Recovery (Avengers) Moon/Lady

“he is, so good.”Tony muttered smiling quietly as he stroked a hand over james’ back, feeling the fine quiet trembling. Even knowing he was beyond words, it was amazing to see him like this. Humming as he laid on his back, he whined quietly as he was petted, closing his eyes as he leaned into steve’s hand before nodding, squirming away and curling up with james, nearly pressed head to foot as he looked at steve. “Go ahead. Make him both of ours.” “Yours. Always. Forever.”James whined squirming a little, looking up at the two men, calming a little, even hard and aching still, it was starting to have a effect of steadying him, sorta letting him think again.
Steve moaned, stroking James and Tony all over before smiling at Tony, watching him Snuggle James. "yeah. ours. all ours. we only belong to each other." he mumbled, settling behind James and plastering himself as much as he could to both Tony and James back, murmuring soft affectionate things as he fucked James nice and slow, teasing them both. he came twice inside of James before slipping away and letting Tony have his turn again, slowly helping James settle back into himself and letting the libido and lust wash away with orgasm after orgasm.
By the time they finished both tony and james were a sleepy, well sated mess, the two men curled up around their captain, heads resting on his chest as they pressed close, “....We’re going to have to burn gym....none of the others are going to want to work out in here....” “I will.”James muttered sleepily.
Steve just hummed. he had dropped as well, allowing James to have his turn on top and Tony to fuck him and true to his word he had been just like James, whimpering and wriggling and desperate. "they'll get over it." Steve mumbled, snuggling in a little more. when they finally got up it was to the smell of someone cooking. Loki was in the kitchen making all kinds of baked deliciousness while Bruce worked on actual food. there was a small feast already made and Loki had to keep smacking straying fingers with a spoon, delighting in the sharp yelps Clint, Natasha and even Phil gave off when he caught their fingers. Jessica was giggling while she watched, looking just as amused as her daddy did when fingers got too close to the delicious food. "well, you three do live after all." Loki mused, examining them before handing Pepper a chocolate croissant, ignoring Natasha's whine that it wasn't fair that Pepper got to have food. then again, Pepper hadn't been trying to sneak tastes.
“I haven’t been trying to steal any.”Pepper said looking at natasha as the woman whined, looking amused. Now that she was in control again, the woman was back to her normal, easy going big sister sort of mode. “Do we?I’m not quite sure. I think we died down there.”James said smiling, yawning tiredly, looking amused though as he sank down into a chair next to Pepper. “So what’s” “...It’s dinner, you three. I’m amazed you guys are actually alive really.”Clint said looking amused that james had no idea what meal it was, looking pleased as tony shuffled over, climbing into james’ lap with a smile, cuddling the man as he watched everyone.
Natasha sulked at her, pouting before brightening when Loki sighed and handed her and the others ones too. "now keep hands off the food." Loki ordered, setting one down on a little plate for Jessica. "thank you daddy!" she chirped before blinking when Steve, working a little more slow than the others, walked into the wall instead of going through the doorway. he was still a bit spaced out. "ow..." Steve blinked, shook his head and made it through the doorway this time. "mmmm food." Steve mumbled, sitting next to James, leaning against the man and closing his eyes to doze until they where told it was okay to eat. "i'm not convinced they're alive." Natasha decided.
Clint smiled looking amused as he watched the three, choking on laughter as steve walked into the wall, swallowing hard. “You okay steve?” “Steve?”Tony whined stirring, looking upset at the ‘ow’ sound, flailing a little to find the other. “Eat.”James ordered smiling a little, even if he looked as tired as the other two. “...Maybe we should put them to bed?”Clint said looking concerned as he watched them.
Steve mumbled something at him and when he was ordered to eat he started chowing down more out of habit. Loki looked annoyed but didn't stop them from starting in on the meal since everything was done. Jessica giggled and happily sat next to Bruce and chattered at him while Loki filled her plate with delicious foods. "we'll put them to bed once they eat. they're just experiencing a spike of epinephrine, endorphins and enkephalins in their systems." Bruce explained. "...what?" "they're in space. they're subbed out." "oh." "let them eat their fill and then we'll take them to bed, they need the carbohydrates." "what?" "they need the energy from food." "oh. why do you always have to talk so... smart person?" Natasha complained, looking amused. "because i am smart person." Bruce stated, making Natasha snort.
Clint looked thoughtful as they ate, tilting his head as he listened to bruce. “All three of them?They all subbed out?”He said looking amused. “Yea. We did. It was amazing. Is amazing. Definitely something to repeat at another time.”Tony muttered smiling happily at the idea of repeating it with his mates. Still out of it enough to not realize that it had been a slightly odd threesome, that they’d been showing off and demanding in their need to claim each other. “I like smart people talk. Doesn’t make me feel as bad.”Tony muttered smiling a little. “I like listening to you smart people talk.”Tony muttered rubbing a hand over tony’s back as the man tensed a little, even knowing that he liked listening to tony talk, he knew other’s in the genius’ life hadn’t been as kind about it.
"yeah. it happens sometimes. the boys get a build up of norepinephrine and phenylethylamine that..." "speak, English." "they have a build up of the chemical that makes them aroused. if they don't release then it keeps building until they can hardly function. after a while it goes into a state of stasis, however, once they begin releasing, having sex that is, the stasis breaks, like a dam and floods their systems, dropping them, all of them into a state of, what you would call, subspace. with all the pheromones in the air." he offered Pepper an apologetic glance. "they have built that up in their systems as well causing lapses in judgement and a deep desire to cement their... intimacy through a mating ritual. the same thing happened to Phil ad Clint, Natasha was spared because she wasn't affected by the Pheromones. since Pepper wasn't focused on Phil or Clint Natasha wasn't affected by the chemical releases." Bruce explained. "i like Tony's smart people talk too." Steve mumbled. "i like sitting in the lab, listening to him talk. it's so soothing." he mumbled, nuzzling Tony's neck. "alright you three. off to bed." he ordered. "yeah. sleepy." Steve agreed with a yawn.
"It's okay. Even if he's back to normal, I assumed bed still be adjusting to things."pepper smiled at bruce'VA look, well aware that her playing with tony before had led to this, even if they'd have gotten there eventually by themselves.b oh. So that's why I got pounced on alot.makes sense."clint said looking amused at the idea before smiling as tony gave a protesting whine."not tired. Don't wanna sleep yet. Wanna listen to smart people talk. I need my science! We didn't do sex science. I want science now." "How is he soothing, even when he whines?"james muttered looking amused.
Bruce smiled at her. "i think Normal, isn't a word we should use with those three." he admitted with a chuckle. "sorry." Phil said, though he didn't look sorry at all. Phil had taken his time making sure Natasha and Clint where his. both of them where covered in hickies, proving his claim. not that Clint hadn't gotten his own turn at staking his claim. "m tired Tony." Steve whined, snuggling into him. "just a little nap?" he pleaded. "we'll do science later. all the science you want." he promised. "go on Tony. go to bed. then you can help me with a project i've been working on if you really feel the need." Bruce promised with a smile.
“...You know, probably not a good word for them.”Pepper agreed looking amused. “You are not. And you’er going to do it again aren’t you?”Clint muttered smirking snuggling closer to phil, smiling a little at the sight of the other three. He was so going to tease tony about this later. “....”Tony whined pouting .”Come on genius.”James muttered pushing him towards his feet. “Finnnneee.But it better be my raptor!I want my pet.”Tony demanded as he let the other two hustle him off towards bed.
"no i'm not. and i am. probably tonight. might as well make sure you never forget who you really belong to." he smirked, well aware that would get Natasha fired up. he loved dominance battles. it was just as fun when he won as when he lost. "it's almost done." Bruce agreed. "i thought you'd like to do the last thing yourself. you know, before it gos into incubation." he admitted with a grin, watching them leave before snickering. "Jarvis? you recorded that right?" he asked with a wicked little smirk.
“You?”clint muttered looking up, inwardly smirking because he knew the two would totally battle it out. “Oh. Good. We’ll science it after my nap. Nap sounds good...”Tony muttered for the moment content to be herded. “Of course, doctor.”Jarvis said sounding just as amused. “Oh man, they’re going to die from blushing later.”Pepper said with a ggigle, amused as she knew the other’s would be.

When he woke tony frowned at the cieling, absently playing with steve’s hair as the man cuddled into him, closing his eyes again. He wanted to relax, but he was having a hard time doing it. And smiling to himself as james responded to the distress, squirming closer.
"very good boy. that's right. you belong to me." Clint agreed, ruffling Clint's hair, eyes glittering with amusement because he knew Natasha was probably going to win tonight and make him suffer for this. oh well, it wasn't like he wouldn't enjoy it. "they will. it's going to be the best." Bruce admitted. "here sweetie." he handed Jessica one of Bruce's super special Brownies. rich dark chocolate brownies, caramel on top of that, sweet chocolate mousse on top with a hot fudge topping, sided with Vanilla Icecream and heaps of whipped cream. "...she's going to be hyper all night now." Loki informed Bruce, not that he sounded too upset about it. it was hard getting Jessica to eat sweets. this was the first sugar she'd been interested in since he's given birth to her. fortunately, when she did get Hyper, Loki was just as full of boundless energy as she was.

Steve mumbled, snuggling deeper against Tony as well, sighing happily at the petting. "mmm morning." Steve slurred. still sleepy but waking up because if he didn't empty his bladder right now he was going to wet the bed. "gotta pee..." Steve whined. "Tony... go to the bathroom for me. but don't get up because i'm comfortable." Steve ordered, well aware that both actions where impossible.
Tony smiled a little as steve snuggled closer, “Morning.”he smiled, laughing quietly as he glanced down at the other. “Hm, I can’t do that. Go.”He ordered nudging her a little, smiling quietly as he urged steve to get up, knowing steve would be so embarassed if he did wet the bed. “Stevie, just get up.”James whined at the whining, because he was trying to stay asleep, because at least asleep he didn’t worry about the two of them as much.
Steve whined again and then slowly sat up, yawned, and then shuffled to the bathroom, grumbling all the while about stupid bladders. he came back looking much more awake and slipped into bed again instead f leaving for his usual morning run. he was feeling lazy today, he'd skip it, he snuggled into Tony with a happy little sigh and then whined when his stomach growled. "noooo, i don't wanna get uo. shut up belly." he ordered. but it was too late, the smells of breakfast was forcing him to think of food. he was pretty sure he smelled waffles which meant Phil was cooking. Phil always made waffles when he was cooking because he loved Waffles. there would be bacon too, and hash browns and eggs, all kinds of delicious things and Steve really was hungry.... dammit. "...shall i go get food and bring it all back up here?" Steve offered. "breakfast in bed right?"
Tony laughed sleepily watching the blond go with a smile, raising a eyebrow as he was snuggled again."feeling lazy?no running for the super boys today?" "Shut up tony."james grumbled nuzzling his face against the others side, not wanting to move before nodding."yea. Breakfast in bed."both agreed. And when steve came back james was lazily giving tony a blow job as they waited for breakfast
"lazy." Steve agreed with a sigh before heading off to get breakfast. "hey, hey! no starting without me!" Steve complained, looking amused, setting the tray down so they wouldn't accidentally knock it over during bed fun, smacking James on the ass on the way t the small table before joining them in bed, grinning as he watched Tony react to the blowjob. he loved watching Tony in the throes of passion and pleasure. "i love watching him like this." Steve admitted, grinning. "he's so open and eager and beautiful." he admitted, stroking Tony's hair. "come on James, put a little effort into it, he's never going to cum at this rate." Steve teased.
"We were bored.”tony said shivering a little as he looked up at steve, groaning as james’ teeth scraped over his cock as the other swallowed around him at the slap. Raising his head to speak, james smirked at the disappointed whine tony gave. “he is. Quite adorable really.”James said smirking a little before smirking, “I know. I’m enjoying teasing him.”He said smirking as he slid his mouth down over him again.
Steve snorted. "i was gone for five minutes!" he complained, looking very amused indeed. he had to chuckle at Tony's whine, the man was so cute. "well, so long as your enjoying yourself." Steve agreed with a chuckle, slipping in underneath and behind Tony, allowing the man to brace himself against Steve's strong stomach, also Tony would probably be more comfortable like this. it also meant Steve could stroke Tony's hair, and nipples, and stomach, and arms. pretty much anything he wanted to.
“So?you woke us up. We were bored.”Tony smiled a little, sighing softly, looking amused. “We are.”Tony smiled shuddering as the other moved behind him, bracing himself against the other’s stomach, head resting back against the other’s chest as he trembled, shaking, squirming. Groaning as he was played with, gasping as he fisted a hand in james’ hair, curling up a little as he came with a moan. “Hmmm....tastes good.”James mtutered after a moment as he raised his head, smirking a little. Looking utterly pleased with himself.
"i did not, all i did was pee!" Steve protested, snickering, Holding and stroking Tony while James played with him. "hmm. you look so delicious, swallowing Tony's cum like that." he teased, smirking at James. "don't look so smug." he scoffed, nuzzling Tony's neck before laying short little bites there. "you know. yesterday, you and i got fucked, but Tony never got a nice hard cock up his ass did he?" he mused, slipping a hand down to stroke at Tony's hole. "i wonder how long it's been since he had this properly filled? we should take care of that, go find some Lube James."
“I always look delicious.”James smirked before laughing a little. “I did a good thing, made him feel good. I should be smug.”James said sounding pleased, smiring as tony whined, squirming a little at the bites. Catching the brunette’s hips in his hands, he held the other still as he whimpered, trying to squirm as he was stroked. “B-before pepper.”Tony panted squirming as james let go of him to grab some lube, smirking a little as he handed it over to steve.
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