
Bruce shivered under her touch but didn't revert to Hulk for once, leaning into her when she held him, using her touch and his own meditative techniques to calm himself down. "okay. it's okay." Bruce mumbled, shaking his head because it wasn't okay, not at all but if no one else was raising a fuss what right did he have to raise one? "oh! that's simple enough." Bruce admitted. "do you have schematics up already?" Bruce asked, draining his tea, grabbing the pot and followed Tony to the lab, chattering about what Tony had worked on already. James just watched them leave before sitting down and taking a sip of the tea Bruce had left for him. the Threat wasn't so bad really. he liked the funny colored water he always left behind.
“Yea it is.”Belladonna muttered kissing Bruce’s head as he leaned into her, smiling a little. Snickering at bruce’s reaction to science. Well, he was going to be okay. “I do. Come on. Let’s go.Bell, in a few hours bring James down.”Tony called over his shoulder. “You want more tea?”Belladonna said smiling at james as he sipped the tea, looking amused.

Later Belladonna smiled knocking lightly on Steve’s door, poking her head in. “How you doing?”She said stepping in, making the rounds, checking on everyone and seeing if anyone needed anything, amused because james was following her around just as much as he did with Tony and Steve. It wasn’t really professional, but it warmed her heart to be part of his group of people.
Bruce offered her a shaky smile before heading off with Tony, letting science soothe his nerves. James didn't respond, though he did offer her his empty cup, which was about as close to a 'yes' as he ever got. too bad he was using Natasha's cup. he didn't seam to understand the concept of a single cup for a single person, but no one really raised a fuss if James used their cup. they'd grumble about it, and Tony would pitch an unholy fit, but no one actually minded because James didn't know any better.

Steve looked up and offered her a smile. he had been sketching a picture of Tony. he still looked really tired and pale but much improved from how he had been. "i feel much better." Steve admitted, smiling at her, watching James walk in and hand him Natasha's cup full of hot tea that Belladonna had made for Steve. "thanks James." he looked at the cup, his lip twitching. "this is Natasha's. avenge me should she kill me okay?" he asked Belladonna before sipping at the semisweet tea. "hows Bruce? Nat came in earlier and said he freaked out a bit."
“Good.”Belladonna smiled, smiling slightly at the sight of Natasha’s cup. While Natasha grumbled about her teacher stealing her stuff, it really didn’t bother the assassin to share her stuff with him. “Hm, I will. Well. James will. He’s the avenger these days.”She snickered a little looking amused, before sighing quietly, looking worried herself. Hating just how attatched she’d gotten to the physicist, worried about being overly attached to bruce. “He did. But he’s calmer now, him and tony are working on James’ new arm, and while I’m sure he’ll be upset every time he sees clint until his nose is healed, I think he’s going to be okay. Especially since Clint didnt’ seem overly concerned with it.”
Steve chucked a little and shook his head. "James would make a great Avenger." he agreed with a smile, sipping on his tea. "this stuff is really gross..." he admitted with a chuckle, letting James have the cup back. he'd had a few swallows to satisfy James who drained the last of the cup. "good. i'm glad. Bruce has a pretty serious guilt complex going on. one that's worse than me." because he had been talking to her a lot about his own guilt issues. " how mad are the others? that i lied i mean, about my age..." Bruce wasn't mad at all though Steve did run the risk of being fathered to death. Natasha didn't care, she had done worse at younger ages and was rather disconnected. James of course didn't care. Johnny was a bit weirded out but he'd always been a bit weirded out. Phil didn't care so long as Steve could still do his job and no one else found out. sure it was a bit f a clusterfuck but it wasn't the end of the world.
“He would.”She agreed before snickering. “I agree, but James likes it well enough.”She said looking amused. “I know. We’re working on it. You’re both doing better.”She smiled pleased with him, before sighing, thinking about it. “Well let’s see....bruce isn’t, though you’re going to have to deal with being fathered to death, I mean it. Groundings and such....Natasha. Well, she doesn’t care, she started young to.....James doesn’t care, he always knew....And Johnny still finds it weird that a 17 still looks like him so much.... Phil doesn’t care as long as no one finds out, and doesn’t result in more paperwork for him to do...Clint’s sulking because a 17 year old kicks his ass around the gym most of the time....and really, the only one you have to really worry about is tony, if only because he’s going to be freaked out, and angry his sex life is restricted for awhile.”
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "James always liked gross things. he once ate frogs legs, snails, and something called Caviar." he admitted with a grin before grimacing a little. "i see... well... it would be nice to have a bit of a father figure. never had one before." he admitted before blinking a little. "and how about you. and Pepper?" he asked, worried. "i mean, who else knows?" he wondered, fidgeting a little before grinning. "Clint was always annoyed that i was kicking his ass." he admitted with a chuckle and shook his head. "i hope Thor doesn't get too upset by all of this. wherever he is." he mumbled. he was handling Loki up in asgard. "wait, why do we have to restrict sex? once i'm better we can try again can't we? you know, once i read the books that Johnny left me." he hoped, very much that Tony didn't insist they wait until Steve was eighteen or even older. ugh.
“ewwww....thanks for sharing that.”Belladonna made a face at the idea before snickering at the other’s reaction to it. “Well, you’re about to get a few of them, cause I’m sure phil’s probably going to father you to. And Clint once he gets over being annoyed. And just us. And Fury. Fury’s pissed, but willing to overlook it. I’m....annoyed you didn’t tell me, but I want to look after you more now. And well torn between being really annoyed and worried about this, and teasing tony mercilessly for seducing a jailbait virgin.”She teased a little, because for the most part, pepper had forgiven everything that had happened before smiling slightly. “He’s in asgard, and considering how old he is, I doubt that age will matter to him.”She pointed out before sighing, having already had this conversation with tony, but knowing if anyone could convince tony, it’d be a sexy, needy steve and not her. “Yes you can. And no you don’t have to restrict it, though Tony’s going to try to until you’re 18. Apparently he’s feeling freaked out, and trying very hard to not let you know. So, I’m letting you know. Your boyfriend’s having a minor freak out over it.”
Steve only smiled ever so innocently. "Phil already fathered me though." Steve pointed out. "he does it to all of us. even the two he's sleeping with." he admitted with a smile. "Fury's always annoyed. he's just mad because he didn't know something." Steve huffed before looking at her. "i'm sorry. but... i thought if people found out... it wasn't me who was going to get in trouble you know. i'm 'too young to know any better' after all. that's what people always say isn't it?" he asked, sounding rather bitter. " "i'm not a virgin!... i've.. done things!" he complained sulking before smiling. "i'm glad Pepper is feeling better. she's been let out of Quarantine then?" he asked happily. Bruce had declared her okay to be around people again and had released her with some sort of bracelet that would contain her pheromones if they got loose again. they knew what to look for now though so if she started hitting her own pheromones again they would be able to help her sooner. "that's true. i think." he admitted with a smile at the woman before scowling. "i am NOT waiting six months to have sex." he grumbled. "it didn't bother James when i was sixteen, it shouldn't bother him now." he grumbled before smiling at him. "that;s okay. i'll grope him and try to suck his cock and he'll forget all about it... unless i choke... i'll have to practice i guess."
“Hm, true. And it’s quite amusing watching him father clint and natasha.”She snickered a little before nodding. “Probably. Fury always gets annoyed when he doesn’t know things.”she smiled before patting the other’s arm, smiling quietly. “I know steve. And it is, but it still makes me feel....”She sighed ducking her head a little, blushing a little. “like you didn’t trust me with it. I know its not...just...”She shrugged before snickering. “I’m sure you have.”She said before smiling. “She is. She’s taking it easy, but she’s doing well.”Belladonna said smiling slightly before snorting. “I know, and I told tony that, but he’s being stubborn about it. Just grope him, and he’ll get over it.”She agreed before smirking wickedly at him. “I suggest starting with carrots, and going to cucumbers. It’ll help with practice.”
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "honestly, i think Phil is more like the mother and Bruce is the Father." he admitted with a chuckle. "Phil is just more fussy where Bruce get's all disappointed and enforces the rules. and grounds us" he admitted. "now that i think about it, didn't he ground Tony the other day?" he asked, head cocked to the side. "i'm sorry Bell." he admitted softly. "i did want to tell you, but i was scared. i'm still scared." he admitted, pulling his knees up to his chest. "what if they treat me different? what if i get them all in trouble? what if i have to put up the shield? for so, so long that was all i ever wanted, was that fucking flag..." he admitted, closing his eyes. "i didn't always want to be in the army you know." he admitted softly, finally, finally opening up to her. "i was only fourteen when it happened. James... he tried to make out like it was his idea. his daddy was a seargent you see and he inherited the title or whatever. anyway, they sent him a draft letter. he'd been pulled into the army. he tried to hide it from me but i know he was scared. not of the war, but about leaving me alone. i was going to go to school to be an artist. i was gonna make comics, but the letter came and Buck was leaving and i did everything i could to go with him.

"Captain America... the Rebirth Project, it was my only chance to go be with Buck o i took it... i never should have taken it." he admitted, closing his eyes. "the things they did to me... in the name of science... i'll never forget it. i still have nightmares. Erskine was the only one who could have held them in check and he was dead now. so i was a lab rat, and then they made me dance and sing in front of crowds during the day and ran me through hellish tests at night..." he shuddered violently. "and i was scared because i was only fifteen and they where..." he shuddered again. "but the the one o seventh went missing and i managed to go after him even though my entire body burned from the last tests and i saved Bucky and the testing stopped because there where too many people watching me." he admitted, turning to look at her. "i was too young to know ay better and i was too young to have any rights." he admitted softly. "i was scared if people knew how old i really was... they would make me stop, and i'd be nothing but a lab rat again and i can't... i can't Bell! i can't do that again!" he admitted, burying his face into his knees and just sat there, trembling because he was so scared, and so overwhelmed, and too young to know any better.
"I'm telling them that. They'll get a kick out of it."she said snickering at the idea before snorting "he did. Tony's not supposed to be in the lab, but we're giving him time off from being grounded so he can get his head together again."be he smiled amused before sighing softly. Patting his arm."I know that steve. It still hurts though."be he sighed a little before looking startled, amazed he was actually opening up. Usually he didnt, at least not this much."they won't treat you different. Well they may baby you more. And the only way you have to deal with shield is with Phil and through tony, they'll keep you safe. Promise."she muttered before shuddering a little broken at the idea of what she was hearing. Shifting, wrapping her arms around him.pressing a kiss to his head.

"You wont. Promise. We won't let anyone do that to you again. Do you think tony, or anyone, would let that happen? We're going to protect you steve we will."she said worried as she rubbed his back, looking sick at the idea of what they'd done to him
Steve snorted a little. "it's true you know." he admitted with a smile before shaking his head. "i can't even remember what Tony did." he admitted with a chuckle. "ten bucks Bruce and Tony can't either." he admitted before looking at her. "i'm sure they will. how can they not? everyone treats me different for stupid shit..." he mumbled before looking at her again. not sure he could believe her, but he wanted to, so very badly. then again, Tony would never, ever let anyone do those kinds of things to him. right? he had to trust that, Tony would never let anyone hurt him. "i am sorry. i shouldn't have kept it a secret." he admitted, leaning into her cuddling, James shifting in the doorway to block someone from coming in. "it's okay James. you remember me right? i'm Natasha. i have food for Steve. he needs to eat, keep his strength up or he'll get sick again." Steve chuckled a little. the babying had already started. oh joy. "what kind of food?" "Burger king!" Natasha informed him. "i have three milkshakes, four Big Macs with cheese and bacon, four large fries and two apple turnovers." Natasha reported. "okay James! let her in." Steve decided happily, eagerly taring into his meal. he had an unusual obsession with burger king burgers.
“me either. And that’s a fool’s bet. He can’t remember what he did last night to get yelled at, much less what he did a week ago to get in trouble.”Belladonna snickered a little before sighing. “They’ll baby you, but they wont treat you like your anything different then their Cap.”Belladonna smiled a little rubbing his back, “No, but we know why you did.”She said rubbing his back, looking amused as James stopped Natasha, shaking her head a little at his joy. “You have a weird obsession Cap.”She said moving to get up. “Now, do you want me to send tony down?I think I’m going to go put the boys in time out from science, make sure they eat and rest some.”
"that's true! but Bruce usually has a pretty good memory right?" he asked with a smile before shrugging. "i've never really been babied before." he admitted. "Ma was always too busy to take care of me when i was sick. working three jobs just to keep the roof over our heads you know? and James was never much of the mothering type." he admitted, shaking his head. "i just hope Tony forgives me." he admitted with a small shake of his head. hopefully Tony wouldn't hold this against him too long... hopefully. "it's not an obfeffion!" he complained even as he took a big chomp out of one of the burgers. "uhm... yeah, better to get it out of the way now. i'm sure he's going to yell at me for being stupid." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "if i'm lucky, he'll help me take a bath." he could easily take oe on his own, but Tony didn't need to know that.
“Usually.”Belladonna smiled before laughing. “Well then, get prepared for a new experience. I’m fairly certain we’re all going to baby you for awhile. And no, I really can’t see James being overly mothering.”She snorted amused at the idea before smiling. Patting his shoulder. “he’s not really upset. He’s just hurt and worried, and being weird about thinking you’re this young.”She smiled at him, before snorting. “It is a obsession.”She said before nodding, “Just remember, he loves you. He’ll forgive you. And you could just mention the bath first, he’ll probably forget to yell.”she said smiling as she headed for the lab, smiling slightly at the sight of the two men working on james’ new arm. “How’s it going?” “Amazing!”
Steve chuckled a little and shook his head. "i guess it could be worse." he agreed. "he was never very mothering, and i hated it when he tried to be. he was just... weird." he admitted with a smile before grimacing. "yeah, i noticed. well i am NOT waiting until i'm eighteen, i'm over the age of consent right?" he asked hopefully. "i better be." he grumbled. "it's not an obsession!" he whined, sulking at her, the effect ruined by the fact that he had ketchup and mustard smeared at the edges of his lips. it was no wonder he was always so hungry, he wasn't a super soldier, he was a teenager! "i know he will. thanks Bell. for listening. i feel a lot better now" he admitted.

Bruce looked up at her and smiled, looking rather peaceful for someone who had had a anxiety attack just a short while ago. but science had always calmed him down. "we're doing very well. i'm rather amazed at how far Tony got previously with relatively no idea of how the human nervous system works." he admitted. "come see. you'll love this." he admitted, picking up the cuff that would attach to what remained of James arm. "see this part here? it's a neurotransmitter. it reads the electronic pulses inside of James muscles." he explained. "it's near instantaneous just like a real arm is. he'll have fine motor control and he should be able to receive base sensations. hot, cold, soft, rough. we're still working on that part." he admitted, touching a few spots on the cuff and over on Tony's table the fingers flexed and then gave a thumbs up. "pretty cool right?"
"He'sweird now if you haven't noticed. He stole my cup for his collection cap."she whined a little though she wasn't truly angry over it. She knew where it was if she really wanted it back. "Just get undressed. I doubt he'd resist a naked captain. And yes you are....just remind tony how young he started, and you're bound to get laid."she smiled at him. Before laughing."you are such a t3enager."she teased amused at the sight of him eating so much."you're welcome. Anytime steve. That's why I'm here."she promised.

"I'm just that amazing. And no matter how shifty it was, I had hydra to base it off of, I just had to improve it."tony grinned pleased as belladonna walked closer."oh wow. That's awesome. I'm sure after so long having hydras stupid one, this will take some getting used to..."she frowned worried about how james was going to react before laughing at the thumbs up."that's awesome. So cool."
Steve snorted a little. "did he really? he doesn't seam to get the concept yet. maybe we have to show him first. you know, like stage a scene where Tony get's all bent out of shape for using his cup or something?" he wondered. "or maybe just show him his cup and tell him that it's his and it's the only one he should use? i don't know..." he admitted before grinning at her. "i should be naked when he gets here." he decided. "good idea." he praised before shaking his head. "i am not! well i am but being a teenager has nothing to do with my eating habits!" he sniffed before smiling at her. "still. thanks. honestly, i'm glad i have you as a friend."

"you are pretty amazing." Bruce agreed with a chuckle. "and Hydra is pretty shitty." he agreed, bending down with what looked like a pair of chopsticks to do some fine motor corrections on the base of the arm, sparks spitting out every which way as he worked. "he'll likely adapt fairly quickly. from what i can tell off of the original, every time they woke him up, they did a major remodel and upgrade." he admitted. "can't be too sure but that's what it looks like." he admitted before grinning at her. "it is cool right?" he asked. "Tony's got like, a micro brain connecting the different parts to each other so if Jame's losses his arm, he can find it again, he can even remove the different parts for easier cleaning. which is a good thing because the other one was totally disgusting. there was blood and stuff caked in the joints."
“He did. And I tried explaining it was my cup, but I think cause I wasn’t really upset with it, it hasn’t really gotten through. It’s okay though, I might consider buying him his own next time I’m out.”Bella smiled a little before snorting. “Do. It’d be amusing.”she said before snickering at the other’s words, “Yes, yes it does. Teenagers eat eveything. And welcome. I’m glad I have you to. Tony’ll be up soon.”

Bell looked at the sparks, looking amused and pleased at the sight, glad that they were actually getting it to work, before relaxing a little. “Well, that’s good then. At least it wont be to traumatizing then...”she sighed. “It is amazing. Truly tony.” “Thanks. I didn’t want to have to dis-arm him every time we had to fix everything. At least this way, it’ll be less brutal. And definitely less disgusting. I’m amazing, we fixed that part.”Tony grinned pleased with himself. “Good. Now you two, are going to take a break, and get some rest.” “What?No.” “Yes. You’re boyfriend’s awake, and wants some company.”
he nodded. "James seams to react more to emotions." he agreed. "if he sees people are possessive over their coffee cups, then he might be less likely to take off with them. you ever notice he never steals anything that people really get worked up over?" he asked. "the closest he's come is Tony' arc reactor i think." he admitted. "the again Tony didn't get overly worked up about it either." he muttered. "he has one." he reminded her. "Tony picked it up when he said James could stay here remember? it's the one with R2D2 on it, because we watched Starwars and he got all fussy when R2D2 fell over." he grinned. "i'm going to get naked." he decided.

"i don't think he will be, shield your eyes please." he asked, pulling down a welding mask and pausing to make sure she and Tony had their eyes covered before a bright light flared up ad then died just as quickly. "okay you can look again." Bruce said, leaning back and looking satisfied. "okay Tony. this parts done. we just need to test it now." he admitted. "i could use some food." Bruce admitted, stomach growling loudly. hey, might as well eat while there was food in the house for him to eat. he wouldn't mind seeing if he couldn't find some bread, slap together a sandwich or something. "go snuggle Steve Tony." Bruce ordered with a grin. "he could use the reassurance that we're not mad at him. or rather, that your not mad at him."
“I know. It’s a good sign. At least he’s not collecting stuff that people really, truly care about. Just stuff that means something to him.”She smile dbefore snorting.”That’s cause it wasn’t in his chest at the time. I don’t think he cares as long as it’s not in him what happens to the reactor.”She shrugged a little smiling. “Oh yea, I remember.”

“Kay.”Belladonna and tony smiled turning away from the light, shielding their eyes before looking. Pleased to see that the arm was done. “Okay. I’ll go get james and-” “No. Food and rest.”Belladonna ordered frowning at the two, pleased when bruce ganged up on tony. Knowing the genius wouldn’t fight them both. “...Fine. I’ll test things later.”tony grumbled leaving, muttering to himself the whole way about unfair ganging up on him. “Come on, you to, bruce.”Belladonna smiled as she hustled him towards the door to.
"that's true." he agreed. "i still can't figure out why he HAD to have that glittery cat toy from the grocer." it had been the first time they'd taken James out shopping with them. he had picked up the cat toy and hadn't let go until it was time to pay for it. even then there had been a scuffle where James didn't want to hand it over. he had settled down again once Steve had handed it back after the frightened cashier rang it up. it was still in James little collection. Belladonna had to check it from time to time because James liked to collect food too, like chocolate bars and Twinkies.

"James is probably napping Tony." James always laid down and slept for exactly two hours during the day. if he didn't get his nap he got increasingly aggravated until someone got stabbed. then he slept two hours during the night around ten. then again at around three or four in the morning. it was all he seamed to need and if he missed one he got very grouchy. waking him up was an even worse idea. "i'm coming, i just have to wash my hands." Bruce informed her, heading to the sink to scrub his arms clean of grease and oil. "okay, let's go scrounge up a meal." Bruce agreed, heading up the stairs only to blink when he realied all the cupboards and the fridge was empty. they all had forgotten about shopping day with Steve's vanishing act. Natasha's trip to burger king made more sense now. "oh! lime skins! i could make an infusion." Bruce decided happily. completely unbothered by the lack of food in the house. he was used to hunger.
“okay. At least you’re easier to herd then the other one.”belladonna snickered a little before nodding, looking startled as she realized everything was empty. “Bloody hell. No wonder Tasha got burger king.”She muttered looking amused now, before frowning slightly, “What?No you’re not. We’re going to go out. And get real food. Because just lime skins does not count.”She said shaking her head a little.

“Steve?You still awake?”Tony said as he walked quietly into the room, looking worried about waking him up, even if belladonna had said the man was awake, he was still worried about him enough to be worried that the man hadn’t recovered yet.
Bruce blinked at her. "but the limes are fine." he protested, looking confused. "why waste good money going out for food?" he wondered. a product of his shitty childhood no doubt.he didn't think he was worth a meal that someone had to pay for. he accepted the food in the fridge because that was for everyone, and he ate when he was offered food, but he never went to get his own food aside from the tea and even then he shared that with others. no one seamed to have noticed, because Bruce would eat when offered food, but Bruce never went in search of a meal on his own and even when offered food, he didn't eat as much as he probably needed. he ate the same as Clint or Natasha did, when it was likely he needed as much food as Tony or Steve did.

" i'm sleeping on the floor butt ass naked." Steve informed Tony. "i tried to get the the bathroom and now i can't get up." which was only half a lie. he had fully intended to strip naked and sit on the floor and tell Tony he was too tired to make it to the bathroom. he hadn't expected that to actually happen. dammit.
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