Recovery (Avengers) Moon/Lady

"you don't have to worry so much James. not many people in this day and age will be able to hurt me you know." Steve admitted with a smile before sobering. "what happened... during the war... i know it's messing with you James, but it's going to be okay... okay?" he asked, smiling at him a little before snorting. "Garret?" "he's the guy who ignored Fury's orders." Natasha explained. "you weren't supposed to be treated the way you where, nor was anyone supposed to keep your things away from you." Natasha explained. "apparently the orders i where given, where the wrong orders." she admitted. "we're fixing that now." she admitted. "officially my ob is to protect Tony, unofficially my job is to keep Shield away from you." she admitted with a smile. "don't call me Small Stuff you jerk!" Steve complained as he always did. "i can take care of myself just fine!" Steve protested. "Tony does need help though, go fuss over him." he ordered with a smirk before tilting his head at Natasha. "Эй. Приятно видеть вас снова." Natasha stated with a smile. "let's go Tony. before people start getting curious."

Hey. nice to see you again.
“...So you say. But it seems your doing a fair job hurting yourself.”James muttered, sounding annoyed and upset, shrugging a little. Shrugging because he hated that he was so much worse, that he couldn’t be what steve needed. “Okay.”he muttered. “Hm, yea. Fury nearly had a heart attack when I told him what had happened.”Tony said sighing softly. “And we’re going to make sure you’re safe, and well away from shield.”Tony promised. “You are small stuff.” “...Is he really?”tony said glancing back at the blond as they were settled into the car, a perverted leer twisting his lips as he looked at the other, wincing, fussing as he settled into his seat, tense and upset at the look he was getting for simply flirting. “...Yes. We’ll make sure tony is taken care of.’James said, though considering the glare he was drilling in the back of tony’s head ‘taken care of’ might not be the healthiest thing for the billionaire at the moment. While he liked the other, he was jealous and annoyed, upset that tony was getting what he’d always wanted, and never could have. “people are always curious.”Tony said even as he started for the highway, settling back relaxing some.
Steve grimaced at that and looked away, unable to really say anything about that. it was nothing but truth after all. "Fury did?" Steve scoffed, rolling his eyes. "i doubt it, the man has no feelings." Steve paused, startled to realize he'd thought the same of Natasha. maybe it was time to start actually interacting with people? "i am not! shut up James!" he whined. "i'm bugger than you are now, you have to be nice to me!" he ordered before flushing at Tony. "i'm not small! i'm huge! bigger than you could ever handle!" he leered right back even as he snuggled into James. " ice to Tony." he ordered James with a roll of his eyes. "he's not going to do anything to me." he promised James. "i hate people." Steve grumbled, closing his eyes. that had always been true. even when he was a tiny scrapper. why else would he get into so many fights? he was asleep in seconds, curled up against James and Natasha grinned, watching him. "that's adorable. he's like this big scruffy puppy that thinks he's a big dog but is like, a teacup Chihuahua or something. even if he's a big guy now he still has that little dog tendency." she admitted with a smile. "i'm just glad he's finally getting help."
“He was. I thought his head was going to explode.”Tony snorted amused, looking pleased though as he realized steve was starting to relax. “...I do not. I’m never nice to you, punk.”James said even as he ruffled the other’s hair, leaning into him. “...Is that a offer?” “No, it’s not.”James growled, even if there was a hint of sadness under the sound, as if he knew he’d already lost this particular fight. “...fine. I’ll be nice to the little Stark.”James muttered sighing softly. “He is. It’s amusing.”Tony agreed looking at the two in the rearview mirror. “He’s like the human version of a teacup chiihuahua.”James muttered tiredly, settling in to sleep.

When they arrived at the house, tony smiled at the lake/mountain house, as always the mansion amused him, settled on Lake Shawinn, a beach front house, and the catskills mountains in the back. It was a startling sight most of the time, water and mountain. “Cap, time to go in.”Tony said as he stopped, climbing out. "...This is a insane house."James said looking around them, feeling overwhelmed at the sight of so much wealth.
"you should be nice to me." Steve grumbled before smirking at Tony even if he didn't say anything. he liked to flirt with Tony, the man got so flustered. "sorry Tony, James is possessive." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "good. be nice to the little stark. you'll never get into his pants if he's scared of you." Steve teased with a smile. he knew James would like Tony if he just got over the fact that Tony was flirting with him.

Steve snorted when he was woken and blinked at the house and then snorted. "well. at least we won't be bothered." he agreed, carefully getting out of the car on steadier legs. the ride and nap had helped him regain some of his strength but he knew he'd be exhausted again once he got up all those stairs. "it is a bit insane, but it's no worse than the one we went to back during the War." he pointed out. Howard's New York mansion had been twice this size. he staggered over to the stairs and sat down to catch his breath, hating how helpless he really was. "i'm going to need help up the stairs." Steve admitted, sulking.
“So I can tell.”Tony said looking amused, even if it made him curious as to the state of their current relationship, looking startled at Steve’s words. “Dont want to.”James made a face, sighing a little.

“No, definitely wont be bothered here.”Tony agreed as he got out of the car, picking up their bags, letting Natasha help him get them inside, even if he stopped and hovered at the super soldiers’ side as he walked up. “You need to take it easy. Otherwise you’re not going to get better.”Tony said upset and flustered as he watched the other. “Don’t sulk so.”James said rolling his eyes a little as he bent down and easily picked the other up, heading inside, following Tony, looking around. It was nearly overwhelming to the man, who was used to so much less these days, to find himself in this house, to know what he’d done...and to still be in tony’s house.
"you do too." Steve teased with a smile and a shake of his head. "i saw you looking at his ass while he was blindfolded." he admitted with a yawn.

"i don't want to take it easy!" Steve grumbled. he'd been just as bad when he was smaller. he hated staying in bed, hated being dependent on someone else even more, most of all he hated not being able to do anything for himself. "i will sulk! i don't need to be carried! put me down! i just need to lean on you!" Steve protested, well aware James was going to ignore him. "Bucky! dammit! put me down!" he knew he wouldn't be, and honestly he was rather glad his lover was such a stubborn asshole. not that he'd ever willingly admit that ever. soon Steve was asleep in a very comfortable bed and Natasha was tending to James, handing him a beer. "must be a hell of a shock. suddenly remembering so many things, but forgetting so many others." she glanced at him and then looked out at the lake again. "this is the first time i've seen him actually act like a person since he woke up. he was so mechanical for so long, like he was trying to pretend he was nothing else than the perfect captain. no emotions, no opinions... it was... frightening really." sh smiled at him. "i'm so glad that you got him back." she admitted.
“You have to.”James said before sighing. “No. Stop being a pain in the ass.” “You know, you don’t have to complain the whole time.”Tony said looking rather amused as they got him settled into bed, waving goodbye as he disappeared down into the lab, leaving the two assassins alone together. “...Yes. It is. It’s weird.”James said sipping his beer, staring at the lake. “...I’m sure it was. He’s always done that when he was upset....frozen up...”James sighed before frowning a little, nodding. “yea, it’s good to have my best friend back.”Well. That was just a kick in the balls wasn’t it?He had no idea just what him and steve had been, just friends. Granted, he’d had a crush, but he didn’t know they’d actually acted on it.
"i won't stop being a pain in the ass!" he growled unhappily. "i do have to complain!" he was tired and grump, that means people had to know it! he was happy to settle in for sleep, even if he complained about that too.

"always?" she asked, frowning a little before smiling a little. "from hat i've heard, he was more than just a best friend." she admitted. "i feel silly for trying to seduce you when i was younger now." she admitted, smiling at him. "how much do you remember? about back then?" she asked softly. "not much huh?"
“Yea. Maybe not to the extent you and Tony have said he’s done, but he’s always...frozen people out when he was upset over something. Or normally....he never had alot of friends, never really understood people I think. I mean, he gets along with everyone, but letting them close?”James shrugged a little before frowning at her, tilting his head a little. “...Well. You couldn’t have known I was pining over my best friend.”he made a face, before shrugging, sipping his beer. “I remember that Stark’s dad drove me up the walls. Steve got in more fights then a bulldog....that he dragged me on a stupid train as punishment for taking him on the tilt-a-whirl....and that I loved him. Alot. And he was always chasing after Peggy. Sorta was weird, watching him flirt with her really. He was so awkward with girls.”
she blinked a little. "i didn't even know who Captain America was until i came to America, so... no i didn't know you where pining for your friend." she admitted before smiling a little. "i don't know if bitterly polite and 'at ease' positions is getting along with people James." she admitted with a smile and a shake of her head. "so you don't remember this then?" she asked, holding out the picture she'd swiped from Tony's cap room. it was the one of Steve and James kissing, Peggy laughing in the background at the blush covering Steve's face. "i can tell you right now, he wasn't chasing after Peggy that was for damn sure." she admitted with a smile at him. "don't let Tony see that by the way, he'll kill me for taking stuff out of his Cap room again." she admitted with a chuckle.
“Well, they didn’t try to get along with him either. He probably tried, the more they upset him, the more bitter he got.”James pointed out shrugging a little before eyes widening as he saw the picture, tilting his head. “...What...”he stopped stuttering a little, looking at a utter loss for what he was seeing even as he picked up the picture to look at it. “....He has a Cap room?”He muttered distracted, still utterly lost at the picture. He had no idea what to think.
she nodded. "that seams likely." she admitted with a smile. "he's really thawed out since you came back." she admitted before smiling at him a little. "what do you mean what?" she asked with a grin. "yes he does. Howard started it and Tony, as a child, idolized Captain America because it was the only thing that Howard liked. Tony's rare happy moments are because of Captain America." she admitted. "fortunately Tony doesn't treat Steve like Captain America. for Tony, Steve is just the really cool big brother he's always wanted." she admitted with a smile looking at him, her head tilted. "you honestly didn't know?" she asked, looking worried before wincing. "sorry, hell of a way to find out. i'm sorry." she smiled at him. "but you'll do something about it now, won't you? Steve probably thinks your really angry at him."
“I don’t...this is weird...”James muttered sounding lost, and having no idea what to think as he stared at the picture. Frowning slightly as he shuddered at the idea of howard having a room. “That’s...disturbing.”He muttered, especially considering the room clint and phil were currently cleaning out. That was seriously weird. Smiling slightly he nodded. “Well. Maybe not a brother, since he wants to sleep with him.”He said before shaking his head, still looking shell shocked. “No...I didn’t....I...I don’t know. I mean....I don’t remember anything...even seeing this picture...its not bringing up memories.”He muttered looking confused.
"i suppose it would be a little weird." she admitted, watching him. "it is disturbing. Howard had a very, very unhealthy interest in Steve. we're not sure how deep that obsession really went but we know that Steve doesn't care much for Howard, even though all the reports said the where good friends in the war." she admitted with a small frown. "i just don't know. all i know is that Tony doesn't seam to realize how unhealthy it is because he grew up with it. mostly it's just possessive though. he doesn't care what's in the room really, all he cares is that it's HIS and he doesn't have to share." she admitted with a chuckle before looking at him. "Tony wants to sleep with anything that moves." she admitted with a smile. "he has a crush on Steve, sure that's true and Steve was starting to reciprocate those feelings, but that was when he thought you where dead." she reminded him. "he was moving on, now he doesn't have to. talk to him. you can't hide from this forever you know. you need to find out where you and Steve stand." she admitted before smiling. "they probably did their best to scrub Steve permanently from your memories." she admitted, shuddering, rubbing he side of her head where they had matching scars. Hydra adored their brain washing machines, only it had never worked on Nat as well as it had on the others. they'd wanted her to forget Ballet. but she had been learning since she had first started to walk and the muscle memory could not be erased. James mind wouldn't remember, probably for om time, but his body would. his body did.
“It is.”James agreed before wincing nodding a little. “It was....that room. If that’s a thought of how deep his obsession went, I don’t want to imagine what growing up with him was like.”James shuddered a ltitle before snorting a little. “He is a posessive little brat isn’t he? Have you tried telling him it’s unhealthy?”He said looking thoughtful at the idea of if tony was actually in denial before snorting. “Well, him and is dad have that in common then. They’ll sleep with anyone.”He loked amused before biting his lip, staring down. “...I can to. I don’t have to ask him about it. He’ll be upset I forgot...”James sighed quietly, shivering a little at the idea of the machine. He didn’t want to think about that.
"the one in the school? i've seen worse." Natasha admitted. "there's one, underneath Steve's old condemned apartments. it started out as a way to try and clone Steve and it turned into a massacre... Howard would go kidnap women off the streets and try to impregnate them with Steve's genetics. they usually died and he never bothered to bury them. he just piled them up and let them rot." she admitted. "he was a sick, sick man and no one knew it until well after he was dead." she admitted, glancing at him. "he is possessive, ad yes i've told him, he knows it. he just won't do anything about it, honestly there are worse things he could be ad really he's only possessive over his lab and his cap room so it's not so bad." she admitted with a smile before shaking her head. "and he'll be even more upset if he thinks the reason you won't kiss him is because your pissed at him for trying to kill himself. you can't ignore this Soldier." she stated firmly. "you need to talk to him about it so he understands, or he'll think it's his fault and you know it." she warned hm. "but hey, your life, do whatever." she stated, clapping him on the back before wandering off to do only she knew what.
“,....oh...oh god.”James shuddered, swallowing hard. Even for him, the soldier who’d seen so much slaughter, was feeling sick at the thought. “It’s amazing tony’s as well adjusted as he is....and you’re right. Considering, he could be doing so much worse. And it’s not like he’s trying to even do...that....with steve. He just collects things.”James said well aware that if tony had ever shown a thought towards howard’s sickness, someone would have seen it. And yet, as damaged and broken as teh genius acted, he was surprisingly well adjusted. “...No...I can’t...”james sighed, staring down, looking lost and tired. Having no idea what to think before heading up to steve’s room, settling in to wait for the man to wake.
she nodded. "it was bad. as soon as we realized how sick Howard really was we ran Tony through a series of Tests. not that he knew about it." she admitted. "he's not very well adjusted at all but he's not a danger to anyone. he's really actually harmless." she assured him. "oh, no. Tony totally wants to get into Steve's pants." she admitted with a giggle. "but he'd be equally eager to get into yours if he wasn't so scared of you." she admitted with a grin. "he does collect things though. honestly this right here is Tony's dream come true. all the people he loves and cares about most, safe in the same house." she admitted with a smile. "he likes having the people he likes close, so he can protect them." she admitted with a smile. "you should." she admitted, shaking her head and leaving to meet with Phil and Clint who had just appeared after cleaning up the mess Howard had left behind.

"...James?" Steve asked, blinking at him when he woke up again, rubbing his eyes as he tried to wake up. "Food?" he asked hopefully. "please, for the love of god, tell me we didn't let Tony in the kitchen?" he asked with a grimace. "seriously, James, don't let Tony in the kitchen. he burns water and ruins apples and he even boils noodles until they're nothing but slimy goop." he admitted yawning again. "i am hungry though, did someone order something? i know Phil can cook." he admitted. "Nat and Clint can't though. or at least, they couldn't last i knew."
"No I don't think he'd take well to tests."james said looking amused though before tilting his head snickering."I'm sure he appreciates being called harmless."he said imagining that conversation."..."james made a face not even bothering to answer jealousy twisting his stomach at the idea of steve and tony together even if she'd added him in there to."...well. he'll be happy then. I don't think any of us are going anywhere for awhile."he said as he left. "So, how is everyone?"james said looking curious as he considered the woman.

"I cooked don't get your panties in a tWist. Starks still hiding down in the lab and the others are in the living room talking about everything they recovered. Don't worry you have good food."james said smiling a little as he handed a plate over to him.
"no he doesn't do well with tests. he doesn't know we know of course but he's dyslexic." she admitted. "it wasn't those kinds of tests anyway." she admitted. "mostly it was placing him in certain stressful situations, or monitoring him when they happened on their own and taking note of how he reacted to certain stimuli. like, for example, taking him to the museum to the Cap exhibit and leaving him alone with an unguarded Captain America... thing. he refrained from stealing it so we know he's not completely obsessive about it." she admitted with a smile. "and he never responds physically unless someone tries to hurt someone else, leading statement to the fact that he's actually very self controlled." she admitted. "and of course, he actually has morals." she admitted with a smile. "he never goes after someone whose already taken. so you can stop worrying about him trying to steal your man." she promised him. "everyone's fine." she promised with a smirk.

"thank god." he stated with a smile, inhaling his dinner. he was always hungry after all, and still used to the 'eat when you can, sleep when you can because you never knew when you'll get a chance next' mentality. "we heading down?" he asked James. he didn't care one way or the other really if he stayed in bed or went to socialize.
“Huh. That’s good. I mean, considering....good. Steve likes him. Even better that he’s actually safe to be around.”James muttered relaxing with the knowledge that tony was safe and good to be around. “....Well. Good.”He muttered pleased that tony wouldn’t try to steal him away.

James snickered a little watching him eat, shrugging a little as he finished his own food at a slightly slower place, sighing quietly. “In a bit...we need to talk first.”He muttered, twitchy and upset. Swallowing hard as he stared at the floor. “Natasha....told me something...well. She showed me...and told me I needed to talk to you...because I don’t remember it...”
"she chuckled a little. "your kind of cute when your jealous." she admitted with a grin before smiling at him. "it's gonna be fine James, Steve isn't going to be mad at you for something you can't help." she pointed out with a smile.

"" he asked, feeling his heart clench. was he being dumped? he hadn't even realized they where still a couple, after all that James had been through, all that Steve had, he would have hoped for a date before he was getting dumped. "...i'm gonna kick her ass." Steve decided sourly before he paused, frowning, head cocked at James. "don't remember what?" he asked. "James.. what's wrong? our stalling... and stammering." he admitted. "are you okay?" he asked, setting his hand on the others shoulder. "whatever it is, it'll be okay, i'll help you, okay?"
“I am not jealous.”James made a face at her before sighing quietly. “I hope your right.”he muttered.

“Yea,,,”James muttered twitchy and nervous as he stared down. “...You should. Totally.”He agreed wrapping his arms around his chest, looking closed off and upset. “...Anything. About us. I mean.I remember stuff but not...not kissing and stuff!I don’t...”he stuttered trailing off, upset and sounding much younger then he really was.
Steve blinked at James for a moment and then. "that's it?" he asked, his head tilted. "you can't remember? that's what has you so upset? shit Buck, i thought you where dumping me." he admitted, sounding rather relieved. "it's okay if you can't remember. you can't remember most of your life right? but those memories are coming back right?" he asked with a smile. "so, we'll just have to be patient." he admitted, taking James hand. "and until then, we can go on dates and reconnect. we're both different people now, so we need to get to know each other again. hows that sound?"

"Tony! time to eat!" Phil called down the lab. "James made food! good food!" Phil informed him, smiling at Tony. "what on earth is this thing?" he asked, examining the... something, that Tony was making. the man was a genius but Phil could never tell what Tony was making, sometimes even after Tony was finished he couldn't figure out what it was.
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