Recovery (Avengers) Moon/Lady

"Papa! Ittle Iron!" she informed Loki when he returned with her grape juice, sliced apples and cheese pieces. "oh very well." Steve 'gave in' looking amused at Tony and shaking his head. at least he seamed to have given up on the raptor idea for now, though he knew it would come up again sooner or later. "we're both wearing wedding Dresses Tony." Steve corrected, looking amused. "Wedding dresses pretty!" the little girl informed them happily. drawing while Loki fluttered from table to table, taking the Maitre d position since he'd just fired the asshole. "he's pretty graceful." Steve mumbled, eyes sharpening as he noticed what James had probably seen the first time Loki had approached. Loki was liquid grace, appearing perfectly calm but coiled, ready to strike. moving just like James, just like Natasha, just like Steve and Tony and Bruce. someone used to the pain of battle, the blood of war. someone who had been carved from innocence in the brutal bloody loss of fighting for something and failing to keep or protect it. Loki was deadly, dangerous, a warrior hiding behind a pleasant smile. still, he wasn't giving off any vibes at all so it was unlikely he was going to attack anyone. part of Steve wondered if Loki might join Shield, was shield or had belonged to shield. he pitied anyone who made the little girl cry because her father was likely to be completely unforgiving.
Tony smiled snickering a little. “Hm, but you’re definitely the girl.” “He’s right. Of the three of us, you look the best in a dress.” “No he doesn’t.I do, but he’s still the girl.”Tony huffed sulking a little amused as he helped the girl make a awesome wedding picture. For the moment, okay with the kid. “Uh-huh.Think I can convince him to fight Natasha just to see who’d win?”James muttered watching, tense and coiled, because while the man hadn’t been threatening, james was still tense and waiting. Wincing as tony poked him. “Time to go home. I want my raptor, gotta see about that.”Toyn said, proving that even if he sat ideas aside, he always came back to them.
Steve smirked. "and of the two of us. which one looks better in a dress and heals?" he wondered, smirking at Tony, watching the little girl babble at him happily and let him add to the picture all he wanted because this was Iron Man and he was drawing a picture with her! "i think that would be a bad idea." Steve admitted. "i have the feeling that the only thing that would make him snap is the little tyke. he's too in control." he admitted before focusing on Tony when he declared it was time to leave. "okay, i'll go grab the pastries." Steve agreed, smiling at the little girl. "maybe if you as very nice, Tony will sign his name for you." he suggested, the girl looking confused. "why?" she asked. "i's a pic'tur." in the little girls mind, a picture was WAY cooler than some silly name. "thanks for letting her sit with you." Loki said, beaming at Steve. "it's made her day." he admitted, ringing up their purchase and offering them a discount for their kindness.
“True. I do. And I knew you were staring at me when I was wearing those heels for Johnny.”he said making a face, looking amused though. “Damn. Well okay. Fine. No messing with the man.”James said making a face. “Awesome. Pastries and science, you really know how to take care of a guy, Cap.” “Just being nice, wont get you laid any sooner, Stark.”James muttered to her. “So?A picture and a iron man drawn by iron man is so much cooler then just my stupid name.”Tony smiled, he was so way in control you knew he was simply mostly, faking the calm until it was real. Smiling he pressed a kiss to the girl’s head. “Bye little iron. We’ll see you later, okay?”He promised before tilting his head as the purchase was rung up, frowning slightly. “You don’t have to discount it. We didn’t do it for that...”
Steve smirked. "your the one whose too dunderheaded to realize that i was flirting with you." Steve pointed out, looking very amused. "yeah, no messing with the man, i don't want to cause any incidents." he admitted. "and him trying to kill us because we annoyed him isn't good press." he pointed out with a chuckle. "yeah! Pic'tur!" the little girl agreed, returning to her drawing on a new piece of paper. "i dunno. it might get him laid." Steve admitted with a smirk. "Bye Bye Rron Man!" she chirped, beaming at him. "i know." Loki promised with a smile. "but i feel like i should. you where extremely patient and kind." he admitted. "and you didn't even attack me so that's a pretty nice bonus." he admitted, looking quite amused when Steve flushed, realizing that as much as they had noticed him, he had also watched them. "Papa! letters?" Jessica asked, holding up her picture. "of course sweetie, what do you want me to spell?" he asked her. "Rron Man!" Loki carefully wrote those letters, big and exaggerated n a slip of paper. "Jess'ca!" she informed him and Loki chuckled, writing that down as well and handing it to her so she could finish the picture. then she wept over to Tony and tugged on his pants, handing him the picture, which was of her, Tony, Steve and James sitting at the table eating cookies. underneath the drawing was a big heart and a very shaky 'Iron Man' in the middle with a shaky 'Jessica' underneath. "aaw, that's so sweet." Steve said, looking like he wanted to adopt the little girl right then and there.
“I am not a dunderhead!”Tony whined making a face. “Hmmm, yea. That would be really bad press.”James snickered a little looking amused as jessica returned to drawing. “Really?I just have to be nice?”Tony said looking interested, willing to curb the constant sarcasm before smiling at the girl. “Bye kiddo.”She smiled before tilting his head at loki. “Well, you didn’t attack us either, so it was a good day all the way around.”James said smiling a little amused before looking at jessica, looking interested in what she was going to do before grinning as he realized what it was. “Hm?”Tony startled from where he’d been trying to sneak one of his pastries, looking down at her. “Oh!Hey little iron. It’s amazing. I’ll hang it up in my workshop okay?”He said ruffling her hair, smiling quietly. “No Rogers, you can’t take her home with you.”James said smirking a little.
"you are a dunderhead!" Steve teased with a grin, counting this as a win. Tony had told him 'no more quoting movies dammit'. apparently single words didn't count. "well, not onl. dates are pretty awesome too." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "bye bye Rron Man!" she chirped. Loki offered James a small smile. "it is a pretty good day." he agreed, reaching out to smack Tony's hand away from the boxes since Steve seamed to be too distracted, the sleeve riding up and revealing harsh scars on the tops of his arms. not like blades or whips or even burns, but like someone had laid paths of acid up and down his forearm. tortured. he didn't seam to realize they had seen because he was scanning the card and muttering about 'the stupid register, why don't you ever work?' smacking the side if it with his palm and grinning when it beeped that the scan had been accepted. "okay Rron Man!" she said, hugging him around the shins before skipping off to finish her juice and snacks. "but she's so adorable!" Steve pouted. "the others would love her! she could be the best mascot ever!" Loki snorted. "she draws on the walls and insists on watching nothing but Dora, Bubble Guppies, Little Einsteins and Blues Clues." "right, you can keep her." Loki laughed and handed the boxes upon boxes of doughnuts to Steve. correctly labeling him as the least likely to get into the food. "thanks!" Steve chirped as Loki handed Tony's card back, wished them a nice day and watched them leave.
"Bye."tony smiled down at the girl."behave kiddo. We'll come visit again."james smiled a little, elbowing tony to keep him from eating. "Hey!"tony yelped as he was smacked, giving them all a look of wounded dignity as he stated at the box. Looking at the scars in curiousity but not asking, he did have some control sometimes."clint would corrupt her, and Natasha would turn her into a deadly killing machine and-no I'm not watching kids shows."tony huffed making a face grinning as they left.

"You guys look happy."clint observed looking over the edge of the book he was reading smirking slightly."I want a raptor. Bruccceee!"tony yelled going in search of his science bro
"okay Rron Man!" she agreed, giggling when Tony was smacked. "sounds like fun." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "too bad she's already corrupt, the little imp." "'m a Imp!" she informed them. "and while i doubt she'll be a killer, she's certainly going to be a man killer." Loki actually looked quite delighted by the prospect. "i can't wait till she brings some punk home and i can scare the living shit out of him." Loki admitted before flushing when he realized that wasn't quite appropriate to say. fortunately Jessica was at her table again. Loki coughed sheepishly and offered them one of those shy 'oops, i shouldn't swear i front of my kid' grins and handed Tony the receipt.

"we met one of Tony's adoring fans. or rather, adorable fans." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "plus we saw that new Jurassic park movie, it was pretty awesome." he admitted. "she was this two year old little girl named Jessica, she made a picture for Tony..." he hesitated and then glanced at James, wondering if they should warn the others about the obviously dangerous manager. Loki had appeared harmless, but the scars, the way he walked. that man was very dangerous. then again he also hadn't done anything. maybe Steve would have Tony look into it with Jarvis first, just in case? "a Raptor, Tony?" Bruce demanded, lifting an eyebrow. "no." Bruce stated simply. he could do it of course, he'd likely be using lizard DNA instead of frog of course, but he could do it. he just wouldn't because Christ, only an idiot would want a raptor!
“Adorable?”clint raised a eyebrow before laughing as he realized why the girl was adorable, and the boys had been pleased with the meeting, which was result of her being a child, instead of a older woman hitting on tony. “Let Jarvis and maybe Phil look into him first.”he muttered low, that low quiet whisper only a supre soldier could hear. “Yes a raptor. I want one. And I want one the size of a teacup chihuahua, since a big one would be horrible. A small one would be awesome. It could be iron lizard.”
Steve nodded and watched Tony pester Bruce, looking very amused before shaking his head a little when Bruce actually looked curious. "oh dammit." he'd forgotten that Bruce was also a scientist and almost as insane as Tony. oh well. if Bruce said yes there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it. "i'll have to run some figures." Bruce admitted. "i'll see what i can do." he decided. "but you have to keep it on a leas or penned." he ordered Tony sternly. "you have to take it for walks, train it, make sure it's eating and drinking properly and keep it under control, got it?" Bruce commanded of the other even as he let Tony follow him down to the Chem/Bio lab that was Bruce's baby so he could watch the figures himself.

"Jarvis?" Steve asked, looking up at the ceiling. "would you do me a favor?" he asked, tapping in the name and address of the Bluemoon Cafe and Manager Loki on his Tablet. "i need you to run a check on this person." he informed the A.I. "it's not high priority." he promised. "Of Course Captain." Jarvis agreed, setting aside part of his server to doing just that. Steve said it wasn't a priority, but Steve never asked for thing, so Jarvis would have it done soon. if Jarvis could frown, he would have. he wasn't coming up with anything. no school records, no SS records, not even the fake things that people in the protective services or people faking their I.D got. there was absolutely nothing on Loki Luuro aside from a signed birth certificate almost a year ago for young Jessica Luuro, mother unknown. Jessica on the other hand, had all her information. birth certificate, medical history, SS number and even school records, girlscout records and a local preschool soccer club for the Hares. they basically just kicked the ball but it was good practice for when they where older. Jessica was also enrolled in the Red Dragon School of Karate. all in all a healthy active little girl who adored doing things. on Loki though, nothing, nothing at all. how peculiar. Jarvis spread his search to worldwide. perhaps he would find something then. in the end, it was only by hacking into Shield that he found anything. a half a mention of Loki during the New Mexico incident. even then, that was a bit of a stretch since the new york incident had been Years ago.
Tony grinned looking pleased as he realized bruce was curious. “You’ll find the perfect number on how to do it. You’re bruce. You’re amaing. And I will!Promise. Steve’ll help me train it. He can train anything.”Tony grinned looking utterly pleased as he followed after bruce.

“....This is like looking at my records.”James said frowning as he looked oever what jarvis had found, looking both worried and curious about the paperwork, frowning slightly. “We might have to talk to him. Just in case. I mean, Hydra’s got to have figured out by now that I’m not returning.”
Bruce chuckled and nodded. "fine then." he stated simply. "fine. if Bruce makes you a dinosaur i'll help you train it." Steve agreed, rolling his eyes but looking amused anyway.

"no. this is worse than looking at your records. at least you have a past even if you where recorded as dead and then it was only myth and rumor. this guy doesn't ist at all until about a year or more ago when he signed for the birth of his daughter. it's weird that the mother didn't sign though." Steve admitted. "died in childbirth maybe?" he wondered. "you think this guy could be Hydra?" he asked, looking very worried now. "should we get Natasha in on this? or Phil maybe?" he asked, chewing on his lip. "he has a daughter though right? no one uses kids to do bad things right?" he muttered. "not when he obviously loves her..." right?
"True. I have no idea what to think about this, except that he might be hydra. I mean....why else would there be no records?"James frowned looking seriously disturbed before nodding a little. "Most likely explanation, but I don't know.....and Yes. Let's bring in Natasha and Phil. We could always send Clint in after coffee, and the other two, to get their opinions on the man."He frowned looking upset before paling a little. "...Right. Yes...right.No kids."He said not looking sure, but ho[ing that indeed, kids wouldn't be used.
"that's a good point..." he mumbled, glancing up. "Jarvis? would you have Phil and Nat come down? or share this information on their Tablets or something?" he asked, examining what little information they had. it wasn't much. honestly they had more information on his daughter. Phil was more than worried about the introduction of someone who walked like Natasha and had no past to speak of, but said he would check the archives first. there was nothing in the archives meaning he wasn't an erased Shield operative. meaning that Loki was more than likely, Hydra. only one problem. Loki had been working at the Bluemoon for over three months now and had done nothing more interesting than fire a jerk. he was a perfectly doting father who hired a nanny while he was at work and payed her properly. she was from a reputable nanny company and checked out as well so really, Loki was an all around upstanding guy who had a pretty serious past if the scars and the way he moved where any indication. it was hard to be sure if Loki was a super-villain or not. they couldn't just haul him off to be interrogated either. it was against the law. so they'd have to actually talk to him and see if they couldn't learn anything. too bad others had found out Loki's lack of a past as well and had also come to the wrong conclusion and where plotting to kidnap Jessica to force Loki to give up Shield secretes.
James sighed as he rubbed a hand over his face as he leaned back against the counter, watching in amusement as Clint worked on making dinner. It always amused him that the man was good at cooking, listening to the other’s talking he sighed. “Me and Steve can go talk to him. I mean, I’d take tony to, but him and bruce are still doing science stuff. And....if he’s hydra, I need to take care of it.”He sighed softly, because while he knew eventually he’d have to deal with his feelings over hydra and what they’d done, the man was mostly ignoring the fact that he wasn’t dealing with 60 years worth of torture. He didn’t want to. “, phil, and nat are more then capable of making sure the science boys don’t blow themselves up before you get back.”Clint said smiling slightly as he turned over the steaks. “You ready to go?”James said glancing at Steve with a small smile.
Steve shook his head a little. "yeah. we need to sort this out as fast as we can." he agreed, looking worried when his Phone started ringing. "hey Coulson. i'm... i'm sorry? what do you mean Hydra agents have kidnapped Jessica Luuro and are threatening to cut off digits if Loki doesn't start handing over Shield Secretes!?" he demanded. "you have Loki in your custody right now? how did they even get Jessica?!" he demanded. "they freaking ambushed them in a park for kids!?" Loki had taken her to a park where kids played in water after his work shift and had been ambushed by men in black. Loki had gone all super ninja on their asses, breaking arms, snapping necks and even killing one man with a sharp perfect thrust at just the right angle to the nose. once he'd dropped all the bastards in black he had realized Jessica was missing and had tried to go after a 'nondescript grey van with a broken bumper and no license plate' on foot and had actually managed to keep up with them for an entire block. he hadn't even realized he'd been shot twice until he stopped running and realized the world had gone a funny grey color and collapsed. he was still out for the count but the Shield Agents knew what had happened thanks to witnesses and video feeds. "...i'll make the call." Steve agreed, pressing a button on his phone that would make the 'Avengers Assemble!' Song go off, letting everyone know that the Avengers needed to gather in the living room of the tower. it only took a few breaths to explain a two year old littl girl had been kidnapped and was being used to try and control Shield.
"What?"james head jerk ed around to stare at the agent, startled. His stomach going tight as he realized hydra had a child. It was one thing to have been a adult in their untender care, he didn't want a child to be left to them. Shuddering a little as he fought against the ice cold rage that slid through his viens, singing a sirens song of death and destruction as he fought to remember these people were friends, weren't the enemy he could kill. Looking at tony's messy hair, and clints hastily pulled on clothes, and bruces any features, along with Natsha's ice cold calm, he wouldn't want to be the hydra agents when they caught up to them. Even as steve explained iron man's armour closed around tony, making him tilt his head at the super soldiers."I can only carry one of you without compromising the suit. Who wants to go with who?"
"well we can be sure now that Loki isn't Hydra..." Steve mumbled. "but, if he's not Hydra, and he's not Shield, then who the hell is he!?" Steve wondered before stepping up to Tony. "take Natasha. she can question Loki without having to resort to physical violence." Steve decided, Natasha nodding and stepping over to Tony. "touch my ass or my breasts and i will make you regret being born a man." she pointed out. "the rest of us will take the Jet down." Steve decided. "Jarvis is already hacking, looking for where they are keeping Jessica using the video feed they sent in." the video was rather alarming. Jessica wasn't hurt at all, she wasn't even tied up or blindfolded. she was just sitting on the middle of the floor, sucking her thumb and holding a new stuffed bear, price tag still attached. what was alarming about that? if she wasn't tied up, then they intended on keeping her or killing her. Loki had finally woke and was being questioned by Phil when Steve and Natasha got there. mostly on how a man who had been shot twice bad enough to kill a normal person, was completely fine the next hour. not even a scar. "i have no reason to answer your questions. perhaps if you can get my daughter before those monsters do something to her i might be a little more cooperative. or you could just let me go and i'll do as i please. i could have her back by now if it wasn't for you government assholes." Loki admitted, voice and face strained with rage and worry.
“Yea, and I have no idea. We’ll find out.”James muttered. “Kay.”Tony said simply looking at natasha, smirking a little. “I know better tehn to touch your ass.”he reassured wrapping his arms around her before taking off. And indeed tony let loki be questioned by the others even as he worked on figuring out where the video was coming from, before looking at loki. “If we let you go. And I go with you, will you answer questions after?”Tony asked as he stepped into the room, faceplate back as he looked at the man, jarvis having moments before found a location, and while he didn’t know what was going on, or if they could trust loki, he was willing to trust the man loved his daughter enough to not jerk them around.
"we will find out." Steve agreed before smiling at Natasha. they all knew she'd never actually hurt Tony. then again that acid tongue of hers was enough to make even Phil quiver with fear when she was in a mood. Loki was sitting in his hard plastic chair, his head held high and his eyes burning with promise of vengeance and pain. he turned to stare at Tony, examining him with eyes that seamed to see into his very soul before he nodded his head once, a bare inclination. "perhaps." that was good enough for Phil who propped open the door and let Loki stand up and stride out of the door while Loki mumbled under his breath as if running calculations even as Jarvis piped up that Jessica was in an old warehouse building on the abandoned edge of Manhattan two hours and fifty five minutes by flight in the suit fro where they currently where. "too slow." Loki stated reaching out with one hand and grabbing Tony's arm, the other hand lashing out as if to stop something that was flying at them and in the next three steps Tony's world flipped inside out. one step, still at Shield, second step, blinding darkness, shattered screams that he couldn't hear with his ears but imply felt inside of him, third step, they where sudden in the docks with the sound of gulls and the ocean. Loki released Tony's arm, aware the mortal would need a moment and with a flick of his wrist, well aware there where camera's angled at him and completely uncaring so long as his daughter was SAFE, the doors of the nearby buildings crumpled and creaked, shrieking as they where torn to pieces and scattered all over the place as if they had been blasted apart by a massive explosion. the ground, the air, the rest of the building and the walls the doors had been attached to didn't so much as quiver. then there where men in black suits swarming all over and Loki was going super ninja on their asses. it took him ten minutes to decimate the thirty man army, leaving nothing alive but a few of the higher ups for questioning. "Daddy!" "come, Jessica. let's get you home." "i did just what you said to Daddy." Jessica said, sounding so very proud of herself, and much older than she had in the Cafe while Loki gently picked her up and cradled her. "i know you did. i'm very proud of you." Loki admitted, smiling at her. "can we go home now Daddy? Bubble Guppies is on and i'm missing it." she whined, Loki chuckling. "not just yet baby. we have to go talk to some nice men first and then we'll see what we can do." "Daddy? Iron Man is here. aren't i s'posed to act like a baby?" "no. i think it will be okay." "okay. can i draw him another picture Daddy?" "of course you can."
“Good enough.”Tony agreed befoye yelping as the other reached out, stumbling a little as he was touched, eyes wide as he looked around, the only reason he hadn’t collapsed, was the fact that his suit kept him from falling. Pale as he took a moment to regain his bearings before helping loki take care of things. When they got to jessica after he finished tying up the prisoners he smiled slightly as he looked her over. “you can absolutely draw me another picture.”Tony promised as he flicked up the faceplate, rubbing a hand over his face as he had jarvis call steve for backup. “I need a clean up crew here. And yes, I’m fine. A little, well really disoriented and confused, but fine.”he promised before steve could say anything.
Loki didn't even really need any help. he was just as good as James or Natasha was. clearly skilled in combat and facing down uneven odds. Loki handed Jessica some crayons and some paper and settled her on a chair in front of a table. all the things a kid wanted was there, all of it very much new. indicating they had planned on keeping her. no doubt to turn her into an asset. "Good. i'm glad your okay. apparently Phil had a heart attack when you just up and popped away in a ball of fire." Steve admitted, sounding very dry, indicating that Tony was probably going to be in trouble if he didn't have a very good excuse for being so reckless.

it only took ten minutes for the cleanup crew, Phil Coulson and all of the others to arrive. Bruce headed over to Loki and Jessica to give her a full exam to make sure she wasn't hurt and hadn't had anything nasty done to her. "...uhm..." Bruce paused and stared at the little girls head, Loki's lips curling into a grin. "are these... horns?" "yes. they are." Loki admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "she is not fully human." he explained. "as a matter of fact, she is only half human." "and how old is she?" "she is thirteen months old by human standards." "and speaking full sentences?" "two years of gestation allow for much more rapid brain and cognitive capabilities." Loki admitted. "wait. you said she was half human. your not the human parent." "...i'm very impressed you deduced that. you are correct. strictly speaking. i am, in fact, the mother." "....that's fascinating. how does it work?" Bruce asked, sounding very excited. "well. when a man and a man love each other very much." "you can skip that part, i want details, insemination for example! do you have female reproductive organs or do you have a different set of reproductive organs?" "Bruce. you can question him about the very weird things later. right now i want to know who he is, what he is, and if he poses a threat." "no threat. at least, so long as you don't cause harm or try to remove my daughter from me."
“He what?Is he okay?”Tony said sounding distressed at the idea of phil being hurt because he’d been reckless.”And it wasn’t my fault!loki just grabbed me and left.”He said before sighing, looking relieved as jessica was looked over and deemed okay, before pausing, staring at the horns. “Huh.”He said eyes glazed a little as he listened to the other talking, while he understood biology and such, it wasn’t his area of expertise, and listening to bruce talk about it could make him space out. Before pausing. Thinking. “Loki. Are you related to the norse god we had turn up a year ago? I mean, he was a norse god of thunder. And here’s a man named loki, acting very much like the mythological one...”Tony said jolting a little as he stirred, watching loki.
"he's fine, Tony i was being sarcastic. we all know Agent doesn't do surprise." Steve pointed out. "you just up and allowed him to grab you Tony. i think you need a better excuse then that." "inform him you where too worried about Jessica to think properly." Loki suggested, looking amused. "tell him i heard that and i'm kicking his ass for helping you." but Steve sounded amused so he wasn't angry anymore. win!

"oh, he is a clever one." Loki purred, grinning. "i had not expected you to make that connection." Loki admitted, shaking his head. "yes. i am Loki, of Asguard." he admitted, eyes focused on all of them. "as for that oaf Thor, well... i regret my actions concerning him." he admitted, shaking his head. "granted, i never actually wanted to kill him. the Destroyer... it was supposed to be nothing more than a distraction you understand. i did not realize Odin had stripped him of his power. i did not know Odin even could do that." he admitted, frowning, stroking his daughters hair. "when i fell into the Abyss..." "Abyss?" "it is the darkness between the realms. the emptiness of space and time where nothing exists." Loki explained. "a minute can last eons, millennium can last seconds. it is a dark, horrible place. one that we, my people the Aesir... my adopted people at any rate, did not realize a person could survive. "i did not know i was pregnant at the time. i was lonely and the human was cute so.." he shrugged. "at any rat, it would be best if certain gods of thunder never realized i was here." "why?" "because Odin thinks me a monster, and a curse and he has already done unspeakably horrible things to the first seven of my children." he pointed out. "i would not let him take my Jessica away from me. i would slaughter him and Odin both before i allow them to do to her what they have already done to my other children. Fenrir chained like a beast, NArfi turned into a wolf to be hunted for the rest of eternity, Jormungandr chained at the bottom of the sea to drown over and over again." he looked at Jessica who was humming as she worked. "Sleipnr, who is used as nothing more than a stupid beast, a mount for his own grandfather. no. i will not allow those monsters to have the only thing i have left to live for." Loki admitted, turning to look at them all again. "if you do not want me in your realm, i am sure i can find another home." he admitted. "by far, this is the place i like the most though."
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