
\Tony nodded, looking pleased with having a task. Even more then normal. He needed a task at the moment, setting the table he snickered as johnny was yelled at. “yea, behave Johnny.”Tony teased looking amused.

“No, you don’t.”Belladonna sighed, shaking her head. “He wasn’t. He was nervous and fidgety because he was worried about taking care of you on your date.”Belladonna sighed before looking startled. “Because you called her, didn’t you?She probably thought you didn’t want tony anymore, didn’t want to take care of him. That....mental state he was in... He was emotionally vulnerable. He had no shields up to protect himself with, and she thought you were saying you didn’t want him, didn’t want to deal with a emotional, complex man who has his own issues.”Belladonna sighed softly before smiling. “No, you didn’t rape him. Though he’s probably not feeling to good about himself, he probably thinks you’re disgusted with him.”Belladonna said watching him before nodding. “He was nervous and jittery, the more he gets worked up over something, the more he tends to drop into that...vulnerable headspace.....okay. It’s not exact, but sorta like bruce and the hulk. Tony’s tony normally, but sometimes when he’s upset and nervous he becomes like that version of himself.”Belladonna sighed, hating to know she wasn’t doing a good job of explaining before her eyes widened. “Are you a virgin?Dammit Steve, no wonder you freaked out when Tony dropped.”She cursed softly before nodding. “Yea, he can explain better.”
he nodded a little. "he was acting so strange. Pepper's always the one we call when Tony has too much to drink so i just..." he shrugged. "i didn't know what else to do." he admitted. "of course i want to take care of him! he's not Broken!" he protested. "he just.... needs special attention right? i can figure out how to take care of him." he decided. "i just have to learn. i can do that right?" he wondered. "so it's Tony, without all his masks up." Steve muttered. "right? it's Tony without the quips and the sneers and the sarcasm and the fake smiles that he doesn't realize we see through. it's just Tony." he wondered. "i could never be disgusted with Tony. if anything, i'm disgusted with myself." he admitted before wincing, a blush crawling up his neck. "well, i'm not a complete virgin... me and James used to give each other hand jobs when we really needed it. it was dangerous back then though. Captain America or not, we would have been killed if someone had caught us doing things like that." he admitted. "i've never seen someone get like that before. it was a shock. i'm going to go talk to Tony." he decided, uncurling from his knees up position and headed for the door. "Thanks Bell." he said, offering her a small smile. "what are you up to anyway?" he wondered, realizing she was dressed for public instead of her usual 'comfy' cloths while around the tower.
“I know. And it was a good thinking, and had she really thought about it probably, or you hadn’t been panicking, she would have realied you weren’t freaking out because of tony, but because of how he was. Don’t worry. It’s easy enough to straighten out, just talk to tony. And yes, Tony can help you figure it out. And once tehy calm down, bruce and johnny. They’ve been taking care of him the longest like that, though bruce and him don’t have sex, but they’re good for asking advice.”Belladonna said before grinning, nodding. “Exactly. A tony who’s not guarding or deflecting or being utterly insane. This is tony, at both his most vulnerable and best.”She smiled before sighing. “Don’t be. You didn’t understand, and tony hadn’t been together enough to tell you. It was just a mistake.”she said tilting her head a little reaching out, stroking his hair a little, “Ah, yes I can see how the 40s could be a problem...It’s a shock, but you’ll be okay.”She smiled getting up herself, “You’re welcome. And I’m heading out to the store to pick up some things for the hulk.”Now it was her turn to blush, “You need anything while I’m out?”
he nodded a little. "she was pretty mad at me. at least now i kind of understand why. i think." he admitted. "he has abandonment issues and i left, right?" close enough. "i'll apologize to Tony and then talk to Johnny." he decided. "Bruce yelled at me a lot, i don't want to antagonize him anymore than he's already been. the last thing we need is for Hulk to go Green." he admitted. "i didn't understand, that's not an excuse for hurting him so much. i don't know much about anything but i know he was hurt." he admitted, smiling at the hair stroking before nodding. "actually. if you wouldn't mind? i need more shaving soap." he admitted, fumbling in his drawer for his wallet and handing it to her. Steve was getting a lot better about the modern era he still insisted on using a straight razor. claiming that 'those safety things didn't work worth shit'. the supplies needed where hard to find, but Steve had them ordered online to the store and she had picked them up before so she knew what to look for. he also always insisted on paying for it himself, which was why he was pressing a twenty into her hand. "Thanks Bell! i'll see you later." he said, heading out of the room.

Tony never heard the fight, Johnny never said a word about it, so when Belladonna came back it was unlikely she realized that Steve was gone. Johnny didn't feel the least bit bad for chasing Steve completely out of the tower. Johnny informing Steve that he would never be a good man for Tony, that he would never be worthy of Tony and that Tony deserved so much more had struck deep cords within Steve. the fact that Johnny had slapped Steve across the face and told him that Tony didn't want to see him was what really broke Steve. the burn on his face didn't hurt nearly as bad as knowing he had hurt Tony so bad that Tony didn't even want to see him anymore. Johnny was a little bit worried when Steve hadn't come back by dinner but still said nothing because it was Steve's own fault for being such a vile bastard.
“He does. He was aware of you there, probably thought you didn’t want him anymore. Which will make him panic. And sounds good. Tony then johnny, and let bruce calm down, and then talk to him.”Belladonna smiled before nodding. “Well, at least you’re aware you hurt him, unlike some others. You’ll be able to fix it.”She smiled before grinning. “Shaving soap it is. I’ll be back in awhile.”She promised heading out.

“Anyone talk to steve today?”Tony asked as he slumed into the chair, looking worried and upset, “He needs to eat.” “....he didn’t come see you?”Belladonna paused, turning away from the pan she was cooking in, frowning slightly, before flicking a look at the others."No. I've been down in the lab all day." “What did you two do?He was on his way down to apologize, and explain.”She said a fine thread of anger starting to color the words. Because she was worried about tony, and about steve, so seeing that he’d been missing for a day, upset him. Made her even more upset to know that she hadn’t thought to go look for him either.
he nodded. "i'll have to talk to him as soon as i can." he decided. "i don't want Tony to be upset any longer than he has to be." he admitted, nodding. "some people would hurt him just to hurt him too." he admitted, shaking his head. "thanks Bell!"

"...i did." Johnny and Bruce finally admitted grudgingly before they frowned at Belladonna. "no. he didn't talk to Tony." Johnny informed her, sounding very angry that she had encouraged it. "he gave me some bullshit excuse that he 'hadn't understood' and said he wanted to apologize and i told him to piss off. he pissed off." there was an undercurrent of hesitancy though that said Johnny had done more and was now beginning to doubt that he had done the right thing. "he's just off sulking like a little brat somewhere i'm sure. i doubt Captain America is used to not getting his way." stupid Johnny did he not realize all the hell Steve had been through? he had been legally tortured 'in the name of science' for the first three months after becoming Captain America in-between doing shit for the USO. he never got what he wanted, even now.
“Fucking hell.”Belladonna cursed softly. “What?He tried?”Tony’s head came up from where he’d been inspecting his food, staring at them. Eyes following the conversation, “J-johnathan!What else did you do?”Tony scowled looking upset and worried and scared at the idea of steve having tried and been turned away. Upset at the idea and knowing that the hesitantance meant johnny had done something else.. “He didn’t understand. He thought Tony was high!And that he raped him. He panicked because he didn’t understand what was going on.”Belladonna scowled at them both, “Jarvis! Where is he?” “The captain has left.” “Left?What do you mean left?” “He had a bag and said goodbye, sir.”Jarvis said sounding geniunely upset. “Wh-why didn’t you tell me?” “he said it was in your best interest that you didn’t know where he was. And since it was in my coding to do the best for you, that I couldn’t tell you. I am sorry sir, you gave him the override codes, he used them to forbid me from telling you.” “What?!Jarvis!Find him now!”Tony said, while he was still coming up from his subspace, settling, the new upset was sending him into a new manic state.
"Bruce stared at Johnny, he couldn't believe the other would stop Steve from apologizing to Tony! "i... i slapped him and may have led him to believe that Tony didn't want to see him anymore... i'm sorry! i thought he was like all the other fuckers who hurt Tony!" he tried to defend himself. "Tony's never done drugs anyway! why the hell would he ever think Tony was high?!" "...because we're idiots..." Bruce said, setting a hand over his eyes. "we keep forgetting that Steve is from the forties. meaning that there was no 'interesting' sex. it was missionary between men and women only. i should have known this because he nearly had a mental breakdown with me when he realized it was legal to be gay. god. of course he doesn't know what a subspace is! i'm such a fucking idiot! i need to talk to Pepper." Bruce said, rushing off to explain to the woman what Belladonna had told them. "...he really thought he'd raped Tony?" Johnny asked, his voice so soft and horrified you almost couldn't be mad at him. "i'll go look for him." Johnny decided. "maybe he's in the park?" he hoped so anyway, grabbing his jacket and heading out the door. he had to make this right, for Tony if nothing else.
“....Get out. Until we find him, get out.”Tony scowled upset and angry, so so angry, his soured subspace resulting in a even worse anger, which would have been bad anyways, but feeling off balance left him angrier. “Yes. Because he adjusted well, it never occurred to me to warn him how ‘interesting’ sex had gotten. Especially sex with tony.” “You make that sound like a whole catergory for me.” “There is a whole other catergory for sex with you.”Belladonna teased a little sighing quietly. “we were all idiots. When he panicked, we forgot he’s not from here.”Belladonna muttered squeezing bruce’s hand lightly as he past her, watching him go. “He did. He panicked because he thought tony had had no choice.”Belladonna muttered watching johnny for a moment before nodding. “I’ll come with. James?Stay with tony. He needs looked after.”Belladonna said pausing to look at the man, tilting her head. Trying to judge if she should make him go with her or not, or stay with Tony herself. torn even as she watched tony disappearing down towards the labs, already yelling for jarvis to get the suit ready. "Well. Okay. then. James come with us, tony can search from the sky. we'll find him."Belladonna said looking worried as they headed for the door.
Johnny flinched at the order and Tony coming from Tony but he didn't protest or argue. "he has adjusted pretty well." Bruce agreed, shaking his head before smiling at Tony. "i thought you liked being original?" he asked with a smile before shaking his head, feeling like an idiot and a dick. he headed to Pepper, explaining what had happened and that Steve hadn't realized and that he had thought Tony was drugged and so forth and asked her to help them search. James on the other hand just stared at Belladonna before following Tony down to the lab, coming back up when Tony left and followed hr instead. he didn't seam to have any clue what as going on. Bruce, unfortunately, had an incident when someone tried to mug him and the search for Steve had to be called off to get Hulk to stop destroying the buildings. in the end Belladonna was the one who calmed him down and got him to shrink. James was very unhappy about having to carry the threat and put him in bed.

two days later, and no one had found Steve. Johnny looked like he wanted to cry, Bruce looked sick and Natasha wouldn't stop glaring at them all for being such assholes. Phil was also very, very angry with Bruce, Pepper and Johnny storm for upsetting Steve so bad he left. which was why Phil was speaking only to Tony and Belladonna right now. "we where looking into the Captains past." Phil explained, handing a package over to Tony. "this is what we found. it's... shocking." inside where Steve's five attempts at getting into the army, a birth certificate, enlistment records and all the information on the rebirth project including all of the torture/tests that the scientists had done to Steve. but that wasn't what was so shocking. what was shocking was the Birth certificate. the unaltered one.
Clint to, was both upset because tony was near mania with steve being gone, and because phil was upset. Not to mention, he worried about steve to. The archer had taken to following tony around the lab, or going out with him when the billionaire searched, about the only person besides natasha and belladonna that had convinced the billionaire to sleep, to eat. Clint looked exhausted, even having just gotten in two days before, he was so tired and worried. “Huh?”Tony blinked up sleepily as he looked up from his bowl of soup. “Some of the tests?He told me about those.”Belladonna shuddered a little before pausing, realizing that wasn’t what phil was talking about before frowning, eyes widening as tony’s did, yelping as the man freaked out, and dropped his bowl of soup. “What?!What he’s jailbait!What-what I-I-”Tony stuttered looking utterly lost and confused on how to respond.
Natasha was doing what she could to help Tony, refusing to let Pepper, Johnny or Bruce anywhere near him no matter how bad they really felt. she knew enough about subspace thanks to Clint to help Tony and Phil was taking care of Tony too. Phil was like, the master dominant. "well. yes the tests are in there too. some of them are enough to make me want to be sick. what's really horrible is that no one seamed to realize how god awful it was. like, the fact that they where torturing someone didn't matter if it was 'in the name of science'...." he admitted, shaking his head before sighing at Tony's reaction. "Steve is seventeen years old. yes." he admitted, running a hand through his hair and closing his eyes. "this is a big thing Tony. we need to make sure no one, absolutely no one finds out about this. can you imagine how people would react tot he information tat the U.S. Military did an unknown, untested medical experiment on a fifteen year old kid? not to mention the fact that he's seventeen and leading the Avengers. the others should know of course, but we need to keep this contained or people are going to try and make him stop. considering he lied on five government paperwork applications he could be in big shit as it is." Phil admitted. "first though, we have GOT to find Steve. before someone else does." he admitted, looking worried. "we haven't found any information on where he might be." he admitted. "not yet. could we look in Howard's files Tony? maybe he knows something Shield doesn't have access to."
“...That’s cause it was Howard, who didn’t care as long as it was ‘for science’,”Tony muttered looking sick to be saying one of his favorite sayings, and something that they had all heard at once. Jumping a little as belladonna wrapped a arm around his shoulder, belladonna frowned a little. “Name us his legal guardians. I mean, it’s not that different from what’s already going on. And he turns 18 in a few months, and Tony can be named leader of the Avengers until Cap is of age again.”Belladonna frowned thinking about it before shaking her head. “No matter what the public thinks, or shield for that matter, do you think they care what anyone says?Cap will always be cap. If they fought Loki for the world, they’ll fight the world for Steve.”Belladonna shrugged a little, stroking tony’s back, having mostly said it to make tony smile, to relax with the idea of steve coming home. “....Go ahead. I can’t....I don’t want to look, but you can.”He said before pausing. Thinking about it before bolting out of his chair to go find James.
Phil grimaced. "actually, Howard protested to several of these tests." Phil admitted. "he was overruled." he admitted, shaking his head before looking at her. "Tony is not appropriate for a guardian. not if he wishes to pursue a relationship with him. i have placed you, Belladonna, as his primary Guardian. Fury is secondary, just in case." he admitted. "granted, its doubtful the need will ever arise hat Steve will need a guardian, since everyone assumes that he is a fully functioning adult, but it is good to have. just in case." he admitted. "as for Captain Rogers, he is still in charge of the Avengers. he is the best tactician and has the best head in battle. he has the most experience as well, as disgusting as that is." Phil admitted, looking pretty upset that Steve was so good at war at the age of seventeen. "before you start to worry, James Barnes was nineteen when he was Drafted." Phil admitted. "from what we can gather, his physical age is now about twenty eight so he won't need a guardian once he regains proper mental capabilities." Phil promised before nodding. "i won't make you look at tha... Tony?" he asked, watching Tony race off. James was staring at the T.V. in the living room. Bruce hadn't returned to the tower in days, too horrified by what he had done to come back until they found Steve. Johnny too had yet to come back, so James was actually fairly relaxed with all the threats gone. including Natasha and Clint, since they where out looking too for the moment.
“Huh. Weird.”Tony said making a face at the idea of howard protesting before nodding eagerly, looking upset. “Of course I’m pursuing a relationship. If I can find him.”tony said sounding upset. “Good. Granted, it probably wont come up, but it’s good to know.”Belladonna said relaxing a little, before sighing. “Well, he did start 90 years ago. And don’t even want t consider him being the world’s best tactician at 17. My ego wont survive.”Tony grumbled looking annoyed at the idea, even if his lips quirked into a smile. “h good. That’s....well. At least we wont have to worry about that.”Tony muttered before ignoring phil and belladonna as they called after him. Feeling stupid for having never considered it before. Crouching down in front of james he ignored Belladonna as she watched from the doorway. Shifting to make sure he had james’ attention. “Jamie?Hey, Steve’s gone. He’s missing, and we can’t find him. Do you know where he might have gone? A place that would have meant something to him?”He said feeling stupid to have not considered asking his best friend.
"i believe that Howard didn't want them killing Steve." Phil admitted. "so he wasn't so much against the idea of Steve being in pain and more the idea of Steve being dead. it's hard to be certain though." Phil admitted. "it is a good thing to know." Phil agreed. "i know what you mean. i can't beat him at ay games. not chess, not checkers, not Stratego, not even monopoly." Phil grumbled, sulking a little. "i will beat him one of these days. i swear it." he admitted before frowning, following Tony feeling the urge to smack himself in the face as well. of course James would know something! maybe. hopefully. it took a moment before James focused on Tony. this wasn't exactly a good day. he was armed to the teeth and was spending most of the day in his head but he did focus on Tony and finally, after staring at Tony for what seamed like an eternity he stood up and headed for the door and stepped into the elevator.

it was Phil who pushed the button for the ground floor when James didn't move. once the doors opened again, off James went until he paused at the front doors. again, it was Phil who realized James seamed to have forgotten how to operate a door and pulled them open. off James went. dressed as he was, the crowd easily parted for him and people whispered, watching Tony and 'Agent' walked down the street. the entire word knew that something had the Avengers in a tizzy, they just didn't know what. James didn't even slow down for Traffic though, just kept walking right into a flow of cars unless Phil, Tony, or Belladonna stopped him. once they let him go, he'd keep walking, all the way to the abandoned sections of Brooklyn. "this is where Steve and James grew up." Phil admitted, looking startled, suddenly recollecting the address he had seen listed on Steve's actual enlistment forms. "his and James apartment is... yes. right there. well damn." Phil mumbled, watching James make a beeline for the apartments that looked close to falling over.

once inside, there where footprints in the dust, ones that lead up the stairs where James was now going. "i think we found Steve." Phil admitted, following James who opened a door on the third floor and stepped inside, looking around before turning to look at the crew that had followed him. Steve was laying on a blanket in the corner of a room, asleep and he looked sick too. face flushed and sweating even though he was shivering with cold. it was James who picked Steve up and carried him out of the apartment.
"Okay that sounds more like dad then anything else."tony said making a face before snickering. "No you wont. Just like none of us bUT james has a chance."he snickered a little. Then looking serious, tense as he waited for james to respond before relaxing when the man stood. Belladonna followed vaguely amused as she watched the crowd part around them. It was amusing truly, even if it worried her that the man was having such a bad day that he wasn't thinking about his own safety. By the time the got to Brooklyn both tony and belladonna were nervous wrecks after having followed him, looking startled."we're idiots. Of course he went home."tony grumbled feeling stupid and annoyed with himself as they headed up the stairs looking anxious as he realized steve was sick."Calm tony. We'll get him bome, and I'll have bruce meet us there to look him over."Belladonna promised even as tony tried to walk at james side, as close as he could get so he would watch over steve, which was probably annoying to james but he still did it.

"Bruce?we got him. But he's sick. Meet us back at the tower."Belladonna said as she called the avengers doctor,not sounding as calm as she'd like, worried about the super soldier she had never seen as much have the sniffles much less actually be sick."we're about half way back to the tower from Brooklyn."she said to give him a timeline.
"i just need more practice. and training." Phil decided before watching, unaware he was holding his breath until James stood up ad started walking. "god...." Phil groaned once they finally stopped in front of the building. "remind me to never, ever come outside when he's like this ever again. i think i've had about fifty million heart attacks." it was a long walk too so hey where all hot and sweaty too. "it's alright Tony." Phil promised him, gently rubbing Tony's shoulder. "T. Tony?" Steve asked, voice groggy and slurred when James picked him up. "I'm sorry Tony. didn't mean to. i'm sorry." he said, rather frantically before dropping off to sleep once more. James didn't seam to care at all that Tony was hovering, and was walking slower too. whether that was for the genius or because of the weight it was hard to be sure, but at least this time he stopped for the red lights. "Alright,uhm i'll be right uhm there. i'm only uhm three blocks out from the uhm tower. i was uhm tracing his uhm jogging route." Bruce explained, his stutter back worse than ever. still, he was there, waiting for them when they got there, looking like shit himself. dark circles under his eyes told them all he hadn't slept at all since Steve had gone missing, he hadn't appeared to have showered either and he was still covered in bruises and scrapes from being mugged. it was pretty rare for hi to get hurt in human form so the wounds didn't recover as fast. as soon as James settled Steve onto the couch Bruce was slipping in and taking vitals and blood samples, listening to heart and lunch and breathing patterns. he didn't pause in his flurry of movement even once, not even when James drew a wicked looking dagger and a gun. very unhappy with the threat touching sick Steve. he didn't attack, but he was watching Bruce with clear intent. 'hurt my Steve and i will end you'. Bruce didn't even seam to notice. "i can't believe this!" Bruce said, looking so relieved, and amused. "he's having a flipping allergic reaction!" he admitted, standing up and brushing his pants off. "he's going to be perfectly fine, we just need to flush his system give him a shot of Steroids, yes i said Steriods it won't hurt him, and let him rest. he's a bit dehydrated so he'll need an I.V. drip but he's managed to take pretty decent care of himself in the last two days."
"Yea I'll remind you. If it hadn't been a desperate need I wouldn't have brought him outside now...though watching everyone try to figure out what was wrong was amusing."Belladonna snickered tiredly looking worried as she followed james and tony, glad at least this time he was going slower and stopping. Belladonna sighed looking over all the men, at tony who looked nearly as haggard as bruce, and james who was upset, and she could only imagine what johnny looked like since he'd taken tony at his word and disappeared until they could find him."it's okay. He's helping."Belladonna muttered standing close to james looking vaguely amused at the sight of tony nearly climbing into the bed he was hovering so close."w-what-a allergic reacfion?to what?"tony sputtered eyeing bruce as if trying to decide if he was lying so tony wouldn't worry as much as bruce took care of him
"i'm pretty sure the reason why he was so bad right now was because he was rescuing Steve." Phil admitted. "i've never seen him so focused before." he admitted. he was pretty tired himself, but unlike the others, Phil had forced himself to sleep. well aware if he was exhausted he would be of no use to anyone. "James uttered a short sound, almost a growl. it was one of the few noises he made, and he only made it when he was aggrivated. the snarl was one they heard a lot too, it meant 'give it back or i will stab you' or 'leave me alone or i will stab you' or 'go away or i will stab you'. he had snarled once when Tony had changed the channel. he had snarled hen they tried to remove the corndog from his pocket, he used to snarl when they forced him to take a bath and whatnot but the snarling was getting a lot less common and the growling was taking it's place. Bruce thought it was probably a good thing.

"i'm not sure what he's having an allergic reaction to." Bruce admitted simply, opening his Med pack. "i'll hve to do blood analysis to be sure of that but i can tell by the reaction he's having that it is, indeed just an allergic reaction." he promised, glancing at James before slipping the needle into Steve's arm. James made that aggravated sound again but didn't attack so Bruce carefully withdrew a vial of blood before setting up a I.V. so Steve could flush his system and hydrate. he pressed a cold strip to Steve's forehead and Steve sighed. "feels good.." he mumbled, eyes fluttering like he wanted to wake up before slipping to sleep again. "alright. this is all i can really do for him." Bruce admitted, gently arranging Steve so he'd be more comfortable. "he should wake up on his own in a few hours once the fever breaks." he explained, picking u the vial of blood. "i'm going to run a test on this, see if i can't pinpoint the allergen. it's a pretty bad allergy to manage to do this to him so we want to know what it is, to avoid it in the future." Bruce admitted, hesitating before setting a hand on Tony's shoulder. "Steve is fine." he promised. "it's just a small fever and he might have a cough or some nausea when he wakes up. the important thing now is to let him rest."
“That’s true.”Belladonna tilted her head a little, because like phil, she’d made sure to get some sleep. “You might start looking over the files, he had alot of old allergies, maybe one still gets to him.”Belladonna said looking worried, watching steve. “Well, okay.”Tony said looking unsure, nervous about the idea, before settlign down in a chair at Belladonna’s urging, nodding a little.”good.he’s good...I’ll look after him.” “And you are going to get some sleep. I’d try to get tony to bget some sleep but he’s going to be glued to steve’s side. So the allergy can wait, he’s stable, and you are going to go get some sleep.”Belladonna said grabbing bruce’s arm, tugging him gently. “Don’t make me scare you and get the hulk, just to have you see the reasonableness of this request.”She teased a little.
Bruce shook his head. "no. those where already tested." he informed her. "in the medical files... Phil showed me the things they did to him... yellow Fever. a run through all of his old allergies. Typhus... god..." Bruce shuddered. he had only just recently been allowed access to the files and all it did was make him want to be sick. "you should get some sleep Tony. you'll get sick too otherwise." he warned before actually glaring at Belladonna. "i have to help Steve. there's no point in sleeping until Steve is better." he said, trying to tug loose. but he was tired, body weak from fatigue and ever present hunger that lingered even when he did eat. "i can sleep when i'm dead! i don't want to see his face in my nightmares anymore!" Bruce snarled at her, managing to get free and fleeing the room, heading for his lab so he could get started on his work. too bad Natasha was waiting for him with an Icer. lucky for her, Hulk didn't make an appearance when she shot him twice in the back. "sorry Bella." Natasha chirped. "but when he goes off his sleep like that he's worse than Tony. what's nice though, is when he goes off his sleep, Hulk seams just as eager to catch up on some Z's and doesn't come out providing it's someone Hulk knows, like me or Tony." she admitted, carefully rolling Bruce onto his back so she could drag him to his room.
“Huh. Well, has to be something new then. We’ll find out.”Belladonna said shivering at the idea of what they’d done to steve before smiling a little as tony nodded. “I will.”Tony promised. Indeed he waited until everyone was gone before climbing up in bed and snuggling in close ot steve, sure the man wouldn’t mind to much. “There’s no point in you collapsing either. You’ll sleep, or I’ll make James carry you upstairs.”She threatened, growling a little as he raced off, following with a sigh. Looking amazed as natasha shot him. “It’s okay....I hadn’t realized he was as bad as Tony.”She laughed a little, “Come on, let’s get him to bed.”Belladonna smiled, smiling as she helped the other woman get bruce into bed.

When steve woke, tony jerked awake to, scrambling to sit up and look at him, eyes wide and sniffling a little as he watched him. “You need anything?I can get you something. Anything.”Tony said, eager and needy, needing to make steve feel better since this was his fault.
"i'm sure it is ad i'll find out what it is." he promised. "i won't collapse! i can't collapse!" he scoffed. "you think i haven't tried before?! when the voice in my head gets too loud and i work and work hoping to drown him out, not sleeping because if i sleep then he'll come out!?" he demanded of her. "i can't collapse so there's nothing to worry about. can't collapse, can't sleep, can't die!" he spat. he wasn't really angry, he was just tired and grouchy and sore.he couldn't be angry because Hulk took his anger and fed off of it. "he's not normally as bad as Tony is. he won't skip sleep, at least, he doesn't usually. i think he thinks that Steve's going missing his his fault and he's trying to punish himself for it." she admitted with a sigh. "so stupid really." she admitted, shaking her head. "he'll be back to normal once he wakes up i think."

Steve blinked, confused. "...James?" Steve asked the other, looking sleepy and confused, delirious. "no.. Howard?" he asked, sounding even more confused. "not Howard." he decided, managing to properly take in Tony's features. "does Howard have a brother?" he wondered, groaning as he tried to move. "i'm so dizzy..." he mumbled. "what happened? i feel so hot... are we experimenting with diseases again?" he wondered. "are you my new doctor?" he wondered, voice quivering as he started coughing, the tickle getting too bad to ignore now. "what did they infect me with?" he asked sluggishly. "Stachybotrys chartarum- Black Mold." Phil reported. "since Bruce is taking a forced nap, i ran the blood sample to the X-Men." Phil explained. "i trusted Hank a little bit more than the Shield scientists." Phil explained.
“I’m sorry bruce, but you have to sleep. You need to. Even if you don’t think you do.”belladonna sighed, worried as she helped natasha, before nodding. “Good. We only need one manic insomniac around.”Belladonna grumbled. “Johnny’s sleeping to. I bullied him into crashing into our rooms nat,”Clint said as he joined them in the door as they put bruce to bed.Cause the three of them shared a apartment, him phil and natasha, even if natasha didn’t usually join in their sexy playtimes. And at least this way, tehy could look after johnny to. “He’s male, you keep telling me that’s a good excuse for stupidity.”Clint pointed out, before bullying natasha out to get her own sleep. Later Belladonna smiled slightly, looking up at bruce.”You awake?”She muttered having settled in with a book and watching over him.

“Noo.”Tony squirmed sitting up a little looking worried, frowning at the other. “No!no we’re not experimenting. I’m Tony. Tony stark. And no, I’m not your doctor, I’m your friend. You live here with me.”Tony said looking at steve, looking upset and worried before looking at phil. “I think everyone trusts hank more then shield.”He said though he relaxed some at knowing what it was. “Did he say what we need to do?”
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