Recovery (Avengers) Moon/Lady

"it is weird, and no they don't care about germs." Steve admitted. "thanks James. i know i'm being ridiculous. i just hate her so fucking much." he growled. "and she's touching MY Tony..." he flushed a little and shut up, shaking his head. "sorry..." he muttered. "...just make sure she doesn't touch you. or smile at you. or come too close to you." wow, that was... weird, Steve had never been so possessive before. Pepper must have really gotten under his skin somehow. "i've already tried to convince her." he complained, sitting at the table, and going quite tense when the door opened. nope, it was Bruce. " Pepper must be here.." Bruce decided, examining Steve who snarled. "do i need to leave?" "no!... no... i'm sorry, i'm just grumpy." " about i make you some tea?" "i don't want any damn tea..." Steve grumbled, Bruce offering Steve that soft 'i understand how you feel' smile before starting to make some hot cocoa instead.
“Well, I’m sure not to like her. We’ll convince her it’s in her best interest to leave...your....tony alone.”James said smirking, snickering as he looked at the other, pressing a kiss to his head before nodding. “I promise I’ll be apporiately frightening should she get near me.”He promised, looking interested, thoughtful at how steve was acting. “What did she do?She’s under your skin.”He muttered studying the other, tensing before relaxing when he saw it was just bruce. “yea, she’s outside with Tony.”He said tilting his head, “Thanks.”he smiled sipping the cocoa as he cooked. “So, how long do you think it’ll be before we can send Pepper home?”
he huffed a little. "i've tried." he grumbled. "Tony just gets upset." he complained before smiling a little at him. "thanks. i know i'm being a little weird." he admitted, snuggling into him. "she... i don't know. she just drives me nuts." he admitted. "she treats Tony like some kind of robot. like he's supposed to do nothing but do anything she tells him to and nothing else and then she gets angry when he does something else, or does something she doesn't want him to even when she's not here and he lets her yell at him! all the time!" he complained. "and i.. i don't know she just drives me insane!" he complained. "....dammit." Bruce groaned, scrubbing his face. "now Tony and Steve are going to be bitches for the next week." he groaned before shaking his head. "she'll leave on her own before noon after another explosive fight about Tony being Iron Man." "i just hate her so much!" "we know Steve. drink your cocoa." clearly this happened a lot.
“You’re always been a little weird, but you’ve never disliked people simply because of something. There’s a better reason then her liking tony.”James said frowning a little because he knew steve, knew that if he actually dislked someone, there was a good reason for it. “....Oh. Well. That...”James growled a little frowning at the idea of tony being treated like that, twitching a little.made him want to make her leave. “Here, and eat. You’ll feel better after you eat.”James said frowning slightly as he heard yelling. It was to early in the morning for normal people, so it made him wonder just what had gotten tony and pepper arguing already.
Steve growled. "she hasn't really done anything to me at all. she's just a horrible horrible bitch to Tony." he growled. "and she is trying to keep him and i can't stand that!" he growled before shaking his head. "i don't want any damn food." he complained, even if he was shoveling food in at a rapid pace. he paused when the fighting started and then started wolfing it down faster, Bruce sighing a little. "they'll be in here soon so if you don't want to see them throwing things at each other you'd better go back up." Bruce warned. quickly gathering his own breakfast. he didn't want any part of this. nope, not at all.
“Ahhh, well that makes sense. We’ll convince him he deserves better.”James said worried about steve, worried about the whole situtation. If tony didn’t think he deserved more then this....he growled annoyed even as he ate. Glancing up at the yelling he swallowed hard, before nodding. “They throw things?”He said seriously curious about how they kept dating even as he ate quicker. So quick he was slightly worried that he’d make himself sick even as he heard something glass and breakable hitting the wall with a shattering crunch.
Steve nodded. "i've been trying, but he gets really bent out of shape about it." Steve admitted unhappily. "they do throw things." Bruce agreed, him and Steve tensing when the first thing shattered. they immediately abandoned all efforts and fled. or tried to. Steve collapsed once he hit the ground and cursed and Bruce cursed as well and moved to help Steve get back on his feet. "shit." Bruce cursed, watching Pepper stride into the room followed by Tony, argument still going. more things where going to start being thrown around and they where too lost in the argument to be aware that there where others in the room. last time, Bruce had tried to break them up and Pepper had smashed him in the face with a vase and Hulk had taken over and thrown both of them in the pool through a window. in the end all three of them had needed stitches.
"Huh. Well we'll do something."james growled sounding extremely unhappy at the idea before wincing. Eyes widening at the sound of breaking glass. This was insane. Sliding easily into the winter soldier programming james grabbed steve andretreating out of the room, eyes widening as he saw what pepper had picked up to throw at tony. He knew it was a modern thing, but considering it was tony's, he knew steve had probably gotten the glass and metal replica of the shield for him as a gift. The thing was no bigger then the span of tony's hand, but it sounded bigger as it'd hit the wall. Leaving steve with bruce he snarled as he put himself between pepper and tony, tense and angry. "Get out."he snarled, before his eyes flicked slightly, a frown tightening his features."no....its...okay. it wasn't that important."which meant that yes it had meant a lot to the billionaire, enough that despite his words, it was half hearted and obvious he'd been hurt. Though the emotional pain was wrose then the cut across his cheek. "Yes it was." "He's being a dick. And stay out of it. Who are you?"pepper glared tilting her head as james seemed to waver some. "James barnes. And we're here to get away from the stress, not add to it. Go."james said glaring until pepper stormed off, though she'd just gone to tony's rooms instead of leaving leaving.
"no!" Steve wailed when the replica shattered. he had worked, for three weeks on that thing. he knew it was Tony's favorite. Pepper knew it was Ton's favorite! he crawled on all fours over to it now, ignoring the fighting and started picking up the pieces, his loathing and disgust for Pepper only growing. how dare she shatter Tony's favorite thing! how DARE she! he reached for his hip, a movement James would recognize. it was where Steve kept his gun during battles. his real gun. the right hip was his gun, the left hip was an Icer, the small of his back was a tazer. thank god there was no gun there now or Pepper would probably have been dead. Bruce was stunned that Steve would have gotten so mad to draw a gun on Pepper. Tony wasn't angry enough over the destruction of his things and James was just... behaving very oddly. Steve was muttering now, hissing in a combination of three or four different languages as he tended to do when he was particularly pissed off and was attempting to piece the tiny statue back together while Bruce started tending to Tony's cheek, a scowl on his face. something was wrong, he just wasn't sure what it was.
James sighed softly glaring after Pepper, growling quietly. Angry now that the woman was out of sight, grumbling to himself even as he crouched down to help Steve pick up the pieces, grumbling angrily and annoyed. “....It’s’ll heal in a day or so. I mean...extremis will heal it....”Tony muttered trying to get bruce to leave him alone, upset and anxious now that pepper was away from him, he was angry and upset that she had dared break something she’d known was important to him. “....I-I’m sorry steve!I’m sorry. It broke. You spent hours doing it, I’m sorry!”Tony whimpered so anxious and angry, and upset, that he was actually shutting down to deal.
Steve shook his head and Bruce glared at him. "it will heal faster, and clean, if i take care of this now." he informed Tony. "so stay still." he ordered, only releasing Tony's chin once he was finished. "hey. it's not your fault." Steve promised. "i can make you another." he promised. "i'm... i just... don't understand why she would do something like that." Steve finally admitted, fury leaking though again. "she has no right to treat you like that Tony! why do you let her?!" he demanded before shuddering as his strength gave out again, cursing as all the pieces he had gathered tumbled to the floor again. "i wish she would just DIE!" Steve snarled in a very rare show of actual temper even as he pulled Tony into his arms, cradling the other since he couldn't manage to hold the pieces of the statuette he had mad, pressing his face into Tony's hair and just breathing in the others scent to calm himself down. he just sat there, slowly starting to relax with Tony in his arms, Bruce mumbling about how 'it just didn't make any sense' as he started sweeping up all the broken glass before someone got hurt again.
“...okay.”Tony grumbled annoyed at being forced to hold still, but doing so as he relaxed slightly. Whimpering quietly at steve’s words he sniffled. “No!No it’s my fault.”he muttered twitchy, “she was upset I wasn’t willing to go back to the city. Or willing to try to go to the office. Don’t think she knew what she’d picked up when she threw it.”he muttered, sniffling a little, hanging his head. “I love her.”he muttered upset yelping as steve crashed to the floor, crouching down next to him, looking upset that he was was held, whimpering quietly. “Hey, hey it’s okay. He’s okay.”James muttered crouching down himself, petting them both, sighing quietly as he glanced at bruce. “Keep the pieces, we might be able to remake it.”he muttered.
"it's not your fault." Steve corrected, scowling. he knew Pepper had done it on purpose, they all knew. she had walked across the room to get it. she had smashed it on purpose but no one wanted to tell Tony that. "you shouldn't have to do things just because she told you to! your not a dog!" he complained. "your not some pet she can pose as she pleases Tony!" Steve complained, nuzzling the man a little. "i hate that you let her treat you like that." he grumbled, just holding Tony. "i will." Bruce agreed, though he knew there was no saving the one of a kind piece. "you'd better get those two to bed. they both get way too worked up when Pepper comes around. Tony might get sick, just to be warned. he gets so stressed out he makes himself puke sometimes." Bruce admitted. "i'll see what can be done about this." he promised.
“okay.”he muttered, not like he believed it, but because he didn’t want to argue. “No, but I want to be happy with her, and it means trying to not make things worse. I mean, I already got the world freaking out I have you guys here, I should make things easier.”he muttered sighing quietly, relaxing into the other as he was nuzzled, to worked up to keep resisting wanting to be snuggle. “...Thanks bruce.”James muttered, eyes so sad you knew he knew he knew the piece was unsavable, but he couldn’t just through it out there. Tense he frowned, looking annoyed. “He gets sick?”He said looking worried even as he bullied tony and steve into moving, getting them settled into bed after a few minutes.
he shook his head. "your never going to be happy with her when she treats you like that" he mumbled. "if you feel so bad about the way people are talking about you for having us here you should have said something!" Steve protested, deeply hurt that Tony was being abused because they where there. "i can go back to my apartment if it's hurting you that bad!" he promised. part of him was very upset that Tony was choosing Pepper over him, again but somehow he had always known that was what would be happening. they just, couldn't be a couple while Tony thought he was in love with Pepper. "he does get sick sometimes." Bruce admitted. "it's anxiety. there's medication but it would have to be taken everyday and even then it won't help much with Pepper always coming around and upsetting him."
“I am happy with you guys.”Tony muttered, not even really aware he hadn’t included pepper into his list of people who made him happy. “...What?I don’t-I mean, pepper is upset because people are talking. I want you guys here! You guys needed somewhere safe, and I like you. You should stay. I’m just worried I wont be able to protect you guys. It’s upsettting and worrying.”Tony muttered sounding anxious at the idea of steve wanting to leave because he was upset about how much political backlash he was getting for actually letting steve and james hide out with him. “...Damn. Well. Okay. We’ll deal.”James muttered.

But even hours later, after soothing and coaxing tony through throwing up and panic attacks, James was on edge and not dealing well himself, even if he was trying to. Sighing quietly as he laid on the bed, absently stroking tony’s hair as the man cuddled between him and steve, staring at the cieling. “You know he didn’t mean for us to leave, don’t you?”He said glancing at the other super soldier, worried that steve was going to leave tony and the safety of the house, when they both erally needed this.

“....So. What exactly happened today?”Clint said looking upset that he’d missed they’d missed the drama of the day, but him, natasha, and phil had been dealing with some of the press and the rest of howard’s collection, so they’d been gone most of the day. Tense and upset, even without seeing Tony, he knew whatever was going on, was bad. He’d seen pepper on her way out, having gotten fed up of trying to talk to tony with james blocking the way, so she’d gone back to new york. So clint knew things were bad. Glancing at bruce he sighed, rubbing a hand over his face.
Steve had calmed rather well and it had only taken ten minutes of snuggling Tony. "i know." Steve assured James. "Pepper just gets me so worked up. every time i see her it's like all of my thinking goes right out the window and all i want is it hurt her." he admitted, looking quite disturbed. "i didn't even hate Red skull that much. i feel really bad about it but i can't help but want to smash her ugly little face in every time i see her." he admitted with a shake of his head, stroking Tony's hair as well, holding him. hating that Tony got like this every single time Pepper showed up.

"...i think you can guess." Bruce admitted. "Pepper smashed that thing Steve gave him. the glass one with the replica shield inside?" Bruce explained. "she actually looked around for it, walked across the room and smashed it and Tony seams to think it was an accident..." he shook his head. "somethings just not right with this whole situation, i just can't figure out what." he admitted, trying to piece the replica back together. the shield was still intact, but there was no saving the glass. he finally gave up and shook his head. "there's no way to put this back together. too much of it shattered into too small pieces. i hate to have to tell Tony that."
James smiled, relaxing a little before nodding. “She confused me. Facing her I mean.”James frowned, looking disturbed himself. “I wanted to agree with her. I mean, not agree, but be nicer then I was being.”he said sighing quietly, “I thought it was cause I wanted to protect tony and not make things worse, but it was weird.”he sighed smiling quietly as tony nuzled his head into steve’s hand even if he was sleeping. “He’s adorable like this. Cute.”

Clint sighed shaking his head. “Damn. Cap spent weeks on that thing.”he groaned a little, shaking his head. “No way that was a accident. He kept that thing on a shelf above the first iron man helmet.Definitely not something you’d grab by mistake, especially if she could throw a commissioned iron man helmet.”Clint sighed before nodding. “Yea, somethings wrong...wait. Give me the shield and the edges.”He said gesturing towards the ring of metal that held the glass and shield together. “I’ll go into the city with Nat, maybe if we fix it before he sees it again, he wont get to worked up about it. he might think it was just a small break."
Steve frowned a little. "that is weird." he agreed, not really thinking anything of it. a lot of people where nice to Pepper even though she was a bitch. he figured it was because she was thin and had breasts and was sort of, kind of helpless. "it's probably because she's a girl. it's male instinct that i don't have because girls are disgusting." he admitted before smiling. "he's adorable always, but yeah, he's pretty cute like this." he agreed with a smile, stroking Tony a little. "we should just kidnap him and leave, maybe Pepper couldn't bother him then."

Bruce nodded. "i know." he admitted with a sigh. "yeah. no one commented on it though because we didn't want Tony to get hysterical again. it took them three hours to calm him down and he got sick a couple of times too i think." he admitted before holding it out to Clint. "good idea! Jarvis can get a schematic design too!" Jarvis had scans of everything in the tower. it would be easy to make a graphic replica for the man fixing the thing. "go quick! if he wakes up before your back, i'll tell him you went to get it heated to cure the cracks." he decided. "i just hope Steve doesn't mind." he probably wouldn't mind so long as Tony was happy.
“Hm, maybe. She is sorta pretty. When she’s being silent.”James said making a face before snorting. “Girls are amazing. You’re just biased.”He teased a little loking down at tony, sighing. “I’m just glad he’s sleeping and not getting sick anymore.”he muttered before snorting. “We should totally run away. It’d be amusing and awesome. Natasha would totally freak out.”

“Fucking hell.”Clint cursed, making a face at the idea of tony being that hysterical that the two guys he liked more then almost anyone, took that long to calm him down. “Jarvis?” “Already sending it to your phone, Agent.” “Awesome.”Clint grinned before nodding. “He wont mind as long as tony’s not inconsolible. Take care of them, Doc, we’ll be back soon.”Clint said already texting natasha to get her to go with him, knowing she’d know who to go to to get this fixed. Natasha was always good at knowing how to fix things.
"...yeah no she's an ugly hag." Steve grumbled before rolling his eyes. "there is only one girl i ever liked and that was Peggy." he admitted before nodding. "yeah. me too. and we could run away! we'll go to one of my safe houses. it's really nice. Tony made it for me. no one else but me and Tony knows it exists." he admitted with a smile. "well, i might be nice and tell her we're leaving." he admitted. "she really cares a lot for Tony so..." he shrugged. "might be nice enough for that."

Bruce nodded. "yeah. it was... bad." Bruce admitted. "thanks Jay!" Bruce chirped before nodding. "thanks Clint! good luck!" he ordered with a smile before shaking his head and finished cleaning all the other glass around the manor. Natasha did indeed know who to go to and within the hour she was explaining the situation to some old man who was an artisan and rarely did any 'commissions' but when Natasha explained the emotional attachment and the cruelty of the woman who had broken he agreed to remake the item.
“You think most girls are.”He pointed out before snorting amused at the other’s words before nodding. “WE should. That would be amusing and awesome. Though we should take the others. I mean, they’d worry. And they’d be upset we left them alone.”James said, and while he was more then willing to do anything to protect the two guys in the bed, he also didn’t want to upset the people he was starting to care for.

When tony woke, he frowned, squirming a little, looking sleepily at natasha as she walked in. “Nat!What’s up?”He said squirming to look up at her, ignoring James as the man tensed, having awoke as soon as Natasha knocked on the door. Even if he wasn’t being protective or anxious, james was still a little tense about how upset tony had been. Eyeing the box she was holding he frowned. “You look pleased with yourself.”He muttered sitting up slowly.
"well. that's true." he agreed with a chuckle before shaking his head. "no because then other people will find out where we are. Phil and Clint and Natasha have no choice but to inform Fury and i know Clint turns to goo when Peppers around." he huffed. "if we're going to kidnap him it's going to be a secrete. at least our location anyway."

Steve jerked awake and blinked stupidly before turning to look at Natasha. "uuuhn?" he asked before blinking at the box, having a feeling he knew what it was. "i am proud of myself!" she admitted with a grin. "here. me Clint and Bruce worked all night and we took it to a specialist. open it!" she ordered. Steve could only smile when Tony opened the box. "you guys are the best."
“Ahhh...well damn. Then we’ll take him in secret. Get him away.”James sighed softly, smiling quietly as he considered getting tony away. Wanting to, because he knew pepper was harming tony. Tony needed protected.

“Morning Steve.”Tony muttered smiling a little as he snuggled into his side, still sleepily awake that he was more snuggly and okay with being held then he normally was. And it was weird, as much as him a pepper fought, for about a day after he saw her, he was extremely cuddly and okay. Almost like a normal person would be. “Hm?”tony looked curious as he took it, tilting his head as he saw opened the box, eyes widening. “You got it fixed!”He sniffled, shuddering a little as he stared down at it, obviously fighting tears. “You’re the best, Nat.”He muttered, sounding so sadly upset, that you knew he knew the truth, even if he didn’t want to admit it. “Hey, you’re okay. And it’s fixed, don’t sound so sad.”James muttered resisting the urge to pet him,kiss him or cuddle him, not sure how he’d react,
"good morning." Steve said, smiling. he loved how cuddly Tony was after Pepper visited, even if he hated why. Steve's theory was that she worked him up so much that he couldn't stand not to be close to someone who actually cared about him. "it's great Nat! you can't hardly even see where the cracks where." Steve chirped, delighted. because he didn't realize they'd had it completely reforged, he just figured they'd used some spacey new age thing to fix it. "Tony? are you okay?" Steve asked, fretting over the other. "do you want me to get Bruce to make you some Hot Cocoa?" he asked, stroking Tony's hair. "come on, cheer up. please?"
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