
“Hmm. I’ll go down to the hospital. I have a friend who works in the long term ward. Might have so advice on dealing with coma patients.”belladonna frowned thinking it over. “He was only here about 56 hours, and I never saw him eat anything. And I was with him for most of his time on earth.”Clint frowned thinking about it before glancing at phil. “We’ll go get food. There’s that big baby store a few blocks over, they’ll have a huge selection of food and all.”
Thor looked a little confused but nodded and then shook his head, mumbling about how little brothers needed more taking care of than he thought. "i would imagine that whoever was controlling him did not think his physical state was overly important so long as the... attack, was a success.." Phil admitted softly, looking at Clint and offering him a sheepish smile. he knew Clint hated it when he left without telling Clint. "it's kinda hard to stay angry at him when he's like this." Steve grumbled. he knew it wasn't really Loki's fault. who could survive against an onslaught of torture and loosing a baby? still, it was hard to look at Loki and not see his wicked face laughing at ou for trying to save an old man in Germany. or see the man who had stabbed Phil through, who had overtaken Clint's mind. who had nearly destroyed everything worth living for. "so... whose going to go and get the baby food?" "i will do it. know which foods Loki likes and which he doesn't." Thor decided. "i do not know how earths plastic cards work however."
“Probably not. The weapon doesn’t need caring for, as long as it works....highly like hydra in that way.”Belladonna said frowning a little as she considered it. It was disturbing how much loki and james had in common. “It is. Really.”Clint agreed watching loki, and he so wanted to blame the man, because it was the enemy he could see, instead of the one they simply heard about, but he couldn’t. Not when he could see just how broken he was. “....I’ll go with thor.”Belladonna said glancing at James, tilting her head. “You coming to?”She said, giving the man the option of coming or not.
"evil people everywhere think the same way I guess." Steve mumbled, watching Loki who was, as always, not doing anything. "i honestly don't know which one is worse off..." Steve mumbled, eyes flicking from James to Loki and back again. he hated this, he really did. James simply followed her, shiny new arm attached that Tony had finally finished with Bruce's help. they hadn't figured out the skin problem but the self lubricating joints had been easier to fix. James seamed to really like this arm, because he'd nearly broken Thor's fingers when the thunder god tried to touch it. the self lubricating joints meant they moved much more smoothly and would clean themselves of any dust or dirt that might get lodged in there. yes the arm still needed to be cleaned every few days, but it would be so much easier now, thanks to Tony's ingenious idea to have all the joints detachable. James wouldn't even need help now, once they taught him how to do it. he looked a lot more confident with it on too, like he knew he could be trusted not to hurt someone. like the fact that Tony had made it just for him, meant he wasn't just a tool anymore.
“We’ll be back.”Belladonna sighed a little smiling as james followed them out. Well, at least this way they could get more, get james to help them carry it. And indeed, when they returned there were bags and bags worth of not just baby food, but applesauce and other soft foods, and alot of james’ favorites cause she thought he’d deserved a snack for being so good about going. “So, any change?”Belladonna asked as she looked at the others, smiling slightly worried about them all and how they were dealing with loki being here. “No.”Tony sighed leaning into steve, having been convinced to lay still and relax for a few hours instead of retreating down to the lab.
James looked a little bit baffled, holding all of the bags in his arms, Thor chuckling as he watched James, who kept peeking into the bags he was carrying as if expecting the fruit-snacks, bananas and pears would vanish if he didn't check on them every few minutes. "none." Thor agreed, shaking his head. Loki was still laying on the couch where they left him. Steve had his arm wrapped around Tony, watching Loki because it hurt him so much to see the other like that. so much like James. James dropped the groceries on the counter and then moved to stare at Loki as well. he just stood there and stared at him before stepping close, crouched low and poked Loki on the cheek. "..James? what are you doing?" "...maybe he's checking to see if Loki's dead?" Natasha wondered. "i think this would be the first time James has seen someone so still before." James reached out again and this time barely dragged his finger along Loki's cheek. there was an instant reaction. Loki's hand flew up and smacked himself in the face, like a sleeping person trying to smack at a feather or a bug. "James! do it again!" Thor gasped, James sitting back and looking at Thor. Loki settled back into stillness once more and Steve leaned forward, grabbing a feather from the feather down pillows and dragging it against Loki's face again. Loki reacted again, but that's all he did, was react. still, it was a good sign that something was still stirring in his mind. eventually though he stopped slapping at the feathers. now doubt too tired to keep up the activity after so long without food, water, or having control of his own body.
“He’s getting a reaction. Wonder if someone did that to him.”Tony said watching James, eyes wide at the smacking. Remembering those first couple times tony had touched him trying to get the mask away to deal with the wounds. It had resulted in both chilling silence, and instant activity as james fought them. It made sense that the small annoyance got a reaction. “We need to get him to eat some. He doesn’t have enough energy to keep up the activity. We’ll have to ease him up to reacting to more. But this is a good thing. Really.”Belladonna said squeezing thor’s arm, looking so happy for the man.
"you know... he did react to sensations on his face at first." Steve agreed, examining James. "now i really wonder just how much James understands... if he's punking us i'm gonna kick his ass." he admitted, gently helping Thor sit Loki up. "here. i wanna try something." Steve decided, grabbing one of the baby foods. "which of these is Loki's favorite?" "fruits. Loki loves fruits." Thor admitted, so full of hope he was nearly overflowing with it. "okay. how about... apples and bananas?" he asked Thor who nodded. Steve cracked open the jar and moved over to Loki before hesitating. "well... i used to do this for a kid i used to watch..." he admitted, scooping a little half spoon. "she lived in her head for the most part. it wasn't until after i woke up from being frozen that i learned it was autism. no one else wanted to watch her because she was 'freaky' so i did." he admitted. "she wouldn't eat normally, but if i just hovered the spoon... so she'd smell it..." he hovered the spoon in front of Loki's lips and for a long moment nothing happened. then, much to Steve and Thor's delight, Loki opened his mouth, accepted the food, and swallowed. after half the jar was gone, Loki refused to open up anymore, but Thor was crying he was so relieved. his brother had a chance!
Belladonna snickered looking at james. “I doubt he’s punking us. Though he might understand more then we think.”she said smiling at the man, reaching out to brush a hand through james’ hair, pressing a kiss to his forehead. She was one of the few people who could touch him without causing violence, but she’d found casual touches, especially with the people she took care of, who were for the most part were abuse victims and people who’d been deprieved of touch, liked being touched gently. “Hm?”Tony looked curious eyes widening. “That’s awesome.”He grinned. “We could treat him like one of the autistic, maybe if we do, treat him with the kid gloves instead of making demands to do things, we might be able to coax him into responding to us.”Tony said looking pleased with the idea.
"i don't know. he could be punking us. a little bit." he admitted with a smile, watching James recoil away from the touch before accepting it once he realized it was Bell. "yeah it is pretty awesome." Steve admitted with a grin. "and just like James, we'll give Loki a ton of little meals. like, feed him every hour or something." he decided. he knew that Loki would probably never, ever be the same as he once was, but there was a good chance Loki could at least be happy right? "it makes sense. James doesn't like to be told what to do either. it's a loss of control. Loki doesn't want to be controlled or hurt, so he sinks into his mind. if we can get him to realize he's not in danger anymore, maybe he'll start coming to?"
“:maybe just a bit.”Belladonna agreed looking amused at the idea. “hm, we’ll take turns. And we’ll talk to him. Maybe betweeen the small meals and talking, we can convince him that it’s okay. That he’s fine coming out.”Tony mused frowning slightly because he never knew loki before now, but he had to try to help him, to figure out how to give him some sort of life again. “Maybe. We’ll try. Telling him about this world now, might be enough to get him to think about coming out?Maybe he’ll be curious enough to listen.”Belladonna smiled slightly at the idea of coaxing loki back to the world.
"we'll make Tony talk to him." Steve decided, impish grin on his lips. "Tony gets a reaction from everyone. and Loki was always said to be extremely smart right? so maybe smart people talk will make him more eager to come out." Bruce nodded from where he was huddled in the back. he didn't want to get too close to Loki because he could feel Hulk shifting in his head, growling that the 'puny god' was in the house, too close to Belladonna and no matter how Bruce tried to sooth the monster it didn't go back to sleep. so he stayed back, worried that he was going to go green at the slightest provocation. "you did a good job James." Steve assured the man, patting his shoulder and James jerked, startled and stared at the metal arm Steve had just patted with wide eyes. "oh. oops. sorry buddy, forgot you weren't used to that." touch sensation. something James hadn't felt in over seventy years. it still freaked him out a bit.
"I do. Though if he throws me out a window again, I'm going to yell at you guys."tony sulked making a face."just talk about science or something. He'll listen."Belladonna smiled watching tony fuss over loki a bit before glancing at bruce, studying him a long moment before moving away, recognizing that the man didn't like her near loki, having often seen that look on james face. "He'll get used to it, it just takes time."tony said looking a little worried for james and being able to feel things again.
"he won't throw you out of a window. Loki despises such physical forms." Thor admitted. "he is much more likely to cover you in something smelly and slimy, or attach odd limbs to your person. or possibly turn you into a goat." he admitted, sulking a little. "and then people will think you have a 'thing' for goats and will never let you live it down even through eons of human history." Steve cracked up at that. Bruce watched her move away and managed to relax a little as the Hulk calmed. thank god. he did not want to let that beast out when Loki was so vulnerable. James flexed his fingers, watching the metal move before ignoring it and focused on watching Loki again, looking vaguely sulky when Loki didn't do anything at all, again. though Loki had closed his eyes and appeared to be sleeping. which was a relief in itself since Loki had refused to sleep for weeks now. Thor hoped it meant that Loki felt a bit more safe there. who could really tell though?
“....Oh!So that’s where that story came from.”Tony grinned giggling a little at the idea. “You’re okay.”Belladonna muttered, squeezing bruce’s arm as she moved closer to him, looking amused as james sulked. “He’s sleeping Jamie. After he rests, I’m sure he’ll do something else interesting again.”
Thor huffed a little and pouted at Tony. Bruce nodded. "yeah... fine." he muttered, not sounding very convinced at all. he was just glad Hulk had stopped roaring in his mind. that damn well hurt! fucking green bastard! oh how he wished he could get rid of the monster inside of him. "can't be too sure about that but i'm sure we can get a few reactions out of Loki. maybe if we annoy him enough he'll come around?" Steve mused, Thor snorting. "Loki only does as he pleases. if you annoy him too much he's more likely to turn your skin pink and continue ignoring you... or sell your hammer to a troll, convince you that it's your fault and them make you wear a dress to get it back." Thor grumbled, though he was smiling. asgardians where very weird.
“We’ll get reactions. It’s tony.”Belladonna snickered a little. “....Asgardians are weird”Tony said looking amused as he rolled his eyes.

Later Belladonna smiled as she made food, looking at James and tony as the man worked on some new tech thing. “Tony, what are you making?” “Machine to make a raptor.” “....What?” “I watched jurrassic park. I want a raptor, and james is helping me figure it out.” “...I feel like I should go get bruce and involve him in this endevour...”
James was more holding things for Tony then he was actually helping but he looked pretty content to be with Tony so it didn't really matter. especially since every once and a while Ton would offer him some blueberries. he happily took handfuls and took his time eating them one at a time, which was what he as doing now, holding something in place for Tony while he slipped blueberries from a pile on the table into his mouth, chewing each one and sucking on it before repeating the procedure. savoring the taste. "involve me in what?" Bruce asked, walking in. he had laid down to take a nap, since Hulk had given him a migraine of epic proportions.
Tony grinned looking completely content to building his machine on the kitchen table, for once feeling like spending time with everyone. Looking pleased with james eating, and his help. “Thanks James.”Tony muttered smiling as the man help a panel in place as he screwed it in. “In tony’s world domination plan.” “It is not world domination plan!I want a pet.” “ is to world domination when you end up with a Rex instead of a Raptor.”Belladonna said rolling her eyes looking at bruce. “Tony wants a pet dinosaur. Someone let him watch Jurassic park.” “It’s my tower!I can watch what I want.”
James watched Tony work and chewed on another blueberry, not really reacting to the thanks but seaming to be happy about it anyway. "...Tony. we talked about the world domination." Bruce gently chastised, a small, shy smile tugging at his lips. "...actually..." Bruce flushed a little. "i might have watched the movie too... and i... now, it's all theoretical but i might already have impregnated a chicken." "...where int he world did you get a chicken and how did you... impregnate it?" Steve asked, looking quite dismayed and horrified. "with a machine. artificial insemination." "...i don't know what that is." Steve admitted and then looked like he regretted it when Bruce launched into an explanation. "it's OUR Tower and you can watch anything you want but horror movies." Steve corrected Tony. "we don't want you screaming at three in the morning again. especially if you think we're ghosts or whatever."
“It’s not world domination if they deserve a leader as amazing as me, and as smart as pepper.”tony huffed making a face. “...Oh.Well. I guess I don’t need this.”Tony said pouting a little at his machine, sulking before looking up at bruce. “How long do we have?”He said looking eager. Snorting amused at steve’s horrified look. “IT helps couples who can’t have children easily to. It’s a good thing.”Belladonna said smiling at the look on steve’s face. “That never happened!Never!” “Tony, it did. Really.”Belladonna said rolling her eyes a little at tony’s denial.
Steve grinned, amused. "Pepper can rule the world on her own." he assured the man, Bruce chuckling a little. "what are you talking about Steve? Pepper, Natasha, Agent Thirteen and Maria Hill already run the world. they just let us men pretend we know what we're doing." Steve froze, his eyes widening and he turned to Natasha who walked in, yawning. "you traitor!" he accused her, making her blink at him. "huh?" "how could you rule the world without telling me!?" "oh that." that made even James pause and look at her. Bruce muttered under his breath about conspiracies before smiling at Tony. "anywhere from a month to a year." Bruce admitted. "i can't be sure." "Tony, you hit me in the head with a Golf club screaming 'Die Grudge! bitch! Die!' and then set me on fire." Steve pointed out.
“no she can’t. She needs help.”Tony whined, sulking a little. “...They do rule the world.”Clint agreed, smirking a little before laughing at Steve’s shock. “She’s very good at ruling the world. There’s only one rule-” “Whatever you can do, Natasha can do better.”Tony finished smirking a little before sulking, pouting a little. “That’s not fair. I want one now.”He grumbled before making a face. “I did no such thing.” “You then proceeded to try and beat up james because he was the next victim.” “Nope.”Tony huffed, standing. “I’m going to go watch a movie now.”
"she has help. all the women in the world are helping her." Steve pointed out with a grin before chuckling a little and humming the song. 'anything you can do i can do better' just because he was a punk. "sorry Tony, but if we want them to be healthy it has to be done as naturally as possible." he admitted with a smile. "surprisingly, James didn't do anything, he just looked confused." Steve agreed. mostly because Tony had broken the gold club over Steve and had taken to poking James with a wooden spoon instead. no one hit James. ever. not unless they wanted to be potentially murdered or in traction for a month. "no scary movies Tony!" Steve ordered, well aware he was going to be ignored. "Take Loki and James with you!" he knew that at least, would stop Tony from watching scary movies. James busted T.V's when scary things happened and Loki was still laying on the couch, so unless Tony managed to ditch his James Duckling, no scary movies for him.
“Hm, thats true. We all rule the world.”Belladonna said snickering a little, laughing at steve. “You are a punk.”Tony said smirking a little, stealing a kiss before huffing. Sulking before nodding at bruce. “Fiiinnneee. We’ll wait then.”he grumbled before sulking, “No!I don’t wanna. I don’t need a babysitter!”Tony whined sulking even as he headed for his bedroom to put in a scary movie, even if he wasn’t trying that hard to ditch james. “ think he’ll kick james out?”Belladonna said snickering a little.
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