Recovery (Avengers) Moon/Lady

"i was?" he asked, looking confused. "i don't remember that." he admitted, shaking his head before nodding. "we will have to take care of him." Steve agreed, pleased that James wasn't jealous of Tony anymore. "i had to fight them! they would have walked all over me anyway even if i had backed off!" he complained before focusing on the shield. "James! shoot me!" Steve ordered, holding the Shield up before sulking when James gave him the look he knew he was going to get. the 'i'm not doing that you punk, stop being a suicidal idiot' look that said Steve was very unlikely to get his way this time. "i'll get Natasha to run it through it's paces with me. i can think of a few ways to experiment with it while sitting down and not putting my life at risk in the process." Steve decided, tacking on the last bit for James state of mind. "it's okay James. Tony's not used to being teased is all." he promised the other. "he's just excited and nervous, makes him... weird sometimes." Steve admitted, playing with his watch, making the shield pop on and off with a grin. "i'm always amazed at how brilliant he is." he admitted, abandoning the watch to examine Tony working, gasping when the arm came off. "Jesus Christ James! you should have said something!" Steve protested, looking at Tony. "Tony? do yu have a doctor we can trust to come over and look at this? it looks infected..." he admitted, examining what was left of James arm.
“You were. When you were well enough to attend anyways.”James said smiling a little. Nodding. They were going to have to take care of tony. And while he was still a little jealous of tony, knowing where he stood with steve ,and that they were in a relationship, even if he couldn’t remember, made him more accpeting of the billionaire, even if it still worried him a bit that steve would leave him for him. “What?”James’ mouth fell open for a moment, even as he gave steve that stop being a idiot look. Which was even more intense then it used to be, now that it was backed up with the icy cold chill of the Soldier. “Good.”He decided, pleased with the knowledge that natasha wouldn’t let him endanger himself. “...I get teased all the time!”Tony huffed making a face, even if steve was right, he was used to people being cruel and mean, so good natured teasing, when it wasn’t from natasha he was used to natasha, left him confused. “Everyone should be in awe and amazed at my brilliance.”Tny said eyes widening as he saw the red and raw skin, he’d known it was bad simply by watching the man move. He hadn’t realized it was this bad. Looking shaken he nodded slowly, thinking about it. “It is....” “It’s not that bad!” “Yes it is. It’s infected.”He muttered leaning back to pick up the gauze he kept on hand just in case he hurt himself. Frowning slightly as he looked at the slightly oozing skin. Nodding a little. “Yes it is....and yes I do...Banner’s in the city. He’s staying at the tower.”Tony said glancing at Steve, leaving it up to him.
he frowned a little, considering that before shrugging. all he could remember was failing grades and being unable to afford the tuition because his medical bills ate up everything. "i won't put my life at risk! i swear!" Steve promised, looking amused, completely un-bothered by the ice-cold that was now in Jame's expressions. "no, you get mocked and tormented. not teased." Steve informed Tony. "teasing isn't something your used to." he admitted with a smile at Tony. "but we'll get you used to it." he promised with a smile. "Anyone who isn't doesn't deserve to see anything of your brilliance." Steve agreed with a smile. "it is that bad... when did Bruce come in?" Steve asked with a blink. he'd heard Tony talk about Bruce Banner for the entire time he'd lived with Tony. last he'd heard Bruce was still resisting moving into the city. Bruce had actually just shown up three in the morning, that morning without any shoes and a bloody nose from being mugged. not that he'd had anything of any value. he was actually in the room Tony had made for him, sleeping in safety for the first time since before his accident. " trust him? hes a good guy?" Steve asked Tony, a bit wary, but if Tony trusted this Bruce Banner then he would let the man work on James. "Tony?" a sleepy Bruce asked, knocking on the door. "your wall talked and said you needed me here..." Steve could only stare. Bruce was dressed in torn apart grey sweatpants and a wife beater that was more tatters than anything else. "...this guy is a doctor?" Steve mumbled, rather stunned. "PHD." Bruce admitted with a smile. "but i had six years in Medical too." he admitted with a yawn. "did you need something?" "...yeah." Steve admitted, shifting so Bruce could see the arm. "...good lord... i need my kit." Bruce admitted, turning around and heading back upstairs at a pretty fast clip.
“Good.”James growled relaxing at the promise Steve wouldn’t risk himself. Tony though was the one that shuddered at the ice cold expression, and thought steve was insane for not reacting. “Teasing, mocking, it’s all the same.” “No, no it really isn’t.” “What do you know?You can’t remember most of the last century.” “I’m going to ignore that, since you’re obviously upset.”James frowned looking a little annoyed though, stamping down on the emotion because he knew it would only upset Tony more. “About....9 hours ago.”Tony said rolling his eyes. “And I do, and not just cause I want to do science with him. He’s a good guy. His trust in himself is all shot to hell, but he’s good.”Tony smiled a little. “Hm?Oh. I didn’t think you’d be aw-”Tony yelped, starling as james shoved him behind him, turning to face Bruce. Even one armed, the man had moved to protect the weakest member of the group, and even as weak as he was, steve was less breakable then Tony. So he protected tony. Frowning as he realized it wasn’t a threat he growled softly as tony poked his head around his shoulder. “Yea, he is. Though he keeps telling me he’s not when I try to talk to him about stuff.” “That’s because he’s not a psychiatrist, sir.”Jarvis said with a amused tone, it was a arguement he’d listened to alot. “....He’s safe?”James said glancing at tony as bruce left again. “Yea, he’s good. Stand down, soldier boy.”Tony promised patting his good arm, making the man sit down again.
Steve smiled a little. honestly he didn't react because James had started looking like that during the war. cold and chilled, emotionless and heartless sometimes because they had to do horrible, awful things during the war and the things James had to do had only gotten worse as time went on. Steve would always trust James because for all of his life, all Steve had ever had was his mother, and James. and then his mother had died and all there was, was James. "it's really not Tony." Steve promised him with a smile. "for example, when James teases you, it's because he likes you. and when i tease you, it's because i want to get James into your pants." he teased with a grin before blinking when James moved to protect Tony without even thinking about it, a delightfully wicked idea forming in his head. why shouldn't James get in Tony's pants? after all, if both he and James wanted Tony, why not? "i'm not a Psychiatrist... yet. i need about another six months." Bruce admitted before leaving, Steve had to smile. "well. he's a bit of an odd duck, isn't he?" he asked with a chuckle, smiling. "still, he seams to know what he's doing." "it's more practice than anything." Bruce admitted, reappearing with a large white case, setting it on a table before heading over to the sink to scrub up to the elbows before opening the case and applying a coating of sanitizer to his hands, the table, everything he was working with and carefully applied it to James arm. it didn't hurt, thankfully but Bruce did warn that the next process was going to hurt quite a bit even with the numbing agents he would be injecting. still, it only took Bruce thirty minutes to drain the infection, clean everything, stitch what needed stitching, bandaged everything and declared the other would be fully healed in two days, if the rate of healing Bruce had seen was anything to go by.
“Yes it is.”tony frowned a little, tilting his head.”....and why would you want to get James into my pants?”Tony said looking startled and confused at the idea of why they would want him. While he was used to people wanting to have sex with him, sex with people who really knew him, knew him well enough to know better, confused him. Because he had no idea why they would want to, the clusterfuck that had been his relationship with pepper having left him sour on the idea of actually getting to know the people he was having sex with. “Okay....”James tensed, looking upset as the other man worked, and obviously struggling to not lash out, his head turned away as he listened to tony’s upset and nervous talking, the billionaire talking to distract him. Looking relieved at bruce’s words tony smiled slightly. “Thanks bruce.”He said tilting his head. “I could use your advice on the arm if you have any.”He said tilting his ead towards the new arm.
he shrugged. "because it would be the sexiest thing ever?" he asked with an impish grin. "the two most beautiful men in the world in bed together? yeah i'd definitely like to see that." Steve admitted with a chuckle. Steve thought about doing what he could to help James calm down but Tony seamed to be doing that well enough on his own so he just focused on holding James other hand, stroking the knuckles. "no problem, this is a lot better than the time i had to perform open heart surgery on you." he admitted with a smile before moving over to the Arm, studying it intently before shaking his head. "unless you want to put fake skin on here there's not much i can do to improve the design, you did a very good job Tony." he admitted, smiling at Tony. "i would wait at least till tomorrow before he puts it on though, the arm is swollen so the fitting won't sit right once the swelling goes down." he admitted, glancing at his watch and sighing. "i suppose i should be productive at some point today huh?" he mumbled, shaking his head a little and yawning again, Steve chuckling. "thanks for the help Dr. Banner." "no problem. just don't expect me to help you with your mental health yet." he ordered with a chuckle, making Steve snicker.
"..."tony stared at the other then James, as if considering it before flinching away a little from the thoughts. His own past making it hard to even be okay with thinking about steve and james like that even if he really really wanted to.James smiled slightly fingers curling around steve even if he was watching tony as the billionaire talked and gestured, definitely overworked and worried enough he was overdoing it."think about how all that energy could be put to better use..."James muttered to Steve low enough for tony to not to hear.calmer now as he realized bruce wasn't being as brutal as the hydra doctors."hey you only found that weird cause I kept telling you it felt weird." "You were awake?"james looked a little freaked out at the idda."..yea. well I had to be. Extremists burns up knock out drugs nearly as quickly as the serum does. Besides he was pulling tech out my my chest I had to make sure he didn't kill me."tony explained not realizing the explanation would just make the weird factor go up."really?its good?"tony said relaxing a little. If a real doctor couldn't think of anything to add he had to be okay. Nodding a little."I wasn't going to wait no worries. If we did it now we might get it infected again."tony said for stalling any protests james might have."you don't have to be productive. I mean no one else is. Hell I think barton's still in bed."
Steve smiled at Tony and then sniggered at James comment, eyes glittering at James. "i think about it all the time. i also think about ways to make you just as hyper." he admitted with a chuckle. "i found it weird because you where awake during open heart surgery and kept cracking jokes." Bruce stated. "inappropriate ones." "he does that a lot?" Steve asked, looking amused. "Extremis is an offshoot of the Super Serum." Steve explained to James. "it lacks a few things but it gained a few... extremely unstable elements. Tony barely managed to stabilize the components enough to be an aid instead of a death sentence. unfortunately he still tends to set things on fire when he gets very upset and his healing factor is so intense his body will heal with bullets still inside of him. surgery is extremely complicated." Bruce admitted. "of course he won't go to an actual doctor so i'll get calls in Guatemala at three in the morning asking me if i can be there within the next few days to pull out bullets or reset a broken bone." Bruce admitted with a shake of his head, looking amused. "it is good. i'm particularly impressed with this nerve connection array here. he'll be able to get limited touch sensation. this is about a hundred years more advanced than anything we are currently capable of. even the most advanced prosthesis in the world doesn't even come close to this." Bruce admitted. "make sure you patent this or that fucker Hammer will try to take it." he warned before snorting. "i should at least take a shower." he admitted with a smile.
"I'm always this hyper. Always eager for sex."James muttered shifting a little as the other spoke, that was just a good thought even if he thought the other was a little to freaked out to enjoy sex at the moment."hey I thought you should know you touched my heart." James stared shaking his head a little."you are so weird."James muttered shaking his head a little. Wondering just how damaged tony had to be to be this utterly weird nearly all the time."truly?"he said looking surprised at the idearliest of the serum. "Yea. Though I'm doing better then pepper. I don't catch nearly as much stuff on fire as she does."tony said sounding proud even if he tried most of the time to get along with pepper."I don't need a real doctor, I have you brucie bear."tony said. " need someone to look you over."James said sounding worried about the brunette. "Bruce is a doctor!he's fine. I don't need anyone else."tony said tense and upset at the idea of dealing with anyone else."good....based it off the iron man tech. Figured if extremis let's me connect to the suit, if I can I figured his serum might give e him a leg up to."tony muttered twitching, as close as he'd ever come to admitting that he actually used iron man tech to make it."hammer has wet dreams about even trying something like this. He can't do this. But I will."tony promised."and why?I havent. You don't have to showrr."tony teased
"yes you are. too bad we're both too sick to enjoy any sex." he grumbled before screwing his face up at the idea of Tony making bad jokes during open heart surgery. ugh! "he always is." Steve agreed. "but being weird, is part of what makes him such a brilliant, brilliant man." Steve admitted with a smile. "yes, really. it's actually kind of interesting to see how similar the to serums are. the only difference is the lack of Gamma radiation bursts and minor radiation spikes that you and Steve have." Bruce admitted to James. "the Serum in me lacks the minor radiation spikes and has twice the Gamma radiation that your Serum has." Bruce admitted. "in essence, your Serums where perfect and ours are offshoots, or mutated versions." he admitted. "still very powerful though, it's been an uphill battle trying to keep the various Serum's out of the hands of people who would abuse the powers." Bruce admitted. "i, am not a real doctor yet." Bruce pointed out. being as i'm being hunted by most of the U.S. Government i will probably never be a real doctor." "wait, so the only reason why your not a doctor, like, for stitches and surgeries and stuff, is because of a piece of paper?" "pretty much." Bruce admitted, shrugging a shoulder. "that's pretty messed up." "yeah, a little bit. i'm actually more skilled than most U.S Doctors." he admitted. "you used the Iron Man tech?" Bruce asked, a bit startled before nodding. "you would be correct actually. at least, if James is anything like Steve's." he admitted. "i couldn't be absolutely sure how close the two are without tests, but i think you've had enough of those for a lifetime." Bruce admitted with a smile at James before examining some of the finer tech in the arm. "what is this part here for?" he wondered, curious. "...oh! i see now, strength control?" he wondered. "this really is an impressive work of art." Bruce admitted, examining the fingers. "i like how you managed to replicate tendons and bones through metal constructs. it looks just like a real arm and that means that it will work just as well as a real one. a lot of lower rated prosthesis are clumsy, this one won't be." he admitted. "you should be proud of yourself Tony."
"Very disappointing really."James agreed with a smile."well I guess we can deal with some weirdness in favor of some brilliance."James snickered a little because he knew it wasn't just being brilliant that messed with him, but it didn't help."yes but considering we've been destroying every trave we cqn, it's going okay in keeping it to ourselves. And me and pepper are the only people who know extremis anymore."tony said looking down as his stomach rolled at the memory of what they'd found, the spike of hatred for his father, was so strong. Made it so much worse."well your a good doctor no matter what."tony said making a face, ignoring the thoughts of his father. "You're better then most. Better to trust."James said tilting his head towards bruce as he thought about it, because if tony trusted him he was willing to trust him to.""tony twitched, that meant yes he'd used iron man tech."as far as I can tell james' serums as close to Steve as anyone's ever gotten." "It saved my eyes, and I heal a little slower, and I'm not quite as strong but it's clo see. "James said before shuddering trnsing."no tests."he growlwd."strength control."tony said tilting his head."yea. It's the same adjust I have on the suit, so he'll have fine enough control to not mess up something he doesn't want to. That's the worst thing I had with the first suit. I destroyed a lot of stuff before I figured it out."tony said shrugging a little blushing at the praise."thanks. After he gets it on, he might want the fake skin if you can make it, but until we get it adjusted to him we'll wait." "Do I get any say in this?"james said looking amused. "No."
"he is very brilliant." Steve agreed with a smile before frowning at Tony. "are you okay Tones?" he asked. unaware of just how much Tony knew about the things Howard had done. not just to Steve either. Steve was trying so very hard to protect Tony from the truth that Tony already knew. "i'm still studying." Bruce admitted. "there's always something new to learn, really it's fascinating." Bruce admitted. "healing bones is fascinating?" "ah, no, the diagnosis and genetic formation is." Bruce admitted. "i specialize in rare infectious diseases and genetic disorders, but i know how to do surgery and mend wounds too." Bruce admitted. "when i was still a student i was specializing in Gamma radiation. or that's what they told me. they where actually trying to recreate the Project Rebirth Serum. that's why i go mean and green, because i was suicidal and overconfident in my abilities. i dosed myself up, stepped into the Gamma radiation exposure unit and..." he shrugged. "only good thing that happened was that the other guy smashed everything, if they wanted to continue, they had to start from scratch." he admitted. "mm, from what i understand, the Serum focuses on specific things. since Steve, originally, was so small and weak it enhanced everything. since you where already strong and healthy it fixed your eyes instead." Bruce mused. "it's all theoretical of course, i'd need a larger study group to know for certain and that's not something we will ever have if i have my way about it." Bruce admitted. "the various serums are entirely too dangerous, and the pain people have to go through just to test it... it would be better if no one ever tried, ever again." he admitted. "no tests. unless it's blood tests for infectious diseases. i don't see you contracting Ebola or Yellow Fever." he admitted. "mmm, it would be better if he got used to it without the skin. the skin could make the movements more stiff if it's too tight and i'll need to know that or it will tear." he admitted before blinking at James. "you're getting an arm worth three point five billion dollars. i wouldn't complain if i where you." he admitted, making Steve snort. "come on James, lets leave these nerds to their playtime and get food. i'm hungry."
"Yea I'm fine.perfect really. Two good looking super soldiers to flirt with, I'm good."tony said brushing it off and ignoring the worried look he got for his efforts."and that you didn't die. That was a good thing and considering how smashed everything was, I don't think they'll be in a hurry to redo it. At least we have Phil looking out for things now."tony said wrinkling his nose a little trying to get away from the thoughts of the serum, knowing if he didn't he'd spend the days locked in memories."no...I'm immune."James said twitching."...are you sure?" "Yes."James said shuddering at the vague memories of the tests. "Well no skin then. Then we'll add it later."tony decided smiling slightly. "What?what?you-tony you cant-"james eyes went wide turning to look at tony as the billionaire pointed towards the door."out. You have a super soldier to feed."tony said not willing to talk about the money as he shoved james towards the door despite his protests as the brunette helped steve out to.
Steve smiled and patted Tony's knee, trying to soothe the other a little, his other hand still in James, trying to keep him calm as well. "i did smash everything." he admitted. "unfortunately they already did redo it. where do you thing the abomination came from? he certainly didn't spring from my loins." he pointed out, Steve snickering. "...i don't even want to know why they thought to test you for that shit." Bruce admitted, looking very, very disturbed. the thought of Hydra having access to such deadly diseases... not a good one. "relax James." Steve scoffed. "that's like, thirteen dollars to Tony." he admitted. "he spent three times that just yesterday on a..." he paused and then. "thing?" he mused. "it was a thing, i'm not even sure what it was. i do know that he didn't need, or want it, he just didn't want anyone else to have it." he admitted. "so relax, he's barely spending money on you at all." Steve admitted, only repeating what Natasha had told him. he'd had trouble accepting the pricey gifts too at first. "yeah James, feed me." Steve ordered with a smile. "and maybe, if your really good, i'll give you a blowjob later."
Tony sighed quietly, calming slightly even if he was still upset. “....You know, I was wondering where the red headed stepchild came from. I sorta assumed the hulk got it on with someone.”Tony teased smirking at Bfruce. “...No. You really don’t.”James said shying away from the thought. “If it makes you feel better, they took me to countries where they were common disease, they didn’t have cultures to use as weapons....they wanted to make sure I could go anywhere in the world by getting me sick so I’d get immune to it...but I already was.”James shrugged a little. “But-it’s-” “seriously, not something big. Go.”Tony ordered looking annoyed and upset that james was refusing the gift. Eyes wide and hurt as he watched the two go, because buying things was how he dealt with showing he cared, gifts meant ‘I like you’ it was the only way he knew how to show, so he had no idea how to do it otherwise. “Oh...Okay....”James frowned as he followed steve, still looking upset, but not protesting anymore. “A blowjob really?”he said looking interested
Bruce snorted. "that red headed step child was given power to capture me and let it go straight to his head, the little freak." Bruce admitted. "you see Emil Blonsky took the Serum and gained power from it, and he craved more so he took more. his entire personality was converted into a new form because all of him was vile and corrupted. myself? only parts of my personality where affected." he admitted. "all the things i hated about myself, my fear and rage and stuff, was corrupted. this was because there was already a slight personality 'crack' for lack of a better word. Hulk is not really me, he's more like an alter personality that split off from all the parts of me i tried to push away." he admitted. "unlike Blonsky, my corrupted personality settled back down because neither i, nor Hulk are inherently evil. we don't want to hurt anyone. Blonsky does." Bruce admitted before smiling. "that is a relief actually." he admitted. "the idea of Hydra having viral warfare makes me want to be sick." he admitted. "it's really no problem James. it's okay Tony. James just have the same problems i did. poor people from poor families." he reminded Tony. he'd explained to Tony that back when he was a kid, money like that would have gone for food because they where always hungry, their house had leaks, they often begged for pennies just so they could have a bit of bread for dinner. money, to them, had been rare and precious so being just given something worth so much was a very deep shock that took some getting used to. hopefully Tony wouldn't take it too badly. "remember, James. this is how Tony tells people he likes them." Steve reminded the other, once they where out of earshot. "i know it's a lot of money, but he's like, he has ike a hundred thousand billion dollars in liquid assets alone. so really, a million dollars is like pocket change for him and he likes to spend his money on people he loves and cares about." he admitted with a smile. "sure. a blowjob." he admitted with a nod. "but you have to behave first." he admitted with a smile.
“Ahh....yea. I did watch that news feed. IT was quite weird, and made me really glad I hadn’t tried talking to Ross until after you beat up the freak.”Tony made a face at the idea, “And you should be glad. I only got to build the tower, cause you remodeled Harlem. So really, I owe you thanks.”Tny said smiling slightly before nodding. “You and the hulk are awesome. Remind me, i have a present for you two later.”Tony grinned a little. “Good.”JAmes smiled glad he’d made bruce feel better, looking at Steve, upset he’d upset Tony. “...Oh.Oh right. That’s....okay. I can deal with that.”tony said, because he had indeed managed to curb the need to give as much stuff till steve had gotten used to it. And while he still gave insane gifts-like the hologram watch- he tried not to go to over the top for awhile at least.

“I’s just...I hadn’t thought...he’d spend so much.”James said still looking shell shocked at the idea, swallowing thickly before nodding as they left. “...pocket change....okay....I can deal with him spending pocket change....”he muttered mostly to himself, feeling stunned at the idea, but sorta okay with it if tony wasn’t like spending all his money on him. “I always behave Stevie. But does behaving this time mean making sure the genius isn’t freaking out?”He said smiling slightly worried indeed about tony even as he started to cook. Figuring he could bribe tony out of the lab with food, and maybe see about meeting the rest of the people he knew were in the house
he nodded. "really, i'm surprised you bothered to talk to Ross at all. the bastard never listens to anyone anyway." he admitted with a shrug. he had never forgiven Ross, not really. "....uh, your welcome. i guess." he said, wondering if Tony was trying to be funny or if he really meant that. it was hard to tell with Tony sometimes. "you got.. the Hulk, a present?" Bruce asked, wondering how insane Tony really was before shrugging it off. "he'll get used to it Tony. he just needs a chance to adjust." Steve promised Tony with a smile. "he'll be fine Tony." Bruce promised him. "they aren't used to this time yet, let alone realizing that a dollar isn't worth a dollar anymore." he admitted with a smile. "remember? Steve was absolutely horrified to find out a candy bar costs a dollar seventy, when he used to get one for a nickle." he pointed out. "James is still in culture shock is all. he'll adjust and he loves the arm."

"it's not really all that much. Tony makes suits, in his spare time, worth fifty times as much as your arm does. he does it for fun." he pointed out. "and then he goes out and destroys them fighting crime and makes more." he admitted with a smile. "it's just money to him James, money for Ton is a meaningless thing. he could have nothing and he wouldn't care so long as the people around him where happy." he admitted. "behaving means no attacking anyone, no upsetting Tony and no killing Bruce when he gos off on a DNA tangent." he admitted with a smile, feeling very pleased when he managed to make it to the kitchen without having to be carried. even if he was well beyond exhausted once he got there."morning, Natasha." Steve said, watching her when she bounced in, wearing nothing but a tank top and some shorts, covered in sweat and looking very pleased with herself, meaning she'd just gotten done kicking Bartons ass in the gym. "morning fellas."
“We know. But phil wanted someone who’d piss him off badly enough to lay off for awhile while we got the avengers going.Seems I’m there go to person to piss people off.”Tony snorted a little, smiling. Indeed, quite serious because he’d spent a fair chuck of change fixing up the rest of harlem around the tower after hulk had wrecked it. “I did. Well. Sorta. I made it. But it’s fun. And Natasha made sure I didn’t stab myself to many times making it.”He hummed pleased with the idea, sighing softly. “I know. Steve adjusted....”Tony muttered trying to remember that indeed, it’d be okay. Snorting a little he nodded. “He totally freaked. And coffee at 4 dollars at starbucks-oh hey, remind me to tell teve about that.”He smirked after the super soldiers were gone.”Starbucks. It’s a beautiful combonation of my favorite star spangled man, and bucky. He really should drink coffee there alot, starbucks.”Tony snorted, because really, he cracked himself up, even when he wasn’t manic and upset. Being upset and still unbalanced by the talks of people experimenting to get the super soldier, just meant he was a little weird. “He does love the arm.”Tony relaxed remembering the look on james face. It’d be okay.

“...Oh. I never considered that. He does have alot of suits.”James said frowning slightly, even if tony hadn’t showed him, he had heard about them, and the armory downstairs was impressive, even if it was just a house tony hardly used, there was two suits downstairs. He didn’t want to consider how many he had in the house he always stayed in. “Okay, okay. And I didn’t try to kill Bruce.”He said making a face smiling pleased himself that steve got to the kitchen without help. James tensed for a moment before relaxing when he saw it was just natasha, tilting his head a little.”You look pleased with yourself.” “She should be.beating me with my own weapon, is unfair nat.”Clint grumbled as he slumped into the room, waving a hand towards the seats.”Sit, soldier boy. Me and nat can cook.”Clint said starting to gather stuff for breakfast, not even aware of the glare he got for ordering james around,even if the one armed man did sit down. James had never done well with taking orders, and his time as the soldier made him even less inclined to want to. And clint....well, clint always was a little obilivious on things that could kill him
Bruce chuckled at that and shook his head. "well, you are very annoying when your at our best." he agreed. "i wish i could have seen the look on his face when you showed up." he admitted. "it wasn't much of a secrete that you've been after my brain since before i signed on to work on the Gamma radiation immunity serum." he admitted. " many times did you stab yourself?" Bruce wondered, looking very amused indeed. "you got Hulk a present. Jesus Tony aren't you scared of him?" Bruce asked. he had worked very hard to forge a connection to Bruce so they could maintain some semblance of control, but Tony didn't know that. there had been no chitauri attack for anyone to realize Hulk was more than just a monster who liked to smash things. only Bruce knew how complex Hulk really was. well, and maybe Betty. "god Tony." Bruce said with a laugh. "i want to be there when you mention Starbucks to them!" he admitted with a smirk. "he loves the arm." he agreed, dropping a kiss to the top of Tony's head. not many people knew just how affectionate Bruce really was. they'd be finding out pretty soon.

"no you didn't and i'm very proud of you for that. Bruce is definitely a bit odd." Steve admitted, shaking his head a little. "i wasn't too sure about having him here but he seams to have plenty of control." he admitted before smirking as he examined Natasha who bounced over to the fridge. "it's your own fault for dropping it. and i missed you once or twice." she admitted, pulling out the food she wanted for breakfast. "don't give assassins orders Clint." Natasha ordered absentmindedly, kicking the fridge shut and handing him the eggs and bacon while she started making the pancake batter. "let's see... Steve needs about three times as much food so i think James probably will too right? Bruce eats nearly as much so..." she examined the cookbook. "i'll just times it by Ten, safer for my brain." she decided, starting to throw together enough pancake batter to drown someone in.
“I am. I should get a prize for being that amazingly annoying. It’s my super power.”Tony hummed pleased before snorting. “You’ve probably seen it before. Extreme annoyance with anger....and no. I’ve always wanted you brucie-bear.”Tony grinned looking amused before wrinkling his nose. “Not alot!And it was only with a needle, not a knife or anything.”Tony huffed making a face before grinning. “Not really. I figured if he understood enough to know I was falling and not flying and caught me, we’re good. Besides, I habitually invite danger close to me, and bribing him with presents, definitely my idea of romancing the big guy.”Tony grinned just because he liked watching people trying to figure out if he meant it or not. “I’ll make sure everyone’s there when I tell them about Starbucks.”Tony grinned as he went back to working on his own suit, smiling pleased at the kiss. Even if he wasn’t a huge fan of it, he was okay with occassional affection.

“He is, but it’s okay. We’re all a little odd I think.”James aid before snorting amused at natasha’s words. “You missed more then that.” “No she didn’t.” “You weren’t even there!” “No but I trained her. I know she’s just that good.”James snorted amused. “Okay, sorry.”Clint winced a little at the order, glancing at jame before starting to cook the eggs and bacon. “And make some of those stupid over done pancakes for tony, he’ll eat more if they are.”Clint said, aware. Because he knew that he didn’t spend alot of time with the genius, but he’d talked to phil and natasha, knew tony liked his pancakes nearly to the point of being burnt.
(don't forget, the events of the Avengers never happened. Loki never invaded and there was no Chitauri or hole in space or whatever. they don't know Thor but on a )

he snickered a little. "at least for as long you knew i existed anyway." he agreed with a chuckle, grinning at the other. "i still don't know how you managed to be falling from an airplane in Guatemala." he admitted. "i imagine ou where looking for me, huh?" he teased, smirking. he didn't remember much about it really. all he knew was he'd been shot and at some point Tony had been there. it was before he had gained some interaction with Hulk, so he had no real idea of what had happened other than that Hulk had caught Tony, he did sort of remember that a little bit. "hell, if you wanna romance him go for it, don't come to me when you need stitches up your ass." he teased, settling into his own little corner of the lab. he had a place for Tony in his lab, just like Tony had a place for Bruce. they liked to work near each other, when they had the chance anyway, rare as that was with Bruce off on various other continents trying to keep away from various government.

"we are all a little weird." he agreed with a smile, watching Natasha. "i'm pretty sure she kicked your ass." Steve admitted to Clint with a chuckle, watching the two interact, realizing that Natasha wasn't nearly as heartless as he had thought. "i know how to cook for Tony." Natasha scoffed, rolling her eyes, already working on a second batch of thinner, sweeter batter that Tony would find more appealing. "scoot over tubby butt." Natasha ordered. "your sweet, delectable ass is in my way of the stove." Steve snorted milk out of his nose. well, that was one way to flirt he supposed.
"I wasn't falling!I was testing out a new suit while I looked for you.its totally not my fault the stupid government thought I was a missile and shot me out of the air."tony sulkex looking annoyed with the idea. It had been sheer dumb luck bruce had been around to catch him when he'd plummeted into the ground. Definitely a story he was never going to tell the captain, otherwise he'd never hear the end of it."hm sorry. For that sorta romance he'll have to find someone else. Apparently my assignment has already been claimed even if I'm protesting it."tony whined a little not because he didn't want steve and james, but because it freaked him out. Grinning as he settled in to work.

"No no she didnt. Don't agree with her."Clint huffed."I know. I'm just reminding you."Clint grumbled."potts' called while you were in the shower to make sure we were taking care of him by the way."Clint said growling at james' laughter."tub y butt?what?you can't fall me tubby butt then call it delectable. It doesn't work like that, sweetheart." "Then how does it work?" "She has to always compliment me. I mean I did let her win the spar. She could at least be nice to me."
he snorted. "you where falling!" he scoffed, amused. "your the one who was stupid enough to think flying in another country was a good idea." he pointed out with a chuckle. "i'm going to guess that we never tell Steve that story right?" he asked with a smile. "well i think that's a pretty good idea. you Steve and James i mean." he admitted. "Steve's been flirting with you for how long now?" he asked with a smile. "just because James is back doesn't mean Steve doesn't like you anymore." he pointed out. "and James seams to be pretty damn fond of you as well." Bruce admitted with a smile. "stop fighting it. you want to, i know your scared." he admitted. "but are you going to let fear keep you out of the bed of two of the hottest guys on the planet?"

"i always agree with the woman. it's less painful for me that way." Steve admitted, chewing on an apple that Natasha had handed him. he wrinkled his nose at the name 'Potts' and shook his head. "i don't understand how she could think she has any right to Tony after what she did to him." Steve growled before trying to mop the milk off of him and try to blow his nose. "well, you do have a tubby butt." she admitted. "i like tubby butts though." she admitted. "men with flat asses are just, not okay." she admitted with a grin. "you didn't 'let' me anything love." Natasha teased, glancing up when Phil walked in, looking amused at their byplay, pausing to give Natasha and Phil a kiss before sitting down to wait for his own breakfast with the paper. "well. he's stopped gushing." "hmm? did you say something?" Phil asked, looking very distracted as he looked at the paper.
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