
Steve grimaced a little. "he didn't know any better though." he mumbled before sighing, relieved that it wasn't actually his fault that James had lost his voice. "so he's healing faster than he normally would, but not as fast as i do. how long until he's healed?" "i'd say another week or so." Bruce admitted. "his voice will be sore for a little while i'm sure, but the more he talks, hums and makes noise as he's capable the better off he'll be." Bruce admitted, looking up at Bell and shaking his head. "this happened recently, unfortunately. i would say this happened between the time the Helicarrier crashed, and the time you guys found him... how did you find him anyway?" actually, James had found them. he'd just shown up, filthy, covered in blood, wounds and seeping infections and laying on Tony's favorite couch when they'd all come back from a mission one morning. James had freaked out, but hadn't tried to kill anyone so Tony had let him stay. Pepper had not been happy at all.
“no he didn’t, but you were saving yourself to.”Tony muttered sighing softly. “Good. And we’ll just have to make him drink some of your nasty tea and take it easy....wonder if that’s why he likes your shit. It soothes the throat and all.”Tony said looking thoughtful, because well, people not liking coffee disturbed him. “Damn.”Bell sighed looking pained at the idea of this happening because he failed with the helicarriers. “He found us. Showed up while we were on a mission, and just settled in on the couch for us to come home to. Pepper wasn’t happy.”Tony said wrinkling his nose at the memory, that more amused him then was painful these days.
Steve shrugged. he didn't like thinking about it. not really. "that could be it. but considering he refused to take his cough medicine when he actually had a cold, i don't think that's it." Steve admitted, looking amused. "i think he just likes the taste." he admitted. "James never did like Coffee much, not unless it was loaded with creamer and sugar." "he just showed up?" Bruce asked, head tilted. "i wonder if maybe Hydra tried to hang him for failing, and that's why he came here?" he mumbled. "i guess we'll have to wait until he can tell us, huh?" he wondered before snorting. he could imagine Pepper hadn't been happy that a known murderer was now taking position in the building. she was much better about it now. too bad the woman was freaking out about being pregnant and worried that Tony didn't want the baby.
“....true. And that’s just weird.” “Not everyone is a coffee addict, Tony.”Bell rolled her eyes a little, sighing quietly. Looking amused though. “Yea, just came home and he was laying on the couch waiting.”Tony shrugged a little. Bell frowned before nodding. “I wouldn’t be surprised if they did. Not only did they fail gaining control. Hydra was revealed to the world. Made things difficult for them. They would have wanted to punish someone.”Bell sighed shuddering a little. “No, she really wasn’t. It was a very tense few weeks.”Made even more complicated by the fact that pepper had found out about the baby tony still knew nothing about yet. It had made things difficult between them as pepper still hadn’t found the courage or way to tell tony yet.
"i am." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "weird." Bruce admitted with a chuckle and shook his head, imagining James just crashing on the couch until someone came to get him. "i'm more of the opinion that if 'they couldn't have him, no one would'.... it is Hydra." Bruce admitted, shaking his head a little. "i can imagine." he mumbled. he knew he wasn't supposed to know about Pepper being pregnant. but Hulk had smelled it on her. that was why he had only slapped her a little, compared to Natasha's black eyes and Clint's broken nose when he'd freaked out. he wasn't sure why Hulk cared that Pepper was pregnant, but he did and Bruce didn't want to think about the reasons why. "well. let's head back up before James get's anxious." Bruce decided, feeling tired. he was ready for a nap, though he knew if he went to sleep Hulk would come out.
“It was weird.”Tony agreed smiling a little. Wincing at that. “I hadn’t been trying to think about that. Even hydra, I don’t like thinking humans can be that evil.”Tony huffed making a face, studying bruce. Sensing he knew something, or wondered something, but not sure how to ask after it. “Lets.”Bell said smiling as they all headed upstairs, watching bruce. Having come to know him enough that like tony, she knew there was somethign he wasn’t saying, and not sure how to ask. Tilting her head as she got upstairs, looking at him. “You want me to stay?I mean, in case Hulk comes out...”
"sorry." Bruce mumbled, shaking his head. "some humans... they just think that way. for them. James wasn't a person. he was just a toy." he admitted. "he's here now, in a much better place and he's getting better. we should be thankful for that." he admitted. "no. i'll be okay." he told her, he didn't bother telling her that he ha no intention of going to bed. that he intended on doing the same thing he'd done for the last few nights and go down to his lab and try to find a way to kill the Hulk. he would do it, even if it meant he died to he would not be a puppet for the Hulk anymore. he just couldn't take it, knowing that the monster had free reign. he would never let Hulk win, the thing was a monster, he didn't know what Hulk wanted, but he could take a good guess that he wanted Bruce's body for his own. well he wouldn't have it, Bruce would die before he let that happen. "...Bell? i'm starting to get ver worried about him." Steve admitted, voice soft in case Bruce was paying attention. he wasn't. that only made Steve worry even more.
“....Yes. Definitely a better place.”Tony said swallowing thickly. “....Yea. Me to.”Bell said frowning watching bruce go. “J?” “Yes?” “Tell me what is he doing?” “Doctor banner has taken the stairs back down to his lab, Doctor.” “Damn. I’ll talk to him.”She swallowed, nudging Steve towards Tony and james as they headed for the bedroom. “Take care of your two, they need looking after to. I’ll take care of bruce.”She muttered heading for the lab. Watching him work for while, before lstepping inside. “You know, if you don’t get some sleep, you’re going to be even worse off then you already feel.”
"be gentle with him, okay?" Steve asked, smiling at her playfully, trying to make her feel a little better. even as harmless as Bruce was, there was little she could do to him. "no WWE smackdowns until i'm there to watch." he instructed, giving her a small hug before heading over to James who was getting a bit fussy about being in a lab for too long.

"i don't need sleep." Bruce stated simply. "i need to solve this problem." he admitted. "i'm so close. i am, honestly. but... something's missing." it was hard to tell what he was talking about, peering into a microscope as he talked. it could be any number of problems he was working on. a cure for cancer, synthetic skin, a way to locate the X-Gee in a person and control it, who knew. granted, the way his hand twitched and the way his voice hesitated indicated he was doing something the others, who would be able to tell what he was doing, wouldn't approve.
“I’m always gentle. Well. Except when he needed to eat more. Or any of you need some sense beat into you.”She smiled looking amused, laughing as she hugged him back. “Promise. No smackdowns.”She agreed as she left. “Come on James, we’ll go watch mulan. We didn’t watch it before.”Tony said grinning as he fussed over james a little.

“You need sleep. Which is the current problem.”Belladonna said as she walked over, settling into ‘tony’s’ labstool, the one that the genius got so very possessive over, it was quite amusing that this wasn’t even his lab, but tony had a stool that was his. “So. What are you working on?”she said frowning as she tried to figure out what he was working on.
Steve chuckled a little. "well, try not to beat him too much." he suggested with a chuckle, kissing the top of her head before heading up with James and Tony, brightening at the idea of another Disney movie. he loved Disney movies. absolutely adored them. there had only been three Disney movies out when he'd entered the war, but now there where hundreds. James was pretty content to watch the Chinese girl kick ass too. though he nearly punched the T.V. when Chi-Fu stated that as a woman, Mulan would never be worth anything. Steve wasn't far behind him, though he had more restraint then James did.

"i've gone months without sleep." Bruce mumbled. "better not let Tony catch you sitting there." he warned, though didn't ask her to leave. he mumbled something unintelligible at her and resumed his work when she asked what he was doing, totally focused. not unlike how Tony got, though Bruce would stop after twelve hours on his own and take a shower, find food and take a nap at the very least. though lately, he had been skipping the sleeping part.
“Tony smiled slightly watching the two, wincing as they nearly hit the tv, swallowing thickly. “You know, the best thing in the world is showing this movie to Natasha, cause she nearly has a conniption every time. It’s amusing.”Tony smiled watching them, nervous as he rested a hand on james’ shoulder. “Don’t break the tv.”

“You still need sleep. And he wont know unless you tell him.”Belladonna said frowning a little as she watched him, sighing softly. “Bruce, I’m worried about you. Really. Talk to me.”She said sighing quietly.
"i imagine so!" Steve admitted, shaking his head. "i hate that pencil necked bastard." he growled, glaring at Chi-Fu some more before smirking when Mulan kicked his ass. James glanced at Tony and then back at the T.V. growling at it, clearly unhappy but satisfied that Mulan had taken care of things herself. he was much happier when the ending came and the emperor bowed to her. that would show China! he settled down and snuggled in for a nice nap once the movie was don and Steve had to chuckle, stroking James hair.

Bruce shrugged and ignored her for a long moment, muttering under his breath as he worked, watching through the microscope while jotting down notes without even looking at the paper. "i don't want to talk. talking isn't doing anything. he's coming out more and more and sooner or later he's going to have all the control." he told her, leaning back and looking at her. "sooner or later, i'm not going to exist anymore and all that will be left is that monster inside of me. i can't let that happen. i won't let that happen."
“I think everyone does.”Tony smiled a little, sighing quietly as he pressed a kiss to james hair as he was snuggled, turning ot look up at Steve, upset and nervous himself. Because while he had figured this was the goal, to have the three of them together, it still made him upset and nervous to be in it. As if he was afraid steve was going to be mad at him for it. “You okay?”he muttered shifting to rest his head on steve’s chest.

Belladonna frowned, watching him. “Talking is letting other people help you.”Belladonna said looking upset before shaking her head. “I don’t think so. I mean, yes he’s coming out more. And not doing as much stuff, but I don’t think it’s because he wants everything, and that you’ll stop existing.”She said biting her lip, swallowing thickly, hating that she’d missed this. Hopefully she could help now.
Steve smiled a little and looked up at Tony, his head tilted. "still a bit tired." Steve admitted. "well. a lot tired." he admitted with a sigh. "and i'm worried about Bruce." he admitted. "i'm worried about James, i'm worried about you." he sighed. "doesn't seam to matter what i do i'm always worried." he looked at Tony. "are you okay?"

"...i don't think anyone can help me." he mumbled. "i don't think that He can be stopped." he whispered. "he can never be stopped..." he mumbled, returning to his work. "i'm sorry Bell. but i have to kill him. before he hurts someone else."
“Well. Rest.”Tony muttered fussing over him a little before sighing. “Don’t worry about me. I’m okay.”He muttered before frowning, nodding a little. “I’m fine. Really. Steve...I’m just worried about you. I mean....”He huffed looking upset as he stared down. “I...I know you wanted this. I mean...we’re good together....but are you sure? I could always have him to yourself...”Tony said staring down. Because the rare times he’d tried threesomes, he’d always been the one left behind when the other two dated. Because he couldn’t understand, couldn’t figure things out, and he’d been young the few times he’d tried it, under twenty, so he’d always assumed it was his fault, like he normally did.

“We can.Bruce, you’re not hurting anyone. He’s nice to me. He likes me. Let me help. I can figurethis out.”Bell said looking upset and scared for him, before resting her hands over his, squeezing a little. “Give me a chance, okay?”
Steve shook his head a little. "oh Tony. don't you understand? me and James... alone we just don't work." he admitted. "we didn't back then and we don't now. i want you, James wants you, more than we want each other. your the lichpin. the one who holds us all together. the one that makes us smile and laugh and feel good." he admitted, snuggling into the other. "if any of us was to be left behind, it wouldn't be you." he promised Tony.

"i am hurting people! youo saw what i. what He did to Nat, Clint and Pepper!" he hissed at her, looking worried. "he's hurt so may people and it's only going to get worse Belladonna!" he said, shaking his head. "what happens when he starts attacking you? or James? or Loki? or someone else who can't fight back!? what happens when he kills someone i love!?"
Tony went quiet as he considered that, frowning a little as he leaned against steve’s chest. Blushing a little at the knowledge he was needed. “Oh...I need you guys to. Always.”He muttered relaxing, sighing quietly, while he’d probably freak out again later, because his insecurity never left him alone long, for the moment, he was steady. “Not going anywhere.”

“I did. And he was scared. And I can’t think of any one person who’s broken their nose more then Clint has. Did you know he has the record at Shield for being bitch slapped the most? And natasha to, though she doesn’t get as hurt as often as Clint...and pepper you really didn’t hurt, just slapped her to get her away from you.”She frowned thoughtfully, sighing quietly. “You’re getting better if anything. He’s not hurting as many people. And he’s never tried to attack me. Ever. And james, loki. I think they can deal with it. As out of it as he is, thor said he still can feel loki’s magic. I think if I understand the magic thing, it would protect him.”She sighed, “You’ll kill yourself bruce, if you try killing him.”
Steve smiled at him, stroking his hair a little. "always and always, right?" he asked with a smile at Tony. "besides. you promised you'd teach me more about BDSM remember?" he asked with a smile. "come on. nap time." he decided, snuggling into Tony. "and when we get up i'll make you some peach pancakes hows that?"

he shook his head. "he wasn't scared. he just hurts things. that's all he ever does." he mumbled before smiling a little. "you know. i can believe that." he admitted. shaking his head before sighing, leaning away from the microscope. "i'm just... so tired." he whispered. "so tired of... of everything, tired of being scared, tired of being hungry, tired of hiding, tired of life..." he admitted softly. "i'm so tred of never knowing when he's going to come out, and ruin my life all over again."
“Always.Right.”Tony muttered relaxing a little under the other’s hand, smiling slightly. “I did. And I will. It’ll be fun.”He said sounding pleased at the idea, before yawning, sighing as he snuggled in to sleep. “Kay. Sounds good.”he sighed with a happy smile starting to fall asleep.

“No, he doesn’t. He wasn’t hurting me while he braided my hair. He didn’t hurt tony when he was chasing him like a butterfly. Or chasing that ball tony made...he’s okay to.”She smiled a little before nodding, wrapping her arms around him, pressing a kiss to his hair as she stood, holding him ever so gently. “I know bruce. And he wont ruin anything. We’re here for you for the long haul. I mean, tony knows Hulk saved him. I think you’d have to use a missile and attatch his ass to it and send him to the moon before he’ll ever leave you alone again. He’ll let you go for awhile, but Tony, and the rest of us, will always help you build a life again.”
he shook his head. "he's a monster." he growled. "i don't know what he's up to, being so nic and crap but he's up to something, i know it. he has to be..." he mumbled, looking very unhappy at the idea of Hulk not being Evil. so many people had been hurt because of the Hulk, and the Hulk kept taking over and doing terrible things. "..." he sighed and closed his eyes, unable to keep up the energy to try and protest anymore. t felt so nice to be held, to be comforted by someone who was honestly not afraid of him. "i'm so tired Bell... how can i ever be a person when all i am is a monster trapped inside my own body?"
“No he’s not. I know he’s not. And I’m going to get it through you’re head to.”She sighed softly, stroking his hair, “We’ll figure it out together, I promise.”She sighed softly, holding him,”You’re not a monster Bruce.”She muttered kissing his head against, gently urging him to his feet. “Come on.”she said bullying him gently onto the couch tony had put down here for reasons just like this, settling him on the wide couch before laying down with him, holding him gently, letting him use her stomach as a pillow as she stroked his hair, hoping to ease him to sleep.
he snorted. "he's a monster. someday you'll all know it, i'm sure." he mumbled, though he did nod when she told him they could figure it out. he let her drag him to bed and settled onto the couch with a sigh and closed his eyes, letting the hair stroking lull him to sleep. he woke as the Hulk, as he usually did and the man, beast? was more than happy to let her lead him upstairs for food, and hair brushing. Hulk just loved to brush her soft pretty hair. he kept shooting Loki suspicious looks however and growled at him a few times to see if he'd get a reaction. when nothing happened he prodded the prone godling for a bit before deciding the creature was dead and went back to Bell to enjoy brushing her hair.

"well that was... odd." Phil admitted, having been watching Hulk to make sure he didn't do anything nasty to Loki, seeing as how Thor was still sleeping. "does he always brush your hair?" he asked, keeping a distance since Hulk didn't seam to like him getting too close.
“Hm?Yea. He did something like that to James to. See if he could get a reaction, though James responded by poking him back.”Belladonna said looking up at phil content, leaning back against the couch as she read, glancing up at phil as she heard the other come in. “Yea. Almost every time he comes out now. He’ll let me feed him, take care of him, and gets very annoyed if I try getting him to do anything without letting him brush my hair. It’s not that annoying, easier to just let him do it.”
Phil blinked a little at that. "interesting. so he's trying to see if we're a threat or something?" he mused, not really all that bothered. that was Phil, ever the unflappable. there had been a contest once, to see who could get an honest reaction out of Phil. no one had won. at least, not officially. technically speaking, Clint and Natasha often got reactions out of him. "i wonder why?" Phil mused, his head tilted, watching Bruce, er, Hulk, braiding her hair. "you know... i have noticed something." Phil admitted. "Bruce never seams all that concerned about... enjoying anything. he doesn't seam to get pleasure from anything, not food, not sleeping, not baths. he doesn't seam to relax or have fun at all. but everything Hulk does seams to be centered entirely around something he enjoys, eating ice-cream, brushing your hair, taking baths." Phil mused, blinking when Hulk decided he was done making Bell's hair pretty and settled onto the couch next to James to watch a nature program about foxes. thank god they where getting along now. James hadn't been too fond of Bruce to begin with and when he and Hulk first met the poking fight had turned into a fist fight and neither man had been very happy about being torn away from their target. they seamed fairly content to sit there together and watch the foxes play on the T.V. "how was he last night? Natasha said that he had a rough few hours." Phil admitted, just as worried about Bruce as everyone else was. even if he did hide it better.
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