green, and not in the usual way, clapped a hand to his mouth and sprinted for the bathroom where he was promptly sick. eating a full tub of ice-cream would do that to a person. poor Bruce, no wonder he'd developed such an aversion to sweets if that was what happened every time Hulk gorged on cookies, cakes, or ice-cream. "...u..ugh..." he groaned, swiftly brushing his teeth and staggered back out to the kitchen. "...what did he do?" Bruce wondered, confused by the lack of naked bodies or destruction. "...never mind. i think i can guess." he admitted, realizing he was sticky and there was an empty ice-cream tub on the floor.
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