
“I know. I video recorded it. For blackmail.”Bell snickered smirking a little, “Because he thought something was going to happen to you. I don’t know, he thought you were going to get mugged or something. It was quite amusing.”She said before nodding. “Go, I’ll have Jarvis call if you’re needed.”she promised watching him go.

“I want pepper. I mean, she’s great. I mean. For short periods of time.”Tony said, because even he, who loved pepper and wanted to date her sometimes, found her tiring. “...She is pretty.”Tony said looking thoughtful and curious, already planning matchmaking. “It is that rare. You’re like a walking encyclopedia most of the time.”Tony snickered before nodding. “I did. It was sorta like working out. It took a few months to work up to this level.”Tony shrugged, jumping a little before realizing it was steve, smiling slightly. “Oh!Yea. I do. Sorry. I forgot about it.”tony said flustered and blushing a little, getting the slightly lighter, more comfortable mask for steve.
Steve smirked. "that's perfect. i want to see that video later." he ordered with a chuckle, nodding at her promise. he could trust her word.

"you don't want Pepper." Bruce stated. "you want the familiarity of it. you think that being with her will make you normal." he admitted. "not realizing that dating an overly bossy bitch won't do anything but make you miserable." he paused and then flushed. "i'm sorry, uhm. that was, uhm, out of line..." aaand Bruce was twitchy again. "i'm not, uhm, that smart Tony." Bruce complained, looking amused. "only about, uhm, some things." he admitted. "your smarter, uhm, than i am if we're being, uhm, technical." ah! a pun! well at least he hadn't gotten to nervous, especially since Bruce was giving tony a tiny little impish grin. "working out. interesting, uhm, the brain is just a big muscle, uhm, could be that you merely have to have more practice. i'll still need the, uhm, scans to be sure though." he admitted,watching Steve."don't worry about it, i forgot too." Steve admitted. "i just thought about it because he got a nasty rash last time he put that wet mask on. and he was inconsolable for days after we took it away." which was when Steve had gotten stabbed. "how you doing Bruce? unlocked the secretes to Tony's mind yet?" "not Yet, uhm, but nearly. soon i'll, uhm, know what makes him tick. i'm, uhm, a little certain it's boobs though." Bruce admitted, startling Steve into laughter.
“....Do not. Want amazing awesome pepper.”Tony said frowning a little, not ready to look under that rock just yet before his eyes widened at bruce’s words. Startled before laughing. “Well, it was a bit, but I think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you truly offer a opinion on something, so I wont get annoyed. I mean, good. You need to speak up more.”Tony said even if he was twitching a little, because despite the utter problems between him and pepper, he still felt the need to defend her. Struggling to hold his relationship together still. “Ahhh, well, only technically.”Tony snickered at the pun, giving him a equally impish grin before nodding. “I thought it was something like that. It’s getting easier the longer I do it. Sorta like how you have to work up to working out and all.”Tony shrugged a little smiling, relaxing at steve’s words. “Well, that’s true.”She sighed softly, smiling a little, relieved to know that steve wasn’t upset with him for forgetting before making a face at bruce. “More jokes?Really? Is this going to be a common thing?Making fun of me. And I’ll have you know I’m a ass man, not boobs. though boobs are nice."
"uhm. i've offered, uhm, opinions before haven't i?" Bruce asked, frowning as he thought. he had offered opinions before, in science. never in personal opinions. ever what he thought personally. never how he was feeling about a situation. "i've, uhm, upset you. i think i'll, uhm, hold back on the opinions." he decided. "it seams very, uhm, likely that your brain is, uhm, adapting on it's own to the new information. much like, uhm, a new psychic mutant will." Bruce admitted before watching Steve, wondering how long Steve would last before he broke and asked Tony out on a date. he knew Steve was trying to be gentle for Tony's sake, but even the ever patient Steve had a limit. "uhm, yes. probably." Bruce admitted with a smile. "no Tony, you have a nice ass." Steve corrected. "boobs are gross." he declared, Bruce chuckling. "i think breasts are, uhm, very nice actually." he admitted, watching Steve examine the mask. "this is perfect! thanks Tony!"
“On science. Not on personal stuff.”Tony said looking amused though, sighing softly.”No, I’m not upset. Not really. Express away. It’s just...things are weird with pepper.”he shrugged a little before nodding, “Probably. Makes sense I’m adapting.”he muttered looking up at Steve, tilting his head a little, smiling quietly. “Hm, I do have a nice ass. But I like asses, over boobs. I mean, nice asses are nice.”Tony said snickering a little before smirking at bruce. “I’m telling Natasha you’ve been examining her boobs and find them nice.”He declared before smiling pleased at steve. “Welcome.”
"...i guess i never noticed." Bruce admitted. "my whole life seams to have been about avoiding confrontation so..." he shrugged. he'd always had to hold back his opinions. between his father, his horrible teachers who had hated him for being smarter than then, the people he worked for, the people who wanted to hunt him down, was it any surprise that he wasn't used to expressing himself? "yes. the brain is both fragile and strong. uh, you can do some amazing things so long as your brain is capable of it." he admitted before chuckling at Steve and Tony's flirting. "go ahead, i'm, uhm, an adorable uppy. she won't, uhm, get mad at me." "she might get mad at Tony though." Steve admitted, looking amused. "an adorable Puppy Bruce?" "uhm, yes. something that Betty said." he admitted with a smile. "i, uhm, feel a bit bad about having to, uhm, miss her wedding." "Betty's getting married?" "yes. uhm, she wanted me to walk her down the, uhm, aisle. her fiance is, uhm, really awesome." he admitted, leaning back in his chair to ponder the notes he'd taken, head tilted.
“Well, you’ll have to start expressing more opinions. It’ll be good. I enjoy talking. And hopefully if you start expressing opinions, the Klondike will get the hint and start talking.”Tony huffed a little before nodding slightly. “She would get mad at me. Maybe I’ll tell her clint said it to, and avoid the whole thing. She’d get mad at clint, not me.”Tony said snickering a little before smirking, “You’re not a puppy. You’’re a hairy little monkey.”Tony decided after a moment, indeed of all the avengers, bruce had the most body hair. Before frowning. “...Well. When’s the wedding?We could go. I mean. If you want.”
"uhm, yeah i'll. work on that." Bruce agreed, though from his tone it wasn't hard to guess that he had no intentions of causing those kinds of problems with people. "Klondike?" Bruce asked, Steve scowling at Tony. "don't call him that Tony, it upsets him." no it didn't. it upset Steve because Steve didn't like to think of James time as a Russian soldier. "there you go. especially since it's true. Clint is always perving on her breasts." Steve agreed with a nod. "i liked Puppy better." Bruce admitted. "it was last week." Bruce admitted. "Ross was there, Betty was pissed because when i didn't show up he trashed the wedding." Bruce admitted. "which he would have done if i was there anyway. it's nice though because she finally got a restraining order on him. somehow she seamed to think he would be kay if i wasn't there, and he wasn't and i guess she finally decided there where some lines he can't cross. because of his actions, he's facing a review." Bruce admitted, pulling up the Email Betty had sent him and showing it to Tony and Steve. inside was a lot of details Betty probably wasn't supposed to have. good, juicy details about how Hulk was n longer a wanted criminal while the review board decided if Ross was justified in setting up a man hunt for Bruce Banner. so for now, Bruce banner was a free man, probably why he'd chosen now to come back, because he could live there now and Tony wouldn't get in trouble.
“You should.”Tony said before rolling his eyes. “Yes Klondike. James. He’s a frozen treat that I sorta want to lick sometimes, but like a klondike, I think it’d be bad for my health. And if I needle him enough, he’ll react to something. I’m just being my normal annoying self.”Tony said sighing a little before snickering. “He is always perving. And well, you can’t have puppy. I’m a puppy.”tony muttered before frowning, making a face at that. “Huh. Well, you can go visit her now, at least. I mean, you didn’t get to go to the wedding, but you can visit.”Tony said looking happy and pleased with the news that bruce was okay to be here, because he was already getting enough shit about having the winter soldier here, he’d been worried about what the world would do with him having bruce here.
"you sorta want to lick sometimes?" Steve asked, lifting an eyebrow. "really?" he complained. "i'd rather you lick me." he admitted with a chuckle. "but i suppose me and James could share." he teased with a smile, Bruce chuckling again. he'd known Steve wouldn't hold out for very long. "you might be right though. needling him i mean. he just..." he sighed and shook his head. "he doesn't respond to anything but mission oriented crap." Steve grumbled unhappily. "your a kitten." Steve corrected. "because you always do what you want, you never come when your called, you take up the whole bed and your snuggly only when you want to be." Steve admitted. "plus cats are better than dogs." "hey!" Bruce complained, looking amused before brightening. "i, uhm, could go visit her!" he agreed. "her husband, uhm, said i was welcome anytime, uhm, and i know she'd be excited to, uhm, see me." he agreed. "aren't you bothered at all by the fact that the woman you loved is married?" Steve asked curiously. "not really. i do love her, but she's, uhm, like a sister more than a lover." he admitted. "though, last time, we did, uhm, hve a nice threesome. i actually, uhm, remember having that one."
“Sorta. I mean, those abs.”Tony smirked, eyes widening as he looked up at the blond. Panicked. Because he allowed himself to admit to being attracted to James, because james would never want him like that. So it was safe to have a crush on him. Steve, well steve was just to dangerous for tony’s mental health. “N-no, I’m okay. Don’t share.”Tony grumbled a little before snorting. “We’ll get him to respond. He’s taking a shower, and it didn’t take all day to convince him to do it. It’s improvement.”he pointed out before frowning, thinking about it. “....Okay. I can be a kitten. To like a tiger.”Tony muttered pleased, though you knew he wasn’t a dangerous kitten, he was more like a small fluffy kitten who puffed up when angry, and was just cute. “Well, you should had a threesome?What? I want to hear about this.”Tony said looking interested in the idea, keeping a eye on the clock, knownig that james would be out of the shower soon, and while he trusted bell to call for help, he also didn't trust james enough to leave him totally alone with her.
"they are nice abs." Steve agreed, Bruce nodding. Bruce was 'equal opportunity' he didn't care what gender someone was so long as there was an emotional connection. that was part of what made the Hulk sleeping around so difficult to handle, because Bruce didn't do one night stands. ever. if he was going to have sex it was because he loved them. having random sex seamed like a betrayal to those he'd slept with, loved, before. "maybe i want to share?" Steve wondered. "he does seam to be getting a little better about that. though it could be that he's just tired of losing arguments. or getting used to it." Steve admitted. "beautiful but dangerous." Steve agreed, Bruce ducking his head to keep from laughing. "yeah, uhm. Betty and her now husband Leonard Samson." Bruce agreed. "Doc. Sampson is a, uhm therapist and he thought that i could use, uhm, some stress relief. this was, uhm, before hulk started getting, uhm, out of control so i agreed. it was really, uhm, nice." Bruce admitted with a soft smile. "Doc Sampson is very nice looking and was very sweet when he realized i was a, uhm, virgin in the male sense." he admitted with a chuckle. "it was actually, uhm, the first time i'd had sex since the, uhm, accident... last time too." Bruc admitted. "Tony? is that thing supposed to be, uhm, still walking around?" Bruce wondered, watching the suit, which had not stopped moving.
“They are.”Tony agreed before his eyes went wide, looking confused and twitchy, wondering just what the other was thinking. This wasn’t...really?Swallowing thickly as he considered what the other was offering. “Hm, either way, it’s still getting easier to get him in the shower. And if he is tired of it, he’s reacting to something.”He pointed out. Before grinning, looking amused at Bruce’s words. “Good for you, Bruice-bear, sounds like your girl is something else. Husband to.”He said smiling a little, for once not actually teasing. Simply happy for the other before pausing, staring at the suit, having not noticed the growing headache as he talked. “ I sorta forgot I was doing it.”Tony said blushing a little as he made the suit hold still. "Everything okay down here?"Bell said as she walked in with James, having managed to convince the other to not wash his mask just yet, to wait till he had the replacement mask as to not get a rash. "You have the mask?"She said gesturing a little for it, wanting to switch it out so james could wash his mask.
Steve smiled oh so innocently at him. "it is getting easier, thank god." Steve agreed. "i don't think i could handle more fights like those." Steve had gotten his ass kicked more than once trying to force James into the shower when he started to smell bad. "Betty is amazing." Bruce agreed with a smile before making a speculative sound and writing down that observation as well. quite curious about how Tony had made the suit work even hen he wasn't focused on it. "we're fine." Steve promised her with a smile. "we where finding out that Bruce isn't as sheltered as we thought he was. he's even cracking jokes at Ton's expense down here." letting her know that Bruce wasn't as bad off as they had feared. "yeah, here." Steve handed out the mask and before he could say anything it was out of his hands and in James, who was now examining it with sharp eyed scrutiny. as he did everything he was handed, checking for tracking chips, poisons, drugs or other unsavory things. satisfied he pulled his old mask and tossed it at Steve's head in an act that might make someone thing of a toddler in a temper and replaced it with a new mask and proceeded to, what appeared to be, sulk. "uhm. uhm. uhm. is that, uhm, normal?" Bruce wondered, his nervous tick coming back full throttle in the face of an assassin and strangers.
“Yea it is. And it was vaguely hot watching him kick your ass really.”Tony teased a little because it had been, even if it had worried him to. “Good. And really?Well, everyone cracks jokes at Tony’s expense.”Bell said snickering a little even as she relaxed a little, relieved that maybe, bruce was better then she had thought. “Hey. Not everyone makes fun of me!” “Yes they do.”Bell teased a little smiling slightly as james examined the mask, “IT’s fine. Exactly the same as your old one.”She promised before sighing quietly as he sulked. “You can wash the old one now.”She pointed out. “Yea/ He dislikes change for the most part.”
Steve snorted. "i knew you'd like that. two hot men half naked on the floor grappling." he teased right back. "well i'm glad that, uhm, i'm being normal then." Bruce agreed with a chuckle, relaxing when he realized James wasn't going to attack him. he shivered when James shot Belladonna a suspicious glare before accepting the new mask. "he's kind of, uhm, interesting." Bruce admitted, watching the man. "i don't know much, uhm, about psychology but, uhm, i bet his brain scans are, uhm, fascinating." James examined Bruce. those where new words, would it hurt? it probably hurt. "i'm going to be, uhm, giving Tony some, uhm, brain scans." Bruce admitted. "i think the, uhm, connection to technology is growing. he can, uhm, move things subconsciously. it's, uhm, rather fascinating!" Bruce admitted. "with time i think, uhm, Tony should be capable of, uhm, hacking into remote servers, uhm, without using a computer. it would, uhm, make his intrusion nearly, uhm, impossible to detect. though i'm, uhm, a little worried about, uhm, what might happen if he encounters a, uhm, virus of some sort." Bruce admitted. "i have no idea, uhm, if such programming could, uhm, affect Tony. first tests should be uhm, done within Jarvis's servers so he can, uhm, step in if something happens."
"Seriously it's fine."belladonna said tilting her head at james glare. Tensing a little, reacting to james' suspicion about the tests not sure if he'd attack bruce or not. "He won't do tests you don't want to do james. I promise."belladonna said watching bruce before smiling at tony's obvious excitement at having another scientist to babble at. "We might have to like test a virus to...if I know how it'll affect me I'll manage to fight it better when it's a real thing..."tony frowned worried at the idea.
James just continued to sulk, his eyes fixed on his old mask as if he wanted to snatch it back and take off with it. he was a little too focused on that to react to tests that might not happen. his only response to the promise that he wouldn't be tested on was a disbelieving glance at her. the first reaction they'd ever really gotten from him. as if he thought they where thinking him stupid. as if he knew promises where never kept. for him, that was probably so. "it should be, uhm, easy to create a virus. one that, uhm, acts exactly as a normal, uhm, virus does but fails once inside a, uhm, system." Bruce admitted, already working on some coding. he wasn't as good as Tony was but he knew his way around a computer. "i'll have, uhm, Jarvis second check the programming as well of course, uhm, no need to take any risks, uhm, but it would be a viable first, uhm, test." he admitted. "we should test you against a, uhm, firewall and, uhm, virus protection as well." he mused. "as far as i, uhm, know. no one else has powers like yours so, uhm, there should be very few people who even think of, uhm, building defenses against such a, uhm, thing and even if they, uhm, do it won't be tested."
Belladonna smiled, pleased at his reaction, smiling slowly, not saying anything, but approving of the sublte reaction. “I keep my promises, I do.”She promised watching him before smiling as she listened to tony and bruce babble. “Sounds good. J?” “I’d be more then happy to help, doctor banner.”Jarvis said sounding pleased with the idea of helping tony protect himself even more. “yea I know, no one else does, but I like being prepared like that. And I’ll try breaking into jarvis, he’s one of the best systems in the world, so if I can get through him when he’s trying to keep me out, we should be good.”
"Great!uhm, Tony will need to do test runs first, uhm, to see if he's even capable of it at this point, uhm, we should start by trying to have him insert his mental faculties into, uhm, the servers without resistance first. if itaffects, uhm, the servers or you in any way Jarvis we need to, uhm, know immediately." Bruce warned. "we'll o that, uhm, when Ton doesn't have a headache." he decided before smiling at Tony. "you can't, uhm, hide it from me. i know you, uhm, have one." he admitted, yawning into his hand before flushing when his stomach growled loudly. he had been too scared of James to eat earlier. Steve just chuckled. "why don't you go up and get something to eat while i bully Tony into a nap?" he offered Bruce. "okay, uhm. a nap sounds really good." he admitted, never mind that he'd slept for almost twelve hours straight just that morning.
“we’ll work on it.”Tony said sounding happy. “After you take some medicine and sleep.”Belladonna said, seeing the same signs, the man always had a headache after he dealt with tech. “Do not.”Tony pouted even as he disengaged from the suit, letting it shut down because indeed his head was killing him even if he wanted to keep working. Belladonna laughed a little, looking amused as bruce’s stomach growled. “Go rest, bruce. You’ll feel better.”she smiled. “No a nap doesn’t sound good.”tony protested.
Bruce gave Tony that look, the same one he'd often given Tony while on the Helicarrier. "do too." he informed him before staggering to his feet and yawning again. "come on Tony." Bruce offered, smiling at him. "we'll go, uhm, snuggle and nap together." he offered. the thought of just cuddling with someone was a very appealing thought. Bruce was a very affectionate creature and he loved to have physical contact with people he loved and trusted. snuggling Tony was like whipped topping on peach pie. it had used to be Bruce's favorite, before his odd aversion to sweets. "we'll uhm, eat some dinner and then, uhm, snuggle and sleep." he offered. he knew Tony liked to snuggle too. he also knew Tony would prefer to snuggle Steve and James but he was trying to pretend he didn't. which was weird but hey, Bruce wouldn't force Tony to accept his feelings, that wasn't how feelings worked after all.
“Do not.”Tony huffed even as he nodded happily, pausing to look up at Steve. “Fine. I’ll nap. Don’t be upset. I’m going to go nap with bruce, so calm down and don’t be demanding.”Tony said already heading for the door. “He’s so weird.”Belladonna snickered shaking her head a little, amused at the man’s rambling. It was endearing really.

The next day Belladonna smiled, sipping her coffee as she read, absently watching James. Settled onto the couch, while the others were around, and they weren’t exactly listening in to james’ therapy sessions, they’d learned that despite her talking and trying to get through to him, he still responded more if there were other people around. Even if it wasn’t exactly responding, he seemed more...aware. “James, you want some food? I think Tony’s trying to cook.”Belladonna said looking amused at the idea, because she knew tony was totally horrible about cooking.
like most people facing mental problems, some days where better than others for James. today was a bad day. he was sitting there, staring straight ahead with an almost glassy look to his eyes. they would focus if he heard his name but only long enough to see if he was receiving orders before he slipped back into his own mind, full of horrors and half thoughts. he focused on her when she spoke his name and blinked at the question. not an order. not something to react to, not necessary. "he's, uhm, worse this morning." Bruce mumbled, watching from a distance to see how she handled therapy lessons with someone who was non reactive. it was... interesting. he wasn't sure it was actually doing anything at all, but Steve had explained to Bruce that the therapy was helping, if slowly. in the beginning he didn't even react to his name, and often tried to attack them if they surprised him or tried to make him do something. eat, sleep, shower, change his clothes. as time went on he did get better, but sometimes he still had very bad mornings. if someone was to try and make him stand up, they'd probably get attacked. thank goodness James wasn't prone t moving on his own. though if Belladonna gave him an order, like 'get up and eat' he would do so without a fuss while in this state. easier, yes, but not better. at least when he fussed about it he was showing some sort of will.
Belladonna sighed as she closed her book, rubbing a hand over her face before looking up at Bruce. Nodding a little. “Some mornings are worse then other’s. I think we’re lucky he’s not armed himself, and simply settled in the body armor.”She sighed, indeed, as bad as this morning was, he’d simply dressed in his full body armor that tony had repaired, and not weapons. So it wasn’t as bad as it could be. Smiling at Bruce she tilted her head.”Do me a favor, make sure tony’s not burning down the kitchen, and scrounge up some food for him to snack on.”She said not wanting to leave James alone before wincing at tony’s yell. “I’m not burning anything!I can make eggs!I’m perfectly capable of making eggs.”
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