
Bruce just growled at her, sounding very much like James. something even he seamed to notice because he had paused and was now staring at Bruce as if he was something new and shiny before deciding he wasn't all that interesting after all and stood silent vigil over Steve and Tony. "shut up Clint before i take out man's stupidity on your face." she warned, shaking her head. "Johnny needs the rest." she admitted, leaving so Bruce could sleep. Bruce blinked at her for a moment, lethargic and fuzzy after being drugged before nodding. "yeah." he murmured. "sorry.uhm i... i uhm can get a little grumpy..." he mumbled, flushing brightly and looking anywhere but at her because he didn't want to see disappointment or disapproval or worse, fear.

"oh. not experimenting?" he asked, sounding so young and so very confused. "Tony Stark... oh... yeah. Tony." Steve said, remembering he was in a new world now. "i like living with you." Steve admitted, looking much more comfortable now that he understood where he was. "everything that Bruce said." Phil admitted. "give him an I.V a shot of steroids and let him sleep." Phil admitted. "we're supposed to do our best to get him to drink juice or broth if we can, just to keep his energy up, but until the fever breaks he's going to be pretty confused and delirious. the Serum doesn't know how to handle a fever apparently so his body is going into overdrive. it won't hurt him, just make him a but loopy for a while."
“So I noticed. Though don’t let the idea of you being grumpy at me, will stop me from scolding you like I do tony for being a stubborn idiot.”Belladonna said, for all the world sounding amused before growing serious. “If you owe anyone a apology, it’s Clint. He’s been dealing with Natasha’s annoyance over the stupidity of the men in her life. It hasn’t been pleasant.”

“No, not experimenting.”Tony promised looking worried before nodding, reaching up to gently stroke the other’s hair back from his face. Wincing at the sweat soaked strands. “You are. And you’re safe, promise.”He muttered before looking at phil, sighing a little. Wanting there to be more he could do, but it that was it, he’d do it as best as he could. “Steve?You feel like you can drink some broth?”
he smiled sheepishly at her. "i get... off, when i'm tired." he admitted. "it's like the, uhm, lines between me and hulk are, uhm, blurred and we can't tell whose from, uhm, who anymore." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "Clint deserves all the hell he's getting." he scoffed. "hes always pissing her off." he admitted with a small smile before looking worried. "how is Steve? i never managed to get to the lab. remind me to ignore Natasha for a few days." she was the only one brazen enough to shoot him.

"okay." Steve mumbled, relaxing even more. he felt too hot, yet too cold, his entire body ached and he was having bad flashbacks about being weak and tiny and sick. "thirsty." Steve agreed. "i want apple juice." he mumbled, Phil smiling, heading into the kitchen to get some cool apple juice and a straw so Tony could feed the straw into Steve's mouth without the poor sick... boy, having to try to sit up or hold the glass on his own. Steve didn't even fuss, he just gulped down the apple juice, mumbled something unintelligible and went back to sleep.
Belladonna pressed her lips together tightly to keep from laughing at the inadvertent term of ‘get off’ knowing he hadn’t meant it like that. “Makes sense. Being tired makes the rest of us a little bleary and off, makes sense the two sides of you get the same way.”She smiled before snickering. “I think he enjoys prodding her to anger, which probably says more for his sex life then I ever want to consider.”Belladonna snickered before growing serious. “Delirious some, still fevered, but Phil sent it to Hank, and it’s black mold. Nothing to do but let his body figure it out.”

“Apple juice it is.”Tony said glad phil was there, not wanting to leave the other to get the juice. Smiling as he took it from phil, helping steve drink it before setting it aside. Sighing quietly, he ran a hand through his hair looking up at phil. “Is johnny here?”
Bruce blinked at her, not getting why she was looking like she wanted to laugh before shaking his head. "it was my own fault." he admitted. "i was so upset about yelling at Steve..." he closed his eyes. "i just... i always knew i was a bit possessive. when you live the way i live friends are really hard to find and i'm... possessive of Tony i guess." he admitted, voice soft and guilty. "i didn't even let Steve try to explain himself, i just assumed and.... and this is all my fault. if i hadn't yelled at him, he wouldn't have run away." he informed her before chuckling. "try walking in on them." he suggested. "it's pretty horrific." he admitted with a chuckle before nodding. "Black mold, makes sense. that apartment you guys found him in must have been crawling with it." he admitted. "there are things we can do to make him feel more comfortable. cold strips on the forehead, blankets, hand, back or foot massages, even a scalp massage." Bruce admitted. "lot's of juice and liquids, whatever we can do to make him more comfortable really."

"thanks." Steve mumbled. "yes. Johnny is here. Clint and i forced him into bed. he looked worse than Bruce did." Phil admitted. "he's really been beating himself up over all of this. don't be too hard on the firebug alright? he was only trying to protect you."
“Bruce, it wasn’t just you. He was upset about you yelling at him, but he wanted to talk to tony. If johnny hadn’t yelled at him for trying to, he wouldn’t have run. It was a combination of guilt, and you both are to blame some for it, but you were trying to protect tony. If anyone understands a overreaction to trying to do that, it’ll be steve. He wants to protect him to.”She pointed out before sighing. She knew no one but steve or tony would be able to really make the two feel better, but she’d try. “Yea, probably. It looked like no one had been in there in years. And we’ll keep him company. I checked on tony earlier, and he’s being pretty much a puppy dog, overeager and needy in taking care of him.”She sighed quietly, rubbing a hand over her face because she was worried about them both really.

“Welcome.”Tony smiled before tilting his head, sighing quietly as he stared down.”...Dammit. I shouldn’t have yelled at him....I was just angry and....fucking hell.”He muttered lookng upset, shaking his head. “I want to apologize. Can you have him come down?I don’t want to leave steve...”
he nodded. "i know." he admitted. "we shouldn't have jumped all over him though. we KNOW Steve, better than that. we KNOW he could never hurt Tony, he adores Tony! everything just got so fucked up so fast...." he admitted, shaking his head. "i know Steve will forgive us, even if we don't deserve it, but we hurt Steve and i don't think Tony will ever forgive that. i should probably pack, i'm pretty sure he'll kick me out." but he wouldn't leave until Tony yelled at him, it was only fair. "if i remember correctly the entire area was condemned after a massive quarantine. a disease was released on that section and everyone died, they never lifted the quarantine and it all just, started to crumble. i guess people are still afraid of that area because no one but Steve has gone through the place. even the animals avoid it." he admitted, shaking his head. "Tony's always been a bit of a worrier. he'll e fine once Steve us aware again." he hoped.

"you had every right to yell at him." Phil stated simply. "that is not why Johnny is upset." he admitted. "he's upset because he yelled at Steve and Steve vanished, that is why Johnny is upset. he's blaming himself for what's wrong with Steve and he probably won't be consoled until he can apologize to Steve." he admitted. "let him sleep himself out. you should get some sleep too actually, you look like the living dead." he admitted, gently running his fingers through Ton's hair, helping him relax. "go ahead and sleep right here. you won't bother Steve, i'll watch over both of you and wake you up if Steve wakes up okay?"
"Yes but you've also seen tony when he's free falling through a crash because of a bad dom. It just got fu ked up. It'll be fine."Belladonna aid sighing quietly, before tilting her head. Thinking about it, "no tony won't be nice about you guys hurting him, but as long as steve is fine, I don't think he'll hold a grudge to long. I don't know. You'll have to talk to him. That's the only way to know."she said looking worried at the idea."and no. He won't kick you out. He'd go insane without a science person around."she pointed out before making a face."of course he'd go somewhere that was condemned. But they'll be fine. Both of them really."Belladonna said because she was trying really hard to not worry.

" johnny...and bruce....isn't at fault. It's not their fault he left."tony frowned looking worried and upset at the idea of them being upset still. He blamed himself really, but he knew better then to admit because he'd get yelled at for it. "I'm not the living dead..."tony muttered whining quietly as he shifted though, shifting to lay down despite his protests and settled in to sleep."...kay..."he muttered shifting snuggling down with steve with a sigh
"well.. yeah, i have seen that." he mumbled. "it did all get fucked up. i just hope Steve can forgive me." he admitted softly, shaking his head. "i should head down and do a temperature check." he admitted. "i really hope we don't have to put Steve in an ice-bath, Tony would freak out and so would Steve." Steve didn't even go swimming anymore unless it was a hot tub. according to some files Tony, and then Shield had, Howard had managed to record the crash. Steve had mostly been awake through the entire process. back broken so he couldn't try to save himself, the water coming in, taking one last huge gulp of air and eyes wide and wild as the ice crept closer and closer until his eyes glassed over and the ice made it to the camera, cutting off the image. Steve even refused to have a air conditioner in his room because if he got too cold he had nightmares. the last thing they wanted was to have to put the super soldier into an ice bath. "i don't think Steve knew it was condemned. it happened in the seventies after all." he pointed out.

"it is no ones fault Tony, however a good majority of the people involved do shoulder the blame. you for not warning Steve, Steve for freaking out and leaving instead of trying to stay and help. Pepper for yelling at him and telling him to get out and yelling at him again. Bruce for yelling at him without hearing Steve's side of the story and Johnny for the same thing." Phil admitted. "all of you simply need to apologize to each other and then learn from it." he admitted before smiling, watching Tony sleep. he was nudged awake some hours later by Phil, Bruce was carefully taking Steve's blood pressure asking Steve questions. "what day is it Steve?" "uhm...." Steve hesitated, confused and still delirious. "Tuesday." "what year?" "nineteen forty one?" "try again." "Two thousand sixteen." "that's better. your doing a lot better Steve. and your fever has gone down considerably." "i feel bad." "i know. do you want anything?" "grape juice."
He will. We’ll be okay.”Belladonna said watching him before flinching. “Dammit, I hadn’t considered that. Yea, that would be bad. Let’s not do that.”She muttered before sighing. “True.”

Tony hung his head a little, shouldering all the blame for this, since it had been ulitimately his fault for having dropped without realizing he was doing it, or thinking to warn steve. “...We will. Apologize I mean.”he muttered.

Later tony whined a little as he was nudged awake, blinking slowly as he pressed his face into steve’s shoulder, flailing a hand at bruce. “I want coffee.”he demandedm before raising a hand to press it into steve’s forehead without looking, whiney and tired still. “He does feel cooler. Good.”Tony muttered sounding pleased.
Bruce chuckled a little. "to your left, Tony." he stated calmly "Phil got it as soon as Steve started waking up." he explained. and indeed there was Tony's favorite mug sitting on the table next to Tony full of hot coffee the way Tony liked it. "move your hand please Tony." Bruce ordered, pressing another cooling patch to Steve's forehead, the super soldier sighing in relief. "Bruce?" Steve asked, trying to focus on the man. "where's Tony? was there a battle? everything hurts." Steve admitted, dazed and confused. "no. no battle. Tony's laying here next to you. he's not hurt at all." he promised before Steve could ask. "just tired, he's been pretty worried about you buddy." "worried? was i attacked?" "no. your just sick. an allergic reaction to black mold." "oh. i'm not supposed to have allergies anymore. they tested." "i know Steve. this is a new allergy. the Serum reacted to it and then your body did. it's not a hard allergen to avoid at least." "okay."
"Thanks."Tony smiled shifting around to get the cup, smiling as he sipped it slowly before sighing softly as he moved his hand, looking Steve over."I'm here. you're safe, no fighting, we're safe. Promise."Tony muttered looking teh man over, looking upset that he couldn't fix this right away before looking at bruce. "How long should he be like this?"
"your welcome... hey, Tony? i'm really, uhm, sorry." Bruce admitted. "i completely overreacted. i'm going to apologize to, uhm, Steve too. but if you want me to leave i'll uhm, be out of here once Steve has his chance to, uhm, ell at me." he promised, Phil rolling his eyes. he had tried to tell Bruce that he wouldn't be kicked out, but the man was so used to being chased away, left behind, abandoned or blamed. "there's no set time limit. it just depends on how long it takes for the serum to calm down and his body to fight off the reaction." Bruce admitted, looking startled when Steve grabbed his arm and yanked him int a hug, wrapping around him. "Hmm, Tony. your warm." Steve slurred, Bruce going bright red. "S..Steve!" he gasped, mortified. "i'm not Tony!" he wailed, realizing Steve was nibbling on him. Phil couldn't help it, he started laughing. "Tony do something!" Bruce ordered/squeaked, struggling to get out of the now asleep Steve's grip.
“Hm?”Tony looked up, looking startled before smiling slightly, relaxing a little as he realized what the other wanted, nodding a little. “I know. And I’m not angry anymore....well not at you guys. It was just a fuck up for all of us.”Tony sighed softly before frowning, looking startled.”what?Why would I make you go? Who else is going to explain why I can’t have a pet at 3 am when I want to adopt a griffon or something. You’re staying.”Tony frowned looking upset at the idea of him leaving, before whining slightly, upset at the idea of not knowing how long it’d take steve to be feeling better. Laughing out loud as bruce was grabbed, grinning. “That’s awesome. I should totally be the one being nibbled.”He grinned amused as he helped bruce get free before pouncing on steve himself to snuggle and be held.
Bruce relaxed at the promise that Tony wasn't mad and blinked at him when he started demanding Bruce stay. that was a.. very new sensation actually. "uhm. i don't know. i guess, uhm, i just, uhm, i don't know..." he admitted, shaking his head. not abut to admit to Tony that being kicked out was more of a habit now than it was anything else. "it's not funny Tony! i'm going to have hickies!" he complained, glad that he had managed to be extracted, examining his neck. no marks. thank god. he smiled, watching Tony snuggle with Steve.

when Tony was awake again, Steve was sitting up, running fingers through Tony's hair and watching a video while Johnny explained what was happening. "i can see why you over reacted. this is... god." Steve admitted, sounding rather upset. "how can someone do that to Tony?" "it's a power thing. there are bad doms, just as there are bad anything else. people will always take advantage of others Steve." "i know. doesn't mean i have to like it." Steve admitted, pressing a button on the tablet. "and this... book? will tell me everything i need to know?" "most of it. it's a good place to start at any rate." Johnny admitted. "Tony? you awake?" Johnny asked, noticing that Tony's breathing pattern had changed. Steve never even paused in his hair petting.
“You’re staying. Besides, you came here for help. You’re getting help. And the big guy wouldn’t be happy if you abandoned Bell. I mean, no more hair braiding, it’d be saddening, even worse then no science.”He huffed teasing the other, because he could and giggling a little. “Good!You deserve hickies. Cause explaining why you have them would be quite amusing to listen to.”

Tony frowned slightly into Steve’s side, not moving just yet as he listened to the other talking. Stirring a little as he was talked to, he shifted, raising his head from where it was buried against steve’s shoulder, squirming to a better place so he could both watch the two men with him, whining a little as teh movement disrupted the nice hair petting. “Are you watching on of my videos?Johhnnnnyyy, you promised to never show them.”Tony whined sounding upset that anyone would ever see him at his worst. And while he hadn’t watched the video, he knew one existed of one of hte last times he’d gone to a sex club on his own, one of the few times he’d gone after inquiring extremis, and had he not had extremis, the wounds and beating he’d gotten would have sent him to the hospital if he hadn’t healed it nearly as fast as he got it. “ you feeling?”Tony muttered sleepily, waking up slowly as he turned to look up at steve.
Bruce said nothing to all of that but he did go very, very red in the face and mumbled that Tony was a jerk even if he did smile at the other.

Steve smiled as the other wiggled up into a sort of a sitting position and snuggled Steve. "no, i never promised never to show anyone who didn't need to know." Johnny corrected. "i wanted Steve to understand why so many people freaked out when he left when you dropped." Johnny explained. "i figured this was the best way." he admitted. "he has the right to know Tony. after everything that happened." "i feel like shit." Steve admitted with a wry grin. "i feel like i'm one twenty pounds and skinny as a rail again. aching after getting my ass kicked. at least i'm not having any problems breathing. i've still got a bit of a fever but Bruce said i'm very unlikely to have a relapse." he admitted. setting the Tablet down, letting Tony see BDSM 101 on his kindle application. "how are you feeling?" he asked with a smile. "any better?"
"....dammit johnny."he muttered sounding annoyed even if he understood why steve needed to see it, he wasn't overly happy about steve seeing just how bad it'd been. Afraid it'd freak out steve enough that hed never want to try again." probably is the best way I gusss....I mean he'd understand now..."he muttered avoiding steve's eyes because he didn't want to see how the other reacted before laughing a little, though it sounded a little sgrained, a little anxious. Worried about steve seeing the video and starting to work himself up."well you should get your ass kicked for not being stubborn enough to demand seeing me, but I'm glad your going to be okay."he muttered the sarcasm back in full force, which always happened when he was upset. Raising a eyebrow a little as he saw the article he was reading before sighing, "I'm fine steve."he said which every one who'd ever met tony and got to know him knew meant he really wasn't okay.
Steve chuckled softly and resumed running his fingers through Tony's hair. "this is how a Sub Tony is supposed to look, when he's being properly taken care of." Johnny was explaining to Steve who had his eyes fixed on the phone in Johnny's hands. "oh. yeah i see the difference." Steve agreed, smiling. "Tony's really kind of cute like that really." he admitted before glancing at Tony. "i was under the impression that i had raped you Tony. of course i wasn't going to demand you see me." he pointed out. "i thought you had been drugged or something. i didn't know people could get like this. i don't really understand it yet. Bruce tried to explain but he kept using big doctor words that made my head hurt. i don't know what endorphins are but they sound painful." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "your not fine at all, but you will be." he promised, ducking his head to kiss the other before turning his attention back to what Johnny was teaching him.
Tony sighed quietly, relaxing as he was petted twisting his head a little to watch the video to."I am not cute. I don't know what you're talking about."tony sulked making a face at the other."well....that's stupid. I mean, I was glad to!it was awesome watching you like that."tony said blushing fidgeting and upset at having upset the other man."it's the chemical in your body that gives you the rush of happy emotions in sex and all."tony said smiling slightly. Yelping a little surprised at being kissed, eyes widening as steve pulled away, blushing as he ducked his head, watching the video. Not wanting to focus to much on his emotions and everything, knowing he wasn't ready to think about it.
Steve smiled. "your adorable." he admitted. "especially when your half asleep and you do that adorable thing where you go straight for the coffee and drink three cups before you realize it's Bruce's herbal tea instead of coffee." Steve admitted, looking very amused indeed, Johnny snickering. he thought that was adorable too. "i... i really liked it too." Steve admitted, blushing a little. "i am sorry i wigged out on you." he admitted to Tony with a smile. "virgin you know. we tend to way overreact to things." he admitted before blinking. "oh! those are the same things that make me feel good when i run, right? Endorphins?" he asked, his head tilted before focusing on the video. "so he actually likes being hit?" he asked Johnny. "doesn't it hurt?" "of course it hurts, that's why he likes it. see, when he drops, the pain doesn't feel like pain anymore. it's like a different kind of pleasure." Johnny explained. "you have to be careful with how you hit him, and what you hit him with of course but he has a list." Johnny promised. "a list?" "yeah. it's known as a checklist. he has a list of the things he likes, doesn't like, hasn't tried yet and won't try. stuff like that. it's in your BDSM 101 book. you'll need to fill one out too." "okay."
“Am not. And that’s not funny!It was horrible.”Tony whined, squirming and protesting, even if they all knew he didn’t mind the tea every once in awhile, when he was dead tired. “Good.Glad you do.”Tony muttered sighing quietly, blushing himself before nodding. “I’m sorry I hadn’t warned you. I should have.”He muttered sighing quietly before snickering. “true. It’s going to be fun teaching you things, to watch you overreact some.”He looked amused before nodding a little. “Yea. That’s it.”He said before blushing a little listening to the two discussing it, ducking his head a little, “It’s a good pleasure.”He muttered before nodding. “I’ll fill it out, and you can and we’ll show each other. It should be in that list with the 101 course.”he said smiling slightly.
"you love Bruce's tea." Steve corrected with a chuckle and a smile, massaging Tony's scalp now. "it was a first date. how do ou even bring that up? 'yeah, i like watching the dino bones too, hey by the way i have this thing called a submissive complex and i might drop into subspace. oh wait, i'm already in subspace.' that would go over well." Steve admitted, looking very amused. "honestly, someone else should have had the foresight to warn me. Pepper, Bruce, they all knew you where taking me out and no one said anything." he huffed. "you probably thought you had more time and i didn't know anything at all so... it was just a clusterfuck, i'll do better next time." he promised. which was good! there was going to be more sexy times! "i'll be reading the entire book." he promised, Johnny nodding. "i got him a couple of different books." Johnny admitted. "he's to read them before he does sex with you again." this was said to Tony, quite sternly which meant that Steve was well aware that Tony would try to talk him into it anyway.
“Do not!”Tony huffed. Before laughing a little, “Hmmm, yes. That would have been awkward to talk about in the middle of a museum. Though not the oddest place I’ve ever had the sex conversation.”tony snickered a little before nodding. “It was, and we all should have thought about it. But it’s okay now.”Tony muttered giving a whole body shudder as his scalp was massaged, damn near purring as he squirmed a little, hard and needy, and really, this is the longest he’d gone without sex in awhile and....”What?But...Oh. He’s not well yet. So yes. Okay. He can’t have sex yet.”Tony huffed making a face, because he was willing to forestall sex for the moment if it was best for steve, instead of himself. "Where's bruce anyways?"tony said looking around for the man.
"yeah totally." Steve admitted with a chuckle ad a grin. "it is okay now." Steve agreed. "yeah. Steve's still pretty sick." Johnny agreed, shooting Steve a look to make sure he stayed quiet. he needn't have bothered. "i can't have sex yet, but i know you probably need to Drop. Johnny's offered to let me watch while you and he have sex, you know. providing your okay with that." Steve admitted with a smile. "oh... uh. Bruce is..." here Steve fidgeted and then. "Bruce got all worked up and Hulk came out, only he was still in Bruce's body you know? he bitch slapped Pepper, punched Clint in the face, tried to strangle Pepper and then followed Belladonna like some sort of puppy and he hasn't let Bruce back out yet." Steve admitted. "he's been playing with all this stuff that Belladonna got for him." he admitted. "but Pepper's pissed, Natasha's sulking and Clint has a broken nose so..."
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