
“To much sugar for Bruce.”Bell sighed looking worried as she watched him go before snorting. “He did. He couldn’t say no to loki staying here, but he could make you regret doing it.” “Don’t worry. It could have been worse, he could have made you do everything ,and go away for a few days for press things to if he was really annoyed.” Tony pointed out glancing at James as the man watched him, settling at the table with strawberry ice cream, tilting his head a little looking a little upset and worried himself. “Hm?”Belladonna looked up at steve, glancing at james, looking worried. “he doesn’t seem to upset...”She said looking worried.
Thor blinked a little and then looked confused. "why is it bad for Bruce, but not bad for Hulk?" most likely, it was bad for Hulk, he just left before getting sick so Bruce had to deal with it. "well that's true." Steve admitted. "Fury was pretty unhappy but he wasn't all that angry i guess." he agreed with a chuckle, watching James sit down with a pear and picked at it because it wasn't sliced the way he usually ate it. he glared furiously when Thor picked it up but settled down when he realized Thor was cutting it for him. "i know. but that's what's bothering me. he's not showing any emotional response at all. i thought it would be a good thing at first, but now... i don't know." he admitted, looking at Tony. "i'm not sure what started it, i do know Tony didn't start it. but Jarvis told me that there was an 'incident' and when i got there James was riding Tony." he admitted. i didn't do anything because Jams was finally showing actual responses. moaning and stuff, even smiling. hell he.. you know. orgasmed even but it's like nothing happened at all and i'm worried."
“It is bad for hulk, he just leaves before he gets sick and bruce has to deal with it.”Bell shrugged a little. “Hm, yes. It could have been way worse.”Tony muttered smiling a little as james got his pear, tensing for a moment before relaxing as the man simply let thor cut it for him. “..Tony?”Bell said tilting her head towards Tony, wincing at the defensive and flustered look on the billionaire’s face. “He kissed me!We were watching a movie and I was petting him like always and he kissed me!I didn’t do anything!”Tony said looking upset, even if it had simply been a request for more information,not a accusation of wrongdoing. “Tony, I was just wondering what happened, do look so upset.”Bell soothed, smiling slightly as the man relaxed.
"that is most unkind of the Hulk." well, Hulk was pretty selfish after all. "a lot worse." he agreed, watching James just as closely as Tony was. "hey, Tony. calm." Steve murmured, stroking the man's back. "no ones saying you did anything wrong. no ones thinking it either.. you did what any man would do. James is... well, James but he knew what he was doing and what he wanted." he promised, even if he wasn't sure about that. "there was no warning? he just kissed you?" Steve asked, looking confused. "why all of a sudden?" he wondered. "he hasn't so much as gotten aroused since he came back and now all of a sudden he's fucking Ton and groping me when i'm in the shower." well that was news. "and now he's sitting there, same as always as if he didn't get very upset when i tried to make him stop sucking me off..." Steve admitted, flushing hard. "ha actually pinned me down and did what he wanted. which was... nice, but i'm a bit worried what he might have done to Tony had he protested..."
“It is.”Bell agreed before sighing. Watching tony. “...Kay. I didn’t do anything.”Tony muttered relaxing, closing his eyes as he leaned back into the other’s hand, relaxing slowly. “You didn’t. We’re just trying to figure out what’s going on in his head.”Bell said frowning thoughtfully. “Nope. I was watching tv, and he just kissed me. I thought....I mean...he wanted....”Tony muttered looking upset, trying to figure out if he’d messed up or not. “...he groped you?”Bell said looking at steve startled, raising a eyebrow. “Really?”She said raising a eyebrow, frowning at james. “...I wonder if he’s remembering more. I mean....before....the war. Would this kind of actions been normal for him? Spontaneity, demanding?”Bell said before glancing at tony. “I think he’d be okay if he said no. I mean, James listens to him most of the time, and if not well...” “I’m always armed cap, I’ll be okay.”Tony smiled raising his wrist that wore the iron man bracelets, which were more then simple homing beacons for the suit, but delivered a bad shock of electricity if needed.
"no you didn't do anything wrong." Steve assured Tony before looking at Bell again. "well. es. it seams he just. decided he wanted us i guess..." Steve admitted, worried. "he used to be pretty spontaneous yeah. we'd just be laying in bed, or walking down the street or in the livin room and he'd just randomly kiss me. all the time. he used to say it was 'cus i was cute when i was focused, or cus i was frowning too much, or cus i needed to loosen up. but he never went further than a kiss normally. we never got past... you know. frantic hand jobs..." he admitted. "because i was still too young to actually have sex and Bucky seamed to think it was bad enough we was gay, he wasn't gonna be a pedophile too." he admitted with a shrug, flushing because it was weird, knowing they knew how young he really was. "he could be demanding sometimes, but usually he wanted snuggles more than he wanted anything else. he was pretty possessive though." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "yeah. i know, but still. i worry." Steve admitted softly. "especially since i can't be sure you would use those on James." he admitted, stroking Tony's arms. "i know how much you hate hurting people you care about. especially if you think you can take whatever James decides he wants to dish out..."
“Hm,...”Bell looked thoughtful watching james before tilting her head. “I wonder if his.... Time as the soldier, stripped away the part that was more...restrained. The more he’s returning to himself, and knowing what he wants, which is you and tony it appears, it might be that his old restraint for not doing exactly what he wanted, right then, is gone.”She said frowning a little. “Oh good, I wasn’t the only one having that worry then.”Tony teased smirking at his young boyfriend, kissing his cheek. “he’s still demanding snuggles to.”Belladonna pointed out, before sighing at tony’s frown. “I would totally use it.”Which meant he would take whatever james did, not wanting to hurt the other man unless there was absolutely no option. He knew tony well, he’d not hurt james if he could avoid it
"i... that seams likely." Steve admitted, running a hand through his hair. "maybe he just, doesn't know restraint yet?" he wondered. more like he was used to having his needs taken care of whenever he had them, rare as that was. it wasn't like most of his handlers would have protested. "...shut up Tony." Steve ordered, blushing brightly. "i'm better now you know, so don't think i won't loose my virginity of your ass." he warned, making Bruce, who had come back in, choke on the mouthful of water he'd been swallowing. "sorry Bruce." Steve said sheepishly before shrugging at Tony. "he hasn't been wanting any cuddles from me." he admitted. "i don't think he's fully realized who i am yet." he admitted. "mostly he wants you and Bell. i really hope he doesn't... try anything, with Bell..." he admitted, looking at James with worry. he was distracted by the T.V. "you'd let him do whatever he wanted, meaning Jarvis is probably going to have to call me in to stop him." Steve stated with a roll of his eyes.
“That or maybe he’s used to someone taking care of the need. I mean, I can’t see hydra agents turning down sex if he ever offered.”Bell frowned a little thinking about it. “...You are such a naughty talker, for one so young.”Tony said giving steve that patented look of mock disappointment, looking amused as bruce choked. “I’m not sorry bruce.”Tony said smirking at his friend before glancing at james. “I don’t think he has. I mean, he has to know you look like you, but if he’s somewhat aware of how much time’s past, he might think you’re a clone or a machine version of the real you, probably think you’re really old or something.”Tony said frowning a little. “he’s never showed any inclination to wanting me more then cuddles. Not a wayward touch or odd thing.”Bell said not to worried herself, before snorting at tony’s words. “You would. It’s a good thing jarvis keeps tabs on you, otherwise we might be in a mess.” “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”Tony huffed sulking a little.
"....that's... it makes sense." Steve agreed softly. "they might even have... have...." they might even have trained James to do those kinds of things for his handlers. he couldn't be sure but it was possible. "i've herd the things kids these days say Tony." Steve deadpanned. "thirteen year olds are talking about 'fucking' the way Army men used to when we had three day leave near a whore house." he pointed out. "i am not surprised in the least." Bruce deadpanned, rolling his eyes at Tony. "well that and if he doesn't remember much, he might think i'm supposed to be skinny and sickly still." Steve admitted. "i spent most of my life as a thin, sick, runt. it could be that he thinks that's what Steve rogers is still supposed to be, right?" he wondered. "it is a very good thing Jarvis keeps an eye on you." he agreed, smiling at Tony. "no your not. but that's why we love you. taking care of you makes me love you all the more." Steve admitted, kissing Tony again before blinking when James ambled over and took his own kisses from them before moving to the fridge to try a peach. ".... well that was interesting."
“...yes. Don’t think on it.”Bell winced squeezing his arm a little, looking worried about steve before snickering. “....Did you go to whore houses?I feel like I should look up aunt Peggy and scold her for allowing that.”Tony said frowning a little, sulking at the teasing. “might. I mean, he knew you longer as a sickly runt, then he ever did as Cap. Might not have truly set in who you are.”Bell agreed. “’re such a masochist. Wanting to look after me....”Tony rolled his eyes a little kissing him back, blinking stupidly as james kissed him, watching the other. “...huh.”He said watching the other, biting his lip. “Hey James?”
"no, i never went." Steve admitted. "neither Bucky nor Peggy would let me, not that i was too interested." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "Buck used to go. he'd come back smelling like a beer drowned rose patch with lipstick all over." he admitted, sounding amused. "i'd chastise him and he'd babble his apologize for the next week, never realizing that i thought it was funnier than hell." Steve admitted with a chuckle before nodding. "so he might be trying to figure out who i am, even if part of him is still attracted to me? maybe that was why the Blowjob? to see if i still. i dunno, sounded the same or something?" "it's not masochism." Bruce commented. "i like taking care of you too Tony." he admitted, smiling shyly before watching curiously as James looked at Tony, blinking, expressionless as always. "..James? are you... licking that peach?" indeed he had been, confused by why a food was furry he had licked it and had become confused by the odd lack of any taste so he'd licked it a few more times. James blinked at him and then licked the peach again, Bruce making a strangled sort of sound that almost seamed as if he had been trying not to laugh.
Good. And that's really amusing. You're so mean though, making him think he was in trouble."tony said shaking his head even if he was laughing, smiling as he kissed the other."probably. And well, he knows you, somewhere, he knows it's okay to be attracted to you, it's safe to want you, but he might not be making the connection truly between little steve and big steve....and maybe...without him talking alot, it's hard trying to guess what he's thinking."Bell sighed sounding frustrated because she hated not being able to help more, to the point she sometimes forgot everything she'd already done." are all weird..."tony muttered not understanding why they'd want to take care of him. Pausing as he stared at james, his question forgotten as he watched james."jamie?what are you doing?"he asked sounding amused and a little choked as he struggled to not to laugh
Steve smirked. "it was fun." he admitted with a chuckle before nodding. "i hope so. i hate the idea of him not knowing who i am." he admitted, watching James, baffled. James blinked at Tony, looked at his peach and then held it out to Tony. Steve snorted a little and took the peach, cut it up properly and handed it back to Jams who licked the tastier insides to see if he liked it. he always licked something if it was new, just in case he didn't like it he didn't want to have a mouthful of it. he considered the taste for a moment before shoving a slice into his mouth and hummed, walking over to the couch to resume his T.V. staring.
"I know. We'll help him remember."Tony said leaning into steve a little, laughing a little as james handed him the pear, before smiling as steve gave it to him. looking amused as he watched the other, the billionaire started, remembering he'd had a question. "James?Do you know where Steve is?Your stevie?"Tony asked, watching the man, looking interested, and half wondering if he'd be more distracted by the tv then the quesiton. "How do you feel?"bell said smiling slightly at Bruce as she focused on him, fussing over him now that things had settled some. worried about what had brought out the hulk this time, and how he was dealing
Steve smiled a little as he watched James eat the fuzzy peach. James turned to blink at Tony, his head tilted before he frowned a little. "Steve? yeah, where was Steve? he stayed still for a moment and then moved over to a computer and started tapping at it. when he moved away to let the boys see, it was Steve's old apartment listing. the one that he and James had shared. he looked confused by the state of the building photographed in the picture, as if he couldn't understand why the apartments looked so rundown and decrepit even though they where there just a little while ago getting Steve. "i feel like i ate an enormous amount of ice-cream and then threw it back up because i can't even keep my body as my own." Bruce admitted honestly, watching James tap on the computer. "...he doesn't recognize Steve... does he?" he asked, voice soft so the others wouldn't hear. "how's Steve taking that?" he wondered, watching Steve's face fall as he realized that James honestly didn't know who he was.
\Tony nodded smiling at the other, looking startled as the other moved away, wincing as he watched James. Frowning slightly as he considered what he was seeing. Wondering if james had even seen the apartment as it was, instead of how it used to be. “...Well. Then that sounds about right....”Bell sighed softly, watching the other before shaking her head, watching the other three. “No. He doesn’t....and not well.”She muttered looking worried. “James?Steve’s here.”Tony said gently, touching his arm, biting his lip, not sure this was a good idea, but he was going to try.
Steve closed his eyes so he could get a handle on himself and then shook his head. it wasn't James fault and he certainly wasn't going to be upset by this. James would remember, eventually.James turned to blink at Tony, scowling a little before shaking his head and bringing up more images. this one of Steve's funeral. shit, no wonder James didn't recognize Steve. he thought Steve was a scrawny, sickly boy who had died a long time ago. no wonder he didn't feel too bad about moving on. he thought Steve had been dead for over seventy years, so he had a long time to get over his death, the few times he had remembered his 'past lover'.

"ouch..." Bruce muttered, shaking his head. "so he's been sitting here this whole time thinking Steve was dead." Bruce mumbled, watching from a distance but still able to see perfectly well what James was doing. that and he was trying to avoid the talk he knew he wanted to have with him about Hulk coming out again.
Tony frowned, looking startled for a moment, before wincing. “Damn.”He muttered shaking his head a little before looking at james, squeezing his arm, shaking his head. “No. They got it wrong. Steve didn’t die, James. I promise. This is Steve. Your Captain America.”Tony said looking upset and worried about the other.

“Damn....fucking hell.”Bell cursed looking worried, biting her lip. Not quite sure how to help, and realizing tony was probably the best person to be talking about this. And even knowing what bruce was doing, she was going to let it go for now.
James blinked at them and then turned to the computer again before looking at them once more. as if saying 'look, it's right here stupid'. "James. Bucky..." Steve whispered, James turning to look at Steve, blinking a little before looking at the computer again and then back at Steve like he was trying to say 'you can't fool me'. "...hey Buck. you remember the army?" Steve wondered, James cocking his head slightly to the side. that was a no. "you remember when we where kids? we used to go down to the quarry and throw rocks in the water?" another cock of the head. still a no. "i guess we need to give it more time." Steve admitted with a sigh. "why won't he talk, i wonder?" Steve mused. "he's getting more vocal, he growls and huffs and even hisses and laughs, why won't he talk?"

Bruce gave her a wary look. "it's not all that bad you know. James has made amazing progress just in the time i've been here." he admitted. "your doing an amazing job. don't be so hard on yourself. even Loki is already starting to show improvement." Loki didn't wait before opening his mouth for food. he happily ate whatever they fed him, even if he never really reacted to anything at all.
“It’s Stevie, I promise. You remember, he came and saved you. He was big, like this.”Tony pointed out, smiling slightly, biting his ip before slouching, leaning into Steve with a tired sigh. Nodding because he hated not being able to fix this. He was engineer, he didn’t like broken things when he knew he could do better. “Might have been punished for it.”Tony said tilting his head, though he was wondering if his vocal cords had been cut, might explain some things.

“...”bell sighed, slumping a little as she looked at the other, running a hand through her hair. “I’s just....I hate that I can’t stop it from hurting steve, or make it better now. Or help you more....I just....push myself.”She said shrugging a little as she looked at him before smiling. “I now. He’s doing so well really.”
James cocked his head a little, looking at them like they where stupid again before tapping in a few more keys and turning the computer off. his way of digging his heals in. he then flinched, violently when Steve moved to pat James on the shoulder. indicating he had done such things before and had been punished quite severely for it. no matter how much Hydra erased some personality traits couldn't be destroyed. like stubbornness. "yeah. he might have been." Steve agreed, ignoring the flinch like Bell had taught him and simply patting James shoulder like he had been planning to. she had said that if they reacted to the flinch, it would only set in the behavior, or something like that. it was best to ignore it like it never happened and eventually James would stop doing it completely. "if his vocal cords where cut, wouldn't Bruce have noticed?" Steve wondered.

"not necessarily." Bruce admitted. "there are many ways that vocal cords can be damaged that i would have to do specific scans to look for. i can have him set up to have his throat scanned if you like?" "please? i would feel better for knowing." Bruce nodded and turned his attention back to Bell. "don't push yourself too hard. a person's mind needs to adjust to change too. you can't fix them overnight. it wouldn't be good for them." he pointed out with a smile. "instead, look how happy James is right now. happy enough, and feeling safe enough to look for Sex, that means something, psychologically, right?"
Tony winced a little watching him dig his heels in, swallowing hard as he watched the two, smiling slightly. “Probably was.”he said watching him, tilting his head before shrugging.”Maybe?Bruce?”He said looking at the other even as he answered. “It’d be good to know. Might give a better way to have him communicate to if we know why he’s not talking.”Bell said before smiling a little. “I know I know.....Overnight wouldn’t be good.”She smiled before snorting, looking amused before nodding. “Indeed. That is quite a feat really.”She said smiling as she got up, “James?We’re going down to the lab. Come on.”she said needing to know about the vocal cords, otherwise she knew tony’d fret himself into a panic attack wondering just what else could have been done to the brunette.
"that's right. he certainly seams capable of it. if he's making noise and such." he mused. "but vocal cord damage can cause a variety of problems and every case is different." he admitted, smiling. he knew how much she had helped him too already. he wasn't so scared anymore. he was sure something bad would happen still, but he wasn't so utterly terrified of it happening anymore. so that was a good thing, right? fear had kept him alive for so long, had kept him going, kept him running, kept him surviving. was he getting too comfortable? he was very careful to not think any of that out-loud otherwise certain people would yell at him. he was also very careful to explain every step of the process to both James and Steve as he took an ultrasound of James neck. he thought that would go down better than sticking James in a tube or in a chair like the one that had wiped him. "hmm...." Bruce gently wiped the gel off of James and then examined the images he had gotten, his head tilted. "yeah. the vocal cords are damaged." Bruce admitted. "looks like he was strangled pretty good." Steve went bright red. that had been his fault. strangling James on the ship as it was falling. "looks like it was done with a rope or a band of some kind." oh! not Steve's fault then! "looks like they tried to hang him..." Bruce admitted, looking pretty horrified. "they damn near succeeded. see here? these are healed fractures. they managed to snap his neck, but he managed to survive so he was starting to strangle, that's where the vocal cord damage comes from. nothing to do but wait for that to heal, he won't need surgery, though the lack of oxygen to the brain coupled with the damage could cause a speech impediment of some kind, a slur, a stutter or a lisp of some sort." he warned. "especially as it looks like he's bitten through his tongue a few times." Bruce admitted, letting James sit up again. "it doesn't look like his throat hurts at all. open please, James." Bruce ordered, James opened his mouth, he had gotten over his wariness of Bruce after Bruce had bandaged his hand when he'd accidentally cut himself while sharpening one of his many knives. "...i don't see any visible damage either." he admitted. "nothing to do but wait for the vocal cords to finish healing and see what's what."
Bell smiled slightly watching them, amused that Tony was hovering as much as a helicopter mom over a only child. It was both endearing and worrying a bit, because she knew just how obsessive tony could be over things. “What?”Tony sputtered glancing at steve, leaning into him. Having heard the story of the helicarrier. “Not your fault. He was trying to kill you.”He muttered before wincing, nodding a little. “Definitely not your fault.”he muttered sighing softly, looking sick at the idea of what they’d done to him. Swallowing thickly as he watched James. “The serum. It’s not as good as Steve’s, but it probably kept wounds that would have left a normal person scarred, from scarring.”Tony said studying james. “He’s probably healing faster then normal. Which might explain why he’s been a little more vocal then normal as time went on. He’s healing.”Bell said looking tired and beaten at the idea of what james had gone through, and it really made her just want to cuddle him.
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