
“No they’re not.”Belladonna frowned at him looking distressed, already shoving him towards the door. “Get your shoes on, we’re going out.”She said frowning as she pulled her shoes on, barely waiting for him to get his shoes on before dragging him out with her, distressed. “you need to eat more then that. Considering how big you can get, you need probably as much food as James does, if not as much as Steve.”She frowned a little.

“What?”Tony paused looking confused before looking down, eyes wide as he took in the sight. Huffing a little, “You should have called for help.”He said looking upset as he moved over, leaning down, “Come on. Let’s get you up.”He said moving to help the other up.
Bruce looked confused. "what? i don't... what?" he asked, baffled. "Bell what!?" he complained, trying to understand what was happening. "i'm not all that hungry you know." his stomach growling loudly again made him a liar and he flushed brightly and looked away because he didn't want to admit that he wasn't used to eating when he wanted, what he wanted or as much as he wanted. "i eat fine..."

Steve pouted at him. "i was just going to sit for a bit and regain my strength." he admitted before smiling, wrapping his arm around the other. "into the bathroom okay? i have to pee and i feel gross, i want a bath." he admitted. "will you help me take a bath?"
“Don’t ‘bell what’ me. We’re going to get real food. How I never noticed you don’t eat enough, I don’t know, but you need more food.”She said before looking at him, tilting her head. “No you don’t. If you lie to me again, I swear to god, I will shove you into traffic so I can talk to the hulk and convince him to eat as much good stuff for him as I can get him to.”She threatened, looking quite serious as she pushed him into the store, already starting to look for food.

“Well, that doesn’t work. Up you go.”Tony smiled shuddering as the other wrapped his arms around him, standing up. “Okay then.”He smiled helping the other towards the bathroom before nodding. “Bath it is. Go pee, I’ll run one.”He said letting steve lean against the counter as he started running a bath,
Bruce winced when she sort of yelled at him and seamed to shrink inside of himself but didn't protest again, mumbling under his breath as he followed her, looking very meek and cowed indeed. he trailed behind her like a lost little duckling pushing the shopping cart and refusing to look anyone in the eye. he tried to protest again when they hit over the two hundred dollar mark but was silenced with just a look ad stayed silent the rest of the trip. he figured Thor and Steve could eat most of the food and he'd just finish what was left over. that would be alright, right? maybe then she'd stop being so mad. he didn't get what the big deal was anyway. so what if he was usually hungry? he hadn't noticed the sensation since he was about seven years old and getting backhanded by his father for asking for something to eat.

thanks Tony." Steve said with a smile, letting him help him into the bathroom. it took little time for him to take his pee and then sat down on the toilet to rest while Tony got the bath going. "would you mind staying? i don't want to fall asleep in the bath and it would be nice to have some company." he admitted, watching the other. "are you mad?" he asked. "at me i mean? for not telling you?"
Belladonna grinned, pleased as they got back to the tower with the whole lot of food, pleased as she considered just how much food they had before muttering to herself as she put the stuff away, and it was with amusement that Clint paused in the doorway watching her, for a moment trying to figure out why she’d bought double of everything, until he realized she was marking all the doubles with bruce’s name. ‘There. All done.”She said sounding pleased with herself as she started putting everything away.

“Welcome.”tony grinned smiling a little before turning off teh water and helping the other in, taking up the seat on the toliet as he watched the other man. “No, I can stay.”he said smiling before frowning a little, shaking his head. “Of course not. Once I realized what was going on, I knew why you hadn’t told us. Don’t worry about it.”
Bruce was quick to vanish once they got home, feeling ashamed and a little angry that she had just walked all over him and gotten food he hadn't really earned yet. "what's going on?" Natasha asked, looking confused when she picked up a ham and looked around at all the food. "you do realize none of us can cook right?" she asked Belladonna. "so the fact that you got... fresh... what are these?" she asked holding up a bag of beets with a baffled expression. "did you buy the entire fresh produce section?" she wondered, taking an apple off the pile that was sitting in a bowl and biting into it. glad for something that wasn't boxed, canned, or frozen. "why do some of these have Bruce's name on it anyway? i've never known him to be possessive about food." she admitted, not annoyed, just curious and a little baffled.

"thanks." he said happily before working himself into the hot water with a sigh. "you know. out of everything in this century, i think this is the best." he admitted. "hot water whenever you want it." he admitted before looking at Tony. "i never anted you to know... about... the things they did to me i mean." he admitted. "i always though you'd be stupid, and blame yourself the way you always do." he admitted. "i thought about telling you my real age, but... i thought if i did you'd wonder what else i was keeping from you and you'd look anyway and..." he shook his head again. "i don't know..." he admitted. "i was being stupid, and i'm sorry. i should have trusted you more."
Belladonna grumbled and growled as she paused in the middle of putting something away, looking at Natasha. “we were out of food. So I got more food....and I can cook. I just prefer not to.and I’m pretty sure Steve and James can cook. And-oh. Those are beets. It’s a good fruit thing.”Belladonna said huffing a little, sounding annoyed as she worked. Clint to, looking at natasha in bemusement, trying to understand this mood. It was so rare to see belladonna upset over something, he had no idea what to do. “I didn’t buy everything.”She said making a face before glaring at bruce’s food, grumbling. “Cause the idiot was going to eat lime peels instead of getting food for himself. And protested when I did buy food for him. So he’s going to eat more, because he has a metabolism near to the three super boys, and I’m going to make sure he eats, even if I have to write his name on it, and then shove him off the balcony so I can talk to Hulk and make him eat for me.”She grumbled sounding annoyed and growly, because watching her, clint suspected she might just do that to take care of bruce, get hulk to help.

“WElcome.”Tony smiled watching him before laughing a little. “Hm, watching you naked and in the water, is definitely one of the best things in this century.”Tony agreed, even if he was blushing slightly, and carefully avoiding looking any lower then steve’s face. “...I don’t always blame myself. And despite what I say, I know I’m not at fault for whatever howard did.”He said frowning a little before huffing. “I probably would have. I mean, I’d trust you, but I’m nosy.”He shrugged a little before smiling a little. “Yes you should have, but it’s fine. We’re fine.”
Natasha blinked at her and then shook her head. "Bell. calm down a little bit, i think you've scared the hell out of Bruce and James is getting agitated." she warned, setting her hands on Bell's shoulders before gently pulling her into a hug. "calm down a little and sit. Clint and i will finish putting the groceries away." she promised before settling her down. "now. why are you upset that Bruce does what he always does? you've read the reports right? even in his own home as a child he was more used to digging in the trash for leftovers. he just resorts to scavenging because eating meant pain for him if he was caught." she pointed out. "why get angry when you can teach him it's okay to want things?" she asked. "wouldn't be easier to re-train him to accept that it's okay to be hungry, rather than try to force him to eat?" she asked, looking amused. "he's not used to people caring about him, and he's sure as hell not used to a pain free life." she reminded Bella. "your upset, that's okay, but don't let it blind you to how much he's been hurt too." she reminded her with a smile. "and honestly, i don't think forcing the Hulk out is going to make him feel any better about the 'jolly green giant'." she pointed out.

"it is, isn't it?" Steve asked, looking quite pleased with himself before snorting at Tony. "you always blame yourself." he complained, shaking his head before smiling at him. "i'm glad. and next time i tell you that your nothing like Howard, you'll believe me right? at your worst, your still ten times the man Howard was at his best." he admitted before shaking his head. "if we're 'fine', why won't you look at me? you never held back from checking me out before so why stop now all of a sudden?" he asked. "i want you Tony. i always will. just because i'm younger than you thought i was, doesn't change the fact that i want you in bed with me. and someday, when James is better, he might join us. isn't that like, a dream come true?" he asked with a grin.
Belladonna sighed, sounding frustrated even as she leaned into the other woman. “I don’t know.”She sighed softly, closing her eyes as she let the other hug her. “I got this. Don’t worry. I can put food away.”Clint said smiling a little as he did just that, looking thoughtful. Because he might be a idiot sometimes, but he was well aware belladonna and bruce had been the one to hold things together while steve was missing. Were they seeing the results of holding it all in? “I don’t know....I just...he has to be starving. And I didn’t notice. How didn’t I notice...”She muttered sounding annoyed and upset with herself as she slumped back into her chair, biting her lip a little. “...Fine. Okay. No forcing him to be hulk to eat...and I’ll work with him....”She sighed, wincing as she glanced up at james. “I’m okay. Promise.”She said watching the other, feeling guilty and pained as she realized she’d managed to not only scare bruce, but upset james.

“Definitely.”Tony grinned a little before making a face. “Do not. And...maybe. Fine. Okay. I might be better then howard.”He huffed before frowning, “I’m looking at you!”He whined a little, fidgeting and upset, not just because he was still a little wigged out over the age thing, but because well...water. Shivering a little he made a face, “You’re young!I mean. Super young. Nearly as young as I started and well messed me up cap. I don’t...”He trailed off, frowning as he stared down at his hands before nodding slightly. “Yea. I guess. It’d be epic really.”
"no one noticed Bell, because he's been very good, and very clever at hiding it because it's what he's so used to doing. i doubt he even realizes he's starving anymore. when a person is hungry for as long as he's gone hungry, they don't feel it anymore." she explained. "when i was a little girl, i would often go days, sometimes weeks without food until i didn't feel the urge to eat anymore. when i did eat, it was small meals that made me feel less hungry, never full. it was a habit that carried up until i was taken in by Shield and it took them over two years for them to break me of that bad habit. Bruce has had twice as long to build on the habit and no one to help him until now." she admitted, watching James calm down at the promise that she was okay. "Bell. it's okay to be upset. you take too much on yourself. you need time to let out your pent up emotions too." she pointed out. "you need to release too Bell." Natasha admitted with a smile at the other. "you need a chance to calm down too."

"you are always better than Howard." he promised. "always and forever." he promised before smiling at Tony. "no. you are looking everywhere but at me." he pointed out. "Tony. the point is, is that i'm not as young as you where." he admitted. "i'm not anywhere near as young as you where when you started." he paused. "i was sixteen when i first started with James. no, we never got into actual penetration but i was old enough then to decide if i wanted to have a relationship with someone then why are i not old enough now?" he asked before smiling. "it would be epic." he agreed, reaching out and pulling the plug, draining the water. "now. how about ou and i go share a blowjob and then i'll take a nap." he offered.
:...Oh. I guess....I don’t feel as bad. I mean...none of us noticed.”She sighed softly, rubbing a hand over his face, wincing a little at the idea of someone having gone so ong without eating, that they hadn’t noticed the hungry feeling anymore. Nodding slightly, she smiled, relaxing a little. “OKay...we’ll help him work on the habit.”She sighed quietly, before smiling as james calmed. “You’re okay. I mean, I’m sorta surprised you’re not upset more of the time. You get to listen to us, you need to let it out sometimes to.”clint said looking at her, smiling quietly. Knowing the psychiatrist hated leaning on others, but knowing she would need to. “...I’m okay. Jittery still, but okay.”Belladonna sighed a little before stretching, moving to get up. “I’m going to go apologize to bruce...”She said, mostly because she needed to make sure he was okay, and wasn’t upset with her. Hugging natasha before going in search of the genius.

“Am not.”Tony whined a little, making a face. Frowning slightly as he considered that. “.... I are old, spangles...”He muttered twitching a little still, not because of the age, but because he was still freaking out a bit at the water. Even if it wasn’t touching him, it freaked him out some to see steve in it. “Hmmm, it’s saddening you didn’t get there. It would be quite hot to have heard about you two.”He teased a little before finally, looking at him. Nodding a little. “well....I guess you are. I mean, you’re a 95 year old 17 year old.”he snorted amused before nodding slowly, looking interested and slightly bemused at the fact that he’d been talked down so easily before tensing. Evne knowing steve knew about sub space now, the last time he’d dropped being still traumatic enough he was nervous about droping. “Okay. Let’s.”
"no one noticed because he's very good at hiding things." she admitted. "he's just too used to hiding things." she admitted. "we all are, why do you think you have to struggle to get us to admit to anything?" she asked with a smile. "he just needs help, that's all. and we'll all help him." she promised with a smile at her. "i'm glad your feeling better." she admitted. "he'll be in his lab!" she called after her, glancing at Clint with a sigh. "this is a bit of a mess, huh?" she asked, picking up a rack of ribs that had Bruce's name on it. "...i have an idea." she admitted with a sharp grin. "get your coat, we're going back tot he supermarket and we're going to cook everything we know how to cook... how much do you know how to cook?" she asked with a smirk.

Bruce was in his lab as Natasha had said, mixing things and mumbling as he worked. there was an apple core at the edge of the table, still wet so he had eaten at least. "no. no that won't work." he grumbled, with a sigh and a shake of his head. "why is this not working? it should be simple enough..." he grumbled, scowling a little, squeaking when he saw her. "i ate! i ate!" he protested, indicating the apple. "hey! come here! i need a skin sample." he ordered.

"i am old." he agreed with a grin. "well i don't mind." he admitted. "it just means that i'm untouched for you. there's no one i'd love more to take my Virginity." he admitted with a smile. "you know, when i'm feeling better." he admitted with a smile. "i'm too tired for actual sex but... we could do other things until i'm doing better." he decided with a grin, wrapping himself up in a towel to dry off before smiling at him. "help me to the bedroom would you? my legs are still shaky." he admitted.
"I know. I usually remember that. I was just upset."Belladonna muttered blushing a little. "Considering everything else you DO remember, I don't think he's going to hold this against you."clint said smiling at her. "It is, but he likes her. And once he calms down, will realize she was only upset cause she cares. It'll be okay."clint said before grinning as he followed her."I can make pasta. And a fair amount of other stuff. Why?"

Belladonna smiled slightly as she watched him, flinching at his reaction, hanging her head a little. Staring at the floor as she walked over."I'm sorry bruce."she said before frowning. Curious even if she wasn't looking at him."a skin sample?for what?"

"You are such a girl."tony snickered amused."well I'm sure we can find plenty go do till then."he said looking amused as he wrapped a arm around steve and helping him back to the bed. Studying the man for a long moment before smiling. Nervous and trying to not show it."so, whatever shall I do with you?"he muttered running a absent hand over a well defined chest as he thought.
"he probably won't hold it against you, he'll just be jumpy for a few days." Natasha pointed out, watching her leave before smirking at Clint. "we're going to make it. all of it." she informed him. "every dish we know how to make until there's enough for even the hulk to eat until he's full. you know how Steve is about wasting food. if we make too much, then Bruce will have to eat whatever is left. i've seen Hulk pack away three galleons of ice-cream before. if he can pack that away, i can only imagine what Bruce would put away feeding the both of them." she pointed out. "all of that mass he creates when he goes green has to come from somewhere right?"

he blinked at her reaction, looking confused before waving her over. "it's, uhm, a fake skin!... well it's, uhm, supposed to be a fake skin." he admitted. "for, uhm, James arm!" he explained. "so people, uhm, won't stare when he goes out." he pointed out. " just have to, uhm, get it to... you know... stop melting." he admitted. "i need a, uhm, human flesh sample that hasn't been affected by DNA, uhm, altering substances." he admitted. "it won't, uhm, hurt. it's just removing the bare top layer of, uhm, skin. won't even, uhm, feel like a scrape just a, uhm, square Centimeter is all i, uhm, need."

"i am not! well... maybe a little." he agreed with a smile and a shake of his head. "i'm sure we can too." he agreed with a smile, settling onto the bed with a grin. "well. there was a lot of things in that book i read." he admitted. "you could try any number of those things." he admitted, smiling at the other. "or. i could try my first blowjob and see if i can manage to take you the whole way?" he mused, examining Tony' crotch. "that would be pretty fun."
Clint’s eyes went wide as he considered that before grinning, laughing as he started dumping everything he knew how to cook into the cart. Smirking at the woman he laughed. “This is cruel and amazing, to use steve against bruce. I feel this is goign to make us all sick as we watch Bruce away all this food.”he said looking amused before wincing. “Yea I guess. Never considered that.”

Belladonna frowned looking confused at his reaction before moving over, looking interested, eyes widening a little. “Really? I didn’t know that was possible.”She said looking interested as she settled onto a stool next to him before nodding. “It’s okay. Just take it.”She said holding out her hand, smiling slightly.

“A bit.”tony agreed looking amused before smirking as he studied the other, “Hmmm I could.”he muttered looking interested before sliding into bed with him, smiling softly, trailing his fingers through steve’s hair. “Hmmm, I would totally enjoy a blow job.”He said already starting to squirm out of his pants, smirking at the other. “Like what you see?”
Natasha smirked a little and headed to the boxed food isle. that was all she really knew how to make. as long as there where instructions on the box she could do it. frozen pizza, mac and cheese, hamburger helper and everything else was added to the upcoming feast. "i didn't either until Tony mentioned it." she admitted. "i do hope he's actually able to eat everything.

he nodded. "it's... theoretically possible. uhm, i just... haven't managed it yet." he admitted. "but i will!" he said with a grin. "even if it takes me months." he mumbled before smiling at her, picking up a little... well it looked like a hand stamp. he pressed it to the back of her hand, pressed the button, she felt a brush and then it was done. a feather light touch and now a slight red spot and it was done. "uhm, thanks!" he said, beaming at her before pausing. "want to, uhm, see what your skin looks like?" he asked, sliding the sample under a microscope and bringing up the image on his computer. "there. that's you." Bruce admitted with a smile. "pretty cool huh?" he asked, smiling at her. "and you know what's cool? it doesn't matter what race your from, the top layers of skin, before the melanin starts up? it's always the same... you know. so long as you didn't get doused in Gamma radiation."

Steve grinned at the other and sat up, watching the other with hungry eyes. "very much, yes." he growled eagerly, leaning into the hand before positioning himself over and in front of Tony, lowing a single hand to stroke and fondle Tony, just exploring the others cock before lowering his head and licking it slowly. he'd never tasted a man's cock before. it was... odd, not bad, really salty and sort of musky. deciding he rather liked it, he lowered his head and sucked the length into his mouth, rolling it a little while sucking, exploring his own limits with how deep he could take Tony. fun new fact: Steve didn't have a gag reflex.
“He will. It’ll be a sight to see.”Clint grinned as they shopped and headed back to cook.

“Ah. I see. That’s awesome. I’m sure he’ll apperciate it. I mean, at least not being stared at. It makes him a little twitchy.”Belladonna said looking thoughtful before looking at the stamp, looking bemused before jumping a little. “That was weird. Not hurting, just odd.”She said looking down before smiling. “You’re welcome. And yes. Please.”She said shifting over to look at the skin, before nodding slowly. Looking utterly interested, because this was just pretty cool and weird. “I’m pretty cool. Really, it’s awesome.”She smiled at him, snickering a little, nudging him. “So, what does skin with gamma radiation look like?”

Tony whimpered, squirming as he was fondled, hands gripping broad shoulders tightly, hands fidgeting and stroking at the other’s body as he was played with. Whimpering as steve took him in his mouth. “Oh gods...steve...”He muttered whimpering, gasping as the other swallowed him down, whimpering, tugging at his hair even as he started to drop. Aware enough to want to warn him. “Steve, s-stop. Gonna don’t...steve...”
he nodded. "i'm sure he will. if i can, uhm, manage it properly, it could be a viable, uhm, replacement for skin in skin grafts too." he admitted. "it could, uhm, save hundreds of lives and help others with, uhm, prosthetics too!" he admitted, looking very excited. it was great to see him so happy about something, excited even. "oh.. uhm..." he hesitated and then repeated the action on the back of his own hand, he placed the sample on a slide and then tossed the skin sampler into what looked like a vat of slime while he slid the new slide under the microscope. where her skin had been mostly still, mostly dead cells waiting to be shed, all of Bruce's where living, and moving. "every single iota of my body is alive." he explained. "there is no dead cells. because my cells can't die." he admitted. "only after they drop off my skin will they start to settle down. here, watch, it takes a moment." he admitted, eyes focused on the screen. "there." he pointed at the screen where a single cell started to slow down and then stop, the others following until it looked just like her skin. just... smoother. that slide was immediately slid into the vat of slime as well.

Steve hummed and swallowed around the cock, sucking more firmly, hands stroking Tony's hips and balls at random because he couldn't decide what he wanted to do with his hands. when Tony tugged on his hair he moaned and nodded, trying to take Tony even further into his throat, even though that wasn't possible, swallowing around him and stroking the firm globes of Tony's ass because he wanted the other to cum. he wanted to feel it, wanted to taste it. wanted to experience it.
“Oh!That’s even better. Definitely would be a good thing to get working. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”She smiled at him, looking amused at how very excited he was before tilting her head, watching the skin. Looking shocked as she watched it move, that was just odd. “ know, this would make a really bad horror movie. Not that you’re a monster or something, but I just had the vision of someone’s skin attacking people and being wiggly and weird.”She explaiend, her soft smile showing that she wasn’t freaking out at the difference, just teasing some, and really she loved horror movies. Smiling as she watched it die. “soooo weird. That’s sorta creepy really, to watch.”She said tilting her head. “Creepy but so many things that happen in this lab. Did Tony ever tell you about the time he tried to make a unicorn?”

Tony whimpered, moaning squirming as he was stroked, growling softly as he looked down at the other, before fisting the other’s hair in both hands, curling up a little, head pressed into the other’s shoulder, pressing down, trusting steve to break the hold if he was unable to breath, coming with a gasp as he fell apart, trembling as he came.
"i'm sure i will." he agreed with a smile before blinking at her, startled. then the most amazing thing happened, he tipped his head back and he started to laugh. a real deep laugh that started from the belly and poured out of him. that was one of the funniest things he'd ever heard someone say. 'your skin could be a horror movie' hilarious! he took a moment to calm himself down and chuckled again at Ton' attempt to make a unicorn. "i am not surprised in the least." he admitted, shaking his head. "it is pretty creepy though." he admitted. "i try not to watch my own skin too much, i get the heeby jeebies." he admitted. "anyway, how did the unicorn turn out?" he asked with a sly grin. "did it even look like a animal or was it a giant blob?"

Steve moaned eagerly when Tony held him down, shuddering against the other, swallowing down everything he could, something wet splattering against Tony's leg. he sat up slowly once Tony was done, panting, blushing and looking so very pleased with himself. "that was... oh man, Tony. that was amazing." he gasped, slumping into the bed next to the other and closing his eyes. "will you stay? nap with me i mean?" he asked, watching Tony, running a hand along the others ribs because he liked to touch Tony and Johnny had said it would help Tony stay stable. "...i came all over your legs. i should clean that up." Steve mumbled, examining the strips of white he had left behind.
Belladonna looked worried about his reaction, then startled as he laughed. Eyes wide as she watched him laugh." would!it'd be like revenge of the blob or something."she said making a face at him before snickering."no one really was either. And he didn't get past trying to convince pepper he needed horse sperm. Apparently he forgot he could just buy it himself, and since it was supposed to be a present for her, he wanted her help deciding what kind of horse and was quite amusing really."

Tony groaned as he felt the splattering against his leg, squirming a little. Looking up at the other as he panted, watching him, wary but relaxing as he realized steve was okay."stay? Okay I can stay."he muttered relaxing at the realization that yes, steve wanted him to stay. Sighing quietly as he was stroked, steadying as he closed his eyes, a involuntary protesting whine leaving his mouth at the idea of steve leaving even for a moment.
he smiled at her. "revenge of the blob. oh my god, that movie gave me nightmares as a child." he admitted. "especially being as smart as i was there is a slim chance of the Blob being theoretically possible." Bruce admitted. "so yeah. even more scary." he admitted. "....i worry about him sometimes." Bruce admitted, shaking his head. "well, most of the time." he admitted before chuckling a little. "still, it would be pretty cool to have a unicorn, right?"

Steve hummed when the other squirmed and smiled happily when Tony promised to stay, chuckling when Tony whined, leaning down and lapping at his own cum, licking Tony clean so he wouldn't actually had to get up. "there. all better." he murmured, snuggling into Tony happily. "night, Tony. sleep well."
“I know. Me to. Though I wasn’t mnearly as smart as you, it still scared the bejesus out of me.”Belladonna said laughing a little looking amused before snorting. “Me to. But I sorta forgive him for it, cause he had just died during the Chitauri thing, so he was totally manic all the time. It was horrible and amazing really.”She said snickering a little before nodding. “It would be actually.”

Tony sighed, relaxing a little as steve settled in close to him, glad that the other wasn’t leaving, snuggling close as he went to sleep. Content to bask in the good feeling. Later, steve was jarred awake some, the soft, snuffling whine, that so rarely happened, but usually came when he had fallen asleep in subspace, huffing and quiet as he squirmed, dreaming. Quiet, as if afraid of even in his worst nightmares, making to much noise.
he chuckled and nodded. "glad i'm not the only one then." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "anyway i think i might lay down and take a nap. i'm tired." he admitted, trying, and failing to stop a yawn.

Steve woke in an instant and ran his hand up and down Tony's back, stroking the soft skin. "shh Tony. Shh." he murmured, gently trying to soothe the other back to being awake. "come now Tony, there's nothing to fear here." he promised, wondering what that smell was. it smelled like someone had opened up a bakery and deli downstairs. it was likely, considering Natasha had bought the entire freshly baked goods from the bakery and deli section of the store they where shopping at. even Bruce couldn't resist such luring scents. nor could anyone else. Phil even came down to see what was happening and Bruce could only stare at the mass of food that the assassin twins had laid out. he felt a seize of fear. oh god, they where having a party. strangers, people where coming! there was enough food there to feed almost a hundred people!... or three super soldiers, two assassins, an Agent, a psychologist and a Hulk. even James was staring at the food and had removed his mask to better smell the stuff that was laying before them. he didn't move though, he hadn't been given permission yet.
Tony whimpered, whining quietly as he was petted, giving that quiet little snuffle as he shifted, pressing his face against the other’s chest, shuddering a little as he started waking up. Frowning slightly as he smelled the food. “What...”She muttered sounding a little lost as he searched for his clothes to go see what was going on.

“What are we doing?”Belladonna asked looking at the utterly pleased looking assassin twins. “We, are having dinner.” “For a army?” “Nope. Just avengers.”Clint grinned pleased that even james had reacted, smiling slightly as he watched the others.
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