Recovery (Avengers) Moon/Lady

"yes but she's setting them on fire on purpose now." Bruce corrected with a smile and a shake of his head. "yes i am. just a little." he admitted. "not as strange as Deadpool is though." he admitted with a smile.

"Don't get to close. i might blow snot on you." he warned with a sniffle. "i know how you are about germs." Steve admitted, opening the drawer and pulling out a box of face masks, like the kind they handed out at hospitals and some hand sanitizer for Tony. which was really very sweet of Steve to keep them around for Tony's sake. "does suck." he admitted with a sniffle and another round of sneezing into a tissue. before smiling at James, not that he replied, he just went to sleep, snuggling into Tony. poor Steve couldn't take any medication because it wouldn't help at all. his body would burn through it before it could do anything at all. he'd just have to work through it. he'd be miserable, but it wasn't anything too worrying.
“I’m fine with germs, totally okay.”Tony huffed even if he relaxed even more when steve put the mask on. He was weird sometimes about it, but he was getting better. “You’ll be okay.”tony promised sighing quietly as he settled in next to him.

Later James stirred, panting as he sat up, trying to figure out what was going on, staring at the ceiling for a moment before he realized that the screams weren’t in his dreams, or thoughts. Jerking up he nearly fell out of the bed as tony smacked him in the face, grabbing onto the billionaire’s wrists, wincing a little as the screams started to get louder as tony found himself trapped. Getting up he stood jerking tony upright, staring at the billionaire, wondering how to wake him up, “Steve!Wake up!”He ordered shaking tony some, trying to wake up the trapped man, wondering what kind of dreams could leave him screaming.
"no your not." Steve scoffed with a smile. "i know you hate them." he admitted. "i'll be fine. it just sucks until then." he admitted, coughing into his mask.

Steve groaned when he was smacked and was up, standing, back rigid and fists raised to attack unknown assailants even if he didn't move to swing. he never swung until he was sure if he was being attacked or not. "...fuck!" Steve cursed when he saw Tony screaming, leaping back into bed and gathering the Genius into his arms, catching his wrists and pulling the other in tight to his body, holding him carefully so Tony couldn't thrash anymore, head resting on the top of Tony's and murmuring soft soothing things, anything he could think of to try and calm Tony down.
James winced watching Steve get up before making sense of what was going on.”Help me.”james ordered looking upset, relaxing as steve got back into the bed, relaxing his hold on the genius as they sandwiched the billionaire between them, keeping him from hurting them, or himself. “...S-steve?J-j...”Tony stuttered a little sounding lost and confused. “Hey genius, you’re okay. Nothing’s getting to you in here. You’re safe. I promise, safe.”James said just a bruce of winter in that tone, sliding backwards into his training to dealing with upset people, needing to stay calm, so he was relying on the training to give him that calmness.
"it's okay, i have him." he promised James, snuggling Tony tightly. "it's okay Tony. we're here." he promised the ma. "we're here." he promised, watching James carefully. "Jame won't let anyone in until you feel safe again." he promised Tony. "we won't let anyone hurt you." he promised. "we're here Tony. it's okay." he promised, trying to stay as soft and gentle as he could. "we have you."
James swallowed thickly, nodding a little as he slipped out of the bed. “I’m gonna go guard the door.”he muttered, well aware he wasn’t going to be any good sitting right there with Tony, and so utterly scared of fucking up things even worse, that he was backing away and letting steve take care of him. “No!” “No?” “Don’t go.”Tony snuffled pressing his face into james’ shoulder, shuddering, going still. “ want to talk about it?” “....Do you want to talk about what you found in the school?”he countered sounding upset and annoyed, not really wanting to talk.
"James. come back here." Steve agreed, reaching out and carefully pulled the other back into bed. "leaving Tony alone when he's like this, even if our still in the room isn't a good idea. always maintain skin contact." he murmured. Natasha had been the one to figure that out. "i'm beginning to think we all need to sit down and have a long, emotional, traumatizing, cleansing talk about Howard Stark." Steve admitted with a sigh but didn't push Tony to talk. he knew from what little Bruce knew about Psychology that forcing a victim to do anything would only make it worse. he knew from experience that talking about it didn't always make a person feel better. "i'll make Mac and Cheese tonight." Steve decided. "some corndogs maybe?" he muttered. "we have to get some greens into you before you get malnutrition or something." he mumbled. "maybe tomato soup. you like tomato soup."
“...Okay.”James muttered still looking concerned about being in the bed, swallowing hard as he settled down next to tony, holding him gently. “I can do that. It’s not a hardship to touch him.”James said, not as relaxed as he pretending to be. “....No. Stupid fathers don’t need to be talked about. Stupid annoying bastards should go rot in hell for doing shit, and not be thought to be better then their sons.”Tony grumbled. “be...”James started staring down at the man, trying to figure out where tony could have gotten that idea. “Better?” “...Yes. Better. GOoder men.”Tony muttered before relaxing, pleased at the offer of food. “Okay. And we can have tomato soup to.”He agreed, settling in to a doze. “...I think we should have phil and clint really look into things now. And natasha.”James muttered because he wanted to know what was going on to do this to tony, but not sure how to ask tony.
"no, it's not." Steve agreed with a chuckle, gently stroking Tony's hair. "Tony, there is no way at all that it is even remotely possible that Howard was ever better than you." Steve scoffed. "you are right around twenty times better than that bastard could have ever hoped to be." he assured the other. "Howard was a sick bastard who was, in no way, a 'gooder' man than you and the entire world knows it. it's not Howard's name on that building, it's yours, it's not Howard who is saving people every day thanks to the medical section of your business, it's you. it's not Howard that people think of when they see the name Stark. it's you. Howard was little more than a stepping stone in human history, a drop in the ocean. your the tidal wave." he admitted. "people will be speaking your name for ages to come, and not just because you are Iron Man." he admitted, stroking Tony's hair. "alright, i'll make Macaroni and cheese, grilled cheese, corn dogs, and Tomato soup." he decided before looking at James, hesitating. on one hand he really wanted to know. on the other, it was a big invasion of Tony's privacy. "i'm not sure if that would help or not..." Steve admitted finally. "Howard is dead after all. what good would spreading his sins do now?"
“...He’s better. Always been told he was. And you two have been asleep for 70 years, what do you know...”Tony grumbled wincing as James snarled quietly. “I’ve been awake on and off for those years, tony. Better then anyone, I heard about which stark was a world power, a force to be reckoned with. And it was never howard. Howard was like a pail of water being thrown, you’re a wild storm. Makes me wonder what you’re like in bed, really.”James muttered willing, and able, to distract the other a little as he nuzzled him slightly, smiling as the other relaxed. “...I am good in bed....”tony muttered pleased with the idea before relaxing into a doze. “....I don’t know. And he’ll be angry with us...but...He hurt tony. Badly. How can we fix what’s wrong, if we don’t have a idea what we’re dealing with really?”
"i know more than you do Tony Stark." Steve informed him with a sniff. "a LOT more in fact!" he admitted with a firm nod before smirking a little. "yeah Tony. your the driving force in this world, and don't you forget it. you are important, to us, to the world. mostly to us." Steve admitted with a smile. "your like a typhoon Tony. everyone who gets close to you has their life changed for the better. your like a butterfly, reborn everyday into something even better." Steve sighed, looking at James before nodding. "i agree." he finally murmured. "i wish i could get Tony to talk to someone. anyone about all of this. but... i don't know that we can help even if we do know the truth of the matter." he admitted. "we don't know anything James, about doctors and psychology and stuff. how are we supposed to help him?" he wondered, stroking Tony's har. "i'm scared James... what if Tony tries to do the same thing that i did?"
“...No you don’t!I’m the best.”Tony huffed sounding annoyed at the idea of steve knowing more, even if he settled down and snuggled, for the moment content to be held. “...I’m something dangerous. Not a butterfly. A dragon. Or a tiger or something.”Tony sulked. “...Fine. You’re a dangerous changing dragon.”James snickered a little before looking at Steve, sighing softly. “...if you suggest it. Will he do it?I’re you. He might isten to your request to get help....”James sighed softly, looking amused as tony nuzzled his head into steve’s hand at the petting before swallowing hard. “we’ll just have to make sure he doesn’t.”
"i distinctly remember you telling me that i was the best." Steve pointed out with a smile and a shake of his head. "hmm. how about a pokemon?" he asked, smirking at Tony. "you started out a cute little charmander and now your a fiery beacon of doom that never listens to anything or anyone like a Charizard. and es, this is Clint's fault." he had insisted on making Steve watch all of the first season of Pokemon. the original series, with ash, Pikachu, misty and Brock. "i don't know. i'll suggest it." he decided, holding Tony and smiling at hte nuzzling. "he's just... so adorable like this." he admitted. "maybe we'll actually get somewhere with him now. since Pepper's pheromones are under control now. i am hoping to go talk to her. see how she's feeling and stuff."
“Did not.”Tony huffed a little before staring at the other....looking utterly bemused and confused at the words coming out of his mouth. “.,...Pokemon?” “It’s a tv show. One that you aren’t sharing with James!No. It’s bad enough clint infected you with that, and I’m convinced Natasha is part Ariados, with those creepy spider skills.”Tony huffed a little. “...Try. The worst that’ll happen, is he refuses and doesn’t take to us for awhile.”He muttered smiling quietly. “He is. Quite really.”He muttered stroking a hand over the other’s side, smiling as tony squirmed a little and purred at the petting. “ about you go see her now?He’s out for now, and if he’s awake when you try to see her, he’ll demand that he gets to see her."
"Did too!" he scoffed before smirking at James. "oh i have to show him now. the show is hilarious." he admitted before blinking a little. "i don't know what an ariados is yet. i haven't gotten that far." he admitted with a grin before settling in to watch Tony sleep. "your right. i hate it when he's not talking to me though." he admitted with a smile. "he gets so sulky." he muttered before smiling at James. "he's purring." Steve muttered, snickering a little, gently rubbing the back of Tony's neck before smiling, carefully sliding out of bed. "and i'll bring food back, so if he wakes up, you can tall him i've gone to take a shower and make some food or something. your right though, he's not ready to see Pepper." he admitted, shaking his head.
“...No!And it’s a spider thing. Black widow, you know. Now no, you can’t watch it.”Tony sulked. “I know, and I’ve never had him not talk to me, but I can’t imagine it’d be pleasant but....he needs help, stevie.”James muttered sighing quietly, before snickering as he nodded. “He is indeed. That’s adorable.”he grinned as the purring got louder then more he was petted, and tony would probably deny it if he was awake, but he was so adorably purring. “Sounds good.Go.”He smiled watching steve go, shifting to cuddle the other, and keep petting him as tony got comfortable.

“....Steve?”Pepper looked up from her book when the man stepped in, looking startled to actually see him in her rooms.
"hey, i watched Dr. Who for you. i still can't sit in a quiet room because of you." he pointed out. "and i still stare in the mirror to see how long i can go without blinking... which is about two hours by the way." he admitted with a smile. "if i can watch Dr. Who, he can watch Pokemon." he admitted. "he does need help. i'll talk to him." he promised, smiling as he watched them cuddling, heart warm. he never would have thought he could have it, both Ton and James. now he honestly had a chance.

"hey Pepper." Steve said, smiling at her around his mask. Bruce had insisted because there where still a few lingering pheromones. at least it was just a medical and not a gas mask. "sorry about the mask, Bruce insisted. considering the way my. uh, system? mind? whatever, reacts he figured it was better to err on the side of caution... i'm never going to hear the end of the 'Steve is really a girl' Jokes. remind me to kill Clint later would you?" he asked her before sobering. "how are you feeling?"
Pepper laughed softly at the man's words, shaking her head a little."it's fine. Onsidering...I'd rather things not go wrong again."pepper smiled sadly, pained because she knew how bad things could be before laughing a your not. And I'd worry more about tony joking, then clints. And I hear your other...liver?, had some problems to. I remember seeing you guys but I wasnt..."she trembled a little hanging her head."I'm sorry steve...."she sniffled a little swallowing thickly."disoriented mostly. Upset...scared....worried about tony..."
Steve chuckled a little. "considering every time i saw you i wanted to... er, eliminate the competition is abut the best way i can put it." he admitted. "i didn't even realize how odd i was acting, whats even stranger is no one else seamed to notice how odd each other was acting either." he admitted. "Bruce is studying it actually. though if he calls my responses 'fascinating' one more time i might just punch him, Hulk or no Hulk." he admitted. "James. his name is James and yeah, he's my lover." he admitted. "he didn't have as many problems as the rest of us. i think the serum he has protected him a little bit, or maybe his training, i dunno." he admitted. "it's okay Pepper. you weren't in control of yourself. it's kind of like when Clint was being possessed by the wand of doom. he couldn't stop himself either and none of us hate him or blame him. your not at fault here. we found the problem and Bruce is finding a way to fix it, or at the very least give you some control." he promised. "Tony's... he's pretty broken up. he thinks you hate him for raping you, no matter how we try to convince him it's not his fault. i think he's been raped before but he won't talk about it. can't blame him, i don't like to talk about it either." he admitted, watching her. "Bruce is bringing in a specialist, a friend of his i think. a psychologist. she specializes in mental attacks and rape victims. i'm going to talk to her too." he admitted. "i've been trying to think of a way to get Tony to see her too. i would try to convince you but you won't raise a fuss about it i don't think." he admitted with a sigh, turning to look at her. "you will talk to the psychologist right? i don't want to be the only person talking to a shrink."
"Yes that seeks like the right thing. Im sorry about the statue by the was...I think I knew it was from you, knew it would upset him because it was. I just didn't want him to have it."she said before laughing."just threaten to steal tony's cattle prod and use it on him if he keeps saying fascinating."pepper offered before nodding."the serum and bruce thinks it's because he's bi. Like you, he saw me as both competition and something to fuck. It confused him enough to not get to fuck ed up."pepper sighed a little. Thinking about it as she studied the other."I don't hate him, and he has. I found...somethings when he was in Afghanistan..."she shuddered."I've never told him I know but it made dealing with the problems of him coming home a little easier...."she swallowed hard before laughing a little."good luck with that, and no captain I won't fight you over seeing someone. I need to. And I'm not like tony, who sees help as a weakness someone will exploit."
Steve nodded. "it was from me, but the amazing talents of... someone, fixed it. you can't even tell it was broken now." he admitted. looking quite happy. "honestly i wasn't upset about it until Tony was upset. it was just some stupid little glass globe until i realized how much Tony really liked it." he admitted. "i don't think i was actually thinking clearly when it happened." he admitted. "it's kind of fuzzy. Bruce said that would happen though, that our memories might sharpen up once we're a little better." he admitted. "that does sound like fun..." he admitted with a grin. "i've always wanted to poke someone with that thing." he admitted before nodding. "it makes sense. Bucky never did do anything by halves so it makes sense he couldn't even be mentally screwed over like a normal person." he admitted. "i know you don't hate him, but you know how Tony is. he always blames himself for everything.... part of me wishes i had just killed Howard when i had the chance. Tony wouldn't exist, but at least he would have been spared the torture of his childhood." he admitted, looking at her. "i...." he bit his lip and then. "i don't think Tony is Howard's son." he admitted, voice barely a whisper. "i don't know if that would be a comfort to Tony or not..." he admitted, shaking his head.
"Good. I'm glad."pepper said relaxing realizing that it was okay before laughing a little."tony's a little obsessed fanboy, it's quite endearing really."pepper said smiling slightly. "You should poke tony with it. Considering how many times he pokes bruce, he probably deserves it."pepper snickered a little."I know. Tony's weird really. I wish I can figure out how go help...but I think you'll have a better chance to help him with that."she smiled sad, because it hurt to consider that steve and james would be better, but it would. It hurt to consider that."true....I wish we could have spared tony that..."she sighed before her eyes widened."by truly?i...I don't think it'd be a comfort. Not really. It'd hurt him to know I think..."
he smiled at her a little. "it is endearing. though, i think i'd be worried about stalker tendencies if i wasn't around him all the time. i'm pretty sure he's been stealing my socks." he admitted. "i should poke Tony with it! and get a clicker, he's not been properly trained." he glanced at her. "no offense to you of course, but Ton needs a bit more training then you had the time to provide." he admitted with an impish little grin. this was the Pepper he remembered. the Pepper who had snuck into his room without anyone noticing to leave chocolate and toys for him so he wouldn't be bored out of his skull locked in a tiny room for hours on end because someone at shield had an agenda. "Tony will always need you Pepper." Steve promised her. "he needs you now. you know him more than anyone else. even Natasha, and she's written a book about him. have you seen that book by the way? it's pretty impressive." he admitted. "yeah. it's not much, just a half a sentence that was heavily crossed out, but... it would likely explain some things wouldn't it?" he asked her. "of course, the part i keep getting stuck on, is if Tony isn't Howard's son why do they look so much alike?" he wondered. "it's nothing but a sentence, but i feel it in my gut that it's true."
“Hm, I’d be worried about stalker tendencies even if you ARE around him all the time. You should be glad that science and engineering take up so much of his brain time, otherwise you and james would never get any time to yourself.”Pepper teased before staring at the other, before laughing out loud. “You should totally get a clicker. He’s just a gangly little puppy, we should train him like one. Though I am glad he’s at least house broken. Mostly. I mean, he did piss in the suit once....”She said looking amused before relaxing at his words, taking comfort in it. “Well...that’s true I guess. And that book is impressive, I read it sometimes when I need to know something.”Pepper smiled before frowning, thinking about it before nodding. “It does explain some things, but it wont help tony. Not really. I mean, he wanted to please Howard as a father, even if he really was or not, knowing it now as a adult, can only hurt.”Pepper said frowning a little before shaking her head. “Considering some of the experiments Tony’s found and discovered in numerous bunkers, I really wouldn’t be surprised to know Howard Stark had fucked around with some kid’s genetics trying to get another super soldier, and instead got a super genius who looks like him.”
Steve grinned. "you might have a point." he admitted with a grin. "that and Sex. he's always thinking about sex. then again, so is James so they're well matched the little perverts." he admitted with a smile before he looked puzzled. "i thought the suit had a urinal system thing in it?" he asked. "i mean, he fights for hours in that thing, even i have to stop for a pee break sometimes. it's not like he can just park the suit and take a wizz in the middle of battle right?" he asked. "i thought you knew everything about Tony?" she did, most of the information in that book had come from Pepper, but Natasha was a super spy, she noticed things Pepper didn't, like the reactions to certain names or things. there was an entire list of 'don't bring this up around Tony'. "...then i won't tell him. not unless we absolutely have to." eh decided before paling. "oh god... Tony... Tony knows?! he knows about..." he set a hand to his mouth and closed his eyes "and here i thought i was being clever, protecting him from the things Howard used to do to me and he probably already knows. fuck, no wonder he's been so resistant..." he whispered, closing his eyes. "he could even already know he's not Howard's real kid and we'd have no freaking clue."
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