
“They are not ugly!”Tony huffed sulking a little at the teasing. “...fucking hell.”Tony cursed, looking annoyed even as he texted pepper to make sure the woman would make sure vanderbilt never worked in the city again. “Yea, it’s for a good cause. It wont be that bad.”Tony promised, hoping that the bidding would be open to everyone, at least that way he could bid himself to get steve out of this. “Break a leg, steve.”Tony muttered patting the man on the arm before going to find his seat.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s my great pleasure to welcome you and thank you for attending the auction tonight.”Vanderbilt smiled, sounding excited and happy as the lights dimmed on the stage, “Tonight we’ll be introducing you to some of New York’s most eligible bachelors who have agreed to offer their time and attention in order to obtain your donation. The lucky woman who wins a bid with one of our bachelors will not only be contributing to bringing New York back to its full glory, she’ll also be rewarded with a once in a lifetime opportunity to spend quality time with a gentleman of the finest order.”

The applause through the crowd was strong, and made tony’s stomach twist as he leaned back in his seat at the front of the room, having been separated from the others for the moment because he needed to mingle, he looked for them, tense and nervous because this crowd was going to eat steve alive.

“And we have a very special bachelor tonight. As promised, an Avenger, one of our city’s saviors, has agreed to be part of the auction and it’s only fitting that he help begin our evening. Captain America, please come meet your adoring fans.”Vanderbilt smiled, “Ladies, we’ll start the bidding at a thousand dollars.” And they were off, each bid becoming more and more outrageous as the number climbed.
"thanks Tony." Steve said, looking quite greed as he watched the woman starting the... thing. he felt very much like he was about to be sold off at a brothel to be honest. in the crowd he could hear James making some very unhappy noises and Bruce was trying to keep the man calm, trying to explain that the people bidding on the bachelors did not get to keep the men they where getting, nor where they allowed to hurt, have sex with, or anything else unsavory to the men. in the end Phil had to remove James from the room before he attacked someone. somehow, this made the crowd more convinced that James could be 'cured' or 'fixed'. being that the Avengers could control him and he was capable of being upset by something, it only made people feel more for him.

"Mrs. vanderbilt? why aren't any of the men bidding?" Steve asked, looking confused. he was well aware that being Gay was no longer a death sentence and was even accepted and encouraged by a vast majority of the population. being gay himself, he would feel much more comfortable with a man if he had to do this kind of farce. he was being sold like a piece of livestock, if that was Legal he sue as hell wasn't about to put up with bigotry. he hated to say it about a woman, but he had a feeling Vanderbilt was a bigot. she was also a sneak and a liar but he didn't feel bad about calling her things that where quite clearly true. that and he'd never call her things like that out loud.
“...oh. I...well.”Vanderbilt flushed, indeed she’d been keepign the men from bidding. Clearing her throat she swallowed. “Ladies and gentlemen, the good captain would like to open the biding to everyone, regardless of gender.”She said though the lok on her face said she wasn’t happy about it. And soon enough the bidding had gotten truly obnoxiously high, as tony could hear johnny somewhere driving the price up to something out of most people’s price ranges. For the moment to shocked that cap had pretty much outted himself in public, that he didn’t bid right away. Before, standing he cleared his throat. “20 million.”He said calmly, into the sudden silence, as they all stared at the billionaire.

“Did he just say 20 million?”She paused in the doorway, on her way to follow james and phil, glancing at bruce, eyes wide. She’d known he was rich but still.
Steve stared at her and lifted a single eyebrow when she stuttered and flushed. yep, bigot. he offered a tiny, shy little smile at the crowd and hoped to god that James didn't cause another scene and that it was someone he knew. he prayed to god that Johnny got him. he could tolerate Johnny, even if the man did look way, way to much like him for comfort. by the time people started dropping down he realized he was indeed going to go on a date with Johnny Storm and felt a moment of relief before he turned to gape, yes, actually gape at Tony. twenty million dollars. twenty million dollars. god, he was going to be sick. Tony had just bid twenty million dollars. he was so hung up on that he never heard the crowd yelling accusations and complaints. it wasn't until Phil got on stage, urging Steve off and explained to the crowd that Captain America would never rig anything, and in fact couldn't have because he hadn't even known what he was doing until about four minutes ago. the crowd was quite confused by that comment. how could Steve not have known what was happening if he was up on stage allowing this? Steve just stood there, in the empty hall trying to regain his mind.
“Hey, you okay?You look readxy to pass out.”Tony said as he stepped into the hallway, running a hand over his newly cut hair, fidgeting and upset as he consided the man. Having bid a ridculous number so utterly insane that no one in the world would ever think of outbidding him, not even johnny who he’d known was bidding to drive things higher to make some of the people drop out. “Steve?”Tony said looking worried.
"i'm.... i'm not sure. Twenty million dollars...." he stuttered. "you just spent twenty million dollars. because i was a stupid fucking idiot who didn't know what he was signing up for. like some yuppie falling for a con scam..." he mumbled "twenty million dollars. i've ruined your life. how in the world will you ever pay that?" he wondered. "James was upset. Hydra used to do things like this. only the people on it where slaves. i think he remembered... twenty million dollars Tony!" he protested, swallowing thickly. "i need to sit down...." he admitted, finding that he was already sitting. when had that happened? "i just sold myself off like a piece of cattle..." he whispered. "i think i'm in shock..." he admitted, blinking dumbly at Tony. "is James okay? he didn't attack anyone?"
"20 million does that I was going to donate anyways. This was just a better reason, pulling your ass out of the fire. Isn't that what teammates do?"tony said frowning a little. He wanted to be more but for now he'd settle for teammates."uhhh I make nearly that in a single day steve. How did you ruin anything?"tony said looking upset that the other was so upset as he got him to sit down."that's what my suit costs and I batter that thing around like a toy. It was a good cause steve."he said frowning a little before shaking his head."he was but bell and phils took him back upstairs so he's okay. Don't worry."he crouched down looking up at him, looking worried."steve, you okay?"
"...donate anyway?" he asked, sounding so confused. "i don't... well, yes. but.. it was my own stupid fault." he admitted, shaking his head before he stared at Tony, eyes wide. "you make twenty million dollars in a single day?" he asked, voice a squeak. "oh my god..." he shook his head. "i forget... i'm. it's still a struggle to adjust." he admitted before looking at Tony. "i'm okay, it was just. too much all of a sudden. shock." he admitted. "twenty million dollars, when i was a kid... that could have bought all of New York. when i was a kid even twenty dollars would last us a week or more." he admitted. "i'm still so used to candy being a few pennies and milk being a nickle." he admitted, looking at the other. "thanks for saving me." he blinked when someone, he was pretty sure it was Vanderbilt called down the hall, informing him that he was supposed to speak to the press. "i'll be right back." he promised Tony.

Steve headed out to speak to the press and was soon explaining his stance on gay marriage. "You can’t put a limit on freedom or who gets it,” Steve replied, a particularly earnest expression on his face. “The minute you do, it’s not freedom anymore. Back in the day, I took a lot of flack about who I let into the Howling Commandos. Having an Asian-American or an African-American in an elite troop was unheard of. I’m sure we had gay guys too, but admitting that could have turned into a death sentence back then. I’ve not made it a secret that there are a lot of things about this modern era that I don’t approve of, but the strides that have been made for equal rights for all Americans, regardless of the color of their skin or who they choose to love, is something that I’m very happy to see.” he admitted. "when i was a child, women's rights where usually ignored, the blacks and the whites where still segregated, people hated simply to hate. hated because they needed someone to blame and i'm very glad to see that we have moved past that sort of thing." for the most part.

"Does this mean your gay, captain!?" one of the people out in the throng of people yelled and Steve turned to look at them, wondering how to answer that. if he said yes, he would get flack for being gay, if he said no he'd get flack for not being gay. if he waffled, he'd get called a hypocrite. shit. "i wouldn't know." Steve finally responded. "i've never been in a committed relationship before. back when i was a child, exploring your sexuality, with men or women, could be a death sentence depending on who you experimented with. in the new Era, im still trying to adjust to the new people, the new faces, the new fads. i can't hardly understand people when they talk sometimes because i'm still learning how to speak the new languages... speaking of, can someone Please tell me what WTF means?" he asked, looking around at them. there was a nervous shuffling, no one wanted to say the F-word in front of Captain America. still, they'd forgotten their original question now.
“Yea, I was going to give the money away to the restoration project, even if you hadn’t gotten in trouble.”Tony said shrugging, before tilting his head. “Well, maybe not in a single day, but I make alot.”Tony said before smiling slightly. “Ah, it’s okay. I can see where it might be a little overwhelming.”he smiled before nodding.”You’re welcome.”he said sulking a little as the man left.

“It means what the fuck are you people doing interrupting my date planning? Go away. I want to start planning the seduction of Steven Rogers.” “Does that mean your gay, Stark?” Tony frowned making a face at the reporter, “My sexuality is a well documented fact, and can be found in archives if you’ve forgotten. Now, come along Captain, it’s the old man’s bed time.”Tony said so over the top himself as he got steve back inside, you just couldn’t help but like him as he headed back up to the apartments, going quiet as he stared at himself in mirrored doors. “....We don’t have to go out for a date you know, I was just making sure no one else got to. You would have hated spending a day with Johnny.”Tony said after a long moment.
he settled down at the realization that he hadn't put Tony out too badly. "Mr. Stark! what did Captain Rogers mean when he didn't know he was going to be doing this?" one of the men called. "it means" Phil said, stepping up. "that Captain Rogers was mislead by Mrs. Vanderbilt on th status of this event. he had no idea it was going to be people up for auction more that he himself was going to be a bachelor. it took several moments for us to get him calmed down when he realized what was going on because Mrs. Vanderbilt never bothered to explain to him the rules or the situations of this event." he shot a glare at the woman. "we are now hearing accusations that she may have blackmailed or coerced several of the other bachelors." Phil explained. "we have received assurances from all of the Bachelors who went on stage tonight will uphold their end of the deal and those that bid and won have assured us that they will be delicate and tactic during their dates to avoid too much lingering trauma or upset." Vanderbilt would never work again, unless she was flipping burgers.

"no! i mean Yes! i mean... i want to. go out on a date with you. and Johnny's not so bad, he's just... creepy." he admitted. "he looks like a carbon copy of me but mentally he's exactly like you and it's weird!" he admitted. "but, uhm, yes. i would like to go out on a date with you." he agreed, watching Tony. "i have for a while now actually."
“Well, the naive sweetheart didn’t know he’d be on sale himself, instead of just a picture.”Tony said smiling a little, Glancing up when phil spoke up, tilting his head a little, smirking as vanderbilt paled as she was glared at. Smirking a little as they left, leaving vaderbilt to the wolves.

“What?”Tony looked startled at the other’s words, for a moment looking a little lost. “Just think about it like masterbating, with just another person. If you know, wanted to sleep with him.”Apparently, tony had had this conversation before before blushing, ducking his head a little, staring at the floor before noding slowly. “Okay....Yes. Okay. A date. I can do that. Totally.”Tony perked up, stsarting to get a little manic now that he was sorta accepting that this was really happening.
Steve flushed and mumbled unhappily, about being teased, shaking his head before smiling at Tony's startled response. "yeah." he admitted before choking. "Tony! that's so gross!" he whined. "Johnny is never, ever getting near me again because that is all i will ever be able to think about now!" he grumbled before smiling at him. "i think i'm the one whose supposed to set up the date and stuff." he admitted, scratching the back of his head. "Vanderbilt still hasn't explained the damn process to me. i think she wanted to make a fool out of me." he admitted, scowling. "can't we do something about her? i'm beginning to really dislike her."
Tony grinned looking pleased at steve’s reaction, smirking. “You have to get near him. You have to thank him for putting me in heels.”he reminded the other looking amused at the idea, before sighing. “You probably are, but considering I’m the one with dating experience, I’ll totally set up stuff. Don’t worry about it. It’ll be fun planning stuff.”Tony promised leaning into the other a little, before nodding. “Pepper and Phil’s already on it. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s getting a visit from our favorite super spies, just so they can impart some wisdom on her.”He said as they stopped on steve’s floor, biting his lip a little nervously, flushed a little as he leaned up to kiss his cheek. “Goodnight Cap.”
"oh yeah... fine 'll thank him and then never ever be near him again." he decided with a nod before smiling sheepishly at Tony. "just because i've never been on a date before doesn't mean i don't know how to plan for one. Bucky's been on hundreds and i know how to plan." he pointed out. "i think so anyway... okay you can plan it but i get to pay!" Steve ordered. "since i'm pretty sure i'm the man in this relationship that means i have to pay." he decided with a grin before blushing a little at him, touching his cheek where Tony had kissed him. "goodnight Tony. and. thanks, Tony. for dragging my ass out of the pan and putting the fire out." he admitted with a smile. "oh! wait! when is the date!? what should i wear?" he asked, looking instantly frantic. "Tony i've never been on a date before i don't know what to do!" he admitted, eyes wide. "hy, relax Captain, that's what i'm for." Johnny informed him as he slipped into the room. "i'll have him ready for you Tony. tomorrow at Noon right?" he asked with a grin. "you can text me the details later. nice shoes by the way."
“Hm, he visits me alot. You’re going to see him.”Tony mused looking amused before snickering at the other’s protests. “Fine, if you insist. I did just spend 20 million for the priviledge of a date, it’s only fair you pay.”Tony teased a little, looking amused before rolling his eyes. “I’m not sure you’re the guy, but fine, I’ll let you win that one, since I’m wearing heels.”Tony said smiling, blushing a little himself before nodding. “It was my genuine pleasure captain, I’ll save you anytime.”He smiled tilting his head, glancing at johnny. “Yep, noon tomorrow. And thanks, I totally knew you wouldn’t have the balls to wear some.”Tony said looking down at johnny’s decidedly heelless shoes, before heading out. He totally had a date to plan.

And indeed Belladonna studied Tony from her perch on the stool she’d brought down to the lab, having figured out quickly that james was usually okay with hanging out in the lab with tony, and since steve was still getting ready for his date, it was just the three of them and bruce. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this nervous for a date. Not even with pepper.” “ Shut up. Don’t you have somewhere to be?Like not here. Go have sex or something. Or go provoke Hulk, that’s always a interesting time for you.” “....I’m going to ignore that you just said that, because you’re obviously upset. Be nice Tony.”Belladonna yelled watching the man head upstairs to get steve, wondering if the man was capable of going on a good date at the moment. Glancing at bruce she sighed. “I feel like we should almost tell him not to go....”

“Steve?Ready to go?”Tony asked as he stepped into apartment, his short hair spikey, and the dark jeans and t-shirt looking almost like he’d planned on spending time in the lab, until you realized that they were freshly washed and without the usual grease stains or even oil, which meant he’d made a effort to stay clean since he’d gotten up that morning....or if he’d even slept. He was a little manic, but he was still in control, still okay.
"i can just hid in my room when he comes around." he pointed out with a smile. "i am the guy." Steve said with a smirk before snorting. "then again if you have that much money to fling about buying whatever you want, maybe i should make you pay... actually, now that i think about it, i have no idea how much money i have..." he admitted. he had no idea that all royalties from the Captain America thing had gone into Peggy Carters, and then Sharon Carters accounts. something neither woman had touched but for emergency. Peggy's stay in the best hospital available was being covered by those accounts and when Sharon had needed heart surgery as a little girl they had reluctantly tucked into the account, but even that had been barely a drop to how much was actually in the account. Sharon had handed him the bank card when he'd first woken up but he hadn't touched it because he had everything he needed and a good chunk of what he wanted too so he'd never bothered to check his accounts. it would take him the rest of the night to recover when he realized he could have dropped twenty million dollars and not felt even a twinge himself. "well, i lost this bet. but considering i won back twice as much when i bet Reed i could get you to wear heels it was worth it." Johnny admitted, making Steve snort. if Johnny had gone to Hogwarts he would have been a slytherin.

Bruce smiled that shy little half smile, unconcerned with Tony's uncaring attitude towards the Hulk. he knew Tony didn't mean anything by it, and Bruce was actually quite happy with the little progress they had made with the Hulk. even if Hulk had gotten up in the middle of the night, taken a three hour bath in some smelly girly things stolen from either Natasha or Belladonna. eaten all of Steve's freshly made Chocolate cake and a good chunk of someone's candy stash. Bruce had woken up smelling like strawberries and covered in chocolate and crumbs. he immediately got sick, but Hulk wasn't attacking people, he wasn't fucking people. it was an improvement right? "that will, uhm, just upset him." Bruce pointed out. "leave hem, uhm, be. we can pick up, uhm, the pieces on the very doubtful, uhm, chance it goes wrong."

Steve looked frantic. "no! no i'm not ready! Johnny won't HELP!" "i am helping! you just won't listen to me!" Johnny protested. "you look fine! you big Girl, OW!" "i look like a tramp!" Steve wailed. "Tony isn't taking you anywhere too fancy! dressing in slacks and silks is going to make ou stand out and look ridiculous! stop struggling and let me do your hair!" "you stay away from my hair! i don't want it styled like yours is! people will think Tony's going out on a date with YOU!" he protested. "i'm not cutting it! i'm modernizing it!" "get off!" "no!" where Tony to take a few more steps in he would see Johnny and Steve fighting over a can of hair gel, Steve dressed in jeans that hugged his perfect ass and shapely legs and a Beatles T-shirt on. he loved the Beatles. "Tony help me!" Johnny ordered. "Tony Save me!" Steve pleaded. "he's a mad man!"
“well, if you have to.”Tony rolled his eyes before laughing. “Last time I checked, the only person in the world richer then me, was you.”Tony snickered, amused because he knew steve would find it totally weird to have that much money. “Hm, well as long as you’re having fun.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little.

Belladonna smiled a little before sighing. “That it will....and we can though I think we should worry more about Steve killing johnny then tony’s dating problems. I mean, I know he’s up there helping steve get ready.”Belladonna snickered a little before looking at bruce. “So, what are you working on today?”

“Johnny, stop being a dick.”Tony said not really sounding serious, knowing steve was probably just digging his heels in before smirking. “I date alot of tramps you know, sluts to. You’ll fit right in. And-”Tony stopped as he walked further in, staring,”Tony leave his hair alone, it looks fine.”Tony said absently, seeing the ruffled loose hairstyle, while different from his normal, it wasn’t bad on the captain. Staring at the man’s ass he swallowed hard. “...You’re dressed fine. You’re going to fit in perfectly. Though I might have to beat off other people with a stick. You’re almost to dangerously sexy to take out.”
"i'm pretty, uhm, sure Johnny can handle, uhm, himself." Bruce admitted with a chuckle, reaching into the jar on his left for the Gardetto's snack mix he'd poured in there to snack on while he worked. "i'm, uhm, not doing anything actually." Bruce admitted. "i'm, uhm, been forbidden by Tony to, uhm, do anything fun or, uhm, explosive while he's gone. i was, uhm, going to work on my book or, uhm, read or something." he admitted.

"yeah Johnny stop being a dick!" Steve commanded before pouting at Tony. "that doesn't make me feel better at all!" he complained before shooting a superior smirk at Johnny who sighed and let Steve have the hair gel. "are you sure i look okay? i haven't done my hair yet..." "you are NOT putting your hair into that old man hairstyle!" "well i can't just leave it like this!" "i wasn't going to leave it like this!" Johnny snapped right back. "never mind! your late!" he informed Steve, shoving him out the door. Steve blinked when the door slammed in his face and he looked at Tony. "you... you think i look sexy?"
“I’m sure he can. But it might result in something on fire.”Belladonna snickered a little before snorting. “Seriously? He’s so weird.”She said looking amused at the idea of tony forbidding bruce from doing anything. “Well, in that case, I’ll leave you alone”She said moving to leave, smiling slightly at the sight of James sitting there quiet, and for the moment looking content if a little nervous at the sight of her close to Bruce.

“Well, it should. You’re the best looking of them all.”Tony said smiling a little before nodding, “You look good with it lose. Don’t mess with it. Just leave it like that.”Tony said jittery and nervous, glancing at johnny. While it wasn’t obvious, his nerves under control and hidden now that he was in front of steve, the submissive was still jumpy. “Yea. Always have.”Tony smiled as he headed for the garage. “Come on, let’s go before you change your mind.”He smiled as he got them both the museum,, utterly nervous that he’d chosen the wrong thing and that steve would hate this. “You-uh, said you...uh wanted to come here sometime. Thought you’d enjoy c-company.”he said, so nervous in fact that he couldn’t hide it anymore, and he sounded slightly like bruce as he looked up at teh blond
he chuckled, he couldn't help it. the ida of Johnny setting the tower on fire because Steve was attacking him was a very amusing thought. "he's, uhm, just a little possessive is all." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "he doesn't want me, uhm, working on Extremis without him. he's a bit, uhm, worried about what might happen if i'm not, uhm, careful enough." he admitted. "oh, uhm, you don't have to leave. i was, uhm, going to set up shop in the, uhm, living room." he admitted. "i like, uhm, being around other people. it's, uhm, comforting." he admitted. "it's nice to, uhm, see that people aren't afraid of, uhm, me." he admitted. "so if you, uhm, wanted to hang out i, uhm, won't mind at all." he promised her, blushing a little.

Steve blushed brightly at being called the best looking. he was pretty sure that Tony was exaggerating. Tony was always blowing things up like that. sometimes literally. "but... is it really okay to just leave it like this?" he wondered, staring at the mirror. well, if Tony thought it was okay, it was okay right? "i'm not going to change my mind." he promised Tony before staring at the biggest museum he'd ever seen, face breaking out into a huge grin. "this is perfect!" he informed Tony, grabbing the man's hand and all but dragging him inside to buy tickets. once inside he was mesmerized and more than a little bit lost on where he wanted to go. there was so much to see and learn!
Belladonna grinned, amused herself at the idea of johnny setting things on fire. “Ahhh. Okay, I can see that. Considering how unstable Extremis was in the beginning, makes sense he’s worried about it.”Belladonna mused before smiling, tilting her head a little. “Oh. Okay. That’ll be fun.”Belladonna said blushing ever so slightly herself, “Come on James. We’ll play a game or something.”She said smiling a little, because she’d figured out he liked strategy games, like chess and such.

“Yea, it’s fine. I promise.”Tony said smiling at him. Flushing a little as he relaxed, closing his eyes for a moment, relaxing as he realized that everything was okay, before lettting the other drag him around. “It really is.”he said sounding relieved to know that the other was okay with this, and perfectly content to be dragged around doing whatever steve wanted to see. For once, completely okay with not being in charge.
"yeah, plus there are, uhm, so many ways it could infect me. and who, uhm, knows how it would react to the, uhm, stuff that's already inside of me." he admitted. "i would, uhm, really, uhm, hate to see, uhm, the Hulk on Extremis." he admitted with a shudder. James stood up and followed her out of the lab, his eyes sticking to Bruce like Glue. Bruce was getting used to it though and he managed to ignore the lingering sense of dread and doom. he settled onto the couch with a notebook and a pen and settled in to work while James chose a game. Stratego. whether it was because he liked it more or because it was just the one he saw first Bruce wasn't sure, but he was half tempted to join. he'd see about playing the winner. he should have known better, no one was a match for James but Steve.

Steve smiled at him and then twittered in delight when he finally settled on a direction and headed inside properly, letting Tony jabber at hi about the things they where learning, soaking everything he could. "i still can't believe we actually went to the moon. and landed on a comet even! it's just amazing. when i was a kid, we used to read these comics about Aliens coming down to kidnap us." he admitted with a smile. "i used to have nightmares but i kept buying the damn things." he admitted with a chuckle. "it got to the point where James stealing them before i could read them so i'd stop. it didn't work too well because i knew where all his hiding places where."
“...Oh god. I hadn’t thought of that. That would probably be a utter disaster.”Belladonna shuddered at the idea. Looking amused as they settled in the living room to play, looking sulky as she lost, twitching a little, before looking at Bruce. “You should play him. It’ll make me feel better, since he beats everyone except steve, and one near loss to tony, though tony cheated I think.”Belladonna snickered a little.

Tony smiled nodding. “I know. Even me, who grew up with it, and actually have a suit that can take me to space, find it amazing. I mean, I can’t make the moon, but it’s awesome....and I find it amusing that even now, you and belladonna are the only people who can find his stash of stuff.”Tony snickered absently rubbing a thumb across steve’s knuckles as they walked, a comfort touch, the submissie needing the reassurance he was doing okay, even if he knew steve didn’t understand the rougher side of his life, or really could help with his mood, evene that touch, to know steve wasn’t pulling away from him, was enough to keep him from freaking out. “Anything else you wanted to see?”
he nodded. "yeah, uhm, bad news." he admitted before smiling as he watched James obliterate her before settling in to play with James. getting his own ass whooped. "Tony always, uhm, cheats when he's loosing. no point in trying to point it out, he'll just deny it and then distracts you from the point and cheats again. it's pretty fun actually." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "especially when Steve wins even though Tony's cheating." he admitted, sighing when James beat him again. James seamed to get bored with the lack of actual stimulation and wandered over to the couch to stare at the T.V. "care for a more matched game?" he offered her, setting up his side of the board. this game was much more equal and even James came over to watch the cat and mouse that eventually, Alais won.

"the things we humans can do. it's amazing really. you know they recently discovered a dinosaur era fish still living in this underwater trench? deepest location on earth if i remember correctly." he admitted. "it was on T.V." he admitted with a smile, his fingers tangled in Tony's, unaware of the struggle Tony was going through, simply enjoying holding his hand. "yeah." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "i was sort of hoping to see your room." he admitted, flushing hard. "sorry, that... i'm not good at flirting. James would have smacked the back of my head by now." he admitted.
“true. It is quite amusing to watch him flail around and refuse to lose....and even worse when steve wins anyways. I’ve never seen a grown man look so much like a two year old then Tony did.”Belladonna snickered, amused as James got bored before nodding. “Oh yes. I wont feel quite as stupid then.”She said grinning amused as james came over, grinning even wider as she won. Tilting her head slightly, teasing a little. “Do I have to worry about having hulk show up cause you lost?Cause Tony tried to suit up when he lost and when he pretends to lose to make tony feel better, Steve looks like a depressed puppy.”

“It really is quite amusing. And yea I heard. Sorta, maybe, kinda be building a deep water suit so I can go look myself. I wanna see.”Tony said flushed at the idea of being such a geek before looking up at the other. “Okay well let’s go-”He paused, as his mind seriously caught up with what Steve said, staring up at the blond, before nodding eagerly. “No, I-it’s okay, I can totally show you my bedroom. It’s awesome and the bed’s awesome and big enough for your super soldierness and I want-okay yes.”He said in a rush, jittery as he looked up at the other, blushing brightly as he headed back to the tower wtih the other.
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