
He scowled darkly and then. "yes, they told Tony he couldn't, but they never said anything about me. after all, no one would ever be capable of accusing ME, of being Treasonous." he admitted, his eyes narrowed. "i tried to cut his hair. he beat the shit out of me." he admitted, looking amused before shaking his head. "the government is being stubborn, it's too dangerous. i have another idea." he admitted. "if they catch him outside they'll arrest him. i'll just go straight to the man in charge. i just have to go to D.C." he admitted.

Bruce blinked at him, startled. "you mean, uhm, he slapped someone?" he asked, looking amused. "he stole her, uhm, ice-cream?" he asked, pondering that. memo to self, don't steal belladonna's ice-cream an sure as hell don't take it from James. "oh! sorry Belladonna." Bruce said, startled to realize he'd been down there for hours going through everything. it really was amazing. James followed, obediently and stared at the chicken soup that Steve had made for everyone. chicken soup, ultimate grilled cheese and... corn dogs? weird combination that was.
"Well who would dare accuse the star spangled man with plan of both being treasonous and not having a plan?"she teased before sighing."damn...well it's a good thing he looks good with it long...and go for it. You can be in DC in a couple hours if you go now, before tony tries to go with you."

"Yea. Not a hard one. Just across her knuckles like she did to him. I thought they were going to use spoons as weapons really. And just a warning, don't take ice cream from either of them. They get testy." "It's okay you guys just need to eat." "Who's idea of food was this?"tony said both looking disgusted and interested. "The captains. Now just eat."belladonna said rolling her eyes a little
he smirked at her and nodded. "i am the man with a plan and i have a few people who owe me some good favors." he admitted. "i might be gone for more than a few hours." he warned. "but it won't be longer than six." he promised, grabbing his jacket and heading out. he was pleased when neither James, nor Tony had ever realized he had left. he had contacted three very specific people. Fury, Phil, and the president himself. all three where currently in a very important meeting about James mental state, what he had done to, and for the country and why the presidents cabinet had decided to threaten Tony Stark with treason. there would be a lot of yelling in the coming days.

"oh. so he's capable of being gentle! that's nice to know." he admitted with a smile, chuckling a little at the idea of James and Belladonna having a fight with spoons. "i do feel hungry." he agreed, looking amused at the selection of food, helping himself to some of everything while James inhaled a bowl of soup and then carefully tried a corn-dog. he seamed to decide he didn't like it because after a nibble he had put his mask back on and was staring at it as if it was the devil. or as if it was the key to all of life's questions. it was hard to tell with James.
“Okay. Good luck.”Belladonna smiled watching him go, knowing that things would be well. That steve would be able to figure out what to do to make things work.

“He is. It’s progress.”Tony said smiling a little. “Eat then.”Belladonna smiled pleased that they were all eating, even tony, was eating more then he usually did. “Didn’t you guys used to go to coney island?Wasn’t corn dogs a must have there?”Tony said looking curious, tilting his head a little, now that he’d been away from pepper for awhile. The man was calmer and relaxed, content to watch everything as he ate. “something wrong?”Belladonna said watching james, looking vaguely amused at his glare at the corn dog, he was sure that eventually he’d answer the question, probably in a whole unexpected way
"it is progress i suppose." Bruce agreed, wondering if it was progress or if it was just James not being willing to share, or hurt his handler. who knew. "Coney Island Corn Dogs where a must. we'd sneak in and steal corn-dogs from people." Steve admitted with a chuckle, watching James stare at the corn dog, head tilted, waiting. James finally picked it up again, studied it and... put it in his pocket. "oh hell no! James! nuh uh! food does not go in your pockets!" the last thing they needed was for mold, or stink, or roaches to infest wherever it was that James was hiding his things. "take it out." Steve ordered. James made an aggravated sound, picking up a fork for use of defense. "don't even try to stab me with that fork! you cannot hoard food! remove the corn dog, OUCH! you freaking stabbed me with a fork!" Steve complained, ignoring the fact that he now had a fork sticking out of his sides he wrestled with James for control of the corn dog, James snarling the entire time and Bruce watching, wide eyed. "uh, uhm, uh, uhm, shouldn't we do something?!" nope, when James got like this, Steve was the only person who culd handle him. well, maybe Tony in the suit could handle him.
“That’s awesome.”Tony said before wincing. “James, no.”he said though he didn’t try to take it from the other. Knowing steve had to do it. “Steve’s only one who can handle him when he gets like this.”Tony said tilting his head at “James Buchanan Barnes, you will stop this instant!”Belladonna said, her voice holding a edge of anger, setting aside the normal kindness and taking up the usual tone that made him react. “Steve, you okay?”she asked after a moment.
"oh..." Bruce murmured, watching with wide, terrified eyes. he didn't speak another word, he just slipped into a corner and waited there for the fighting to stop. James went very tense when she barked her order, giving Steve the chance he needed to remove the corn dog. "i'm fine. it's just a scratch, the fork got caught in the shirt more than anything else." Steve promised, lifting his shirt so she could see that it was indeed more of a scratch. James was standing now, head bowed, hands behind his back, hair framing his face, awaiting his punishment. from what they could tell, mostly from the scars, punishment consisted of lashings on the back. from a whip. Bruce on the other hand appeared to have been traumatized because he was not coming out from his corner. oddly, he wasn't hunching either. he looked terrified yes, but he also looked close to attacking them if they got too close. "...crap. is that.. the other guy?" James asked Belladonna. "should we leave?"
“Okay. Good.”Belladonna muttered relaxing when she saw it was just a scratch, really james had caused worse things before. “....I feel like we should give him forks instead of knives. Could you imagine the confusion if he attacked people with them?”Tony muttered, babbling slightly because talking was his way of dealing with stress. Belladonna stood, moving between james and Bruce, studying them both, lightly smacking her hand against james’ shoulder, definitely not the punishment he was waiting for, or overly hard, just a tap, to make him aware that she was moving behind him and was going to deal with him in a moment. Having figured out he’d stay there until she did something, at the moment, she was more worried about Bruce. “...”Studying Bruce she frowned, tilting her head before nodding. “I think it is.” “We can go down to the lab...”tony muttered moving away, worried about bruce, not wanting to upset the other. “Go. I got him. Make sure James washes dishes or something.”She said, because they’d taken to giving him menial labor, instead of lashes or whips. Quiet until they were gone she held up her hands as she turned to face bruce. "Hulk?You're safe. I'm sorry about that. but you're okay."
Steve snorted at Tony. "don't give him ideas Tony. he's bad enough with the weapons he does have." odd that. James had three guns and two daggers strapped to his person and he had used a fork to fend Steve off with. very odd. James straightened when she smacked him, recognizing the signal for what it was. a delay. he would be punished momentarily and he was to move out of the way while she handled the situation. he did as ordered. "i'll have him scrub Tony's lab floor. or a part of it anyway, Tony spilled some oil this morning." Steve agreed. usually Steve did the cleaning, but it would be a good assignment for James. so, down James went to scrub the floor while Steve let Tony fuss over the both of them. Hulk stared at her, eyes wild but with the mass of people gone he was calming down. he moved over to her, eyes flicking everywhere, looking for danger. once he knew for a fact nothing and no one was lurking in corners he started stroking her soft hair as he had before, each gentle touch seaming to calm him without her having to even do anything.
“For a man who does have weapons, using a fork is a interesting choice.”Tony pointed out shrugging a little. Watching him before perking up. “I wont have to clean myself?”He said sounding pleased with the idea as they heaed down to the lab. “You know, I think we should dress him in a maid’s outfit and let him do this.”Tony said as he watched james clean for a moment, before settling in to work on a new uniform design for steve, fussing and worried about bruce and trying not to be to upset.

“Hey buddy.”Belladonna smiled as he moved over, tensing a little, not scared or worried, just prepared if he lashed out at her. Relaxing as he simply stroked her hair she smiled before moving away, settling on the couch, content to rest as he played with her hair. Indeed actually falling asleep under the hulk’s care, to tired from the day to resist the content lull that being petted caused.
"i wonder if he even really realizes he's armed?" Steve muttered. "or maybe he knows they're all non lethal?" he wondered before shaking his head. "maybe he doesn't know and he doesn't want to actually injure us? too confusing." he groaned with a sigh before he smirked at Tony. "i don't think he'd like that too much, but if you ask nice i might be willing. i'll even call you Sir and pretend to be embarrassed when you start molesting me." he teased.

Hulk blinked at her and stroked her hair. when she woke up, her hair had been braided into hundreds of small braids and he too was asleep, breathing evenly with... it looked like a rabbit fur pelt in his hand. it was Natasha's. she sometimes stroked it when she was upset. she said the tactile input made her feel better. she liked how soft and smooth it was in other words. maybe Hulk did too? "hnng... what happened?" Bruce wondered. "did i faint? please tell me i didn't faint."
“Hm, maybe. I mean,they look the same, but the non-lethal things might feel different....really, its to different to tell what he thinks.”Tony frowned a little before smirking, flushing a little as he considered that. “REally?”He said ducking his head a little. “Captain america in a maid that’d be a sight...”

Belladonna frowned when she woke, sitting up slowly, feeling disoriented herself, raising a hand to touch her hair. Looking bemused as she looked at the man .”No you didn’t faint. For your first james breakdown, you did quite well really.”
"it is hard to tell what he's thinking... if he even does think." he admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. "sometimes, i worry that he'll never get better." Steve admitted with a sigh before his eyes flicked to the TV which, instead of showing Dr. Oz, was showing a newscaster. "Today, in a startling show of bravery and dedication, one Steven Rogers, also known as Captain America, went to Capitol Hill himself to make a plea for mercy. in the events of the attack on D.C. it became known that the historicist group Hydra, had a formidable weapon in the form of a man known only as the Winter Soldier, code named, The Asset by the organization. what was not known was the true identity of this man, whose name is now revealed to be James Buchanan Barnes." the woman reported. "in a shocking twist of fate, the Winter Soldier has been residing, safely and without incident in the Avengers Tower for weeks now, trying to reclaim his own mind.

"one young woman known as the Black Widow was quick to comment, saying that she, as an ex Soviet Spy, was also in a similar state. mind broken and memories wiped, and yet she saved the world only a few short months ago. it has become clear in the investigation that has resulted since Captain America's quest for help, that Capitol Hill threatened one Tony Stark, also known as Iron Ma, with the act of treason is he imparted any knowledge of the Winter Soldier to anyone. in a shocking revelation it has been discovered that three of our most prominent members of parliament have in fact, been secret Hydra spies, still attempting to subvert our country and our personal freedom." she reported. the President stood in front of the white house ten minutes ago in preparation for a speech." the screen switched over and on it was the president who spoke of James bravery during the war, of Steve's bravery, and how during the events of D.C. James Buchanan Barnes, A.K.A. The winter soldier, did cease hostile activities in order to save Captain Rogers life, indicating that the man was capable of being reformed, helped, and eventual, led to lead a normal life. the president went on to indicate that James was now a ward of the Avengers, that any damage James might cause would be on their hands, and it was up to them to reform Bucky Barnes. Steve had never looked so smug in his life. James was, as always, staring at the T.V. he loved to sit there and stare at the flickering images even if he never seamed to retain any of the information.

he blinked, confused. "then how in the hell am i on the couch?" he wondered, foggy and aggravated and confused. this was, if anything, a good indication that when Hulk took over while Bruce was asleep, and when Hulk forcefully took over, lead to different results in Bruce's behavior. the reports often said that when Bruce changed into the Hulk, big green monster, he would wake groggy, confused, and rather grumpy, much like he was now. Hulk had come out by force even if he didn't change into a massive green monster, meaning that Bruce wasn't sure what had happened unlike when he went to sleep and woke up someplace new. sleeping and changing seamed to be a much easier transition and seamed to be more like Bruce had experienced a bout of sleepwalking. this transition from one to the other appeared to be much harder, and even traumatic to Bruce's psyche.
“Well, he’s intelligent. I doubt there’s no thoughts going on. Though it might be limited to posessive thoughts, protective ones.”Tony shrugged a little before looking up at the tv, staring as he listened. Tilting his head as he considered that he shook his head, “Just when did you do that?And how did you know?I didn’t tell you they threatened me.”Tony said looking annoyed, having not wanted to worry steve about it, growling as he looked up from the email he’d been reading. Frowning slightly as he considered the other man.

“...Oh.”Belladonna looked startled as she realized he didn’t know what happened, swallowing hard. “You...switched to hulk, not the big guy, just you as hulk, when james attacked steve. You didn’t hurt anyone or tried to do anything, you just reverted and then braided my hair till I went to sleep.”She said looking worried about him as she waved a hand at her head.
"that's very true." Steve agreed, watching James watch the TV before smirking at Tony. "today. i wasn't expecting it to be taken care of so soon." he admitted. "how do you think i know? i brought it up with Natasha." he admitted. "when you mentioned that we couldn't take James to see that Zola was dead, Natasha explained what was happening." he admitted. "i realized that 'they' could not paint me as a traitor so i was good. i never realized that there was Hydra undercover in the Cabinet though, explains a lot." he admitted. "i didn't tell you because i didn't want to worry you."

"...great. now he's, uhm, coming out when i'm, uhm, awake." he grumbled, running his hands through his hair and blinked at the rabbit pelt laying in his lap, looking baffled, the wisp of a memory... "Natasha gave him this... he really liked it." Bruce mumbled, fingers stroking the fur curiously. he didn't see the appeal and shrugged, handing it to Belladonna. "i need a shower. a hot shower." he mumbled. unable to comprehend that Belladonna had felt safe enough to sleep around the Hulk or that Natasha had given the Hulk a present. he needed to scrub himself until he was red and then pretend life wasn't happening. yes, that was a perfect idea.
“Huh.”Tony said huffing a little, pouting a little that he’d been left out of things even for a few hours. “...Ah. That makes sense. Okay, well. You’re forgiven for not telling me things.”Tony said making a face shaking his head a little in amusement before nodding. “yes, that does explain things.”he agreed.

“Well, I think it was like a loss of control thing. I mean, James startled us all getting pissed.”She said worrying about him before smiling a little. “okay, well have a good shower. I’ll see you later.”She said letting him go, setting aside her worry for the moment.

A few days later Tony tilted his head as he walked into the ballroom downstairs, sipping his glass of sparkling wine-not that he told anyone but he was trying to give up alcohol- sipping it slowly as he looked around. Looking for both the other avengers, and Belladonna and James, knowing that the two were probably with either Steve or Bruce, nearly crawling out of his skin as he heard Clint’s snicker, knowing it meant Natasha was close behind. He’d learned quickly the two weren’t ever far from each other.

“So, are you joining in?”Clint said looking the sharply dressed brunette over. even in a committed relationship, he could admit that Tony Stark cleaned up well. “A price tag simply cannot be placed on a date with me.”Tony said as he looked around. “You mean that you’ve given it away for free for so long, no one would bid. Nice shoes by the way.”Clint snickered as he looked him over. The classic tux hugged a frame toned and fit form, the normal simple van dyke had been changed into a simple almost beard, and his usually insane wild curly hair had been trimmed and cut down to barely nothing, leaving him dashing and dangerous. Though it was the comic book shoes that were the top of the cake. “Where’s the puppy?”tony said, discreetly looking around for steve.
James was even dressed up in a tux, it had been a hell of a time getting him into it but he was wearing it, coupled with his mask. he had allowed Tony, and only Tony, to give his hair a small trim and brushed it out and back up into a ponytail that made him look rather debonair. even if he was still wearing the mask. people where giving him an impressively wide birth save for one young woman who was chattering away at him, blind as a bad and unaware that he was simply staring at her. still, people weren't afraid of him anymore since all he was doing was standing there. Bruce was there too, looking very cute in his own suit. he looked like he wanted to crawl into a hole and hide and never come back out and was stuck to Belladonna's side.

"Yes. very nice shoes." Natasha teased, looking very amused. "you look very nice today." she admitted, looking around, frowning. "no sign of Steve at all." she mumbled. "it's not like him to be late." she admitted, Phil looking around as he stepped up. "the woman who organized the event waylaid him. he tried coming in with his Captain uniform on." he admitted, looking amused. "she insisted he change into something more fitting. thankfully i foresaw the problem and ordered something in his size." Phil admitted, stirring his martini, like an even more suave James Bond. "oh my." Natasha murmured, staring at the doorway. even James had turned to stare, watching Steve intently. Steve who looked very shy in his Suit. in his hands he held something, a standard piece of printer paper is what it looked like.
“You’re okay. It’s not that big of a crowd, and we’re staying close to James. People are mostly staying back.”Belladonna said smiling slightly at the girl who was so excitedly talking to him. Amused that the blind girl was unaware of the looks she was getting for talking to him. “Just here to donate, then we can go upstairs for dinner.”Belladonna smiled at bruce, watching the others, rolling her eyes a little. “Look. Tony’s wearing heels.”

“They are. Johnny’s here somewhere, had to show him someone in the world has good taste.” “Except those are Fantastic four shoes, not avengers.” “Well, I’m still in better taste then Storm.”Tony said blushing ever so slightly at natasha’s praise. “Thanks. You look lovely to.”He smiled before frowning, glancing at Phil, “...Why not?He looks good in the Cap uniform.” His ass alone would raise enough money to fund the rest of the restoration project.”Tony snickered frowning a little as he saw Natasha and Clint staring, turning to look. For a moment simply staring, before seeing what he was holding. Tilting his head a little before gliding across the room, amazingly good at walking in heels as he stopped in front of the man, reaching up to tug on the picture. “What you got there Cap?”

Clint raised a eyebrow glancing at Phil."Does tony know Steve's gotten dragged into the auction?"He said sounding surprised, he hadn't known it until now, but considering all the bacholers had been told to bring a picture...
James turned to look at Belladonna when she spoke before turning his attention back to the blind woman, who didn't seam to mind at all that her partner wasn't saying a word. "i don't uhm, have anything to donate." he mumbled unhappily. "uhm, can't i just go hide in my, uhm, room?" the crowd was making him very nervous. who knew what was hiding in the throng of people. General Ross could even be there. he was very much distracted from his fretting by Tony's footwear.

"Steve has what?!" Phil demanded, head whipping around to look at Steve, a scowl on his face before he made a beeline for the super soldier.

"well thank you Tony." she said with a smile, pretending to fluff her hair. "he does look very nice in the Cap uniform, but that's for on duty only according to Steve and this is neither an on duty situation nor is it considered appropriate." he pointed out before watching him walk across the room. "see, now i'm jealus. he walks better in heals than i do." she complained. "Tony... why are you wearing high heals?" Steve asked, staring at Tony's feet, eyes slowly trailing along the shapely legs, up the stomach and the perfect chest to Tony's face, a blush spreading across his cheeks as he realized he'd just checked the other out. "oh. it's a photo. the lady. Ms. Vanderheit? she said i needed to bring a photo, for the auction, i promised her i'd lend a hand." he admitted. "what is the money for again?" clearly, Steve didn't realize that HE was on the auction block. he wasn't embarrassed enough.
“No, you can’t. The crowd will be good for you. I mean, we can’t all be recluses, otherwise Tony will hole up in his lab and never come out. If he has to come out, you do to.”Belladonna said reasonably, before sighing quietly. “Bruce, there’s no one dangerous here, except for the cougars wanting in Steve and Tony’s pants. Pepper and Natasha personally went over the lists of people attending.”She promised.

“He has a picture. Vanderhiet said bring them for the auction.”Clint said scowling himself, trailing after them to see what the others were going to say, and hopefully stop the explosion that was about to happen. Snorting at natasha’s complaint. “You should ask him how he got so good.”Clint muttered looking amused. “I was dared to. Storm said I didn’t have the balls to show up somewhere I’d get my picture taken wearing them.”Tony said blushing himself even as his cock twitched at the captain’s attention, before his head jerked up, startled from being oggled as he realized what had happened. Studying the super soldier. “She’s rebuilding the city with it. And lend a hand, do you know what you’re helping auctioning off? You’re not nearly embarassed enough about this...”
Bruce huffed a little. "me and Tony should be allowed to do that." he grumbled before relaxing at the promise that Pepper and Natasha both had gone over the guest list. "wait. Steve's pants? i know they wanted Tony to be a bachelor but i hadn't heard that Steve was going to help."

"this isn't going to be good..." she muttered, ignoring the idea of Tony being awesome in heals for the moment. "well... remind me to thank Storm. even if those are the ugliest things i've ever seen." Steve admitted, blinking at the shoes before shaking his head. "well, i'm auctioning a signed photo of myself, right? she said it would be a personal touch so that's what i thought... was that... not right?" he asked, looking a bit worried now. ", Steve that's not right. we're auctioning off bachelors..." "you're WHAT!?" Steve demanded, his eyes widening. "but... but, it's illegal to sell people! we can't sell people!"
“No you shouldn’t. You’ll be horrible with no socialization. And no, socializing doesn’t count when it’s just with each other.”Belladonna said before nodding, “Me either, but he’s holding a picture, and tony’s looking nearly Apocalyptic. I’m thinking they conned the good captain into doing it.”She said looking worried, glancing at James, knowing he’d realize there was something wrong in the room, worried before sighing. “I better go see what’s going on.”She muttered rubbing a hand over her face.

“Don’t thank him, it’s not his ass walking around in them....They are not!They’re awesome. It took me hours to make them.”Tony sulked making a face before staring at the other. “No, no it’s not.”tony said anger starting to tense his features as gestured for pepper. “We’re selling time with you. Just a date, Captain.”Ms. Vanderbilt said as she neared the group, looking them over. “You should have explained it to him, he thought he was giving away a picture of himself.”Tony said working himself into a very fine temper as he looked at the woman. “Well, you said know, Mr. Stark. And a Avenger would do well on the auction.” “Fine. I’ll auction myself. And Barton.”Tony said glaring, after all, tehy were the two who wouldn’t be nearly as embarassed at this as the captain would. “No, I’m sorry, it can’t work like that. The program and announcement that it is going to be the captain has already been released.”The woman looked way to pleased with herself for the level of anger swirling around the avengers, “....You wont ever work so much as a hot dog stand in this city again.”Tony growled sounding angry before looking at steve, wrapping a arm around his arm. “Come on, I’ll walk you backstage, keep people away from you.”
"....socializing totally counts when it's jut with each other." Bruce grumbled, sounding so very much like Tony right then. really the billionaire was a good influence on Bruce, ridiculous as it seamed. under Tony's care, Bruce had started speaking his mind a whole lot more. mostly because Tony insisted on it. "i'm thinking your right." Bruce groaned. "go on, i'll stay here with James." the thought made him nervous again, but he was pretty sure James wouldn't hurt him. he hoped.

"ys but he's the reason why you are." Steve admitted with a sly grin before he blinked at Tony. "you made them?.. we need to have another talk about prioritizing, don't we?" he asked with a chuckle and a shake of his head before he paled. "...a... you mean i have to... but prostitution is illegal!" he protested, so pale you might think he was about to pass out. "Natasha, get on this." Phil ordered, Natasha nodding, already dialing for the news crews to be on standby. they already where but now they would smell blood in the water. "no! Tony you can't do that!" Steve protested. "you can't sell our body!" he protested, looking very agitated. so agitated in fact that people where beginning to notice that the Captain was upset about something and where beginning to whisper, wondering what had him so unhappy. Steve did, at least, have the foresight to keep his voice down. "Tony, i can't do this!" Steve hissed, letting Tony walk him away. "i am not going to be a prostitute Tony! i can't!" "you don't have to sleep with them Steve." Phil assured the man. "you just spend time with them. like a date. you buy them dinner, take them dancing and that's the end of it." " funny business?" "no funny business. they just want some time with you. that's all." "o...oh. i... i can do that. i think." Steve admitted, starting to calm down. he never realized that he had, at some point, lost the picture he had been holding in his hands. "is this really legal?"
“No it doesn’t. You’re nearly as bad as tony is.”Belladonna said rolling her eyes looking amused though as she nodded. “I’ll be right back.”She said before looking worried as she returned in a few moments. “seems the woman in charge tricked Cap into being auctioned off...”

”No, you don’t get to thank Johnny. And no we don’t!I can prioritizing quite well, thank you. I made it a priority to have these to wear out.”Tony huffed before shaking his head, reaching out to grip the other’s elbow, worried he’d faint. “No, no you don’t have to do anything.” “Tony I don’t think they’re going to let them back out.”Belladonna muttered though she looked worried about him, glancing at Tony. Wondering if they’d they’d let tony and clint take steve’s place. “You don’t have to Cap, I promise. Only have to go on a date.”Tony promised patting his arm, looking up at him worried. “No funny business.”He promised studying him. “It is. It’s just a fun and amusing way to part rich people from their money to donate.....are you sure you can do this?I’ll go toss me and Clint on the prgoram instead of you, Steve.”He muttered even if they were heading for backstage.
he smirked a little. "i am totally thanking Johnny. clearly you can't prioritize because shoes that ugly are never a priority." he teased with a grin before shaking his head. "i'm okay. i am. i promise. i'm fine." he mumbled. "no, they aren't." Natasha mumbled. that bitch has already announced to the entire world that Steve is on the docket." she growled, showing them the facebook, twitter and other news feeds that where exploding with the news. "no. no, it's okay. i promised to help, i promised." fucking good guy Steve. Steve never broke a promise, even if he hated what was about to happen. "i promised. i need to do this. it won't be so bad... it's just a date. i can handle a date..." he mumbled all of this, as if trying to reassure himself. "it's for a very good cause. rebuilding homes, fixing streets, stuff like that. we can handle this, right?" he mumbled, shaking his head, Phil scowling, glancing at Natasha. she nodded and vanished to get the things ready. "i'm fine." Steve decided, shaking off the shock and straightening up, his head high, ready to face his doom. if he was lucky, it wouldn't be someone too horrible.
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