
Bruce nodded and then smirked at her. "better go with Physics." he decided. "if you get stuck i can tutor you but Tony won't be capable of teaching someone as... no offense, 'less intelligent' than him." he admitted. "he has enough problems dealing with the tower populace as it is." he admitted. "so, a minor in Physics and a masters in psych." he mused, starting to get a little more animated now. "let's see...." he muttered, tapping away on his tablet. "how much physics do you currently know? or should i set you up with a beginners course for that?" he asked. "they'll test you before your allowed to actually take the class unless it's the beginners, but it's best to know if you'll actually be able to pass the test. the staff and board of the collage don't much care for people wasting their time." he admitted. he would know, he had been asked to lecture there a few times and he always got very aggravated at the young asshole who always thought he was smarter than he was. it wasn't hard to smack them down. he had actually been scheduled to give a lecture on nuclear and particle physics next week, but he had declined this morning after the article had come out.

"i wouldn't doubt it." Phil admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "....honestly, how is that, in any way, comparable to what i walked into?" Phil wondered. "i wasn't even the target and you let me walk right into it anyway." at least Bruce hadn't laughed at him. he'd just given him a special soap that would get rid of the feathers. not much else could be done about the smell or the ink though. "why is it, that you can remember a pretty blonde reporters name, but you can't remember the name of most of your board of directors?" Steve wondered, looking very amused before the entire room stared at him as if he was insane. "Tony. you're you. did i need any other reason to know?" Phil asked, lifting an eyebrow. "granted, i didn't know for sure until the press conference when you decided you wouldn't be selling weapons anymore. it was a toss up between you making another and you going back to work making more impressive weapons. i, personally, was leaning towards another suit, though Maria and Fury where fairly convinced you would have to be... dealt with." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "i'm glad you chose the suit."
“Ah, okay. And he truly sucks at teaching other people, even if it’s simple stuff.”She said snickering, not in the least offended before nodding. “Sounds good. And...uh. About how much you’ve talked, I better just stick with the beginners course and go from there. While I sorta knwo things about stuff, better start at the beginning.”She smiled at him, tilting her head. “aren’t you giving a lecture for the beginners anyways?I’d totally enjoy that.”

“Because, tony stark on a caffeine withdrawal from not mainlining coffee, is a punishment for us all....and we didn’t let you walk into it, we just didn’t stop you from going first when we knew bruce was upset.”Clint said smirking a little. “...Reporter had a vagina that I was interested in getting up close and personal with again. Sorta made it necessary to remember her name.”Tony snickered a little, before wrinkling his nose. “Me to. And they could never deal with me. I’m to awesome to be dealt with.”
Bruce nodded. "he gets too impatient that people aren't as quick as him." he admitted before nodding, writing down that she would need total beginners classes. "no. that's for the advanced studies. the one for beginners wasn't for another month." he admitted. "in any case i can't give them now. not when People know what i am." he admitted. "i called in and canceled." he admitted. "now the question is, what kind of Physics do you want to get into?" he asked her, looking amused. "there are about fifty different branches you could go into after all." he admitted.

they all rolled their eyes and shook their heads. Tony was such a twerp sometimes. "the point being, is that I did not know Bruce was upset." Phil growled before snorting at Tony's comment about Vagina's while Steve laughed. Phil just shrugged. "at the time, we where unaware that Stane was going behind your back and selling to terrorists." Phil admitted. "we only knew that your weapons where making their way into terrorist cells. we incorrectly assumed that, well...." he shrugged. "we know better now." he looked up when Thor walked in, looking so excited Steve had the urge to warn the man not to piddle himself. "he squeezed my hand! Loki squeezed my hand!"
“He does.”She agreed, before frowning, sighing a little. “Why not? I mean,it’s not like your going to change into hulk in the middle of the lecture. You could do it from here, I know tony has a video conference thing.”she frowned a little before sighing, “I dunno. What do you suggest?”She said.

“Ah. That makes sense. Even if I feel like everyone should be aware that I would never consider sselling weapons to them. I mean, those days...”he shuddered a little, shying away from the memories. “Vaginas and designs, and the occassional cock, were all I was interested in.”Tony said being vulgar to cover up just how much the memories messed with him. “Truly?”Tony looked up grinning at thor.”That’s great.”
he shook his head. "they wouldn't want me there." he mumbled. "who would want a monster teaching a lesson on what not to do when messing with radiation?" he scoffed before smiling at her. "it really all depends on what you want to do with psychics." he admitted. "do you want to explore how space works, or how the world works? do you want to handle particles, or explosions? do you want to deal with planets, or solar systems? do you want to play with energy input output calculations or design something? there's too many things for me to just choose for you, you know."

"well, to be honest Tony, it was impossible for us to simply ask you." he admitted with a smile and a shake of his head. "with so many people trying to 'get a piece of you' as it where it was impossible for us to arrange a meeting." he admitted. "we would have made sure it was really you doing those nasty things of course." he assured the billionaire. "and then offered you a position within our organization, but i have no doubt you would have turned us down back then." he pointed out with a small smile and a shake of his head when Steve snickered at Tony's vulgarity. "Truly!" Thor agreed, looking very excited indeed. "perhaps he is testing!? to see if it is safe?! i do hope he will recover soon!"
“...They let Oppenheimer teach classes, and it was in class that he said his famous words, ‘now I become death, destroyer of worlds.’”She said smirking at him a little. “And he made a atomic bomb, I think Hulk is a little safer then that.”She said before huffing a little. She hadn’t really thought about this, it’d just been something to distract him, and get him talking. Frowning as she considered it before smiling. “I like knowing how things work. I mean, I think that’s why I like psych, I came help people be better...”

“Ahhh true. I was always the popular person.”Tony said smiling a little snorting. “And I was actively avoiding meetings after Afghanistan...I spent like....45 hours in interrogation with everyone before they let me come home. It was unpleasant. Last thing I wanted to do was talk to the paper pusher who kept following me around.”He said smirking at phil before getting to his feet. “Well, hopefully he is. I’m going to go annoy him now, maybe he’ll smack me for it.”Tony grinned, since he’d been told to take the day off, he was so going to go annoy loki. Settling onto the couch next to loki he touched his hand, smirking. “Hey Reindeer.”
Bruce shrugged. "maybe when things die down a little bit i'll be more ready to teach classes again but for right now i'd rather hide in my lab and sulk." he admitted, offering her a small smile before chuckling a little. "i'm not entirly sure about that." he admitted. "after all, Tony managed to deal with a Nuke and he can't take on the hulk." he pointed out, looking rather amused. "hmmm... molecular physics then. it's a combination of chemistry, biology and physics. it's how the atoms, chemical compositions and stuff react with each other. it's basically everything that makes up the earth and how it works, you'll enjoy it i think." he admitted with a smile. "i'll let you pick your own psych classes, i don't know anything about it." he admitted.

Phil snorted. "we where trying to get your attention for a year before Afghanistan Tony." he pointed out, looking amused before he cringed. "they held you, in an interrogation room, after being kidnapped, tortured and held against your will for over a month?!" he demanded, looking furious. utterly outraged. "i'll have those bastards FIRED over this! they had no right to detain you for any longer than an hour, at most!" he hissed furiously. "i want names, all of them! no, never mind, it will be in file. i will make them [i[suffer[/i]." uh oh. mama was out. while Bruce was the 'father' more or less. a single look from Bruce was usually enough to stop people in their tracks when they where going too far, Phil was literally the 'mother hen'... or maybe Mama Bear was a more apt description. get him going and people where going to get mauled. "be careful he doesn't throw you out the window!" Steve called, chuckling a little. Loki didn't react at first, but slowly his hand curled up, gripping Tony's fingers, even if nothing else reacted there was a reaction.
“Maybe.”She smiled watching him, smiling back. “Hmmm, maybe/ Though he[s figured out how to get along with the big guy. Hulk likes his demented iron butterfly.”She snorted because sometimes she thought tony acted like the hovering insect on purpose. “Hm, I like it. Thanks, I would have never figured out which classes to take.”she smiled before snickering, “I can do that. Easy enough choosing those classes right.”She sighed quietly, still worried about him.

“Hmm.Well. I still dislike meetings.”He said shrugging, because he really had been focused on everything but people wanting things from him, his lab and his bed had been what he focused on the most. “....Yes. I mean. I got a regular bed, and more food but...”Tony shrugged, because that month had been nearly as traumatizing as being kidnapped, since he’d known no one but rhodey and pepper had known he was alive for that time, his survival kept quiet so they could interrogate him. Watching phil he smiled a little, something tight in his chest loosing as he realized phil would be as protective of him as he was of clint and natasha. Smiling as he sat next to loki he rolled his eyes. “He doesn’t want to throw me out of windows anymore. I doubt he could at the moment....though maybe I can annoy him enough that he might move to do it...”Tony said looking thoughtful, grinning as loki squeezed his hand.
he shrugged. "he'll regret that sooner or later. Hulk is a monster, that's all there is to it." he stated simply, though even he was beginning to doubt that. "your welcome. i'll have you scheduled for basic classes and gradually work your way up." he decided. "i can tutor you as well of course, that would be easy enough." he admitted, leaning back in his chair. "you don't have to worry... i'm not suicidal... not really. i want him gone, yeah but not at the cost of my life. not yet anyway." he admitted, closing his eyes and relaxing a little because he was still so tired, all the time even after he got more than enough sleep. he was asleep again, reclining in his lab chair, head tucked down so his chin was touching his chest and breathing softly. sleeping because it seamed as if there was nothing else to do but sleep.

"You always did, huh?" Steve asked with a smile before scowling when he realized people had broken the law in interrogating an already traumatized man just because he was Tony Stark. no wonder Tony had so many issues. everyone knew that when a person came back from being tortured, you made him feel safe again before gently, very gently, coaxing him to talk about it. they'd had to do it for James the first time and they'd likely have to do it again once James remembered his time with Hydra. "their asses are grass." Phil snarled, shaking his head before snorting. "no one really knows what Loki is thinking. maybe he does want to throw you out a window." he teased, though he doubted it. from what little he understood, it was unlikely that Loki would even remember his actions while being... possessed. Loki's fingers relaxed and then tightened again, as if he was struggling to maintain control over his body. struggling to stay awake, struggling to release himself from his own, still body. must have been worse than unending nightmares.
"No. Not really....I have a theory....if you want to hear about it..."she said nervous about telling him before grinning."that'd be awesome. I'd enjoy spending time with you, and actually understanding what your talking about."she snickered a little. Watching him she relaxed a little."good. But your still getting one of tony's bracelets."she warned softly startling as he went to sleep."damn..."she muttered watching him."jarvis, can you get cap to come down?I can't move him to the couch on my own."

"Yea. Dad took me go meetings as a kid. Drove me insane. Probably why I don't like them now."he shrugged leaning into steve a little."I'm okay.don't worry about it."he muttered knowing why steve was upset."he might. I mean everyone's had a desire to throw me off a building at some point. Though only peppers actually voiced it before."tony snickered relaxing stretching slowly before getting up when jarvis said they were needed.we cap was needed. He was just going to follow.
he shook his head. "i'll hear it later, when i'm not so torn up about this crap." he promised her before chuckling. "well, some of what i'm talking about at least." he admitted with a crooked grin. "i've spent my entire life learning this stuff. it'll take you a while to get to that level." he admitted with a smile. "i wouldn't mind a bracelet." he agreed. "just make sure it can expand." he mumbled before dropping off to sleep. he felt much more content than he had before. he always felt a bit less like a walking disaster when she was around.

"probably. no child should have to sit for hours on end listening to adults talk." Phil scoffed, rolling his eyes, Steve nodding his agreement. "especially when Howard tolerated no interruptions i'd bet. i'll wager you weren't even allowed to go off to go to the bathroom. man probably wanted you there so he could show you off." Steve grumbled, shaking his head. "the man was a genius i'll give him that, but he was a shit for a father and he never managed to be half as smart as ou are." Steve admitted to Tony. "and he had the common sense of a cockroach to boot." he admitted before blinking, looking up when Jarvis called to him. he frowned, a bit confused but headed to the lab, smiling when he realized Bruce was asleep again. "at least he's getting some rest, right?" he asked with a smile, gently maneuvering Bruce, cradling him like he was a child. "up to the bedroom or onto the couch?" he asked her.
"Okay."she smiled at him before shrugging."I'll start to understand then."she looked amused before nodding."tonys already working on it."she promised.

"....ive been scolded alot for interrurpting...and building things...and...I was a easily bored child who couldn't make a sound in was horrible."he made a face looking amused at the description of Howard as they headed downstairs."definitely a good thing he's getting sleep."Bell smiled getting up and settling on the couch."couch.less chance hell wake up and flint off to do something else."she smiled a little, letting bruce get settled on the coucb, absently stroking his hair as tony handed her her book.
Steve nodded. "i can imagine so." he grumbled, shaking his head. "Howard was such a fucking little asshole, honestly." he grumbled, shaking his head before gently settling Bruce down onto the couch, the man grumbling a little in his sleep but not waking. "he looks pretty peaceful like this. it's nice to see." Steve admitted with a smile before standing up properly and headed for the door. "come on Tony, let the man rest. we'll go pick on Loki and James for a while." he decided with a grin. "or we could go have snuggles. James Nap time is coming up, he'll probably want to drag us off with him for that." he had gotten adorably clingy in the last few days and insisted on having at least one of them for nap time. Mostly Tony.
“He does. And it is good to see.”Bell agreed smiling as she watched the other two go. “Hm, naptime. Might as well cuddle in the living room, watch over loki and take a nap. He’s being adorably clingy.”Tony snickered, because for the touch deprieved genius, he enjoyed cuddles. Smiling as they went in search of james.

When bruce woke, Bell glanced down at him, smiling slightly, setting her book down as she studied him. “Feeling better?”
James was already sitting in bed, playing with a Rubix cube, waiting for his boys to show up. they usually did when Nap time came around. he was all too happy to snuggle into Tony on one side while Steve snuggled in on the other.

Bruce blinked at her, silent for a moment and then. "not really." he admitted. "you didn't have to stay you know, i would have been fine." he pointed out, feeling bad for always taking up so much of her time.
“you need more sleep. Might prescribe sleeping pills...might help.”Bell frowned thinking about it before shrugging. “What else would I be doing?I’m reading, loki’s being watched over, and the other three are snuggling and napping. And generally being disgustingly adorable.”
he shook his head. "doesn't matter how much sleep i get, i'm always exhausted when i wake up. i'm pretty sure it's the monsters fault." he grumbled. "taking control of my body when i'm sleeping... damn sneak thief." he grumbled, not looking at all prepared to get up despite protesting that he shouldn't be taking up all her time. "that's adorable." he agreed with a chuckle. "it's good that Tony has those two. they help him stay focused." he admitted with another yawn before he finally, slowly dragged himself to the sitting position. "ugh... any tea?"
“Hm.Maybe.Makes sense, even if he wasn’t up and about this time.”She said looking thoughtful as she smiled. “It is. And it’s good for him. He’s more...settled. Less anxious, even when you guys had just been living here, he needs people, who understand him, need him to help them. He needs to be needed. And steve and james, definitely need him, they’re good for him.”She smiled shifting to let him sit up, before nodding. “Yea. Hold on.”she said movign to get it, returning in a few minutes with it, handing the cup over to him.
he nodded a little. "he's happier than i've ever seen him." he admitted with a soft smile. "it's great to see. i was really worried about him for a while." he admitted before smiling. "yeah they do. it's a really good relationship because they need Tony just as much as he needs them." he admitted with a smile before offering her a happy little grin as she gave him his tea. "thanks." he mumbled, draining the cup and feeling just a little bit more awake. "so... you had a theory?" he asked her. feeling a bit better about whatever she might want to tell him, pausing when his phone rang. "oh... hold on.. sorry... it's from Cambridge?" he muttered, baffled, answering the phone. "this is Banner... oh, hello Mr. Danner?" Bruce asked, looking very started. "well.. no, but... well, ys, but... uhm, i don't... uhm... what?" Bruce asked, Stutter coming back full force. "i don't, uhm... but!... uhm, you can't just.... uhm, uhm...." he looked very flustered when the line went dead and he stared at it and then looked at her. "he, uhm, yelled at me for being stupid!" he protested. "he said, uhm, i was coming in to lecture or, uhm, he'd call Tony and, uhm, Make me!" he complained. "he can't DO that!.... can he?" he wondered, looking baffled at the phone.
"Me to. But he's doing okay."bell smiled a little really is. And welcome."she smiled at him before shifting, sighing quietly as she prepared to tell him before startling when the phone rang. Glancing at him, giggling a little. Well. It seemed he wasn't going to have any choices now."you are being stupid. And I'm sure he can tell tony you canceled. Of course, when tony finds out why you canceled, he'll do unpleasant things with a cattle prod, and maybe the suit. Do you really want to give him a excuse to try flying you to a lecture?"
"...." he looked at her and then. "i'm gonna kill Steve." he admitted, even if he was smiling a little. "that asshole called the school and told them why i canceled. that complete and total asshole." he grumbled, shaking his head. "you wanna go to Cambridge with me and watch me make a bunch of smart people look like idiots?" he asked his head tilted. "i like going there an scoping for the smartest kids and invite them to Stark Industries too." he admitted with a chuckle. "Tony gets so excited when i find more smart people that can keep up with him." he admitted before shrugging. "you know. being flown to a lecture by Iron Man would be kind of cool." he admitted with a smile before sighing. "...i feel better now." he admitted. "i'm glad they called. He admitted before looking at her. "so.... theory?" he asked, looking much calmer than he had in a long time.
“Hm, no killing steve. James would be very distraught. And a distraught winter soldier would be bad.”She pointed out before laughing, looking amused. “Of course I want to go. I need vacations sometimes to. When’s the lecture?”she said looking interested before laughing. “He does get excited. It’s amusing.”She grinned before biting her lip, nervous about telling him now. “Well....I have MPD. Multiple personality disorder....I think... You and Hulk are two sides...of the same person. I mean, not just your rage. But he enjoys the things you don’t like, and he’s quiet when you’re doing the stuff you like...I’m...not explaining this well.”She said looking frustrated that her nerves were making h er sound like a idiot.
he snorted a little. "good point. i wouldn't want to die." he agreed with a smile. "it's on Friday. the one for beginners is next Thursday." he admitted. "i'm allowed to take guests so you can come to both if your interested." he admitted before pausing, staring at her. "so let me get this straight. you think i have Dissociative identity disorder." which was the proper term for MPD. "....well fuck." he admitted, staring at the wall for a long moment. "i need another cup of tea." he decided. "Jarvis! bring up Web MD and Google please!" he called, the holographs popping up and providing information on Dissociative identity disorder and Multiple Personality Disorder. at least Bruce was taking it well. sort of. "bring up all the proper information please Jarvis." Bruce asked, realizing Jarvis was ten steps ahead of him, watching as several dozen screens popped up with the information Bruce wanted. he settled down in his chair, brought down the first page and began to read with a single minded focus that usually only Tony could achieve.
“Awesome. I’ll come to both, it’ll be fun.”She smiled pleased that he wasn’t freaking out about the lecture anymore. Swallowing hard before nodding. “yes. I do.”She said watching him, tilting her head, before slumping a little, relaxing. Well, at least he wasn’t freaking out. Smiling slightly as she settled back on the couch wit hher book simply to watch him over him while he read, and to be there to answer questions if he had any.
he did not ask any questions, but two hours after he'd started researching Steve stumbled down the stairs, nice and bloodied up. "...we need you upstairs. James had a bad flashback." he admitted, wincing as he moved. he had a broken and bloody nose, three broken ribs and a cracked collarbone. Bruce was already bullying Steve into a chair to set and strap the bones into place while they healed while she headed upstairs. he knew he wouldn't have come down if James was still a physical threat so he didn't protest Bella going up.

the living room was trashed, thankfully Loki had been moved to the bedroom as soon as James had started freaking out so he was unharmed. James was sitting in the middle of the room, rocking back and forth, mouth moving in words though no voice came out. vocal cords still too damaged to make words. he was trembling all over like a frightened kitten. he had a black eye, an accident but Steve would beat himself up about it later. he whimpered when she came in, and curled up tighter into himself, rocking faster. terrified of everything around him and read to attack if he had to.
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