Recovery (Avengers) Moon/Lady

Loki nodded. "everyone needs someone to blame. they don't want to admit that they as a whole are what's wrong. take the American people for example. they don't want to admit that it is their own greed that is causing lack of jobs, food price raises and constant inability to feed themselves on Minimum wage. so instead of taking action for their ow failing they blame the government, they blame the superheros. they blame those that are rich." he shrugged. "this 'blame game' goes on in every sentient species without fail. i just happened to be more of a victim then most." he admitted before blinking at him. "Extremis?" he asked curiously, lifting an arm so Tony could snuggle him a little more easily, draping his arm over Ton's shoulders. "shall i offer congratulations?" Loki asked, wondering why Tony wasn't excited. "i think you will make a wonderful father." Loki admitted. "how far along are you?" he wondered, a glitter of amusement in his eyes said that he knew mortal men couldn't get pregnant and he was just trying to freak Tony out a little.
“Yea, I get blamed alot. Don’t like it, but we’ve learned to work around it, and try to be better....though if they start harassing Steve anytime soon again, or demanding James back in the city, I’m going to get testy.”he grumbled, which meant he’d had some problems with the press and goverment, that he’d been fairly hiding to keep from anyone worrying to much. “Yea. It’s a....sorta super serum that let me heal when I was really hurt, and lets me tap into tech alot.”Tony shrugged a little sighing softly as he he was, sipping his coffee, frowning. “...No. You shouldn’t.”He muttered frowning slightly, “...and no I wont. And I am not pregnant!”He sputtered whining a little.
Loki nodded. "that is all that you can do." he admitted with a smile before he smirked. "you are possessive over that one." he agreed. "i am sure you can make them regret ever daring to speak out against him." he agreed. wondering if it was the tabloids wondering if Steve was a virgin, or if it was the news woman wondering if Steve was in an illicit love hoard with all of the Avengers. the word Harem had been bandied about then a lot. fortunately Steve didn't watch the news, read the news or anything else. if something was really important Pepper or Natasha told him. "interesting. would you mind if i ran a few scans?" he asked Tony, his head tilted. "i think i will offer you congratulations anyway, and as a father myself, as well as a mother i can tell you right now that you will be a very good dad." Loki promised him with a smile. "if you would like, i will help you learn how to be a good father." he offered. "i've only raised seven of them already and i have an eighth right now." he admitted. "oh, i'm sorry. i forget that humans work differently." he teased with a snicker. "of course, the first time i was pregnant, Thor totally freaked out, thinking he could get pregnant too. oh that was fun."
“I have a right to be posessive. They’ve gone through so much, they need protected. And I will. If I can figure out how to do it without them finding out.”Tony muttered because any action he took, he was fairly certain none of them would want, and since his own antics were at the moment distracting the papers from the boys, he was okay with it. “...No. I guess not if you want to.”He shrugged a little before frowning thinking about it. “No I wont. You are so far off mark. I’m going to be worse then the assassin. I know it.”He muttered before frowning. “Yes. Humans work very differently!My ex-girlfriend is the one having the kid.”He whined looking upset at the teasing, before snickering, giggling at that. “That’s awesome.”
Loki nodded. "i cannot blame you." Loki admitted. "if i had someone as amazing as them, i would be possessive as well." he admitted. "as it is, i am very possessive of my daughter." he admitted with a smile. "to the point that i constantly have spels on her monitoring her health, location and physical status." he admitted. "if she gets sick, get's kidnapped or get's injured i'll know instan..." he paused, straightened, tense before relaxing. "skinned knee." he informed Tony, relaxing again. "well that was interesting timing." Loki admitted with a chuckle. "it's just pre-birth jitters." he promised. "every parent panics when they find out that they are going to have a child. the men are far worse than women are." he admitted. "i know you are frightened Tony, but once you hold the baby in your arms the fear will fade away and you will know what to do. much of parenting is done on instinct you know." he admitted, smiling at him. "and your not alone, look at how many people are here to help you." he pointed out. "you think anyone living here would let you be a bad father? you have good support. trust them if you can't trust yourself."
“Hm, tell that to the tabloids next time they think I’m keeping them prisoner here.”He muttered before laughing. “That’s both awesome and weird you know. To have that.”He said before snickering at loki’s reaction, shuddering a little. “I think I’ll stick to having Jarvis inform me when things are going oddly instead of trying to figure out magic.”he said looking amused before sighing. “...If you’re sure.”Tony said rolling his eyes before snorting, “Uh, no. But I’m fairly certain Natasha and Pepper are already planning to run away with the kid, so I’m not to worried. Now. Come on, I want to go watch my boys sweat some, and maybe convince them that yes, I can have sex. That yes, I’m emotionally and mentally ready.”The man sulked some looking amused as he headed for the door, having every intention of not talking anymore about kids. Freaked out to much at the idea.
Loki snorted. "i'll be sure to." he admitted with a smirk. "it's not so weird, i had it on all of my children once. but Heimdall removed those spells when they where punished for being born." he admitted, scowling before smiling at Tony. "Jarvis is kind of like magic." he admitted. "close enough for it to matter at ay rate." he admitted. "i am always sure." he promised before chuckling a little. "i doubt the Ex- Girlfriend would be so cruel as to deny you your chance at being a father." he pointed out before nodding. "alright. i could go for some sweating men. however as soon as it turns to sex i'm leaving." he warned. "while i do enjoy watching, it's a bit frustrating when i can't join in." he admitted with a smile. "so. while we're walking, how about that lesson on electricity you promised me?"
“Hm, he is. Jarvis is amazing. And he helps me work the suits. Definite magic there.”tony said sounding pleased with the knowledge that the other liked jarvis before frowning, shaking his head. “Not cruel. Smart enough to do it.”Tony said shrugging a little before laughing. “Hm, you could ask. It wouldn’t be my first foursome, but I get a feeling they wont want to share. You should totally talk to bruce while you’re here. He needs laid sometime.”Tony said sounding thoughtful as they walked before laughing. “Okay. So-”He said grinning as he started the electricity talk, including the hand gestures and excitement as he headed for the gym.

“Oh look. Our genius is excited about something.”James muttered his attention turning towards the door for a mment, distracted at the utter happy excitement in tony’s tone, from the fight he was conducting.
Loki smiled a little and nodded. "he is the closest thing to true magic i have seen within the mortal realms yet." he admitted. "all magic is, is a higher form of technology after all. i think i could probably even teach you some." he admitted. "no, cruel. as frightened as you are, you really want a chance to prove that you are nothing like your own father. trust me, i know how you feel, my first was just the same." he admitted with a smile. "it was easy enough, once she got older. i just didn't do everything that my father did. and sure, i made mistakes, all parents do. simple mistakes won't destroy a child's life Tony. as long as you don't make the mistakes over and over and over again, as long as you don't scream at your child or slap them, deny them food or attention, they will grow up to be wonderful." he promised with a smile. "Bruce?" he asked, looking curious. "he is the one that turns into the Hulk, right?" he asked, looking fascinated. "i would adore being able to scan him. see how that works.." he admitted before focusing on Tony, listening intently and even taking notes using what looked like old fashioned parchment and a rather fancy fountain pen.

"i think he's giving Loki that lesson on electricity." Steve admitted, ducking into James now that his attention had dropped and tried to take advantage. it wouldn't work of course but he managed to stumble the other. "what in the world is an Electron anyway?" he wondered, grunting when he forgot to cover his ribs and got nailed for it. in the corner Loki whistled. "do they always go at it like this? i can see why you wanted to watch."
"Really? I might have to try then."tony said looking thoughtful at the idea before frowning a little. Looking upset at the idea of being okay. He wanted to believe but he didn't think he could."...I don't believe you."he muttered looking annoyed before smiling slightly."yes that's bruce. We'll stop after the gym and see if bruce is around."tony said before starting to explain..

"Ah I see."james said smiling, happy that theother was so happy grunting as he was hit. Stumbling a little before hitting him back as he gained his balance again. "It's the thing that gives a atom a charge."he aid shrugging a little before hitting him again. "Yea they usually do. It's quite good to see really."tony said pleased as he watched the boys
he nodded. "the worst that will happen is you'll go insane. i can fix that though." he promised. "i know you don't. you will in time." he promised Tony with a smile. "that sounds fine." Loki agreed with a smile before taking eager notes, only to stop hen he was faced with the show of masculinity.

"ugh! asshole." Steve complained with a chuckle. "hitting me when making me feel stupid, just not nice." he grumbled, managing to block the next punch and trying to land a knee hit while trying to distract the others hands so he couldn't defend properly. "how are they not beating each other senseless?" he wondered, head tilted. "i think i really will have to speak to this Bruce fellow. see if he won't be up for a good tumble." he admitted. "your boys are incredibly hot."
“Hm, it’s not your fault that you slept for 70 years. Sorta learned alot of things in that time, even if I forgot most of it.”James snickered wincing as the man’s knee caught him in the ribs, punching him back, before giving in and simply tackling him, resorting to school yard wrestling instead of fighting. “Hm, they’re to evenly matched. And their serum’s heal thm just as fast as they hurt themselves.”Tony said shuddering a little, grinning. “They are very hot. Jarvis, can you have Bruce join us?”
Steve snorted a little. "yeah and i'm the one that signed up for collage courses. i should know things like that." he admitted, grunting as he was tackled to the ground. it wasn't long before he had James pinned. in hand to hand, James was often superior, but in wrestling, none could beat Steve, who was now pressing his hard length into James ass while holding him down. thank god he wasn't in uniform or every person in the world would know he was hard as a rock. he always got horny when he sparred with James though so it wasn't so much of a surprise. "hey Loki." Steve chirped as if he wasn't currently teasing James relentlessly. "good morning Captain Rogers." Loki greeted back, looking very amused. "hey Tony, what's up? James bust his arm aga..." Bruce paused, taking in the scene and then sighed. "Toy. seriously. i am not having an orgy with you." Loki laughed and Steve started snickering into James neck. pinning the other down simply because he could at this point. "Tony. send your friends away and come over here, James is saying very naughty things, i think we need to put that filthy mouth of his to better use."
“Hm, you’ll find out soon. I mean, you have time to catch up on.”James said, groaning as he was penned. Trembling a little, squirming a little as he was pinned, rutting against the floor a little as the other pinned him, it was so long since he’d gotten to enjoy this. Itw as amazing. Growling as he remembered they had a audience, stirring. “Loki....Tony!Tony.”James growled squirming, whimpering a little as he pressed his ass into the other’s groin, looking demanding and desperate. “No he didn’t. But Loki would like to spend time with you. Apparently, Hulk fascinates him, and he likes science.”Tony said before growling, possesive. He might not be as hormnal or possessive as pepper had been, but the boys were his mates, his. And he didn’t like sharing. “Mine. Go away.”he ordered. “Horrible man, let me up. I wanna see the genius he looks better on his knees then I do.”James growled whining a little. “I think you’re right.”Tony grinned studying the two, tilting his head. “You hard down there James?” “Get over here and find out.”
"yeah i know." he agreed with a grin, rubbing himself against the other much more slowly, panting against his ear. Bruce blinked a little and looked at Loki before shrugging. "Super soldiers." Bruce admitted, Loki laughing in delight at the comment. "come on then. let's go somewhere else before they start having sex right in front of us." Bruce suggested, leading Loki away and chatting to hi about chemistry and biology, something Loki understood a great deal more of. after all, if he was going to be a shapehifter he had to knw what he was shifting into.

"oh, see? he's thinking he can be bossy." Steve stated, gathering both of James wrists into on hand and lashing them together with his belt. it would be easy for James to break the belt, but Steve was fairly confident that he wouldn't. once he had the others hands tied behind his back he pinned the hands there and then gathered a fist full of James hair, forcing his head back. "come fuck the man's throat Tony. he loves it." Steve suggested, part of him realizing that none of them where acting quite right, but hey. sex! and it wasn't like James was protesting either. it was almost like they where doing a mating thing or something for Tony. Steve showing off his skills and James... well, submitting he supposed. he had a feeling that later, it would be Steve who was submitting and James showing off his skills. for now though, he was more focused on getting Tony into their little mating circle. "he is hard. and wet as a dame too. the little horny bastard. i bet we could just sit here and fuck him and he'd cum without ever touching his dick."
"How dare you suggest we'd ever be as vulgar as to have sex in public places!"tony said with feigned surprise, laughing a little as he moved over to the other two looking down at the panting bruntte."I am the boss!" "You are so not in charge jamie."tony smirked as he crouched down, running his fingers through james hair grinning as he met the others eyes. Knowing something wasn't quite right, but to desperate and needy for them to stop either."could not."james growled even as he rutted against the floor. It'd been so, so long since he'd been allowed any sort of relief. Probably since before he'd become the soldier. Making desperate little keen noises as he squirmed. "I like him like this."tony mused even as he undid his pants, growling as the super soldier swallowed him down with a slurp. Because while he hadn't been allowed release, he'd had to take care of his handlers.
"because you would." Bruce scoffed, rolling his eyes. "i've seen you do it." he pointed out. "Your not the boss, i am." Steve growled, smirking at the other, nuzzling James neck. "could too." he purred, biting on James now, leaving little red ringed impressions on the skin. "i'm going to make you cum so hard Jamie. so hard you won't be able to think of anything else for weeks." he purred. "i do too. so eager and needy and desperate." Steve moaned, slipping his own pants open and pulling James pants down so he could lube the other up, slipping fingers inside of his best friend turned lover. "that's it Buck, that's it. god i want you so bad." he moaned, biting the others ass simply because he could. Steve was bad about that, biting when he got horny. he wasn't so bad when he was submitting, but Dominating, that was another story altogether. he loved to leave his marks on other peoples skin. well, on James skin. and probably Tony's. "Go on Bucky, cum for me, cum with nothing but a cock in your throat and my fingers in your ass. go on, such a good boy, look at you suck our Tony's cock." he moaned, slipping in a second finger and seeking out that spot that would drive James over the edge. he wanted to show Tony how good at this he was, making James come untouched, that was like, the best.
James moaned, whimpering, squirming as he was bit, growling softly as he looked at the other. Gasping at the promise, grinding his hips into the floor mat. “...I sorta feel bad for him like this. Poor guy.”Tony muttered gently petting James’ hair, looking amused and horny as he watched the other, grinning as james’ teeth scrapped over his cock in reponse to steve biting him. “If-if he bites me cause you bit him, Im going to do something painful to you, Cap.”Tony gasped groaning as james drove his mouth down over his cock as he came, choking himself on tony’s cock as he obeyed the command to come, nearly blacking out after he cut off his air supply.
"he'll be okay." Steve promised. "it's what i call a 'buildup'. it's when we go too long without sex and basically loose all control. i'm sure i'm next." Steve admitted with a grin. "James won't let this go unpunished for long, i'll be looking forward to it." he admitted, winking at Tony. "i'm sure he'll let you help show me the error of my ways." he admitted with a snigger. "he won't bite you. he knows better." Steve promised. they'd gotten into several fistfights int he beginning of their relationship because James had bitten him down there. not to mention Hydra had trained him well too. Steve didn't like to think about that though. "besides, i like painful things." Steve purred, pressing down on James little bundle of nerves, stroking his hip as he came, grinning. it was cruel of him, but he didn't care, James was cruel to him all the time. "that's it baby. that's it." Steve cooed, slipping a third finger deep inside of James. "isn't he so sweet like this?" he mused, making sure James wasn't actually passing out. that would not be conductive to fun sexy times. not at all. not to mention James wouldn't like it much either if he passed out. "you still with us Jamie?" he asked, wondering if James had dropped already. it had been a long time though, so he wouldn't be surprised if James had.
Tony looked startled, considering that before tilting his head. “Really?I mean, I know your guys libido’s hyper, considering mine is higher now, but it’s like he’s not functioning on any higher level...”He said looking down, stroking tony’s hair softly, shivering a little, trying not to come. While he’d recover quickly, he still didn’t want to come just yet. Relaxing a little smiling a little. “Good. I’ll have to reward him for not biting.”She smiled a little before groaning. “So sweet.”Moaning as he watched james slump down, gently pullingh is cock out of the other’s mouth looking down at him. James whined a little, nuzzling his hand into the other’s hand. Blinking slowly, long, struggling to hear what they wanted. “...okay.” “Yea, he’s there. Sorta.”Tony smiled a little.
"yeah really. see the difference for you is that once your libido hits it's peak, it stops and you can still ignore it. for us it keeps climbing and if we don't do anything about it it goes into a state of... stasis i suppose. once we start doing sexual activity again it rages with a vengeance until we become... basically this. so desperate for it we can't even form coherent sentences." Steve admitted. "mine is climbing pretty strong too but i can keep it in chck until it's my turn to submit and let go." he admitted with a smile. "being that i'll burn off some steam fucking him, mine won't be as bad as his is right now." he admitted. "he won't know to explain it though, or rather, explain it in a way you'll understand so he's going first and then i'll have my relief after." he admitted. "he is very sweet." he agreed, grinning as he nuzzled a bite mark. "and he looks so pretty with my teeth marks all over him doesn't he?" he asked, sounding very possessive. odd for Steve, he never sounded like that. "you wanna bite him? he loves it." he promised with a grin. "i love it too, you know, for later." he teased, winking at Tony, slipping his fingers out of James. "you wanna fuck him first?" he asked, looking eager to let Tony have first dibs. this was all for Tony after all, their mating show.
“Huh. Interesting. I’ll have to study that later. When I’m not being fucked or wanting to fuck. Sexy science is awesome, but not now.”Tony babbled a little watching james, shivering as he watched him. It was amazing really. “ah. Okay.”He said smiling a little, trusting steve to know better, growling softly at the sight of steve nuzzling the bite mark as james whimpered needily. “He does. So so pretty.”Tony agreed looking startled at the other’s tone, shivering a little as he watched steve before leaning down, biting the brunette’s neck, biting down hard, growling. Nearly purring when james did, rutting against the floor. “ohhh, I’ll remember that.”Tony smirked at steve, before nodding. “Yes. Oh yes.”he said scampering around to the other side, nudging steve a little. “Go hold him close, cradle him, and I’m going to fuck him into oblivion.”
"sexy science is awesome." Steve agreed. "tomorrow maybe." he mused, stroking James back to help him stay focused on what was happening. "very pretty." Steve purred, running his tongue along a bite mark, lingering over the slight taste of copper and sweat. "look how hard he is already." Steve sighed, looking and sounding quite delighted. "Sir, Yes Sir." Steve purred, Pulling Tony into a deep kiss before settling in front of James, holding the other just right that James could play with Steve's cock if he wanted, or just lay his head down in the pocket of Steve's hip and moan and hold on for dear life, whatever James wanted, stroking his hair and face, neck and back, letting him know he was close and that it was all going to be alright.
“He’s amazing. So hard and needy.”Tony groaned as he stroked the other, smiling softly as he pressed into him, shivering as james whined squirming. Kissing steve back as he shuddered, hands tight on james’ hips as he fucked him, “so amaing. So long since you’ve done glad its for us now...”he muttered shivering, growling quietly as james whined, and while the brunette was absently mouthing at the other’s cock, he wasn’t trying to suck him, simply holding on for dear life as he came, tony gasping as he came to, slumping into the other’s back with a shudder.
"he is. i'll be like this soon too. it's so amazing." Steve admitted, shuddering a little as James mouthed at his cock, more a reflex than anything else. "such a good boy James, such a good boy. don't worry, we'll wear you out." he promised the man. "your ours now. just ours. mine and Tony's. we'll take care of you." he promised, kissing James head and stroking him some more, moaning as he watched them cum, shuddering as he followed them, too worked up not to, splattering Jame's face and chest with his hot cum, tossing his head back with a whine before grinning at Tony, pupils blown wide. "it's so amazing, watching you fuck him." he breathed, stroking Tony now too because he couldn't not touch. "my turn. let m fuck him Tony. i'm so hard. i need so much."
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