Recovery (Avengers) Moon/Lady

“What?don’t sound so casual about it!I can’t remember making out with you!But Tony’s totally had a picture of it. It’s wrong!”He whined sounding upset and annoyed, twitching a little. “Yea,...some. Most, really.”James said sighing a little, holding the other’s hand, blushing a little. Because for him, this was like the first time all over again. “okay...we can do that.”

“I don’t want his food!Make Cap cook. He makes good food.”Tony demanded, the words slurred around the screwdriver he was holding in his teeth, looking up from the metal he was working on, his wielding goggles perched in dark hair, “Arm. New arm. Better arm. Stupid soldier has stupid tech. Needs something better.”Tony said. “...Was that supposed to make sense?”Clint said frowning a little, wondering when the last time the man had slept, he was starting to sound a little manic.
he smiled at James. "if i made a bog deal about it you'd feel even worse than you already do." he pointed out before frowning. "Tony has a picture of us kissing?" he had pictures of them doing a lot worse. and more than a few videos of Howard's sickness, though Tony hadn't found them yet. no one knew they existed, those videos. though Howard had often shown off the pictures of Steve and James, most of them very private indicating Howard had been stalking Steve for the entire duration of Steve's Captain America duties. Natasha had only grabbed the one of the two boys kissing though. "anyway." Steve shrugged off the picture problem. "we'll go out on a date when i'm feeling better, hows that sound?" he asked with a smile.

"Tony the food is already done." Phil informed the man. "you just have to come up and eat it, and yes, you do have to come up and eat it." Natasha ordered before chuckling when Phil just looked at her for explanation of Tony's babbling. Phil wasn't around Tony enough to be able to interpret. "Tony doesn't like the look of Jame's metal arm. it's heavy and awkward and probably hurts, so Tony's making a new, better one." she explained. "up, Tony." she ordered. "Food and then sleep. right now." she commanded.
“...Yes.I guess your right.”Though he looked a little more disturbed that the other man wasn’t upset before nodding. “He does. Well, Natasha said it was his. I mean, man has a whole Captain room, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a few pictures if we were together while Howard was around.”He said shuddering a little disturbed at that though, before nodding. Relaxing. “Okay. I’d like that....anyways. Feel like going down?”

“...Fine.Food. Later.”Tony grumbled annoyed at having things interrupted as he kept trying to work, and as stubborn as a kid ignoring the call for bedtime, he wasn’t paying attention to them. “No. Gotta finish. Cap’s upset with it. Gotta fix it, gotta make Barnes better, otherwise Cap’ll keep being upset, and I can’t have that. I don’t like him upset. He gets angry with me when he is.”Tony grumbled. Clint frowned a little, he’d never heard steve raise his voice, much less actually be angry. Well. With tony anyways. “Should I just pick him up and carry him out of here?”
he nodded. "we might have to look through that room and make sure there's nothing else Howard left in there that we wouldn't want Tony seeing." he admitted before smiling a little. "i'd rather stay here and snuggle for a while." he admitted. "if that's okay?" he asked hopefully. "i miss having you to snuggle." he admitted. he wondered if James would take the big spoon position, as he'd used to, even when Steve had first become Captain America. even when Steve was broken from a battle, even the night before they faced the train. James had always been big spoon.

"no. food now." Natasha ordered before shaking her head. "Cap is upset because he feels like shit Tony. you know he's not upset with you." she promised him before glancing at Phil, wondering if he knew what this was all about. Phil just shrugged, he didn't know either. "no. Clint, god don't do that. Tony bites." she warned the archer, amused before stepping down into the lab properly, sat next to him and in one quick motion had him cradled in her arms, his arms crossed into an X, her right hand holding his left and forcing them still, murmuring soft reassurances in his ears as she held him in an almost straight jacket configuration. trying to calm him down, and this had worked before. it didn't always worked, but it did most of the time so she was hoping it would now.
“Probably. I mean, if he’s had it forever, he might not have gone through everything....and howard....well, you saw that room. It’d be our luck he shoved some of that shit in their with his collectible stuff.”James made a face, worried about tony seeing some of that stuff, before smiling. “That’s fine. The others were just making tony eat, then getting some sleep. So no reason to go down,”James smiled looking amused as he nudged the other onto his side so he could curl up against the other’s back, resting a hand over the other’s stomach as he snuggled close.

“Do not. He’s upset with me.Everyone usually is. I mean, who wouldn’t be upset after seeing what was in that room. Of course he doesn’t want me around,even if he’s staying here.”Tony muttered as he focused on the arm, indeed, still upset with the knowledge of what exactly phil and clint had pulled out of the school, even if neither of them had told him what it was exactly. “Seriously?He bites?”Clint said looking startled. Growling as natasha neared, tony squirmed a little, whining quietly as the other trapped him, struggling for a few moments before slumping back into her, sighing softly, tiredly. Calming.
he nodded. "i'm a bit worried about what else Howard might have in there... he was sick James, i don't remember most of what he did to me, i was too high, but...." he shook his head. "considering your reaction, i'd imagine they where bad." he admitted. "i don't want Tony to see that, i can't bare for Tony to see that." he admitted, shaking his head before smiling. "yeah, i hope they're careful. Tony bites." he admitted, snuggling into James with a happy, content sigh. "i love the way you hold me, as if i'm still small and fragile." he admitted.

"he's not upset with you Tony. you are not your father. Steve is probably more worried about how your handling this. he worries about you, you know. can't blame him really, when you act like this." she admitted. "Steve would let you know if he was really upset with you, and you know it. didn't he tell you he didn't like it when you call him Capsicle?" because it reminded Steve of the ice, of being frozen. Tony no longer called him that. "didn't he tell you he didn't like it when you shoved moving things in his face?" because technology still freaked him out. "he always tells you when he's upset, since he hasn't told you, he's not upset." Natasha said, applying logic that Tony would, hopefully, understand. "yes." Phil admitted sourly. he had tried to do the same thing Nat was doing now and he'd needed three stitches in his upper arm for it because he wasn't fast enough in getting out of the way. "there we go. there... you're okay Tony." Natasha murmured into his hair. "it's okay." she promised, smiling as he relaxed. "come on. up to bed." she urged, carefully releasing him. just because he was calmer, didn't mean he wouldn't still lash out at her.
“Well, when we go back, we’ll tell Tony we want to look through the room, jog my memories and tell him to go away. He’d probably let us do it without him around.”James said before wincing a little, nodding. “ was fairly bad.Even for a soviet trained assassin.”James made a face snickering, “Hmmm, good to know. Might enjoy the biting.”he teased a little, nuzzling his nose against the other’s neck a littel, pressing a kiss to his hair. “You might not be as small anymore, but you’re still a fragile little punk.”James huffed.

“...Oh. And hey. I handle things perfectly well. If people would let me work. I can totally work.”Tony grumbled sounding annoyed before growling at her.”Don’t call him that.”he ordered, even annoyed with the reference to the nickname. “...and yes. But he likes Dum-E, they play fetch now.”He muttered calming a little, “....okay. He might not be upset.”he muttered. “...I’d feel bad for you, if it didn’t prove you need out of your office more, agent.”Clint teased a little watching the others, taking notes just in case he ever had to take care of tony. “...Dont wanna sleep...”He grumbled even as he shuffled to his feet, leaning against her, for all the world like a sleepy puppy, willing to follow her lead for the moment now that he was calmer
he nodded his agreement, it was a good plan, Tony would do anything to help Steve and if that meant letting James get emotional in the Cap room then Tony would let it happen. "a lot of the stuff they've found out about Howard is bad." he admitted. "Tony's going to be miserable about it for a few days." he admitted. "he always is when we learn something new about Howard. he seams to think it's his fault his father was a sick deviant murderer." he admitted before smirking. "you always liked it when i bit you." he admitted with a giggle, shivering a little at the nuzzling. "i'm not fragile damn you." he complained, shaking his head.

"you don't handle anything at all." she scoffed, shaking her head a little. "you need to rest, you're doing more harm than good on that arm." she warned him before smiling. "okay i won't call him that." she promised, nosing his hair. "he's not upset Tony, it's all okay, okay?" he asked with a smile. "i do need out of my office more." Phil admitted with a smile. "you need to rest Tony, how are you going to be of any help to anyone if your dropping from exhaustion?" she asked him, leading him up to the bedroom and tucking him in. "he gets upset if you leave while he's asleep so i'm going to stay here and read a book." she admitted with a smile. "go eat dinner."
“Well, we’ll just have to cheer him up then. We’ll make sure he’s looked after.”He muttered relaxing, already planning on taking care of tony, because the man had made the choice to bring them here, when james was well aware that he’d rather stay in the city. It was the least he could do, was look after the other. “...Well, it’s not. We’ll convince him of that.”he huffed a little before smirking, “I did. Even better then me biting you. You heal it to fast, I wear marks for days.”he muttered yawning, settling in to rest. “And you are, need looked over to.”he muttered sighing as he started to drift off.

“Do to.”Tony huffed. “...Fine. I’ll work on it later.”he grumbled, hanging his head a little as the other nosed at his hair, since breaking up with pepper, it had taken alot for the man to hide just how much he missed the casual touches, even if in moments like this, it was obvious. “...Kay. And I can do amazing things while exhausted, but I’ll sleep if it’ll make you feel better.”he promised, as if it was just to help her out, sighing quietly as he settled in to sleep. “I’ll bring you up some.”Clint smiled kissing her forehead before leaving.

“Steve?You awake?”Tony said from the doorway the next day, fidgeting and looking around, but not looking at the two super soldiers cuddling on the bed, not getting close enough to draw james’ attention more then he already had, the super soldier watching him with lazy sleepy annoyance, not really awake yet. But aware enough to sense someone where, but not finding tony threatening enough to move.
we will." Steve agreed sleepily. "we have to take care of Tony, cus he's so little and hurt." Steve mumbled, smiling at James. "i love you." he promised the other, giving him a small kiss before settling in for sleep, growling about how he wasn't little and didn't need to be taken care of.

"that's right. work on it later." she agreed with a chuckle and a shake of her head. "you do a lot of amazing things when exhausted, but you are well past exhausted Tony." she pointed out. "your down to melting things and pressing beads into the mess." she admitted with a smirk. "it would make me feel better if you got some sleep." she admitted before smiling at Clint. "thanks."

Steve shifted on the bed and looked up at him, blinking sleepily. "Tony? 's at you?" he asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "are you okay?" he asked, nudging James a little so he could slip out of bed and go to the bathroom, motioning Tony over once he was sitting on the edge of the bed. "you got some sleep at least, your looking a little better." he admitted, looking pleased.
“He is little.”James snorted looking amused, nuzzling him, kissing him back.”Love you to.”he muttered.

“...That would make some awesome jewelry. When’s your birthday, I’ll make you some.”Tony muttered. “....So weird. And welcome.”Clint snorted amused as he watched tony settle in to actually sleeping, and he really wouldn’t be surprised if the man showed up with jewelry like that.

“Yea, it’s me.”Tony said fidgeting, relaxing as james shuffled sleepily to the bathroom, soon enough you could hear the shower going. Moving over to sit next to steve, he smiled a little, knowing james was taking a shower simply to let them talk, and maybe wake up some more. “Natasha made me sleep.”He made a face, before smiling a little. “I'm fine. always fine. And I have new tech for Terminator, if oyu think he’ll let me work on his arm.”
she chuckled. "in three months." she informed him with a smile. "o you have a while." she admitted, patting his head a little while he slept, smiling at Clint. amused with Tony's manic-ness.

Steve smiled at James when he slid out of bed and into the bathroom. "good. you really needed it." he admitted, smiling at him. "your never fine." he huffed, shaking his head a little before blinking. "you made James something for his arm?" he asked, sounding quite impressed. "i'm sure he'll be pretty, uh... stoked?" Steve trying to speak modern Lingo was always an amusing thing to watch. "he won't say anything but i know that arm bothers him a lot. he always avoids using it as much as he can." Steve admitted. "what do you have for him?" he asked, curious about what Tony had made.
“Did not.”Tony huffed before whining a little. “I’m always fine. I’m amazing.”Tony grumbled before nodding, fidgeting nervous. Afraid the other wouldn’t like it. “Yea. Whole new arm. It was fairly easy, I mean, I just based it off Iron man tech, but lighter and less bulky, since he’s not got a actual arm to have to fit through the metal....and if he’ll let me scan and work on it while he’s wearing it, I might have a better idea on some things...but I can’t test it without him wearing it....”Tony said the manic happiness of new tech shining brightly in his eyes as he looked at the other, before laughing outloud. “Right word, but you still sound weird using new slang, cap.”He said giggling a little before fidgeting some. “It’ll be good, but I need to know he wont hurt me for working on it, cause it might hurt getting on and off, I don’t think however Hydra connected it, it’s going to be as....user friendly as mine. He acts like it hurts just to use it.”
"did too." Steve stated with a huff. "your amazing, sure, but your still always in some sort of trouble or another." he teased with a smile. "you used Iron Man technology?" Steve asked, sounding so very stunned. he knew how much Tony hoarded that tech, that information. for him to use it to make a new arm for a man he barely knew was enough to make Steve nearly tear up. "i'll ask him when he comes back out." he promised Tony. "i'm sure the arm does hurt a bit, or a lot. Hydra isn't very nice to their assets." he admitted, shaking his head before smiling at Tony. "i still haven't gotten over the way you collapsed onto the floor and howled with laughter when i said something was the 'bees knees'. so mean." he admitted with a grin before chuckling a little, wrapping his arm around Tony's shoulders. "it'll be fine. he didn't hurt you for flirting with me, so i doubt he'll hurt you for this." he admitted with a smile, kissing Tony's cheek. "thank you for all of this, it really means a lot to me."
“Am not. Pepper keeps me out of trouble.”Toyn huffed before shrugging, making a face. Brushing it off. “Sorta?Not exactly, I mean, it’s not the same, but I built off what I knew worked for the suit and went from there...”Tony said making a face, and you knew he’d used more of his tech then he was willing to admit. Because he knew exactly what everyone would say. Because while he didn’t know james well, he knew steve. Trusted steve, if he said James was okay, he’d be willing to help him. Even if it meant breaking into some of his iron man tech to make things easier for him. “It’s not that big a deal. I mean, I knew how a arm worked, just had to go from what kind of tech I already knew worked and make things better, less heavy...”Tony said brushing off the stunned emotion he could hear in steve’s voice, not willing to think on it before nodding. “No, hydra’s not nice. And okay.”He smiled pleased a little, before grinning. “That was amazing. I made Jarvis record you saying it for whenever I needed a giggle.”he grinned looking amused as he squirmed away from the other’s touch, not overly fond of being touched even if he did like steve. “I wasn’t flirting. I mean, I was talking. Talking is normal.”He huffed, not about to admit he like-liked steve, not even if everyone knew it was true before nodding. “You’re welcome. I’m going to the lab. Gonna go down to the lab, just come down after you’re ready.”Tony said smiling, already squirming away from the other as he headed for the door.

“...He’s a awfully chatty brat isn’t he?”James said tilting his head a little as he emerged from the bathroom, raising a eyebrow in amusement.
"Pepper fails. a lot." Steve admitted with a chuckle. she did her best but not many could keep up with Tony and she wasn't one of them. "well i think it's going to be wonderful." Steve assured Tony. how could anything Tony made not be wonderful? the man was so brilliant. "Tony. i don't even know how an arm works." Steve pointed out. "all i know is it has skin, muscles and stretchy things and it's held together somehow." he admitted. "other than that? i can't even tell you why an elbow can bend." he admitted before pausing. "then again, education back when i was a by was optional." he admitted. "i never did get past the fourth grade, i was too sick all the time and missed too many classes." he admitted. "Bucky did really well in school, it's why he was immediately raised to Sergeant. because he had the school credentials. a high school diploma back then was pretty hot shit after all." he admitted before scowling at Tony, sulking. "that's not funny Tony! it's not my fault i hadn't realized that the lingo could change!" he complained before letting him squirm away, pretending not to notice. over time he would get ton more and more desensitized to such things. it was working. when they had first met, Tony wouldn't let Steve touch him at all, not really. "okay Tony! have fun making robots that will eventually kill us all and take over the world!" he called with a chuckle.

he looked up at James and nodded. "he's nervous and a little bit manic. he hasn't gotten enough sleep yet." he admitted, shaking his head. "he's made you a new arm and he's worried you'll find him annoying or that you'll be insulted. both me and him think the arm hurts you, the one you have on ow, she he was hoping he could examine it and have you fitted for the new one... or, something like that, i'm not exactly sure how it works." he admitted.
"Does not!pepper is amazing!"tony huffed defensive of his ex even if the woman had hurt him badly."well that's about all there is. Muscles turn the joint and makes it work...its fairly easily."Tony snickered looking happy as he considered things before smiling."well you could always go back to school now. I mean, you're not doing anything really."he frowned smirking a little."it was funn y. It was amusing."tony said even as if he was calm and not laughing."but I did help you figure out better lingo, even if I do laugh at you."he smiled before nodding."my bots will indeed take over the world. It will be amazing."

James looked amused as the billionaire left sighing softly."ah well what can we do to help?s it cause we're in the woods?"james said looking worried about tony before sighing."..."looking at his arm he frowned at the slightly red skin were the metal rubbed against his skin."it does but they always made it worse when they messed with it so it was better to just leave it alone..."james sighed a little."...did he say when?cause I could go down now if you're feeling up to going down.."he said because while he trusted tony he didn't want to go alone either
Steve snorted. "Pepper hates me. i don't have to be nice to her." she did hate Steve, probably because Steve was such a good influence on Tony and didn't put up with any of her crap. "huh. well, that's weird." he admitted, examining his own arm and flexed it a little before looking up at him, a bit startled. "go back to school?" he asked, blinking a little, head tilted. "i don't know enough to go back to school." he admitted. "i mean, i can read, and do a little bit of math but other than that i don't know anything really." he admitted, watching Tony even if he was honestly thinking about it. learning, he had enjoyed it, until his medical bills had started piling up more and he couldn't afford to go. maybe he'd go for a history course. modern history, he could learn about all the things he'd missed out on. maybe technology wouldn't scare the shit out of him if he knew where and how it had been invented? it would be something to do anyway right?

"no. it's because Pepper is bitching about everything again and he gets nervous around new people." Steve admitted. "Howard... was a horrible, horrible man and Tony paid the price for being his son. he never says anything but i know Howard hurt him. bad, and not just emotionally either. he has a lot or problems, you'll get used to seeing him like this. honestly i'd rather he be like this than... sad." he admitted before frowning at the arm. it bothered him to see James hurting so much. "well, Tony's making a completely new one that shouldn't hurt anymore." Steve admitted before smiling a little. "yeah, we can go down now." he agreed. "i'll need help on the stairs, unless there's an elevator somewhere."
“Yes you do. You’re the sentinel of liberty, the last good american. You have to be nice!”Tony teased, showing that he really was just teasing and mostly didn’t mind, at least for the moment. It did upset him really, when the two argued around him. “Yea, go back to school. Well. Go for basic classes then. Or something. Don’t ask me, I started ph.D courses in the 6th grade, I have no idea what kind of classes you need.”He said making a face at the idea.

“....Can I help with this pepper?”James said perking up at the idea of doing something for tony, because the man was being so kind. Before nodding, without waiting for a answer. “Natalia can. She’ll know what to do. We’ll take care of pepper.”he decided before frowning, sighing quietly. “Well...we’ll just have to take care of him, and see if we can help him with those problems....and yes. This is better indeed.”James agreed before nodding pleased with the idea of a new arm, before reaching out to help the other help him up. “I’ll help you down the stairs.”He agreed, smiling slightly as they headed down to the lab, pausing at the doorway for a moment, simply enjoying watching tony work, the look of utter concentration on the billionaire’s face as he manically worked on what he could see from even here, was a work of art.
he chuckled a little and shook his head. "i have to do no such thing." he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "i might have to look into that... or have you look into that for me. maybe i can take a test or something and be put into a class once they find out what level i'm in?" he mused before blinking. "what's a PHD?" he asked, head cocked to the side.

"no. Tony likes her so she has to stay alive unfortunately. it's not really her fault she's a bitch. she's running everything Tony owns to be honest and she get a lot of shit for it for various shitty reasons. usually it's because she's a woman or didn't graduate from collage. apparently high school diplomas don't mean much anymore." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Natasha helps her when she can and Pepper's usually in a better mood during those days. "i'm glad you like him. he's terrified your going to find him annoying and you'll hate him." he admitted, looking vaguely amused. "he thinks that about everyone though." he admitted. "unfortunately, most of the time, he's right. most people se the worst of him first, and the better comes later, most people never see the better, amazing side of him." he admitted. he was sulking by the time they got to the lab, he'd made it down a full flight of stairs and then had to be carried. "he's really cute when he gets all focused like this." Steve admitted, smiling. "this is the good part of him. he works so hard to make other people happy, just so he can see them smile."

(here, have the single post i managed to get out before things went crazy again while i work on the others,)
“You do to.”Tony grumbled. Before nodding, “I’ll ask Natasha. She’ll know. She knows everything, and she’ll know what class levels you need.”Tony decided, pleased with the answer before making a face. “Advanced doctorate college degree. Mine’s in engineering and tech.”

“....Oh. Well.Fine.We wont kill her.”James said sulking just a bit at the idea of not being able to make things better for tony smiling slightly. “Well, he’s more bearable then the older Stark. And you like sorta predisposed me to liking him. Besides, it is sorta annoying, but it’s...well, you were fairly annoying to, punk, so I’m used to annoying people.”James teased a little before sighing. “He’s the worst first, because it keeps him from being hurt. We’ll just have to show him, we’re planning on sticking around.”James decided with a nod, snickering when he saw the other sulking. Kissing his head with a smile. “He is fairly cute.”James agreed smiling a little, “He doesn’t understand any other way to show care does he?”He muttered even as he knocked on the glass to be let him, smiling as he walked in.

“Cap!Terminator!I have things for you.Come sit.”Tony ordered fussing as he patted the bots crowding him, and indeed dum-e and U were helping him, having brought them up from new york, the man was fussing and happy as he looked at the other two.
he nodded. "good idea." he agreed, even if he didn't want Natasha involved anymore. still, Tony adored her for some reason, he'd give her another shot. "so, like that ACDC thing you always ask Jarvis for?" yeah, he needed some history lessons, stat.

"yeah don't kill her. what she really needs is a vacation." he admitted. "sucks i can't read too well, or do math or i'd help her too." he admitted. honestly he hadn't been able to do a lot of things back then. he'd been colorblind, had Scoliosis, was deaf in one ear and had such bad asthma that sometimes he couldn't even walk across a room to get a glass of water. his health had always been failing because of a low immune system and all sorts of things that had made his life limited and rather pitiful. "Howard wasn't even slightly bearable." Steve stated with a sneer. honestly even when he had been stoned out of his head he hadn't liked Howard, but he would have done, and did do, anything for a fix, even if he hated the man. "i was not that annoying!" oh yes he was. far worse actually. at least Ton didn't run into back alleys looking for fights. "mmm, yeah i guess. i don't think he actually realizes he's doing it though. i think it's just a habit now, unthinking. like a defense mechanism or something." he admitted before smiling at James. "okay. we'll show him!" he agreed with a nod before shaking his head. "no he doesn't. but it comes from a good place. his butler, Jarvis, when he was little, always told him that a handmade gift, was always the best gift to give, but for Howard, it was all about the money so Tony does a weird Hybrid because he's never sure which is the right way to go. at least, that's what Jay told me." he admitted with a smile.

"Hey Tony." Steve chirped, sitting down quite happily, not that he'd ever admit he was tired. he patted U and Dum-E as they wheeled over to him, but Butterfingers stayed well away from Steve. the poor little bot had never forgiven Steve for smashing him up when Steve had first met the little guys. "so what-cha got for us Tony?" Steve asked curiously.
"Yep. And No, ACDC is music, a ph.d is a school thing.”Tony smiled slightly. “you really do need to take lessons, it’ll be helpful.”he smiled.

“Well, we’ll see about getting her a vacation then. Somehow.”James frowned because while he was a little better at reading and school stuff, the brain washing had dulled some of the memories, leaving the bright man a little lost on doing more then basics. “Hm, you’re right. He wasn’t bearable. Though I am glad I didn’t kill him back then, otherwise we wouldn’t have tony.”James muttered kissing steve’s head before grinning. “Far worse really. At least he’s not sick and getting in fights despite me asking him not to.”James pointed out before nodding, sighing quietly. “ahhhh, well that explains some of this.”James said looking thoughtful as he considered the weird hybrid that was going on. The use of his house, creating was a weird and amusing blend.

“Hey. Sit sit.”Tony said waving them to seats, fidgeting and happy as he focused on them. “You first. You’re gift is easy. Here. Hold out your wrist.”he ordered putting on the metal band bracelet after a moment. Tapping the side and watching the hologram shield appear. “You’re to weak at the moment to lift the real one, but I thought you’d feel better having something, even if you’re not getting in a fight at the moment or anything.”Tony fidgeted, because even if he’d worked on the shield before, making sure it was as strong as ever, the fact that he’d created another shield, redid one of his father’s projects, upset him because when he’d been a child, he’d tried to improve one of his father’s inventions, to be helpful, and to have a father/son bonding moment project, the man had be so angry. So even if he wasn’t there, had been dead for years, it still made tony fidgety and upset to be working on the shield
he nodded. "even if we have to hire someone." he agreed with a chuckle. "Tony thinks i should go back to school." he admitted. "i think it's a pretty good idea." he admitted with a smile. "Howard was a fucker. Tony is adorable." he admitted with a smile. "well. that's true, though i'm not sure it's a good thing that Tony had to live through Howard." he admitted. "i think the only person Howard tormented more than Tony, was Tony's mother." he admitted before smiling as he was kissed, humming softly before scowling. "it wasn't for no reason! those assholes needed to have their asses kicked!" he complained. "it's not MY fault they where always bigger than me!" he complained, sulking at the other. "yeah, it explains a lot about this actually." he admitted with a smile.

"i am sitting." he teased Tony with a chuckle before blinking when the tech was slapped onto his wrist. it was only his absolute trust in Tony that kept him from shrieking when the shield appeared. then it was nothing but fascination. Steve did what he always did, he launched into questions. what was it, could it stop bullets? how did he make the hologram solid? how many could he make? this was the best did he have to charge it? change the batteries? how strong was the watch itself? could it still check time? could the Shield come off? could he throw things through the shield? more and more questions until he knew everything he felt he needed to know before he settled in to play with it himself and learn all the things Tony wouldn't know, like the weight, how it felt to be activated, how fast he could change positions with it up and other things. Steve was always so excited about everything that Tony made for him.
“...I do to. You were always better at it then me.”James said making a face, smiling slightly before snorting. “Tony is adorable.”he agreed before shaking his head. “No, it’s not a good thing he lived through it, but there’s nothing to do about it. We’ll just have to take care of him now.”James said before snorting.”Yes it is. And you could have just not fought them.”James twitched a ltitle before nodding, it did indeed explain alot.

“Well, yea.”Tony said flushing a little at the teasing before smiling a little, relaxing when the other didn’t freak out. “It’s a holo-shield. And yes, it should. I mean, I smacked it around with the suit, and it stopped a repulsor blast,but I haven’t tried to have Natasha shoot it yet. And just the one shield, just touch the button at the side, it’ll let you set just how solid you want it to be. And you’ll have a limit of about 100 feet on how far you can through it, I haven’t figured out how to keep the hologram ‘live’ the further it is away from you.”Tony said utterly happy to be telling the other, even if you could tell he was fidgety and upset still, but not saying anything about it. “Grinning as he explained everything that steve would need, before focusing on James. “Sit.” “Okay.”James said looking thoughtful as he eased into the seat tony gestured to. “So, Cap told you what I wanted?” “yea. Not to mention, you’re twitching towards the arm sitting there.”James teased wincing a little as the man looked upset at the teasing. “Tony...” “Nope. It’s okay. Just sit, and I’m going to work.”Tony ordered starting to disconnect the old arm, ignoring the two super soldiers.
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