
"Probably. As easy poke to see if you lash out at him or something."she agreed smiling slightly."...really?oh. Wow. Okay that makes sense really. Bruce's like they're two different sides of the brain, simply enjoying certain things and letting the other handle the rest..."she frowned thoughtfully. Getting up as hulk finished her hair she smiled a little as she watched the two before looking at phil."...he's determined to kill hulk. Doesn't want to have him inside anymore. Going to kill them, so yea....a very rough few hours."
he nodded. "so he's testing his bounderies. interesting." he mused before nodding. "yeah. it's something that Bruce mentioned earlier that got me thinking about it. Hulk doesn't bother him when he does science, and Bruce doesn't seam to be aware at all when Hulk is out because Hulk seams to be all about self indulgence right?" he mused. "well, that and anger, and fear. you notice Bruce never really seams to show off those emotions too much either?" Phil wondered. "i wonder if he even realizes that he's sectioned off parts of himself? isn't that what the Hulk is? a second personality?" he asked, head tilted, holding up the book he'd been researching into multiple personalities. mostly because he had a new Agent who had multiple personalities. one who was sweet and innocent and could make things grow and talk to animals and the other who called down fire and was a complete angry bitch. "....that's really not good..." Phil admitted, frowning a little. "is he a danger to himself? do we need to set up a suicide watch?" he asked, worried about Bruce, and Hulk too. Phil knew from the Chitauri attack that Bruce had tried before and failed. this was Bruce though, and Phil had the feeling that if Bruce really wanted to try, he could very well succeed.
"It is fairly interesting. I keep waiting for him to steal tony's prod and use it on him."He snickered before looking thoughtful, nodding slowly. "It makes sense. they both have the things they like, and do seperately. And yes, he is."She agreed. "And bruce really doesn't. not even if the person really does anger. Like me shoving him out the door, or tony and that damned prod."She sighed a little thinking about it, nodding slowly. "I think he might be."She said before shaking her head. "No, it really isn't good....and we might. But I'm going to see if we can get him to wear tony's bracelet.Might be better with that."She said because she knew phil was aware that only one of the bracelets tony wore was truly needed to bring on the iron man suit, the other was simply a suicide watch bracelet that belladonna had convinced him to wear when he really needed it, and he'd simply never taken it off.
Phil snorted a little. "one of these days, Tony is going to use that thing when Hulk is out, and he's going to get turned into a paste." Phil admitted, shaking his head even if he was a bit amused before nodding. "could that be why Bruce is having so much trouble? he doesn't realize Hulk isn't just some creature, but a part of himself?" he wondered. "that's a good idea. the Bracelet won't cut into his privacy so much." he agreed. "we might consider putting on on James too, since he seams to be more willing to wander off lately." he pointed out, realizing that at some point, James had gotten up and wandered off. most likely to go and check on Tony and Steve since they where still in bed. "be good to have one on Loki too i think, if he wakes up, who knows what state he'll be in." Phil admitted, looking down at his paperwork, nearly crawling out of his skin when Hulk decided to check and see if he was a threat, scowling t him when he was prodded. "that is enough of that, thank you." he informed Hulk sternly, who looked startled at being told off and stared at Phil for a long moment. most people where too frightened of Hulk to actually tell him to stop or chastise him.
“Hm, he will. It’s be amaing, and something he’s deserved.”Bell snickered a little at the thought, before nodding. “It might be. I don’t think he has really thought about hulk that way. Makes sense.”she said before nodding. “No it wont, and yet it’ll still allow jarvis to look after him. It’ll be good.”She said before smiling a little, nodding. “Yes. I’ll ask tony to make a few for them all. Definitely a good idea.”she said raising a eyebrow, laughing as phil was prodded. “You;re okay, hulk. He just doesn’t like prodding....well. Unless a certain hawk is doing it.”
"he does deserve it really." Phil admitted with a chuckle. "won't stop Bruce from feeling horrible about it though." he admitted. "of course he hasn't thought about the Hulk that way. from what i understand, MPD is caused by extremely stressful and traumatic situations. i have a feeling that Hulk was around before the accident, Bruce just didn't notice him until he turned big mean and green right?" he wondered, flipping to the section in the book that said that and handing it to her. "i do like it when Clint prods me." he agreed, glaring at Hulk when the man raised a finger to prod him again. "no." Phil told Hulk very sternly, as if he was a small child. the hand dropped and then came back up. "Don't you do it." it dropped again and Hulk cocked his head at Phil, confused by the strange reaction. "Puny Man." Hulk complained, scowling at Phil who reached into his pocket and pulled out his favorite weapon. it was Darcy's favorite weapon too actually. Hulk was quick to back off, grumbling about Puny Man with Lightning.
“No it wont, but we’ll just keep telling him he’s earned it....and maybe make him watch supernanny after he tazes tony.”She snicered before nodding, “It is. And his childhood, is definitely the perfect place for a second personality to develop.”Bell said sounding thoughtful as she took the book to read up again on it, smirking a little as he was prodded. “He’s not puny. You’re puny right now, you know Hulk.”Bell teased looking up at him, looking amused.
"that's true." Phil agreed with a chuckle before looking very amused. "i'd be down for some good Supernanny." he admitted before grimacing. "i have to admit, there's not a whole lot that shocks me anymore, but i was pretty stunned when i realized what had been done to Bruce." he admitted, shaking his head, smirking at Hulk who scowled, confused again, looking down at himself. "Hulk not Puny! Puny Human Puny!" he complained, stomping off to have a good sulk in the bathtub. baths where fun, especially when he stole the red haired human's fun fizzy bath things. Phil just snorted and went back to his paperwork, only looking up when James walked in and only because James had shoved him out of the seat and then shoved all the paperwork off the table. because that was James spot at the table. he always sat there and he would tolerate no one else touching it. "okay. ouch." Phil complained, just a touch annoyed by that one. "sorry Phil." Steve said, helping the man sit up, since James had dragged him and Tony out of bed fr food. "he's pretty possessive of that spot at the table."
“I think we would all like supernanny.”She agreed before nodding, swallowing thickly. “yea. I was....I’ve heard alot of stuff. I specialize in trauma...but I agree...that was bad.”She swallowed hard, looking amused at hulk. “Have a good bath.”She smiled watching him go, wincing as james shoved him out of the seat. “Sorry Phil. Didn’t think he’d shove you out of the seat.”Bell winced a little. “Coffee.”Tony ordered as he slumped into his chair. Humming pleased as belladonna put the cup of coffee in front of him, humming pleased. “Thanks.”
he nodded. "i've never gotten into it before now myself. i only did because Vanessa Hander... she's our newest addition to the Agency, she has MPD." he admitted. "she's been working with a psychiatrist for three years now however and is a lot more stable than Bruce is. her psychiatrist gave me this book." he admitted. "it just seamed to match up with a lot of things Bruce, and Hulk, are exhibiting." he admitted smiling when Hulk grunted at her. "honestly, he's worse than Pepper and Natasha." he admitted, shaking his head before sighing when he realized James was ignoring him. "it's fine. i've sat there before but he's never done anything about it until now. we'll chalk it up to improvement and call this a good thing." Phil decided with a chuckle and a shake of his head before rolling his eyes at Tony. "honestly Tony." he complained. "have a little common courtesy?" he asked, smiling at Steve and tried to reorganize his paperwork. "Tony? you know those bracelets you have? the one that allows Jarvis to constantly monitor you? could you make three more?" Phil asked the man.
“Ah, I see. Well, at least she’s doing well. It gives me hope we can help Bruce, and help them both figure things out.”Bell smiled, perking up a little with the knowledge that they could indeed help. Snorting a little. “No one is worse then Natasha is about her baths.” “...Are we making fun of nat now?”Clint said as he walked in, rolling his eyes a little looking amused as he looked them all over before getting his own coffee. “Or he’s just annoyed with us all, and taking it out on you.”Bell snickered a little. “Before coffee, no courtesy.’Tony grumbled as he sipped his drink, blinking up slowly. Trying to figure out what he was hearing, nodding tiredly. “Kay. I can do that.”Tony nodded, yawning as he stretched.
he nodded. "yeah, she's doing well. she's had MPD since she was three though." he admitted. "well. there are a couple." Phil admitted with a smile. "Maria Hill is pretty serious about her baths for one, and you never, ever want to get in the way when Rouge, from the X-men, decides to have a 'ladies day'." he admitted before smiling at Phil. "yes, we are." he admitted. "care to join us?" he asked playfully before chuckling at Bell. "well. that's still an improvement. he didn't even flinch when i reacted." he admitted. "he's getting a little more confidant i think." he admitted. "thank you Tony." Phil said settling into a chair well out of James reach. "more coffee Tony?" Steve offered, topping Tony's cup while he got his own. it was so much easier to keep everyone's coffee addiction stacked up when they all had their own Coffee pot. or in Tony's case, three.
“Ah.I forgot about Maria. Yea. Never ever want to screw with her. Or rouge. Definitely women who should never be messed with. “ “Hm, it’s a scary thing when those two, and nat decide it’s spa day.”Clint snickered as he nodded. “I would indeed.”He smiled sinking down into the seat next to phil with a smile. “True.”Bell said thoughtfully snickering as Tony simply held up his cup for more coffee. “....Should go back to work.”Tony muttered starting to get up, though he didn’t look to motivated, he didn’t want to work, when all he wanted to do was snuggle with james, still working through his worry over the other, and worried about steve. Cause he was still dealing with the man being young, and worried, and he was trying really hard to not overthink things, when he really was thinking to hard.
Phil nodded. "they are soul sucking demons of the night." Phil agreed with a smile. "you say the sweetest things Phil." Natasha scoffed, sluggish this morning as she ambled over for her black as pitch and tar coffee. "your welcome." Phil chirped right back. "having the souls of the wicked for breakfast again?" "of course, what else would i have? hmmm. souls." she purred, burying her nose into her coffee cup. James was staring at her, an actual expression on his face for once. clearly, he thought she was insane. "you worked hard for the last few days." Steve admitted, rubbing Tony's back. "your clearly not in the mood for working. stay and relax for a little bit." "the Bracelets are not a pressing issue." Phil assured Tony. "we only want them to monitor James, Bruce and Loki since Hulk and James have taken to wandering and we're not sure what's happening with Loki." Phil promised Tony. "take the day off. i'll even do your paperwork." he promised. "your being nice. why?" Steve demanded suspiciously and Phil hesitated before handing over the newspaper. over it, was the General, splashed everywhere, all of his crimes exposed. Bruce was named so many times that even a two year old could make the connection. the headline was 'General makes life hell for Civilian!' might as well named it 'The Hulk is Bruce Banner!'. "i thought it would be best if you lt where around to help him through this. on the plus side, General Ross is in prison." he admitted.
"Only you would take that as sweet."clint snickered smiling at natasha, kissing her head as she sat down."so weird love."he muttered looking amused at her words, snorting at the look on james face. "Don't worry james she's just teasing. No souls."Bell said smiling watching tony. Tony frowned even as he slumped back into his chair."kay. Work later."he muttered relaxing as steve rubbed his back before frowning at phil."you never do my paperwork. What do you want?" "Good. Definitely good to see that, even if he's going to freak."Bell sighed a little knowing his identity being known was going to freak him out.
she shrugged. "it was pretty sweet of him." she admitted with a smile. "he ever says it again and i'll beat his face in of course." Phil shuddered at the threat but wasn't actually too worried. it was just the caffeine withdrawal talking. James looked at Bell and then stared at Natasha again who huffed and handed him her coffee. he took a small sip and then grinned brightly and took a longer swallow while Natasha got another Coffee Cup. Clint's, to be precise. "well, that explains why he doesn't like other coffee..." Phil muttered. "really, i'm not sure why i'm surprised, he is Russian after all." he huffed, shaking is head. "Bruce is going to do more than freak. he has enough time with people as it is, now that they all know he's ever going to leave this tower. or go down to the R&D labs, or do anything with anyone ever again!" Steve pointed out, chewing on his lip, worried about Bruce, nearly crawling out of his skin when Bruce walked in, sat down and slumped over the table so fast and so hard his head thudded against the table. "my life is over." Bruce informed them. "i'm never leaving the residential areas of the tower ever again." crap, Phil had forgotten that Bruce read the paper every morning too.
“Of course.”Bell said grinning a little looking amused before shuddering as james took the coffee. “Dammit, he’s insane drinking that. Seriously. You could kill someone with your coffee Nat.”Clint whined a little. “maybe that’s why he likes it. Death by coffee.”Tony snickered looking pleased with the idea of death by coffee. If he had to go, that was definitely up there with his best ways to go. “We’ll get him to do stuff. It’ll be fun, even if I have to prod him to do it.”Tony said before groaning at bruce’s entrance. “You are so weird!Who reads the paper before coffee!”
"Just because you people drink weak, pathetic, coffee flavored water doesn't mean we are all heathens." Natasha informed them with a sniff, gulping down her coffee since James currently had his own, AND her coffee cup she was using Clint's. which meant Clint was shit out of luck unless he grabbed the broken one that was for guests they didn't like, since Phil was using the one for guests they did like. "Death by coffee huh? great way to go." Phil admitted with a chuckle before rolling his eyes at Tony. "don't prod Bruce Tony." he ordered before looking up at Bruce. "...Tony. it's noon. i had my Tea hours ago. at least i think i did." he admitted. "it's hard to tell when there's a monsterous being walking around in your puppet shell of a body." oh dear. today was going to be another bad day. Bruce was so upset he wasn't even censoring himself.
Clint sulked, looking annoyed at the loss of coffee, before getting up to get some more, cringing a little as he saw the glass that was left. Sulking a little as he sipped his drink. “Yep. Definitely how I want to go out. Well. Unless you know, I’m dying from having sex. Sex and coffee as a a COD would be amazing.”Tony hummed sulking at the order but not protesting. “...So?Coffee’s good at anytime of the day. And if you’re going to be in this sorta mood, can I break out the hulk stuff? I mean, if you’re going to act like him anyways, I’m going to throw his fuzzy ball at you and see if you throw it back.”Tony said watching the other, forgoing the electric prod in favor of verbal prodding.
Natasha smirked a little at him when she watched him handle the broken cup. it was only the handle that was broken off, but it was still a bit of a pain in the ass to handle since the cup got damn hot. James paused, blinking at Clint's cup and then looked at his two, head tilted before he dumped his tea in the sink, rinsed it out and handed it to Clint, watching the man as if trying to figure out if it was okay to do that. "dying from sex is a good way to go too." he agreed, watching James with a smile before cringing at Tony's callous words to Bruce who lifted his head and stared at Tony, eyes narrowed at him. "i am going to turn you into paste Stark, and feed you to my army of rabbits and guinea pigs and maybe save a few chunks for the raptor twins." he decided before smacking his head back onto the table, James uttering a short, unhappy whimpering sound. he didn't like it when people where upset around him because then he got upset and when James was upset people tended to get 'booboos'.
Clint’s eyes widened a little before smiling, as he took the cup and got some coffee,”Thanks James.”He smiled at him, sipping it slowly. “Hmm, it would be.”Tony agreed. Staring back at Bruce he smirked a little, opening his mouth to reply before looking at james, going quiet. He wouldn’t obey the nasty glare he was getting from Bell, but he’d obey that unhappy whimpering sound in asking him to stop. “Come on bruce, I need your help.”Bell said poking him, even as she thought quickly, trying to decide what she could get him to help her with.
James offered him a smile, pleased he had done right and sat down again, sucking down his own coffee. Bruce sighed when he heard the whimpering but couldn't bring himself to actually care. he sighed again and hauled himself to his feet and followed Bell, looking quite unhappy and depressed indeed. it was going to b a challenge to raise him up out of this one.

"...well. he did react. that's a good thing right?" Phil asked watching Bruce leave. "that poor man can't seam to catch a break." he admitted with a sigh, looking at the newspaper. "at least all of this paints Bruce as the victim he really is." he admitted. "and lists all the good things Hulk has done. hopefully no one will think Bruce is the monster he thinks he is." Phil muttered. "can you set up a press release or something? do some damage control or something?" he asked the man. "
Bell smiled a little as he followed her out, pausing for a long moment, before huffing out a breath. “I think I’m going to go back to school for this summer, just for fun. Help me decide what classes to take.”She smiled a little, fighting to figure out what to say, or do. Focusing on something easy for now.

“It is.Though I’m not sure if she’ll be able to calm him down....”Tony sighed quietly before nodding. “He really can’t....and yes. That’s something. I’d have hated for the article to show up, and be totally wrong. That would have made this even worse, if he’d been outted, and completely thought a monster instead a victim.”He muttered before nodding, already dialing. “I’ll get pepper to call one. I’d call the press, but they sorta stopped paying attention to me after the whole ‘I am iron man’ thing. Apparently, they don’t think I take press conferences seriously.”
Bruce blinked at her, just stared at her for a long silent minute and then shook his head and pulled out his tablet. as if he knew she was just trying to keep him busy but would play along anyway. "what collage?" he asked her. "are you going to be specializing in Psychology again or something else. will you need refresher courses on anything? i need facts here." well. Bruce clearly wasn't about to let her 'get away' with anything. if she wanted to keep him busy, well he'd have her signed up for classes for a full three years! that would teach her!

"i'm sure she'll do okay. she is the best." Phil admitted with a smile. "i just worry that Bruce might get his revenge when he realizes she just wants to keep him busy." he admitted. "he can be pretty nasty when he wants to be." Phil knew from experience, since he had walked into a revenge prank Bruce had set up on Clint and Tony. Phil had been tarred with ink, permanent ink, covered in feathers and then dusted with tiny glittering penis confetti. the ink had refused to wash out, the feathers had been lightly soaked in superglue and the glitter had smelled like lavender so strong Phil had to breath through his mouth for a few days. Bruce took a lot of abuse before finally retaliating so his pranks where always 'the last one'. the one no one wanted to try to actually one up for fear of maiming someone. " don't take press conferences seriously." he grumbled. "do you have any idea how long it took me to make your Alibi!? three weeks, Mr. Stark. THREE WEEKS! i was working on it as soon as you left that cave in the original suit because i knew, i KNEW you would build another one!" he complained. "three weeks of non stop phone calls, calling in favors and setting u appointments and you couldn't stick to the cards!" he complained, as he often did.
"Columbia, here in the city. I have no desire to leave."Bell smiled a little tilting her head."well I was thinking something in engineering or physics. I mean I'm living with to of the best minds in both firlds, might as well learn something l...or maybe go back for my masters in psych. I haven't decided."

"Hmm, I'm sure he will. Probably get her some ridiculous project or whatever she decides to do, and makes it absolutely perfect."tony snickered at the idea. Remembering that before nodding."I think we've all been subject to bruces pranks. He once put tea leaves tea leaves in my coffee beansand I had horrible tea coffee for a week."tony sulked before smirking."I was completely serious. It's not my fault Christine thought it was completely impossible for me to be a superhero. I just had to tell her...and how did you know?I hadn't started planning it till after talking to Rhodey about it and deciding I didn't want anyone else to have it."
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