
“Steve?”She looked startled, worried as she looked the other over, glancing at Bruce as the man bullied steve towards the chair. “Where’s tony?”she asked worried, though she figured Steve had gotten him somewhere safe to. And indeed, tony was in the bedroom, waiting for the all clear to come out, for once having allowed steve to simply push him back and protect him without trying to help. Waiting for a answer she nodded before heading upstairs.

“...”Bell swallowed thickly as she saw the room, sighing quietly as she moved over slowly, scuffing her feet just enough to make noise as she approached the other, kneeling down, not to close, but watching him. “Jamie?It’s bell. Can you hear me?”
Steve offered her a smile. "i'm fine." "you have three broken ribs, a broken nose and a broken collarbone." Bruce corrected. "that is not 'fine'. sit still and shut your face." he ordered, Steve chuckling as he obeyed.

James whimpered again, curling tighter into himself as if expecting a beating. he probably did. he had done damage to a handler. that would, mostly likely, not have been tolerated while in Hydra. he didn't seam to recognize Bella at all because he cringed anytime she tried to get any closer. Bruce was up a few minutes later but he settled down in a doorway so James hadn't noticed him. he was too terrified of Bell, who was so close, too close, to notice anything else. after an hour had passed, he had slowly started to calm down, and realize he wasn't going to get his ass kicked. it took another hour for him to uncurl. he crawled, hands and knees over to Bell and curled up against her, trembling violently, making Bruce think of some timid, abused dog desperate for attention and love. tears where starting to drip down from James face, crying because he was so scared and so upset. Bruce didn't know what was worse, cringing at the slightest movement or this.
“Okay, okay I’ll stay right here okay?”She muttered settling down on the floor, glancing back at bruce, making sure he wasn’t coming closer before settling in to simply talk and wait. Not sure what to do, besides keep talking, and hope james would come back. Relaxing a little as he crawled closer, she shifted, shifting him to crawl up in her lap, gently stroking his hair. “Shush, you’re okay, Jamie. You’re okay.”She muttered. “Steve and tony are okay. You’re okay. It’s okay...”She muttered, simply talking to try and help him calm down.
James just whimpered some more, anytime she raised her voice or changed her tone he would cringe and curl up some more until he finally realized that she wasn't going to hurt him and curled up against her, desperate. for what? not even James knew, but he was desperate. "is it okay for me to go and get Tony?" Bruce asked, voice a bare whisper, glad that James hadn't cringed away from the voice. he hated it when people where afraid of him. he just hated it. he slipped out of the room and headed in to Tony's room, peeking in. "Tony? James has calmed down a bit. we think it might be safe for you to go in now."
Bella nodded looking up from james."yea. Just tell him to be slow and quiet coming in."she said watching him go. "What?good."tony said for once to impatient to be nice tobbruce, pushing past him and walking into the living room."james?can I come closer?"he asked watching the other worried
"go slow Tony! and be gentle and quiet or you might set him off again." Bruce warned when Tony shoved past him. James whimpered again when Ton came in and did something very unusual for James. he reached out like a small child begging to be held, reaching for Tony, though he refused to be moved from Bell's side. Tony had to go to James and once he was there James clung to Tony like a limpet and refused for anyone to move. at least the trembling had eased off quite a bit.
"Careful tony."bell muttered looking startled when james reached out for him. Smiling quietly as she moved back. "Hey jamie."tony muttered shifting to get comfortable holding onto james stroking his hair."how you feeling james?"he muttered looking down at him
James snuggled them both but it took another hour, again, for him to feel comfortable enough to let them move, carefully getting to his feet, looking around nervously as if waiting for someone to pop around the corner and start beating the shit out of him. he hid behind Bell and Tony when Steve came in, arm strapped to his chest with bandages and a nose splint in place to hold the bones straight while it healed. "hows he doing?" Steve asked, looking very upset that James seamed to be afraid of him. "jeeze..." Steve groaned. "how do we fix this? he's terrified of me!" Steve whispered, struggling to keep his voice even and calm.
Bell winced a little as james hid, shifting to look at steve. “You two talk...I’m gonna go put James in bed....come join us when you’re done, tony.”Bell muttered gently getting james to head for tony’s bedroom, knowing she should stay and figure this out, but not sure how to do it when james was so upset. “He’s terrified of everything right now....maybe....he doesn’t see you as you. I mean...not really. Maybe if we can convince him you really are his stevie, or at least get through to him....he might be okay...”tony said looking upset at not being able to help
Steve nodded, moving well out of the way so James wouldn't panic again. James actually followed behind her like a lost child, clutching her shirt and Steve closed his eyes, resisting the urge to cry. they had been making so much progress and now it was all ruined all because Steve had watched that damn war movie with all the guns and the bombs. it had been a great movie until the Sniper showed up and James freaked out. "i don't know how we can do that without any of his memories though." Steve admitted, watching Tony. "maybe he's... just scared because he hurt me?" he asked hopefully. "maybe he's just... worried i'll be mad or something?" but somehow, he doubted that.

"hows he doing?" Bruce asked softly from the doorway so he wouldn't disturb the sleeping James. "how are you doing for that matter?"
“Well, he knows where is Stevie is supposed to be, he knows that’s where we got you when you left. Maybe we can get him to see....I don’t know...and probably. He did break your nose. Most people would beworried about that.”Tony said though he doubted it to, he was worried. Before stopping, thinking about it. “He was the sniper with the Commandos right?”he asked, wondering if James’ freak out had been remembering that first war, instead of the years that followed.

“He’s calming. But still freaking out....Panicked when Steve walked in.”Bell sighed softly leaning back against the headboard, stroking james’ hair, before frowning a little. “I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”
Steve sighed and settled himself into the couch since his ribs where aching. "he never worried about it before." Steve grumbled. "he's broken my nose dozens of times before we where frozen and he's broken it at least five times since he came back to the tower." he grumbled. "this is the first time he's reacted like this..." he admitted, running his uninjured hand through his hair, wincing when he touched the lump n his head where James had smashed his head into the floor a few times. "yeah, he was the sniper." he agreed, nodding a little.

Bruce sighed and leaned against the doorway, watching James sleeping. "poor man..." he mumbled before lifting en eyebrow at her. "because you think that it's your fault he hasn't recovered completely." he pointed out. "i think every person who lives in the Tower has a guilt complex." he admitted.
“Might have just been the movie, Steve. I dunno.”Tony said looking upset and frustrated as he sat down next to steve, pressing a kiss to the other’s hair. “Don’t touch it.”he muttered ordering him gently, tugging his hair away from his hair. “Maybe the sight of the sniper in the movie, brought up memories. I mean, he was on countlessmission with you guys, maybe it brought it back some.”Tony sighed frustrated that he had no idea how to help with this.

“Yea.I feel worse for steve....It’s going to be bad...knowing James is scared of him, and I don’t know why...”she sighed before frowning at his words, making a face as she looked down. “I do not. I know it’s not my fault.”She said, liar. She totally thought it was her fault, but she knew expressing that idea would get her yelled at.
Steve sighed a little and shook his head. "i just wish he would remember me." he whispered, leaning into Tony before smiling sheepishly. "i'm not used to having my ass kicked." he admitted. "i keep forgetting that it hurts if i touch it." he admitted before nodding. "maybe." he agreed. "i just hope he doesn't think i'm Hydra or something. i don't think i could handle that." he admitted, resting his head on Tony's shoulder. "...will you fuck me Tony?" he asked curiously. "i want to see what it's like." he admitted.

"yeah." Bruce agreed, worried about how Steve was going to handle this one. "we can't even be sure that James knows why he's scared." Bruce admitted with a shake of his head before smiling at her. "your a terrible liar." he admitted. "you should be proud of the progress you've made. with all of us." he admitted. "a month ago, James would never have been sleeping in a bed next to you. a month ago he wouldn't have been sleeping at all, right?" he asked him.
“I know. Me to. We’ll keep working on it.”Tony muttered worried, before laughing quietly. “Well, try. You worry me making pained noises. Don’t like you being hurt.”She muttered before wincing at the idea. “Hopefully not.”He said, though the words made him almost, almost remember something. But the realization was forgotten in the face of what steve said next. “Are you sure?I mean, you are hurt.”He said looking down at him, worried about the idea.

“No, he probably doesn’t.”Bell sighed softly, before making a face at him. “I’m a amazing liar.”She grumbled before nodding a little, “You’re right. He wouldn’t have gone to sleep...much less with me. He usually stayed with tony.”She muttered.
he nodded. "i know. i'm sorry." Steve admitted, smiling at Tony, glad that the other worried about him. there wasn't many who did. most people just assumed that because Steve was a super soldier he couldn't be hurt, and when he was that it didn't hurt as much as it did most people, but that was wrong. as enhanced as all of his senses where, he actually felt pain more acutely than most peple did. he just had a massive pain tolerance and was stubborn. "yeah. i'm sure. if i lay on my back, and don't move too much, it'll be fine. and if your worried about it we could do it tomorrow. i'll be pretty much healed by then." he admitted. he could settle with snuggles if he needed to.

"your a terrible, very bad liar." Bruce teased again, offering her a smile. "'ve helped me a lot too..." he admitted. "i can't believe i never realized... i don't get angry anymore... ever." he admitted. "Hulk takes it all away and tucks it in and i don't get jealous or annoyed either. i'm never scared, even when i should be because he takes my fear..." he shook his head. "i never realized he was actually pieces of me... it's no wonder i could never control or kill him..."
“It’s okay. Just try not to give me more reasons to worry, okay?”he muttered nuzzling him a little. Because he knew just how bad it could hurt the other man biting his lip as he considered that. “....No. We’ll wait till morning. I mean....I want to...but I’d worry to much about hurting you.”he said sighing quietly, because he’d totally worry about taking advantage of a hurt and upset man if he did it now. So he’d settle for cuddles.

“Am not!”Bell sulked before sighing softly. “No, you don’t. Before your accident, the break wasn’t as clean between you two. Now, there’s a definite clear breakline between you and that you know, we just have to work on helping you work more with each other, isntead of fighting against each other.”She smiled at him. “Phil said there’s a shield agent that has Disassociate Personality Disorder to, we might consider asking him to have her stop by, said she was functioning well. Might be good to hear from her.”
he smiled at Tony. "i'll try my hardest." he promised, giving Tony a kiss, snuggling him. "okay... can we snuggle? i don't want to be alone right now." he admitted softly, cuddling Tony because he was desperate for someone to be with, even if it was just for a few hours.

"are too." Bruce scoffed right back before shaking his head. "hen i was a child, my father used to beat me if i showed fear or anger." he admitted softly. "or if i was enjoying anything other than science." he admitted. "he wanted me to be nothing but a science puppet i guess." he admitted. "i think that's what Hulk is. everything i didn't want because all it did was get me hurt." he shrugged. "Jarvis seams to think so anyway, he was helping me, when i was looking it all up." he admitted before looking curious. "that's kind of cool i guess." he didn't look like he wanted to meet someone else at all though.
Tony smiled kissing him back, before nodding. “Of course we’re going to snuggle. I don’t want to leave you alone.”He promised, knowing bell would take care of james, bullying steve into one of the spare bedrooms, snuggling into him with a sigh, pressing a kiss to his head. “Get some rest, Cap.”he muttered.

“Which is what the hulk is. Really. You became what he wanted, even if it made a mess of things to.”Bell agreed, biting her lip a little, gesturing to the couch in the bedroom. “You can come in if you want.”she muttered before nodding. “It is. But you don’t have to meet her if you don’t want to, I just thought you might want to.”she shrugged before smiling a little. “So, you figure out what you want to talk about at your lecture yet?”She said wanting to distract him from being to upset or worried.
Steve smiled at him, looking pretty relieved. he didn't want to be alone, even if he wouldn't have blamed Tony for checking on James. "okay Tony." he mumbled, settling in for sleep, breathing softly in seconds. exhausted from having his ass kicked.

"yeah..." he muttered, looking at her. "the question now is... how do we reach an accord?" he wondered. "i can't go around having him hijacking my body all the time." he grumbled. not about to voice the worry that it wasn't actually his body at all. "i just don't like strangers is all." he admitted with a shrug. "especially if no one else knows them either." he admitted before smiling at her. "i've had it all planned for over a month." he admitted, pulling out his Tablet and handing it to her. it was all way, way over her head but he was prepared anyway.
Tony smiled pleased as he settled in next to the other, simply cuddling close before settling in for his own nap.

“I don’t know, but we’ll work on it. I mean, I figured out how to get him to braid my hair, and not freak out around james, I think I can handle figuring out something between you guys.”Bell smiled a little, though hulk had mostly done her hair on his own. “I can understand that. It’s okay.”she smiled grinning as she took the tablet, eyes glazing over about a third of the way through. “Hm, judging by how much I didn’t understand that paper, I’m going to say its a good speech.”she said stifling a yawn.
he nodded a little. "that's true. i still can't figure out why he's so fixated on your hair. he has no interest in anyone else. he doesn't have any interest in Natasha or Pepper's hair after all and they're just as soft and long as your hair is." he admitted, stroking a strand of her hair while talking about it, because it was there and it really was very soft. "i don't know how you intend on getting him to do anything, he's not very intelligent..." no, Bruce had gotten all the smarts really. "it is a good speech." he admitted with a chuckle. "Tony was very jealous..." he shook his head. "you need to rest. take a nap." he ordered, pulling the blankets up over her and tucking her in. "go on. get some rest, i'm going to go up and eat something and then take a nap myself."
“I dunno. Maybe cause I actually let him do it?And he’s never hurt me? I mean, I heard about Nat’s run in with him on the helicarrier, and pepper....well. Pepper’s pepper.”She made a face though looking vaguely amused as she realized he was playing with her hair, but not bringing attention it it before shrugging. “Neither is a five year old, but I counsel some toddlers sometimes. I just have to figure out how to talk to him.”She shrugged a little before snorting. “I’m sure he was.”she smiled making a protesting whine at being told to nap even as she shifted, snuggling into james as she started to fall asleep. “Good. Get some rest.”She muttered falling asleep, cuddled up around the soul wounded super soldier.
he shrugged. "that could be." he agreed, watching her, his head tilted. "he doesn't like Pepper." he admitted. "not that i like her much either. she's too bossy." he admitted. "trying to tell me what to do in my own lab. it's infuriating." he admitted. "i know it's not actually her fault, but she drives me nuts." he admitted before blinking at her. "i was doing thermal nuclear science when i was five." he admitted, looking amused. "i will." he promised, stroking her hair again just because he could, wondering if he would grow out of it, or if it was only going to get worse. he couldn't afford to have a crush on his doctor after all.
"I think we're all glad tony and pepper are no longer tonyandpepper. He's happier and less stressed these days."bell smiled before snickering a little."did she really try ordering you around?she snickered amused at the idea."I think she infuriates everyone."she added before wrinkling her nose."okay normal five year olds. You're not normal."she teased watching him go
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