
Steve shook his head a little and followed Tony in getting dressed. he knew that asking Tony what was wrong would get no response whatsoever. "good god..." he managed to get out when he saw the hoard of food waiting for them. "that's... wow." he admitted, looking around at the feast, his stomach growling loudly. "nah. we couldn't decide what to make, and Clint said he could cook better than me so i had to prove him wrong." at Bruce's chuckle she knew they had the big guy right where they wanted him. so long as Bruce didn't think they had done this for him, he'd happily eat anything they put on his plate, especially if they kept him so busy he didn't notice what he was eating. "well it's a good thing i'm starving." Steve admitted, grinning at Tony. "did you make Tony's Coffee?" "who do you think we are? of COURSE we did!" Natasha scoffed, handing the two coffee carafes over to Steve. Natasha had gotten frustrated with the fact that everyone drank different Coffee that she had apparently gotten a coffee pot for all of the Avengers and the various permanent 'guests'.
“That’s alot of food...”Tony said eyes wide as he stared at the food. “I can cook better then you!”Clint huffed making a face, even if it was true, he was glad that bruce didn’t suspect what they’d really been up to. “Good. You are forgiven for waking me up then.”Tony said nearly purring as he took the coffee, sipping it even as he settled at the table to eat, pausing as he considered the counters. “There’s lots of coffee pots.” “Nat got frustrated with everyone drinking different stuff.”Clint said snickering a little.
"yeah it is." Natasha said, quite proud of herself. she had managed to make a good number of meals, with help, without having to use a box's instructions. okay well she helped Clint cook so it still counted. "you cannot! look at all the amazing things i made!" she ordered, pointing at a 'discard' pile where she'd burnt, melted, or otherwise ruined the food she had made. "i did get frustrated." she agreed. she couldn't cook and was terrible at cleaning so she usually had Coffee duty. which would be fine if Steve didn't like a dark Colombian while James wouldn't drink anything unless it was a breakfast blend. Bruce always had tea, no exceptions and the others all demanded different things too. so she had used a labeler and slapped their names on their own coffee pot and she was now pointing at them. "you may use only your own coffee maker and pot. each pot has three carafe which are also printed with your names. if it doesn't have your name on it, your not allowed to touch it, cheapish!?" she demanded, glaring around at them before nodding. "good! now, dig in! avoid those." she ordered, flicking her finger at her failures. "we don't need people getting food poisoning."
“You helped me make amazing things. You made a mess.”Clint teased kissing her cheek in amusement. “...Well....can I touch them?”Tony asked looking up at her with a tiny sweet, innocent smile. “Why....?”Belladonna said eyeing the genius, and not trusting why he wanted to do so. “....I could have a army of coffee pots. It’d be amazing. They could talk to each other, and refuse to work for anyone else, just in case someone tries to use them.” “You’re just afraid you’ll mix up which is yours when your tired.” “True, but its still something to think about.”
"i made miracles!" Natasha complained, sulking. "i did! i made amazing things! just because they aren't edible!" she grinned, showing that she was joking. "no, you cannot touch them." she informed Tony. "they have Wifi Access so Jarvis has already hooked himself into them. you won't even be able to open the tops to get Coffee and water in if it's not your coffee pot." she informed them. "now. come and eat." she odered, watching Bruce take a seat at the end, waiting until everyone else had grabbed their meals and nearly scowled when she realized he had grabbed just shy of the same amount as Belladonna had, and she had the least food on her plate, being a normal human being and all that. still, if this plan worked, he'd be eating a lot more soon enough. and sure enough, Steve raised a bit of a fit when Natasha commented that they would have to throw some of the food out because it wouldn't fit in the fridge. being from a time where food was in such short supply that even a wrapper with a smear of chocolate still on it was something to be fought over, he was adamant about never wasting food. Bruce felt his face go bright red when most of the table turned to look at him when his stomach growled again. he had the same issues as Steve about letting food go to waste. it would be wrong to just throw it away. it was wrong to keep eating after he'd already had his share though, not to mention everyone else was done. with everyone's eyes on him though, he couldn't slink away. shit. those bastards had planned this! he leveled his best glare at Natasha and Clint, it was weak and pathetic. he was just too used to hiding his anger.
“Oh. That’s not fair.”Tony pouted at the idea of not getting to play with the coffee pots even as he sipped his coffee, and while he didn’t eat nearly as much as steve, he put nearly as much food away as James, wondering just why they were eating this much, and having a feeling it was going to be a interesting conversation. Nudging steve a little he sighed. “Don’t worry about it. We could just eat it now.”Tony said smirking a little as he realized what was going on. BElladonna smiled. “Eat.”She said pointing her fork at the other. Clint smirked as he was glared at. “Yea, bruce, come on. I wanna see you put it away. Tony can outeat James, but not steve. Steve can outeat Thor sometimes, so if you can eat more then steve, I’m going to call Thor and tell him that they have a new god of food and excess.”
"tough." Natasha stated simply. "it's for my sanity if nothing else. or would you all rather end up drinking MY Coffee?" no one wanted that. Russian Coffee was so strong even Tony wouldn't drink it unless it was watered down a little bit. "god, i'm stuffed." Steve finally sighed. leaning back and patting his belly before scowling at all the leftover food. Bruce turned his glare on Belladonna and pointed his own fork back at her. "i will make you pay for this." but he couldn't, wouldn't, ever left food go to waste so he reached for the nearest bowl and began to pack it away. all of it. he ended up eating himself to sleep, one hand curled around a fork, the other still wrapped around his cup of tea. even James was staring at him, wide eyed, as if frightened Bruce might wake up and keep eating. it was the first time Bruce had eaten enough to distend his belly though, no matter that of the fifty pounds of food or more that tey had made, there was only a few scraps left. "...oh my god..." Steve whispered, not wanting to wake up Bruce. "where did it all GO!?" he wondered. "he ate more than me, Tony, Steve and Thor could eat together... he ate more than everyone at this table ate combined! how did he fit it all in there!?" he wondered, amazed. "we need to start making more food." he finally said, Phil nodding. "clearly. i think this is the first time Bruce has ever been full... poor man. we'll have to work hard to make sure he doesn't go hungry again..." he paused. "he'll eat right? if we give him food?" he always did. "so why not start handing him snacks during the day or just leaving them in his lab when he's working too? so he won't have to eat such huge meals. that's what Steve ad James do." though James wouldn't always eat the snacks, Steve had about eight small meals a day, usually just an apple and some cheese or a bowl of cereal along with his three bigger meals. kept him from eating the house down. "Sir." Jarvis spoke. "there is a communicative signal attempting to reach my servers from off planet."
“...oh. No. We don’t want that.”Tony said with wide eyes because indeed, he couldn’t drink natasha’s coffee. “I’m sure you will. You sound as threatening as a fluffy bunny with that, by the way.”She said smirking a little at amusement that the man was threatening her, looking pleased as he went to sleep .”...There is a new god of food...this is...”Clint trailed off wide eyed himself as he stared. “....I think I’m going to take up stocks in food companies. We’ll make ourselves rich...”Tony stared looking amused. “Yea. He’ll eat. He eats all the time when tony has snacks on him.”Belladonna pointed out before nodding. “We’ll do that. Tony?” “I’ll make sure his lab has a similar fridge as mine in the lab. And that it has all his foodstuffs in it. We’ll make sure he’s fed-”Tony paused looking up at Jarvis’ words. “Thor?”He asked even as he connected to the servers, eyes going unfocused as he worked to let extremis boost the signal and figure out what it was.
Bruce scoffed. "i'm way scarier than a bunny." he grumbled even as he settled in to eat. once he started, he couldn't bring himself to stop. he had never felt so... so, good before in his life. he felt so warm, full and content he was actually feeling safe enough to sleep right there at the table. his heart full of warmth that they had cared so much as to trick him into eating until he was actually full. "this is kind of awesome..." Natasha admitted with a chuckle. "i hope he forgives us for tricking him, but he really needed this. i've never seen him fall asleep with other people in the room before." she admitted, gently draping a blanket over Bruce's shoulders. "so he basically accepts food that others don't want or can't eat." Steve mumbled. "i gave him a strawberry danish once that was supposed to go to Pepper because i didn't know she was allergic to strawberries." Steve admitted. "i didn't really notice but he hates strawberries and he still ate it." they had only learned recently that Bruce didn't like strawberries after Natasha offered him a bite of her strawberry ice-cream.

as soon as Extremis boosted the signal, the crackling sound of Thor's voice started coming through, too choppy at first to be understood. "on... ony... Tony, if you can hear me, this is Thor, i am returning to earth tomorrow and i am bringing Loki with me. i will explain there. do not attack us." Thor said, before repeating the message two more times before he seamed to get frustrated, he didn't seam to be able to hear Tony's responses at all. "are you sure this is working? nothing is happening." "no i'm not sure! i've never had to send communications to a primitive planet before." another voice snapped, sounding rather disgusted that he had to try at all." "do not take that tone with me!" Thor snapped right back. "and do not call them primitive! they are more advanced than you will ever be Kraken! be glad you even still have a job at all!" Thor snarled before returning to try and contact Tony before the signal fuzzed and died out again as, whoever Kraken was, tried to adjust the signal. "Tony? what was it?" Phil asked curiously.
“Are not.”Belladonna huffed. “That was really, really awesome. I’m going to enter him into eating contests, and win all the time and become the world champion. It’d be amazing.”Clint said looking wide eyed at the idea. “Exactly. So as long as we don’t make a big deal of it, and simply get him to accept it without fussing, he’ll eat.”Belladonna smiled watching tony though, wincing, looking slightly at the worry and confusion that tightened tony’s features.

“Thor?I can hear you. Thor!”Tony yelled back trying to get through, and hating that even with extremis, it seemed that he had some limits of what he could do. Frowning as the signal broke, he jumped a little as phil’s voice snapped him back to the current world. “Tony?”Clint said watching him. “Yea?oh. We have a potential problem. Thor’s returning with a guest.”
"i don't think he'd go for eating contests. he had enough problems eating in front of us." Steve pointed out, smiling when James picked up one of the bowls that was left and finished off what was inside. he had really gotten into eating lately. Bruce thought it was because his body had adjusted to the heavier diet. A.K.A Real food and no longer got stomach aches or cramps from eating food. he had his favorites though, he'd almost stabbed Clint that morning when Clint tried to grab the last banana that James wanted. and he refused to let anyone but Bell and Steve, and amusing enough Tony, touch the fruit snacks in the cupboard. though he would sulk for a good long while if the aforementioned gave a fruit snack to anyone else.

"Thor is coming back?" Natasha asked, looking quite happy with the news before darkening at the mention of a guest, setting a hand on Clint's arm. there's only one person she could think of that Thor would want to bring back.... Loki. "he's not staying here, right?" she demanded. "Thor is not bringing that monster in here for more than a day, and only becase they are transfering him to a new prison or something, right?"
“Hmph. Maybe not, but it’d still be awesome.”Clint snickered a little. Amused as james ate, glad that the man was indeed settling in to eating more. “This is good to see. We’ll get everyone eating soon enough.”belladonna smiled looking utterly pleased with the fact that james and bruce were eating more now.

“Yes he is.”Tony said looking nervous, and ready to spring away from natasha if she attacked him for telling them. “What...”Clint swallowed looking pale at the idea. “Yes.And I ...I don’t know. We can take them to one of the other houses. But he asked that we not attack him as soon as he’s here, that there are something he needed to explain first.”Tony sighed quietly, frowning. “I don’t know, but he’s coming tomorrow, and we’ll find out what’s going on.”
"yeah we will." Natasha agreed, looking very, very pleased with herself. "and it was all m idea." she admitted, looking very smug indeed before scowling at the idea of Loki being here. "no. make sure he comes here if you can." she ordered. "i want us all armed, hot and heavy when he gets here just to make sure." she decided, turning to look at Clint, letting him decide if he wanted to be here for this or not. "if it is a transfer, or Thor needs a place to detain his brother, we did manage to make a magic neutralizing cell." Phil admitted. "Thor was kind enough to test it for us." he admitted. "so we won't have to worry about Loki causing problems. we'll just have to wait for morning and see when he gets here."

it was Noon before Jarvis reported Bi-Frost activity and Thor and Loki appeared. what was strange was that Loki was not bound in any way. he was draped in a white roe, he was as thin as a rake, thinner than he had been during the invasion. he had dark circles under his eyes and the now green orbs where blank. he was also quite dirty, like he hadn't bathed in so long his skin had just started secreting more dirt. "please. allow me to explain." Thor pleaded, not looking at all surprised by the weapons and hostility. "i tried to call, i couldn't get a signal through. honestly i don't know how hard the sorcerers where working." Thor admitted, carefully sitting Loki down and propping him against the wall. he didn't so much as twitch, he just sat there, limp and unmoving. he looked dead, if not for the fact that he was breathing.
“We will be. He never said we had to great them unarmed. Just to not kill him on sight.”Tony frowned a little. Clint swallowed thickly, staring down as he thought, “I’ll be there...if he needs shot, I want to be there to see it.”Clint muttered swallowing hard. He was so worried about what was going to happen next.

Tony swallowed hard as he raised the repulsors, watching the two before startling, eyes widening as he looked loki over. Lowering the weapons as he flicked up the faceplate to get a better look. “...we got the message, I just couldn’t make you hear me.”Tony said watching the two. “Whats....wrong with him?”Clint said and while he hadn’t lowered the bow, he was still looking lost at the sight of loki so not....the man he’d known.
Thor sighed. "well, at least there was that. my people have never had to try to communicate through earths technology before. i was worried that the two technologies where incompatible." he admitted, startling when Steve suddenly spoke. "he looks like James did..." he whispered, unable to tear his eyes away from Loki. James had been in a rather similar state. filthy, wounds oozing, not all of them with blood, eyes blank and dead, void of life as Loki's where. at the sound of his name James came over and examined the godling before doing something very surprising. he moved over, picked Loki up and carried the godling to the couch. he set the frail looking man down gently and arranged him so he looked more comfortable and settled Loki's hands on his stomach and covered him with the way overly colorful blanket that Jams preferred. Loki never reacted, but covered in that bright blanket, he didn't look so lifeless.

"that is part of what i need to tell you." Thor said to Clint, once he was certain James wasn't going to hurt Loki. "please. i need to sit. this... this past week has been... horrible." Thor admitted, his voice quivering as if he was going to cry. "it started, you know, the day we retired to Asgard. as soon as we stepped through the Dark pathways, Loki collapsed, as if strings had been cut. a puppet i suppose. he has not left that state since." he explained, swallowing thickly. "we placed him in a cell and waiting for him to stop acting, but three weeks passed and he didn't eat, or sleep, or drink..." he shook his head. "we figured he had slipped into a Coma. that happens sometimes so we hooked him up to lif support and waited for him to wake up, he never did." Thor shuddered. "finally, my mother, Frigga could take it no more. she wanted answers, why would Loki do such terrible things? so we ordered a Delver... that is a sorcerer who can leap into a person's mind to find memories, or fix mental damage." Thor admitted. "what he found... what he found..."

Thor had to pause, covering his eyes with a mighty hand and stood there, trembling a little bit. "such heavy scarring... the kind that only mental torture can cause. when the healers looked deeper at Loki's physical state they realized his body had been tortured too. relentlessly. when he came to earth he had been tortured so badly his mind and soul broke. he was not the one we fought, but merely a very clever puppet master, using my brothers body..." Thor whispered. "the next part... god... what we learned next... Loki had always been so strong. normal torture would never have worked.... but his child... he was pregnant... they killed his unborn child..." Thor whispered. "and he could take no more, and died inside..." Natasha sucked in a hard gasp. she knew how much it hurt to loose a baby. she herself had been pregnant. Hydra had forced an abortion that had mangled her organs, meaning she could never have children again. some days, she still felt the pain.
“We’ll figure out a better way to communicate. It’d be good to have.”Tony muttered startling a little as he glanced at steve, before looking at loki.”...he does.”he swallowed thickly, and despite everything, he felt the tug at his heartstrings at the memory of james looking this badly. Startling a little as james settled loki onto the couch he smiled slightly. “Come on Thor. Sit down.”Belladonna said wrapping a arm around the blond’s waist, tugging him into the room to, sitting down next to him, holding him ever so gently as he started talking.

By the time they got the whole story, belladonna, tony and clint all looked moments away from throwing up, belladonna holding onto the blond god tighter. Feeling broken at just hearing what loki had gone through. Clint swallowed thickly as he moved over to natasha, holding her close, nuzzling her a little as he trembled. Feeling shaken, and at a loss, because his hatred for loki had abandoned him, but he couldn’t deal with the sudden loss. Glancing up at thor he tilted his head. “ he going to wake?”He said staring at loki.
Thor nodded. "i had hoped you would be capable of finding a way." Thor admitted to Tony with a weak little smile before watching Loki breathe. "thank you." he murmured to Belladonna, sitting down with her, glad for the comfort. Natasha wrapped her arms around Clint, well aware that he was just as shaken as she was. "who was controlling him?" Steve asked softly. "...his name is Thanos, the Mad God..." Thor whispered. "it was he who supplied the Chitauri to the Other. it was the Other who controlled the Chitauri." he admitted. "we are not sure if Thanos was directly controlling Loki, or just using the Tesseracts innate mental control to copy Loki's memories and twist them, forcing a simulacrum of Loki to take control. either way, Thanos is the one directly to blame for Loki's current condition and the attacks on earth." he admitted before looking up at Clint, swallowing thickly. "i do not know. no one does..." he whispered. "that's why i have brought him here. in control of himself or not, my people are calling for blood for the actions of Loki. it does not matter to them that he is a victim entirely, to them, he is a Jotun, and therefore punishable simply for being born." Thor admitted, reaching out and gently stroking Loki's hair away from the godlings face. "it was only by Odin, my father's, orders that the Sorcerers of Asgard even opened the way for me to bring him here. they will not help him, so Odin pretends to banish Loki to earth, in the hopes of settling his people, as well as get Loki help he truly needs... please. let my brother stay here... i have failed him so many times already."
“We will.”tony gave the god a another smile. “No thanks needed, big guy.”Belladonna muttered holding onto him, rubbing his back, watching clint and natasha, seeing just how shaken the man was. “...Does your father think thanos will try to take over earth again?”Tony asked, loking worried. Because they had thought they’d dealt with the threat to earth, but if this was true, this was still a threat to earth. “...We’ll try to help. I don’t know what we have, but we can.”Clint said frowning as he considered what was going on, swallowing thickly as he looked at the others, not thinking the other’s would protest. “I better go tell phil....”Clint muttered swallowing hard, because he didn’t want to tell phil that they were letting loki stay, but he couldn’t exactly turn away the broken man and one of his friends.
Thor nodded. "thanks is what is given when one is grateful, is it not?" he asked, frowning a little before shaking his head. "we do not know. all we know is that Thanos wished to destroy earth as a message to the other nine realms. my people often make fun of the earth for being 'primitive' but that is only because they are wary of the power humans hold." Thor admitted. "had Thanos destroyed this planet, the others would have fallen very swiftly indeed." he admitted. "whether Thanos will try again is entirely unknown." he sighed and looked at Loki before looking up at Clint. "it was you, brother Clint, that was hurt the most during the events. if you do not feel comfortable with him here, then i can remove him to Jane's home." he promised Clint. "i would not wish to cause you stress. i do not need to stay here specifically to help my brother, merely stay on earth." he assured him. "Clint... come on, we'll go snuggle in bed and have Phil come to us." Natasha decided. "you need to give yourself time to think about this." she admitted, stroking his hair. "come on." she urged, guiding Clint to his feet and down the hall tot heir shared bedroom where Phil joined them a few moments later. everyone had insisted Phil not be there. they didn't want to run the risk of Phil dying again. he settled into the bed after removing his tie and shoes and settled against Clint's side with a sigh. they would tell him what happened when they where ready.
“It is, but we are friends thor. You don’t need to thank me for holding you.”She muttered smiling quietly. “...Huh. Well then, I shall see to setting things up to keep watch.”Tony said his eyes glazing slightly as he started tapping into the electronics he could, setting jarvis to working and keeping watch. “....No. Leave him here. It’s safer then Jane’s...and if he comes back raving mad....well. We’ll be better ti deal with him then Jane.”clint said frowning slightly, not liking the idea of loki here, but hating it even worse letting someone else be responsible for his presence. “kay...snuggling sounds good...”Clint muttered sighing quietly as he let the woman take him to bed, whining quietly as phil snuggled into him, shifting to get comfortable, resting his head on the man’s chest. Sighing softly. “....Loki’s in a coma...and was being used.”He muttered.
Thor nodded, patting her hand. "it is still polite to be thankful." he admitted with a smile before nodding to Tony. "thank you. we have all of our sorcerers on watch too, though i don't know how serious they are taking this threat." he huffed. "i am truly beginning to hate being from Asgard sometimes." he grumbled before nodding. "yes. okay. thank you." Thor knew the chances of Loki ever waking up where slim. but if Loki did wake up, there was a very good chance he would be insane. if Loki did wake up insane there was no telling if he would be violent or not and a violent Loki was not something just anyone could handle.

"in a coma?" Phil asked, looking surprised before turning to Natasha who explained everything in more detail since Clint seamed to be in shock. "so he was never the enemy?" Phil asked, wondering hos he felt about that. "...well it's better if he stays here. if he ever wakes up there's a chance he'll be raving mad and we'll have to take care of him." Phil decided, closing his eyes. "Thor won't like it, but we can't have a violent, insane god running around." he mumbled, rubbing the scar on his chest where he'd been run through with that crappy scepter.
“I think we all hate where we come from sometimes.”Tony said smiling sadly, before nodding. “We’ll be okay. We’ll look after him if he wakes.”belladonna smiled slightly watching the two as steve and tony got loki settled into a room next to thor’s.

“Yes.”Clint muttered, indeed, quite in shock himself. Sighing softly as he closed his eyes, frowning slightly. “...No.....and yes. He has to stay here.”Clint muttered shuddering a little, snuffling a little as he pressed his face against the scar, shivering as he clung to phil.”It’ll be okay.It will be...”
"i suppose you are right." Thor agreed with Tony. "...if he wakes, and he is mad and violent. there will be only one thing we can do." he warned them, voice haunted because the last thing he wanted to have to do was kill his own brother but if Loki awoke violent, there was nothing else they could do, and Loki wouldn't want to hurt more people.

"yes. he'll stay, and we'll keep a very close eye on him. it will be okay." Phil agreed, running his fingers through Clint's hair. trying to sooth his lover. Phil was the first one up in the morning and he left the bed, careful not to wake Clint before slipping out of the room to go make sure Loki hadn't woken up and slaughtered everything. he hadn't, though at some point someone had bathed Loki, making him look a lot less dead. the godling was sitting on the couch while Thor watched Steve make some sort of puree of vegetables to see if they couldn't get the god to swallow the food, since I.V. feedings and feeding tubes where not all that healthy. Phil was pretty convinced that Loki wasn't faking when he watched Steve have to open the gods mouth, spoon in the food and then stroke the throat to make the shell of a body swallow. "uhm... Thor? if he's... you know. not even able to swallow on his own. what about..." "eliminations?" Thor asked. "that's no problem. there is a spell. it vanishes the waste once it reaches the bladder and the... lower, intestines? anyway we do not have to care for him in the manner of an infant. well, at least in that manner." Thor admitted, sighing when they managed to get about a cup full of Puree down Loki's throat before the body refused to swallow and Loki choked on it. "well.. at least we can sort of get him to eat..."
“Is...does he ever show any signs of recognizing anyone?”Belladonna asked from where she was watching, struggling to figure out how to reach loki. James had always shown signs of knowing people where around him, of being hostile to them sometimes. And wondering if loki recognized them enough that they could goad him into reacting. Remembering what tony had said about talking to lki before, she had a feeling if they could get through to the god, tony would be annoying enough to get a reaction, if only because loki would want to hit him. “It’s like he’s reacting like james did. Like he’s not had real food for so long, that it’s making him sick to try to take more then a certain amount...”
"no." Thor admitted. "or at least, i have never noticed anything." he admitted. "he has not reacted at all.he just lays there, blinks every once and a while, and breathes." Thor admitted, shaking his head as he wiped Loki clean from where he'd basically thrown up on himself. "that does seam likely. i have no idea when the last time he had solid food." Thor admitted softly. "i know he ate a good meal before the events of my banishment but if he was able to eat while here on earth or in the hands of Thanos or floating int he abyss i do not know." he admitted, letting Loki lay on the couch and making him a little more comfortable with a pillow. "try broth." Phil suggested. "and baby food. that's what Natasha had when we first recovered her. it's easier on the stomach i think." Phil admitted, staring at Loki and unable to dredge up any anger. the little god was just too pathetic.
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