
he nodded. "he's much, much happier with Steve." he agreed with a smile. "and James too, even if he had a bit of a setback today." he admitted before nodding. "she did. told me i wasn't allowed distracting Tony. i didn't listen to her." he admitted with a shrug. "this was just after the Chitauri attack though so i still had a bit of a spine." he admitted with a shy smile. "true enough." he agreed with a chuckle, heading off to sleep. he was Hulk again when she woke. sitting on the floor next to the bed eating a cake. not a slice of cake, but a whole cake on a platter. he and James where both watching... something to do with dinosaurs apparently. a dinosaur named Little Foot. weird. James seamed perfectly recovered though, since he had his wn cake, though his was just a slice.
“Indeed. But set backs are expected, even if it hurts.”Bell sighed softly before rolling her eyes a little amused at pepper’s idea. When she woke, she blinked slowly, looking at the other two with a tired little smile, rubbing a hand over her face as she watched the movie for a moment, smiling slightly. “You two doing okay?”She said looking amused as she saw the other two.
they both looked up at her, Hulk with his face smeared full of chocolate and frosting and cake crumbs, indicating he had gotten into Tony's chocolate stash as well as stolen an entire cake. they blinked at her for a moment and then turned their attention back to the T.V. while Jarvis sent her a text. James freaked out if he heard Jarvis so Jarvis tended to communicate when James was around, Via Texts. he explained that Natasha had given the boys the cake and turned on the movie so they wouldn't wake her up and that Steve was 'having a lie in'. meaning Steve was having sex and was feeling much better.
Bell smiled as she read the text before smiling as she moved down next to them to watch the movie, before shaking her head. “You know, you’re going to have to play nice with tony, you stole his candy, he’s not going to be happy.”She teased kissing both their heads as she settled in next to them, simply content to watch the movie, and texted jarvis to let the other two know that james was doing better if they wanted to visit after.
Hulk blinked at her, blinked again and then pulled a chocolate bard out of his pocket and offered it to her. he didn't seam to understand that it was wrong to steal or that Tony would be annoyed. he just knew that he had chocolate and it was delicious. he returned his attention back to the movie and shoved another pile of cake into his mouth. an hour later Steve appeared, looking very relaxed and happy. "hey James. how are you feeling?" Steve asked, hovering in the doorway. James looked up at him, wrinkling his nose at him, and then turned his attention back to the movie. Steve chuckled, relaxing as he realized James wasn't afraid of him anymore. thank god.
Bell smiled a little knowing he didn’t understand, much like james didn’t, smiling as she nibbled on the chocolate. If tony was going to be annoyed anyways, she might as well enjoy the chocolate. Looking up at Steve when he spoke. “Hey. We’re watching a movie.” “Are you watching land before time?”Tony said squinting at the screen a little as he eased into the room, looking amused. “....And pray tell, did you figure that out so quickly?” “...There’s dinosaurs. Shut up.”Tony said sounding defensive.
"Little Foot." Hulk grunted, pointing at the screen when Tony asked what they where watching. "i made Tony watch it. i thought a cartoon about dinosaurs would be super cute. it was." Steve lied to save Tony's ego before smiling at Hulk. "so your talking now huh buddy?" he asked the man, Hulk narrowing his eyes at Steve. "Puny Flag man." he grunted, Steve blinking, horrified at his 'nickname'. "Red Bumblebee man." he informed Tony even as James reached out to Tony, wanting attention.
"so it is.Cute little foot."Bell grinned, ruffling hulk's hair a little. "So glad you're talking."she smiled before laughing at steve's look. "Well, it's better then being a puny god."She pointed out before grinning at tony's jaw dropped. "Bumblebee?"Tony said raising a eyebrow as he moved over, sitting down with james, snuggling close
Hulk grunted at her when she ruffled his hair and batted her hand away, irritated but not violent. "that's true. it is better than being a Puny god." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. Jams happily snuggled into Tony and offered him his slice of cake and a chocolate bar that Hulk had given him. "pretty Bumblebee Man." Hulk agreed. "Prrrr..." James agreed, Steve's eyes snapping to James. that was the first time any of them had ever heard him try to speak. it was likely that he had forgotten how to speak English, though they had all heard him speak Russian and Steve had heard him speak on the jet as it was falling, James seamed to have lost everything.
Bell looked amused as she pressed a kiss to hulk forehead, simply teasing him with the touch since he'd been so adorably irritated about it."okay I guess it sorta looks like a bumblebee..." "no making a bumblebee suit tony, that's just to weird."bell teased. "Wasn't even dreaming of it....thanks jamie."tony smiled snuggling in close as he ate his chocolate before looking at james, eyes wide before sighing, sulking a little."damn. Well. I guess I can be pretty if you think so."
Hulk grunted again but didn't push her away for kissing him. it didn't seam to annoy him at all either really. "Prr-Eee" James slurred at Tony, happy to be snuggling and watching Dinosaur movies. "you should be happy Tony." Steve teased with a grin. "James only dates pretty people after all." he admitted. "i don't think he ever considered the concept of people being handsome." he admitted. "it's a compliment, you know?" he teased with a grin.
Tony smiled pressing a kiss to james’ head. “So I am.”He muttered before looking up at steve, smirking a little. “Hmmm, you’re quite pretty yourself, blondie.”He teased before nodding. “I know it is.”
Three years later and the Avengers where all doing so very well. Bruce had finally accepted the Hulk and they took turns walking about. the biggest shock was when it was discovered that it was Hulk who had been the original personality and had created Bruce to protect himself. Bruce hadn't taken that revelation well but he had long come to terms and they where working on reuniting. it was halfway working. Bruce could get angry again and Hulk had gotten some intelligence back but full reconnection was several years to come.

James had also recovered impressively. he had regained most of his functions, though he still had extreme flashbacks and occasionally kicked Steve's ass he was mostly harmless unless you bothered someone he cared about. he still didn't talk much, especially if he was upset because he had gained a mild stutter. if he enunciated properly and took his time speaking he didn't have too many problems. if he got too excited or upset or tried to talk too fast the stutter settled in and made him even more frustrated. he was a horny devil too and was constantly trying to seduce either Tony or Steve, usually both.

Loki was partially recovered. he would have his good days and his bad days and his in-between days. on his really good days, he would walk and talk and laugh and on his bad days he'd lay in bed and not react to anything or anyone. some days he would lay there but react when someone spoke to him and sometimes he had days where he'd just stare off into space for a few hours. Johnny could almost always get a reaction out of Loki however, and the two where becoming best friends just like, amusingly enough, Hulk and James. Bruce and James got along very well too, but not as well as Hulk and James did.
“shhhuussh.He’s talking. I wanna hear if he actually proposes.”Tony whined a little as he leaned over the balcony to look down at the lecture hall, having snuck in and bribe his way in to the lecture with bruce and bell, simply because the man was sitting in on her final class for her physics degree, glancing amused as he saw the rest of the friends who’d come to support bruce....or tease him of course. They were totally enjoying watching this.

Bell smiled slightly as she watched bruce give the final lecture she’d have to listen to for awhile, stretching slowly as it ended, getting up slowly. “Good lecture Bruce.”She smiled at him, her dark hair tucked back out of her face,as she considered her boyfriend.
"you shush." James huffed even if he looked amused, watching as well. Steve chuckled a little and watched them rather than watching Bruce. Loki even managed to muster u the strength to come, though he was leaning against a wall, staring off blankly at nothing. Johnny was grinning, waiting eagerly for his chance to tease the happy couple relentlessly.

Bruce smiled a little and moved over to her. he had asked Steve's opinion on the ring, which was why Steve wasn't really paying attention. "thank you." he said with a smile. "listen... i want you to come up here for a moment." he ordered, since no one else had moved. he had said he would be giving last minute advice to the graduates. "as this is our last class, i wanted to impart a little wisdom to those of you who are graduating." he admitted. "never be afraid to love. never be afraid to live your lives. never let fear rule your lives. continue to learn, because there's always more to discover. take every opportunity that presents itself because you never know when you might never have another." he admitted, smiling at her. "never be afraid to take chances... and never be afraid to get down on one knee, and ask the woman you love, who saved your life and made it worth living, to Marry you." he had dropped to one knee in front of Bell, holding up a box with the Rings inside. "Belladonna Santi? will you do Us the greatest honor, ad become Our Wife?" the keyword being Us and Our, which meant Hulk was proposing too.
“You!”Tony growled, elbowing him a little even as he snuggled into the other, it was quiet amusing really, just how snuggly tony could be sometimes.

“Hm?”She frowned looking confused before moving towards him, looking bemused at his words, eyes widening as she watched him. REaching out she gently stroked her hand through his hair, offering him a quiet smile as she nodded, “You sure?Both of you?”She muttered even as she slid the ring on. “Of course. I will.
he smiled at her. "yes. We're sure." he promised. "we want to spend the rest of our lives with you." he admitted with a smile before grinning, ducking her into a swoop and kissed her senseless while the entire class erupted into cheers and whistles. "oh. by the way..." Bruce grinned at them. "i am officially a teacher and will be seeing some of you next semester for my first class of advanced physics students." that caused even more cheers. Bruce was a favorite speaker and the school board had been trying to hire Bruce as a teacher for two years now.
“Good. I want to spend that time with you to.”She smiled blushing as she leaned into him, kissing him back, before flushing as she clung to him, laughing as she listened to the class. “Hmm, I feel like we should play student and teacher now.”She teased, grinning as she looked up at their friends, rolling her eyes at the cat calls and whistles, looking amused as she clung to her future husband, knowing everything would be okay, that no matter what came next ,they’d be good.

The end
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