Recovery (Avengers) Moon/Lady

“With a machine and I’ll totally show it to you when you let me go.”Tony grumbled. “It is quite amusing really.”James agreed smirking at the sulking billionaire as he reached down to grope steve’s ass as he hung upside down. “I am, but I’m still sore. And you are the best, no matter what loki and bruce say.”
Steve chuckled and nodded. "we are the best. now shut up and let us prove it."

years later, the boys where all gathered, this time for a more sobering event. "i really don't think this is a good idea." "it's fine." Bruce assured them. "they are very well trained, they won't snap at the kids." he promised, carrying one and a half year old daughter 'bean', also known as Annabell. He, Loki and Pepper had somehow ended up in a three way relationship. Loki was currently pregnant again and while little 'bean' was too little to understand, Jessica was delighted at the idea of more siblings. "i can't believe Eric is old enough for his first show and tell!" Steve said, wondering if this was really going to be okay? he was only three and a half, wasn't that too young to be in preschool? and now to have a show and tell so soon! and for little Eric to insist that they take the pets, the two Raptors who where barely older than Eric was walking perfectly calm on their halters... well, it would be fine, right?
“Well, most people consider having me around, or bruce a fairly bad idea to.”James pointed out looking a little fidgety to. “They’re very well behaved. They haven’t bit anyone but food since they were babies.”Tony pointed out, smiling as Royale and Sienna leaned against his legs, Eric babbling happily as they got out of the car. Looking upset and nervous himself, despite everything, he didn’t like the idea of leaving eric at the preschool. “Papa!come on. There’s everyone.”Eric demanded happily hanging onto steve’s hand tightly as he pulled them towards the playground. “Gentlemen, thank you for coming. I hadn’t quite believed Eric when he said he had dinosaurs.”The teacher said looking a little wide eyed as she saw the small raptors.
"well that's true enough." Steve admitted. "granted, i'd rather have you around than some other ass....ertive people we have to work with." Steve admitted. "honestly that teacher scares me, i'm sure she's evil." Bruce snickered at that and rolled his eyes. "helicopter Steve." "shut up Bruce." Steve ordered. he hated it when Bruce said that. he was not a helicopter mom! he wasn't! well maybe a little... "i'm coming Eric." Steve promised, Jessica giggling as she followed. she had show and tell too. she was showing off Bean. "yep. they are precisely two days older than Eric is." Bruce admitted. "i'm very proud of them." he admitted. "Ton has them very well trained, so long as the students don't yank on them or anything they won't snap or even growl. they look touch but they're actually very fragile just like a small dog or a kitten." Bruce knew all the kids had gotten the 'this is how you treat animals' talk already so he didn't expect any problems.
“Hm, true. That’s truly miserable sometimes working with others.”James snickered before snorting. “The teacher is not evil.” “leave him alone bruce.”tony growled upset and fidgety himself, even if he wasn’t nearly as bad as steve was. Grinning as he helped eric show off the raptors, the man was nearly as fascinated as the kids were as royale and sienna basked in the utter attention they were being given. Much like their owner, they enjoyed being the center of attention. Toyn grinned, tilting his head up to look at his boys, relaxing under their attention. Knowing that no matter what, they had everything covered. They’d be okay.
"the teacher is evil!" Steve hissed, sulking. he hated that no one believed him. he had settled down once he saw how much fun the kids where having with all their show and tells. Steve smiled at Tony, stroking a hand through the man's hair and knew life was perfect. he still didn't trust the teacher though. she was way too nice. he didn't bother trying to hold back the 'i told you so's!' when she turned out to be an evil villain alien conquistador three years later. okay so that was wishful thinking. she retired, but Steve was still pretty certain she was evil.

The End?
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