Recovery (Avengers) Moon/Lady

"Death is not the answer. we don't want these people to be pitied or worse, made into a martyr against you." Steve explained. "Tony would be heartbroken if he had to kick you out because people wanted you arrested, or worse." Steve explained. "we need these people to be the bad guys and killing them won't achieve that." he explained, relaxing when James finally stopped pacing. "Anthony Edward Stark!" Natasha snapped, eyes blazing. "You handed over complete and full control of that company over to Pepper. that means it is HER job to handle the paperwork, the details, the employees and everything else! in all sense it is HER company, not yours and she should not be giving you any paperwork to do at all!" she informed him. "she is either slacking in her duties or is trying to cover her own ass. either way she has no right, and no reason to make you do anything at all with that company since you gave her the control over it." she explained before relaxing. "yes, it's nice that you help her Tony, but her demanding you to do things, isn't okay. it's not your job anymore. it's hers, and she needs to take responsibility for it."
....Fine. No killing them.”James grumbled, sounding annoyed but willing to not do it. Startling at Natasha’s snapping, he turned to look at tony, looking startled as he saw tears misting the genius’ eyes. Not even really aware of crowding natasha and making her back away from tony, seeing that she was upseting him, so he would get her aware from him. Still enough the soldier to see simple solutions, and enough james to know that he didn’t want to hurt her.....and looking even more surprised when Tony actually argued with natasha....yea. Something was seriously wrong. Arguing with natasha was never a reasonable idea, and there he was doing it over a woman they all knew natasha didn’t like. “...But-but I can do paperwork. It’s something I can take care of, since I make the stuff, I should do the paperwork..” “No, no you shouldn’t. You’re the engineer, not the boss anymore.”James growled, even if he didn’t understand the setup completely, he knew whatever was going on, wasn’t good for tony, responding to the submissive man protectively, sensing that this had ripped him up somehow, and not quite sure how it had, but wanting to protect him.
Natasha didn't struggle against James, she allowed him to herd her away from Tony. she didn't want to end up dead, or worse after all. "Tony! look at me." Steve ordered gently. "if it was Natasha running your company, or me, you'd be all over our asses for letting this happen." he pointed out. "you would be holding us accountable for our actions, just as you do already. when Natasha broke your T.V. you chewed her out for it, didn't you? it was just as much of an accident as when Pepper broke that vase and the statuette. yet all you did was apologize to her. don't you see that there's a problem here?" he asked the man. "even me. it's affecting me too. something is wrong Tony, very wrong." "Steve is right." Bruce admitted. "i wasn't sure until yesterday, but somehow, something did affect you, Steve and even James." he admitted. "i cannot be sure it's actually Pepper though." he admitted. "eve if it is Pepper, there's no telling if it's affecting her as well." Bruce admitted. "i want to start monitoring you. these are special devices i've developed." he held out what looked like tiny little water bubbles. "they will go on the back of your neck, right at the tip of the spine, you know that lump on the bottom of you neck? right there. it will monitor blood levels, chemical inputs and brain waves." he explained, turning around and lowering his shirt so they could see that he was already wearing one. "Phil is currently wearing one, as is Clint who went with Phil to Rhodes. backup, just in case." he admitted. "i want all of us to wear one. whatever is happening, it is centered around Pepper, and if it's affecting her too, then i need to be sure what's happening and the information i can get from all of you, will certainly help with that." he admitted. he knew Tony would refuse normally, but if he thought it would help Pepper, he'd do anything. it was a little manipulative, but if it worked, so be it.
Tony shuddered looking at him, biting her lip a little. “...I did. That was a awesome tv.”He muttered frowning a little, swallowing hard. “...More of accident. Natasha breaking it.”He muttered, showing that even if it upset him, and everything, he was aware that it hadn’t been a accident, not really. “I wanted to like her, and tear her head off. It shouldn’t have messed with me, Tony.”James said watching the man. “...Oh.I...I don’t know.”Tony said biting his lip, torn between wanting to know, and not wanting. Scared, because he had no idea what it could be. Even if he had a sorta sick feeling of what it could be. After all, it was the only odd thing that had really happened to her. Ever. “...Okay.”He muttered hanging his head a little, defeated and submissive enough to let them do it. “...How’s it go on?”James said staring at the little device, frowning a little.
"sorry." Natasha repeated, as she always did when the TV was brought up. "..." she didn't say anything to Tony's statement, simply closing her eyes. she hated how hurt Tony was by all of this. "so you think the way i.. react, could be. what, some sort of mind altering drug?" "it's very likely. from what i have seen, Pepper's personality took a very sudden spike to the violent. it was not a gradual decline, it was sharp and sudden. at first i assumed it was the trauma of what happened with Killian, but i cannot be sure without running some tests on her and she won't allow me anywhere near her." he admitted. "i place it." Bruce explained. "you will feel a light pinch and then nothing else." he promised. "it will numb the area on it's own, tap into a vein and you won't feel anything at all after that." he assured them, placing it on Natasha first and watching her carefully. "i've run a good number of tests on this already and it's perfectly safe, however there is a slight chance of allergic reaction so if your skin turns green or you start to itch inform me immediately." "green!?" "yes. you know, like if you wear cheep necklaces and it turns your skin green." "oh! that! i thought you meant like, infection." "no signs of infection have ever been indicated, and i've been working on these for about five years now. they where originally a diagnosis tool, as well as for people with diabetes, thyroid problems and seizure disorders. i can actually trigger them to sound an alarm during such spikes or drops in blood pressure, blood sugar or thyroid levels." he admitted with a smile. "unfortunately they are still considered experimental and without any backing, i cannot sell these to medical businesses." he admitted. "i have spoken to FDA specialists and they where able to declare these perfectly safe." he admitted.
“It’s okay.”Tony smiled a little at natasha, frowning a little. Sighing quietly. “....Not Killian. Extremis. I gained tech. What if something else changed for her.”Tony said quietly, hating to bring it up, but knowing bruce might find out something more, if he had a idea of where to start. Looking at james a little nervous, wondering how calm he’d stay. “..Fine.”James said looking annoyed at the idea, but wanting to know what it was first before gesturing to himself. “Mine first.”he said wanting to test it out before they tried it on the other two men. “....did you ever send it to SI?I mean...I didn’t look, cause medicine doesn’t interest me, so tehy would have never shown it to me, but SI should have helped...”Tony looked upset at the idea of no one having offered BRuce help, sighing quietly. “Place them Bruce, let’s find out what’s going on.”he said sounding upset and anxious which made james look at him. He’d already been teetering on the edge of a breakdown, would this push him over?
" could very well be right. Extremis could very well have altered her thinking process." Bruce admitted. "many chemicals, drugs, even human hormones are known to make a person much more aggressive and volatile." he admitted. even if he didn't think it was so, Bruce, as a doctor, did need to explore all possible theories. "okay." Bruce agreed, carefully pressing it to James skin. as explained, there was a small pinch, and then a numb sensation spread, about the size of a quarter. he felt another light tug and then it was done, no real pain at all. he let James sit for a minute before allowing him to stand back up before motioning for Steve to sit down and doing the same to him. then he did it to Tony and patted Tony's shoulders. "i did send it to S.I. the letter i received back was directly from the board, informing me that they did not assist wanted criminals. it wasn't exactly phrased that way, it was really very polite, but i was told no on account of my wanted and hunted status and then i forgot to appeal." he admitted. "if i had appealed i'm pretty sure they would have assisted, since i wasn't a wanted criminal anymore, but i forgot because i was in the middle of a turf war in Eurasia. it was nice of people to tell me i didn't have to hide anymore." he admitted dryly. "granted, General Ross was still hunting my ass down despite the fact that i was no longer a wanted man so it's not like coming out of hiding would have done me any good." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "i wasn't surprised by being turned down Tony. Stark Industries is, in fact, an industry and they have to protect their image too." he admitted.
“I’m always right. And maybe. I mean, if I’m connecting to tech, whatever she got could be different.”Tony shrugged a little before watching james. “...that is weird and odd.”James said frowning as he felt it, it was indeed odd, but not truly annoying. Considering it for a moment before letting bruce do it to the others, amazed that he trusted the other enough to do it. Really, he was amazed he was doing this well really. “....”Tony stared at him, and it only took james a moment to realize the other man was grinding his teeth. “Ross is a bastard and being taken care off, according to Rhodes.”Tony said, those usually happy chocolate colored eyes angry and pissed, well. It seemed pepper and his board had well and truly managed to jerk his chain. While he’d take things against himself laying down, and calmly, the weapons and this against bruce, had well and truly pissed him off. “Besides, they’re the war crimminals, not you. J?Call Erin, tell her to go ahead and put the paperwork through, then I’m cramming this patent down the board’s throat, and hoping they choke on it.”Tony growled already getting up and talking on the phone, leaving erin’s call to jarvis as he called pepper to let the woman know that he was now taking over for this and very annoyed that he hadn’t been informed about a really cool new invention, especially one that she’d know he was interested in, not because he liked medical stuff, but because it was bruce’s. And even as he walked out you could hear the two arguing, it seemed, even away from each other, they couldn't get along.

"...Think this will get him to leave her alone?"James said perking up at the idea.
"it's very likely." Bruce agreed. "it is a bit odd." Bruce agreed. "but it won't hurt you if it accidentally get's torn off." he promised. "it can get wet so you don't have to worry about bathing." he promised before smiling at James, silently thanking him for allowing this. "now. each BBS, that's what these are called, are directly connected to this Tablet." he explained, flicking it on and running through the apps before bringing up the one he wanted, letting them see the various brain scans that the BBS's where recording. "from this Tablet, it goes straight to Jarvis, who has agreed to compile the information for me." he admitted. "...James you need to drink more milk." Bruce informed him. "Tony... your going to start taking multivitamins even if i have to force feed them to you." Bruce informed them. "as for the Brain scans, all are considered normal, though your blood chemistry and hormone levels are all different, over the course of a week, or even a month we'll be able to know what the chemistry and hormone levels are normal for you and it will make future doctor visits more easy." he admitted before watching Tony's brain scans spike with rage and hormones dump into his blood stream in reaction to his rage. all expected and normal, even if Ton being angry was a but upsetting.

"Tony, calm down a little okay? i'd hate to have to put you on blood pressure medicine." he warned, looking faintly worried. "i really should as it is." he admitted before shaking his head at Tony, well aware he was being completely ignored. "oh never mind." he muttered, rolling his eyes. he knew better than to try and get Tony's attention while he was like this. "i have my doubts, but the fact that he's actually angry with her is a good start." he admitted. "how likely is it, that Pepper is also being affected by this?" "around..." Bruce checked some calculations. "i would say at the minimum? 50% likely that she is being affected." Bruce admitted. "that is still too high a chance for me to ignore. if she is being affected, she can't really be considered responsible for her actions." Bruce admitted. "it's either a chemical toxin, a drug of some sort, or even a hormone that has been introduced into your systems." "our?" "yes. i seam to be completely immune to the effects, i have been wearing this for three days now and have had no spike of anything. not even around Pepper aside from normal annoyance. whatever is happening, it doesn't affect me."
“...okay.I can deal with that.”James said, even if it made him a little twitchy to consider that yes, he was being monitored again. He just had to remind himself that bruce was not hydra. That he was safe. “...That’s awesome.”tony said looking at the scans, looking thoughtful before snickering at james’ words.. “I dont’ like milk.”James grumbled. “No force feeding me. Stop being threatening.”Tony growled making a face. “Well, anything that makes doctor’s visits easier is better.”Tony agreed.

“...I’m fine. And I don’t keep medicine, stop. Extremis keeps me healthy.”Tony said waving a hand to wave off the other’s concern, already talking and arguing, and indeed teh scans showed his blood pressure and reactions were spiked, but not dangerously so. “...Good. At least he’s annoyed with her. Maybe we should get her to endanger us, instead of him. Then he’d really get pissy with her.”James said warming up to the idea. Frowning as he considered pepper being influenced, sighing. “No, but it’s not going to be good for either of them either.”James said looking disturbed, and wondering just what the two of them could be, if they were all victims of this. Glancing at bruce, almost remembering something, closing his eyes as he considered that before the thought slipped away as tony stomped back into the room. “I’m going out for a few hours. And no, I’m not seeing the board. Rhodes and Phil are taking care of that. But since she can’t come here, I’m going to the guest house to see Pepper. I’ll just be across the backyard okay?”Tony said having calmed enough to need to see her in person, though he was still annoyed, his anger and rage translated into lust these days, even more then it had usually, so he was twitchy a little. And while he had every intention of talking to pepper about the patents, sex sounded good to.
"it's okay James." Bruce promised. "it cannot track locations. thoughts or be hacked." he promised. "there is only one introverted signal and it goes only to this Tablet." he promised. "the only person who can access this information is myself, Jarvis, and yourself." he admitted. "once i am done with the information, i will destroy it completely from all records aside from what we need to ascertain normal levels and even that will be basic information such as blood pressure, cholesterol and other such common medical information." Bruce promised. "i'll set you up with a Calcium supplement then." he promised. "i will threaten you Tony Stark!" Bruce huffed before rolling his eyes. "i hate it when he gets like this."

"we can't just set Pepper up." Steve protested, rolling his eyes. "it's not fair to her if she's not really in control of her own actions." he pointed out. "i'm not sure if that's true or not but if there's a chance we at least have to try and fix her." he pointed out with a huff before frowning at Tony. "Tony? is that a good idea?" Steve protested. "Tony please! if she's releasing something, or is something is affecting her, it's not safe! for you, or her!" he protested, making a frustrated noise when he was ignored, Bruce sighing. "let him go. i'll monitor him." Bruce promised, indicting the tablet.
“...Thank you. I know you wouldn’t use it for anything else...its just...hard reminding myself that.”James said tilting his head at the o ther, swallowing hard before making a face him. “Fine, supplement then.”James sad not sure what it was, but listening to him argue with tony, made him not want to argue with him about it. “I think everyone hates it when he gets like this....”

“Why not?”James made a face, “We can fix her from a distance.”James said sulking a little that tony wasn’t going to listen to him and leave pepper far away. “If she is, it can’t be that bad. It woudl have killed me long ago. Besides. I have extremis. It’ll protect me. And I need to talk to her.”Tony said making a face as he left. “I don’t like it.”James growled sounding frustrated himself and wanting to go after tony to stop him
"i know." Bruce admitted. "i thought it might help if i promised." he admitted. "did it help?" he asked hopefully, Steve chuckling a little. "a supplement just means a pill with concentrated amounts of the vitamin or mineral that your body is lacking in." Bruce explained. "in this case, a calcium pill. your calcium is too low and because of that your body suffers in various ways. it's not low enough to have to really worry right now, but it's best to get your body what it needs now before it actually becomes a problem. i'd like for you to take a vitamin D for a while too, which will help you absorb the Calcium more efficiently." he admitted before sighing. "just let him go. the worst that will happen is they'll fight, or fuck." Bruce admitted. "either way i'll get the information i need i suppose." he admitted, sounding quite tired. "Tony, if anything, having Extremis only makes you all the more susceptible to what's happening to you." he pointed out, well aware his argument was going to get nowhere. "i know. i don't like it either." Bruce admitted. "but we can't stop him." he grumbled, wiping his glasses clean.
James paused thinking about it before nodding. “Yes it did....and oh. Just a pill. I’ve taken those before. I mean, going on ice was never good for me, and they didn’t feed me well...said the pills were what helped me.”James made a face, hating that there had been something somewhat good about hydra, they’d at least wanted him to be healthy, even if they were abusing him and using him otherwise. “...Yes, I guess.”James sighed quietly, wincing as Tony just ignored the arguments. He hated this, and it was going to be bad.

But indeed even if no one liked it, they did find something interesting. It was amazing that tony’s hormone and body levels spiked so high that he was either having constant sex, or had died from a overdose of the hormones. Like a dog around a bitch in heat, his hormones had spiked so high that you knew he wasn’t emerging from the bedroom for hours. By morning, Clint was twitchy and upset, wanting to go in and pull the two apart, but he didn’t know how tony would react to that, and since bruce had said it was probably better to let them part by themselves, the archer was okay with it, at least for the moment. Though James was minutes away from pulling them apart. Glaring at bruce and steve as he walked into the living room, he growled a little. “WE have to get them apart. This is...isn’t normal. He could be hurt.”
"yes, just a pill." he admitted with a smile before scowling. "that is not right! the can't just shove multivitamins at you! taking those without any other nourishment can be even worse than starving you to death! the hell where they thinking!?" he raged, shaking his head. "morons! everyone is morons!" he complained. "that's it!" he decided. "i'm making a food plan!" he decided. "you'll eat what i tell you or i'll lay the smack down on all of you!" "oh boy. now we've done it." Natasha mumbled. "he's never going to stop with this new 'healthy eating' campaign he's been trying to push on us." she groaned.

"god..." Bruce muttered, watching the spike in, everything rise again. "he's still alive, still healthy." he assured them. "he's just... drowning in hormones." he admitted. "it's time to break them apart." he decided, watching the hormone levels spike again. "get the Icer's. with this much testosterone in his system he's liable to attack us in defense of his mate." "excuse me?" "i'm a biologist. i study things more than just humans. the levels of hormones are exactly the same as other creatures that find, and mate with partners using the use of pheromones. insects, birds, bears, wolves, giant cats. even humans to sme extent. at this point, Pepper is like a doe. she's letting off heavy pheromones that are affecting both her, and Tony's state of mind. just like a buck, all Tony can think f is sex, and defending his doe against other males. us." "so you don't think Pepper is doing this herself?" "no. i think she might have been, in the beginning, but Pheromones affect the female, the longer she goes without breeding, the worse it gets and she looses control over herself and her own actions. that's even if she noticed what she was doing. if it was something she was simply releasing without thinking about it, it could be even worse." he admitted, handing Natasha an icer. "as Natasha and i are unaffected by her pheromones, we need you lot to stay here." "i'm not affected." Steve protested. "oh yes you are. you act like a second female around her, Steve. you'll attack her the second you get a hit of her pheromones." he warned. "stay put. we'll put them down, separate them and put Pepper in quarantine."
“...They’re hydra. Did you really expect a serious health plan for a asset?”James said looking bemused at Bruce’s reaction before snorting. “oh well. It’ll be good for us.”he muttered at natasha.

James swallowed thickly, frowning. “Good. And...what?”He stared, thicking about it. Before his eyes widened, staring. “that’s why he’s been protecting her against us, even when she’s not here. He’s trying to protect his mate....this is just gotten worse.”James said frowning a little listening to them before frowning a little, eyes widening as he remembered what he’d tried to before. “Because you’re not attracted to her. It’s messing with me and clint, cause we like girls. You, steve, and natasha, don’t. So you’re not being as screwed up as we are. But steve’s acting like another girl, who wants the buck. Cause he does want tony.”james spoke, sorting it out in his head, tense a little before nodding. “Go. We’ll get the rooms ready, just bring them straight down to the lab.”James said, knowing that tony had one room set up for the hulk and the small bedroom in his lab, they could lock the two in different rooms, separate them.

And close to prediction, Tony raised his head as he heard them coming into the guest room, pulling away from the sex just long enough to get Pepper behind him and in the corner before turning to face the others, angry and annoyed with being interrupted. “Guys?What’s going on? Go away!”Tony growled eyes glazed and wild, not attacking just yet, mostly because he hadn’t seen the weapons, even if he was already reaching out to connect to the suit. But thankfully, james had had the foresight to lock the suit in the lab, it wasn't getting out without jarvis' permission anytime soon.
"yes. i think so." Bruce admitted. "and she's also territorial. i'm unaffected by her pheromones which is why she hates me so much, and Steve she views as a threat to her status as his mate and so on and so forth." he admitted. "these pheromones are affecting her just as much as they are Tony. at least i think they are Pheromones., i can't be one hundred percent certain without running tests on her." he admitted. "i'm not attracted to anyone." Bruce admitted. "i don't have the chemicals in my body that make me want to breed the way most humans do." he admitted before nodding at James. "that is it exactly." he agreed. "set up the containment room too, the air filters in there will keep her pheromones from spreading through the building."

"Sorry Tony." Bruce stated, lifting his gun and shooting Pepper with the Icer, Natasha moving even faster and hitting Tony twice before he could even register why Bruce was apologizing. Bruce was careful to shoot Pepper twice more, making sure she stayed out and down for the count while Natasha handled Tony, she was already dragging Tony out of the guest house. Bruce carefully picked Pepper up, he could tell just by looking at her that she wasn't in proper control of her own actions. she had a fever, and her pupils where dilated even in sleep. he was quick to move her to the containment chamber, not wanting anyone to react to her. last thing he needed was Steve attacking her or James trying to mount her. granted, he doubted that would happen, most of the pheromones seamed directly keyed to Tony, likely because he was a carrier of Extremis as well. he sighed and headed back out to check on Tony. "i was right. its pheromones and they are most definitely affecting her mental process." Bruce admitted. "unfortunately, as often as they had sex, without protection, she is most certainly pregnant. however, that does mean that her pheromones will drop back down to normal levels." hopefully anyway. "if they don't, she's either not pregnant, or the pheromones are out of control, both are likely."
“Well, you’re going to get your chance to test them.”James twitched, upset that he couldn’t go help but knowing it would endanger them. “We will. Just go get them.”

“S-”Tony confused and betrayed as he staggered, hitting the floor even as natasha got him back to the main house. James stayed away until they were both into their rooms, making a face. “You know, she’s attractive and I want to be nice to her, but I don’t get this whole thing.” “Cause, you’re bi. You’re instincts and bonds to steve and tony are keeping you from really from being completely affected...”Clint said looking disturbed himself, because even out, he had felt the draw glad that at least pepper was under control now. “What?”James’ head jerked around to stare at bruce, eyes wide. “A kid?But...”He paled at the idea, even after just a few days knowing him, he knew tony wouldn’t be happy about that. Swallowing thickly before focusing on the doctor. “What do we do now?”
"....i am finding it very hard to resist her at the moment." Phil admitted, as blank faced as always, but with a shimmer of sweat over his brow. he had made the mistake of trying to help Bruc and had gotten a heavy hit, Bruce had to pick him up and remove him before he snapped out of it and a good part of him still wanted to go attack Bruce and claim her for his own. if he fucked her long enough, Tony's seed would be washed out and it would be his baby, right? that wasn't how biology worked, he knew, but the other part of him wasn't so convinced that he couldn't make his own baby inside of her. "yeah." Bruce agreed. "well, we wait for Pepper to wake up and explain what's going on to her and i run some tests to see if her hormone levels are dropping or not and when Tony wakes up we explain to him what's going on and do our best to keep him calm. it's likely the heavy hit of pheromones means he'll still be violent when he wakes up so we have to be careful with him as well. granted, he might be sluggish and sleepy or perfectly normal too, it's hard to tell."
“We’re going to go take a shower. Then make sure Nat’s taken care of.”Clint said wrapping a arm around phil, knowing they had to get away from this room before they gave in and tried to get to pepper. “...We wait then.”James sighed tiredly, he hated the idea, but he knew it was the only one they had.

The next morning Jarvis was the one to inform them tony was up and moving, and utterly pissed at being trapped without his mate, and without his suit. The one thing he’d done to the safe room, that was a very good thing, was that it was completely tech dead, that as long as he was in it, he couldn’t connect to anything. He’d made it so he could let his mind rest, but now it was the perfect place to keep him. “....So....ready to go in and talk to him?”James muttered looking at steve, running a hand through his hair as they opened the door, looking startled at the sleepily, sluggish pissed look on his face. Of course tony was weird, of course he’d be reaction in a blend of all the possible reactions.
Phil turned his eyes to Nat. yes. she was a girl, un-mated, pretty, he would put a baby in her. that was very suitable. Natasha seamed to realize she had to get the boys out of the lab before she was jumped and taken right there on the floor because she swayed her hips to get their attention and out the door she went, followed very closely by Phil. "...well we won't see them for a few hours." Bruce mused, Steve chuckling a little.

"yes... i suppose." Steve agreed, moving into the room, Bruce was busy handling Pepper who had also woken up. "morning Tony." Ste chirped, sitting down on one of the chairs, the door sliding shut behind him, locked Via Jarvis. "we need to talk Tony. Bruce told me to give you this." it was the language Tony spoke best, Science. it was all the information he had on the pheromones and why it was affecting Tony o badly. hopefully it would calm the other down a little.
Clint growled looking at natasha, following after her. “A few days maybe.”James snorted a little amused, shifting to wrap a arm around steve, feeling steady enough that he simply wanted cuddles.

“...Let. Me. Out. Where’s pepper?”Tony growled sounding sleepy and angry even as he took the paperwork, reading it, but from the slightly glazed look, you knew he wasn’t really seeing it. Wasn’t really comprehending it. “He’s not understanding.”James muttered tense as he watched the man, waiting for the attack, afraid tony’d hurt steve or himself. “...Where’s pepper?”Tony demanded glaring at the two. “Safe. Bruce’s taking care of her. We’re here to look after you.” “I don’t need looked after!”
"...hold on." Steve muttered, setting a hand on James shoulder. "Tony, Pepper got sick." Steve explained. "both you, and her have contracted a very bad virus. the virus, feeds off of itself. the closer you are to pepper, the more sick she will become. you have to stay here, so Bruce can make her better." it wasn't completely a lie. "your in here because you can spread it to other people, for some reason, me and James Serums, and Bruce's... uh, i'm not sure what he has actually but Hulk protects him from the virus too. you need to stay put so we can help Pepper."
James was tense and upset under Steve’s hand, though he went still, trusting steve to know how to get through to the man. “Virus?I can fix viruses.”Tony said looking upset, not because he was sick, but because he had gotten pepper sicker. “I can make her feel better. I’ll help.” “No, you need to rest, and recover yourself, otherwise if you try to help, you’ll make her sicker.”James said gently watching the man slump onto the edge of the bed, taking a deep breath. Well, at least they might be able to get through to him after all. “’ll give her mac and cheese?I always like mac and cheese when sick. It’s good sick food.”Tony muttered, the cycle winding down for the mometn.
Steve shook his head. "not a computer virus Tony. a medical one. it's best if Bruce handles it. he might come in and get some blood samples from you too." he warned, gently taking Tony's hand. "i got a little sick too. that's why i kept getting so agitated when Pepper was around, the Virus tried to attack me and i got grumpy while my body was trying to fight it off." he explained. "it plays with our minds, this virus." he admitted. "if you try to do too much you'll get really sick yourself Tony." he warned. "of course, i have a whole pot made." he promised. "James, would you go get Tony's dinner? i forgot it outside." it was hot mac and cheese with hot dog men, just the way Tony liked it. "Bruce has Pepper's dinner." he explained to Tony. "you eat up and start regaining your strength." he suggested with a smile. "you'll be back with Pepper in no time." saying that made bile rise in his throat, but he knew it would keep Tony calm.
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