
Tony was quiet for a long moment, considering that, tilting his head a little before shifting, looking up at johnny, before nodding slowly, before looking at steve. “Yes....okay. We can do that.”He said nervous at the idea before frowning, looking upset and worried. “What?Really?Is he....”He trailed off, not sure how to think about his friend, and worried for him. “Is he safe?I he hurt or anything?”He said looking worried, biting his lip. Worried about what pepper would do. He trusted teh other’s to not blame bruce to much, but pepper...

“Hulk?”Belladonna said gently, smiling quietly as she leaned into the gentle tug of her hair as he brushed it. “You okay, sweetheart?”she asked, worried about him like this.
"he's okay, Bruce wasn't hurt at all. it was Pepper's own fault for poking him in the chest and yelling at him." Steve admitted. "she wasn't too pleased that we brought Steve back." Johnny explained. "she didn't think to believe that Steve didn't know what was going on until Phil gave her Steve's files." Steve went bright red and dropped his eyes to his knees. he wasn't sure how he felt about everyone knowing how young he really was. god, Tony was never going to want him now. he was literally about as old as Tony's son could be. "anyway once she realized that it wasn't Bruce who smacked her she seamed to calm down." Johnny admitted.

Hulk paused in his brushing and grunted at her. if a grunt could sound like a question mark, this one sure as hell did. finally he resumed his brushing and grunted an affirmation and for the first time, he spoke using Bruce's body. "soft." he mumbled, stroking her hair before brushing it some more. "Pretty."
“Ah. Dammit. She’s always got to be overprotective....I’ll talk to her.”He muttered sighing quietly, rubbing a hand over his face as he considered the other, before sitting up to look at steve, studying the other. “Hey, don’t look so upset. You’re young, but it’s not so bad.”Tony teased tugging on his hair a little, though he was still a little freaked out at how young the man was. “Ahhh, good. At least she wont be trying to throw out all my friends.”he muttered making a face.

Belladonna smiled amused at the grunt, before sighing softly. Looking startled as he spoke. She hadn’t considered he’d actually talk. Smiling slightly as she turned her head some to look at him, she nodded. “It is.And it’s prettier now that you’re taking care of it.”
Johnny and Steve shrugged. they could understand Pepper being overprotective. she had seen Tony more worse off more times than anyone else ever. she was usually the one who cleaned Tony up, got him settled and then called for Johnny or brought him up and then back down herself. if anyone had the right to be overprotective it was Pepper. Steve grimaced when Tony called out that he was young and pouted at him. "no one was supposed to find out." he mumbled. "it's not like anyone cared back when it first happened, so i ust figured i could hide it. you now? pretend to be the same age as Bucky. it got so easy." he admitted with a sigh. "no one was supposed to find out... what happens? since... people know now. do i... have to stop?" he asked, looking quit frantic at the idea.

Hulk grunted again, running the brush through her hair before he began to braid her hair, slipping shiny beads and bright feathers and everything else into her hair. she'd look like a rainbow when he was done. Hulk was pleased. he felt the Other shift and he frowned, the Other was mean, but Hulk was getting tired, so he receded and let Other back out, Bruce groaning as he swam back to consciousness. "oh... god..." he moaned, slumping into the couch, feeling dizzy and tired and grumpy as hell. "what happened? did i get my ass kicked?" he wondered, looking at her. "oh... did i hurt anyone?" he asked, looking very concerned when he saw the rows and rows of braids, meaning Hulk was out.
Tony sighed a little. Because he knew that pepper had a right to be protective, it just didn't mean he was happy about everyone upsetting steve."yea I know. And it's not like you could pass for older once you were the captain."tony said before frowning a little looking worried, before shaking his head."no we're not making you wuit, but you'll have to be careful. And make sure no one else finds out."he sat up nuzzling against the other."don't worry."

"Hey you're okay. You're good."Bruce muttered as she helped him lay down on the couch, looking concerned as she watched.him, "no you didn't get in a fight, though pepper did slap you."she smiled slightly."and no you didnt.though you probably startled her, and then yoube been playing with my hair since."
Steve smiled at him a little. "you really don't mind that i'm... you know. seventeen... and a half?" he asked, looking rather nervous before relaxing, nearly sagging he was so relieved when Tony promised him that they wouldn't make him stop being captain America. "i'm certainly not going t tell anyone. although, i am a bit surprised it took this long for people to find out. i had been sure they would find out during the war. if not then, then when i first woke up after being frozen." he admitted. "i always worry." steve huffed. "i'm a chronic worrier."

Bruce blinked at her for a moment, struggling to remember where he was and who he was with, finally shaking his head as it cleared a little. "don't you mean i slapped Pepper? i remember that part. i think i punched someone in the face too." he admitted. "how pissed off is Pepper?" he wondered. no doubt she was just relieved Bruce hadn't turned green. Natasha had to take Pepper out for lunch so she could explain that Cap was jailbait, Bruce was having body control issues with the hulk, and that poking Bruce was never a good idea even when he wasn't having body control issues because there was a bigger version of the guy that had smacked her and none of them wanted to see a Pepper Pancake.
“Well. It’s sorta weird. I mean, you’re young enough to actually be my kid, but considering you talk about 1926 as a fond memory, I think I can overlook the fact that you’re young.”Tony teased smiling a little, hugging the other tighter against him as he sagged in relief. “Well, it was well buried. And I mean well, well buried. Considering neither shield or my dad knew it.”He pointed out. “And well, you balance me out then. Since I never worry.”

“Ah. Yes. And you broke Clint’s nose I think, he’s not come out of the vents since, so I’m not sure.”She said wincing, realizing she’d lied about him hurting someone. Sighing quietly before shaking her head. “Not so badly, once she calmed down. I think you’ll be okay.”
he flushed a little and then smiled. "Winnie the pooh came out then." he admitted. i got a copy with the little bit of money we could save up and me and Bucky took turns reading it to my ma. she couldn't read you see." he admitted. "Harry Houdini died in nineteen twenty six too, Ma was devastated, she thought he was pretty swell." Steve admitted with a snicker. "we used to tease her all the time while reading the newspaper to her every time he was in the paper. we stopped teasing her after he died though, didn't seam right." he admitted, looking up at the other. "seriously?" he asked, sounding rather impressed. "wow, Erskine really covered his tracks." he admitted with a grin before snorting at Tony. "you worry even more than i do Stark, don't even try to deny it."

"...well shit..." Bruce groaned, setting his face in his hands. "...that's right. because Natasha and Clint grabbed me..." he muttered. "i can sort of remember the first moments and then it all goes fuzzy. still, better a broken nose then a broken neck." he mumbled, glancing at her. "i think your giving Pepper a lot more credit than she's due. she can harbor grudges for YEARS." he admitted.
“See?It’s hard to be freaked out about you being so young, when you have a conversation like that.”he said looking amused a little, before smiling. “Houdini was awesome. I always wanted to be houdini when I was a kid.”He looked amused before nodding. “indeed, it wouldn’t have been right after he died....and yes. Seriously. We didn’t find it until we tried to figure out where you went.”He said before making a face. “I do not! I’ll deny it, because it’s not true.”

“yea. He’ll probably agree, after his nose stops hurting.”Belladonna said smiling slightly, before sighing. “She wont hold it against you. I’m sure she wont.”she said before rubbing a hand over her face, “You need anything?”She said looking worried about him.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "point taken." he agreed, snuggling into Tony a little and closing his eyes, tired now. Johnny seamed to realize they both needed their rest because he snapped his tablet closed, kissed Tony's forehead with an excuse about Hot Chocolate and left. Steve was already asleep, leaning against Tony and breathing softly, looking very much like a young man now. looking like the seventeen year old he really was. he had always looked young, but now that they knew Steve was actually a teenager he looked even more young.

"i'm sure." he admitted with a small chuckle. "i'll have to make him something nice." he decided. "i thi he was complaining about not having a nonlethal option, i could make him parasitic poisons to dip some of his arrows in. a little scratch and boom, they're out." he mused before looking at her, rubbing his temples. "painkillers that actually work?" he asked hopefully. "i have a hell of a headache."
Tony smiled shifting, squirming to get comfortable as he settled in next to steve, content to rest. “Goodnight.”He muttered watching johnny go as he fell asleep.

“Hm, he’d appreciate it. Get tony in on it, make a interesting new kind of arrowhead, cause while the dipped stuff would be good, you don’t want him to accidently scratch himself. Maybe have it so it has to be shot from a bow to activate it or something.”She smiled a little before frowning, thinking about it. “Well, we have the stuff you give steve. Might help.”She said getting up, returning in a few minutes with the painkillers, handing it over to him.
"that's a really good idea. an impact plunger maybe like what they make for animal tranquilizers only based on use on humans." he mumbled, already using a pen and a napkin to jot down mathematical figured, chemical clusters and other weird information. he paused when she came back with the water and the high strength drugs that helped Steve and took a huge gulp of water, offering her a timid smile. "thanks. for all of this, i know it must be pretty weird having him obsessed with your hair... he does a nice job though, you kind of look like one of those Indian princesses." he admitted, touching a dangling feather. he was really starting to understand that the Hulk wasn't a monster. sure Hulk had struck out today, but he'd been scared right? still, Bruce really wished he could be in control of his own body. he hated having to share, especially when Hulk did things he didn't like. like having sex, eating so many sweets he got sick, and... well braiding Belladonna's hair was one of the few things Hulk did that Bruce didn't mind. "i think i need a nap." Bruce admitted after his headache didn't go away. damn Hulk.
“Exactly. Less chance of Clint accidently stabbing himself.”She said with a smile, amused as he started working on it right there. Smiling back at him she nodded. “It’s weird, but no weirder then James stealing some of my stuff for his collection, or Tony’s obsession with buying shoes. This was just something else to get used to.”She smiled before blushing a little. “If you say so. It’s going to be weird trying to wash it later.”She snickered already imaging taking it all out before nodding, kissing his forehead. “Get some sleep. I’ll see you later.”She promised as she left him alone.

Later tony poked his head into Bruce’s room, looking upset and worried. “You okay?”He asked when he realized the other was okay, fidgeting. Because despite having talked to him earlier, the billionaire was still worried that the man was going to leave, that he was upset with tony for lashing out when steve’d been missing. While he hid it better then most, he was afraid of being abandoned by his friends.
he nodded. "it is Clint." he agreed. "he stabs himself a lot. the idiot." he mumbled before smiling at her. "by the way, he took your coffee mug." he warned her. it was the one she always used, without fail. they all had their own little Coffee cups that no one touched but their owners. bad things happened to those who used another persons coffee cup. too bad James didn't seam to have gotten the memo. "i'm sure you can take it all out, i don't think... he, will mind." Bruce admitted, hesitating mentioning the Hulk because it always seamed like the hulk always woke up a little when they talked about him. "goodnight Bell... and thanks." he mumbled, settling in for a nice long nap.

he blinked awake when Tony poked his head in and fidgeted a little before sitting up, too tired and doy to make sense of the things Tony was saying right away. Bruce was always a slow to wake up kind of person so for a few moments all he did was sit there and blink at Tony. "Tim 's it?" Bruce finally asked. "tea?" he asked again after a moment, hoping that Tony might magically have some on him. "mmmm tea..." Bruce mumbled, staggering to his feet, grabbing his napkin and pressing it into Tony's hands, about the only thing he could manage brain wise. Tony would get the idea though, that Bruce wanted to build an arrow that discharged liquids even if Tony didn't get the chemistry and biology babble also on said napkin.
“He does, but we love him for it.”She snorted amused before sulking. “What?That’s so wrong. I liked that mug!”She whined sulking because she knew she wasn’t going to be getting it out before nodding. “Good.”She smiled glad that she could take it out to wash before smiling. “Welcome.”She said as she left.

“...Nearly evening. Thought you wouldn’t want to sleep all night and be up all night after. And ta’s on the stove. Come on big guy, we can go get it.”Tony promised looking amused as he was handed the napkin, looking it over before relaxing, well if bruce wanted to do science with him, he couldn’t be to mad at him right? Right. “Come on.”he said smiling as he directed bruce towards the kitchen.
"i know. i didn't want to get stabbed though so i didn't do anything." he admitted with a small smile. "get Tony to buy you a new one." he suggested.

"....uuuuungh." Bruce whined when he realized he could still be in bed. still, tea! Bruce was just as bad about ea as Ton was about coffee. fortunately for Bruce, no one else really liked tea all that much so he never reall had to worry about running out because they'd had a rough mission. sure some would drink it, Natasha liked a cup now and again and Pepper loved it, when she was here and he was pretty sure James liked his tea too, but he didn't mind sharing so long as they always left him at least three teabags. plus, Tony knew how to make it exactly like Bruce liked, which was why Tony was his favorite. he slumped at the table to catch his sleepy mind a break before he reached for his coffee mug. it was the only thing he'd had before his accident. Betty had given it to him. it was tannish colored and had a good long paragraph of something William Shakspere had said, or wrote or something, Bruce actually couldn't remember what it said, most of the black letters had been worn off at this point. he groaned when he realized A: he couldn't reach it and B: it wasn't full of tea yet. also, someone was snickering at him. he had a feeling it was Clint, or Tony, maybe Bella. he was wrong, it was Natasha. "he's kind of adorable like this." she admitted, easily ignoring the bruise on her cheek where Hulk had backhanded her. Pepper, fortunately, had not bee bruised by the Hulks frightened attack.
“No. No complaining. I’ve slept all day. Time to be up. And do science!”Well. That explained why tony had all but pounced on the man. After all, he’d slept with steve for most of the evening the day before and all of today, so he was wired and hyper on sleep he’d gotten more sleep in the last day and a half then he had in the last month and he was wired. “He is. Sorta like watching Tony without coffee.”Clint agreed as he watched tony getting the tea ready, his voice sounding slightly thick and strained through his broken nose. “I am not adorable without coffee!” “You’re right. Without it for a long time, I’d rather be stuck with doom and a honey badger, then you in a caffeine withdrawal, but for a few hours of being caffeine deprieved, you’re quite adorable.”Clint said smiling as he watched the two geniuses as tony got bruce his cup and handing it over to the man.
Bruce just groaned, letting Tony babble at him as he walked to the kitchen. he wasn't sure what kind of science Tony wanted to do but Bruce knew it was going to be fun! it was always fun when Tony got like this. not that he would ever, ever admit that. ever. "teeeeaaaaaa." Bruce whined, thunking his head on the table since it was currently too heavy to hold up, Natasha sniggering again. "much more demanding than Tony is too. or maybe that's just because he's finally comfortable with us?" she wondered, looking amused. Bruce didn't even realize Clint and Natasha where in the room with him, not really. it wasn't until he had the first cup of tea down and halfway through the second that he notices there are people in the room with him. "Jesus Christ Clint!" Bruce gasped, looking horrified. "oh my god he did break your nose! i'm so sorry! are you okay!? can i get you anything. oh god he hit Natasha too. i have painkillers! the good stuff i swear!" he promised, fussing over them because he was frantic and anxious and worried that he had hurt people he cared about even if it hadn't actually been him that had done it.
“Maybe. Probably.”Belladonna agreed sipping her hot chocolate as tony got both him and bruce their drink addictions, sighing softly. “Hm?Oh. Yes. Well, it’s not the first time my nose has been broken. And definitely not the first time someone on the team’s done it for me....I think Bella and you yourself are the only people who haven’t broken it for me.”Clint said waving them off, not wanting him to fuss. “Bruce, calm. You’re just going to work yourself up.”Belladonna said reaching out and running a hand down his back, much like one would do to calm a dog, simply wanting him to calm down.
"i'm almost certain of it. i remember when we first met him. he actually walked in, made the tea himself and sat down all hunched up like he expected to be attacked. this is a huge improvement." she admitted before sighing a little when Bruce freaked out. "We broke your nose Clint! how are you okay with this?!" Bruce demanded, voice shrill with fear and worry. panic. terrified that they would hate him for losing control. "but... but we hurt him!" Bruce stuttered. "we hurt him and he doesn't care!" Bruce informed Belladonna, sounding so confused. he didn't seam to realize he was speaking in the plural. "We're nothing but a monster!" he wailed, letting her sit him down and drinking the tea that Natasha slipped into his hands. "We should leave before we really hurt someone..." but he/they didn't want to leave. he/they liked it there at the tower with Tony and Belladonna.
“Huh, cause Natasha tries to break it on a daily basis, and threatens to break my hand often.”Clint said watching bruce, truly once he’d gotten painkillers in his system and calmed down, he was okay with the broken bones, because well, it was true. Of all of them, after probably steve, he was the one who had had the most broken bones. “We?Are we talking about yourself in the plural now?”Belladonna said looking startled as she moved closer, rubbing his back, looking worried about him. “And you can’t leave. You wont make things better by leaving. You’re doing better here, aren't you? You really are.”
Bruce blinked at him a little. "wow. i didn't realize how violent Natasha is." he admitted before looking at Belladonna. "what!? no, of course i'm not! but there is two of us and since we're both at fault it only makes sense right?" he asked, looking rather frantic still even as he started to calm sown, sipping on his tea. it was just a panic attack, that was all. he was okay. just breath... "i... i don't want to leave." Bruce whispered. "then don't. it's just as much our fault you know. we're the ones that grabbed Y... Hulk when he panicked." she explained. "we tried to hold him down and we just made it worse." she admitted. "we know better now and it won't happen again, we'll learn from it. now calm down and drink your tea, Tony is adamant that you science with him tonight." oh, right, he'd forgotten.
“Hm, it makes sex interesting at least.”Clint snickered a little leaning away from natasha as she swatted at him, knowing his girlfriend well enough to not stick around to be hit. “No, you’re not. It wasn’t just hulk’s fault, or really your fault. Like Steve leaving, we all share blame on this. Calm.”Belladonna said smiling a little as he calmed, smiling slightly. “Don’t.”She agreed with natasha before nodding. “Indeed. No trying to grab hulk. It’s just another rule to add to the list of dealing with the people in the tower. At least you didn’t try stabbing someone like James did the first time we startled him.”Clint mused tilting his head a little. “Yes. Science is important. I have plans, and I need a doctor’s help.” “He’s redoing James’ arm. Again.”Belladonna said looking at bruce, smiling slightly.
Natasha did smack at him, well it was more of a swipe, she intended to miss anyway because of she really wanted to hurt him he wouldn't be able to get away. Bruce just made a strangled, very upset sound that was more common on the Hulk when he had run out of things to smash or was scared of a thunder storm. (neither Hulk nor Bruce was very fond of thunder after they where struck by lightening when they where ten because their dick father had left them to suffer in the ice cold rain. they caught pneumonia after and nearly died because their dick father wouldn't take them to the hospital.) Hulk had actually made that sound a few nights ago when the thunderstorm went through. a natural one. he hid under Bruce's bed keening like a frightened animal and trembling. he didn't stop until the thunderstorm had passed. Bruce didn't know about that though and no one had found the courage to tell him how heartbreaking it had really been. "well. no. He didn't... he didn't try to kill or smash anyone either..." Bruce mumbled, much more relaxed now that he had realized that no one was mad at all. "...a new arm?" Bruce asked, setting his tea cup down, instantly distracted. "what's wrong with what he's using? will he really allow you to remove his arm?" he asked, jumping when James reached up and undid the things that kept his arm connected and offered it to Tony. Steve figured it was because Hydra often asked for the arm before or after being frozen for updates and maintenance. James just didn't seam to understand that the arm was His, and that he didn't have to hand it over anytime someone asked for it.
“Hey. You’re okay.”Belladonna muttered rubbing bruce’s back, before shifting closer, hugging him gently. Upset and worried from him and nodding as bruce startled to relax. She hated hearing that keening, it hurt to hear. “No, he didn’t. He just got everyone to leave him alone.”She smiled before snickering as she leaned away as he got distracted by science. “Yea. Need a doctor’s input on hooking it into his nervous system better.”Tony said before looking startled at james handing it over to him, it always startled him when the man did so. “Thanks James.”He smiled before looking at Bruce. “He does as you can see."
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