
he snickered. "i shouldn't laugh but that was funny." Bruce admitted with a chuckle. "Tony often looks like a two year old really." he admitted. "nah. Hulk doesn't seam to care about Games." he admitted. "i have played paintball with the others after all and he never twitched, so somehow he can tell the difference between fake fighting and real fighting. though he really gets active if i try to learn self defense. Natasha tried to insist and then he tried to flatten her... it was a bit of a mess." he admitted with a chuckle. "it never ceases to amuse me how much Tony and Steve love each other and try and pretend they don't." he admitted. "even James adores Tony." he admitted, glancing at James who had gone back to staring at the T.V. "how much is it an act, i wonder? hiding behind a blank face so he can't be hurt anymore?" Bruce did the same thing, hiding behind shy smiles so no one would see how worried and frightened he was.

Steve laughed a little and shook his head. "don't you DARE Tony!" he ordered, looking amused. "they pulled one up from the deep, it's on again tonight, we'll watch it together hows that sound?" he offered with a smile before grinning at Tony's automatic agreement and backtrack. that was hilarious really. "....really?" Steve asked, looking surprised but happy, smiling at him. "courtships changed so much i wasn't sure it was allowed, but a lot of people have physical relations on the first date and i really think your hot and it's been YEARS since i was laid last and i really shouldn't have said that. stupid Steve, stupid...." he muttered. at least Tony wasn't the only one who was nervous.
"He really does. Sulky something fierce really."belladonna snickered a little before smiling thing her head."huh. Well maybe because you really don't feel threatened at the paintball, he doesnt. Like...even if it's just self defense, Natasha Romanoff is deadly, a force to be reckoned with. I doubtanyone could find her non threatening...maybe if you had a sparring partner that's more....less of a threat. A normal person. Like tony unsuited, or me. No a true threat."she shrugged a little before snickering."they really are quite amusing. Thank god the auction got them doing something. Maybe they'll figure it out." Before glancing at james."not all of it. But I think some of it is."

"But-but it'd be cool steve!"hewhined sulking but nodding."but yes we can watch it tonight."he agreed before looking up at the other."yes of course. Haven't you heard?I'm the biggest whore on the east coast."tony said, and though it was common enough for him to say, there was a flicker of sadness through his eyes at them."is this the first time your getting laid since 1944?"he teased nudging the other."Calm down. You're okay. I'm nervous to. Let's go see my room and we'll go from there."he said as they walked into the tower, heading for his bedroom, swallowing thickly as he felt the quiet sneaking up on him, even without dropping alot, the quiet of subspace was starting to calm him
he smiled a little. "i don't know." he admitted. "he's fine with video games, road rage, paintball and even Tony poking me with electrical prods, but if i start watching Karate videos or start learning how to defend myself, even on my own, he gets all agitated. it's... strange, feeling him pressing at my skin." he admitted. "i've just given up trying to learn how to protect myself for now. i'd rather do it myself but if Hulk is going to be pissy about it i'd rather not aggravate him until i can control him or kill him." he admitted. "i hope they do." Bruce admitted, picking up one of his pieces and examined it with a sigh before looking at James. "sometimes i wish i could be like that. it seams the more i feel, the more Hulk has power over me."

"well. it would be cool. but too dangerous." he admitted. "leave it to the scientists who actually know what their doing." he suggested. "your not a whore Tony. i've met whores. your not one." he promised the other with a smile. "you try to hide it, but i know better." he admitted before flushing. "NO!... Maybe.... okay fine! yes!" he complained. "but i have had sex before! it was great!" he paused. "okay so it was with a woman and i couldn't keep it up because she had breasts and her... lower lady bits scared me but it counts!" Steve complained, so red you thought he might inflate and float away.
"Well probably cause hulk understands that if tony says 'for science' it's going to be something interesting and startling."belladonna snickered before frowning thinking about it."probably cause hulk is a sort of manifestation of the flight or fight response. And even on your own, your preparing to dight, which means defense, and hulk is the world's best like defense."she shrugged a little. Glancing at james before shaking her head."as nice as it'd be, it's not good. Normal. It's no kind of life. We just have to figure out how to help with hulk."

"...if I convince bruce to help with it, can I make it?I mean he'd totally know what to do."tony sulkex though he looked more amused then serious about it. Going quiet before shrugging."Whatever you say cap."he muttered but not like he believed it before he looked up at the other with blown eyes."well. okay. Well undress and lay down. This'll be fun."tony grinned leaning up to kiss him slowly before pulling away and moving to the nightstand, jittery and nervous and starting to drop at the idea of steve being his like this. Shivering as he looked at the other still standing there smirking as he dropped to his knees."hold onto my hair okay?"he ordered even as he undid the others pants and without warning swallowed him down
he shrugged. "i'm not all that convinced that Hulk can think." he admitted simply before staring at her, eyes wide. "fight or flight..." he whispered. "fight or flight... yes. of course. he's triggered by fear." he whispered, looking so stunned and horrified that you wanted to pull him in and cuddle the daylights out of him. "i get scared, he comes out. like when Steve and James started fighting, i got scared, so he came out...." he looked at her. "i can't... i can't control myself to that level!" he protested, voice raising an octave in his panic. "i can't just not be afraid ever! i'm ALWAYS afraid..." he flinched, realizing he'd just admitted that out loud and swiftly fled, courage used up and ability to cope gone. he was going to go hide in his bed until the world wasn't pressing down on him so hard. it was a silly thing to do, hide under the covers, or under the bed until all the bad stuff went away. impracticable too because the bad things never went away.

"no. because Bruce isn't skilled in that kind of stuff. if you HAVE to do it, talk to your marine biologist people. you have some you know. or, i think you do. if you don't, then get some. simple as that right?" he asked with a smile before nodding, looking decidedly uncertain, but not frightened or nervous as he slipped out of his clothes. he just didn't know what to expect really. he knew the basic information for girls, but he and James had never done much more than frantically fist each other off and kiss. "hold on to your... what?" he asked, looking startled when Tony dropped to his knees. "what are you... oh my GOD!" the tone was shocked, stunned and full of pleasure and a little bit of that 'i can't believe he's putting that in his mouth'. his fingers tangled into the others hair, too startled to do anything else, arching against the other. "oh god. Tony! shit. that feels. amazing!" it had never felt like this when he was using a hand, his own or James. how had he not realized how amazing this was!?
"I'm fairly certain he can. I mean, he recognized me, he follows tony around when he's acting like a demented butterfly, and he understands. At least when I talked to him."she shrugged before tensing eyes widening as he freaked out.beuce, we can work..."she trailed off when he bolted. Sighing quietly.well looking at james."stay here. I'll be back."she promised and moved to bruce rooms, knocking lightly."bruce...can I come in? Please?"

"We'll be okay. I'll take care of you. Promise."tony said looking worried about the other, swallowing thickly. Glancing at the other as he moved over to him."hair."he promised nuzzling against him a moment before swallowing him. Humming slowly, softly the 'star spangled banner' as he worked the others cock. Groaning as he felt the other arch up against him, raising his hands and holding onto his hips, rolling his eyes to look up At him, Eyes Wide And Blown As he worked. Whimpering, desperate to make him come, to please him. Needing and desperate, free falling into subspace, dropping with a shudder
"i'm pretty sure Hulk just thinks Tony's something to chase." he admitted before biting his lip. "i'm not sure what to think of his obsession with you really." he admitted before vanishing, not wanting to hear her words of false comfort. James looked up at her nodded once and returned to staring at the T.V. Bruce didn't respond to her, he just slid off the bed and under it, still swaddled in his blankets, hiding from the world like a small child. Jarvis, however, opened the door for her since Bruce had not denied her entrance. the door clicked and it opened a crack, even if there was clearly no one there to open the door, since Bruce was lodged under the bed like some sort of giant rodent.

"okay." Steve agreed, moaning as he tightened his hand in the others hair, gasping against him, shuddering under the effort of trying to contain and control himself. "God! Tony! i can't! too much! won't last!" he gasped, tossing his head back and cumming because the warning had come too late and Steve hadn't had such a sudden orgasm in his life ever. "S.Sorry! i couldn't. it happened so fast! are you okay?" he asked the other before frowning, stroking the others hair. "Tony? why are your pupils so dilated? are you sick?" he asked, looking confused and concerned. "did i hurt you?"
Belladonna sighed quietly as she pushed open the door, frowning a little as she realized jarvis had let her in instead of bruce. Running a hand through her hair she looked around the room for him before realizing where he was, moving to lay down under the floor, squirming to get under the bed with him, though not to close. “You know, it’s sorta nice under here. I mean, you put some mats under here, and a computer, and tony might live under his bed.”She said simply to get a smile before sighing. “Bruce....”She trailed off, not sure what to say, for once, feeling totally lost.

Tony groaned as his hair was tugged, whimpering quietly, groaning as the other came, swallowing down as he sat back on his heels, looking up at him. “It’s okay. I’m okay. You okay?I’m okay.”Tony muttered sounding utterly content and relaxed, nearly purring under steve’s hand as the man petted him. Lost in subspace, the man was even more talktive and cute then normal, less prone to sarcasm. “Nope. Turned on, want you. Maybe sick with lust, I mean, can you get sick with wanting someone so much?I mean, my pants feel like they’re going to kill me, but you’re amazing, I’m amazing, but you’re the bestest, you’d never hurt me. Never ever. I’m okay.”Tony smiled leaning in, resting his head against the other’s hip,”How long will it take for you to be ready to go again?I can totally do sexy science now. It’ll be awesome. I am gonna wear you out cap.”
Bruce leaned away from her. he was in his safe place. people couldn't be in his safe place. it wasn't proper for people to be in his safe space. he was hiding so they couldn't find him. she spoke and he shifted, not much, just enough for him to poke out a single eye to watch her. it was very strange, Bruce didn't look like Bruce. he looked very tiny, very small, very much like a small child who was supposed to be invisible, unseen, frightened and silent. like he was the little kid again, hiding under the bed where his father couldn't reach him while drunk, or sober even. when he spoke though, it was his normal voice, voice trebling with fear he began to mumble. if she listened hard enough she could make out what he was saying. "Hydrogen, Helium, Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Selenium, Lithium, Sodium-" he mumbled. if she was smart enough to have the table of contents memorized he would realize that the elements where out of order, because he was grouping them by their states. first was other nonmetals, then Alkalies metals before switching to Metalloids and continuing.

Steve stared at him, feeling crushed. was Tony HIGH!? fuck. Tony was high. he had taken advantage of Tony. "Jarvis? get Pepper." he ordered, gently stroking Tony's face. "shh. it's okay. we're okay." he soothed Tony, carefully slipping Boxers back onto himself since Tony was still mostly asleep. "come up onto the bed." Steve urged, guilt eating at him. 'you'll never hurt me' indeed. he had just basically raped Tony's mouth because Tony couldn't make his own decisions right now! he looked up when Pepper walked in, tears stinging at his eyes, unaware that Jarvis had told her 'Mr. Stark has dropped into Subspace and Captain Rogers is panicking'. which could be taken so many ways. "i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to.. i'll. i don't know what to do..." he stuttered to a halt, shook his head and left because he couldn't do anything but be in the way right now. "i'm sorry."
Belladonna sighed softly, moving back a little so she wasn’t crowding him, frowning slightly as she watched him. This was hard, made her wonder if this is what he’d looked like as a child. Swallowing hard, because she knew his past, and this was hard to see. Pausing as she listened to him talk she smiled slightly. “You’re a bright boy, Bruce. Got everything together.”She teased a little, before glancing at the door, smirking a little as she saw the shadow of boots near the door, “Bruce, you’re safe. I promise. Nothing can get to you, because nothing will get past him. James is guarding the door, you’re safe.”She said, knowing even if he’d let her come in alone, James was obsessive and needy enough to take care of his handler, make sure she was safe.

Tony whined a little, :”Don’t want pepper. Pepper’s not fun anymore. She makes me do paperwork steve!”Tony whined a little, sulking a little even as he nuzzled his face against steve’s stomach, “ohhhh, to bed. I knew you wanted me for my body.”Tony said snickering looking at the other, even if he didn’t keep his hands to himself as he was settled into bed with the other, groping and enjoying touching the other, though as he was soothed and stopped from doing so, he looked even more upset and confused. Looking up at pepper as she walked in, tony gave her wide sad eyes, which in turn just pissed pepper off as she looked at the captain. Not realizing he was panicking because he didn’t understand, thinking he just didn’t want to take care of tony, that he didn’t want to deal with tony that wasn’t always in control, wasn’t the man he normally was. “I’m not the one you have to apologize to.”She said watching him go wincing at Tony’s hearbreaking whine at being abandoned, gently getting him snuggled up into the bed, petting his hair slowly, even as she called johnny, “Johnny?I need you at the tower. Steve dropped tony and doesn’t want to deal with him. I need your help, I could do it, but you know he responds better to you these days.”Pepper said wincing at tony’s whine at the anger in her voice, gentling the tone as she petted tony, trying to keep him calm till johnny got there.
Bruce, poked a single eye out again, studying her again before he smiled a little, glad that she was there really even if he didn't want her to be. he was a dangerous monster after all. he never stopped mumbling the table of contents and when he finished he switched to numerical order and then alphabetical, letting the soothing facts of the table of elements calm him down as they always did. he was a little surprised that the thought of James there was a comfort. no one could get past James. not Ross, not his father, not even Tony, and that was a relief. he fell asleep like that, cocooned in safety and finally relaxed. for the first time in a very long time he wasn't afraid. for the first time in a long time, he woke up still himself, it had only been a twenty minute nap or so but he felt disoriented anyway. why the hell was he under the bed? oh yeah. panic attack. lord how he hated those.

Steve ha to smile. "Pepper knows how to take care of you." he assured Tony. "she'll make this all okay, okay?" he asked Tony, grimacing as he was groped and manhandled but allowed it because Tony couldn't control himself even if he did try to slightly stop the other by gently removing his hands. he cringed violently at Natasha's accusation and recoiled as if he'd been struck, offering her a wide eyed, truly hurt expression. he hadn't meant to rape Tony! he hadn't! he fled to his own room where he curled up on his bed and enjoyed a good cry. he was a monster, a horrible person and he was going to go to prison and then everything would be over. Johnny was there in minutes, flying into Tony's bedroom. "i never took Steve to be this kind of asshole." Johnny snarled before forcing himself to calm down when Tony reacted. "hey buddy, easy there." he ordered, stroking Tony's hair, kissing Tony gently and easing the man back. "what do you need Tony, pain or pleasure?"
Belladonna smiled amused at the table of elements, humming the song that went along with it, even as she settled on her back, staring at the bed, turning her head to look at bruce when she heard him stirring. “We’re never telling tony about this. I mean it. If we do, he’ll do something insane like make your bed higher or something, so you can have a playhouse under here, and lots of toys and gadgets, an it’d be insane.”She teased lightly, before sighing. “Bruce, you’re safe.Promise, James is guarding the door.”She promised after a moment, turning her head to look at him.

“nooo don’t want pepper.”Tony whined sulking. Pepper tilted her head as she saw the hurt, shaking her head. “You can talk to him later. Go.”She muttered sighing softly, knowing she’d been mean to steve, but staring at tony, she was scared and worried. “Me either.”She agreed looking up at johnny. “steve’s not a asshole. You’re a asshole.”Tony growled fighting to get free of the blankets in a effort to go after johnny for being mean to steve before whining, sighing quietly as he was stroked and petted, closing his eyes. “Steve. I want steve.”he whined pathetically, sounding so lost and pained, that he was starting to crash, eyelashes fluttering a little, the emotional pain starting to make him black out, which was such a bad sign. That if he was retreating so far into being hurt, he was shutting down.
Bruce chuckled. "agreed." he, well, agreed. if Tony found out he lived out his panic attacks under his bed he'd never live it down. "i haven't had a panic attack that bad in years..." he admitted softly. "i know. it was just... too much i guess." he admitted. "being under the bed was always the safest place, you know? when i was a child, hiding under the bed was the best place, because my dad couldn't get under the bed, he couldn't reach me." he admitted. "of course, i had to get under the bed first. got to te point where once he grabbed a bear bottle i hid under the bed and didn't come out until i had to leave for school." he shook his head. "i'm kinda amazed i fit under here..." he admitted.

Johnny shook his head. "okay Tony. Steve's not an asshole." he agreed. "Steve can't be here Kid." Johnny said to Tony. "he, uhm... came down with a chronic case of the shits. he ate something Clint cooked." Johnny lied. "he's gotta sit on the pot for a while. probably won't be out till morning, you know how bad Clint's cooking is you know." stroking Tony, urging the other to come back up, to stay above that line. if Tony passed out like this it would take weeks for him to recover from the emotional imbalance. "come on Tones. you know i'm here for you. just tell me what you need okay?"
“I guess. I mean, we did figure out part of the hulk, that’s gotta be traumatizing. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have just blurted it out. It never occurred to me you hadn’t thought of it.”She sighed looking a little sorry, before nodding, “I know what you mean. Tony says the same thing. Howard couldn’t get under the bed, or the car far enough to drag him out, so it was the safest place.”Belladonna sighed sighing quietly, before snickering. “Don’t be. Tony had custom made beds for everyone, they’re all adjusted to be perfect height for whoevers sleeping in them. Considering your a little taller then most, your bed’s a little higher.”She said smiling a little.”Wanna go see if the guys are back from their date?”

“nope, not a ass.”Tony muttered before frowning thinking about that. Before thinking about it. “...No. No he doesn’t want me. We went out remember?I know he didn’t eat anything.”tony muttered sadly, sighing quietly as he was petted, blinking slowly. Shaking his head. “Dont wanna. Steve left. Doesn’t want me. Gonna go to sleep now...”Tony muttered closing his eyes even if he was nuzzling johnny’s hand, the petting indeed making him start coming up some.
he shrugged. "i try very hard not to think about him." he mumbled. "i did know. part of me did. i jist, i hadn't fully... you know?" he asled before smiling. "Howard was almost as handsy as my old man was. only difference was that Howard was gone a lot." he admitted. "i never had a chance to get away from my father except for school. not that i'm saying Tony didn't have a shitty childhood." he admitted. "i'm just saying Tony's was more neglect than it was violence, which can actually be worse than having the snot beat out of you all the time." he admitted. "mental based abuse is a hell f a lot harder to overcome." he blinked a little at her. "...remind me to thank Tony for that." he decided. "i hadn't even noticed but it is the perfect height for getting into... or flopping into." he admitted with a chuckle. "yeah. okay, maybe Steve can give James a run for his money on Stratego."

"he does have a nice one though." he admitted with a smirk before shaking his head. "he ate it for breakfast while i was making him pretty for you. i told him not to but he did anyway." hoping to god Tony would be okay, stroking him and keeping on stroking him. "don't you dare go to sleep like this Tony." Johnny ordered, lowering his head and offering the genius a few sharp bites that hurt just the right way. "come back up for me Tony, okay? you said we could have some fun remember?"
“Ah. Well, maybe we should .I mean, you came back so I can help, can’t really do that if you’re not going to talk to me as much as Hulk does. Though he doesn’t really talk. He more pets my head and stays close. It’s weird.”Belladonna said thoughtfully before wincing. “I knew what you meant...and both are hard. But you’re both doing well for having gone through it. “I will. Though when he wigs out on you about it, don’t be surprised. He’s not good with accepting thanks.”Belladonna smiled before nodding. “Steve’s about the only person who can, though it’s usually 50/50 on who wins.”She said crawling out from under the bed. “Jarvis, are they back?” “Yes. And the Captain is in his rooms if you wish to speak to him.” “ it just me, or did jarvis just sound annoyed with steve?”Belladonna muttered, looking worried.

“He does.”Tony agreed before frowning, “Oh. Cap’s a idiot. Hawkass can’t cook, you’d think he’d know that.”He muttered calming a little, nuzzling his face against johnny’s hand. It was a good thing it was easier to convince tony of things like this. He’d be pissed when he came up enough to know steve had left him because he dropped, but for the moment, he could believe it. Yelping as he was bit he shuddered. “Not sleeping.”He whined squirming a ltitle, nodding. “Kay, fun times are good. I like fun times with you.”Tony muttered something soft and hurting in his features, teh man knowing steve had left, even if he wanted to believe johnny’s words, tehre was something was wrong with that. “Just sex. Just...take care of me, Fireboy.”he muttered stealing a kiss, not wanting anything but to be eased into a good sleeping headspace, and sleep it off.
he nodded before shaking his head. "i came back because i was tired of being alone. i hate being alone. i'd rather be a lab test dummy again than be alone anymore." he admitted. "yeah. we are doing pretty well now." Bruce agreed. "Tony had Johnny and i had Betty and somehow we managed to come out sort of well adjusted." he muttered before smiling a little. "...Jarvis?" Bruce asked, sliding out from under the bed. "what's wrong?" he asked, just as worried as she was. he'd never heard Jarvis take that tone before. granted, Jarvis didn't 'watch' when people where doing dirty things so Jarvis didn't realize anymore than Pepper did that Steve had no idea what had really happened.

"Cap is a bit of a dork." he agreed with a smile, shaking his head a little. he knew the other was going to have some pretty serious issues once he woke up but for now they would have to keep Tony calm. Tony could be furious later. "okay Tony." he agreed with a smile, waving a hand at Pepper now that Tony seamed to be more stable. he didn't mind her, but he was not having sex with her in the room, nuh-uh. he took his time giving Tony all the pleasure he could, laying there with him once Tony had fallen asleep and silently hating Steve Rogers for doing what he had done.
“You are sorta well adjusted. Though I think only geniuses think singing the table elements is well adjusted.”She teased before frowning. “The Captain is in his own rooms, and Sir is with Johnny, Doctor banner.”Jarvis said. Belladonna frowned looking worried.”..We’ll wait. Morning. Whatever happened....I don’t think either of them will want us to barge in now.”She said though she was so worried.

In the morning Tony huffed as he shuffled out of bed, getting dressed, his hair dark and curly as he pulled on the few items of clothes he’d actually stolen from steve. The to long sweatpants, and the iron man t-shirt tony had gotten the man as a joke. Looking all the more cuddly for dressing in steve’s clothes, still feeling off balance and hurting, and despite everything, he drew some comfort from steve’s clothes. “You want breakfast?”tony muttered smiling at johnny as the man woke.
"i am perfectly well adjusted and i don't sing the periodic table i recite it. there is a difference. your the one who was singing." he scoffed, even as he smiled. when you did the table of contents numerical it was nice to sing it, but when you went by clusters or alphabetically the song didn't match anymore. Bruce frowned a little and then closed his eyes. "yeah. your probably right." he could only think of one reason why Johnny was there. shit. the date had gone badly and Tony had soured his subspace. shit. did he tell Belladonna? did she even know Tony was a super sub? he wasn't sure what to do so he remained silent until he could talk to Johnny.

Johnn smiled at Tony, looking adorable and sleepy. "morning." he mumbled, resisting the urge to scowl at the sight of Tony wearing Steve's clothes. "i do want breakfast. go see if Bruce is up would you? i want those weird things he makes." Bruce made a lot of weird things. he was either talking about Facturas, which was a Argentina based food, basically a Croissant filled with a sweet custard or a caramel filling. or he was talking about Cuban bread, which was sweet and buttery, or he was talking about Aloo Paratha which was unleavened bread full of vegetables. they where Johnny's favors and depending on what food he was in he always asked for one or the other while he was in the tower. since Tony usually liked the options too, Bruce had started making all three of them and some others while Johnny visited because Bruce adored Johnny. for Bruce, Johnny was like the older brother he'd never had. when Tony and Johnny finally made it upstairs, Bruce was indeed baking and cooking up a massive storm and looks like h had been for a while. amusingly enough, Bruce liked to cook when he was upset, so there was a lot of food.
"Of course bruce is up. He doesn't sleep nearly enough."tony said making a face long slender fingers twisting the edge of the shirt unconsciously, a nervous and upset tic that only happened when he wasn't at the greatest heads pace and couldn't stop himself."he makes a lot of weird things though."he whined even as he headed for the door, pausing at the sight of all the food." thor back?is that why we have so much food?" "Nope he just wanted to cook."belladonna said from where she was trying to coax james into trying a few things as she worked on a soduku puzzle, looking the man over worried but knowing better then to express it. Frowning as he looked around for the missing super soldiee."steve up?" "Haven't seen him yet."belladonna said gently flinching at the disappointed look she got in return as tony shuffled to his usual seat at the table
"that's true." Johnny agreed. he didn't know much about what was happening with Bruce but he knew the man suffered horrible nightmares about becoming the hulk and never changing back. Johnny noticed he shirt twisting and gently took Tony's free hand, holding it like a lover would and stroking the knuckles because he knew that would help settle Tony a little bit. "he does make a lot of weird things. you remember that disgusting sop he made full of innards?" Bruce didn't wast anything and he preferred to buy whole animals so that he could have some of his favorite things. like innards soup as Johnny called it. gross. Bruce was so good at butchering an animal that he could have a freshly caught deer, courtesy of Clint, or a freshly caught fowl, again, courtesy of Clint, skinned, sliced up, hacked down and ready for a meal in just a span of two to twenty minutes. while the others tended to avoid the... more interesting meals, they all loved it when he made fresh food from whole animals because it always tasted so much better somehow. "no. Thor's not back." Bruce promised. "i just felt like cooking, Johnny's here so i made all his favorites." Bruce admitted, offering Johnny a beaming smile. Johnny grinning back and wrapping an arm around Bruce's shoulders and ruffled the man's hair. "Pepper saw him first." Bruce explained. "she was yelling at him pretty good." Bruce didn't mention that he'd taken his turn as well, screaming at the man for hurting Tony like that once he'd understood what had happened. he didn't feel bad at all that Steve had started crying right there in the hallway. he had mumbled heartfelt apologies, which didn't help much, and had vanished back into his room to hide. they hadn't heard a peep from him since then.
"Gonna tell birdbrain he's never allowed hunting again. That was disgusting."tony muttered calming a little as the other stroked his knuckles, even if everyone knew he was just complaining to compalin. He'd never stop the two from doing it, as long as he didn't have to help."ah see johnny someone loves ylu."tony teased rolling his eyes a little. Belladonna laughed smiling as she patted james shoulder to let him know she was leaving before going to find steve.

Knocking lightly on the door she swallowex. She knew the guys were angry, but she was worried about the super soldier and tony. Agraid of what this would do"steve?"
Johnny chuckled. "you like his fresh meat meals to actually force him to stop. and since he didn't make US eat that disgusting soup, i can't really complain." he admitted with a smile, shaking his head. "i am well loved." Johnny admitted with a grin at Bruce who smiled at him. he adored Johnny just as much as he did Tony. James watched her leave and then turned to examine the 'not really Steve'. Johnny was one of the fw people James would actively react to, even if it was only staring at him. Steve thought it was because they looked so much alike but where so very different and James couldn't figure out how that worked. Johnny was well used to the staring and was completely un-bothered by it.

"....yeah?" Steve asked, sounding pretty miserable. "you gonna yell at me too?" he wondered. "i know it was wrong. i didn't mean to!" Steve protested. "i know that doesn't excuse it. i never should have... i can't believe i ra... raped him." Steve's voice broke into a hiccup. "i didn't know he was drugged up Belladonna i swear! i didn't know! i called for help as soon as i noticed bt everyone's so mad and i don't know how to apologize! is Tony really upset!?" he asked, voice quivering at the idea of Tony actually being hurt by what he'd done.
“Do not.”Tony muttered making a face, snickering at johnny’s words. “You are.”he agreed, sighing softly as he settled down to rest, looking amused that james was still reacting to Johnny as if it was james. “You need help?”Tony asked watching bruce cook, twitching and absently playing with the sleeve of steve’s shirt, as if the touch was enough to reassure him that he was okay, that maybe steve hadn’t abaonded him.cause you wouldn’t give your clothes just to anyone right?steve cared. And wondered if he fucked up by trying to have sex.

“Well, I wasn’t going to.”Belladonna said stepping into the room, looking startled as she stared at him, “Wait. Wait...what?”she paused waving a hand at him, “You didn’t....”She paused staring before pausing to gather her thoughts, “Steven grant rogers, you didn’t rape him. And eh wasn’t high. I guess they didn’t have terms for subspace and BDSM sex when you were young. I hadn’t thought of that.”She frowned a little moving over to sit next to him. “He’s upset you left. And he’s fidgety and upset that he’s fucked this up with you, but whatever you guys did, he’s not upset about that.”Belladonna sighed quietly. “Steve, it’s a....way of thinking of being. For tony....he has to be so in control, restrained in so much of his life, that in the bedroom, tony’s...submissive. He likes being ordered about and doing stuff, it gives him a whole other thought process for it. He dropped into that space, and we all assumed he had a chance to explain, to tell you, and you’d freaked out and left. Seems like he got there without having a chance.”
"Do too." he laughed, shaking his head a little. "no i'm fine." Bruce promised Tony with a smile. "thanks though, although, you could get the plates and pour the juice and stuff if you like?" he offered Tony. Bruce knew Tony liked to help, even if he burned everything he tried to cook. even water! "Johnny don't touch those!" Bruce snapped, smacking Johnny's hand with the spoon, keeping him away from the custard filled croissants.

"why not? i deserve to be yelled at." he admitted before looking at her, completely confused, wincing at his full name like a child who'd been caught doing something wrong. "...Tony wasn't high? but he was acting so weird! and his pupils where so dilated." he admitted, looking almost frantic. "i don't know what any of that is." he admitted, staring at her. "he's upset because i left? but Pepper told me to! i was just in the way." Steve informed her. "i didn't want to make Tony worse..." he just looked even more confused when she kept talking. "i don't understand any of that at all. but... but if i didn't rape him, then i guess we can work out what happened. Tony and me, i mean. apparently it's common now and i just don't know it..." he mumbled. "no, Tony was acting weird all day, i just thought he was nervous. hell i was nervous. i've never been on a date before." he admitted. "at least, not one where the dame, or in this case the fella, didn't hate me on sight." he admitted, running a hand through his hair. "i'll go apologize to Tony, and he can tell me right? using words i'll understand. he's good at that."
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