
Steve smirked a little at Tony and wiggled his eyebrows before grinning and kissing the other, chuckling. "well we're going to have to, no getting around it." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "you don't, but James does." Steve admitted. "you know he doesn't like being with me when i hit the gym." James got very... aggrivated when he saw Steve working out. "and James doesn't like Bruce and Bell wanted to work with Loki a bit. that means you get babysitting duty." he pointed out. "probably not. he loves cuddling with James." Steve admitted with a chuckle.

in the bedroom James had removed his mask, setting it on the bedside table before settling into the bed with Tony. unlike normal though, he was not watching the TV, but instead he was watching Tony, leaning over without warning, he caught Tony's lips in his own, kissing the man. not very well, since James couldn't really remember how, but his lips where smooth and soft, even if he did need a shave. he pulled away, head tilted as he studied Tony, as if wondering how he had done.
“...Fine. I’ll babysit. I like spending time with him.”Tony said smiling, though he was sulking a little as he realized he wasn’t going to get to watch a horror movie, simply settling in with sherlock holmes with a sigh. Watching the movie as he absently stroked the other’s arm, petting him absently much like you would do with a dog, simply touching to reassure himself the other was there, before startling, staring. To startled to kiss back as he studied the other man, not quite sure how to react, or what to do. Blushing he tilted his head a little. “You need to shave. That tickled.”He said teasing a kiss before leaning in, hesitating before kissing him again.
Tony was the only person who James would let pet him like that. even Belladonna could only touch him a few times before he started getting anxious and fidgety. James watched him, not really reacting at all to the comment that he needed a shave. he didn't do his own shaving. Steve usually did it for him. you know, when they could force him into the shower. it wasn't so bad now that James had several masks and he didn't have to wait for them to dry before he could put it back on. he happily kissed Tony again, setting a hand on his chest and pressing Tony flat onto the bed, straddling the smaller man underneath him without ever breaking the kiss, pressing his hips down, letting Tony feel how hard he was. James had never shown any sexual inclination before, so for him to be so hard all of a sudden was a bit odd. not that Tony was going to complain right?
Tony smiled a little as he didn’t react, absently petting him still, looking thoughtful as he considered the other. Not sure what to think, or to do, but not protesting just yet, cause he did trust james. Trusted him to not hurt him. Groaning as he was pressed down into the bed his eyes fluttered a little, swallowing thickly, starting to check out as the other drew his submissive side to the surface, already the world was starting to get fuzzy as he dropped, not thinking clearly as he rested his hands on the other’s hips, whimpering as he was pressed into. Hard and aching himself, and he vaguely knew that this was odd, curious about what caused it, but it was a distant thought. The submissive just wanted to see where the dominate man straddling him was going with it.
James watched him for a moment, as if not sure he would be okay to do the things he was doing before continuing, kissing Tony with all the eagerness of a man who had never kissed before. with all the passion but still working on the technique. still, taking his cues from Tony, he was learning fast. James shuddered and moaned, grinding his cock into Tony's before pulling away just enough that he could undo Tony's pants and slide them down to his knees. before opening his own pants and sliding them off all the way so he could focus on more important things, like bathing Tony's cock with his tongue and using some Lube to stretch himself open. looks like James was going to ride Tony. kinky. of course Tony was probably too distracted by the hot throat wrapped around his cock to notice.
Tony whimpered as he watched the man do what he wanted, for once in his life, utterly helpless to get words out of his throat as he gasped as the other tugged his pants down. Squirming a little as he ran his hand through the others hair, tugging gently, completely unaware of the other stretch hinges himself. Solely focused on the mouth around him."jamie, you gotta stop. I'm gonna come if you dont..."tony whimpered, moaning squirming.

Meanwhile Jarvis cleared his throat, and hesitated which was more then enough to make clint stop sparring with Natasha to pay attention, despite getting smacked for it.glancing at steve."captain?there is...."Jarvis paused not sure how to put it without upsetting everyone."you are needed in the master bedroom for a situation that I'm sure you'll want to know about."
Steve paused when Jarvis cleared his throat and looked up at the camera he could see. "a situation?" Steve asked, running through the scenarios that could be happening. 1: James broke the T.V. likely, but not really something Jarvis would get worked up over. 2: James broke the T.V and then tried to attack Tony because he was still worked up or Tony had tried to stop him. much more likely. 3: James or Tony or both was having a flashback. also very Likely. he didn't even bother hesitating, he was just out the door and up the hall to Tony's room as fast as he could.

James moaned again at the hair tugging, only sucking faster, though he did pull away with a wet pop when Tony told him to, panting for a moment to catch his breath, stroking Tony's thighs and stomach, avoiding the trigger happy cock for a moment before sliding over Tony, positioning himself and carefully easing his tight entrance over the head of Tony's cock with an eager groan, sinking down fast onto Tony's shaft and ignoring the sound of a door opening. "oh...." Steve paused, gaping at the sight of James moaning as he rode Tony's cock, sliding the thick shaft in and out of himself in fluid movements that indicated he had don this many times before. and he had. James had often ridden Steve like that, more than that though, his Hydra handlers had made him ride them like that. Steve's First instinct was to yell at Tony, but he knew better. Tony wouldn't have started this. his second instinct was to yell at James, but he couldn't do that either because it wasn't James fault. his third instinct was to call for Bell, but he refrained because Tony would not appreciate that at all. finally, he wanted to smash his head against the wall a few times, but all that would do was give him a migraine. at least the boys seamed to be enjoying themselves and it wasn't hurting anything right? goddammit he didn't know what to do.
Tony moaned as the other slid onto him, gasping, eyes wide as he bucked up into the other. Hands fisting at the sides of james’ hips, holding onto the other man, even if he was doing nothing more then to hold on. Turning his head a little at the sound of the door opening, he looked at steve with wide blown eyes, so blown that there was only a sliver of brown left as he watched steve. Gasping as James rocked down onto him again, his attention snapping as he came, back bowing as he clung to the brunette above him.
Steve sighed and decided to wait until they where done. he had to admit, this was kind of amusing, or it would be if he wasn't so worried about James mental state. and Tony's. James was moaning loudly now, looking for all the world like a slut. James moaned again, tossing his head back with a guttural groan, feeling Tony flooding him he came as well, spraying lines of white all over Tony's chest and stomach, trembling under the onslaught of pleasure. James finally sighed in pleasure, relaxing after his intense orgasm and slid off of Tony. "i'm beginning to think you both need babysitters." Steve admitted with a smile, watching them. "how you doing Tony? still with us? how low are you right now? do i need to call Johnny to bring you back up? i haven't learned how to do that yet." he admitted. "would be fun to learn though."
Tony shuddered, panting softly as he whined as james slid off, squirming to his side, and tugging the brunette back against him, cuddly and needy in the afterglow of his orgasm. Looking up at James he frowned a little. “Not a baby. Don’t need a babysitter.”He muttered before blinking up at the other slowly, trying to focus. “I’m okay.”he said after a few long moment, and while he could use some cuddles he was okay. Before frowning slightly. Thinking about it. “call johnny, he can teach you now.”He muttered even if he was still petting james. Not quite able to stop.
James hummed, sounding very content indeed, snuggling into Tony, very cuddly indeed after sex. he always had been, though Hydra had tried their best to beat that out of him. "are you sure Tony?" Steve asked before nodding, calling Johny even as he settled into bed and stroked Tony's hair. Johnny was there in a matter of minutes, expecting Steve to have panicked again, instead he found Steve next to a naked Tony and James and had to pause to make sure he was seeing what he thought he was seeing. "he dropped too fast." Steve informed Johnny. "i didn't know how to bring him back up properly. figured i better call you." he admitted, stroking Tony's hair still, as he had been for the last ten minutes. "well, our doing a fine job. stroking him, and constantly talking to him will help him come back up. make sure not to sound worried, upset or angry or he'll think he did something wrong... what happened?" "not sure. Jarvis just called me, said there was an 'incident'. walked in on James riding Tony so i'm not sure how this happened yet."
Tony whined a little, butting his head into steve's hand whenever he paused for moment then a moment, looking quite content and happy as a kitten reallyat having steve and james' attention. Looking up at johnny with sleepy contentment he smiled at the other."not wrong...didn't do anything...b tony muttered only half hearing what the two were talking about though he sounded more...there now. Definitely starting to come back up as he watched three of his favorite people talking and simply being near him.
Steve smiled each time and returned to petting Tony. James was just laying there, head resting on Tony's belly, watching the TV because it was there, and moving, and fascinating. "no, you didn't do anything wrong." Steve promised Tony with a smile before looking up at Johnny who chuckled. poor Steve looked so lost. "is he always like this?" "yes." "so i don't have to be worried?" "no." "thank god because all i can think about s how damn cute he is like this." that made Johnny laugh and moved to crawl into the bed, only to back away very quickly when James snarled at him. "it's okay. you just blocked his view of the T.V." Steve informed Johnny who hesitated before trying again, glad that there was no snarls this time. there was a huffy little growl, James didn't want to share, but he did anyway.
Tny smiled happy with the knowledge that he hadn’t done anything wrong, nuzzling his face into steve’s chest and absently petting james’ hair because he was laying there. “Not cute!I am not cute!I’m sexy.”Tony whined tensing when James snarled, moving to get up before relaxing as he realized nothing bad had happened. Relaxing he sighed, contentedly closing his eyes relaxing, coming up slowly, frowning a little. “Cap?”He muttered looking up at the other with a small smile, mostly back to himself, but still feeling content.
Steve smiled a little. "your both." he teased Tony. "your undeniably adorably sexy." he promised Tony before gently stroking James shoulders, calming the man as much as he could, Tony's constant petting did more than anything Steve could anyway. "yes Tony?" Steve asked, looking down at him, his head tilted. "i'm telling you right now Tones. if you want a threesome, the answer is no." Steve warned, looking amused, kissing the man's forehead while Johnny chuckled and ran his fingers along Tony's hip just so he could touch too. James growled at him again and Johnny huffed. "it's not my fault your in the way James, OUCH! he BIT me!" Johnny protested, looking shocked. Steve just started laughing.
“Hm, good.”Tony muttered before frowning, looking confused. “You don’t want a threesome with me and James?I can totally leave you guys alone, I could, totally. I mean, yea. It’d be okay...”Tony said working himself up and sounding upset with the idea, low enough that he blurted out the first thing that had come to his mind at the other’s words before startling, looking down at Johnny. “...I guess he doesn’t wnat to share. And don’t look so upset. You like being bitten.”
Steve paused and then flushed. "i forgot to count myself. i meant a foursome..." he assured Tony. "me you and James is fine. you Johnny and James is fine. bit i'm not having sex with Johnny in the room because he wigs me out." he explained, Johnny laughing. "it's okay buddy, you wig me out too." Johnny promised before sulking at Tony. "i like being bitten when i'm getting laid." he corrected. "we don't want you to leave Tony. hush now. your ours. mine. James... i guess we can share you with Johnny." "gee, thanks Cap, that's swell." "...never, ever talk like that ever again." Johnny just laughed and laid his head on Tony's chest.
“Oh.Okay.”Tony muttered flushing, calming at the others words, closing his eyes as he pressed his face into the other’s chest, and if he was holding onto james a little tighter, well, people should stop freaking him out. “...Oh. No johnny for you then. But I still think it’d be mutually satisfying masturbation for you two, nothing to weird.”Tony muttered, sighing softly, calming the more steve was calm, sorting a little at johnny’s words. “You are not cap. You can’t pull off the cap slang.”he muttered tugging the other’s hair lightly.
James snuggled a little more into Tony and shot Johnny the stink eye, assuming that he was the reason why Tony was upset. "yes. no Johnny for me." he agreed with a chuckle, kissing the top of Tony's forehead, shaking his head. "it's creepy Tony, no matter what you call it." Johnny teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "yeah. stop talking like an old person." Steve ordered Johnny with a chuckle.

Hulk scowled as he watched Belladonna flutter around the puny man who did not move. he was chomping on a bucket of Ice-cream and had taken great pains to make sure to bite the loud thunder man's hand when he drew too close to the treat. the loud thunder man was still sulking in the other side of the room, cradling his hand. Hulk grinned at him, making the scary Thunder man grimace. he knew he had drawn blood on the scary thunder man. now he just needed the puny one who did not move to leave. he didn't like that Belladonna was paying more attention to that thing than she was to him.
“no it’s not. It would totally, be amazingly hot.”Tony whined a little, stroking James’ hair, relaxing a little with a smile. Yawning.”I’m tired. Are you all staying here for a nap?And does anyone need to check on the others?What’s everyone doing?”Tony said sounding worried, stirring a little.

“...Hulk?”Belladonna looked up from where she was feeding Loki, tilting her head a little as she studied the man, pausing as she watched him. Wondering what was wrong. “You’re not supposed to bite.”She scolded lightly, tilting her head slightly as she watched him,
"it would be creepy." Steve and Johnny chorused before glaring at each other. James giggled startling Steve so bad he almost jumped. "yes, we're all staying for a nap." Johnny decided. "Thor, Bruce and Bell are taking care of Loki, Clint and Natasha and Phil are reporting to Fury, and... that's everyone right? and i forgetting someone?" Johnny wondered. "anyway they're all fine. just lay down and take a nap."

Hulk scowled at her and grunted unhappily, narrowing his eyes at Loki who was now refusing to open his mouth again. he was already looking a little better after some food and sleep even if he was still lost in his own head. he bared his teeth at her at her chastisement and shoved some more ice-cream into his mouth, completely unrepentant. "it was my own fault. i attempted to take a bite of the sweet frozen cream." Thor admitted. "i just did not anticipate him to be capable of biting so hard." Thor admitted, scowling at Hulk, who grinned at him again, showing off all his teeth as a warning.
“That was creepy.”Tony pointed out with a giggle, sighing softly as he started falling asleep. “Yea, that’s everyone.”he muttered yawning as he snuggled into the others, quite content to not have to get up and do anything.

Belladonna sighed softly as she watched the other, shaking her head a little as she watched him as she ate her own bowl of the frozen treat now that loki was refusing to eat. “There’s more in the fridge, just try some of the really weird flavors. Those are tony’s, and hulk usually doesn’t eat them.”Belladonna smiled a little shaking her head at the hulk
S grin.
Thor nodded, looking quite happy to try some 'cherry bomb fudge'. humming as he shoved the creamy concoction into his mouth while maintaining a look at the Hulk. he didn't like the way the other kept glaring at Loki. "Bell? is he... you know. jealous?" Thor asked softly to her when Hulk glared at Loki again. "Loki used to do that when i would talk with someone else. he would glare at them and pretend he wasn't doing it when we looked at him. i don't think he likes that your not paying attention to him." Thor admitted, sounding rather amused, looking up when Phil, Steve and James returned, Bruce blinking and then clapping a hand to his mouth and sprinting for the bathroom so he could go be sick. again. "...that poor man." Steve muttered, shaking his head as he kicked his shoes off. "well, Fury's not very happy, but he's willing to take no action providing that Loki does not prove to be violent. he has promised to release a statement that Loki was being controlled at a later date when Loki wakes up, providing that your brother is not violent." Phil explained to Thor. Thor looked quite delighted to hear that and swept Phil into a hug.
“What?Oh.”Bell looked startled at the idea before looking at hulk, tilting her head a little. “Maybe. But he’s nearly as bad as James is about not liking new or dangerous people around.”She frowned tilting her head before wincing as bruce rushed off. “Well, is fury ever happy about anything?”She snickered amused before tilting her head. “At least that’s one problem we wont have to worry about.” “Indeed. It would have been horrible to have to deal with fury.”Tony said digging through the fridge for his own snack.
Thor chuckled a little. "that could be too." he agreed with a smile, looking confused when Bruce ran off. "where has he gone?" "to be sick. Hulk eats so many sweets it makes Bruce ill." Steve explained, slumping into a chair with a sigh. it was hot outside. and now he was tired. he had done a lot of running around. damn Fury. "that's very true. but he didn't need to make me run from department to department getting paperwork signed." Steve grumbled. "and i don't know why he insisted that James HAD to come in for an Eval and i had to make the request for Loki's living here myself. the one eyed jackass." he grumbled, shaking his head and smiling as James hovered behind Tony to make sure the man didn't take the last Banana or get into the pears that James had decided where his. Steve could only smile. James had made a lot of progress if he was showing interest in something other than weapons. "oh... by the way, Bell... uhm. i need to talk to you about something James did. i'm... a little torn on if it's a good thing or not."
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