Recovery (Avengers) Moon/Lady

“Oh.Good.”Tony muttered blushing a little at the words, realizing steve had been being sarcastic before frowning. “Yes, that. I was worried.” “That’s no excuse.”James said not sounding overly happy still but not angry.

“I’m the cleverest. I’m amazing.”Tony grinned before shrugging. “I’m always seeing connections. Besides, if you didn’t want to be recognized ,you wouldn’t go by loki to people who met thunder gods.”Tony snorted. “Hey, he introduced himself like that to shield, and no one but you figured it out.”James pointed out looking the genius over, still not quite believing he was okay. “that’s cause I’m amazing.”Tony said making a face. “....Sounds horrid.”Tony said shuddering at the idea of falling forever. “As long as you don’t cause any problems here, I see no reason we have to tell him.”James said tilting his head as he considered the godling. “...No!You have to stay!” “....Tony. You can’t demand that.” “Yes I can. He makes coffee. I can totally demand it.”
"hmm. i don't know about that." Loki admitted. "strictly speaking, i do believe you come in third, Stark." Loki admitted, grinning. "don't feel so badly though, i only come in second." "whose first?" Steve wondered, looking amused. "why, Jessica. of course." Jessica giggled. "it is horrid. most do not come through the other side of the Abyss sane." Loki admitted. "i will admit, most of my screws have been knocked loose but Jessica has managed to keep me keep my mind." he admitted, a haunted look appearing in his eyes. "i almost lost her, when i finally came out the other end. there is a mad creature known as Thanos. he seeks to end all worlds and begin the tides of Ragnarok in order to win the hand of my oldest daughter, Hela." he admitted. "Thanos was very angry when i told him that i would not help him win my daughters hand, and he was even less pleased to learn that she would be very pissed off if Thanos created Ragnarok." he shuddered violently. "he tortured me to no end. if it wasn't for my magic, Jessica would have been aborted." he admitted. "had i not managed to fall into a pathway when Thanos was distracted, i probably would not have lasted another day." he admitted, shaking his head before looking amused at Tony. "well, it's not as if i would willingly leave." he pointed out. "i do like my life here and Jessica has even more of a life than i do. i would not willingly give that up. however, in return for making your coffee, i would ask that you babysit my daughter on Thursday nights. the nanny has quit. i told her not to go into that room but you mortals are so curious." he huffed. "it's not MY fault she became a jackrabbit."
"What?I'm -"he sputtered before calming, sighing a little."okay. I can live with it if Jessica is smarter."he said pouting a little "well, I think we all have had our screws knocked loose. It's okay."tony smiled. " we have to worry about this Thanos coming here?"james said looking concerned as he watched the godling, looking equally haunted at the idea. While their stories were different, there was pain for all of them, things that haunted them all."true. But you still have no choice. You're here to make me coffee."BTW on said before his eyes widened looking freaked out at the idea of babysitting. "Oh. We can babysit. Me and steve can."james said glaNing at the captain, knowing tony was starting to panic himself.
"no, not smarter. simply more clever. she is advanced compared to humans her own age but she is still only a year old." he pointed out with a chuckle and a shake of his head before nodding. "yes. some of us have had more screws knocked loose than others though." he admitted with a chuckle, stroking Jessica's hair as she colored. "Thanos wishes to make Midgard. that is, Earth, his first target as a lesson to those who might stand in his way. the other realms scoff that earth is full of un-evolved monkeys but all of them rather fear the peoples who inhabit this planet. humans, more than any other, have the potential to outgrow even asgard. already, your population has expanded beyond any other realm, and your technology grows without limit or restraint." Loki admitted. "should this planet fall, the other realms would quickly know fear." Loki admitted. "fortunately, in order for him to get here, he must create a stable portal using a creation known as the Tesseract." Loki admitted. "he wished to break me and make me use the tesseract to open the gateways for his armies." Loki admitted. "had i lost Jessica i am certain i would have allowed him to use me. as a god, we cannot kill ourselves you see, though passive suicide is an option open to us." he admitted. "i am here as a barrier against Thanos." Loki stated with a roll of his eyes. "that and to raise my daughter free of fear of Odin harming her." he admitted. "i have been trying to find my other children as well, since i am no longer bound by Odin's rule, i can free my children. i just have to find them first." he admitted. Steve resisted the urge to laugh at Tony's panic when Jessica rushed over to Tony and handed him a typical kids drawing of Iron man holding her hand with a big heart and gave it to him. because pictures made everything better.
“Ah, I see.”Tony said smiling a little, before tilting his head. “True.”He said smiling slightly watching the other. “....we’ll keep a eye out for him then....and we are un-evolved. But we’re brutal and striving to be better.”James said looking amused slightly, though a little worried at the idea of a titian coming here. They’d have to prepare. “We’ll help you keep free.”Tony said tilting her head a little watching the other man, before looking down at jessica, thinking about it. “Can we help you find the children?”James said watching loki biting his lip to keep from laughing at tony. “Oh.that’s awesome Jessica. Thank you.”Tony said calming slightly as he took the picture, smiling at the others. “let’s go home.”
Loki nodded. "i have placed a network of detection spells over the metal things that hover around your planet. i forget what they are called. should a portal begin to open i will know immediately and we will have, at the least, a three day advanced warning." Loki admitted. "it was a risk, using magic because then Heimdall might have spotted me, but it was worth the risk." he admitted. "you humans are more evolved than you would think. well, some of you." he admitted. "i don't know that you can be of any particular use." Loki admitted. "though, Jormungandr being on earth you might be able to help me locate him." he admitted. "the others are cast about the nine realms and as such i doubt earth bound humans could help too much." he admitted. "your welcome Iron Man!" she said, beaming at him before skipping over to Loki. "Daddy, are we going to soccer practice? i don't want to be late." Steve had to bite back a laugh. she'd just been kidnapped and was more focused on a sport. that was hilarious. and adorable. and a little bit worrying, how often was she kidnapped that this was considered so normal for her? " want to go to Soccer? now?" Loki asked, looking just as shocked as the other before shrugging. "okay, if you want to." Loki agreed, shaking his head. "i always forget how resilient children are." he admitted to the group, sounding half baffled, half amused and half mortified. he was aware that didn't add up properly but he was too tired to care about decimals.
“Ah, satelites. Good. Jarvis monitors those to, so we should have a good warning.”Tony said relaxing at the knowledge before frowning, looking annoyed at the idea of not being any help, but nodding. “Well. If you think of anything we can do, let us know.”He offered before smiling, and looking just as startled that the girl wanted to go to soccer as the others. That was both amusing and worrying. “Have fun.”He said looking bemused as they left.

“Tony?You okay?”Clint asked when they arrived back at the house, the shield agents having been cleaning up the mess when tony and the boys left, relaxing as he saw that the man indeed was okay despite his disappearing act. “I’m good. Promise.”Tony said smiling slightly as he stripped out of his suit.
he nodded. "i don't know if the metal things would normally be able to detect the ion particle differences that would indicate the growth of a charging portal." Loki admitted. "the magical detectors i have placed will immediately notice such things." he admitted. "i have attempted to combine my magic with your earthly technology but so far all attempts have failed. i don't know enough about the inner workings of this, electricity you call it?" he asked curiously. "she always does." Loki admitted with a tired sigh, letting her drag him out of the building, babbling about all the rules she had learned the last time.

Steve smiled at Clint. "he's okay. we're babysitting on Thursdays by the way." he stated simply. "Loki's a Norse god by the way. i'm going to get Jarvis to help me research him." he would quickly regret that decision. from the few things Loki had said, Steve knew that the story of Loki's twin sons was true. one dead by disembowelment the other turned into a wolf to be hunted for the rest of his life. his daughter Hela trapped in a realm of the dead to rule, but never to leave. alone forever. Jormungandr locked in an icy sea until Ragnarok. Fenrir hated for biting off the hand of Tyr, who obviously deserved it, chained like an animal in a hellish place. Sleipnr. the fastest horse in all the realms, treated like a stupid battle mare, no will of his own, just a steed for his own grandfather. and that wasn't counting what they did to Loki himself. sewn his lips shut, tied him to a rock using his own sons intestines and forced to endure venom dripping into his eyes and more. it was enough to make Steve want to be sick.
“Well, maybe you should come over one day with Jessica then. And I can try to explain electricity and tech. It’ll be fun.”Tony grinned a little.

“...Babysitting?”Clint said looking amused. “Yes, we are. And I have to go complete my project now, have to have awesome pets here now that we have a actual god coming to visit. I need impressive pets.”Tony said already heading for the lab to work on his project of a raptor. “....did he just use Jessica as a excuse to make a raptor?”James said looking bemused and amused. Yet, by the time he’d finished reading loki’s stories, amusement had fled, looking nearly as sick as Steve. “....We need to go cuddle Tony. Yes. That’s what we’re going to do.”James said sounding off and sick, swallowing thickly to keep from throwing up, needing tony, needing to cuddle something good, a pure person in his life to get the sick feeling to stop.
Loki grinned. "i would like that." he agreed.

"yup. babysitting. a non-human little girl with horns." Steve admitted with a chuckle before rolling his eyes at Tony but didn't say anything. if Bruce thought it was okay then he couldn't really say anything. sure Bruce was a bit mad scientist but he was also very, very careful. if Bruce thought the experiment was in any way dangerous, he wouldn't do it until it wasn't dangerous. the accident that created the Hulk had given him a very good sense of 'let's not do that'. no one seamed to comment on the fact that Bruce's eyes where getting more and more green with every passing day either. Steve wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing, but since no one was freaking out, he'd put it down as a good thing. "yeah. cuddle Tony... and save this book. maybe some of it isn't real? i mean, who ties down a father using his own sons innards? there's no way, right?" he asked, shuddering violently, following the other. "of course Fenris isn't a Wold and there's no way Jormangandr is a snake. right?" but Loki had already said that Sleipnr was a horse right? and Narfi had turned into a wolf as well to escape Loki had said that too... "...Hey, are you guys okay?" Bruce asked, looking startled when the two super soldiers came in, Steve shaking his head as he snuggled into Tony, closing his eyes and letting the smell of Tony calm him down.
“ the book, and make sure tony never,ever reads it. It’s bad enough he had to deal with howard’s stuff....he shouldn’t have to deal with this...”James shuddered violently, feeling sick as he remembered that they still had to figure out how to get tony help. Knowing that the other wasn’t dealing with howard’s crimes against him, against them all, and simply shoving it aside. “...No...can’t be true...”James muttered before flinching, shaking his head. “....Loki said...they were animals though....”he muttered sounding sick and scared at the idea before shaking his head to shuffling over to tony, smiling a little as the billionaire squirmed. “What?!What I’m working!”Tony whined as the soldiers snuggling so tightly against him that they stopped him from moving, before stirring, realizing something was wrong. “What happened?” “Nothing. Just wanted to see you.”James muttered snuggling close.
he nodded. "yeah. never, ever." he agreed. "i'm going to be talking to Tony about that tonight by the way." he admitted. "and i'm going to go talk to Pepper too, about Loki i mean." he admitted. "better for her to have a warning." he admitted before nodding. "of course it's not true. it's just a silly book. no one would really sew another person's lips shut right?" he muttered before snuggling Tony. "no more working." he mumbled. "...seriously. guys. what's up?" Bruce asked, worried. Steve had to repress a shudder when he realized Bruce's normally grey eyes where still moss green. "If i May. Captain Rogers and Sergent Barnes where reading a book on Norse Mythology." Bruce paled and winced. he knew enough from collage to know why they where acting that way. "tattle tale." Steve grumbled at the A.I.
“Oh good. I’ll be with you to. Maybe if we both talk to him, he’ll try it.”James said biting his lip worried about the other, before nodding. “Good idea. And if she is pregnant, hopefully the idea of him having a kid around, will be good for him.”James muttered before shaking his head. “No they wouldn’t.” “But guys...”Tony whined a little but didn’t try to work as they snuggled him. “They needed to know, Captain.”The ai said totally unrepentant for telling. “Oh.Well.Oh.”Tony winced sighing softly, squirming so he could hold them both. “We should go to bed.”He offered.
"i hope so." he admitted with a nod. "i think it would be better for him to practice on a young one whose a bit more hardy yeah." he agreed with a chuckle before heading to snuggle with Tony. "he didn't need to know." Steve grumbled. "it's just a silly story. i doubt it would ever be true." he mumbled unhappily. "i mean, there's no way, right?" he wondered, smiling when he was held. "yeah... no. no sleeping." Steve mumbled. "i'll have nightmares..." he just knew he would. who could see a book like that and not have nightmares? still, he did follow Tony up to bed, making sure to hide the book so he didn't have to see it and snuggled into Tony once more. he hated the idea of having to ask Loki how true some of those stories where.
“No, probably not.”Tony said though he didn’t look quite as sure about that before grinning. “There’s things in bed you can do without going to sleep.”Tony promised. “Are you offering sex?”James offered smirking a little even if he wasn’t feeling like it for once, his libido quelled for the moment at the utter disgust he felt for the asgardians if any of that was true as he climbed into bed and snuggled into tony. “Nope. Well. Maybe. If you want. But I could read a book or something. Something better then the myths you were reading.”
"that's true." Steve agreed before smiling at the other. "did you just offer to read us a bedtime story?" Steve had never gotten bedtime stories. his mother couldn't read, so he'd been the one reading the stories. "can we read Harry Potter? i hear awesome, amazing things about it." he admitted with a smile, settling in for a story and a nap because he was too tired to stay awake. he was still mostly recovered but today had been a very busy day and now he was exhausted again.

the next morning Loki was walking next to Phil, explaining the Chitauri where while they headed to stark Tower. Loki had the day off and Jessica was in preschool and Girlscouts today so Loki was free until three so Phil had decided this was as good a time as any to get to know the Norse God a little better. "so they where trying to break you so they could slip inside your brain?" Phil asked, looking quite horrified. "well. close enough. you see, you can't just take over someone's mind. they have to be weak first. humans, by nature, are usually weak in this area." he explained. "your minds haven't progressed to a point where you are capable of fighting against magical control properly. and yes, i can develop defenses for you against such things." he promised Phil, walking into the elevator with phil. "for someone like me, there is a steal cage wrapped around my mind, for lack of better terminology. they need to break that cage, break my will to live before they can slip inside and take control." "which is why we would now be invaded if not for your escape." "that is correct. thankfully, Thanos, the mad titan, does not have the skills to track me. if he knew i was on midgard right now, nothing in the nine realms would stop him from trying to decimate this world. not that he isn't going to already but he'd be trying much harder."
“Yes, yes I did. And yes, we can.”Tony smiled grinning as he settled in with his kindle, settling in stroking their hair as he read.

“Agent, Godling, your presence has been requested in the lab with Sir.”Jarvis announced as he directed the elevator to the the workshop. “I have stuff for you Agent. And for the others, but you get it first. And I wanted to talk to loki to.”Tony said looking a little strained around the edges, but having waylaid them on their way in before the two could go talk to the super soldiers, he had every intent of taking care of the story telling, before james or steve could. He hadn’t liked how shaken they’d been, so he’d deal with it.
"Godling?" Loki asked, lifting an eyebrow, an amused grin curling the edge of his lip and Phil chuckled a little. "he's convinced my first name is Agent so don't feel too bad." he stated simply. "i don't feel bad at all. i'm rather flattered. i don't exactly have the physique of a god after all." he admitted. "Godling, i like it." he admitted before watching Tony. "has something happened?" Loki asked, worried before glancing at Phil. they seamed to be able to speak silently because Phil nodded. "i'll wait upstairs in the living area." Phil promised, continuing up the elevator while Loki followed Tony, eyes fixed on the man. "you must tell me what's wrong. fidgeting in a nervous disposition is not a form of language i am capable of speaking." he said after a long moment.
“Yes, Godling, since you a a norse god. This is the title Sir has decided to call you when you are spoken about.”Jarvis supplied. Tony frowned looking annoyed at the shared looks. “hey!No. Don’t go.”Tony whined looking annoyed before looking at Tony, sighing softly as he settled on his stool, watching the other. “...I am not fidgeting.”He said slowly, swallowing hard, forcing himself to not fidget before running a hand through his hair. “Steve and James browsed the internet for the legends of Loki in mythology.....Sort of freaked out last night. Wanted to ask you about it, but they were so upset at it, I wanted to ask you so they wouldn’t have to.”
Loki chuckled. he liked Tony already, the man was a playful sort. "you are fidgeting." Loki admitted before grimacing and looking away. "ah... i see..." he mumbled before he sighed. "please bring up the book." Loki asked, watching as Jarvis brought up the title on the touch screen on the table they where sitting at. "oh..." he blinked at it, shrank it to book size and asked for a highlighter and note taking application and started going through the book. the things that where blatantly untrue he highlighted in blue. the things that where somewhat true he underlined and added corrections to through the notes and the true things he highlighted in yellow. there was a lot of yellow, a lot more underlines and not a whore lot of blue. unfortunetly, all the things about Loki's children, his punishments and his lineage where all yellow save for one small note 'there was no giantess or whatever, i carried all of my children and most of them are half Aeser, not Jotun no matter what those Asgardian bastards wish to believe'. the story of his final punishment, where he was tied to stones and left with a snake hanging over head was also underlined. Narfi did indeed die and Loki had been restrained using the intestines of his own son. Vali on the other hand had been turned into a wold using a Jotun sorceress who had not been happy that Loki had denied her advances. Vali was hunted for the rest of eternity, always running from the hellhounds and the wild hunt. when they caught him, they tortured him to death, only for him to return to life and be forced to do it all over again. Loki was eventually released from the venom punishment by Thor, who had been greatly enraged that such a thing had been ordered over such a 'minor crime'. what that crime was, Loki did not say. no one rescued Vali and the other children where also still contained, even though none of them actually did anything wrong aside from be born from Loki. "i am a little disturbed by how accurate some of these stories are after so many eons." Loki admitted after a while. "
“Am not.”Tony muttered looking at the other, wincing when the other looked away. Oh man, that didn’t look good for none of it being true. Swallowing thickly as he watched loki work, he tilted his head a little. “All Aeser?Truly?”he said looking thoughtful, considering just how cruel the people had been, looking sick and lost as he finished reading. Definitely didn’t want to tell this to the boys. Swallowing thickly he frowned a little, thinking about it. “While it has been legend for centuries, it’s only been in recent years that a complete work of the Poems of Edda were found in Scandinavia, with all the stories well written and put together. It’d been lost until now. Then we have the internet, which sorta records everything for humanity these days.”Tony smiled a little looking sick and shaken, just like the boys, wanting cuddled.
he shook his head. "no. they are half Aeser through their various fathers." here he smirked. "i am a bit of a whore you see. and half Jotun through me. not that anyone bothered to inform me that not only am i a Jotun but i am also Thor's uncle instead of his brother. everyone is always so happy to serve Odin but they always forget that the filthy little one eyed hypocrite is half Jotun too. the fucker." Loki hissed before shaking his head before looking curious. "your people have only just recently found this text?" he asked. "is it in the original Nordic runes?" he wondered. "because some of these falsities could easily be translation errors." he admitted. "ah the internet." Loki sighed, sounding almost as if he was in love. "if i could marry thee." he purred, stroking the Prose Edda illusion fondly. "also, i would marry you, Stark because you have very pretty toys." he admitted. "a shame your heart is bound for others." he admitted with a sigh before studying the other. "i have upset you haven't i? i forget sometimes that most people, human or otherwise, are not used to such... stories being truth." he admitted. "even most of the Aesir do not know what has happened to me, let alone to my children. Odin would not want to be frowned upon by his people after all." he admitted. "do you need me to go and call... uhm. Steve and James was it?" he asked, looking a bit worried about Tony. "come on, i'll go make you some coffee." yes. coffee, Loki knew how to do that.
“Ah, I see.”Tony said looking interested before wincing. “That’s....that’s disgusting. That he treats you like that when he’s...”tony shuddered shaking his head a little before nodding. “Yes, we have always had parts of it, from the old area. But only recently found a completed one. And it is. Might be why there’s errors.”He agreed before snickering at loki’s reaction.”You sound in love, Loki.”he teased shaking his head a little before raising a eyebrow. “Hm, I think you’d have to fight the other two to marry me.”He teased before sighing, shuddering a little. “I’m okay. Don’t worry about it.”Tony muttered not wanting to upset Steve and james, before nodding a little. “that’s their names, but no don’t worry them. They’re hanging out in the gym today.”He muttered before perking up, shuffling after the other towards the kitchen.”Coffee is good.”
Loki shrugged. "people everywhere, Aesir or human, they need someone to blame. typically, i was the person they blamed." he admitted. "me and my children, who where nothing but 'jotun freaks' as it where." he admitted. "there also could be errors because the people we passed these stories onto the last time we visited didn't know how to write so word of mouth might have skewed it a little." he admitted. "i am in love." Loki informed him. "there is nothing better than midgardian internet." he admitted. "i learned so much in a single day i went to bed with a migraine." he admitted with a chuckle. "its thanks to the internet that i was able to settle in here so well." he admitted. "well. that's true. i wouldn't want to fight them, they are fairly strong." he agreed. never mind that he was stronger. that was besides the point though. "your not alright." Loki mumbled even if he didn't call for Steve or James. he settled into the Coffee and made Tony's favorite right there in the tower and slid it over to him, sipping on a cup of hot black himself. hoping Ton would calm down before the super twins came back and thought he'd done something nefarious to Tony.
“Like me getting blamed for being a genius, or a weapons maker, and even iron man, when I try to do good...makes sense really.”Tony muttered thinking about it before nodding. “Yea, that’s true. Word of mouth stories always get skewed a little.”She smiled before snickering. “I love the internet to. It’s awesome. And that’s insane. But I’ve done it to. With extremis, I can download so much at once, I give myself a nosebleed.”He snickered before sighing, settling into a chair to watch the other make his coffee, smiling slightly as he sipped his coffee, shuffling over and fussing over loki until he sat down so he could cuddle into his side. He was such a cuddler when he was upset. “....I’m going to be a father...”he muttered the truth of loki’s pain, and the stories of his children’s lives, making him even more freaked out at knowing he was going to be a dad.
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